When you guys post videos, could you at least throw in enough text to explain what the video is about? Those of us with POTS can’t download videos, so we have no idea what the thread is about.
Roger TMspews:
Paul you need to get a better camera man next time. Now which one of the old goats is Roger Rabbit in the video? The Rabbit name Joel or the other old fart standing off on the left of the room? Yep the Socialist Democrat Party is really looking its part and missing the blue collar workers. Oh! Where are the Hispanic voters on that video still crossing the border? Really like that modern school that Seattle keeps open for the poor children of Seattle. Now who will fix that Obama, Hillary, Huckabee, or McCain? Maybe it’s your job to fix your own mess of your own making with the Governor providing the leadership. Maybe you might start with a good camera man and a new set of smoke and mirrors. Folks don’t look for any President to make your life happy. That problem resides in your-self to fix not some government worker. You are the only one who controls your destiny not your Governor or city worker who sleeps in every day. Yes Roger Rabbit has problems breathing so don’t drive your Volks Wagon car in Green Lake, now ride your bike.
Roger TMspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
When you guys post videos, could you at least throw in enough text to explain what the video is about? Those of us with POTS can’t download videos, so we have no idea what the thread is about. Roger you didn’t miss anything just bad camera work and the same old song.
Over on SP, Sharkansky doesn’t allow comments on his own posts anymore. Wish he did, so someone can ask him what he has to say about this
” … Barack Obama was looking for some way to sharpen the distinction [between him and] … the other candidates. He settled on the word ‘change.’ … Many voters did believe in Obama’s message, enough to propel him into a dead heat with Clinton on Super Tuesday. …
“Others, however, … are less interested in ringing calls for change than specific promises to provide health care or child care. Some are just plain skeptical that Obama can deliver …. They know that presidential candidates have been promising to change the nation’s capital as long as they can remember. … Voters are almost invariably disappointed …. Presidents come and go; lobbyists and special-interest groups, it seems, are forever.
“That doesn’t mean … the presidency is … inconsequential or that change does not happen. It’s just that the change rarely has much to do with campaign promises, and everything to do with unexpected events, from Pearl Harbor to 9/11.
“Presidents can bring … symbolic and tonal changes. Just as JFK brought an aura of youth and vigor to Washington, Obama … will be seen around the world as something new and different from the government of George W. Bush.
“Occasionally, a president … can change the governing paradigm, from liberal to conservative or back again. But the success of most presidencies depends far less on promises and rhetoric than the way presidents deal with surprises.
“A look at Obama’s record shows that he is far more an incrementalist than a bold change agent. … The change Obama has in mind revolves around ending partisan deadlock. … This has always been Obama’s approach: he is a consensus politician, not a radical.
“He does not advocate sweeping policy overhauls …. His approach to governing is closer to Bill Clinton’s ‘Third Way’ strategy. Obama’s style has always been inclusive and accommodating … he has … learned to adjust to different, and sometimes conflicting, points of view. …
“Such crowd-pleasing can unjustifiably raise expectations. If Obama is elected president … he will disappoint some of his more-ecstatic believers if he doesn’t achieve world peace and end hunger in the first 100 days.
“Hillary Clinton’s approach to change has evolved over time. As a student leader … she was an effective compromiser …. But as First Lady in the Clinton administration, she … brooked no dissent to her massive health-care-reform plan …. As a senator, she has reached across the aisle. … The catch is that voters can never be sure which Clinton they will get day to day, says Carl Bernstein, the former Washington Post reporter ….
“Of course, it is equally hard to predict how Obama would react to the severe and often surprising challenges of the presidency. That is the problem with gauging the characters of presidential candidates: you can’t really know until it’s too late.”
@3 klake, when I need your help, you’ll be the first to know. Until then, fuck off.
@2: roger TM
I don’t know how you are – but you sound like a poor, bitter republican. You can only sit at your computer and try to criticize the democrats. meanwhile, your sorry republican party is going extinct in this state. You are outnumbered and losing almost every major election. Even in Eastern washinton people are disillusioned with the Bush corruption and ineptness.
In this state your sorry party can’t even report out of most of the precinct and you will probably have less than 30% of the turnout of the democrats. Your rpresumed nominee can’t even get more than about 25% of the total vote and the democrats are overflowing with newly committed party members intent on taking back the white house.
No wonder you are bitter.
Roger TMspews:
Stan says:
Over on SP, Sharkansky doesn’t allow comments on his own posts anymore. Wish he did, so someone can ask him what he has to say about this
Stan maybe Ron Sims didn’t or did count those 60,000 ballots last night. Maybe King County is back to stuffing the ballot box again. Hell those folks from Canada came down to vote, shop, and gamble at the Indian Reservation on their way back home. Wouldn’t want to disenfranchise the local voters would we Stan?
Roger TMspews:
correctnotright says:
@2: roger TM
I don’t know how you are – but you sound like a poor, bitter republican. You can only sit at your computer and try to criticize the democrats. Meanwhile (meanwhile), you’re (you) sorry Republican Party is going extinct in this state. You are outnumbered and losing almost every major election. Even in Eastern Washington (washinton) people are disillusioned with the Bush corruption and ineptness.
In this state your sorry party can’t even report out of most of the precinct and you will probably have less than 30% of the turnout of the democrats. Your presumed (rpresumed) nominee can’t even get more than about 25% of the total vote and the democrats are overflowing with newly committed party members intent on taking back the white house.
No wonder you are bitter.
02/10/2008 at 12:09 pm
NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone must have when out and voted as a Socialist Democrat instead as a Republican. OH!!!!! I fixed your spelling errors.
Roger TMspews:
Folks is that Roger Rabbit the fourth one from the left or that old goat name Joel in that video? Now which one is Paul?
Roger TMspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@3 klake, when I need your help, you’ll be the first to know. Until then, fuck off.
02/10/2008 at 12:05 pm
Roger Rabbit you need all the help you can get you are just a retired government worker living on a very small pension with not med’s. Yep you government workers don’t have a thing to worry because this state is run by Socialist Democrats and they will stuff your pockets with gold coins. Remember Global warming folks tune up your bikes and save the world. Besides Roger Rabbit has a hard time breathing over there in Green Lake with all that smog from the Eastside.
02/10/2008 at 12:37 pm Nice picture of your grandson Roger Rabbit now which old goat is you in the video?
Roger TMspews:
Folks this sounds like King County are they cooking the books? Maybe not Roger Rabbit was down there with Ron Sims making sure every votes count except the military ones. Did anyone at the caucus meetings see a solider there in uniform serving in Iraq or Afghanistan? How was their voice heard a half a world away, and don’t their VOTE count? Roger Rabbit did you count those 60,000 plus ballots last night? NO!!!! MAYBE!!!!! NOT!!!!!
The pre-election polls have often been wrong, and news organizations’ counts of delegates won by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have varied so widely — and changed so often — that some readers are confused and suspicious. “Is there a chance the books are being cooked?”
Those are the idiots (read: republicans and bush) who brought you:
The unnecessary war Iraq
the failure to catch bin Laden
the record budget deficits
the failing economy
record trade deficits
Incompetence of Katrina
the corruption of Abramoff
The “out of the closet” legislators (Larry Craig et al)
The admitted adulterers (Vitter)
Illegal spying
alberto gonzalez and Mukasey (Attorney Generals who disregard the law and who believe in moral relativism – torture is only bad if other people do it.)
Obviously,if those people and Bush are your heroes – you are in big trouble.
The real American people (particularly the working class) are waking up to the long national nightmare of Bush and Republicans and they are mad as hell and going to boot you fools out of office for good.
nice link, stan. i think josh marshall picked up on my comment last night. anyone who hangs out in luke esser’s basement want to shed some light on the process?
Those are the idiots (read: whiney liberals, Democrats in general and/or Mrs. Gregoire) who brought you:
The unnecessary war Iraq (Hillary voted for it)
The record budget deficeits (2010 projected for the State)
The failing economy and a looming recession
The corruption & total incompetence of Dean Logan and the King County Elections Office
The admitted adulterer (Bill Clinton)
Massive pork spending and special interest bullshit
Public campaign funding with OUR tax dollars
A 33% Statewide budget increase (The largest ever)
Nancy Pelosi sticking her nose where it doesen’t belong in making foreign policy
Mrs. Gregoire’s ridiculous wasteful idea of millions for suicide prevention devices on bridges, a down in flames DUI “checkpoint” proposal
Mrs. Gregoire’s failure on the Alaskan Way Viaduct
Mrs. Gregoire’s failure to fix the ferry system
Seattle Mayor Nickels son arrested and charged with felony grand theft
Dead people, pets, apparitions, felons, illegals, found to have voted. (Not to mention ACORN.)
Maria Cant-vote-well (Too much incompetence to list in this forum)
Ditzy Darcy Burner’s pathetic empty-suit blithering in her campaign against George Bush.
“What we did last summer, by Congress:”
Oh Mr. “Government Cheese” Tourettes chimes in.
Here’s a video of the mama beater in action. I bet you voted for that guy.
correctnotright says:
@15: Yup – Republican whiner.
Hope you have fun in the shrinking loser party. And by the way- those isn’t (ain’t) spelling errors those are typos.
If you want errors go to:
Obviously, if those people and Bush are your heroes – you are in big trouble.
The real American people (particularly the working class) are waking up to the long national nightmare of Bush and Republicans and they are mad as hell and going to boot you fools out of office for good.
02/10/2008 at 1:10 pm
Yep you are as funny as that rabbit name Roger, but what happen to the blue collar workers in Seattle? When I go downtown all I see are poor folks begging on the streets, government workers, and rich elitists Socialist Democrats living in high rise towers. Now those few middle class who come to Seattle to build those towers come from the Eastside or just crossing the Southern Border. The only way you know they are there the deposit their pay checks at Bank of America. They even help those from South of the Border by printing everything in Spanish. Funny may ballot was in English and Chinese but not Spanish what’s up folks you don’t like the Hispanic voters. Maybe you might include French so all your Canadian friends can vote in the next election, wouldn’t want to disenfranchise our Northern friends either. Now correctnotright is a real funny name maybe you might want to change it so not to offend some Republican voter. Maybe something that better matches you emotional state rather than your real large knowledge base of hot air. Remember hot air cause Global Warming and burning trees on the Eastside will not help Roger Rabbit breathing, so tone it down.
Your hypocrisy is delightful!
@24: And sorry to say YLB, but the likes of you strongly resembles an unimportant pimple on the ass of life. I wish you luck with that.
klake- are you 8 years old, mentally impared or on drugs? Those are the only explanations I see for your posts.
On second thought, you can’t be 8. Your posts are beneath that level.
Ha! Your corrupt party couldn’t keep the Craswell crazies at home and they showed up in force to vote for Huckabee.
Now you losers are trying to suppress their votes.
You guys just can’t stop cheating and losing.
@30 Your Liberal Bullshit:
You never answered my question from before on if you are employed or not. Just curious. How’s your parents’ basement working out for ya? And the rest of your post is so delusional that it is simply not worthy of acknowledgement let alone a response.
Im not all that happy with Bush either but it looks like
Hillary or Obama very likely could win. I think Ill kick back on welfare and unemployment maybe drink alot so I can
have Sims hand me a brand new apartment right next to some
superfast train of the future. Can I smoke in my free apartment? OOPs i slipped on the free stairs and hurt my back. WHERE is John Edwards when I need him? Does this
“accident” make me eligible for Labor and Industries? Do
I seem bitter? I need counseling, maybe Gregoire could extend my couseling coverage since I quit my job and, you know, its just not “fair” cause my boss is mean. Im a
republican and I approve this message.
YLB…….haven’t you heard? neither party cares about washington state. it doesn’t matter.they all moved on five minutes after the polls closed and they aren’t looking back.and one of obama’s people made the stunningly true statement that “washington state is not a ‘bellwether’ for anything. we knew how they would vote. the whole nation knew how they would vote ahead of time, it was just a matter of which DEMOCRAT they chose”
in other words……YAWN.
proud leftistspews:
The turnout for the respective parties’ caucuses yesterday demonstrates how little is left of the GOP in this state (elsewhere, too, of course). Given that party’s animosity toward the Endangered Species Act, there is irony in that its few remaining members in this state may be entitled to the Act’s protection. I would have to say, however, that snail darters produce more of value than does today’s Republican Party.
Roger TMspews:
k says:
klake- are you 8 years old, mentally impaired (impared) or on drugs? Those are the only explanations I see for your posts.
On second thought, you can’t be 8. Your posts are beneath that level.
02/10/2008 at 1:39 pm
K you must be a government worker without a voice and a name or don’t like hearing the truth about yourself. The amassing thing is when there is a government Holiday there isn’t any traffic problems. Maybe if we band government from doing business downtown we could save the taxpayer tons of money. Hell let’s not do just that how about cutting their personnel by two thirds saving the taxes payer more money. Hell you can join Roger Rabbit in Green Lake growing your organic garden and not needing food stamps. Maybe if you are nice to your friends south of the border they will pick your crops and you can learn Spanish. Print the ballot in Spanish and they will vote for you also at the next election. Remember to ride your bike into Seattle so Roger Rabbit can breathe fresh air tomorrow. OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot that’s it’s been a long time since I was eight years old and we didn’t have web site back then either. As for drugs I sent them to Roger Rabbit over in Green Lake he has greater need for them than I.
and now, hillary and barack ,in the height of idiocy are both wooing john “i can’t even carry my own state” edwards. now…that’s just classic.
how does it feel to be a part of a political party that is SO STUPID that you can’t even beat someone [GWB] who by your own words, is too stupid to be working at a burger joint???
and you guys will do it again too. you have no control over jethro…..and jethro is pissed.
this is going to be so much fun……..
the kids fight and the adults get the white house.
klake- I am a government worker with considerable influence with both Republican and Democratic elected officials.
You, on the other hand are incapable is stringing together a sentence (“amassing….band”). So get your jollys with your incoherent rants. If they are indicitive of your intellegence level, it’s surprising you find your way out the door.
I just watched the video. That group as a whole wouldn’t
be able to think their way out that building if the roof caught on fire. That guy that started that meeting with the
big grey beard is Roger Rabbit. They reminded me of a glance into the teachers lounge when I was young. Not too
many of that group are far from government employ, I assure you.
Better yet, Rabbit, take some of that kwan you’ve earned in the market and get yourself a high-speed Internet connection. Why should everyone and his mother be forced to go no faster than the least common download denominator?
Get with the program, keep up to speed, and understand that to be competitive, you can’t demand others wait for you, but you have to be ahead of others.
That you’re stuck in dial-up mode explains a lot about your politics and personality. Reminds me of the bumpkin traveller who didn’t like going overseas ’cause all those countries were filled with foreigners who spoke foreign languages; couldn’t they speak English like the rest of us?
i had forgotten [scrubbed it from my memory] just how repulsive and creepy the pod people are in western washington state.
why, for instance, do all the women LOOK EXACTLY alike???
and why do all the “men” look as if they haven’t seen any testosterone in their entire lives?
have they heard of dentists?
clothes that aren’t from the 60’s recycling bin?
and baths??????
how about jobs?
no??? no kidding……..
YUCK YUCK YUCK……. all you libs will be thrilled to note that i am completely nauseous right now thanks to that video. the down side? so is every other american that has seen the peeps of ww.
Marks and ghost- no response to George Will’s take on the Republicans’ performance in Congress?
Can’t slam him with the liberal label.
proud leftistspews:
Any Republican who is enjoying this campaign is so delusional as to be a candidate for a guardianship. Do you have someone to manage your affairs? Does someone have your power of attorney? If you have any assets to protect or medical decisions to make, I’d suggest you get someone sane to watch over you. Actually, the same advice would go to all the Republicans posting on this thread–you guys are a nutcase dream team.
proud leftistspews:
Re: my post @ 42. Sorry, I didn’t realize you had posted when I made my reference to the nutcase dream team. You’re wrong on your politics, but I don’t suspect you need a guardian.
Roger TMspews:
Mark1 says:
@30 Your Liberal Bullshit:
You never answered my question from before on if you are employed or not. Just curious. How’s your parents’ basement working out for ya? And the rest of your post is so delusional that it is simply not worthy of acknowledgement let alone a response. @30 Your Liberal Bullshit: maybe this lead will help you get a great job give Laquita Mosley a visit it might change your whole life. Hell you might get a job with a salary with $6,239.00 dollars a month and be a real manger. They don’t require any experience and more than willing to train you and you get to work at home. Now Roger Rabbit will like that it will keep the pollutants down in Green Lake. But what they will like most of all is your positive attitude, honesty, and integrity. Now that is a real line of bull shit do you really need any help on your resume?
mark@38………so, are you just teasing or is that bloated old fool really roger rabbit? it’s funny, because that’s exactly the way i pictured him too. big fat gut hanging out through his unbuttoned shirt…classy……
and he doesn’t seem sick at all.but then, i must be wrong because a democrat would never lie right?
like when he said he was 60 and had been in vietnam and that’s “probably” what was wrong with him, but then he went on just a few threads later and said that doctor’s have been trying to figure out what was wrong with him for 50 years.
uh huh. there’s that crazy dem math again.
vietnam…my arse…….
PL……..you are such a teaser. wishful thinking again?
i am the vice president and majority owner of a biotech firm.
keep your spirits up………you’ll need all that hot air come november.
proud leftistspews:
Your judgmentalism is consistent with core Republican values. Your holier-than-thou horseshit is what turns off the average voter. That attitude, among a multitude of others, is why your party is seeping back into the muck. Judging people by the way they look–wow, grow up, darling.
It’s just Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent’s way to a illegitimate disability claim so he can let his OCD disorder flourish and be on here all the live long day, without working or paying taxes. He’s crusty, old and bitter, and needs help. After all he couldn’t possibly be a productive member of society; we couldn’t have that now, could we?
Richard Popespews:
Piper Scott @ 39
I have to agree with you on that one. Perish the thought. But Roger should pay a few bucks for some high speed internet. A pension for a government lawyer isn’t exactly peanuts.
.haven’t you heard? neither party cares about washington state.
Ha! That’s why Hillary and Barack show up here. Barack fills the Key Arena with 18000 w/ 3000 more outside listening to speakers. Hillary packs both the places she spoke and had to turn away people?
Your beloved McCain – was it 400 at the Westin?
Your corrupt party is so hosed!
Richard Popespews:
Obama is winning the Maine caucuses, 57% to 42% over Clinton, with about 40% of the caucus locations reporting. Doesn’t look like a good next couple of weeks for Clinton, with 20%+ blowouts likely in favor of Obama in Maryland and Virginia, and near totality in DC on February 12, followed by a likely Obama victory in Wisconsin on February 19, and a certain Obama landslide in Hawaii on February 26.
@50 Your Liberal Bullshit:
Still waiting on you on your employment status…….
Hey Republican folks- reports are in that Romney wins the Maine caucus. Guess you guys are really happy with McCain.
Richard Popespews:
As I estimated in the previous thread, based on actual Republican voter counts in Pierce, Clark and Cowlitz counties, there were only about 20,000 Republicans participating in the GOP precinct caucuses in the entire state.
The Democratic turnout has been conservatively estimated at over 200,000, but I would think it is probably actually a bit over 300,000 statewide. In any event, a better than 10-1 Democratic margin in caucus attendance.
The ratio of 400 people attending McCain at the Westin, 21,000 attending Obama at Key Arena, and 10,000 attending Clinton at the Seattle waterfront and PLU put together — these are all approximately in proportion to the numbers who caucused for each of these candidates yesterday!
Roger TMspews:
christmasghost says: mark@38………so, are you just teasing or is that bloated old fool really roger rabbit? it’s funny, because that’s exactly the way i pictured him too. big fat gut hanging out through his unbuttoned shirt…classy……
and he doesn’t seem sick at all.but then, i must be wrong because a democrat would never lie right?
like when he said he was 60 and had been in vietnam and that’s “probably” what was wrong with him, but then he went on just a few threads later and said that doctor’s have been trying to figure out what was wrong with him for 50 years.
uh huh. there’s that crazy dem math again.
vietnam…my arse……. Christmasghost maybe he got that strange strain of VD that affects his breathing or maybe jungle rot that spread into other strange places. You might consider that he is still in Vietnam fighting that war and needs some mental help. Now that will never happen because Socialist Democrats never have a mental problems just ask him? Yes they do used different math than you and I used on a daily bases. Their approach to math is what is yours is mind and don’t you even try to take it back. Kind of like a death threat you know. Now don’t light your fireplaces on the Eastside Roger Rabbit can’t deal with the smoke.
Richard Popespews:
K @ 53
Actually, the Republican caucuses in Maine were on February 2, 2008 — last Saturday, before Romney withdrew. Even so, McCain still only had 21% — not quite as bad as getting 21% as the presumptive nominee of course, but still not very good at all.
52 – I don’t take orders from mean-spirited authoritarian whackos like you.
You can return to that “government cheese” tourettes act you’re so fond of.
Mark1 – you’re good for something after all. Check out my new handle.
What do you think it means?
@57 Your Liberal Bullshit:
It wasn’t an order, merely a question. Sounds like your unemployed, which I know I am shocked to find out. And @58: Don’t care, didn’t ask.
Christmas, Just joking around but it is just what I envisioned he looked like. I love the “pod people”
remark. Where does that term come from? As far as their look, they are slightly odd. The guys always got picked last for sports and the girls never made cheerleader.
PROUD, I would never make fun of the way someone looked
even though I myself am extremely good looking (just ask
my mom). We just noticed as a group “pod” they just don’t
appear very capable, thats all.
YLB………my party is hosed? no sweetie. more people didn’t bother to show up because we already have a nominee.didn’t you hear?
the dems turned out in such huge numbers because
A. what else is there to do in seattle? get real
B. they are thrilled that they get to be a part of something. anything. anything at all…they are the desperate attention whores. and they sure aren’t getting any attention for their looks or smarts.
C. they love to hear themselves talk and they *might* even get national air time. they didn’t though…isn’t that amusing?
as my cousin put it….some people are just too creepy to take pictures of….heh heh heh
and proud leftist…….no, i am not judgmental. it just was such a shock to actually see the repulsive creepy “pod people” all over again. like i said…..i had wiped their sheer repulsiveness out of my head.
for me, living in washington state, even in gag harbor, was just one long “i need a lysol bath” moment after another.
as an example my super liberal friend came up to visit. she said she was sure i was making up how revolting the people were both physically and “intellectually”
then she saw for herself. she is the one that named them pod people. she kept hissing at me “look, they travel in pairs and you can’t tell which is the female and which is the male”
i had to break it to her that there wasn’t a difference….kinda like “earthworms with less credentials”.
and don’t steal that line…it’s mine and copyrighted….
You don’t think much of it then. Oh well.
Believe whatever you want. It’s a free country. Unfortunately for your kind pursuing right wing fantasies leads to less than optimal outcomes like the drubbing you’re going to take in November.
WHAT?? “k” got caught lying???
say it ain’t so!!! trying to shill again? but why……….IF you guys are so sure of yourselves? why lie?
i would love to hear about that “job” too……..this classic”52 – I don’t take orders from mean-spirited authoritarian whackos like you”
was the last thing the idiot said to his boss before he got fired…….
i just love the “mean spirited” remark. it shows what a real thinker he is. coming up with his own lines that way and all……….i guess he was just too overqualified to work at burger king after all……..
Roger TMspews:
Richard Pope says:
Obama is winning the Maine caucuses, 57% to 42% over Clinton, with about 40% of the caucus locations reporting. Doesn’t look like a good next couple of weeks for Clinton, with 20%+ blowouts likely in favor of Obama in Maryland and Virginia, and near totality in DC on February 12, followed by a likely Obama victory in Wisconsin on February 19, and a certain Obama landslide in Hawaii on February 26.
02/10/2008 at 2:33 pm
Richard Pope what office do you plan to run for next? Maybe you can apply for a job over at 710-KIRO as a talk host covering this year elections. They need a new voice on their radio network that brings fair and balance reporting. Huckabee is now challenging the results of the Washington state Republican caucuses of calling the election before all the votes were counted. What is your take on this statement? Washington State Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser announced late Saturday that McCain had won the 2008 Republican caucuses in the state with 87.2 percent of precincts reporting. McCain had 25.5 percent over Huckabee’s 23.7 percent in that race.
Esser issued a statement congratulating McCain on a “hard-fought win,” and Huckabee on a “strong second-place finish.”
Ed Rollins, Huckabee campaign chairman, directly challenged Esser’s move, saying the count was incomplete because the other 12.8 percent of precincts could tip the scales since McCain was beating Huckabee by only a couple hundred votes. http://youdecide08.foxnews.com/category/top-story/
What lie, ghost? I missed the date of the Maine republican caucus. Big deal. My point regarding the lack of enthusiasm for McCain stands.
Read the link to the George Will story and defend your party.
we already have a nominee.
How sad. The winner takes all nature of your primaries perfectly illustrate the authoritarian nature of your party.
So the sad rank and file of your party are sitting it out from here on out. That may have worked for you in the past but I sure doubt it here.
So is McCain going to do a Bush 2000 from here on out? Mouthing centrist lies while sending out “dog whistles” to the base?
As for your “friend” – superficiality doesn’t faze me a bit. You’ve told that tired story many times before Ghost. It has as much effect as the tired talking points mumbled by the “nominee” of your party now in its death throes.
mark…i expected them to break into a rousing rendition of kumbaya anytime…….
oh well…i think roger probably does look like that too. and he looks just like a guy i got to fire [what a great day] just before i moved the manufacturing plant back to california. the old salmon i am married to had his chance to migrate back home ,and then he saw “home” didn’t exist anymore.it had been taken over by whiny idiots from the east coast. they had already crapped up their own nests so they had to move on. big fish meet little pond. they feel so important there too.
and mark, my husband is a washington native [i try not to hold it against him] and he is very handsome..in a movie star sort of way……so there are exceptions to the rule. my husband claims that people USED to be better looking there…and that all the ugs [as he calls them] moved in from out of state. i don’t know about that…i have seen his sisters…….heh heh heh
funny ghost, a substantial number of the immigrants to Washington are from California.
YLB…..you are as tedious as you are boring.
i am so relieved that YOU don’t like the GOP nominee. but i do, and i’m a republican.and frankly, who cares what you think?
it’s all whistling past the graveyard from you at this point because ,unless i am very much mistaken, you know as well as i do the crap that is about to descend on obama’s head from the clinton slime machine.
i have the popcorn all ready..this will be great fun.
and if you think mccain is a terrible choice for us why aren’t you happier?
because ,occasionally, even you can read? and you have heard the dem strategists all say the same thing….we don’t want to run against mccain.
as for your silly assertion that “winner take all” is somehow wrong. oh please……..what could possibly be more wrong than SUPER DELEGATES? talk about elitist bullcrap!
just wait till they start switching sides! and to think…even union leaders are super delegates!! yeah…cause we all know that the american people shouldn’t be electing the president or anything. my god, they are way too stupid. and the best part? we have all the sound clips of you liberal idiots saying that…..
No, you’re the one wrong on YOUR politics. But no offense taken since often your tongue is firmly planted against your cheek.
Of course, however, a quick change of the political party in your analysis is applicable to so many of the HA Happy Hooligans, of whom so many apply to be on the nutcase dream team that there’s a draft to select who shall be on the squad.
i heard it time and again. and people that bounced into california from terra haute or some other god forsaken place and couldn’t fit in [no brains]don’t count.
really………..prove it. where is the source for that old lame BS?
proud leftistspews:
Are you ever capable of objectivity? Your rant about how people look up here proves your small mindedness. Those people in the video looked like damned fine folks to me, not the botoxed, liposuctioned, designer-jeaned folks of southern California. With regard to your neck of the woods, Humboldt County, have you ever looked at your neighbors? I have relatives in Humboldt County and have spent considerable time there. I like the people there, but your claim that they are measurably better looking than Seattle residents–do you know how stupid you sound? And, with regard to your claim that there’s nothing to do in Seattle? Tell that to the world. I’ve had my fill of tourists for awhile. Girl, you’ve outdone yourself today, and despite steep competition, you get today’s Most Delusional Whackjob award. Congrats. See if the old man will take you out to dinner at the hot dog stand in the nearest town over to celebrate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Oh, I’m still sick. It takes a week for antibiotics to kick in. And I suppose every cough kills a little more lung tissue. I ain’t dead yet, but I won’t make it to DL this Tuesday.
oh PL.no real answers? what a surprise. and you sounded so clever too. hot dog stands and all. belittling any?
i love it when the droolers like you say don’t be judgmental and then go on to do that exactly. and you are too stupid to even see it.
and ,honey, we are not talking about southern california….but if we were, those “women” in the clip could sure use some botox. or maybe just tweezers and waxing…..
i never thought i would actually see a group of women that are so hideous that i would be forced[against my belief that it’s wrong to use botox] to urge them to USE BOTOX.
so…you have a relative in humboldt county. why! that practically makes you an expert. pray tell….and where do these imaginary relatives live?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Piper – The idea is to save and invest, not borrow and spend; but as a Republican, you wouldn’t understand that, would you?
PL.this has to be the best example of left wing idiocy ever…see if you can even see it.
“Your rant about how people look up here proves your small mindedness. Those people in the video looked like damned fine folks to me,”
i’ll bet you don’t…….
Roger Rabbitspews:
I mean, really, is it worth $40 a month just to watch GOP whackjobs beat up their mothers? I’d rather buy a share of stock with it. Remember, dividends are taxed only 1/3 as much as wages, so every $40 invested is like $120 earned.
roger…come on, here you are at death’s door and you tell us that even with all your v-genious investing skills [big oil etc.] that you can’t afford cable without a loan?
say it ain’t so, rog…….
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
I just do not understand why anyone would attempt to debate christmas ghost? She makes absolutely no sense, and as such stands no chance of rethinking her nonsensical views.
She doesn’t even seem to try to actually make rational posts. I believe she thinks she comes off as as Ann Coulter-esque figure. And to makes matters worse, she seems to think that would be a GOOD thing.
Why bother trading jabs with someone who hardly exists at all?
Roger TMspews:
k says:
Mark1- here’s George Will’s take on the Republicans in congress. ANy response other than, “and so do you!” http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/ opinion/350614_will10.html
Talk about waste, corruption and lies.
In his State of the Union address, the president vowed to veto any appropriation bill “that does not cut the number and cost of earmarks in half.” Coburn tartly notes that although Congress hardly needs 5,500 earmarks — half of last year’s total — the president’s goal would be met if Republicans themselves quit earmarking. That fact goes far to explain the Republicans’ current and future minority status Now if the Republicans would only cooperate with the President we wouldn’t be short of funding for neither the AWV nor the 520 floating bridge. You know all the earmark funding needs to go into Socialist Democrats states and no roads or bridges to nowhere like Seattle’s light rail. Now if we could only clean up the corruption in Louisiana and Florida everybody will be happy. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now K what do you expect of any politician today be honest? Now that is a real joke but you don’t see anyone laughing do you about any party? Even government workers today can’t ID themselves because it might reflect back on those they slave for in their government jobs. Yes K you have no voice and your boss can do whatever he wants and you will keep your mouth shut. Now that is the type of loyal worker you want in your government and you have no trouble sleeping at night. Now when you cross the 520 bridge how many ramps are block off today? Better yet why does the highway drop off into the inside lane of I5 instead of the outside lane? Yes government workers at their best make a mess out of everything and later try to fix it right. But what was good old George F. Will writing about? Seven weeks have passed and nothing has happened. Young, 74, one of whose former aides pleaded guilty to bribery charges involving the jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff, is the subject of an FBI investigation concerning another matter, and faces strong opposition to a 19th term. Recently two more House Republicans — the total is now 28 — announced their retirements, evidence that Republicans do not expect soon to end their minority status that began 17 months after the Coconut Road earmark alteration. Now what do you wanted to bring to the table K? Maybe you need to read a book “Why the Democrats are Blue” they say Democrats read more than Republicans. Funny they didn’t consider the Socialist Democrats when they did the survey.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “without working or paying taxes”
You got a problem with me living like a Republican? Why should goopers get all the gravy? Why shouldn’t I get some of those dividends and tax breaks too?
The Blatantly Obvious[ly goldy]….good point. why are you bothering?
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
And this Klake “Roger TM” poster? Does it think someone would actually bother to read all the bold ranting?
It comes off like something a delusional child would write with its own feces on a bathroom wall.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 82, see @ 79
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 Actually, it IS peanuts. The state is a cheap employer. I don’t even get paid health insurance; I have to pay for it myself, and it costs close to half my pension check. I have a friend who was a heavy equipment operator and another friend who was a boilermaker. Both of those guys get bigger pensions than I do, they get COLAs which I don’t get, and their unions pay for their health insurance. There’s no money in being govenrment a lawyer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ain’t it just like a Republican to want to spend my money for me?
proud leftistspews:
ghost @ 76
Most people look like damned fine folks to me. I’ve been around long enough not to judge them by how they’re dressed, or whether they’ve aged well, or whether they get their hair cut at a barbershop instead of a styling salon or don’t get it cut at all. When I call you smallminded, that assessment is not based on a snap judgment but on review of countless of your posts on this blog. I suppose, however, that addressing you at all is pointless. As Blatantly Obvious points out above, you make no sense so why waste time with you.
My Left Footspews:
Why would anyone comment on the Minnow’s latest post. He is still crying and whining about how Rossi won.
God, his act is old and tired. He should spend more time controlling his child in public.
roger@85….oh no!! not that! YOU have to pay for your own health insurance?
guess what you mooch…so does everyone else.
look at what you had to say @85……you want, you want ,you think you should get freebies, look what the union guys made….ad nauseum.
but, you became a lawyer and then, instead of doing the risk/reward dance [like many of us] you took a safe comfortable government job. and now you are bitching? what you are getting is exactly what you deserve.you didn’t take the risks…why should you get the reward?
PL…..McKinleyville? well, it’s getting better there. but it’s hardly a great place to live that’s for sure.my sympathies…….
My Left Footspews:
HUH? Waddaya talkin’ about? A cheese puff will beat any candidate you “adults” throw out there. Your entire party is aghast at Mitt the Quitter leaving you with an old man and the ultra right wing whack job. We have a bet as I recall. I know Goldy is excited to be getting beer this November. As a gesture of goodwill I will donate $50 to your charity if you lose. No reason for the kids to suffer because you are an idiot.
You and Piper need to both get off the sauce, get into a good 12 step program and get clean.
My Left Footspews:
Ghost is lying. Intelligence level in her posts would indicate that she nothing more that the ASSISTANT lunch lady at Our Lady of Lourdes elementary school. She works part time and lives with her mother in single wide trailer. In Modesto.
my left foot……..yes, we do have a bet. BUT you seem to have the numbers all wrong. i’m sure [ahem] that’s this is just a mistake on your part, but you stated that you would donate 200 bucks to a charity of my choice if you lost [which you will] and i would donate 50 bucks to goldy’s cirrhosis fund….
that’s the bet…let’s stick with that. and it’s not kids that would suffer…..it’s animals.
google, anyone?
but it’s very nice of you to offer to put up 50 bucks even if i lose. why don’t you do it now then? since you would either way by your own statement,right? and they could use it right now.
miranda’s rescue.
left foot..what ever it takes for you to get through your day.
amusing to me as it is…….
but, on second thought what are you, the very paragon of virtue in the big tent party, actually saying here?
that some jobs are more important than others? and so are the people in them?
elitist BS alert.
so a woman working hard to serve lunch to kids isn’t important? and then there is the religious slam, trailer trash reference, and modesto all worked in to it too.
wow…you are just sooooo progressive, aren’t you?
and there you are DREAMING of becoming a latte liberal. if only……..sigh.
Roger TMspews:
The Blatantly Obvious says:
I just do not understand why anyone would attempt to debate christmas ghost? She makes absolutely no sense, and as such stands no chance of rethinking her nonsensical views.
She doesn’t even seem to try to actually make rational posts. I believe she thinks she comes off as as Ann Coulter-esque figure. And to makes matters worse, she seems to think that would be a GOOD thing.
Why bother trading jabs with someone who hardly exists at all? Now shit for brains show us your brilliance on how the world turns. I have seen many a back woods chaps bring more to the table than you have today. Where did you get that handle (The Blatantly Obvious) which means you should have some common sense? Now I could be jumping to conclusion about that statement, please show me your rational posts. The one above is really stretching your point about making any sense and what is rational about it? But she does make a point that the NW does have some strange people not like West Virginia but close in some ways. But what the hell you folks on the left love to stereotype people except when it comes to yourself. Now myself I love weird folks like yourself it really makes life interesting. Today I wouldn’t want to trade any one of you dumb shits for your friends in al Qaeda or even Osama bin Laden. Now you know why we having found or traded you for Osama bin Laden, now we would get the short end of the deal. Yes we all still love you even though you are still dysfunctional at best. Maybe you should change your handle to something that matches your emotions instead.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 99, see @ 83
My Left Footspews:
Whoda thunk it? Ghost is attracted to her husband’s sisters. Ghost, you are in the wrong party. Closet lesbo.. should have guessed.
My Left Footspews:
I realize that every job is important. I also understand that some jobs are far less mentally taxing. You on the other hand thought you found an Achilles heel. You probably should not try to think. You just prove yourself to be just another, what did you call them, oh yeah, ug.
Movie star looking husband. ROFLMAO You state all Wahingtonians are ugly, but you have to justify being married to one. Convenient.
Man democrats are ugly people, was that the under the viaduct precint?
You know, looks aren’t everything, and all that…. I would comment on how…unisexual? y’all appear though. There really did seem to be a paucity of testosterone amongst the men in attendence. Just sayin’…
That is a very well run and organized caucus, it shows the value of having good well coordinated volunteers.
Roger TMspews:
Referral Denied
You don’t have permission to access “http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/0072608/4632_16_2.jpg” on this server.
Reference #24.14b41a45.1202694470.60b685a1
christmasghost’s husband says:
Well that is one ugly picture from that link “denied access”
RR @ 1
Haven’t read upthread yet but I can’t figure out why you can’t download videos. I use dial-up modem and it takes awhile, maybe 20-30 minutes for 5 minute tape, maybe faster if I switch it to the YouTube link direct. I just leave it loading under a different Firefox tab while I doodle via the other tabs. Then the videos run just fine, once it loads at the point of “Replay”.
One thing, too, is that I use NoCharge.com for free (they have the purchase plan too, but I like the Free plan best) IP connection – since around 2002. They’re not fast, usual speed is 49.2Kbps but have been very reliable. After earthlink crashed my computer twice with their yearly updates the tech downloaded Nocharge and I won’t switch. You might check it out.
my left foot@101…. i realize [especially now] that reading isn’t your strong point.it was obvious to everyone but you that i was commenting on what trolls my husband’s sisters are.
and yes, I-burn…looks aren’t everything or even anything really. but when you have a whole state full of hideous “women” and effeminate “men” that think they are all that and a bag o’ chips…..you really have to point it out.
especially since they are as ugly personality wise as they are physically…….
i especially loved the old hag that said “but i was outside the democratic convention in the 60’s picketing and….” and then, thankfully a MAN cut her off and started talking. watch her face. if looks could kill…..
come to think of it……we don’t need troops in iraq. we could just drop these “women” down over there and in a few days the men would say uncle just so they would have some peace and quiet.
because women in wa. state are so repulsive that their looks really could kill……
nyuk nyuk nyuk………
Since it’s the province of Dems to spend, spend, spend (check the Washington State budget), as a Republican I wouldn’t know.
My point, however, is that it’s tiresome to listen to you whine about your inability to keep up with everyone else and then listen to you whine about how you’re not going to do anything about it.
Either get with the program – with the rest of even the vast majority of the HA Happy Hooligans – or shut your pie hole about the issue.
And if you think you have to spend $40/month for broadband, you’re not a savvy shopper.
And listening to your complaings about what a lousy job you had as a government lawyer is also wearisome. Why didn’t you quit and go someplace better? Or do a better job in your union bargaining wages, hours, and conditions?
Yours is a condition common to libs: always complaining about how lousy your life is yet you evidence nothing to indicate you did anything to change it while you could. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
On the one hand you brag about the Midas-level value of your portfolio, then you whine about how lousy you have it with dial up (still at 28K?) and having no retiree health insurance.
Get a grip dude. Until YOU’VE lived on a fixed income, don’t sneer at those of us that do.
I notice that friends & relatives pressuring or sneering about my own lack of fancy cable TV channels (I have ‘Basic’ Cable, in order to get any reception at all) and non-High Speed Internet (I’m still on dial-up). Us Retirees have ‘more time than money’. – – The people who cop the attitude usually still have a job with employer paid benefits. ME? I would rather save the money for silly luxury items such as Medical/Dental Insurance. Yes, we City Employees get a whopping 1.5% COLA per year but it ain’t a drop in the bucket to the monthly increase in medical insurance. That went from $238/month in 2001 up to $653/mo last year 2007 to cover this single person! I’ve now had to switch to Group Health and drop all my own doctors.
I DO have to laugh, though. Best friend making $30plus/hr and all paid benefits, after I retired could ONLY go to Fancy Restaurants when dining with me. She sneered as such ‘dives’ as Country Buffet or Larry’s Mkt salad bar. Hell, even McDonalds with good company seemed like a treat to me! She just HAD to have restaurants such as Tony Roma’s or Outback or it was a no-go because it didn’t please her palate – even when I told her I couldn’t afford. After we HAD to do the California Pizza at $17 each (split ticket&tip) for my lunch and there wasn’t even enough for a doggy bag and another meal, I stopped eating out with her. She just retired last Sept and not only discovered the drop in pay but needing to pay her own Med/Dental. Oh my goodness, what a change in attitude.
Wish they had an ignore button here, Piper, I stopped reading your snooty tunes some time ago. Please take your attitude and . . . . put it elsewhere. Tiresome.
@ 111.
Come to think of it, that Best Friend is a Repub too. Maybe the snootiness is in the genes?!?
The offer Comcast has to bundle phone service, cable TV, and broadband Internet is pretty good. Went to it a long time ago, and haven’t had to pay a long-distance bill in forever! And if you pressure them, you can keep your intro rate for as long as you stay with them.
BTW…you have NO idea the level of income upon which I live or the expenses I have…What you don’t hear are complaints or bemoaning my sad state or whatever.
Not to say that I’m either up, down or sideways; the deal is that my life is my responsibility and my problem EXCLUSIVELY! The decisions I’ve made I must be held accountable for, and I can’t look to anyone, including government, to insulate me from the folly of my efforts or lack thereof.
In addition, I know there are posters at HA whose personal situations make all of ours pale in comparison. How do I know this? Because as strange as it seems, I’ve made a few friends among the Happy Hooligans, and we occassionally exchange off-HA messages about this, that or the other. Like combatents in the ring, we duke it out here, but once we step out, we share a deeper, respectful friendship.
Whatever happened to your nephew, BTW?
The Piper
Roger TMspews:
FricknFrack says:
@ 110, Piper
Get a grip dude. Until YOU’VE lived on a fixed income, don’t sneer at those of us that do.
Wish they had an ignore button here, Piper, I stopped reading your snooty tunes some time ago. Please take your attitude and . . . . put it elsewhere. Tiresome. FricknFrack sorry to hear that the city couldn’t give you more money for retirement or any increase in the COLA. The rest of us get 20% increase in our city utilities bills and that don’t include taxes. Today nobody can retire with what your employer puts into your account, let along what you get on SSI. Now it appears you have to move somewhere else if you want to survive on your retirement. Don’t beat up on Piper about your poor judgment on your employer and bad investments that you made in the past. The last thing on Piper mind is your retirement and your bad luck. He doesn’t have to live with it nor be overly sensitive about it because it’s not his problem its’ yours. Yes I understand your problem and made sure I wasn’t facing the same delirium that you do today. Yes I have retired from two jobs and really don’t need to work today but somebody have to help Roger Rabbit and folks like you. Maybe you might consider working a QFC bagging grocers to make up the difference. Just a small suggestion no insult intended. Another suggestion I gave to my troops don’t let other folks take control of your happiness that is your responsibility only. Smile life could be worst and your friends could all be dead. Make the best of what you have and you will enjoy your friends no matter what party they belong to or support.
That’s not my style…Whenever I dine with someone, I either pick up the tab or let them choose the place. On the odd occasion when I’m someone’s guest, I always let them order first, then order nothing more expensive, and, if I can, something cheaper.
Now, I can’t say that I prefer Royal Fork at any time, but there are other cost-conscious places to eat. Worse comes to worse, I make the best BBQ in the PNW! And that’s no lie! Everything from the traditional (brisket, baby-back ribs, chicken, salmon) to things like turkey, leg of lamb and all kinds of veggies. You can always come to my place for a friendly meal.
The Piper
My Left Footspews:
Just flew right over your head.
I am not surprised.
proud leftistspews:
Piper: “What you don’t hear are complaints or bemoaning my sad state or whatever.”
On that topic, m’lad, we most certainly are of one mind.
When you guys post videos, could you at least throw in enough text to explain what the video is about? Those of us with POTS can’t download videos, so we have no idea what the thread is about.
Paul you need to get a better camera man next time. Now which one of the old goats is Roger Rabbit in the video? The Rabbit name Joel or the other old fart standing off on the left of the room? Yep the Socialist Democrat Party is really looking its part and missing the blue collar workers. Oh! Where are the Hispanic voters on that video still crossing the border? Really like that modern school that Seattle keeps open for the poor children of Seattle. Now who will fix that Obama, Hillary, Huckabee, or McCain? Maybe it’s your job to fix your own mess of your own making with the Governor providing the leadership. Maybe you might start with a good camera man and a new set of smoke and mirrors. Folks don’t look for any President to make your life happy. That problem resides in your-self to fix not some government worker. You are the only one who controls your destiny not your Governor or city worker who sleeps in every day. Yes Roger Rabbit has problems breathing so don’t drive your Volks Wagon car in Green Lake, now ride your bike.
Roger Rabbit says:
When you guys post videos, could you at least throw in enough text to explain what the video is about? Those of us with POTS can’t download videos, so we have no idea what the thread is about.
Roger you didn’t miss anything just bad camera work and the same old song.
Over on SP, Sharkansky doesn’t allow comments on his own posts anymore. Wish he did, so someone can ask him what he has to say about this
So What, Exactly, Did We Vote For Yesterday?
” … Barack Obama was looking for some way to sharpen the distinction [between him and] … the other candidates. He settled on the word ‘change.’ … Many voters did believe in Obama’s message, enough to propel him into a dead heat with Clinton on Super Tuesday. …
“Others, however, … are less interested in ringing calls for change than specific promises to provide health care or child care. Some are just plain skeptical that Obama can deliver …. They know that presidential candidates have been promising to change the nation’s capital as long as they can remember. … Voters are almost invariably disappointed …. Presidents come and go; lobbyists and special-interest groups, it seems, are forever.
“That doesn’t mean … the presidency is … inconsequential or that change does not happen. It’s just that the change rarely has much to do with campaign promises, and everything to do with unexpected events, from Pearl Harbor to 9/11.
“Presidents can bring … symbolic and tonal changes. Just as JFK brought an aura of youth and vigor to Washington, Obama … will be seen around the world as something new and different from the government of George W. Bush.
“Occasionally, a president … can change the governing paradigm, from liberal to conservative or back again. But the success of most presidencies depends far less on promises and rhetoric than the way presidents deal with surprises.
“A look at Obama’s record shows that he is far more an incrementalist than a bold change agent. … The change Obama has in mind revolves around ending partisan deadlock. … This has always been Obama’s approach: he is a consensus politician, not a radical.
“He does not advocate sweeping policy overhauls …. His approach to governing is closer to Bill Clinton’s ‘Third Way’ strategy. Obama’s style has always been inclusive and accommodating … he has … learned to adjust to different, and sometimes conflicting, points of view. …
“Such crowd-pleasing can unjustifiably raise expectations. If Obama is elected president … he will disappoint some of his more-ecstatic believers if he doesn’t achieve world peace and end hunger in the first 100 days.
“Hillary Clinton’s approach to change has evolved over time. As a student leader … she was an effective compromiser …. But as First Lady in the Clinton administration, she … brooked no dissent to her massive health-care-reform plan …. As a senator, she has reached across the aisle. … The catch is that voters can never be sure which Clinton they will get day to day, says Carl Bernstein, the former Washington Post reporter ….
“Of course, it is equally hard to predict how Obama would react to the severe and often surprising challenges of the presidency. That is the problem with gauging the characters of presidential candidates: you can’t really know until it’s too late.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://www.newsweek.com/id/109588
@3 klake, when I need your help, you’ll be the first to know. Until then, fuck off.
@2: roger TM
I don’t know how you are – but you sound like a poor, bitter republican. You can only sit at your computer and try to criticize the democrats. meanwhile, your sorry republican party is going extinct in this state. You are outnumbered and losing almost every major election. Even in Eastern washinton people are disillusioned with the Bush corruption and ineptness.
In this state your sorry party can’t even report out of most of the precinct and you will probably have less than 30% of the turnout of the democrats. Your rpresumed nominee can’t even get more than about 25% of the total vote and the democrats are overflowing with newly committed party members intent on taking back the white house.
No wonder you are bitter.
Stan says:
Over on SP, Sharkansky doesn’t allow comments on his own posts anymore. Wish he did, so someone can ask him what he has to say about this
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/a rchives/177811.php
Stan maybe Ron Sims didn’t or did count those 60,000 ballots last night. Maybe King County is back to stuffing the ballot box again. Hell those folks from Canada came down to vote, shop, and gamble at the Indian Reservation on their way back home. Wouldn’t want to disenfranchise the local voters would we Stan?
correctnotright says:
@2: roger TM
I don’t know how you are – but you sound like a poor, bitter republican. You can only sit at your computer and try to criticize the democrats. Meanwhile (meanwhile), you’re (you) sorry Republican Party is going extinct in this state. You are outnumbered and losing almost every major election. Even in Eastern Washington (washinton) people are disillusioned with the Bush corruption and ineptness.
In this state your sorry party can’t even report out of most of the precinct and you will probably have less than 30% of the turnout of the democrats. Your presumed (rpresumed) nominee can’t even get more than about 25% of the total vote and the democrats are overflowing with newly committed party members intent on taking back the white house.
No wonder you are bitter.
02/10/2008 at 12:09 pm
NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone must have when out and voted as a Socialist Democrat instead as a Republican. OH!!!!! I fixed your spelling errors.
Folks is that Roger Rabbit the fourth one from the left or that old goat name Joel in that video? Now which one is Paul?
Roger Rabbit says:
@3 klake, when I need your help, you’ll be the first to know. Until then, fuck off.
02/10/2008 at 12:05 pm
Roger Rabbit you need all the help you can get you are just a retired government worker living on a very small pension with not med’s. Yep you government workers don’t have a thing to worry because this state is run by Socialist Democrats and they will stuff your pockets with gold coins. Remember Global warming folks tune up your bikes and save the world. Besides Roger Rabbit has a hard time breathing over there in Green Lake with all that smog from the Eastside.
@7 @2 is klake
@8 Whine. Cry. Stamp feet. Throw toys. http://tinyurl.com/34rxs5
Roger Rabbit says:
@8 Whine. Cry. Stamp feet. Throw toys. http://tinyurl.com/34rxs5
02/10/2008 at 12:37 pm
Nice picture of your grandson Roger Rabbit now which old goat is you in the video?
Folks this sounds like King County are they cooking the books? Maybe not Roger Rabbit was down there with Ron Sims making sure every votes count except the military ones. Did anyone at the caucus meetings see a solider there in uniform serving in Iraq or Afghanistan? How was their voice heard a half a world away, and don’t their VOTE count? Roger Rabbit did you count those 60,000 plus ballots last night? NO!!!! MAYBE!!!!! NOT!!!!!
The pre-election polls have often been wrong, and news organizations’ counts of delegates won by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have varied so widely — and changed so often — that some readers are confused and suspicious. “Is there a chance the books are being cooked?”
@6 Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent:
Careful Wabbit, without taxpayers like Klake you wouldn’t get your cheese. How’s that OCD doing?
This thread is heavily polluted with the lunatic ravings of the klakester the flakester.
So sad and irrelevant yet a perfect representative of that corrupt, bankrupt entity called the GOP.
No one cares about your delusional liberal crap either there YLB. Let me guess; you do’t work for a living either.
@15: Yup – Republican whiner.
Hope you have fun in the shrinking loser party. And by the way- those ain’t spelling errors those are typos.
If you want errors go to:
Those are the idiots (read: republicans and bush) who brought you:
The unnecessary war Iraq
the failure to catch bin Laden
the record budget deficits
the failing economy
record trade deficits
Incompetence of Katrina
the corruption of Abramoff
The “out of the closet” legislators (Larry Craig et al)
The admitted adulterers (Vitter)
Illegal spying
alberto gonzalez and Mukasey (Attorney Generals who disregard the law and who believe in moral relativism – torture is only bad if other people do it.)
Obviously,if those people and Bush are your heroes – you are in big trouble.
The real American people (particularly the working class) are waking up to the long national nightmare of Bush and Republicans and they are mad as hell and going to boot you fools out of office for good.
nice link, stan. i think josh marshall picked up on my comment last night. anyone who hangs out in luke esser’s basement want to shed some light on the process?
Those are the idiots (read: whiney liberals, Democrats in general and/or Mrs. Gregoire) who brought you:
The unnecessary war Iraq (Hillary voted for it)
The record budget deficeits (2010 projected for the State)
The failing economy and a looming recession
The corruption & total incompetence of Dean Logan and the King County Elections Office
The admitted adulterer (Bill Clinton)
Massive pork spending and special interest bullshit
Public campaign funding with OUR tax dollars
A 33% Statewide budget increase (The largest ever)
Nancy Pelosi sticking her nose where it doesen’t belong in making foreign policy
Mrs. Gregoire’s ridiculous wasteful idea of millions for suicide prevention devices on bridges, a down in flames DUI “checkpoint” proposal
Mrs. Gregoire’s failure on the Alaskan Way Viaduct
Mrs. Gregoire’s failure to fix the ferry system
Seattle Mayor Nickels son arrested and charged with felony grand theft
Dead people, pets, apparitions, felons, illegals, found to have voted. (Not to mention ACORN.)
Maria Cant-vote-well (Too much incompetence to list in this forum)
Ditzy Darcy Burner’s pathetic empty-suit blithering in her campaign against George Bush.
“What we did last summer, by Congress:”
Oh Mr. “Government Cheese” Tourettes chimes in.
Here’s a video of the mama beater in action. I bet you voted for that guy.
@22 Your Liberal Bullshit:
That’s all you got? Ouch!
23 – That’s all that’s needed for the likes of you.
See you in November. Loser.
@21: Nice Mark – Way to ansewer about your own party and their problems – blame clinton. soon you won’t have that horse to flog.
Republicans: the party of ineptness and corruption.And of whiners who deflect blame – like Mark. Just like a republican to not accept responsibility.
Mark1- here’s George Will’s take on the Republicans in congress. ANy response other than, “and so do you!”
Talk about waste, corruption and lies.
correctnotright says:
@15: Yup – Republican whiner.
Hope you have fun in the shrinking loser party. And by the way- those isn’t (ain’t) spelling errors those are typos.
If you want errors go to:
Obviously, if those people and Bush are your heroes – you are in big trouble.
The real American people (particularly the working class) are waking up to the long national nightmare of Bush and Republicans and they are mad as hell and going to boot you fools out of office for good.
02/10/2008 at 1:10 pm
Yep you are as funny as that rabbit name Roger, but what happen to the blue collar workers in Seattle? When I go downtown all I see are poor folks begging on the streets, government workers, and rich elitists Socialist Democrats living in high rise towers. Now those few middle class who come to Seattle to build those towers come from the Eastside or just crossing the Southern Border. The only way you know they are there the deposit their pay checks at Bank of America. They even help those from South of the Border by printing everything in Spanish. Funny may ballot was in English and Chinese but not Spanish what’s up folks you don’t like the Hispanic voters. Maybe you might include French so all your Canadian friends can vote in the next election, wouldn’t want to disenfranchise our Northern friends either. Now correctnotright is a real funny name maybe you might want to change it so not to offend some Republican voter. Maybe something that better matches you emotional state rather than your real large knowledge base of hot air. Remember hot air cause Global Warming and burning trees on the Eastside will not help Roger Rabbit breathing, so tone it down.
Your hypocrisy is delightful!
@24: And sorry to say YLB, but the likes of you strongly resembles an unimportant pimple on the ass of life. I wish you luck with that.
klake- are you 8 years old, mentally impared or on drugs? Those are the only explanations I see for your posts.
On second thought, you can’t be 8. Your posts are beneath that level.
Ha! Your corrupt party couldn’t keep the Craswell crazies at home and they showed up in force to vote for Huckabee.
Now you losers are trying to suppress their votes.
You guys just can’t stop cheating and losing.
@30 Your Liberal Bullshit:
You never answered my question from before on if you are employed or not. Just curious. How’s your parents’ basement working out for ya? And the rest of your post is so delusional that it is simply not worthy of acknowledgement let alone a response.
Im not all that happy with Bush either but it looks like
Hillary or Obama very likely could win. I think Ill kick back on welfare and unemployment maybe drink alot so I can
have Sims hand me a brand new apartment right next to some
superfast train of the future. Can I smoke in my free apartment? OOPs i slipped on the free stairs and hurt my back. WHERE is John Edwards when I need him? Does this
“accident” make me eligible for Labor and Industries? Do
I seem bitter? I need counseling, maybe Gregoire could extend my couseling coverage since I quit my job and, you know, its just not “fair” cause my boss is mean. Im a
republican and I approve this message.
YLB…….haven’t you heard? neither party cares about washington state. it doesn’t matter.they all moved on five minutes after the polls closed and they aren’t looking back.and one of obama’s people made the stunningly true statement that “washington state is not a ‘bellwether’ for anything. we knew how they would vote. the whole nation knew how they would vote ahead of time, it was just a matter of which DEMOCRAT they chose”
in other words……YAWN.
The turnout for the respective parties’ caucuses yesterday demonstrates how little is left of the GOP in this state (elsewhere, too, of course). Given that party’s animosity toward the Endangered Species Act, there is irony in that its few remaining members in this state may be entitled to the Act’s protection. I would have to say, however, that snail darters produce more of value than does today’s Republican Party.
k says:
klake- are you 8 years old, mentally impaired (impared) or on drugs? Those are the only explanations I see for your posts.
On second thought, you can’t be 8. Your posts are beneath that level.
02/10/2008 at 1:39 pm
K you must be a government worker without a voice and a name or don’t like hearing the truth about yourself. The amassing thing is when there is a government Holiday there isn’t any traffic problems. Maybe if we band government from doing business downtown we could save the taxpayer tons of money. Hell let’s not do just that how about cutting their personnel by two thirds saving the taxes payer more money. Hell you can join Roger Rabbit in Green Lake growing your organic garden and not needing food stamps. Maybe if you are nice to your friends south of the border they will pick your crops and you can learn Spanish. Print the ballot in Spanish and they will vote for you also at the next election. Remember to ride your bike into Seattle so Roger Rabbit can breathe fresh air tomorrow. OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot that’s it’s been a long time since I was eight years old and we didn’t have web site back then either. As for drugs I sent them to Roger Rabbit over in Green Lake he has greater need for them than I.
and now, hillary and barack ,in the height of idiocy are both wooing john “i can’t even carry my own state” edwards. now…that’s just classic.
how does it feel to be a part of a political party that is SO STUPID that you can’t even beat someone [GWB] who by your own words, is too stupid to be working at a burger joint???
and you guys will do it again too. you have no control over jethro…..and jethro is pissed.
this is going to be so much fun……..
the kids fight and the adults get the white house.
klake- I am a government worker with considerable influence with both Republican and Democratic elected officials.
You, on the other hand are incapable is stringing together a sentence (“amassing….band”). So get your jollys with your incoherent rants. If they are indicitive of your intellegence level, it’s surprising you find your way out the door.
I just watched the video. That group as a whole wouldn’t
be able to think their way out that building if the roof caught on fire. That guy that started that meeting with the
big grey beard is Roger Rabbit. They reminded me of a glance into the teachers lounge when I was young. Not too
many of that group are far from government employ, I assure you.
Better yet, Rabbit, take some of that kwan you’ve earned in the market and get yourself a high-speed Internet connection. Why should everyone and his mother be forced to go no faster than the least common download denominator?
Get with the program, keep up to speed, and understand that to be competitive, you can’t demand others wait for you, but you have to be ahead of others.
That you’re stuck in dial-up mode explains a lot about your politics and personality. Reminds me of the bumpkin traveller who didn’t like going overseas ’cause all those countries were filled with foreigners who spoke foreign languages; couldn’t they speak English like the rest of us?
Time for you to juice it up!
The Piper
i had forgotten [scrubbed it from my memory] just how repulsive and creepy the pod people are in western washington state.
why, for instance, do all the women LOOK EXACTLY alike???
and why do all the “men” look as if they haven’t seen any testosterone in their entire lives?
have they heard of dentists?
clothes that aren’t from the 60’s recycling bin?
and baths??????
how about jobs?
no??? no kidding……..
YUCK YUCK YUCK……. all you libs will be thrilled to note that i am completely nauseous right now thanks to that video. the down side? so is every other american that has seen the peeps of ww.
Marks and ghost- no response to George Will’s take on the Republicans’ performance in Congress?
Can’t slam him with the liberal label.
Any Republican who is enjoying this campaign is so delusional as to be a candidate for a guardianship. Do you have someone to manage your affairs? Does someone have your power of attorney? If you have any assets to protect or medical decisions to make, I’d suggest you get someone sane to watch over you. Actually, the same advice would go to all the Republicans posting on this thread–you guys are a nutcase dream team.
Re: my post @ 42. Sorry, I didn’t realize you had posted when I made my reference to the nutcase dream team. You’re wrong on your politics, but I don’t suspect you need a guardian.
Mark1 says:
@30 Your Liberal Bullshit:
You never answered my question from before on if you are employed or not. Just curious. How’s your parents’ basement working out for ya? And the rest of your post is so delusional that it is simply not worthy of acknowledgement let alone a response.
@30 Your Liberal Bullshit: maybe this lead will help you get a great job give Laquita Mosley a visit it might change your whole life. Hell you might get a job with a salary with $6,239.00 dollars a month and be a real manger. They don’t require any experience and more than willing to train you and you get to work at home. Now Roger Rabbit will like that it will keep the pollutants down in Green Lake. But what they will like most of all is your positive attitude, honesty, and integrity. Now that is a real line of bull shit do you really need any help on your resume?
mark@38………so, are you just teasing or is that bloated old fool really roger rabbit? it’s funny, because that’s exactly the way i pictured him too. big fat gut hanging out through his unbuttoned shirt…classy……
and he doesn’t seem sick at all.but then, i must be wrong because a democrat would never lie right?
like when he said he was 60 and had been in vietnam and that’s “probably” what was wrong with him, but then he went on just a few threads later and said that doctor’s have been trying to figure out what was wrong with him for 50 years.
uh huh. there’s that crazy dem math again.
vietnam…my arse…….
PL……..you are such a teaser. wishful thinking again?
i am the vice president and majority owner of a biotech firm.
keep your spirits up………you’ll need all that hot air come november.
Your judgmentalism is consistent with core Republican values. Your holier-than-thou horseshit is what turns off the average voter. That attitude, among a multitude of others, is why your party is seeping back into the muck. Judging people by the way they look–wow, grow up, darling.
It’s just Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent’s way to a illegitimate disability claim so he can let his OCD disorder flourish and be on here all the live long day, without working or paying taxes. He’s crusty, old and bitter, and needs help. After all he couldn’t possibly be a productive member of society; we couldn’t have that now, could we?
Piper Scott @ 39
I have to agree with you on that one. Perish the thought. But Roger should pay a few bucks for some high speed internet. A pension for a government lawyer isn’t exactly peanuts.
.haven’t you heard? neither party cares about washington state.
Ha! That’s why Hillary and Barack show up here. Barack fills the Key Arena with 18000 w/ 3000 more outside listening to speakers. Hillary packs both the places she spoke and had to turn away people?
Your beloved McCain – was it 400 at the Westin?
Your corrupt party is so hosed!
Obama is winning the Maine caucuses, 57% to 42% over Clinton, with about 40% of the caucus locations reporting. Doesn’t look like a good next couple of weeks for Clinton, with 20%+ blowouts likely in favor of Obama in Maryland and Virginia, and near totality in DC on February 12, followed by a likely Obama victory in Wisconsin on February 19, and a certain Obama landslide in Hawaii on February 26.
@50 Your Liberal Bullshit:
Still waiting on you on your employment status…….
Hey Republican folks- reports are in that Romney wins the Maine caucus. Guess you guys are really happy with McCain.
As I estimated in the previous thread, based on actual Republican voter counts in Pierce, Clark and Cowlitz counties, there were only about 20,000 Republicans participating in the GOP precinct caucuses in the entire state.
The Democratic turnout has been conservatively estimated at over 200,000, but I would think it is probably actually a bit over 300,000 statewide. In any event, a better than 10-1 Democratic margin in caucus attendance.
The ratio of 400 people attending McCain at the Westin, 21,000 attending Obama at Key Arena, and 10,000 attending Clinton at the Seattle waterfront and PLU put together — these are all approximately in proportion to the numbers who caucused for each of these candidates yesterday!
christmasghost says:
mark@38………so, are you just teasing or is that bloated old fool really roger rabbit? it’s funny, because that’s exactly the way i pictured him too. big fat gut hanging out through his unbuttoned shirt…classy……
and he doesn’t seem sick at all.but then, i must be wrong because a democrat would never lie right?
like when he said he was 60 and had been in vietnam and that’s “probably” what was wrong with him, but then he went on just a few threads later and said that doctor’s have been trying to figure out what was wrong with him for 50 years.
uh huh. there’s that crazy dem math again.
vietnam…my arse…….
Christmasghost maybe he got that strange strain of VD that affects his breathing or maybe jungle rot that spread into other strange places. You might consider that he is still in Vietnam fighting that war and needs some mental help. Now that will never happen because Socialist Democrats never have a mental problems just ask him? Yes they do used different math than you and I used on a daily bases. Their approach to math is what is yours is mind and don’t you even try to take it back. Kind of like a death threat you know. Now don’t light your fireplaces on the Eastside Roger Rabbit can’t deal with the smoke.
K @ 53
Actually, the Republican caucuses in Maine were on February 2, 2008 — last Saturday, before Romney withdrew. Even so, McCain still only had 21% — not quite as bad as getting 21% as the presumptive nominee of course, but still not very good at all.
52 – I don’t take orders from mean-spirited authoritarian whackos like you.
You can return to that “government cheese” tourettes act you’re so fond of.
Mark1 – you’re good for something after all. Check out my new handle.
What do you think it means?
@57 Your Liberal Bullshit:
It wasn’t an order, merely a question. Sounds like your unemployed, which I know I am shocked to find out. And @58: Don’t care, didn’t ask.
Christmas, Just joking around but it is just what I envisioned he looked like. I love the “pod people”
remark. Where does that term come from? As far as their look, they are slightly odd. The guys always got picked last for sports and the girls never made cheerleader.
PROUD, I would never make fun of the way someone looked
even though I myself am extremely good looking (just ask
my mom). We just noticed as a group “pod” they just don’t
appear very capable, thats all.
YLB………my party is hosed? no sweetie. more people didn’t bother to show up because we already have a nominee.didn’t you hear?
the dems turned out in such huge numbers because
A. what else is there to do in seattle? get real
B. they are thrilled that they get to be a part of something. anything. anything at all…they are the desperate attention whores. and they sure aren’t getting any attention for their looks or smarts.
C. they love to hear themselves talk and they *might* even get national air time. they didn’t though…isn’t that amusing?
as my cousin put it….some people are just too creepy to take pictures of….heh heh heh
and proud leftist…….no, i am not judgmental. it just was such a shock to actually see the repulsive creepy “pod people” all over again. like i said…..i had wiped their sheer repulsiveness out of my head.
for me, living in washington state, even in gag harbor, was just one long “i need a lysol bath” moment after another.
as an example my super liberal friend came up to visit. she said she was sure i was making up how revolting the people were both physically and “intellectually”
then she saw for herself. she is the one that named them pod people. she kept hissing at me “look, they travel in pairs and you can’t tell which is the female and which is the male”
i had to break it to her that there wasn’t a difference….kinda like “earthworms with less credentials”.
and don’t steal that line…it’s mine and copyrighted….
You don’t think much of it then. Oh well.
Believe whatever you want. It’s a free country. Unfortunately for your kind pursuing right wing fantasies leads to less than optimal outcomes like the drubbing you’re going to take in November.
WHAT?? “k” got caught lying???
say it ain’t so!!! trying to shill again? but why……….IF you guys are so sure of yourselves? why lie?
i would love to hear about that “job” too……..this classic”52 – I don’t take orders from mean-spirited authoritarian whackos like you”
was the last thing the idiot said to his boss before he got fired…….
i just love the “mean spirited” remark. it shows what a real thinker he is. coming up with his own lines that way and all……….i guess he was just too overqualified to work at burger king after all……..
Richard Pope says:
Obama is winning the Maine caucuses, 57% to 42% over Clinton, with about 40% of the caucus locations reporting. Doesn’t look like a good next couple of weeks for Clinton, with 20%+ blowouts likely in favor of Obama in Maryland and Virginia, and near totality in DC on February 12, followed by a likely Obama victory in Wisconsin on February 19, and a certain Obama landslide in Hawaii on February 26.
02/10/2008 at 2:33 pm
Richard Pope what office do you plan to run for next? Maybe you can apply for a job over at 710-KIRO as a talk host covering this year elections. They need a new voice on their radio network that brings fair and balance reporting. Huckabee is now challenging the results of the Washington state Republican caucuses of calling the election before all the votes were counted. What is your take on this statement?
Washington State Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser announced late Saturday that McCain had won the 2008 Republican caucuses in the state with 87.2 percent of precincts reporting. McCain had 25.5 percent over Huckabee’s 23.7 percent in that race.
Esser issued a statement congratulating McCain on a “hard-fought win,” and Huckabee on a “strong second-place finish.”
Ed Rollins, Huckabee campaign chairman, directly challenged Esser’s move, saying the count was incomplete because the other 12.8 percent of precincts could tip the scales since McCain was beating Huckabee by only a couple hundred votes.
What lie, ghost? I missed the date of the Maine republican caucus. Big deal. My point regarding the lack of enthusiasm for McCain stands.
Read the link to the George Will story and defend your party.
we already have a nominee.
How sad. The winner takes all nature of your primaries perfectly illustrate the authoritarian nature of your party.
So the sad rank and file of your party are sitting it out from here on out. That may have worked for you in the past but I sure doubt it here.
So is McCain going to do a Bush 2000 from here on out? Mouthing centrist lies while sending out “dog whistles” to the base?
As for your “friend” – superficiality doesn’t faze me a bit. You’ve told that tired story many times before Ghost. It has as much effect as the tired talking points mumbled by the “nominee” of your party now in its death throes.
mark…i expected them to break into a rousing rendition of kumbaya anytime…….
oh well…i think roger probably does look like that too. and he looks just like a guy i got to fire [what a great day] just before i moved the manufacturing plant back to california. the old salmon i am married to had his chance to migrate back home ,and then he saw “home” didn’t exist anymore.it had been taken over by whiny idiots from the east coast. they had already crapped up their own nests so they had to move on. big fish meet little pond. they feel so important there too.
and mark, my husband is a washington native [i try not to hold it against him] and he is very handsome..in a movie star sort of way……so there are exceptions to the rule. my husband claims that people USED to be better looking there…and that all the ugs [as he calls them] moved in from out of state. i don’t know about that…i have seen his sisters…….heh heh heh
funny ghost, a substantial number of the immigrants to Washington are from California.
YLB…..you are as tedious as you are boring.
i am so relieved that YOU don’t like the GOP nominee. but i do, and i’m a republican.and frankly, who cares what you think?
it’s all whistling past the graveyard from you at this point because ,unless i am very much mistaken, you know as well as i do the crap that is about to descend on obama’s head from the clinton slime machine.
i have the popcorn all ready..this will be great fun.
and if you think mccain is a terrible choice for us why aren’t you happier?
because ,occasionally, even you can read? and you have heard the dem strategists all say the same thing….we don’t want to run against mccain.
as for your silly assertion that “winner take all” is somehow wrong. oh please……..what could possibly be more wrong than SUPER DELEGATES? talk about elitist bullcrap!
just wait till they start switching sides! and to think…even union leaders are super delegates!! yeah…cause we all know that the american people shouldn’t be electing the president or anything. my god, they are way too stupid. and the best part? we have all the sound clips of you liberal idiots saying that…..
No, you’re the one wrong on YOUR politics. But no offense taken since often your tongue is firmly planted against your cheek.
Of course, however, a quick change of the political party in your analysis is applicable to so many of the HA Happy Hooligans, of whom so many apply to be on the nutcase dream team that there’s a draft to select who shall be on the squad.
The Piper
i heard it time and again. and people that bounced into california from terra haute or some other god forsaken place and couldn’t fit in [no brains]don’t count.
really………..prove it. where is the source for that old lame BS?
Are you ever capable of objectivity? Your rant about how people look up here proves your small mindedness. Those people in the video looked like damned fine folks to me, not the botoxed, liposuctioned, designer-jeaned folks of southern California. With regard to your neck of the woods, Humboldt County, have you ever looked at your neighbors? I have relatives in Humboldt County and have spent considerable time there. I like the people there, but your claim that they are measurably better looking than Seattle residents–do you know how stupid you sound? And, with regard to your claim that there’s nothing to do in Seattle? Tell that to the world. I’ve had my fill of tourists for awhile. Girl, you’ve outdone yourself today, and despite steep competition, you get today’s Most Delusional Whackjob award. Congrats. See if the old man will take you out to dinner at the hot dog stand in the nearest town over to celebrate.
@16 Oh, I’m still sick. It takes a week for antibiotics to kick in. And I suppose every cough kills a little more lung tissue. I ain’t dead yet, but I won’t make it to DL this Tuesday.
oh PL.no real answers? what a surprise. and you sounded so clever too. hot dog stands and all. belittling any?
i love it when the droolers like you say don’t be judgmental and then go on to do that exactly. and you are too stupid to even see it.
and ,honey, we are not talking about southern california….but if we were, those “women” in the clip could sure use some botox. or maybe just tweezers and waxing…..
i never thought i would actually see a group of women that are so hideous that i would be forced[against my belief that it’s wrong to use botox] to urge them to USE BOTOX.
so…you have a relative in humboldt county. why! that practically makes you an expert. pray tell….and where do these imaginary relatives live?
@39 Piper – The idea is to save and invest, not borrow and spend; but as a Republican, you wouldn’t understand that, would you?
PL.this has to be the best example of left wing idiocy ever…see if you can even see it.
“Your rant about how people look up here proves your small mindedness. Those people in the video looked like damned fine folks to me,”
i’ll bet you don’t…….
I mean, really, is it worth $40 a month just to watch GOP whackjobs beat up their mothers? I’d rather buy a share of stock with it. Remember, dividends are taxed only 1/3 as much as wages, so every $40 invested is like $120 earned.
roger…come on, here you are at death’s door and you tell us that even with all your v-genious investing skills [big oil etc.] that you can’t afford cable without a loan?
say it ain’t so, rog…….
I just do not understand why anyone would attempt to debate christmas ghost? She makes absolutely no sense, and as such stands no chance of rethinking her nonsensical views.
She doesn’t even seem to try to actually make rational posts. I believe she thinks she comes off as as Ann Coulter-esque figure. And to makes matters worse, she seems to think that would be a GOOD thing.
Why bother trading jabs with someone who hardly exists at all?
k says:
Mark1- here’s George Will’s take on the Republicans in congress. ANy response other than, “and so do you!”
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/ opinion/350614_will10.html
Talk about waste, corruption and lies.
In his State of the Union address, the president vowed to veto any appropriation bill “that does not cut the number and cost of earmarks in half.” Coburn tartly notes that although Congress hardly needs 5,500 earmarks — half of last year’s total — the president’s goal would be met if Republicans themselves quit earmarking. That fact goes far to explain the Republicans’ current and future minority status
Now if the Republicans would only cooperate with the President we wouldn’t be short of funding for neither the AWV nor the 520 floating bridge. You know all the earmark funding needs to go into Socialist Democrats states and no roads or bridges to nowhere like Seattle’s light rail. Now if we could only clean up the corruption in Louisiana and Florida everybody will be happy. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now K what do you expect of any politician today be honest? Now that is a real joke but you don’t see anyone laughing do you about any party? Even government workers today can’t ID themselves because it might reflect back on those they slave for in their government jobs. Yes K you have no voice and your boss can do whatever he wants and you will keep your mouth shut. Now that is the type of loyal worker you want in your government and you have no trouble sleeping at night. Now when you cross the 520 bridge how many ramps are block off today? Better yet why does the highway drop off into the inside lane of I5 instead of the outside lane? Yes government workers at their best make a mess out of everything and later try to fix it right. But what was good old George F. Will writing about?
Seven weeks have passed and nothing has happened. Young, 74, one of whose former aides pleaded guilty to bribery charges involving the jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff, is the subject of an FBI investigation concerning another matter, and faces strong opposition to a 19th term. Recently two more House Republicans — the total is now 28 — announced their retirements, evidence that Republicans do not expect soon to end their minority status that began 17 months after the Coconut Road earmark alteration.
Now what do you wanted to bring to the table K? Maybe you need to read a book “Why the Democrats are Blue” they say Democrats read more than Republicans. Funny they didn’t consider the Socialist Democrats when they did the survey.
@48 “without working or paying taxes”
You got a problem with me living like a Republican? Why should goopers get all the gravy? Why shouldn’t I get some of those dividends and tax breaks too?
The Blatantly Obvious[ly goldy]….good point. why are you bothering?
And this Klake “Roger TM” poster? Does it think someone would actually bother to read all the bold ranting?
It comes off like something a delusional child would write with its own feces on a bathroom wall.
@ 82, see @ 79
@49 Actually, it IS peanuts. The state is a cheap employer. I don’t even get paid health insurance; I have to pay for it myself, and it costs close to half my pension check. I have a friend who was a heavy equipment operator and another friend who was a boilermaker. Both of those guys get bigger pensions than I do, they get COLAs which I don’t get, and their unions pay for their health insurance. There’s no money in being govenrment a lawyer.
Ain’t it just like a Republican to want to spend my money for me?
ghost @ 76
Most people look like damned fine folks to me. I’ve been around long enough not to judge them by how they’re dressed, or whether they’ve aged well, or whether they get their hair cut at a barbershop instead of a styling salon or don’t get it cut at all. When I call you smallminded, that assessment is not based on a snap judgment but on review of countless of your posts on this blog. I suppose, however, that addressing you at all is pointless. As Blatantly Obvious points out above, you make no sense so why waste time with you.
Why would anyone comment on the Minnow’s latest post. He is still crying and whining about how Rossi won.
God, his act is old and tired. He should spend more time controlling his child in public.
roger@85….oh no!! not that! YOU have to pay for your own health insurance?
guess what you mooch…so does everyone else.
look at what you had to say @85……you want, you want ,you think you should get freebies, look what the union guys made….ad nauseum.
but, you became a lawyer and then, instead of doing the risk/reward dance [like many of us] you took a safe comfortable government job. and now you are bitching? what you are getting is exactly what you deserve.you didn’t take the risks…why should you get the reward?
PL@87…no answer, huh?
now there’s a huge surprise…….
it’s all whistling past the graveyard from you
Ha! We’ve heard that from you too! How well did that work out last time?
Your sure do love repeating yourself. Must come from loving to hear yourself talk or some such foolishness.
let the fun begin….
PL…..McKinleyville? well, it’s getting better there. but it’s hardly a great place to live that’s for sure.my sympathies…….
HUH? Waddaya talkin’ about? A cheese puff will beat any candidate you “adults” throw out there. Your entire party is aghast at Mitt the Quitter leaving you with an old man and the ultra right wing whack job. We have a bet as I recall. I know Goldy is excited to be getting beer this November. As a gesture of goodwill I will donate $50 to your charity if you lose. No reason for the kids to suffer because you are an idiot.
You and Piper need to both get off the sauce, get into a good 12 step program and get clean.
Ghost is lying. Intelligence level in her posts would indicate that she nothing more that the ASSISTANT lunch lady at Our Lady of Lourdes elementary school. She works part time and lives with her mother in single wide trailer. In Modesto.
my left foot……..yes, we do have a bet. BUT you seem to have the numbers all wrong. i’m sure [ahem] that’s this is just a mistake on your part, but you stated that you would donate 200 bucks to a charity of my choice if you lost [which you will] and i would donate 50 bucks to goldy’s cirrhosis fund….
that’s the bet…let’s stick with that. and it’s not kids that would suffer…..it’s animals.
google, anyone?
but it’s very nice of you to offer to put up 50 bucks even if i lose. why don’t you do it now then? since you would either way by your own statement,right? and they could use it right now.
miranda’s rescue.
left foot..what ever it takes for you to get through your day.
amusing to me as it is…….
but, on second thought what are you, the very paragon of virtue in the big tent party, actually saying here?
that some jobs are more important than others? and so are the people in them?
elitist BS alert.
so a woman working hard to serve lunch to kids isn’t important? and then there is the religious slam, trailer trash reference, and modesto all worked in to it too.
wow…you are just sooooo progressive, aren’t you?
and there you are DREAMING of becoming a latte liberal. if only……..sigh.
The Blatantly Obvious says:
I just do not understand why anyone would attempt to debate christmas ghost? She makes absolutely no sense, and as such stands no chance of rethinking her nonsensical views.
She doesn’t even seem to try to actually make rational posts. I believe she thinks she comes off as as Ann Coulter-esque figure. And to makes matters worse, she seems to think that would be a GOOD thing.
Why bother trading jabs with someone who hardly exists at all?
Now shit for brains show us your brilliance on how the world turns. I have seen many a back woods chaps bring more to the table than you have today. Where did you get that handle (The Blatantly Obvious) which means you should have some common sense? Now I could be jumping to conclusion about that statement, please show me your rational posts. The one above is really stretching your point about making any sense and what is rational about it? But she does make a point that the NW does have some strange people not like West Virginia but close in some ways. But what the hell you folks on the left love to stereotype people except when it comes to yourself. Now myself I love weird folks like yourself it really makes life interesting. Today I wouldn’t want to trade any one of you dumb shits for your friends in al Qaeda or even Osama bin Laden. Now you know why we having found or traded you for Osama bin Laden, now we would get the short end of the deal. Yes we all still love you even though you are still dysfunctional at best. Maybe you should change your handle to something that matches your emotions instead.
@ 99, see @ 83
Whoda thunk it? Ghost is attracted to her husband’s sisters. Ghost, you are in the wrong party. Closet lesbo.. should have guessed.
I realize that every job is important. I also understand that some jobs are far less mentally taxing. You on the other hand thought you found an Achilles heel. You probably should not try to think. You just prove yourself to be just another, what did you call them, oh yeah, ug.
Movie star looking husband. ROFLMAO You state all Wahingtonians are ugly, but you have to justify being married to one. Convenient.
Man democrats are ugly people, was that the under the viaduct precint?
I rather think I do look like a movie star.
You know, looks aren’t everything, and all that…. I would comment on how…unisexual? y’all appear though. There really did seem to be a paucity of testosterone amongst the men in attendence. Just sayin’…
That is a very well run and organized caucus, it shows the value of having good well coordinated volunteers.
Referral Denied
You don’t have permission to access “http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/0072608/4632_16_2.jpg” on this server.
Reference #24.14b41a45.1202694470.60b685a1
christmasghost’s husband says:
I rather think I do look like a movie star.
http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/00 72608/4632_16_2.jpg
Well that is one ugly picture from that link “denied access”
RR @ 1
Haven’t read upthread yet but I can’t figure out why you can’t download videos. I use dial-up modem and it takes awhile, maybe 20-30 minutes for 5 minute tape, maybe faster if I switch it to the YouTube link direct. I just leave it loading under a different Firefox tab while I doodle via the other tabs. Then the videos run just fine, once it loads at the point of “Replay”.
One thing, too, is that I use NoCharge.com for free (they have the purchase plan too, but I like the Free plan best) IP connection – since around 2002. They’re not fast, usual speed is 49.2Kbps but have been very reliable. After earthlink crashed my computer twice with their yearly updates the tech downloaded Nocharge and I won’t switch. You might check it out.
my left foot@101…. i realize [especially now] that reading isn’t your strong point.it was obvious to everyone but you that i was commenting on what trolls my husband’s sisters are.
and yes, I-burn…looks aren’t everything or even anything really. but when you have a whole state full of hideous “women” and effeminate “men” that think they are all that and a bag o’ chips…..you really have to point it out.
especially since they are as ugly personality wise as they are physically…….
i especially loved the old hag that said “but i was outside the democratic convention in the 60’s picketing and….” and then, thankfully a MAN cut her off and started talking. watch her face. if looks could kill…..
come to think of it……we don’t need troops in iraq. we could just drop these “women” down over there and in a few days the men would say uncle just so they would have some peace and quiet.
because women in wa. state are so repulsive that their looks really could kill……
nyuk nyuk nyuk………
Since it’s the province of Dems to spend, spend, spend (check the Washington State budget), as a Republican I wouldn’t know.
My point, however, is that it’s tiresome to listen to you whine about your inability to keep up with everyone else and then listen to you whine about how you’re not going to do anything about it.
Either get with the program – with the rest of even the vast majority of the HA Happy Hooligans – or shut your pie hole about the issue.
And if you think you have to spend $40/month for broadband, you’re not a savvy shopper.
And listening to your complaings about what a lousy job you had as a government lawyer is also wearisome. Why didn’t you quit and go someplace better? Or do a better job in your union bargaining wages, hours, and conditions?
Yours is a condition common to libs: always complaining about how lousy your life is yet you evidence nothing to indicate you did anything to change it while you could. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
On the one hand you brag about the Midas-level value of your portfolio, then you whine about how lousy you have it with dial up (still at 28K?) and having no retiree health insurance.
The Piper
@ 110, Piper
Get a grip dude. Until YOU’VE lived on a fixed income, don’t sneer at those of us that do.
I notice that friends & relatives pressuring or sneering about my own lack of fancy cable TV channels (I have ‘Basic’ Cable, in order to get any reception at all) and non-High Speed Internet (I’m still on dial-up). Us Retirees have ‘more time than money’. – – The people who cop the attitude usually still have a job with employer paid benefits. ME? I would rather save the money for silly luxury items such as Medical/Dental Insurance. Yes, we City Employees get a whopping 1.5% COLA per year but it ain’t a drop in the bucket to the monthly increase in medical insurance. That went from $238/month in 2001 up to $653/mo last year 2007 to cover this single person! I’ve now had to switch to Group Health and drop all my own doctors.
I DO have to laugh, though. Best friend making $30plus/hr and all paid benefits, after I retired could ONLY go to Fancy Restaurants when dining with me. She sneered as such ‘dives’ as Country Buffet or Larry’s Mkt salad bar. Hell, even McDonalds with good company seemed like a treat to me! She just HAD to have restaurants such as Tony Roma’s or Outback or it was a no-go because it didn’t please her palate – even when I told her I couldn’t afford. After we HAD to do the California Pizza at $17 each (split ticket&tip) for my lunch and there wasn’t even enough for a doggy bag and another meal, I stopped eating out with her. She just retired last Sept and not only discovered the drop in pay but needing to pay her own Med/Dental. Oh my goodness, what a change in attitude.
Wish they had an ignore button here, Piper, I stopped reading your snooty tunes some time ago. Please take your attitude and . . . . put it elsewhere. Tiresome.
@ 111.
Come to think of it, that Best Friend is a Repub too. Maybe the snootiness is in the genes?!?
The offer Comcast has to bundle phone service, cable TV, and broadband Internet is pretty good. Went to it a long time ago, and haven’t had to pay a long-distance bill in forever! And if you pressure them, you can keep your intro rate for as long as you stay with them.
BTW…you have NO idea the level of income upon which I live or the expenses I have…What you don’t hear are complaints or bemoaning my sad state or whatever.
Not to say that I’m either up, down or sideways; the deal is that my life is my responsibility and my problem EXCLUSIVELY! The decisions I’ve made I must be held accountable for, and I can’t look to anyone, including government, to insulate me from the folly of my efforts or lack thereof.
In addition, I know there are posters at HA whose personal situations make all of ours pale in comparison. How do I know this? Because as strange as it seems, I’ve made a few friends among the Happy Hooligans, and we occassionally exchange off-HA messages about this, that or the other. Like combatents in the ring, we duke it out here, but once we step out, we share a deeper, respectful friendship.
Whatever happened to your nephew, BTW?
The Piper
FricknFrack says:
@ 110, Piper
Get a grip dude. Until YOU’VE lived on a fixed income, don’t sneer at those of us that do.
Wish they had an ignore button here, Piper, I stopped reading your snooty tunes some time ago. Please take your attitude and . . . . put it elsewhere. Tiresome.
FricknFrack sorry to hear that the city couldn’t give you more money for retirement or any increase in the COLA. The rest of us get 20% increase in our city utilities bills and that don’t include taxes. Today nobody can retire with what your employer puts into your account, let along what you get on SSI. Now it appears you have to move somewhere else if you want to survive on your retirement. Don’t beat up on Piper about your poor judgment on your employer and bad investments that you made in the past. The last thing on Piper mind is your retirement and your bad luck. He doesn’t have to live with it nor be overly sensitive about it because it’s not his problem its’ yours. Yes I understand your problem and made sure I wasn’t facing the same delirium that you do today. Yes I have retired from two jobs and really don’t need to work today but somebody have to help Roger Rabbit and folks like you. Maybe you might consider working a QFC bagging grocers to make up the difference. Just a small suggestion no insult intended. Another suggestion I gave to my troops don’t let other folks take control of your happiness that is your responsibility only. Smile life could be worst and your friends could all be dead. Make the best of what you have and you will enjoy your friends no matter what party they belong to or support.
That’s not my style…Whenever I dine with someone, I either pick up the tab or let them choose the place. On the odd occasion when I’m someone’s guest, I always let them order first, then order nothing more expensive, and, if I can, something cheaper.
Now, I can’t say that I prefer Royal Fork at any time, but there are other cost-conscious places to eat. Worse comes to worse, I make the best BBQ in the PNW! And that’s no lie! Everything from the traditional (brisket, baby-back ribs, chicken, salmon) to things like turkey, leg of lamb and all kinds of veggies. You can always come to my place for a friendly meal.
The Piper
Just flew right over your head.
I am not surprised.
Piper: “What you don’t hear are complaints or bemoaning my sad state or whatever.”
On that topic, m’lad, we most certainly are of one mind.