Speaking of Texas, a new Research 2000 poll for Daily Kos shows Texas Republicans are split, 48%-48% on the issue of secession.
Do you think Texas would be better off as an independent nation or as part of the United States of America?
US: 61
Independent nation: 35Democrats: US 82, Ind 15
Republicans: US 48, Ind 48
Independents: US 55, Ind 40Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Rick Perry’s suggestion that Texas may need to leave the United States?
Approve: 37
Disapprove: 58Democrats: Approve 16, Disapprove 80
Republicans: Approve 51, Disapprove 44
Independents: Approve 43, Disapprove 50
I wonder if we need a good science fiction writer at this time? You know someone to write “5004; 1984^-1?”
In this inversion of 1984 the Republican party is gone except for a set of fringe sects. Some aspects of Republicanism have now been diagnosed and can be treated by drugs similar to those now used to allow people Io choose gay vs straight personalities. However, if you are diagnosed with severe illness .. paranoia, divine delusion syndrome, sexual addiction, racism, or irrational religion, the courts can mandate implantation of a slow release pump. The wide spread use of the pumps has so reduced crime that our prisons are now being converted into condos.
Of course we still have political parties but these have merged with media empires and those, in turn, have largely been bought out by sovereign banks. The largest party is NBC-Vatican. Using the Vatican bank to fund NV, was a brilliant inspiration of President Condeleesa Rice when she took over the ailing media giant in 2020. Working with Pope M’buto, Dr. Rice created a party/media giant that is rivalled only by Mao-Fox. History itself changes when MF, affectionately called mother-fucker by its opponents, bailed out Mexico and became the first Great Mediocrity to privatize a nation.
And then there is TheChurch. Formed by the Allan-Templeton foundation after NV divested itself of local parishes, TheChurch has emerged as the ultimate in religions, competing only with Global Jihad for followers. We all remember the public conversion of GW Bush and his admission to visitations by the antiChrist, in the form of Dick Chaney. Depak Chopra, then the spokeperson for the “we-are-one” ads from Microsoft/Apple, publicly accepted the elderly Mr. Bush’s confession using MS-confessional, the killer app that skyrocketed the onetime software giant into becoming the first truly global faith.
And then there is the New American Union. Few Democrats took Governor Perry seriously when he first introduced the idea of Texas becoming a sovereign state. Little did they know that the Texan had touched on something that would change North America forever. When Texas, Quebec, Cascadia, Alaska, Cuba, and New Hampshire held the first American Union Congress, who would have expected that within ten years the AU would replace the “federal” governments of Canada, the USA, and Mexico? The new capital, located in Havana, with its panache and ample funding from the NV party, has become so popular that Presidente Schwartznegger, leader of the NV party, swept into office in 2025, leaving little for the old federal governments to do but dissolve.
Viva Arnoldo.
“America, love it or leave it”
What goes around, comes around. At least we know where they stand.
Most people probably don’t know this, but Goldy and I went to Wharton together, so I know him better than most. Sorry old chum, not taking the blog bait.
And… I like to eat my own feces.
@2: True. Republicans are all about consistency in their politics/policies, so consistency is in order!
There are some potential blessings to having Texas leave the union:
We won’t have Cornyn, Hutchinson to kick around anymore. It could make the Seante filibuster proof.
I think if Texas wasn’t a majority republican and christian state, this issue wouldn’t get so much attention on this blog. If it was Oregon talking like this, it might even get support.
The fair reality is that many groups, have wanted to assert their state rights when their federal government is acting out of sync with their beliefs.
Washington state is one of 20+ states that recently introduced a bill to declare it’s own sovereignty from the federal government.
During the bush years, “Blue States” were talking of their rights to secede and govern locally in the way they saw fit in face of the crazy stuff going on at the federal level.
Some groups have discussed entire regions seceding, giving way to international boundaries.
This secession response is a common part of American history. IMO, everyone has a right to discuss if they are unhappy with their federal government, and let the federal government know they are abusing their power. Doing so by proclaiming state sovereignty is one way to do that.
It’s only potentially traitorous if they actually try to do it. Which is where the real discussion should be, IMO.
Troll @3,
Perhaps from now on, every time you make up something about me or my blog, maybe I’ll just edit your comment to add one truthful line?
Fine. I will just respond to the post by analyzing it.
I think in your post you are trying to show Texas Republicans, who consider themselves to be uber-patriots, to be the ultimate hypocrites. Claiming to love …
Hold on, international business call. Back later.
There’s the door, Tejas.
It’s a piece o’ crap state with crappy schools, the country’s worst air, massively rampant overt racism, a crappy economy, and I say let ’em go and let’s elevate the standard of living of the remaining 49.
Jim, a genuine musician who has not, does not, and will not ever attempt to operate a bagpipe assembly.
DB to DC.
More silliness ensuing from people who haven’t thought it out at all. If I were a Texan, I would make note of the people for seceding and vote them out of office.
Goldy AGAIN I implore you – you can live on easy street – just start outing the true identity of traitors like TROLL! My donations to HA will skyrocket. Tell us the truth about this piece of shit. We’ve earned it – listening to his constant bullshit for this long has given us the right to know some truth about the punk. What? He’s a baby raper? Closet Queen?
#12. Who are they?
They can post, I just don’t read them. I let my eyes slide past what every troll, or cynical or marvin and the rest has posted and don’t bother to give them any of my mind share. They have proven consistently not to add anything constructive to the conversation.
Losing SXSW would be a drag, but losing the Cowboys?….priceless!!!!
A daily kos poll? Didn’t one of their polls predict that ned flanders would kill lieberman in the general election a couple years back?
You think troll is a baby raper?
And you believe that goldy knows it and is keeping it a secret? So in your mind, goldy would protect a baby raper from getting caught. You certainly don’t have a very high opinion of goldy.
I’m impressed without reading anything I write that you managed to guess my name.
Marvin, Blew John really meant Puddy. He has dyslexia and can’t figger out names to well. He even misspells blew!
Texas wants to succeed from the Union? Tired of paying those EVIL Federal taxes? Cool! The idea seems to be that Texas, as an independent nation not part of the United States, will make out like bandits because they don’t have to pay Federal taxes, and as a bonus don’t have to put up with interracial marriages, Jews or gays. The problem is…this is part of that 5 year old “I want something for nothing” mentality. Texas will be swamped with HUGE new taxes (initially far exceeding the current Federal ones).
Maybe eventually they’ll pay 10% less than now, or maybe more, who knows, as they’ll have to rebuild an entire national infrastructure and pay for it ONLY out of Texas, not shared among the rest of the U.S.
Don Pardo, tell them what they DON’T get…
1. You get to build your own military from scratch! All of those aircraft carriers, submarines, Navy Seals, spy satellites, Marines, tanks and nuclear weapons belong to the United States, not Canada, Mexico or Texas. So Texas will have to ‘raise’ the money to build their own military. I wonder if they’ll want to be a nuclear nation? If they want WMDs we might have to invade to stop them. Anyway, it shouldn’t cost more than $250 billion for a small country, then $25-50 billion a year to keep it up (Canada spends $20 billion a year). This will require new taxes, unless they’re assuming the United States will protect them for “free” out of the goodness of our hearts, paid for by the tax payers of Iowa and Oregon.
2. You also don’t get security! No boarder patrol agents (paid for by national immigration office), FBI or CIA agents. When someone robs a bank, no FBI agents to investigate, you’ll have to do it yourself, pay for the officers out of new Texas taxes. No more DARE program or drug program money, if you want to keep pot illegal and fight drugs, you’ll have to pay for it entirely yourself. No more CIA/NSA/DIA to stop “terrorists”, create your own secret service (training academy, spy HQ, satellites, etc)
3. You also don’t get Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare (regular and drug benefit)! Those are programs of the United States, not Canada, Mexico or Texas. So Texas will have to start it’s own social security, unemployment (replace Federal money), and replace Medicare and Medicaid. You can do this out of the new taxes you’ll have to enact…or just drop those programs entirely. Again, Iowa and Oregon tax payers don’t fund unemployment insurance and drug benefits for the nations of Mexico, Canada or Texas.
4. You also don’t get any federal help with transportation! Need a bridge replaced? No more having your Senator or Congressman pull a Ted Stevens and get a rider/amendment attached to a bill to have the Federal government pay for it. You have to be totally self sufficient with all projects. This applies to airports too. No more FAA (have to “build”
your own FAA, new national radar support, rules and logistics center, pay for employees, etc). No more Federal grants to build runways or expand airports. You’ll have to do that entirely out of NEW local taxes now.
5. No space program! NASA will have to pull out from Houston, and move to New Mexico, as we don’t launch the Space Shuttle or any rockets from Canada, Mexico or Texas. All of those high paying engineer jobs are paid for by NASA and American tax payers (Oregon, Iowa, etc) and we won’t be paying for them to operate in foreign nations.
6. Sandbag yourself! Did you just have a hurricane? Oh…sad. Did you want Federal help, or National Guard troops from other states to come help out? Nope. We don’t send Iowa National Guard troops to Canada or Mexico to help with their problems, nor Texas now. Pay for your own help…unless like a 5 year old, you want them to help out for “free” and get their support, but just not pay for them (in taxes).
7. No more wrapping yourself in “the flag” and pretending to be patriots. You’re no longer patriots, you’re a foreign nation. The “heroes” of WWI and WWII and our current “War on Terror” and our brave troops are no longer yours, you’re a foreign nation like Canada. You don’t get to kiss ass by supporting “our troops”…they’re not your troops anymore. You’re not PART of the war in terror, unless you want to raise some taxes, build a military and become a member of the “coalition of the willing”. You’ll also have to burn all of those American flag hats, tee-shirts, and bumper stickers. You’ve got the Alamo and that’s it. You’re now a competing nation to the United States, not part of it.
8. And MORE!!! You’ll have to replace the REST of the national infrastructure entirely on your own (out of new taxes). No more Agriculture Dept food inspections (pay for that yourself from new taxes). No more FDA drug monitoring (pay for that yourself out of new taxes). Those bio-tech companies in Houston now are in a foreign nation and can’t apply to the FDA for approval, you’ll need to ‘create’ some equivalent in Texas. You’ll have to create your own money, printing plants for bills/coins, create a ‘Fed’ bank equivalent and pay for all of it. Want mail delivered to your ranch in the middle of Texas? I’m sorry, the United States Post office doesn’t deliver mail in Canada or Mexico. You’ll have to create your own mail system, buy the delivery trucks, create rules/regulations/manuals, a stamp system, and hire drivers….all from new taxes you’ll have to raise. By the way, getting your magazines delivered just got more expensive because you’re a foreign country. By the way, calling New Orleans or St. Louis just became and “international” call.
And that’s just the START. But at least you’ll be free of the evil “government”…except for your new government. LOL
@3 “I like to eat my own feces.”
Yes, we know. (The rest of your comment isn’t credible.)
@6 “Washington state is one of 20+ states that recently introduced a bill to declare it’s own sovereignty from the federal government.”
Let’s correct a misstatement here, Washington state didn’t introduce anything in the legislature; the bill in question was introduced by a handful of Republican idiots who are about as far from being representative of Washington state’s population as it’s possible to get, given that Democrats have supermajorities in both houses of the legislature and occupy nearly all of the statewide executive offices.
Furthermore, to attribute this idiotic bill to “Washington state” is to slander the vast majority of Washington citizens who did not vote for our local secessionists, who constitute a tiny fringe element.
I just wanted to clarify that.
@8 “Hold on, international business call. Back later.”
Your Mexican drug supplier wants to be paid or he’s gonna put out a contract on you?
@18 Please! Self-flattery doesn’t become you. You are far less important than your appetite for attention suggests.
A couple of things about Texas – first of all GET THE FUCK OUT and take that traitor and coward George Bush with you. Do it NOW. Don’t wait. America would be so much better off without you. Don’t let the door his you in the ass on the way out cunts.
And second…
Texas wouldn’t even BE a state if the fucking Alamo had a back door!
Ah…so only half of Texas Republicans are seditionists?
To quote another well-known Texan, “you can’t fix stupid”.
Do you have a preferred manner of preparing your feces for consumption? I mean do you like them sushi-style, baked, grilled, mashed, pickled, sauteed? Do you take them straight, or do take them with condiments? If so, which one(s)? Horseradish, ketchup, dijon mustard, Tabasco? With what do you like to wash your feces down? Buttermilk, perhaps? Grape soda, maybe? Please respond. I’m dying to know.
“Democrats: US 82, Ind 15
Republicans: US 48, Ind 48
Independents: US 55, Ind 40”
Well, when comes to tallying which Texans love America more, Republicans or Democrats, hands down it’s Democrats. No surprise there, really. By a large margin.
@25 “Ah…so only half of Texas Republicans are seditionists?”
Or put another way, only half of Texas Republicans love America. Hmm, maybe “love” is too stong. Perhaps they only like it.
Hey, Norm Coleman, here’s how it’s done, you piece of shit:
“It became clear that the numbers were not going our way and that the time had come to step aside and ensure that the next Congressman be seated as quickly as possible,” he said in the written statement. “In the interest of the citizens of the 20th Congressional district and our nation, I wish Scott the very best.”
Put 49 stars on Old Glory and let’s move all Republicans to the nation of Texass.
America: Love it or leave it.
Apparently, Republicans don’t love America and don’t want to be Americans any more.
Fine. Get the FUCK OUT of my country!
@19- very nice summary. My only quibble is that the DARE programs are one of the biggest wastes of tax dollars we have. I think DARE officers run to the principal’s office and call 911 when anything actually happens.
This is really out there on the wing nut scale. And to think that some Repubs have talked about Rick “big hair” Perry as the next Chamber of Commerce brand Republican President of the, errr, “United States of America.” Better remind him you have to be a citizen to run for president.
Just more evidence that the Republican leadership would have a hard time suggesting anything sufficiently stupid that fully half of their membership wouldn’t mindlessly cheer on as effing brilliant.