Two quick observations on tonight’s hot Republican on Republican action.
First, when the Democrats retain control of the U.S. Senate in November, they’ll have Sen. John McCain to thank for at least part of their good fortune. It was he who catapulted Sarah Palin onto the national stage in a desperate reach for a game changer, and it is she who has once again helped Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of almost certain victory with a Tea Party primary victory.
Second… could Mike Castle’s loss be Dino Rossi’s gain? In the wake of anti-masturbation activist Christine O’Donnell’s upset victory, the NRSC has already announced that it won’t be spending any money in Delaware, a state which up until tonight had been widely considered a likely Republican pickup. That leaves more NRSC money to spend elsewhere… and I guess Washington is as elsewhere as anywhere.
Well, she is pretty cute … and single.
Um yeah. I don’t think so. Any woman who is against masturbation cannot be a good lover.
I bet she just lays there.
She must be awful.
@ #1
My uncle once gave me a bit of advice. He said: “Never stick your dick in crazy.”
That woman is crazy as a shithouse rat. She’s openly talked about having to get up in the middle of the night to have her bodyguards check the bushes in the front yard of her house, looking for reporters. She’s also accused opponents in the past of tapping her phones and following her.
She really is the Gingrich/Paul/Palin brand of nutcase. I’m surprised Karl Rove has said this shit. After all, he owns this brand of politicking. He’s the original “unleash the crazies in the party and watch what happens” guy.
But then again, the entire neoconservative/tealiban paradigm is crazy. The GOP went nuts when they chose Richard Nixon to run for President back in ’67.
The NRSC will cave at some point and give her some money.
Rove said she lacks “rectitude”. There is something vaguely freudian about that statement.
@5: Vaguely?
“She really is the Gingrich/Paul/Palin brand of nutcase.”
I wouldn’t put Gingrich in the same category as Paul, Palin, and O’Donnel. Gingrich is a cold, calculating hypocritical manipulator who would switch sides if he thought it would give him an advantage (as related by a former friend of his). He doesn’t really believe what he says, it’s just a tool for him to achieve his narcisistic dream of being the most important guy on earth.
Paul, Palin, and O’Donnel have a different psychosis – they actually believe what they say, no matter how irrational it might be.
As for Karl Rove, I think he is seeing the train wreck coming, and is trying to position himself to say afterwards: “I TOLD you this wasn’t going to work! You should have listened to me! Now, put me back in charge of the Republican Party, and I’ll do my best to clean up this mess!”
rhp6033 @7,
Had Gingrich been president of Yugoslavia or one of its constituent states at the time of its civil war, you can be sure he would have engaged in war crimes. That’s the kinda guy he is.
The Tea Party, like Sarah Palin herself, is VERY popular with the most radical loud 25% of the Republican base and can swing their primaries, but can’t win general elections. Have you ever looked at NATIONAL polls for Sarah Palin? Not just Republicans…she could never get elected. Even a majority of her OWN party don’t think she’s qualified, must LESS the public in general. Shifting this hard to the Lyndon LaRouche extremes gets attention, but not general election wins. Don’t get me wrong, the LaRouche people always seem fired up and passionate about what they’re talking about, but they never represent more than a small fraction of the overall electorate.
These Tea Party rallies are great, but a nation convention of 500 people out of a country of 300 million just doesn’t impress me. Maybe they will win, maybe we’ll drop the Constitution and finally become a Christian theocracy where a massive ultra powerful Federal government will determine all morals and enforce Christian rules by law. Maybe. I doubt it.
what a dumbass statement goldy. even that was beneath you….well maybe not.
@10, Just how well do you know the Newt?
Battley/Gingrich Divorce:
During April 1980, Newt and Jackie separated. They divorced in February 1981.
“The most notorious incident in Gingrich’s marriage … was when he cornered Jackie in her hospital room where she was recovering from uterine cancer surgery and insisted on discussing the terms of the divorce he was seeking. Shortly after that infamous encounter, Gingrich refused to pay his alimony and child-support payments. The First Baptist Church in his hometown had to take up a collection to support the family Gingrich had deserted. Six months after divorcing Jackie, Gingrich married a younger woman, Marianne, with whom he had been having an affair.”
Source: Stephen Talbot. “Newt’s Glass House.” 8/28/1998.
@8 @10
That was a little low. Gingrich is a sleazy lying scumbag, but I don’t think he’d be a murderer. I’m willing to give him benefit of the doubt. Yes he is a moral scuz who cheated on his wife…WHILE AT THE SAME TIME running a public campaign criticizing Bill Clinton for cheating on his wife. You gotta admire the balls that takes. What a douche bag.
Well, we don’t know if he’d be a murderer, but one thing most murderers have in common is sociopathy:
Newt when asked how he could be unfaithful and give a speech on family values: “It doesn’t matter what I do,” he answered. “People need to hear what I have to say. There’s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn’t matter what I live.”
Source: John H. Richardson. “Newt Gingrich: The Indispensable Republican.” 8/10/2010.
and that is related to genocide and war crimes how? Keep drinking that kook-aid.
I can agree that he is a douchebag for cheating on his wife, but the war crimes thing is just TEH STOOPIDD…….statements like that are turning out to de rigueur for geobbels-wannabe goldy.
lets see if we can track your twisted logic:
cheating—->sociopath——>murder——>war crimes.
yes, that seems to make so much there professor.
maybe you should be a profiler for the FBI with such brilliance.
@13 Again, yes, Gingrich is totally devoid of ethics and has no sense of decency. Typical “moral crusader” politician (thinking of Bill Bennett too). They cheat on their wifes, use hookers, gamble away their money, use drugs, etc…ALL while lecturing us (poor stupid citizens) about morality. F**K them.
@14 I think you don’t understand who Geobbels was? Do you think was supported peace and non-violence? Goldy isn’t saying HE wants to murder folks or commit war crimes (that would make HIM Geobbels). No, Goldy is saying he think Newt has that kind of personality…that he think Newt is like Geobbels. I think you need to use Google more and look up the references you use. You have them backwards.
And wasn’t it the Republicans who (were) nuts and went on and on about how Bill Clinton was secretly a murderer…ROTFLMAO. There’s enough hyperbole to go around.
Karl Rove criticizing someone for spreading false rumors about an opponent? lol
This may not be saying much … but Christine O’Donnell is somewhat more honest than Karl Rove.
you misunderstand the reference.
my reference to goebbles has to do with goldy’s penchant for being a party loyal propagandist who will twist facts, leave out pertinant information, or just plain outright fib when it comes to pushing his political agenda.
Goebbles was the master propagandist, and Darth Goldy(and everyone like him, left or right) is now his wannabe apprentice.
I try to stay away from comparisons between modern-day politicians and the Nazis, because the sheer scale of the Nazi atrocities gives them a unique and very special and deserving place in hell. A few years back I apologized on this forum when I mistakenly slipped into that mode.
I dare say, however, that Slobodan Milošević of Serbia would, if given the opportunity, have exanded the Yugoslovian civil war beyond it’s former territories, if it suited his purposes and he had the opportunity. Accompanying the expansion of the war would have been the atrocities which have become commonly known to the world, fed by the hatred harness by Milošević for his own ends. In other words, Milošević would have become a Hitler, if only he had a stronger nation than Serbia behind him.
So how do we get from adultery, divorce, and hypocracy to mass rape and murder? Normally I would say you can’t. But in Newt’s case, Goldy’s statement at # 8 does have some merit.
Newt seems to have a personality disorder in which he really doesn’t believe that the rules apply to him, and that he is destined for greatness. Those suffering from this brand of personality disorder believe that those who block them from such destiny deserve to be removed by whatever means necessary. The more successful people with this type of disorder form a symbiotic relationship with their supporters – they harness the power of the their supporters to goals, and in return their ego is fed by the supporter’s adulation.
This form of narcisim is recognized as a mental illness, a psychosis, and is potentially very dangerous in that the limits to the subject’s behavior are governed only by what is possible or expedient. This makes the subject dangerous and unpredictable, as you never know how far they would go if external restraints upon them were removed.
Of course, this disorder isn’t that uncommon among politicians, to a greater or lesser extent, and it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference between principled ambition and hypocritical narcisism. Moreover, whether such narcisism reaches dangerous proportions is a difficult question to answer.
But the numerous comments by those who know Newt best, including his two ex-wives and former friends and colleagues, indicate to me that this guy should NEVER get into a position of public office again – much less in a position with access to the nuclear launch codes.
To be clear, I never said Gingrich would murder anybody. I said he’d likely have been a war criminal, in that his policies and rhetoric would have led to mass murder.
This is a guy who exploits divisiveness for political gain. In the context of something like the Yugoslavian civil war, that type of politics leads to genocide. I’m just sayin’.
King Max @20,
I’ve never hidden my bias, and have never been shy about my agenda, so I guess, yes, by some definitions, some of what I do could be described as “propaganda” or “spin” or whatever. (Though I don’t do it on anybody’s direction.)
But please show me examples where I’ve lied or fibbed.
I have already done that – a few weeks ago….
ask YLBleeder to look it up on his HA DATABAZE
remember your famous “lies by omission” thread??
Face it dude, propagandists lie – its what they do.
if you want to be taken seriously by anybody but the head-nodding lemming crowd, then you have to start being intellectualy honest – and that is in direct conflict with being a propagandist – and the political propagandists in this country have a large part in why our political arena is so fucked up.
it is what it is.
This is a guy who exploits divisiveness for political gain
you mean as opposed to certain bloggers (ahem) who exploit divisiveness for financial gain.
sound like someone you know?
Heh. tehchickenshit is taking a page from Puddy’s playbook..
How original of the popgun populist.
YLB FAYLZ again…..
so do you really the mrs. is gonna put up with another year of you sitting in your ass making $0 while she busts her ass every day?
better think about that one bleeder.
YLB FAYLZ again…..
so do you really the mrs. is gonna put up with another year of you sitting on your ass making $0 while she busts her ass every day?
better think about that one bleeder.
Speaking of the GINGRICH-GOLDY IN 2012 ticket, as you were doing @3, @7, @8 … did anyone else notice that the GOLDY part of the ticket looks like disgraceful and disgraced pornographer Ralph Ginzburg?
27,28… Stuck in a bit of a loop..
And ordering people around..
How lovely it is to be right wing..
Re, your comment about the NRSC withholding funds from McDonnell’s campaign. Took less than 24 hours and they’re now walking it back. They’re going to give her some money after all, hey defending crazy costs money. Thing is, if Palin had just stayed out of it, Castle would have easily beaten the Democratic challenger and the Republicans could have spent money elsewhere on closer races. So Sarah hands another Democrat to the Senate and Dino drops further in the polls.
oops, I meant O’Donnell