Over the weekend, I was crossing the street, and a mom and her 2 or 3 year old kid were walking down the street in the opposite direction when the kid suddenly starts crying and laying down in the middle of the crosswalk. And the mother says “you can’t have your temper tantrum in the street.” Then she pulled him over to the sidewalk where he continued to throw his tantrum.
I’m not a parent, and I have no idea what the back story is, so I’m not going to criticize the mom. But I sort of think that makes a good metaphor for what the GOP is doing.
Maybe the GOP temper tantrum in the middle of the street is hoping that the rest of us will see their temper tantrums not in the middle of the street as reasonable. But their temper tantrums aren’t reasonable.
The following Republican cry babies are banging their impeachment drum:
Rep. Louie Gohmert
Half-term Governor & Princess Dumbass of the North woods
And, of course, uncle pudge over at (un)SP at comment #3.
There is no back story. Throwing tantrums is what toddlers do. They’re in the process of learning they can’t get their way by holding their breath until they turn blue. This isn’t a problem, unless they (a) fail to outgrow it, and (b) become GOP congress critters. When that happens, it’s a problem.
@1 “And, of course, uncle pudge over at (un)SP at comment #3.”
The little coward who doesn’t let me reply to his posts? That sniveling dipshit? Well, okay, since I can’t post at (un)SP, I’ll reply here. This is addressed to you, pudge:
“You don’t have to convince me, pudge, because I’m not so stupid as to own bonds or Treasuries. All you have to do is sell your argument to Wall Street and global financial markets. That should be easy for someone of your genius.”
@1 I used to think you had to be really, really smart to be a lawyer. But I know better now. Exhibit A: Louie Gohmert is a lawyer. If he can be a lawyer, any cockroach can. It doesn’t take brains to be a lawyer. It only takes brains to be a good lawyer.
@ 4 RR
Louie Gohmert and Michelle Bachman, as well as several other House members got their “JD” at Liberty University, pretty much a correspondence course that was rated dead last in Law Schools for instruction and graduation rates, before it had its certification revoked. They got their “Law” Degrees from a goddamn diploma mill. They shouldn’t even be allowed to be called Lawyers at all.
And Cruz? All he demonstrates is the fact that a somewhat charismatic sociopath with an eidetic memory can pass any test he wants to without actually having to know anything or show any ability to think outside of his own ethos.
It appalls me to no end that the TeaFascists are so much more concerned with maintaining stone monuments to dead poor people, than letting living poor people have access to medical care. So much so that they’re willing, even eager to shut down the Federal Government to do so.
These people just want to watch the whole world burn.
@6. The republicans will fight to let the vets walk around a park, but once those vets get home and away from the media, the same republicans will fight to keep the vets from getting food stamps.
@5 According to Wikipedia, Gohmert got his JD from Baylor University, and then was an Army JAG lawyer and later a Texas state judge.
@ 4, 5: The whacko lawyers seemed to have received degrees from Liberty University or some evening/correspondence course that doesn’t require much (if any) classroom time. That means every test is multiple choice. Lots of people “test well”, and study just enough to anticipate the questions and respond correctly. That doesn’t mean, however, that they can reason, or have gone through the more critical process of Socratic dialog.
Moreover, remember that science and logic are pretty good at showing you how to get from one place to another, assuming you have already chosen the destination. It’s not so good and telling you what the destination should be.