The point is not that the situation is exactly the same, because it’s not, but a president can indeed explain stuff if he can form coherent sentences.
I trust Obama will do so, perhaps in a news conference on Monday, and given the situation it’s worthwhile to hear how it can be done.
I hope so too.
The time may be coming for BHO to transcend parties and appeal directly to the people. The Reps have laid a trap and Pelosi et al fell for it, rotten fish bait and all.
Obama needs to explain what is good and BAD in the Dem plan and then point out that this is what will happen as long as good folk, if there are any, on the Reprican side, vote party rather than public interest.
The damn stupid thing is the what appears to be passing is a very short term measure shorn of the investments we MUST make because these will nto startup soon enough. What this means that BEYOND $1,000,000,0000,000 we will be getting a second package for another $1,000,000,0000,000 that is even more important since we MUST invest in the things the Bushoids let rot .. infrastructure, research, education, internet connectivity, …..
I suppose that these tings will get better Dem support, but is better enough?
Still one too many zeros there, SJ.
hmmm hidden pork?
I particularly like the Mob Museum idea for Las Vegas. What a great way to honor the city’s founding fathers!
You know things are going bad for mr hope and change when even left wing kook kos is noticing approval ratings for obama dropping.
Tell the people???
Is obama going to speak about dropping charges against the uss cole terrorist? Of course lefties were happy with that. How do the families of dead navy personal feel, do they get a chance to go on the liberal media and express their feelings? Hell no, the liberal media can’t allow that to happen. But fox will let these proud parents have a voice, to speak truth to power.
Up next should be a bootleggers museum, honor the kennedy klan.
I wonder how many days teddy went to work drunk.
@#4 you are the hidden pork. Should have gotten rid of you a long time ago.
You gotta love how obama has dumped the change mantra for “more of the same” mantra.
Then there’s the argument, well, this is full of pet projects. When was the last time that we saw a bill of this magnitude move out with no earmarks in it? Not one.
Politics as usual for the democrats, use taxpayer money to buy votes. When I say taxpayer money, of course I’m excluding obama’s staff since they don’t pay taxes.
There seems to be enough disappointment in the Republican Party to keep the crying going on for another 8 years.
@5 The Republicans are erecting a shrine to their party in Vegas?
@10 Let’s make it 16 years, or 24 years if we can. What the hell … every Republican should be doing life.
Yeah obama, tell the people. So what your actions lose money for the tv networks, you can always bail them out next week. And with the $$ for hollywood being removed from the stimulus bill, he is pissing off his PR firm (aka the liberal media).
“Notice they’re not going on Friday or Saturday,” one network exec complained. “They’re . . . preempting our better shows. You’re not happy to lose a ‘House’ if you are Fox, or two of the better comedies at CBS, or ‘The Bachelor’ at ABC — we’re all going to take a bath.”
The next week, even if Obama speaks for only about 15 minutes, that’s an ad break that the networks won’t get back, adding to their losses.
Although the broadcast networks can opt out of carrying these presidential appearances, “you don’t want to incur the wrath of the White House” because “if you’re on the [poop] list, you are last in line for interviews and things like that,” one network exec explained.
“Do people really want to come home after looking for a job, or after being at a job they hate, sit down to veg out in front of their favorite show — and he’s on again?” said one TV suit, who suspects/hopes the Average Joe’s reaction to too much Obamavision might be “nothing he’s going to say is going to help me get a job, or put food on the table.”
The liberal media doesn’t mind bending over backwards to get obama elected, but when he starts interfering with their profits they are not happy.
Coerced Confessions
Speaking of which, I saw an AP story this morning about a judge exonerating a man who died in prison for a rape he didn’t commit.
Timothy Cole was convicted in 1985 and died in a Texas prison in 1999 of asthma complications after serving 14 years of a 25-year sentence.
DNA technology not available in the 1980s cleared him, and the real rapist (who is already doing life) came forward and confessed.
What’s noteworthy about this story is the following:
“Cole had refused to plead guilty before trial in exchange for probation, and while in prison, he refused to admit to the crime when it could have earned him release on parole.”
That’s right, Cole was imprisoned and denied parole for refusing to admit a crime he didn’t commit.
This is, in fact, common practice in the American criminal justice system. Prosecutors often offer leniency in exchange for guilty pleas, and judges routinely give harsher sentences to defendants who fail to express remorse.
This practice is as surely a violation of an innocent defendant’s due process rights as is a confession obtained by police beatings, and ought to be outlawed by the Supreme Court. Prosecutors should be required to disclose plea offers to the court and judges should be required to take plea offers into consideration in sentencing, and to provide a written rationale, preserved in court records, for any sentence that exceeds the plea offer. And, of course, imposing a harsher sentence because a defendant who claims innocence refuses to “express remorse” should be strictly forbidden.
No one should be coerced into trading away their reputation and innocence in exchange for avoiding harsher punishment. That’s just plain wrong.
Oops. Panetta shouldn’t get his talking points from left-wingnut websites like media matters and daily kos.
Panetta formally retracted a statement he made Thursday that the Bush administration transferred prisoners for the purpose of torture.
“I am not aware of the validity of those claims,” he said.
Panetta said, however, that he believes the greatest weapon the United States has against terrorists is its moral authority and commitment to the rule of law.
Exactly, we all know having moral authority keeps you safe. Next time that mugger comes up to you, if you have moral authority he will leave you alone.
Wouldn’t that mean that any woman that gets raped deserved it because IF she had moral authority she would have been safe?
Moral authority and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at starbucks.
No, the Harry Reid wants a shrine to honor Bernie Madoff. They’re thinking of a black and white stipes motif.
Government employees screwing people over.
Different story, different day, same government employees.
Thanks for pointing out the dismal job judges do defending the constitution.
The best thing about THIS day? There’s not one thing that lying child molester Marvin the Pervert Stamn can do to stop the Dems from passing the financial package. NOTHING.
How’s it feel to be irrelevant asswipe?
Here’s a comment I picked off the AOL message board about that case. This comment sadly illustrates the mentality of the ignorati:
“Chances are he was guilty of something else just as bad. Any way he had treatment for his medical condition and lasted longer then he would have on the streets. You can bet he was not a saint otherwise he would not have been picked up in the first place. Finally in the end one going to jail for wrong crime for 100 that get away with their crimes I say the good guys need to have a few more go in their favor right or wrong.”
What can I say? What can anyone say? It’s sad beyond description that we actually have people who think this way in our communities, and possibly even voting or, worse, sitting on juries.
It’s the day after ronald reagans birthday.
Thanks for asking.
@17 “Thanks for pointing out the dismal job judges do defending the constitution.”
You could have added, “especially in conservative states like Texas where all the prosecutors and judges are Republicans.”
Since you didn’t, I will. Consider it done.
Yet it was a government lawyer that put an innocent man in prison until he died.
Lucky for the left-wingnut prosecuting lawyer and judge there are laws to protect them from being held responsible for this injustice.
Of course they are. wink wink
@20 Yesterday was Saint Ronnie’s birthday? Oh, I didn’t notice. Yesterday was Babe Ruth’s birthday, and as far as I know, that other guy never hit anywhere close to 60 home runs in one season. What’s more, Babe did it in a 154-game season, without steroids, and with longer fences and a less “lively” ball than they use nowadays. The Babe’s still the greatest! What did that other guy ever do? The Pope, not your fake saint, brought down the Soviet Union.
Roger Rabbit Bookmaking Odds Dep’t
I’ll give you 20:1 that John Paul II gets canonized before Saint Ronnie does.
Note to wingnuts: “Canonization” is not the same thing as “cannonade.”
@22 A “left-wing” prosecutor and judge in Texas?! Now I know for sure you’re on LSD! I’ve suspected it for a while.
Poor Marvin! He’s not one of the brightest candles in the wingnut candelabra. Even in that dim light, he has a hard time being seen.
Yet another obama person with issues.
Police in Boston say the artist famous for his “Hope” posters of President Obama has been arrested on outstanding warrants.
Shepard Fairey was in Boston on Friday for his new exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art.
Police Officer James Kenneally says the department had Jan. 24 warrants alleging the Los Angeles artist tagged property with graffiti.
And let’s not forget he stole the picture of obama he used in his “artwork.”
Is tagging considered community organizing these days?
If nothing else, obama is exposing all the criminals and tax cheats that vote democrat.
Must be related to cannondale, the bike company.
@29 Marvin considers tagging a serious crime. But Marvin has no problem with the GOP’s warmongering, torture, or corruption. I think Marvin is a person with issues.
Oh, one more thing, Marvin Stupid — copyright infringement is a civil matter, not a crime.
A crime is a crime.
It lowers property values and ruins neighborhoods.
Do you think there is much tagging in obama;s neighborhood?
Would you enjoy having your property tagged?
This obama supporter has both criminal and civil problems.
Well he picked the right party to associate with. He fits right in.
Is this the change that obama talked about?
Oh this is rich – very, very rich. The piece of shit that traitors on the right picked to LEAD the GOP is in deeeeep shit.
This idiot arranged for his 2006 Senate campaign to pay a defunct company run by his sister for services that were never performed!!!
ANOTHER GOP CROOK! Let’s see how many of the wingers step out to decry THIS asshole.
I expect crickets……..
I err.. listened that there talk from FDR… Couldn’t make head or tail…
Look.. build nukular power, kleeen cole, make my tax cuts forever like, add some new ones…
oh stand tall against terra… the terraist surveillance program… enhanced interrogation.. bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran like my hug-buddy John sang…
i’m out… Laura’s cooking… got to run!
14/19 This is somehow related to the curious current situation that finds us closing schools and building jails.
19 I’m certain that all those deep protein injections up his bunghole were particularly beneficial to whatever might have ailed him.
Hope and change…
Is this what obama meant when he preached about change, using phyiscal force against reporters asking questions?
Obviously that transparency thing obama talked about was only talk.
Following Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing Thursday, several reporters approached the CIA director-designate in the hallway outside room G-50 in the Dirksen Building.
There, CongressDaily reporter Chris Strohm — upon asking a question — was physically restrained by a man who accompanied Panetta at hearings both days.
Strohm, when reached by phone Friday, said he was unsure of the man’s role.
“I felt this hand grab my right arm and push me aside,” Strohm said.
By his account, Strohm told the man, “Please don’t touch me” more than once. Eventually, the man let him go.
Tim Starks, a reporter for Congressional Quarterly, said he witnessed Strohm approach Panetta and ask a question, just before the man began “grabbing him by the arm and moving him away.”
“I said to the guy, ‘That’s not the way you do it,’” recalled Starks.
Starks said that he’s covered the CIA for years and had never seen a reporter strong-armed that way before, adding that the agency is typically respectful of journalists.
Wow. Even under bush the reporter has never seen reporters treated like this.
No big surprise…
We all remember how that reporter was treated after the democrats were meeting with their lobbyists at the dnc.
Who said democrats didn’t believe in socialism…
Congress will consider legislation to extend some of the curbs on executive pay that now apply only to those banks receiving federal assistance, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank said.
“There’s deeply rooted anger on the part of the average American,” the Massachusetts Democrat said at a Washington news conference today.
He said the compensation restrictions would apply to all financial institutions and might be extended to include all U.S. companies.
Except of course the tax cheating democrats that make millions of lobbying and being “consultants.”
The BBC is reporting that electing obama didn’t make the world love us. Really. After those speeches he gave in germany they don’t like us any better? Maybe europe played the american media by pretending that if obama was elected the world would be a better place.
…even though the poll was taken after President Obama’s election.
Views of the US showed improvements in Canada, Egypt, Ghana, India, Italy and Japan.
But far more countries have predominantly negative views of America (12), than
predominantly positive views (6). Most Europeans show little change and views of the US in
Russia and China have grown more negative. On average, positive views have risen from
35 per cent to 40 per cent, but they are still outweighed by negative views (43%, down from
I wonder how much of a role in the negative view is from the hollywood liberals and their crap they peddle under the guise of entertainment. It’s not as if citizens of russia are meeting/interacting with americans on a daily basis.
Righties would explain it as the other countries are jealous. Lefties explain it as ameriKKKa is a bad country.
No surprise. You’ve been exhibiting that pattern for a while now.
WASHINGTON — Few supporters are answering President Barack Obama’s call for nationwide house-party gatherings this weekend to build grass-roots support for his economic stimulus plan.
A McClatchy survey of sign-up rosters for a score of cities across the country revealed only 34 committed attendees in Tacoma, Wash., as of midafternoon Friday; in Fort Worth, Texas, only 54, and in Sacramento, Calif., just 78.
“Before the election, we would have had 500 to 800,” said Kim Mack, 46, a Sacramento city-facility manager who’s hosted house parties for political figures and causes since the mid-’90s.
I guess the obama supporters didn’t understand what they were voting for. They are supposed to spend your free time lecturing people about the current policy obama wants to force down the throats of american citizens. Oh yeah, and keep contributing their $$.
Or maybe like mrs obama said, obama would challenge them. And “them” are failing the challenge.
Any house parties in seattle? If so, remember not to let byebyegop in, he’s not house broken.
Oh hi Marvin….
Hope and change… ya know. lot of that in my administration… especially the change… my billionaire neighbor’s pockets are full of that…
I hoped for another 4 years at the stick and Karl delivered… Got to play geetar and eat cake at my hug-buddy’s b-day and then got a gorgeous view of Lake NOLA in Air Force 1. Heh… Those were the days…
Gotta run pal…. Laura’s comin’ after me with the fry pan!
Let me state it right now… I am against bush helping soros having full pockets.
Oops, you were talking about billionaires on the other side of the isle.
I forgot you refuse to hold lefties to the same standard.
Sorry to hear you are with a woman that would chase you with a frying pan. That sucks.
For some reason the child rapist Marvin doesn’t want to talk about the new head of the RNC using campaign funds to pay his sister for a job she never showed up for – let’s see in Washington state that’s a felony – but then again like all Publicans Marv the pervert is a hypocrite so no real shocker there.
Stop getting your talking points off daily pus.
Why do you hold black republicans to a different standard than left-wing blacks. You have never mentioned charlie rangell and his problems.
Want to explain why? Of course if you’re a coward you don’t have to, it’s your choice.
@34 You’re complaining because a Democrat is behaving like a Republican?
One thing I’ll say for Republicans is they don’t think small. They don’t vandalize neighborhoods, they vandalize entire countries.
AGAIN the child rapist Marvin won’t explain why it’s okay for a PUBLICAN to steal from the government and not be called out.
Let’s see I see that fuckhead spewed some right wing hate radio talking point about Congressman Rangell – you mean the one who has been cleared of any criminal wrong doing – unlike the crook Steele?
And of course leave it to a baby raper like Stammering Marvin to try to equate the head of the entire GOP with a mere Democratic Congressman.
Guess you need to try harder asswipe. This sort of thing just got you your ass kicked on Nov 4. Bring some more of this weak ass shit fuckhead. We’ll beat you down again and again.
Say it with me bitch PRESIDENT OBAMA! HE HE!
By the way of note to innocent bystanders … Marvin the pervert has never one time – never once denied he’s a child molester – not once!
15 MS
But moral authority and control of the House, Senate, and presidency will get us a sane foreign policy, strong and green economic growth, universal health care, and a strong labor movement to protect workers’ rights.
I know it’s tough for you to keep up, you being a special needs child and all.
If steele was stealing money like you are insinuating, wouldn’t he be arrested? Why aren’t the democrats having him arrested for this. Even the artist that made the obama poster is being arrested and he’s a democrat, and obviously a tax fraud.
Besides… the person making the claim, Alan B. Fabian, was convicted in maryland for fraud under the bush administration with help from steele.
And never once have you provided any proof to prove your point.
Hell, you are so ignorant you don’t even know my real name.
That proves to any “innocent bystanders” that you are a bitter hateful little runt of a kid. With so little social skills you resort to writing your fantasies about having sex with the wives of people you know are smarter and better than you. Typical behavior from someone so lacking as you.
By the way… steve wants his goat back. Take the condom off him and walk him back, don’t forget to close the gate again.
Economic stimulus my ass.
“John Kerry: You Know What’s the Problem With Stimulus Tax Cuts? All That Freedom.
I’ve supported many tax cuts over the years, and there are tax cuts in this proposal. But a tax cut is non-targeted.
If you put a tax cut into the hands of a business or family, there’s no guarantee that they’re going to invest that or invest it in America.
They’re free to go invest anywhere that they want if they choose to invest.”
Senators like Kerry have placed their own ideological desires over the right of the American people to a clean stimulus bill without the long-term spending even Obama himself admits is in it.
But for Kerry, the only time $50-100 billion in tax dollars is worth worrying about is when taxpayers might have the dangerous freedom (gasp!) to spend it as they wish. When he’s spending it, don’t worry your pretty little heads about it.
Looks like its time to pay back those supporters,BIG MACK DADDY!! Out of the American workers pocket…….Liars and Thieves,
Just another billary Occupying the oval office.And all the liberal dems waiting in line to be the new Big MACK DADDY’S Monica.
Please pull your head out of your ass or maybe its the ass hairs in your eyes, or maybe its just plain old crap. daddy love,
But moral authority and control of the House, Senate, and presidency will get us a sane foreign policy, strong and green economic growth, universal health care, and a strong labor movement to protect workers’ rights.
And you vote?????
You can explain all this to your kids and grandkids.
55,56 – Gotta be the dumbest right winger we’ve seen to date.
@57 – I really never seen the distinction. They’re all the dumbest mother fuckers to me.
One stupid Republican is as dumb as the next stupid Republican.
Sounds like that change stuff was just campaign lies that the gullible fell hook line and sinker for.
MUNICH – Vice President Joe Biden warned Saturday that the U.S. stands ready to take pre-emptive action against Iran if it does not abandon nuclear ambitions and its support for terrorism.
So once again ameriKKKa is going to take pre-emptive action against a sovereign nation.
At least this time the liberals won’t complain since it’s a democrat in charge.
I wonder how many Iranian children are going to die. Will the human rights groups lie and inflate the numbers like the lancelot study or since it’s a democrat in charge will they turn a blind eye and refuse to count the dead.
Is this the change lefties voted for?
Gotta love it when biden speaks the truth…
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is nothing if not optimistic. So it was a little surprising when he hedged a bit earlier today, telling House Democrats there is “30 percent chance we’ll get it wrong.”
He was referring to efforts by the new administration and the Congress to address what he called a “constellation of crises” at home and abroad that pose great risks for the nation.
“If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30 percent chance we’ll get it wrong,” he told the lawmakers at their policy retreat in Williamsburg, Va.
Doing everything right and doing it with absolute certainly and there’s still a 30% chance of doing it wrong?
Good thing obama was preaching that “hope” stuff during the campaign, we’re going to need it!
Maybe biden is the smartest democrat in washington.
Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged today that Democrats could face political repercussions in 2010 for their support of the $900 billion economic stimulus package.
Just a warning to his friends that things might be going bad for them in the next election.
Rasmussen is reporting that the presidential approval ratings for obama are half of what they were when he took office a couple weeks ago.
At this rate, by easter bush will have higher approval ratings.
Change and hope works on the campaign trail, not so much when you can no longer vote “present.”
Marvin like Rasmussen is full of shit but since Marv the child rapist is so hard up for some good news in a world where everything he claims to believe in has been taken away from him – let’s pretend he’s not lying – which he is.
In that case – PRESIDENT OBAMA would only be five four times more popular than that coke-snorting, AWOL piece of shit GW Bush!
Yep the GOP has the same old trouble – they can’t find one single Publican who isn’t a crook to lead them. This Steele guy has lots of problems. Looks like this thing with his sister is just the tip of the iceberg. I predict the Publicans will throw him under the bus – unless we get him first.
Typical right wing bullshit – they’re for the rule of law except when they aren’t!
‘Catering/web services’
The Post corroborated some details of Fabian’s claims through public records and interviews with former staff workers. Other details were disputed by people involved in the transactions.
In one of his allegations, Fabian points to a February 2007 payment by Steele’s Senate campaign of more than $37,000 to Brown Sugar Unlimited, the company run by Steele’s sister, Monica Turner. Campaign finance records list the expense as having been for “catering/web services.” Turner filed papers to dissolve the company 11 months before the payment was received.
It is a violation of federal campaign finance regulations for a candidate to use funds raised for a state campaign to pay for expenses associated with a federal campaign.
Fabian also alleged that Steele paid the law firm Baker & Hostetler $75,000 for services that were not provided. The expenditure is listed in campaign finance records as an in-kind contribution to the state Republican Party.
Over the years, money trouble has been a persistent problem for Steele. His first race for public office, a 1998 bid for the Republican nomination for state comptroller, ended nearly $35,000 in debt, much of it to his sister. He was fined twice by state officials for missing deadlines to file campaign finance reports and was in debt and had faced foreclosure in 2001, the year before he was selected as Ehrlich’s running mate
45 – Oh hi Marvin. Oh I don’t mind Soros. There’s more of those kinds of guys on my side of the aisle. Hell, I live next door to one here in my new homestead in Dallas.. Heh. He signs Rush Limbaugh’s paycheck.. Love that fat man.. heh heh. The old homestead in Crawford was a bit too rustic.. Heh.. Heh.. Needed some bright lights big city… The crickets get on your nerves.. heh heh..
Anyway back to Soros.. I learned at Heritage Foundation Business School.. oops… not supposed to say that… Harvard Business School (yeah.. Imagine me a skull and bones guy at Harvard).. about trickle-on oops trickle-down oops SUPPLY-SIDE economics.. I learned it all comes out in the wash, i.e. my neighbor and my family gets richer… heh heh… great deal isn’t it? Ya know it all trickles on, i mean it trickles down, or the supply gets bigger… oh whatever… Ooooh.. I’m feeling a bit of indigestion after dinner tonight.. Gotta run for the bathroom.. Damn I miss my White House chef…
Keep using Gallup fool.
Guess what your favrit Democratic pays no taxes. What else is new?
Yep, you love Democratic peeps who don’t pay taxes. So what’s new name changing Democratic
What kind of a republican are you? Do you have no respect for the moron you voted for twice?
71 – Oh hi pudbuddy oh sorry I meant puddybud.. heh.. just got out of the toilet… where’s my head… Hey I take offense at your characterization or assassination… jfk you know… heh, heh… I mean I represent that!!! heh heh… My favorite Democratic? I’m on the other side ya know.. heh heh.. taxes!! who likes paying… Hell I cut ’em… You know cuz it all trickles on or trickles down… You know it helps the economy when you keep more of you money…
Thats why I passed out all those checks a year ago.. Worked out great didn’t it… Hell it’s all good for me… Got a fine new homestead in Dallas.. My rich neighbors doing fine. Bright lights big city.. No crickets… Just dandy.. Cept for Laura’s cooking… I swear we’re going out for mexican tomorrow.. Later.. In the meantime listen to the fat man… heh.. love that guy.. You know my neighbor signs his check… worth every penny…
Can anyone tell me what was mumbled in #73?
Please someone put a cork in his pie hole. The vacuum is leaking…
“In a statement sure to rile Republicans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Friday dismissed calls for bipartisanship as “process” arguments extraneous to passing a stimulus bill — and warned Senate Democrats against slashing proposed increases to education spending.
Pelosi — speaking to reporters on the second day of her retreat with House Democrats at a swank Williamsburg, Va., golf resort — was clearly annoyed with Senate attempts to slash up to $100 billion in spending from the $819 billion package the House passed last week.”
Looks like Nancy Stretch Pelosi is cracking… Let’s see next week.
Gets more funny…
Yeah baby…
Oh look Russia has already sized the man…
When you talk wimpy…
This is interesting too:
I bet we know…
In case you are new here and don’t know it…
1) Rasmussen is a GOP polling organization
2) Gallup is the highest-rated and most non-partisan polling organization in the world and topped Rasmussen in a majority of 2010 election outcome predictions coming in second to first place 584.com
3) Puffybut is an Oreo and a traitor and has a big fat aids-infested and ugly wife who pulls trains on sailors behind the bowling alley in Port Orchard right after Puffy sucks them off
ylb has obviously cracked up.
Not that he made sense before, but now he can’t even write a complete sentence.
I wonder if there is a cure for bush derangement syndrome of if this is how ylb is going to spend the rest of his life.
Typical racist liberal.
Hy Marvin the Pervert you got it backwards – Puffy is the racist – and I am indeed a liberal – part of the liberal coalition that just took complete control of the government away from you cowardly conservatives. Eat shit and get used to it wingnut – your time will come when we will try you for treason.