One of the big stories in the presidential primary season thus far has been the youth turnout. Young people turned out in higher than expected numbers in both Iowa and New Hampshire, overwhelmingly voting with the Democrats. And even in yesterday’s Michigan primary, where the GOP had a real race while Democrats refused to participate due to party rules, youth turnout was strong:
100,776 young voters aged 18 – 29 participated in yesterday’s Democratic Primary (choosing “uncontested” over Hillary Clinton, 48% – 43%). They were 17% of the Democratic electorate. Comparatively, 112,833 18 – 29 year olds voted in the Republican Primary, and they were just 13% of the Republican electorate.
That Democrats still managed to split the youth vote despite having no race in their primary is good news, and if this trend continues it bodes well for Democrats up and down the ticket next November. And this apparent demographic shift could pay off huge dividends for years to come. Young people now self-identify as Democrats in growing numbers, and as they age and participate more regularly in electoral politics, this new generation of voters could form the base of a new progressive majority.
I would love to know how many Dems just asked for a Republican ballot and voted for Mittens, as many bloggers had suggested. Mitt won even though McCain had been polling higher in Michigan. LOL!
Hillary should pick “Undecided” as her running mate. After all, he finished second in last night’s Michigan primary.
Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
OMG Tlazolteotl: Do you read? I posted the data on this site. You need help. I found it in 3 seconds. Naturally the Eugenics_Project(YLB) discounted it.
Good luck finding it!
What remains to be seen is if the “yout”, who apparently turned out to vote against Hill, will show up in the general election to vote for her, or if they will just sit this one out like they usually do.
I can certainly see BHO energizing the kids, somehow don’t think Hill will have the same effect…
BTW Tlazolteotl: They were low numbers. Sucks to be Kos!
Why isn’t the Eugenics_Project(YLB) calling for this?
Puddy the Poopypants
Our oldest is ready to vote in her second election. The debacle that it was isn’t deterring her.
Our youngest will be voting in his first. He stops playing WOW to talk about the latest republican stupidity. Actually, somehow he IMs politics while playing WOW….
In the post’s quote:
Uncontested should be Uncommitted.
Headless 24/7 Lucy: Another name in use today? How many personalties do you possess?
Good news. For a while, in the eighties especially, you could NOT “trust anyone UNDER thirty”.
We’ve had enough of Chris Matthews years ago!
That wretched stench in the air comes from the rotting corpse of the Republican Party. The burial isn’t scheduled until November, so, for a while, we’ll have to listen to some of the resurrectionists in the party claiming they can raise the dead. After that, though, the GOP will be nothing but a sorry chapter in the history books.
Proud Leftist: And if the NEW Progressive scorched earth prophecy doesn’t come to fruition? What’s next in the NEW Progressive game plan… hari-kari?
Ok, for a while he was politically cute … but Mike Huckabee is turning toward the radical religious right. He’s talking about changing the Constitution of the United States to make it “in line” with the Bible.
Video of Huckabee
Here’s a thought. What if some American citizens don’t follow your little make believe invisible friend? I guess if you can’t “convert” people to your religion, just change the laws and use political power to force them to follow it.
This is the difficulty of claiming to be a true Christian and at the same time being President of a country that isn’t 100% Christian. If Huckabee (or whoever) really thinks the Bible is the one and only word of god…truly, and not just using it for cheap political cover…then how can he legally allow Hindu’s to be “married” under U.S. law? They follow false gods (in Huckabee’s view). That offends his religion every bit as much as the gay thing. If we have to write laws to enforce the Bible’s rules on gays, how can they let heathens who worship a false god be married and receive Federal benefits and be treated equally with “real” Christian marriages? Hmmm.
That’s a wingnut’s way out Stupes.
We keep at it until we win.
Puddy @ 14
We have history and reason on our side. We can wait. Your side, on the other hand, what do you have going for you? Not much–just the old Reagan coalition that has a real bad case of entropy right now. Where are you going to go when your party expires, Puddy? I think you’re heading for political homelessness.
In other news a Reagan Republican wingnut is indicted for funding terrorists:
I guess being loyal to your country goes out the window when there’s money to be made.
It gets weirder than that. Recently, WoW was the site of arguably the strangest political rally ever, when a group of WoW players/Ron Paul supporters “marched” on a city in WoW. Sorry I don’t have a link, but who cares? I actually fell out of my chair because I was laughing so hard.
but Mike Huckabee is turning toward the radical religious right.
He was always there.
Republican Crook # 02-48792896-5
Boo Hoo Hoo — Another Republican Thief Goes To Jail!!!
“SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – The former chief executive of Brocade Communications Systems Inc. was sentenced on Wednesday to 21 months in prison for orchestrating a scheme to tamper with financial records of stock options the company offered.
“Gregory Reyes, Brocade’s CEO from 1998 to 2005, was also ordered to pay a $15 million fine. At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer said Reyes obstructed justice in preparing for trial.
“Reyes broke down crying while speaking to the judge before his sentence was handed down. … He was convicted in August of 10 counts of securities fraud.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Attorneys representing stock option backdating defendants often argue SEC and FASB rules were “confusing” and “frequently changed.” To which I say, how fucking hard is it to understand that altering financial documents by inserting false dates is forgery and fraud? And that lying to investigators about what you did is perjury? And that selling $500 million of backdated options in your own company is stealing from your shareholders?
Oh, and one more thing — you may wonder how I know this guy is a REPUBLICAN. This is how:;cycle=06 (Second entry from bottom)
@4 Doesn’t matter, even if the Rapture doesn’t occur until after the election.
144,000 Republicans getting beamed up — now there’s a sight I want to behold! Not enough, but a start.
@14 Puddy complaining about scorched-earth politics is like Ted Bundy complaining about prison food.
The white house announced today – under oath – that several months of backup e-mail tapes had been erased, which conveniently start and end with the period of time in which the Valerie Plame/Wilson issues would have been discussed in the White House (March 2003 ~ October 2003). Those e-mails were required to be preserved by law, and now not only are the original messages missing, but the backups are conveniently gone, too.
The White House said the backups had been “recycled” consistent with “good industry practice”. But there was no explanation as to why it suddenly changed from a position complying with federal law to one that ignored it, how “good industry practice” includes ignoring federal law, and why they then departed from “good industry practice” only when the investigation was announced. All a coincidence, we are assured.
Gee, Nixon got in hot water over 18 minutes of erased tape. Anybody remember that photo of his secretary trying to keep her foot on the pedal, hit the erase button, and talk on the phone at the same time, as she explained the erasure? She looked like a contortionist. Nixon ended up resigning short of impeachment only because there were other incriminating comments which couldn’t be as conveniently located and erased.
If Nixon could get into so much hot water over the 18 minutes, shouldn’t Bush get hung out over several months of erasures by Cheney and Rove?
Funny how Watergate is repeating itself. Rove and Cheney both got their political starts during the Nixon presidency, and they both thought that Nixon had been treated very unfairly.
@15 Fortunately, changing the Constitution is difficult, and wanting and getting are two different things. For example, Huckabee wants to be president but he’s getting only 16% in the early primaries (the Iowa caucuses notwithstanding).
Stuart Creighton of Normandy Park said it all when he wrote to the fishwrapper:
“Freedom of religion is a two-sided coin. The simple truth is that I don’t have to believe as you believe to live in this country.”
(Quoted under fair use; for complete letter and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ets16.html)
A candidate who doesn’t understand that is unqualified to be president.
Throw a dollar on the floor and see how many patriotic Republicans become traitors.
Wax: Do you have a degree in Prognostacology? That would make you a Prognostacologist.
Stay away from me with those rubber gloves, and, for all that’s GOOD AND HOLY, ‘LEAVE BRITNEY SPEARS ALONE!!!’
the extent of the criminal activity and cover-up by the Bush/Cheney administration is making Nixon look like an angel by comparison. these guys view the constitution as a set of rules to undermine and break. they have no limits on their desire for power and the lack of resepct for the law.
I think the Bushites see the Constitution as a mere set of guidelines, not actual rules.
Headless Lucy@29: Rubber Gloves? You have some strange fetishes!
Proud Leftist@30:
You mean the way liberals see the 10 Commandments as the 10 Suggestions?
You mean the way liberals see The Beatitudes as Intemperate Conversation? Jesus never mentions the government helping the poor, etc.
Just checking…
True, if it gets any worse it will look like the Clinton Administration. The last one. God help us if there’s another…..