I love humor. It’s what separates us from plankton and other single cell organisms, like multilevel marketing mavens and that guy on the cell phone standing in front of the lettuce talking about getting his car detailed.
So I heard this joke. Well, actually, I read it, but it’s still funny. It is attributed to some guy named Rev. John Hagee, apparently a supporter of Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona. It goes like this:
Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick.
It’s an old joke but a good one. Not as good as “a nearsighted turtle in love with an Army helmet,” but close. Of course, as generations of Vaudevillians and Catskills performers found out, joke theft can be a problem.
Take my wife, please. To the ballot box.
Good job!!
jon does your wife have a kick start on her dildo.
@2, does yours?
I was thinking:
You can put lipstick (Palin) on a pig (the Republican party) and you know what? You still have a pig.
@2 What’s a “dildo?”
@4 I was honestly just trying to find out this soccer mom joke, thinking it had to be out there in the 1990’s, and while running down such jokes is by no means definitive, I accidentally found the Hagee thing.
Weird. Is there some kind of OED for jokes?
Now I know what happened to my steel pot in ‘Nam. It eloped with a turtle! A 39-year-old mystery is solved. I wonder what their children look like?
Don’t start getting cranky cus your investments (NOV, BOOM & IBM) are sucking.
I’m still sitting with my stash, with lots of 2008 profits, and Wells Fargo with an increasing dividend.