Mike McGinn has a post on his city blog where he thanks several companies for pitching in and helping to pay for the streetcar in South Lake Union.
Today we gathered in South Lake Union to thank four local employers who are investing $204,000 to increase service on the Seattle Streetcar. These employers – Group Health, Amazon.com, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and UW Medicine – know that more frequent service on this line is a good thing for their employees, and are stepping up to the plate to make a private investment in a public service.
Now to be clear, I’m glad they pitched in. And thanking them for it is perfectly appropriate. More frequent trips are good. And if this is the way you do it, well fine.
Fine, but not great. Because if we need more frequent trips, the city government should be able to figure out a way to pay for it that doesn’t rely on the generosity of a few large employers.
Shades of the Ottoman Empire, right before it’s collapse
I share everyday in paying what the libs feel I owe in taxes. I buy on Craigslist, new and used, and online trading. Just bought a brand new set of tires delivered to my door TAX and FEE Free for half of what Les Schwab wanted.
Tea for everyone,
” Just bought a brand new set of tires delivered to my door TAX and FEE Free for half of what Les Schwab wanted.”
It wasn’t “tax free”. You simply own USE TAX on the purchase of those tires, in lieu of paying sales tax.
If you chose not to pay the tax, you are (1) breaking the law, and (2) stealing from the rest of us.
Thank you for putting your moral bankruptcy on full display, there, Squirt!
You’re Welcome Darrell!
I simply keep Useless Taxes for my own usefull purposes!
If you would like to talk about Moral Bankruptcy…See OWEBAMMA’s 16.2 Trillion and growing experiment in national bankruptcy!
Tea for everyone,
“I simply keep Useless Taxes for my own usefull purposes!”
Of course you do. That makes you a thief. You’re a common criminal.
You must be so proud!
No Darryl, I’m a firm believer in fiscal sanity! When I see any damn sign of this at either a state or OMG a federal level, I’ll feel sorry for you all! Until then I’ll decide what I fund and what I don’t!
Shade of the Medici patron system. We just need to rely on a few lords to cover all of the serfs needs.
Tea for everyone @6,
“When I see any damn sign of this at either a state or OMG a federal level, I’ll feel sorry for you all! Until then I’ll decide what I fund and what I don’t!”
That’s funny.
The issue isn’t what you want to do when. Obviously you’ve got your excuse.
But the fact remains: you are a thief. And you are stealing from all Washingtonians.
What is really funny, though, is that you were stupid enough to share—in a comment thread for all to see—specific details about one specific episode of theft. And you have shared, more broadly, your principles for your ongoing practice of tax fraud.
That pretty much makes you an idiot.
Group Health and Fred Hutch are non profits, so it really is nice to see them chipping in.
@6 Until then I’ll decide what I fund and what I don’t!
The problem is that Tea thinks he a lord, not a serf.
@2 He’s just a low life cheat that has found a technically legal way to avoid paying his obligations to society, like romney. I bet he complains when the cops are slow or the road has potholes. He want the services that government and society provide, he just doesn’t want to pay for them.
The tax you pay on gasoline is only one source of where road building and maintaince funds come from. A pretty big chuck of road maintaince money comes from the state general fund, which is mostly funded through sales taxes on things like the tires you bought. So, when you bought those tires and didn’t pay taxes on them you actually undercut your ability to have well maintained roads which to use those tires on.
Thank for the laugh,
Wow. Use tax. I’ve rarely seen a less enforcable law. It’s time we just imposed sales tax on all internet sales based on the location of purchaser, or the shipping recipient. The Internet will survive it just fine, thanks.
As for Teabags for Everyface: you don’t get to choose what your taxes do. If I did I’d get the half that goes to the Pentagon back every year. Murdering brown people probably sounds fun to you so that wasteful spending is ok in your mind. But to many of us it’s counterproductive to our security and a loathsome use of our public dollars. But I pay my taxes anyway because I’m an American not some Randian citizen of my own private Galt Island.