The wingnuts seem to be confused on their talking points. One of the posters here claimed yesterday that the Democrats were stealing the “fist pump” from the Republicans! Now Fox News is calling it a terrorist act. So, are the Republicans admitting that they are terrorists, or are their talking points memos confused?
Call Homeland Security..
Yes Barack Obama was born in the U.S.A
And his first name is “Barack” not “Barry” despite what his high school yearbook might say.
My comment about Pat Buchanan, of all people, doing it first WAS A JOKE.
But I guess I shouldn’t expect much from people in the Democrat Party. You have way too much trouble separating fact from fiction. Maybe you should knock off all that pot smoking (see: Lee’s incessant droning).
YLB @ 2
It isn’t anyone but “Barry’s” fault that he chose to go by that name in high school. Knowing what we know about his slippery pandering (embrace, denounce, repeat as needed), it also make sense that he now embraces “Barack” because it sounds “diverse” and appeals to to you Lefties. This guy is the ultimate “packaged candidate.”
It shows how desperate the right wing turds are. The best they can do is complain about a fist bump. The sad part is that they don’t even realize how fucking utterly pathetic they are.
Do stick around Surreal. It’s going to be fun to watch your pathetic, bankrupt party try to put Bob DoleJohn McBushCain over the top.
Mark @ # 3: Oh, so I’m supposed to tell when you are serious, and when you are joking????
I’ve often wondered. After all, surely nobody would make the comments you do on this site and expect anybody to take you seriously!
So in order to give you the benefit of the doubt, I will, from now on, consider anything you say on this site to be a joke.
In non-political news:
The levee broke, and about 10,000 people are under mandatory evacuation orders in Grand Rapids. Lots of people are going to lose their homes – it’s the worst non-hurricane related flooding since 1993. The Corps of Engineers is even closing locks so it can remove the electrical equipment, in order to keep it from being ruined from floodwaters.
A side affect of the weather & the flooding? A lot of this nation’s richest corn fields won’t be growing anything this year.
“Corn prices hit a record high again Thursday and the short-term outlook did not look good.
“Even if it is drier next week it won’t matter now. It’s too late to plant corn,” said Vic Lespinasse of”
The “unreal” Mark idiot is typical of the right wing republicans – instead of focusing on issues and what we need to do in this ountry they foucs on “fist pumps” and “Barry”.
Obama has an economic policy – while, McSame is just more of the Bush economic catastorphe. McCain will make Hoover and Katrina look like small disasters next to his economic policy.
Cut taxes on corporations making the largest profits in history at our expense – sure – especially with no incentive for oil companies to actually invest in alternative energy.
Cut taxes on the very rich – so the budget deficit will grow even more above the huge debt that our great-grandkids will be paying off.
Republicans have no fiscal responsibility – Reagan, Bush and Bush ahve run up the largest deficits in history and ruined our economy.
The incredible money sink hole in Iraq is not helping things and John ” who cares when the troops come home” McSame will just continue the hemorrhaging.
The corruption, incompetence and cronyism by republicans is “just fine” as long as democrats are not involved – what hypocrites the republicans are – they have no values except self preservation. Torture, illegal spying, Abramoff, the justice department, the FDA, the EPA, the Interior dept…..the list of corruption and outright illegal activities is endless.
By the way,
A copy of McSame’s Birth Certificate just surfaced:
Fear and derision are no longer working for your party, MarkFake. If you tried, say, talking about issues you might make some headway.
Fist pumps are innocuous and who cares if he went by Barry or Santa Claus? He grew up in a time when Barack would have been seen in a negative light. So now that Barack is acceptable, and it is his name, you want to try the Barry, or Hussein or BHO to tag negativity to him. Weak effort.
Character flaws: Talking to Charlie in Nam, leaving your disfigured wife in her time of need, flip flopping, not wanting troops to have the same benefits he got, etc etc……
When standing next to a name change and parental given middle name, McSame is not looking so good.
Your serve, asshole.
proud leftistspews:
Another Reagan appointee to the bench goes down: “A closely watched obscenity trial in Los Angeles federal court was suspended Wednesday after the judge acknowledged maintaining his own publicly accessible website featuring sexually explicit photos and videos.
Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granted a 48-hour stay in the obscenity trial of a Hollywood adult filmmaker after the prosecutor requested time to explore ‘a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a . . . sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here.'” *** “Kozinski is one of the nation’s highest-ranking judges and has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court. He was named chief judge of the 9th Circuit last year and is considered a judicial conservative on most issues. He was appointed to the federal bench by President Reagan in 1985.” (,0,6220192.story)
Republicans–hypocrisy that just never ceases.
Right Stuffspews:
Mrs left foot posted this in response to JCH some time ago….
“Professionally he is/was a soldier. I come from what some would call privilege. My husband did not. Yet, in this marriage, I am the one who married up. College graduate, MBA, Army Ranger and Navy Seal team training.”
Did you complete BUD/S? which class were you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Does anyone know if obama;s half brother is part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
I think very soon FlipFlop McCain is going to have to explain to the right wing Confederate flag wavin, KKK-loving wing of the GOP how it is he has a black child. Family Values?
re 16: He’s just repeating what W’s campaign said about McCain. So, I guess Karl Rove is a ‘racist idiot’.
Mark I am emulating you and yours. The mirror shows the ugly truth to you doesn’t it.
I am racist against republicans. I admit it. The world needs to be rid of you and when we take over the White House and get a super majority in Congress we’re going to work on that.
Wait! Look at the ARMS of those people in the pic! Am I seeing… W? ^..^
The wingnuts seem to be confused on their talking points. One of the posters here claimed yesterday that the Democrats were stealing the “fist pump” from the Republicans! Now Fox News is calling it a terrorist act. So, are the Republicans admitting that they are terrorists, or are their talking points memos confused?
Call Homeland Security..
Yes Barack Obama was born in the U.S.A
And his first name is “Barack” not “Barry” despite what his high school yearbook might say.
Obama 2008!
dimwit @ 1
My comment about Pat Buchanan, of all people, doing it first WAS A JOKE.
But I guess I shouldn’t expect much from people in the Democrat Party. You have way too much trouble separating fact from fiction. Maybe you should knock off all that pot smoking (see: Lee’s incessant droning).
YLB @ 2
It isn’t anyone but “Barry’s” fault that he chose to go by that name in high school. Knowing what we know about his slippery pandering (embrace, denounce, repeat as needed), it also make sense that he now embraces “Barack” because it sounds “diverse” and appeals to to you Lefties. This guy is the ultimate “packaged candidate.”
It shows how desperate the right wing turds are. The best they can do is complain about a fist bump. The sad part is that they don’t even realize how fucking utterly pathetic they are.
Gimmie some dap!
Do stick around Surreal. It’s going to be fun to watch your pathetic, bankrupt party try to put
Bob DoleJohn McBushCain over the top.Mark @ # 3: Oh, so I’m supposed to tell when you are serious, and when you are joking????
I’ve often wondered. After all, surely nobody would make the comments you do on this site and expect anybody to take you seriously!
So in order to give you the benefit of the doubt, I will, from now on, consider anything you say on this site to be a joke.
In non-political news:
The levee broke, and about 10,000 people are under mandatory evacuation orders in Grand Rapids. Lots of people are going to lose their homes – it’s the worst non-hurricane related flooding since 1993. The Corps of Engineers is even closing locks so it can remove the electrical equipment, in order to keep it from being ruined from floodwaters.
A side affect of the weather & the flooding? A lot of this nation’s richest corn fields won’t be growing anything this year.
“Corn prices hit a record high again Thursday and the short-term outlook did not look good.
“Even if it is drier next week it won’t matter now. It’s too late to plant corn,” said Vic Lespinasse of”
Source: Levee breaks near city, thousands evacuate
The “unreal” Mark idiot is typical of the right wing republicans – instead of focusing on issues and what we need to do in this ountry they foucs on “fist pumps” and “Barry”.
Obama has an economic policy – while, McSame is just more of the Bush economic catastorphe. McCain will make Hoover and Katrina look like small disasters next to his economic policy.
Cut taxes on corporations making the largest profits in history at our expense – sure – especially with no incentive for oil companies to actually invest in alternative energy.
Cut taxes on the very rich – so the budget deficit will grow even more above the huge debt that our great-grandkids will be paying off.
Republicans have no fiscal responsibility – Reagan, Bush and Bush ahve run up the largest deficits in history and ruined our economy.
The incredible money sink hole in Iraq is not helping things and John ” who cares when the troops come home” McSame will just continue the hemorrhaging.
The corruption, incompetence and cronyism by republicans is “just fine” as long as democrats are not involved – what hypocrites the republicans are – they have no values except self preservation. Torture, illegal spying, Abramoff, the justice department, the FDA, the EPA, the Interior dept…..the list of corruption and outright illegal activities is endless.
By the way,
A copy of McSame’s Birth Certificate just surfaced:
No one is able to decipher it.
Fear and derision are no longer working for your party, MarkFake. If you tried, say, talking about issues you might make some headway.
Fist pumps are innocuous and who cares if he went by Barry or Santa Claus? He grew up in a time when Barack would have been seen in a negative light. So now that Barack is acceptable, and it is his name, you want to try the Barry, or Hussein or BHO to tag negativity to him. Weak effort.
Character flaws: Talking to Charlie in Nam, leaving your disfigured wife in her time of need, flip flopping, not wanting troops to have the same benefits he got, etc etc……
When standing next to a name change and parental given middle name, McSame is not looking so good.
Your serve, asshole.
Another Reagan appointee to the bench goes down: “A closely watched obscenity trial in Los Angeles federal court was suspended Wednesday after the judge acknowledged maintaining his own publicly accessible website featuring sexually explicit photos and videos.
Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granted a 48-hour stay in the obscenity trial of a Hollywood adult filmmaker after the prosecutor requested time to explore ‘a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a . . . sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here.'” *** “Kozinski is one of the nation’s highest-ranking judges and has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court. He was named chief judge of the 9th Circuit last year and is considered a judicial conservative on most issues. He was appointed to the federal bench by President Reagan in 1985.” (,0,6220192.story)
Republicans–hypocrisy that just never ceases.
Mrs left foot posted this in response to JCH some time ago….
“Professionally he is/was a soldier. I come from what some would call privilege. My husband did not. Yet, in this marriage, I am the one who married up. College graduate, MBA, Army Ranger and Navy Seal team training.”
Did you complete BUD/S? which class were you?
Does anyone know if obama;s half brother is part of the vast right wing conspiracy?
The reason I ask is because he, Malik is now starting to talk about obama’s muslim background.
I think very soon FlipFlop McCain is going to have to explain to the right wing Confederate flag wavin, KKK-loving wing of the GOP how it is he has a black child. Family Values?
BBG @ 15
You are such a racist idiot.
re 13: A Navy Seal!?! Maybe that would explain the stubby arms?
re 16: He’s just repeating what W’s campaign said about McCain. So, I guess Karl Rove is a ‘racist idiot’.
Mark I am emulating you and yours. The mirror shows the ugly truth to you doesn’t it.
I am racist against republicans. I admit it. The world needs to be rid of you and when we take over the White House and get a super majority in Congress we’re going to work on that.
Wait! Look at the ARMS of those people in the pic! Am I seeing… W? ^..^