Yeah, kudos to Darcy Burner, Goldy, Daniel K, and mcjoan. It was amazing to watch something revolutionary happen in real time!
The choice/design of the events for these candidates speaks volumes:
– Burner’s innovative virtual town hall and blog-based fundraiser, free and open to the public and to the world
– Reichert’s closed-door corporate elite wine and diner, lumbering out of the past surrounded by barricades and police, starring an entirely discredited and corrupt president, with an annoying robo-calling campaign tossed in for good measure. Not to mention an exasperated AG resigning on the same day.
Progressive vs. conservative, take your pick. What you see is what you get, folks!
RonK, Seattlespews:
Meanwhile, in South Carolina, Reichert responds for Rudy!:
… Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign is set to unveil its national first responders coalition … Howard Safir, a former New York City fire and police commissioner, and David Reichert, a Washington congressman and former King County (Wash.) sheriff, are expected to participate in today’s event.
sounds like that money’s paying for some speaking lessons
Daddy Lovespews:
8 kirk
Why? Have you ever heard Dave Reichert speak? It would be funny if he wasn’t working for us.
Also it’s good that words mean nothing anymore, since that way anyone the government doesn’t like is a terrorist; and a middle of the road centerist like Burner can be called a progressive.
Daddy Lovespews:
Top-tier GOP candidates Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and others declined to attend Tuesday’s Livestrong Cancer Forum, leaving only Mike Huckabee and Sam Brownback to discuss their views on combatting the disease. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich participated.
Republicans don’t care about people dying from cancer. Pony up!
9 Previous Darcy ads featured a shriller tone from her. This one sounds like she’s been practicing with a voice coach.
@11 This is a very real issue and one the Replicans are in deep trouble over because of their leader’s antiscience and budget issues as well as serious mismanagement of the science budget. We are spending huge dollars in stupid ways:
“biodefence” while cutting the Centers for Disease Control
flat lines at Cancer and Heart disease basic research
cuts in clinical research centers.
US intellectual property being sold or given to foreign entities.
You wanna know somethin dumb? We embargo X box technology but have sold the basic technology for genome analysis to a Swiss firm. SL does not mean paranoid, but shouldn’t this sort of ting be a matter for national security?
I would LUV to see a proposal for a restructuring of govt research to put science ahead of politics. We shyould, like many other nations, have a cabinet level position for science and industry. Maybe dump the friggin Commerce Depts (merge with trasury and Home security). Elevate a respected scientist to the cabinet to be sure at elast ione person at the table knows the difference betwee a virus and a bullet.
Daddy Lovespews:
Josh Marshall had a good one today:
GOP political consultant Scott Reed, reacting to the Larry Craig debacle:
“The real question for Republicans in Washington is how low can you go, because we are approaching a level of ridiculousness,” said Mr. Reed, sounding exasperated in an interview on Tuesday morning. “You can’t make this stuff up. And the impact this is having on the grass-roots around the country is devastating. Republicans think the governing class in Washington are a bunch of buffoons who have total disregard for the principles of the party, the law of the land and the future of the country.”
As Morpheus said, “Welcome to the real world.”
Right Stuffspews:
“have a cabinet level position for science and industry.”
13 We do. John Marburger is from Princton with supposedly heavy-duty credentials in non-linear optics, and nominally a Democrat. No wonder we haven’t heard much from him.
While Ms. Burner didn’t raise as much in her fundraiser as the President managed to raise, I also note that none of my tax dollars went to making her fundraiser happen, while the President managed to spend a pile of money in his effort to raise money for Mr. Reichert.
I thought that it was us Democrats that were supposed to be the folks wasting tax dollars.
Also, it would be interesting to see some sort of analysis regarding the cost of closing down major parts of our area transportation system twice in one day. Employees not able to get to work, goods and services stalled while the President rides from SeaTac to Bellevue.
I thought that it was us Democrats that were supposed to be the folks squandering economic opportunities and disrupting business.
Has anyone come up with a realistic dollar amount that the President’s little jaunt to Bellevue cost this region? Does anyone believe that the cost was less than a half-million dollars?
Oh, and Ms. Burner?
You’re welcome. Now go kick his butt.
7 So Rudy’s calling in “first responders” to help him? Does this mean his campaign is on life support?
I posted on the same issue. I am told WE paid for his and Karls and whoever else’s trips to Seattle because he gave someone an award at Boeing Field. (He may have also used the rest room?).
Right Stuffspews:
Speaking for myself, I am fed up with all lawmakers hiding from truth. Hiding from themselves, family, colleagues and constituents….
Craig needs to resign right now. Give up the whole “now I have an attorney” BS & go away. If he decides to stay, I hope the voters in Idaho attempt a recall. Goodbye Phoney!
There is no room for compromised individuals serving in the congress or any public leadership role. Security matters alone should disqualify Craig from continuing to serve…Whatelse is he hiding that could be exploited?
Whether it’s hiding money is your freezer, or foot tapping for gay sex, these fools must go.
The country faces many challenges and opportunities. We need lawmakers who are busy doing our work, and not worrying about keeping their secret lives hidden. I want members of congress who are the same in pubic as when no else is watching….
“This one sounds like she’s been practicing with a voice coach.”
Oh…I don’t know about that. For example, here is a clip from a debate one year ago, that asked Burner and Reichert about presidential signing statements. Listen to Darcy’s answer and then followed by Dave Reichert’s answer. Darcy offers an articulate and intelligible answer.
It is not clear that Reichert even knows what a presidential signing statement is! He bumbles his way through the answer, repeatedly referring to them as “Presidential signing” and is clearly looking at his notes to figure out what his position is supposed to be.
Maybe Reichert’s not the stupidest congressman ever (that title might be reserved for Doc Hastings), but he is damn near a bottom-feeder in the intellect department!
Right Stuffspews:
Agree John,
But were you complaining as much when Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry caused all the same hassles?
I would love to see the nominees from each party volunteer to end this type of fundraising. It will never happen.
Darcy is mesmerized and curious about shiny things…….like all ditzy blondes: What’s the number for 9-1-1 again? And Roger, how exactly did you contribute? She take food stamps?
Right Stuffspews:
I think that the netroots are going to need to find a way to contribute carrots via paypal.
@13: We’ll never see a rational approach to science funding so long as the “I don’t believe in evolution” (wtf is there to “believe” in?) Republicans are running things. So long as they play to the far-right evangelical base, science funding is screwed. Don’t try to make any sense out of it…it isn’t rational.
@17: They all do it, as…and it kills me to recognize this…Right Stuff pointed out in 22. It’s a privilege of being the officeholder that I’ve yet to see a good solution for. Beating up on Bush over that is useless, especially when there is much “better” material with which to beat him and Reichert up.
19 “(He may have also used the rest room?)”
Dear me…I sure hope they gave it a thorough cleaning afterwards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 What’s wrong with that? Republicans get paid for everything. Why shouldn’t I get paid, too?
@21: I’ve always been a bit put off by Burner’s speaking style, but this vid seems much better. Her speaking style always seemed heavy-handed, but what her message always resonates. I’m glad that you bring up the debates, because I’m not sure how many people saw them. Though my vote was never in question, the debates really raised my confidence that she could win in 06, and I thought her performance there should have erased all doubts about her newcomer status.
Maybe this vid is a turning point in terms of style. I think it’s about confidence and finding one’s own voice. Sort of like what happened with Gore before and after the election in 00.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 The answer to your question is that if I had been in the Senate voting on Clinton’s impeachment, I would have voted to remove him from office.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 I have posted this many times before on HA, and have been posting it on various blogs for years — since long before HA existed.
21 Darryl…love how you are called a troll/etc on this site when you post any questions about Burner’s experience, position on the issues etc. Name calling’s not just for the right wingers any more, I guess.
That link you posted played some audio of Burner’s voice that’s close to a 5th up from the vocal range in the ‘thank you’ video. That’s why I guessed that she was working with a vocal coach.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Should Dogs Pay Taxes?
Right off the top of my head, I can think of a good reason why Darcy Burner is more qualified to serve in Congress than Sheriff Blowdry is. Namely, she will support rational tax policies, as opposed to the Dingbat! tax policies favored by Republicans.
For example, I see in today’s news that the “Queen of Mean” left $12 million to her fucking DOG. Well, why not? She didn’t like humans, and her dog was her most faithful companion. In fact, her ONLY companion … because no other sentient living creature on earth would have anything to do with her.
The dog also was her most trusted business adviser. The dog was one of the few sentient living creatures that understood and shared Helmsley’s business philosophy. It won her heart by biting a housekeeper in one of her hotels. Now that’s the kind of labor relations she likes! In fact, after that incident, she secretly put the dog in charge of human relations for all her hotels. And why not? That dog knows how to keep the hired help in their place!
Now that Helmsley’s dog is worth $12 million, it’s a PRODUCER. Clearly, that dog is worth more to the economy than three thousand $1.60-an-hour New York restaurant immigrant deliverymen. Since that dog WORKED for its money, why should the government confiscate it?
Yes, in the Alice-In-Wonderland world of wingnuts (see, e.g., Leona Helmsley and Frank Blethen), dogs who inherit millions should pay NO TAXES. Only $1.60-an-hour deliverymen and $2.13-an-hour waitresses should pay taxes. It’s their own fault they’re poor! If they had learned to eat dog food and be a faithful pet to some rich bitch they, too, would reap the benefits of our REPUBLICAN TAX SYSTEM!
Can’t you see the potential here? Yes, I know Frank Blethen hates dogs, but think of the tax advantages if he leaves his entire estate to a dog! Think of the marketing advantages if the fishwrapper’s publisher is a dog!! Then, when people say,
“The Seattle Times editorial page sure has gone to the dogs,”
they won’t be speaking metaphorically — it’ll literally be true! And think of the political advantages Karl Rove would reap from this! No longer would bumper stickers saying,
Democrats treat dogs like people
Republicans treat people like dogs
be a pejorative! Republicans like do-nothing Congressman Reichert could then brag that they’re working hard in Congress to treat people like dogs! And it would be a good thing!
Daddy Lovespews:
19 SJ
I can just see GW in that rest room, patiently tapping his foot…
Daddy Lovespews:
20 RS
Now we knopw what your opinion is about a Senator in a state with a Republican governor (who pled guilty only to “disorderly conduct”), and a Democratic House member who has as yet only been indicted.
Do you also call for David Vitter’s resignation, knowing that his replacement will be appointed by a Democratic governor? He seems just as “compromised.”
I hope we all agree that the United States has too many challenges and opportunities ahead of us to stand for these fools.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 What if they both resign, and the Republican governor appoints a Republican Senator and the Democratic governor appoints a Democratic Senator? That sounds fair to me. How about it, rightys?
“love how you are called a troll/etc on this site when you post any questions about Burner’s experience, position on the issues etc.”
Calling you a troll is certainly not name-calling. It is just a statement fact. And…um…uninformed speculation about vocal coaching is your idea of “posting questions about Burner’s experience, position on the issues, etc.” ?
Not only are you a troll, you are a lousy one at that. A good troll can at least not contradict himself or herself in a single comment thread!
“That link you posted played some audio of Burner’s voice that’s close to a 5th up from the vocal range in the ‘thank you’ video. That’s why I guessed that she was working with a vocal coach.”
Ummm…no. Listen to them both. In fact, Darcy’s voice was about 1/2 step lower on average during the debate than it is on the current video.
So…on top of it all, you have no qualms about simply making up random shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 C’mon, Darryl, you don’t really believe it’s possible to reason with a wingnut do you? To trolls like Kirk, their spew is gospel truth. They actually believe the smoke that comes out of their asses.
Right Stuffspews:
I don’t deny the smoke thing. Personally it’s from a fire in the belly!
Daddy Lovespews:
Or from hot gay ass-banging…
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, I thought that when the DNS threatened to decertify Florida’s convention delegates (or whatever the peoper verb is) it was a sign of Democratic disarray or their basic UNdemocratic tendencies. Turns out, not so much only them…
RNC Planning Sanctions Against Five Primary States
The Republican National Committee is planning to strip at least half the delegates from five states — Florida, Michigan, Wyoming, South Carolina and New Hampshire — because of those states moving their primary dates ahead of the GOP’s officially sanctioned calendar.
Why is basic biology part of HHS? This makes no departmental sense.
I ama ctually not sure we need HHS at all. This is more an administrative issue than a policy issue. In any case welfare, no school left behind, and the genome porject are very poorly related,.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#41 Daddy Love says:
Hey, I thought that when the DNS threatened to decertify Florida’s convention delegates (or whatever the peoper verb is) it was a sign of Democratic disarray or their basic UNdemocratic tendencies. Turns out, not so much only them…
RNC Planning Sanctions Against Five Primary States The Republican National Committee is planning to strip at least half the delegates from five states — Florida, Michigan, Wyoming, South Carolina and New Hampshire — because of those states moving their primary dates ahead of the GOP’s officially sanctioned calendar.
Rove’s plan is working well. The democrats decertify the delegates and then the publicans change their mind, flood florida with propaganda about the democrats not wanting votes to count. Even a moron like me can see this coming.
@43 Rove’s plan is working well. The democrats decertify the delegates and then the publicans change their mind, flood florida with propaganda about the democrats not wanting votes to count. Even a moron like me can see this coming.
Only a moron like you would think that would work.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Is there a link to what states her contributions came from?
I checked out and it only listed contributions over $200.
Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed. I’m guessing their contributions would be under the actblue webpage-
checking out the above webpage it appears the majority of contributions are from out of state.
@45 Is there a link to what states her contributions came from?
Not sure. Post it if you find it.
Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed.
This may come as a shock to you but Rober Rabbit and Seattle Jew are just web pseudonyms. They’re not their actual names.
I’m guessing their contributions would be under the actblue webpage-checking out the above webpage it appears the majority of contributions are from out of state.
Which is exactly what you’d expect considering this drive was pushed on blogs with nationwide readerships.
Is there anything else we can help you with, Captain Clueless?
Daddy Lovespews:
45 MS
ALl of your links are for the 2006 election. Sorry, dude. Not relevant.
@45 Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed.
This may come as a shock to you but Rober Rabbit and Seattle Jew are just web pseudonyms. They’re not their actual names.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Daddy Love says:
45 MS
ALl of your links are for the 2006 election. Sorry, dude. Not relevant.
The question I was asking is how much of her money was from her state. I didn’t get the democrat talking points today, somthing I don’t know, like this is a subject that is not supposed to be talked about.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#47 Lee says:
@45 Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed.
This may come as a shock to you but Rober Rabbit and Seattle Jew are just web pseudonyms. They’re not their actual names
Wow. I found mighty mouse, elmer fudd, daffy duck, nemo fish, mickey mouse and under dog listed as contributors. How was I supposed to know that roger rabbit wasn’t his real name.
Troll is usually used to mean someone’s derailing a thread. When I post questions about the sound of Darcy’s voice in a thread where her voice is markedly different than before and also wonder why she needed to have a town meeting to come up with a plan for leaving Iraq when the McGovern plan already exists, that’s hardly trolling.
48 Anything that’s not fawning, effusive praise of Burner is frowned upon, it seems.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#50 kirk says:
Troll is usually used to mean someone’s derailing a thread. When I post questions about the sound of Darcy’s voice in a thread where her voice is markedly different than before and also wonder why she needed to have a town meeting to come up with a plan for leaving Iraq when the McGovern plan already exists, that’s hardly trolling.
Troll means someone that posts contrary to the opinion of the blog. No one (publicans, liberals, Sonic fans (shout out to Coz)) wants/likes to hear opposing viewpoints.
51 kirk says:
48 Anything that’s not fawning, effusive praise of Burner is frowned upon, it seems.
It’s a groupthink thing. There’s only one opinion accepted here. (props to goldy for allowing us trolls to post and not censor them)
“When I post questions about the sound of Darcy’s voice in a thread where her voice is markedly different than before and also wonder why she needed to have a town meeting to come up with a plan for leaving Iraq when the McGovern plan already exists, that’s hardly trolling.”
Yes, in fact, that is trolling! First, because you did not “ask a question,” instead you made a couple of snarky comments about her voice. Secondly, because you made it up—if you listen to the video I linked to above, there is minimal difference between her voice a year ago and in today’s video. Third because you are pretending to be someone/something you are not.
The most parsimonious explanation for these observations is that you are a wingnut troll, pretending you are not a wingnut or a troll, and doing a very bad job disguising yourself.
It’s like believing that Fox News isn’t biased and that every newspaper on the planet is a left-wing rag. Of course, Marvin Stamn wouldn’t fall victim to that groupthink because he’s not a retard, right?
@53 Troll means someone that posts contrary to the opinion of the blog.
No, a troll is someone who is here to intentionally avoid providing intelligent feedback. If you want to come here and provide intelligent rebuttals, you’re more than welcome to, but you and numerous others are not capable of that. Instead, you throw out transparently absurd right-wing talking points. Then, when those talking points are easily debunked, you start screaming about “left-wing bias” and trying to make absurd parallels that make no sense.
Lee: we’ve proven BEYOND a shadow of a doubt most leading newspapers are Moonbat!
Just look at the journalistic voting records. Greater than 85% Moonbat in presidential elections.
What a lot of the right-wing simpletons don’t realize is that the reason that a high percentage of journalists voted for Kerry in the 2004 isn’t because they’re all biased. It’s because it’s their job to pay attention to what’s happening. People right now who are informed on the issues of the day are overwhelmingly anti-Bush. That’s just the reality.
54 My comments about the sound of her voice were based on my years of experience casting, recording and editing dialog lines.
Secondly, this is a question:
Why doesn’t Darcy Burner know about the McGovern plan for leaving Iraq? /2006/10/0081225
That no one’s answered since alleged scientists like Darryl don’t know how to answer without name calling, or know that there are left wing folks (like me) who don’t believe that Burner is in any meaningful sense ‘progressive’.
Here’s one example from her website:
“On Retirement Security:
Social Security and private pensions are promises made to working people for their retirement security. I will push for the modest reforms that are necessary to strengthen the Social Security system and I will fight against risky schemes that would destroy it, including privatization. I will also fight to ensure that employees get the pensions they have earned. ”
How hard would it be to articulate a real progressive opinion to wit: That social security taxes are very regressive and that much (if not all) of the alleged problems with the program would be solved if the ceiling on FICA deductions were raised.
I’m suprised you’re a scientist Darryl since your brain only seems to work in binary mode ie:
Criticise Burner therefore rightwing nut
@49 If these aren’t for 2008, why do they say 2008?
Darcy Burner Election: WA-08
The “08” is the district number, not the year, you putz.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Lee says:
@49 If these aren’t for 2008, why do they say 2008?
Darcy Burner Election: WA-08
The “08″ is the district number, not the year, you putz.
You “forgot” the middle of the post. I’ll post it so all can see the truth.
If these aren’t for 2008, why do they say 2008?
Office sought -House
Election year – 2008
State – WA
District8 idate_result.php?last=darcy&fi rst=burner
I didn’t forget it, I intentionally left it out. You’re still a fucking retard for thinking that the “08” was the year in the other link.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#67 Lee says:
@66 I didn’t forget it, I intentionally left it out. You’re still a fucking retard for thinking that the “08″ was the year in the other link.
I know you didn’t forget it. You did the same thing you like to accuse point out I do.
But like usual, the real question of her out of state donations goes by the wayside. Your fear of answering the tough questions is only overshadowed by Cantwells fear of flapping tent flaps.
Darcy rocks! She hugs rabbits, too. Do-nothing Congressman Blowdry still hasn’t hugged a rabbit. Is he an animal hater?
…”supassed it by a lot”…
And she wants to go to Congress … whew.
She has the presence and speaking ability of the floor lady at Target… maybe less skills actually. Rehash Darcy won’t work.
Need new blood … she will not beat the Sheriff, never.
If Darcy hugged a rabbit I doubt it would be a 30 lb has been with missing hair patches with a sign around it’s neck
“For a good time call 1-900-suck-rog”
From a few days ago:
And here’s McJoan’s wrapup:
Yeah, kudos to Darcy Burner, Goldy, Daniel K, and mcjoan. It was amazing to watch something revolutionary happen in real time!
The choice/design of the events for these candidates speaks volumes:
– Burner’s innovative virtual town hall and blog-based fundraiser, free and open to the public and to the world
– Reichert’s closed-door corporate elite wine and diner, lumbering out of the past surrounded by barricades and police, starring an entirely discredited and corrupt president, with an annoying robo-calling campaign tossed in for good measure. Not to mention an exasperated AG resigning on the same day.
Progressive vs. conservative, take your pick. What you see is what you get, folks!
Meanwhile, in South Carolina, Reichert responds for Rudy!:
sounds like that money’s paying for some speaking lessons
8 kirk
Why? Have you ever heard Dave Reichert speak? It would be funny if he wasn’t working for us.
Also it’s good that words mean nothing anymore, since that way anyone the government doesn’t like is a terrorist; and a middle of the road centerist like Burner can be called a progressive.
Top-tier GOP candidates Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and others declined to attend Tuesday’s Livestrong Cancer Forum, leaving only Mike Huckabee and Sam Brownback to discuss their views on combatting the disease. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich participated.
Republicans don’t care about people dying from cancer. Pony up!
9 Previous Darcy ads featured a shriller tone from her. This one sounds like she’s been practicing with a voice coach.
Why doesn’t Darcy Burner know about the McGovern plan for leaving Iraq?
@11 This is a very real issue and one the Replicans are in deep trouble over because of their leader’s antiscience and budget issues as well as serious mismanagement of the science budget. We are spending huge dollars in stupid ways:
“biodefence” while cutting the Centers for Disease Control
flat lines at Cancer and Heart disease basic research
cuts in clinical research centers.
US intellectual property being sold or given to foreign entities.
You wanna know somethin dumb? We embargo X box technology but have sold the basic technology for genome analysis to a Swiss firm. SL does not mean paranoid, but shouldn’t this sort of ting be a matter for national security?
I would LUV to see a proposal for a restructuring of govt research to put science ahead of politics. We shyould, like many other nations, have a cabinet level position for science and industry. Maybe dump the friggin Commerce Depts (merge with trasury and Home security). Elevate a respected scientist to the cabinet to be sure at elast ione person at the table knows the difference betwee a virus and a bullet.
Josh Marshall had a good one today:
GOP political consultant Scott Reed, reacting to the Larry Craig debacle:
As Morpheus said, “Welcome to the real world.”
“have a cabinet level position for science and industry.”
Well what about health and human services?
13 We do. John Marburger is from Princton with supposedly heavy-duty credentials in non-linear optics, and nominally a Democrat. No wonder we haven’t heard much from him.
While Ms. Burner didn’t raise as much in her fundraiser as the President managed to raise, I also note that none of my tax dollars went to making her fundraiser happen, while the President managed to spend a pile of money in his effort to raise money for Mr. Reichert.
I thought that it was us Democrats that were supposed to be the folks wasting tax dollars.
Also, it would be interesting to see some sort of analysis regarding the cost of closing down major parts of our area transportation system twice in one day. Employees not able to get to work, goods and services stalled while the President rides from SeaTac to Bellevue.
I thought that it was us Democrats that were supposed to be the folks squandering economic opportunities and disrupting business.
Has anyone come up with a realistic dollar amount that the President’s little jaunt to Bellevue cost this region? Does anyone believe that the cost was less than a half-million dollars?
Oh, and Ms. Burner?
You’re welcome. Now go kick his butt.
7 So Rudy’s calling in “first responders” to help him? Does this mean his campaign is on life support?
I posted on the same issue. I am told WE paid for his and Karls and whoever else’s trips to Seattle because he gave someone an award at Boeing Field. (He may have also used the rest room?).
Speaking for myself, I am fed up with all lawmakers hiding from truth. Hiding from themselves, family, colleagues and constituents….
Craig needs to resign right now. Give up the whole “now I have an attorney” BS & go away. If he decides to stay, I hope the voters in Idaho attempt a recall. Goodbye Phoney!
There is no room for compromised individuals serving in the congress or any public leadership role. Security matters alone should disqualify Craig from continuing to serve…Whatelse is he hiding that could be exploited?
Whether it’s hiding money is your freezer, or foot tapping for gay sex, these fools must go.
The country faces many challenges and opportunities. We need lawmakers who are busy doing our work, and not worrying about keeping their secret lives hidden. I want members of congress who are the same in pubic as when no else is watching….
Kirk-troll @ 8 and 12,
“This one sounds like she’s been practicing with a voice coach.”
Oh…I don’t know about that. For example, here is a clip from a debate one year ago, that asked Burner and Reichert about presidential signing statements. Listen to Darcy’s answer and then followed by Dave Reichert’s answer. Darcy offers an articulate and intelligible answer.
It is not clear that Reichert even knows what a presidential signing statement is! He bumbles his way through the answer, repeatedly referring to them as “Presidential signing” and is clearly looking at his notes to figure out what his position is supposed to be.
Maybe Reichert’s not the stupidest congressman ever (that title might be reserved for Doc Hastings), but he is damn near a bottom-feeder in the intellect department!
Agree John,
But were you complaining as much when Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry caused all the same hassles?
I would love to see the nominees from each party volunteer to end this type of fundraising. It will never happen.
Darcy is mesmerized and curious about shiny things…….like all ditzy blondes: What’s the number for 9-1-1 again? And Roger, how exactly did you contribute? She take food stamps?
I think that the netroots are going to need to find a way to contribute carrots via paypal.
@13: We’ll never see a rational approach to science funding so long as the “I don’t believe in evolution” (wtf is there to “believe” in?) Republicans are running things. So long as they play to the far-right evangelical base, science funding is screwed. Don’t try to make any sense out of it…it isn’t rational.
@17: They all do it, as…and it kills me to recognize this…Right Stuff pointed out in 22. It’s a privilege of being the officeholder that I’ve yet to see a good solution for. Beating up on Bush over that is useless, especially when there is much “better” material with which to beat him and Reichert up.
19 “(He may have also used the rest room?)”
Dear me…I sure hope they gave it a thorough cleaning afterwards.
@3 What’s wrong with that? Republicans get paid for everything. Why shouldn’t I get paid, too?
@21: I’ve always been a bit put off by Burner’s speaking style, but this vid seems much better. Her speaking style always seemed heavy-handed, but what her message always resonates. I’m glad that you bring up the debates, because I’m not sure how many people saw them. Though my vote was never in question, the debates really raised my confidence that she could win in 06, and I thought her performance there should have erased all doubts about her newcomer status.
Maybe this vid is a turning point in terms of style. I think it’s about confidence and finding one’s own voice. Sort of like what happened with Gore before and after the election in 00.
@17 The answer to your question is that if I had been in the Senate voting on Clinton’s impeachment, I would have voted to remove him from office.
@29 I have posted this many times before on HA, and have been posting it on various blogs for years — since long before HA existed.
21 Darryl…love how you are called a troll/etc on this site when you post any questions about Burner’s experience, position on the issues etc. Name calling’s not just for the right wingers any more, I guess.
That link you posted played some audio of Burner’s voice that’s close to a 5th up from the vocal range in the ‘thank you’ video. That’s why I guessed that she was working with a vocal coach.
Why Should Dogs Pay Taxes?
Right off the top of my head, I can think of a good reason why Darcy Burner is more qualified to serve in Congress than Sheriff Blowdry is. Namely, she will support rational tax policies, as opposed to the Dingbat! tax policies favored by Republicans.
For example, I see in today’s news that the “Queen of Mean” left $12 million to her fucking DOG. Well, why not? She didn’t like humans, and her dog was her most faithful companion. In fact, her ONLY companion … because no other sentient living creature on earth would have anything to do with her.
The dog also was her most trusted business adviser. The dog was one of the few sentient living creatures that understood and shared Helmsley’s business philosophy. It won her heart by biting a housekeeper in one of her hotels. Now that’s the kind of labor relations she likes! In fact, after that incident, she secretly put the dog in charge of human relations for all her hotels. And why not? That dog knows how to keep the hired help in their place!
Now that Helmsley’s dog is worth $12 million, it’s a PRODUCER. Clearly, that dog is worth more to the economy than three thousand $1.60-an-hour New York restaurant immigrant deliverymen. Since that dog WORKED for its money, why should the government confiscate it?
Yes, in the Alice-In-Wonderland world of wingnuts (see, e.g., Leona Helmsley and Frank Blethen), dogs who inherit millions should pay NO TAXES. Only $1.60-an-hour deliverymen and $2.13-an-hour waitresses should pay taxes. It’s their own fault they’re poor! If they had learned to eat dog food and be a faithful pet to some rich bitch they, too, would reap the benefits of our REPUBLICAN TAX SYSTEM!
Can’t you see the potential here? Yes, I know Frank Blethen hates dogs, but think of the tax advantages if he leaves his entire estate to a dog! Think of the marketing advantages if the fishwrapper’s publisher is a dog!! Then, when people say,
“The Seattle Times editorial page sure has gone to the dogs,”
they won’t be speaking metaphorically — it’ll literally be true! And think of the political advantages Karl Rove would reap from this! No longer would bumper stickers saying,
Democrats treat dogs like people
Republicans treat people like dogs
be a pejorative! Republicans like do-nothing Congressman Reichert could then brag that they’re working hard in Congress to treat people like dogs! And it would be a good thing!
19 SJ
I can just see GW in that rest room, patiently tapping his foot…
20 RS
Now we knopw what your opinion is about a Senator in a state with a Republican governor (who pled guilty only to “disorderly conduct”), and a Democratic House member who has as yet only been indicted.
Do you also call for David Vitter’s resignation, knowing that his replacement will be appointed by a Democratic governor? He seems just as “compromised.”
Republican, Democrat, Independent, Martian, whomever.
I hope we all agree that the United States has too many challenges and opportunities ahead of us to stand for these fools.
@34 What if they both resign, and the Republican governor appoints a Republican Senator and the Democratic governor appoints a Democratic Senator? That sounds fair to me. How about it, rightys?
“love how you are called a troll/etc on this site when you post any questions about Burner’s experience, position on the issues etc.”
Calling you a troll is certainly not name-calling. It is just a statement fact. And…um…uninformed speculation about vocal coaching is your idea of “posting questions about Burner’s experience, position on the issues, etc.” ?
Not only are you a troll, you are a lousy one at that. A good troll can at least not contradict himself or herself in a single comment thread!
“That link you posted played some audio of Burner’s voice that’s close to a 5th up from the vocal range in the ‘thank you’ video. That’s why I guessed that she was working with a vocal coach.”
Ummm…no. Listen to them both. In fact, Darcy’s voice was about 1/2 step lower on average during the debate than it is on the current video.
So…on top of it all, you have no qualms about simply making up random shit.
@37 C’mon, Darryl, you don’t really believe it’s possible to reason with a wingnut do you? To trolls like Kirk, their spew is gospel truth. They actually believe the smoke that comes out of their asses.
I don’t deny the smoke thing. Personally it’s from a fire in the belly!
Or from hot gay ass-banging…
Hey, I thought that when the DNS threatened to decertify Florida’s convention delegates (or whatever the peoper verb is) it was a sign of Democratic disarray or their basic UNdemocratic tendencies. Turns out, not so much only them…;emc=rss
I guess nobody wants everyone’s vote to count.
#15 health ans human services
Why is basic biology part of HHS? This makes no departmental sense.
I ama ctually not sure we need HHS at all. This is more an administrative issue than a policy issue. In any case welfare, no school left behind, and the genome porject are very poorly related,.
#41 Daddy Love says:
Rove’s plan is working well. The democrats decertify the delegates and then the publicans change their mind, flood florida with propaganda about the democrats not wanting votes to count. Even a moron like me can see this coming.
Rove’s plan is working well. The democrats decertify the delegates and then the publicans change their mind, flood florida with propaganda about the democrats not wanting votes to count. Even a moron like me can see this coming.
Only a moron like you would think that would work.
Is there a link to what states her contributions came from?
I checked out and it only listed contributions over $200.
Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed. I’m guessing their contributions would be under the actblue webpage-
checking out the above webpage it appears the majority of contributions are from out of state.
Is there a link to what states her contributions came from?
Not sure. Post it if you find it.
Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed.
This may come as a shock to you but Rober Rabbit and Seattle Jew are just web pseudonyms. They’re not their actual names.
I’m guessing their contributions would be under the actblue webpage-checking out the above webpage it appears the majority of contributions are from out of state.
Which is exactly what you’d expect considering this drive was pushed on blogs with nationwide readerships.
Is there anything else we can help you with, Captain Clueless?
45 MS
ALl of your links are for the 2006 election. Sorry, dude. Not relevant.
Perusing through the list washington state was less than half the donations (didn’t check every name on every page so my initial estimate could be off) Didn’t find a david goldstein, lee, rogerrabbit or seattlejew listed.
This may come as a shock to you but Rober Rabbit and Seattle Jew are just web pseudonyms. They’re not their actual names.
Daddy Love says:
If these aren’t for 2008, why do they say 2008?
Office sought -House
Election year – 2008
State – WA
Darcy Burner Election: WA-08
The question I was asking is how much of her money was from her state. I didn’t get the democrat talking points today, somthing I don’t know, like this is a subject that is not supposed to be talked about.
#47 Lee says:
Wow. I found mighty mouse, elmer fudd, daffy duck, nemo fish, mickey mouse and under dog listed as contributors. How was I supposed to know that roger rabbit wasn’t his real name.
Troll is usually used to mean someone’s derailing a thread. When I post questions about the sound of Darcy’s voice in a thread where her voice is markedly different than before and also wonder why she needed to have a town meeting to come up with a plan for leaving Iraq when the McGovern plan already exists, that’s hardly trolling.
48 Anything that’s not fawning, effusive praise of Burner is frowned upon, it seems.
#50 kirk says:
Troll means someone that posts contrary to the opinion of the blog. No one (publicans, liberals, Sonic fans (shout out to Coz)) wants/likes to hear opposing viewpoints.
It’s a groupthink thing. There’s only one opinion accepted here. (props to goldy for allowing us trolls to post and not censor them)
Kirk @ 50
“When I post questions about the sound of Darcy’s voice in a thread where her voice is markedly different than before and also wonder why she needed to have a town meeting to come up with a plan for leaving Iraq when the McGovern plan already exists, that’s hardly trolling.”
Yes, in fact, that is trolling! First, because you did not “ask a question,” instead you made a couple of snarky comments about her voice. Secondly, because you made it up—if you listen to the video I linked to above, there is minimal difference between her voice a year ago and in today’s video. Third because you are pretending to be someone/something you are not.
The most parsimonious explanation for these observations is that you are a wingnut troll, pretending you are not a wingnut or a troll, and doing a very bad job disguising yourself.
Kirk @ 52
“Anything that’s not fawning, effusive praise of Burner is frowned upon, it seems.”
Apparently you don’t understand how blog comment threads work. In comment threads bullshit is typically pointed out as being bullshit.
Your whining will not prevent it, Squirt.
Oh this was funny, she is going to change the government, by getting more money. Yup that’s our Darcy Dimshit….
No thanks!
@38 Rodent,
And so do you, you hypocrit. You never did say whether ditzy Darcy took your food stamp contribution or not. Just curious.
It’s a groupthink thing.
It’s like believing that Fox News isn’t biased and that every newspaper on the planet is a left-wing rag. Of course, Marvin Stamn wouldn’t fall victim to that groupthink because he’s not a retard, right?
Troll means someone that posts contrary to the opinion of the blog.
No, a troll is someone who is here to intentionally avoid providing intelligent feedback. If you want to come here and provide intelligent rebuttals, you’re more than welcome to, but you and numerous others are not capable of that. Instead, you throw out transparently absurd right-wing talking points. Then, when those talking points are easily debunked, you start screaming about “left-wing bias” and trying to make absurd parallels that make no sense.
Lee: we’ve proven BEYOND a shadow of a doubt most leading newspapers are Moonbat!
Just look at the journalistic voting records. Greater than 85% Moonbat in presidential elections.
What? Can you please write your comments in English.
61 Even if he COULD write his comments in English, they’d still make no sense.
What a lot of the right-wing simpletons don’t realize is that the reason that a high percentage of journalists voted for Kerry in the 2004 isn’t because they’re all biased. It’s because it’s their job to pay attention to what’s happening. People right now who are informed on the issues of the day are overwhelmingly anti-Bush. That’s just the reality.
54 My comments about the sound of her voice were based on my years of experience casting, recording and editing dialog lines.
Secondly, this is a question:
Why doesn’t Darcy Burner know about the McGovern plan for leaving Iraq? /2006/10/0081225
That no one’s answered since alleged scientists like Darryl don’t know how to answer without name calling, or know that there are left wing folks (like me) who don’t believe that Burner is in any meaningful sense ‘progressive’.
Here’s one example from her website:
“On Retirement Security:
Social Security and private pensions are promises made to working people for their retirement security. I will push for the modest reforms that are necessary to strengthen the Social Security system and I will fight against risky schemes that would destroy it, including privatization. I will also fight to ensure that employees get the pensions they have earned. ”
How hard would it be to articulate a real progressive opinion to wit: That social security taxes are very regressive and that much (if not all) of the alleged problems with the program would be solved if the ceiling on FICA deductions were raised.
I’m suprised you’re a scientist Darryl since your brain only seems to work in binary mode ie:
Criticise Burner therefore rightwing nut
If these aren’t for 2008, why do they say 2008?
Darcy Burner Election: WA-08
The “08” is the district number, not the year, you putz.
Lee says:
You “forgot” the middle of the post. I’ll post it so all can see the truth.
If these aren’t for 2008, why do they say 2008?
Office sought -House
Election year – 2008
State – WA
District8 idate_result.php?last=darcy&fi rst=burner
I didn’t forget it, I intentionally left it out. You’re still a fucking retard for thinking that the “08” was the year in the other link.
#67 Lee says:
I know you didn’t forget it. You did the same thing you like to
accusepoint out I do.But like usual, the real question of her out of state donations goes by the wayside. Your fear of answering the tough questions is only overshadowed by Cantwells fear of flapping tent flaps.
I know you didn’t forget it. You did the same thing you like to accuse point out I do.
No, that’s different than what I do. What I do is make fun of how much of a fucking retard you are.
But like usual, the real question of her out of state donations goes by the wayside.
What question? We all know a lot of her donations come from out of state. No one denies that, you idiot.
Your fear of answering the tough questions is only overshadowed by Cantwells fear of flapping tent flaps.
Hahahahahaha!! We’re not afraid to answer you, Marvin. We’re stunned speechless by how retarded you are.