A few days back I wrote about Darcy Burner’s impressive ranking among ActBlue’s Top Ten Candidates in 2007 by number of contributers. Well it turns out there’s another, equally impressive ActBlue top ten list Darcy made:
Top Ten Pages with the Highest Number of Tippers: (pages with 100+ contributors)
Page % of Tippers Eschaton ’08 Challengers 77% Freeze Out Fox News 77% Not One Red Cent 74% Burn Bush for Burner 71% Blue Majority 70% BlogPac Heroes 69% AMERICAblog Supports Tom Allen 69% Blue America ’08 68% Help Skinner Finish the Job 68% BlogPac 67% Steve Beshear 67%
ActBlue funds its operations largely from the tips donors have the option of making with each contribution, and Darcy’s contributors proved extraordinarily generous. This tells me that Darcy’s contributors understand that winning races requires more than just great candidates like Darcy… it requires building and maintaining a robust progressive infrastructure that makes insurgent campaigns like Darcy’s possible.
Thank you all for your generosity and hard work. Of course, we still have long road ahead, so please do what you can to help Darcy get to the other Washington.
The retired General (Eaton) speaking out against Bush and the war in Iraq and urging people to vote for Darcy Burner is a very strong statement.
this guy quit the military so he could speak out against what has happened in Iraq.
Who is this Darcy whats-her-name again? Sounds ditzy and unqualified.