No public option, no passage. And the votes are there, apparently.
You’d never know about this from most media accounts, probably because progressives aren’t screaming, yelling and waving guns around. Yes, it’s a battle of wills, and no, I can’t predict the final outcome.
But I’d wager that progressives around the country are now in little mood to compromise on anything, and we’re certainly not going to cotton to some giant industry turd with “health care reform” written on it.
While the diversionary clown shows continue, the administration faces the basic decision Molly Ivins used to describe as “dancing with them what brung you,” to paraphrase the late and great Texas columnist. It’s pretty clear that’s what Max Baucus and Kent Conrad are doing.
The conservative clown shows are already wearing thin, in addition to getting creepier, and their political utility will continue to decrease as we get more into the fall. At some point clowns grow tiresome.
So it seems like the short term strategy is to move the debate back to actual policy, rather than the incomprehensible nonsense we’ve been witnessing. You can add “death panels” to the long list of recent American political idioms like “Schiavo,” “Katrina” and “”weapons of mass destruction” that are shorthand for conservative craziness, incompetence and lies.
No rational person can do much but shake their head in sorry amazement at how the right always doubles down on being nuts, never seeming to realize that the short term media attention eventually gives way to the broader, non-cable watching public recoiling in horror.
If progressives in the House can hold firm, everyone is going to have to deal with them. If that upsets some Blue Dogs, well, cry me a river. The ongoing political re-alignment needs to be helped along sometimes, and if we wind up with fewer Blue Dogs, so much the better in the long run.
As another Texan, Jim Hightower, used to say, there’s nothing in the middle of the road but yellow lines and dead armadillos.
I heard an NPR commentator say yesterday that when it came time to vote, regardless of their previous posturing, the dems would fall in line and vote for what ever bill was labeled “Health care reform”. Apparently the “no votes if no public option” would evaporate.
The comments on that link were interesting. The huge groundswell of individuals who worked tirelessly for the year(s) before the election, do you think they will bother to open their wallets and work for Democrats in the next election cycles if the Democrats don’t grow a spine?
Obama Joker Poster creator a Democrat!
Dennis Kucinich on Fox News just said the bills under consideration cannot be supported.
DeVore, why don’t you look in the mirror for the clown metaphor – increasingly, people are getting creeped out by the thought of another massive government program, and they want to know where the money will come from to pay for it.
As for the “progressives” (too afraid to call themselves the liberals they are, so they steal a term used to describe the Bob LaFollette wing of the Republican Party) in the House? Are they in the majority? Or are the blue dogs feeling enough heat such that they’d rather let the whole thing die than face the wrath of constituents for voting for ObamaCare.
And if they keep this up, there will be lots LESS of them come November 2010. Pollsters at the Netroots Nation told the assembled masses yearning to crush freedom that they should expect to lose up to 50 seats.
You guys are over reaching to beat the band, and those political chickens are coming home to roost. Rationalize all you want while creating fantasy scenarios on how you can make the emperor some new clothes out of whole cloth, but that don’t make it so.
Let’s have more months like August…
The Piper
Poor Blue John and Jon–
No long waiting lines caused by 49 million more Freeloaders either.
Obama is in trouble.
He has blown all his political capital.
You are grasped at straws Blue John.
There are not even enough votes in the Senate to push the Freeloader Plan.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I thought you, GBS, proud leftist and the other KLOWNS promised the Progressive Agenda would really stick it to the Conservatives and folks with money??
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!!!
The dumb angry people are winning. They couldn’t keep the Jews out, the Irish and Polish snuck in, women finally got the right to vote, blacks finally were allowed to marry white people…still debating “the gays”…but I’m getting tired of the dumb angry ALWAYS wrong people winning in this country.
Ronald Reagan told me that if we allowed Social Security to become law socialism would take over the nation and doctors would be told where to live and how to practice. Didn’t happen and Social Security is one of the nations most beloved government programs. (re: “3rd rail of politics”). As a matter of fact, the 3 biggest government programs, that make up 3/4 of our Federal spending are the most beloved and NONE can be cut significantly (25% to eliminated) without Republican or Democrat risking their careers (Social Security, Medicaid, military).
They’re wrong. The right wing is ALWAYS wrong, every single time…forever. But they appeal to the lazy dumb angry side of humanity so they still have appeal. Society didn’t crumble with woman voting, blacks marrying whites, gay marriage (where it’s legal), social security. They’re NEVER right. They’re just fear mongering people who appeal to the worst in human nature. The right doesn’t want to lift us up, just scare us and make us fear “them” and be scared…always scared of someone coming to take their guns, bibles, white women, money. Scared scared scared. Be scared. It’s a message Glen Beck, Dobb, Rush and rest always push. It very likely will win. Historically it does, at least at first. Sad. I’m sad for them for being always wrong, but still trying their best to hurt our nation just so they can advance their careers and line their pockets.
4/5 – Two fiends, tools of the status quo and status quo is a nice phrase
National nightmare is a little more like it.
No public option, no deal. If the Dems lack a spine, we’ll get better Dems.
As for the Republicans – they’re totally irrelevant to this conversation. May they stay that way indefinitely.
Funny how fast the blue dogs were at showing their true colors. It’s almost like this was planned by someone…to weed out their political opposition.
“diversionary clown shows”
Good description of wingnut crazies dancing on corporate puppetmasters’ strings.
See. When we push back, we can change the conversation.
We will win!
1, 2 — It’s the old story of spineless (and/or corporate hostage) Democrats doing nothing after grassroots activists bust their balls and empty their wallets to elect them. See, e.g., Governless Gregoire.
7. YLB spews:
Status Quo??? Who said Status Quo you pinhead.
I said:
1) Massive Tort Reform to eliminate Defensive Medicine.
2) Weed out Fraud.
3) Intrastate Competition between Health Insurers.
Also, other waste highlighted in the PWC study done in 2008.
How is that status quo you fool???
Typical LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWN…changes are offered…you want the Guv’mint Handout.
And call any changes short of that STATUS QUO??
YLB is a wondermoron….and intellectual midget.
Here’s an idea:
1. Members of Congress who support universal health care reform will get the same health insurance for themselves, their staffs, and their families, as what they provide ordinary Americans in the legislation.
2. Members of Congress who oppose universal health care reform will get the same health insurance for themselves, their staffs, and their families, as what the 50 million or so uninsured Americans currently receive (i.e. nothing at all!).
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@4 “people are getting creeped out by the thought of another massive government program”
The massive government program that creeped me out was Bush’s secret and illegal surveillance of American citizens who broke no laws and did nothing wrong. I don’t remember you complaining about that, yet here you are bitching about a government program that would actually help our citizens live better lives. You and your wingnut ilk are a sick litter of puppies.
Keep kickin’ butt YLB!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Huge political capital…squandered in 7 months!
@13 Richard. I like that idea. A lot. The only thing wrong with it is that every Republican congress critter is a millionaire and they will vote for option (2) because they can afford to pay out of pocket for medical care whereas the 50 million can’t.
A) Bush is no longer Presidemt
B) What about your guys “fishin” expedition looking to attack folks who vocally disagree with Obama, stealing e-mail addresses and sending unsolicited e-mails from the White House.
Now that is creepy…and that is from the Obama misAdministratin…aka the gang that can’t shoot straight.
And how about your Queen KLOWN Maxine Watters blurting out to Oil Company Execs that she wants to “Socialize” HER WORD!! and “take over your companies”!!
The R’s have sooooooo much Campaign fodder for 2010, it’s hard to decide what to use.
The American people were told to trust the Democrats. The trust has been obviously misplaced by a rampant Socialist Agenda.
America is fighting back!!
Of course, what the stupid rightwing clowns bleating about “socialism” don’t realize is that the 50 million uninsured are getting medical care and they are paying for it.
We already have socialized health care. What difference does it make if the cost of treating the uninsured is spread across the spectrum of paying customers by the government or private corporations?
It’s actually much cheaper to hire the government to do it, because gummint bureaucrats don’t demand or get multimillion-dollar salaries and perks, and the gummint doesn’t take a huge profit skim off the topo.
@19 “Bush is no longer President”
(A) This in no way diminishes the breathtaking hypocrisy of the bleating sheep of the right.
(B) You’re comparing that to Bush’s unconstitutional surveillance scheme that spied on tens of millions of innocent Americans? You’re making a joke, right? Or are you really this stupid?
Oh, and one more thing — no one takes your word for what that is, so don’t delude yourself otherwise.
The puzzling thing is how the GOP has managed to drag out its death throes this long.
You’d think a lying, warmongering, torturing, surveilling, economically-raping political party that stands for high unemployment, low wages, and no health care for the working masses would become instantly extinct, like a flightless bird whose most prominent behavioral characteristic is standing in the middle of the highway waiting to be run over by a big truck.
I’ve really inspired a massive explosion of right wing bullshit from Mr. Klynical..
Keep dreaming Klynical.. Just like those dreams of Dino Lossi..
Remember those?
Klynical says:
1) Massive Tort Reform to eliminate Defensive Medicine.
2) Weed out Fraud.
3) Intrastate Competition between Health Insurers.
1. Massive tort reform doesn’t work…states that have laws limiting lawsuits and amounts have no lower rates. so this idea has been tried and does not will not save a dime. Insurance companies will still overcharge, make profits, provide useless beauracracy and try to limit the coverage of people already on insurance.
2. Weed out Fraud. What fraud? Fraud of the insurance companies failing to provide insurance?
…and how would you do this without a government watchdog… would be useless. Next stupid idea?
3. Intrastate competition….gee, we already had this and states decided that the cut-rate insurance scammers who did not provide the actual services to people who needed it an deceived people should not be allowed inot their states (for good reason!). The states protected their citizens from scammers and made rules that only the in-state insurance companies would follow.
We have no competeition now…there are only a few national companies in each state because the national insurance companies have ceded territory to one another to maximize profits.
So, in summary, you have no new or good ideas and you support the current untenable situation.
Thanks for the discussion about how you and the rightwingnuts are bankrupt as far as ideas and solutions for health care.
“The massive government program that creeped me out was Bush’s secret and illegal surveillance of American citizens who broke no laws and did nothing wrong. I don’t remember you complaining about that, yet here you are bitching about a government program that would actually help our citizens live better lives. You and your wingnut ilk are a sick litter of puppies.”
And now it’s Obama’s creepy policy…….
The President continues this policy, and his administration supports it…
So now Roger, let’s hear how creeped out you are by Obama….
21. Roger Rabbit spews:
Very misleading Rog and you know it.
If you give 49 million more people Free Insurance there will be an exponential increase in Medical visits and stress on an already stressed Medical Care delivery service.
That is the issue.
Of course sick people are seen now.
Of course they are.
But the # of visits with FREE INSURANCE will certainly increase dramatically.
Klynical lives and dies by Rasmussen, the biased republican pollster.
The bottom line is Americans in real polls (ie, not the biased Rasmussen polls) support health care reform and the public option. I have laready shopwed those polls from Time, Gallup and other reputable pollsters. Americans also support the generic Democrat over the republican.
Rasmussen asks biased questions and has an inaccurrate base of republicans versus democrats. They were off the entire election..until the end when they started mimicking the other pollsters. They are bought and paid for and therefore anything they put out is suspect.
That is why Klynical always cites them….except at the end of the elction cycle when even Rasmussen had Obama winning by a record margin for a non-incumbent.
Compared to Bush…Obama is doing quite well in popularity. Public option will stay in the bill and it will pass…without republican support.
The republican loud mouths, angry white men, pathetically stupid and uninformed masses manipulated and incited by the insurance companies and the Chamber of Commerce demagogues will alienate people and will be exposed for their corporate sponsorship and their lack of intelligence.
Just as it is so easy to see that Klynical has no case and is just posting to antagonize.
Go ahead Klynical, scream “socialism”…it just makes you look stupid. The rest of the civilized world has government health care…and their economies are doing better than ours.
Remember, these fools screamed socialism with social security. The governmant should not help old people…that should be the families responsibility. These were the same republican idiots who opposed government helping during the great depression…people should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps…even if there were no jobs and no food.
cnr spews:
1. Massive tort reform doesn’t work…states that have laws limiting lawsuits and amounts have no lower rates. so this idea has been tried and does not will not save a dime. Insurance companies will still overcharge, make profits, provide useless beauracracy and try to limit the coverage of people already on insurance.
That’s untrue. It’s the cost of defensive medicine that is the big cost of our ambulance-chasing existing Tort System. It’s around 7%…possible more..of the waste in the system. It shows how disingenuous the Left is and how protective they are of their biggest donors..Trial Attorney’s. Health Care Reform without Tort Reform is nonsensical. The Canadians, Japanese and YerAPeein’ Countries the Left holds up as models for Health Care do not have our Ambulance-chasing Tort System.
So cnr, right out of the shoot you are disingenuous and obviously not serious of real reform if you refuse to make serious adjustments to Tort.
What do you mean “what fraud”?? Did you even read the PWC 2008 Study?
I posted the link a dozen times but read it..
Here are the key findings:
“Our research found that wasteful spending in the health system has been calculated at up to $1.2 trillion of the $2.2 trillion spent in the United States, more than half of all health spending. Defensive medicine, such as redundant, inappropriate or unnecessary tests and procedures, was identified as the biggest area of excess, followed by inefficient healthcare administration and the cost of care necessitated by conditions such as obesity, which can be considered preventable by lifestyle changes. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ paper classified health system inefficiencies into three “wastebaskets” that are driving up costs:
Behavioral where individual behaviors are shown to lead to health problems, and have potential opportunities for earlier, non-medical interventions.
Clinical where medical care itself is considered inappropriate, entailing overuse, misuse or under-use of particular interventions, missed opportunities for earlier interventions, and overt errors leading to quality problems for the patient, plus cost and rework.
Operational where administrative or other business processes appear to add costs without creating value.
When added together, the opportunities for eliminating wasteful spending add up to as much as $1.2 trillion. The impact of issues such as non-adherence to medical advice and prescriptions, alcohol abuse, smoking and obesity are exponential, and fall into all three baskets.”
And here is the link–
3. Intrastate competition….gee, we already had this and states decided that the cut-rate insurance scammers who did not provide the actual services to people who needed it an deceived people should not be allowed inot their states (for good reason!). The states protected their citizens from scammers and made rules that only the in-state insurance companies would follow.
Perhaps that was their intent but eliminating competition had serious negative consequences on cost in many states.
cnr focuses on the scammers. Insurance is a risk management concept. It revolves around an Insurance Contract. I agree insurance contracts must have some uniform language…but also people should be able to buy what they desire.
28. correctnotright spews:
Rasmussen polls LIKELY VOTERS.
The others poll everybody..including illegals.
In the end, it’s likely voters that matter.
Rasmussen is #1 in predicting elections the past several elections.
Go ahead and call yourself a Democrat..but if you don’t vote, does it really matter??
OK, let’s all meet back here in 20 years and give it another try.
Does anybody have a better idea?
cnr spews:
You seem angry your Socialist Plans have been derailed. You have learned the hard way that not all Democrats are Socialists like you.
Other Countries??
As I mentioned, NONE of these other Countries has an Ambulance-chaser driven system like ours with unnecessary Defensive Medicine testing…nor do they have the Fraud.
These are fixable.
And the don’t have the Military infrastructure we do…or the population of freeloaders!!
cnr has a very simple mind…very, very simple.
Trying to compare us with other countries assuming there are no other variables to consider is childish cnr. Childish.
Why not move to one of these other countries you think is so great?? Oh yeah, they won’t let freeloaders in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No illegals allowed!
I get a real kick outta you KLOWNS.
“Gimme more free stuff and let rich guys pay!”
Karl Marx:
– Norman Thomas
Just how many how large of a Democratic majority is required to pass anything Progressive ? Blue Dog Democrat’s turning the Public Option into the Republican Option .
Sustaining a bank bailout , a wall street bail out and now Progressive Democrat’s holding the waste bag for a pack of blue hounds . Maybe the Democrats are just as bankrupt in spirit as the rest of the economy .
There’s something progressives need to remember, and we need to remind the Democrats in office of it, to wit:
The town hall screamers are a subset of the people who voted Republican in the last election. That’s a damned safe bet…the trolls’s obfuscation notwithstanding, it’s likely that not a single one of them voted Democrat. That means they’re a subset of the population that couldn’t muster enough X’s to prevent a Democrat sweep of the White House and Congress.
The bottom line to that, is that Obama and the Congressional Democrats need to keep in mind that the next time their jobs are up for renewal, who’s been yelling the loudest won’t matter…just the votes.
Seems easy enough to muster enough patriotic Democrat’s to pass the Patriot Act , maintain an illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan , continue to illegally wiretap the web , look the other way while Wall street hucksters loot the nation , thru Democrat & Repub adminstrations .
Like the above attrocities , you can damn well bet , ” concerned legislators ” , like Baucus , will once again bow to their master’s call , that being , campaign contributions .
NutsTooTight, just watched Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd on PMSNBC. Chuck Todd called the Town Hall meetings disparaging names again.
For “the messiah’s” health plan with the public option NBC polls show:
the seniors are much negative
the independents are now negative
suburban housewives are now negative
Now what’s interesting about those three groups? They gave the election to “the messiah”. So it isn’t only Rasmussen NutsTooTight. NBC News – The Official mouthpiece of “the messiah” is seeing real negativity.
Wow I don’t remember Klynical getting this wound up about Dino Lossi or any other issue.
Remember “Goldstein’s going down!!!!” Klyn?
Heh.. We’re seeing another meltdown for the ages.
Poor Klynical:
Rasmussen is biased…I have already put up the links five times. Rasmussen was way off on the election until the last few months.
If you can’t read or follow links, I am sorry. Your lack of critical thinking skills and your profound inability to integrate information just means that replying to you is useless. You are simply too stupid or too biased to figure out anything.
I don’t have a socialist agenda, I have a prgoressive agenda. When the rest of the civilized world has government sponsored health care and we don’t….it takes more that a simplistic shout of “socialism” by imbecils on the right to make an argument. You had no reply as usual. You fools said the same thing about socila securty, S-chip and other programs that have helped people.
Meantime, your heroes like Phil Gramm supported and wrote the laws for the “free market”, so the banking industry could ruin the economy. Thanks. Your bankrupt philosophy doesn’t work, period.
Klynical says:
Thanks for making my argument moron!
Klynical says:
First, it is true that the states that have limited malpractice claims have no lower costs – you are wrong and a liar too:
You see Klynical, what you have is biased opinions not related to actual facts. You have no links, you have no facts…but you are sure that you are right.
That makes you delusional.
FartyArt cracked another smelly wind explosion
You mean all those old people from San FranFreako who went to Nancy Streth Pelosi’s office to complain and were called brownshirts by another total jerk voted Republican? In San FranFreako? Well she did call them Nazis and wearing swastikas.
Delusional is the operative word of the day for FartyArt.
Oh Puddy is back for his usual beating!
Seniors are negative on government health care? Hahaha, they are already on government health care.
You sure are funny! You and Klynical LOVE criticize the health care plasn…but when asked to come up with one of your own…..well, Klynical at least tried.
But he was too damn stupid to even realize what a fool he made of himself and how half-baked his “plan” was.
Go ahead Puddy, show us your plan. “We would love to see the plan”, Beatles, Revolution
The great thing about arguing with an idiot like Klynical is that he makes my argument for me. Klynical says (in response to my question about “what fraud” in health care):
First, fraud is different from waste.
Second, the current system does waste a lot of mnoey…but as I have already shown it is not due to lawsuits or malpratice.
Third, you just made a great case for the public option.
More on the latest health insurance report conclusions:
NutsTooTight, Rep Joe Sestak (Dummocraptic) PA just used the 47 million numba on PMSNBC again. Sucks to be you and your 65 million plus number eh? Phony numbas from a phony.
It gets pretty funny when nihilists/anarchists like Mr Clynical and Puddy try to engage in public policy discussions.
It’s the equivalent of trying discuss community values with an antisocial militia nut holed-up in his compound with six teenage wives.
JFC, guys: of COURSE the HA right-wing Trolls oppose any reform of the health care system. A fucked-up, unbalanced, divided USA is what they hope for. Healthy societies (especially mentally healthy) are bad for Libertarian whack-jobs and self-centered Conservatives.
The current health care “system”, characterized by lack of access and spiralling costs, is “just what the right wing doctor ordered.”
The daily fart of NutsTooTight.
Chuck Todd political director of PMSNBC reported their polling numbas fool. They said senior support for the public option is much negative. Didn’t “the messiah” claim he’s gonna cut Medicare to help fund this “plan”? Didn’t the messiah claim half of the “plan’s” cost would come from increased taxes on da rich, and the other half from reducing Medicare spending? And you don’t think the seniors heard that?
Umm, if you actually could read and pay attention, the last census numbers (2006) were 47.6 million. Of course, since the Bush recession hit, many more people have lost their insurance.
65 million was the projection for next year. but I don’t expect you to be able to differentiate between projections for next year and three year old numbers.
Chew on this one: One in three Americans under 65 is uninsured. Still waiting for the Puddy health care plan……crickets are chirping…..
Max farts
MAx Puddy wasn’t part of the WTO demonstrations but we have it on good word you were.
Mr Cynical blaming high health care costs on lawyers….priceless!
What a freaking airhead. Clynical is just about as stupid as that Jim Miller moron over at SP. And just as angry as that failed GOP Exec Director, Hinton.
Puddy says:
Umm no, can’t you read?
In fact, it is the bleating on the right and the scare tactics that consistently undermine the truth.
Pudster: I place those far-left idiots at the very bottom of the barrel. Next to you.
In fact, the anti-order left and the “destroy guvmint” right have an awful lot in common. Those black-clad kooks are your brothers-in-arms, Puddy.
You really shouldn’t diss your friends like that.
48. Max spews:
I’m blaming it on our Tort System the lawyers have rammed upon us so they can suck $$ out of the system.
Are you a lawyer Max/???
cnr cracks me up.
He is so bent on the Guv’mint running things he denies the entire PWC study.
Interesting that cnr has more insight THAN SOMEONE WHO ACTALLY DID A FACTUAL ACTUARIAL STUDY!!
You gotta laugh at these KLOWNS>
Remember how they taunted us about how our taxes would skyrocket and the rich would pay for free sh*t for them??
Let’s see, 7 months…and the Lunatic Left wants to eat the Blue Dogs!
Obviously this is a Battle between anti-Liberty LEFTIST LOONS and true Americans@!!!
It’s not about Political ID’s anymore.
And guess what Puddy–
BTW Puddy–
How was your trip?
We missed you around here for sure..
Your amazing recall and ability to research complex issues is something the KLOWNS abhor.
They want us to run this Country on FEELINGS!!!
Welcome back friend.
Did you hear Lunatic steve’s imaginary black friend died?
Steve never posts anything of substance.
It’s hard because of the echo between his ears dontchaknow!
I doubt puddy considers socialist lunatic Maxine Waters to be his “sister”!
You are such a racist.
You somehow believe folks of other races have to all think alike?
I assume you are white Max…like all the Leftist posters on HA.
Trust me, you are NOT my brother.
@39 First, you’re assuming they came from San Francisco, and weren’t bussed in from Fresno or Bakersfield or Watsonville.
Secondly…sure you could find a few hundred, or even a few thousand Republicans in San Francisco, just the same as you could dig up that many Democrats in Talahassie–and they’d probably be pretty angry after years of campaigning and voting for candidates that always lose.
Maxine Waters on the creeping crud of Socialism. Oil Companies Next!!
Yet another Republican Campaign ad in 2010!
Thanks Maxine..
Maybe she is your sista Puddy??
She sure helped the Conservative cause with this one. She must have done it on purpose…no one can be that stupid…can they??
No but the left-wing bussed in ones for the various town meetings are easy to find on Google FartyArt!
The thing I love about Klynical is that he fails to let the facts get in the way of his pathetic “arguments”.
Klynical says:
Hey, I love the study. I just quoted it back at you, because it supports the facts about waste in the current system.
Then Klynical says:
Amazing! After I show the data and the studies that prove that capping malpractice and tort reform will do nothing…Klynical is banking on it as his “big reform”.
Thanks for proving you can’t read, Klynical. Thanks for presenting your “health care alternative plan”, so we can see that it is just a bunch of right wingnut hot air that has no feasible applications and would not work.
You got to love the fact-challegened. they have their opinions and the facts won’t make them change thier little minds.
Still waiting on the Puddy health care plan….crickets chirping… to go now.
@54: Even Democratic Seattle has rightwingnut republicans around who can shout about stuff that they are ignorant about….hmmm, maybe that is what is going on in HA?
No, we have resident trolls who can spend their whole day here, spouting off misinformation (Like Klynical, Stamn (Is Stamn on vacation Puddy?) and Puddy).
You showed nothing..
Just the Ambulance-chaser talking points which IGNORE the high cost of Defensive Medicine.
Frankly, you are one tiny voice in a cesspool where everyone has already made up their mind.
Chill out.
I never spend the whole day at HA>
I post in short bursts..then let you losers sort it out the rest of the day.
NutsTooTight, direct from his web site. It was in CNN News and the WSJ. Gotta love those buzzwords “new savings”. When has the guvmint ever had “new savings” NutsTooTight?
NutsTooTight – Lee already claimed Stamn and Puddy are two different people.
Keep up the silly mantra.
Willful blindness is not pretty, and your affliction with that condition is particularly unsightly. Your obsession with tort reform as a cure to our healthcare woes marks you as so ideologically unbalanced that nothing you say on the topic is worth reading. Tort reform does virtually nothing to reduce medical costs–to steal from one of our posters, it has the impact of spitting in the ocean. I am sure you would even argue that holding doctors accountable for their negligence, as everyone else must be held accountable, produces no good. On the other hand, I have not the slightest doubt that you would run to a lawyer if you thought you’d been the victim of medical malpractice. You are a piece of work.
Wow, lots of “supposing” by you.
Supposing about what others think is a waste of time.
The Democrats are insincere about bringing down the cost of Health Care…if the were, they would propose Tort Reform, Anti-Fraud measures and more Competition.
Even Al-Reuters called them cuts NutsTooTight.
Motivations for practicing “defensive medicine” are many and varied. You do ill to doctors to contend that the only reason they practice defensive medicine is to avoid litigation. Have you considered that maybe they care enough about their patients that they don’t want to overlook any possible test? Moreover, the type of tort reform you envision triggers constitutional concerns. I’m sure you could give a rat’s ass about civil liberties (aside from the right to bear arms), but I’ll remind you anyway what the 7th Amendment to the Constitution states: “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, ad no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.”
Delbert is one of those. Seattle does have a pretty solid block of 17 percenters who support any whackjob that comes along who wants to take on Sunny Jim.
Those 17 percenters seem just about as nuts to me as any of those townhall screamers. So yeah we got ’em here too.
LMAO!!! NO you idiot!
He said he was going to stop giving 177 billion dollars of Medicare money to private insurance and those joke HMOs, i.e. Medicare “Advantage”
‘Cuz it’s yet another Republican disaster!
You can’t think cuz you STINK right instead. You’re a total tool and fool.
I see in the news that rightwing traitor Robert Novak died. Too bad. Now he’ll never serve time for blowing the cover on a covert CIA operation. I’ll pass the word to my bunny relatives to piss on this scumbag’s grave. He put us all in greater danger by destroying the CIA’s anti-nuclear proliferation program.
@48 “Mr Cynical blaming high health care costs on lawyers….priceless!”
That’s long been a standard talking point of the gun-waving morons. They can’t function with leg holsters and scapegoats.
@63 “The Democrats are insincere about bringing down the cost of Health Care …”
Really? Why would we want to continue paying Republican prices for health care? What’s our motive?
@63 (continued) Mr. Klown apparently wants to rest of us to continue paying for the 50 million uninsured. He thinks a government requirement that people have health insurance is “socialism.” He doesn’t want any gummint intrusion on the “freedom” of the uninsured to dump their ER bills on the rest of us.
windermoron claimed “the messiah” said
$110 billion from reducing scheduled increases in Medicare payments.
Cutting payments to hospitals to treat uninsured patients by $106 billion
better pricing of Medicare D drugs an additional $75 billion would come from
$22 billion in proposed cuts from smaller reforms
Golly wondermoron where is that on his web site?
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@68 The Plame thing certainly wasn’t Novak’s finest moment but I had long liked the cantankerous bastard and I am a bit saddened by both his fall from grace and his passing.
Puddy doesn’t have to deliver a plan. Puddy not in power. Every suggestion from the right has been shot down. You all control everything so make it so. What is the NutsTooTight plan? Giving us more of “the messiah’s” plan?
BTW thanks again for the link which said NY State could offer an $82,600 threshold for SCHIP until 2010 with approval of HHS. Thanks for proving Puddy’s point NutsTooTight. Did it out and read the last parts again.
73 – Thanks for the status quo propaganda moron.
Here’s a dose of reality for you:
I know you’re allergic.
wondermoron farts
You’re welcome wondermoron. Only thing is it’s not propoganda. Your crap is though! So there are some bad salesmen. Do what is necessary to rid the environment of them.
@68 “I see in the news that rightwing traitor Robert Novak died. Too bad. Now he’ll never serve time for blowing the cover on a covert CIA operation.”
No….but he may have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do to St. Peter.
In actuality, the “co-op” plan would take care of one part of the “tort reform” issue. At a place like Group Health, there’s no reward for being a crooked Doc (because they’re on salary) and the incompetent ones get fired.
Selling a crap product so CEO’s and other execs can have big paydays.
Finally things are turning around:
However, there’s some gun totin’ right wing dipshits puttin’ on the “mine is bigger” show:
What a bunch of freaks.
Pelletizer and FartyArt, still on that sad meme on Robert Novak?
Still can’t fathom the lefty Richard Armitage outing Valerie Plame can you?
wondermoron, what happened to the propoganda call? You left that too. Why? Another lead balloon?
“the lefty Richard Armitage”
No doubt another member of the Alan Greenspan wing of the Democratic party. You can be such a loon at times, Puddy.
Steve: “You can be such a loon at times, Puddy.”
C’mon, man, you’re likely to hurt Puddy’s feelings with statements like that. He works so hard to always be a loon that anything short of constant looniness means he hasn’t met his objective.
Steve Steve Steve, once again the dunce cap fits perfectly on your head… Apparently you don’t read much Kountry Klubber…
Armitage: Obama conducting foreign policy ‘in a more intelligent way’ than Bush.
Steve, Puddy placed this book on HA before. Puddy is sure wondermoron has the link cuz he scraped HA for every PuddyMissive.
Hubris – The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War by Michael Isikoff and David Corn Crown, 463 pp., $25.95
Isikoff told the world Dick Armitage was his original source about CIA’s Valerie Plame. He admits this in the book Steve. Isikoff told the world Dick Armitage was an internal critic of Bush’s Iraq policy from jump street.
“I doubt puddy considers socialist lunatic Maxine Waters to be his “sister”!
You are such a racist.
You somehow believe folks of other races have to all think alike?
I assume you are white Max…like all the Leftist posters on HA.
Trust me, you are NOT my brother.”
Ummm, well, that was interesting, Mr. Clynical.
I don’t read the comments that often, so maybe somebody can fill me in: when Mr. Clynical goes from airhead to psycho, does that mean he’s drinking? What is the deal here?
“However, there’s some gun totin’ right wing dipshits puttin’ on the “mine is bigger” show”
Translated in real life: “mine is smaller.”
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@86 And just what does any of that have to do with your labeling Armitage a “lefty”? Absolutely nothing. That’s what. Hell, any conservative you find an embarrassment you label a “lefty”. We’ve all seen it before, Puddy.
@87 “when Mr. Clynical goes from airhead to psycho, does that mean he’s drinking? What is the deal here?”
Well, we don’t call him “Mr. Klynical” for nothing. The ding-a-ling lost it long ago. Mr. Klynical on race? This post of his says all you need to know,
Puddy prognosticates on health care:
thanks Puddy, for echoing the weak republicn position which is… position, laissez faire, thinks everything is fine the way it is….
Yup, that is the essence of the republican position…problem, there ain’t NO PROBLEM! Health care is fine….republicans love paying far more then every other country and getting less. Republicans love insurance companies denying care (their own death panels), they love paying more for the same drugs than other countries, they love the big payouts from the insurance companies to their candidates and they love the profits that big Pharma funnels to republicans (and some traitor blue dogs, like Baucus).
In the meantime, there is no incentive for prevention, people without health care are costing us even more in the emergency room and the system is even more expensive every year while the insurance companies take out their obscene profits and pay their obscene salaries to the exec’s…what a total scam!
@76: Except that NY did not ever offer that….too bad you seem allergic to facts….and factcheck said that Bush lied and so did you…
Darryl is right: Puddy = Pathological liar
does Puddy = Stamn? who cares?
Stamn also = Pathological liar
But that is not evidence that Puddy = Stamn.