Think maybe he could spare some change? So maybe Haiti can have some rice instead of mudcakes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I assume these purchases include cakes for us peasants? Remember what happened to the last monarch who refused to supply cake after the bread ran out!*
* Just kidding! Wingnut humor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
3 trillion. For that kind of money, we could bail out Social Security AND Medicare.
In the meantime, the Bush administration’s largly successful initiative to “privatise” the nation’s student loan system is having some not-to-hard-to-imagine consequences:
“In the aftermath of the credit crunch, lenders like Sallie Mae are becoming especially cautious. They’re now viewing certain student loans as risky investments. In fact, Sallie Mae recently announced plans to restrict or cut back on providing loans to students with poor credit scores. Tightened student loan restrictions may result in a one percent hike in private student loan rates, as well as requiring a minimum 650 credit score, up from 620, according to FinAid, a popular Internet financial aid resource. In addition, the minimum balance for loan consolidation will likely increase to about $10,000, and many loan discounts will likely be cut.”
In other words, if you need a student loan because you are too poor to pay for it out of pocket, or if you need re-training because you lost your job due to out-sourcing and therefore have a correspondingly low credit score, it is increasingly likely that you won’t even be able to borrow to get an education, also.
However, if you already have a great credit score because your family has enough money to send you to college anyway, and provided you with a credit card in your own name since you were a pre-teen for which they pay the bills and which establishes credit in your own name, then the federal government will continue to provide at least a partial subsidy of your student loans.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
I thinke we should buy a bunch o’ Bibles for all the heathens out there, ‘specially in sand country where theiy arent even Christians.
THis is what Georg Bushe would want.
3 trillion. That’s more than I make in an entire year! That’s outrageous.
I still remember David Brooks gloating on TV the day after the 04 election, saying, “Let’s face it, entitlements are going to have to be cut. We just don’t have the money for them.” Handing over a few truckloads of cash to each of the worst Republican wet dream welfare cheats would have been an infinitely better investment than Iraq War II.
Really, one of these days I expect to hear a Republican let down their guard and confess:
“You Democrats just don’t get it. The purpose of overnment is supposed to assist us in taking money and labor from you (the middle class and the poor), and give it to us (the top two percenters). It doesn’t matter how we do it. Tax cuts, or elimination for capital gains or the inheritance tax, outsourcing contracts, no-bid federal contracts, bankruptcy “reform”, student loan “reform”, social security privatization, or just flat-out deficit spending. Just because we call it something else, or argue that it’s all for your benefit, or that it’s “free-market” economics, whatever – the result should always be that money and labor are taken from you, and given to us, in ever-increasing amounts.”
Malcolm Muggeridgespews:
Hey, what’s with the Newsmax ad at the top? Isn’t there a better ad source?
“Christopher W. Ruddy started on September 16, 1998, supported by a group of conservative investors, including the family of the late CIA Director William J. Casey. Later Richard Mellon Scaife, his former employer at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a supporter of conservative causes, invested in the fledging company.[2] One of the initial board members was author James Dale Davidson who edited a financial newsletter that had shared Ruddy’s interest in the Vincent Foster case. Davidson’s co-editor, Lord Rees-Mogg, former editor of the The Times and Vice Chair of the BBC, later became chairman of Newsmax Media.”
Yeah the so-called conservatives don’t mind spending three trillion bucks to kill heathens, offer the Iraqis free health care and fatten select GOP wallets – but try to get a US-born baby free health care in America and you’ll be called un-American.
#9: Looks like they haven’t been altogether successful in the “killing heathens” department.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Al Qaeda is still operating within Pakistan’s mountainous tribal region bordering Afghanistan, and the United States lacks a “comprehensive” plan for meetings its national security goals there, a U.S. government study released Thursday said.
Despite the United States providing $10.5 billion in military and economic aid to Pakistan, a key U.S. ally, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said it “found broad agreement … that al Qaeda had regenerated its ability to attack the United States and had succeeded in establishing a safe haven” in Pakistan’s Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA).
Daddy Lovespews:
Aravosis at AMericablog:
If a US soldier made propaganda tapes for the enemy (like John McCain did), then went on to run for president as a Democrat, the Republicans would eviscerate that candidate. I want George Stephanopoulos to ask John McCain if he loves America as much as soldiers who didn’t make propaganda tapes for the enemy while in captivity. Oh, and in case you think I’m kidding, here are McCain’s own words:
Later, I made a second, feebler attempt at suicide. On the fourth day, I gave up. I signed a confession that “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pilot”.
The guards ordered me to record my confession on tape. I refused, and was beaten until I consented.
Well, I’m sure a POW has never been beaten before, so it’s totally understandable why McCain betrayed his country during his “hero” years in Vietnam. (Or are we to assume that all American POWs betray their country while in captivity, right?)
Fuck yeah, McBush! Whatddya have to say?
9 “offer the Iraqis free health care”
Huh? Where??? When?????
One of the more ludicrous debacles that went on during Paul Bremer’s tenure after the invasion was that they flew in a herd of “health care consultants” from the US. These people immediately went to work dismantling the incumbent single-provider system and attempting to replace it with a hodge-podge of fee-for-service provider facilities and private insurers, just like the wonderfully dysfunctional system we have here at home.
#12: LOL. Making the world safe for American style healthuncare. Sweet.
BTW, I saw the Frontline show this week about healthcare systems in Europe and the far east, and what works/doesn’t:
In each country he visits, T. R. Reid asks a public official how many citizens go bankrupt from personal healthcare costs, and all of them looked at him as though he had asked whether elephants could fly. Very interesting.
Think maybe he could spare some change? So maybe Haiti can have some rice instead of mudcakes?
I assume these purchases include cakes for us peasants? Remember what happened to the last monarch who refused to supply cake after the bread ran out!*
* Just kidding! Wingnut humor.
3 trillion. For that kind of money, we could bail out Social Security AND Medicare.
In the meantime, the Bush administration’s largly successful initiative to “privatise” the nation’s student loan system is having some not-to-hard-to-imagine consequences:
“In the aftermath of the credit crunch, lenders like Sallie Mae are becoming especially cautious. They’re now viewing certain student loans as risky investments. In fact, Sallie Mae recently announced plans to restrict or cut back on providing loans to students with poor credit scores. Tightened student loan restrictions may result in a one percent hike in private student loan rates, as well as requiring a minimum 650 credit score, up from 620, according to FinAid, a popular Internet financial aid resource. In addition, the minimum balance for loan consolidation will likely increase to about $10,000, and many loan discounts will likely be cut.”
Full Article:
In other words, if you need a student loan because you are too poor to pay for it out of pocket, or if you need re-training because you lost your job due to out-sourcing and therefore have a correspondingly low credit score, it is increasingly likely that you won’t even be able to borrow to get an education, also.
However, if you already have a great credit score because your family has enough money to send you to college anyway, and provided you with a credit card in your own name since you were a pre-teen for which they pay the bills and which establishes credit in your own name, then the federal government will continue to provide at least a partial subsidy of your student loans.
I thinke we should buy a bunch o’ Bibles for all the heathens out there, ‘specially in sand country where theiy arent even Christians.
THis is what Georg Bushe would want.
3 trillion. That’s more than I make in an entire year! That’s outrageous.
I still remember David Brooks gloating on TV the day after the 04 election, saying, “Let’s face it, entitlements are going to have to be cut. We just don’t have the money for them.” Handing over a few truckloads of cash to each of the worst Republican wet dream welfare cheats would have been an infinitely better investment than Iraq War II.
Really, one of these days I expect to hear a Republican let down their guard and confess:
“You Democrats just don’t get it. The purpose of overnment is supposed to assist us in taking money and labor from you (the middle class and the poor), and give it to us (the top two percenters). It doesn’t matter how we do it. Tax cuts, or elimination for capital gains or the inheritance tax, outsourcing contracts, no-bid federal contracts, bankruptcy “reform”, student loan “reform”, social security privatization, or just flat-out deficit spending. Just because we call it something else, or argue that it’s all for your benefit, or that it’s “free-market” economics, whatever – the result should always be that money and labor are taken from you, and given to us, in ever-increasing amounts.”
Hey, what’s with the Newsmax ad at the top? Isn’t there a better ad source?
“Christopher W. Ruddy started on September 16, 1998, supported by a group of conservative investors, including the family of the late CIA Director William J. Casey. Later Richard Mellon Scaife, his former employer at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a supporter of conservative causes, invested in the fledging company.[2] One of the initial board members was author James Dale Davidson who edited a financial newsletter that had shared Ruddy’s interest in the Vincent Foster case. Davidson’s co-editor, Lord Rees-Mogg, former editor of the The Times and Vice Chair of the BBC, later became chairman of Newsmax Media.”
Yeah the so-called conservatives don’t mind spending three trillion bucks to kill heathens, offer the Iraqis free health care and fatten select GOP wallets – but try to get a US-born baby free health care in America and you’ll be called un-American.
#9: Looks like they haven’t been altogether successful in the “killing heathens” department.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Al Qaeda is still operating within Pakistan’s mountainous tribal region bordering Afghanistan, and the United States lacks a “comprehensive” plan for meetings its national security goals there, a U.S. government study released Thursday said.
Despite the United States providing $10.5 billion in military and economic aid to Pakistan, a key U.S. ally, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said it “found broad agreement … that al Qaeda had regenerated its ability to attack the United States and had succeeded in establishing a safe haven” in Pakistan’s Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA).
Aravosis at AMericablog:
Fuck yeah, McBush! Whatddya have to say?
9 “offer the Iraqis free health care”
Huh? Where??? When?????
One of the more ludicrous debacles that went on during Paul Bremer’s tenure after the invasion was that they flew in a herd of “health care consultants” from the US. These people immediately went to work dismantling the incumbent single-provider system and attempting to replace it with a hodge-podge of fee-for-service provider facilities and private insurers, just like the wonderfully dysfunctional system we have here at home.
#12: LOL. Making the world safe for American style healthuncare. Sweet.
BTW, I saw the Frontline show this week about healthcare systems in Europe and the far east, and what works/doesn’t:
In each country he visits, T. R. Reid asks a public official how many citizens go bankrupt from personal healthcare costs, and all of them looked at him as though he had asked whether elephants could fly. Very interesting.