Amnesty would stamp a congressional seal of approval on the Administration’s warrantless spying. If Congress immunizes the telecoms for past violations of the law, it will send the message that Congress approves what the Administration did. We would be aiding and abetting the President in his illegal actions, his contempt for the rule of law, and his attempt to hide his lawbreaking from the American people. Voting for amnesty would be a vote for silence, secrecy, and illegality. There would be no accountability, no justice, no lessons learned.
[…] Think about what we’ve been hearing from the White House in this debate. The President has said that American lives will be sacrificed if Congress does not change FISA. But he has also said that he will veto any FISA bill that does not grant retroactive immunity. No immunity, no new FISA bill. So if we take the President at his word, he is willing to let Americans die to protect the phone companies. The President’s insistence on immunity as a precondition for any FISA reform is yet another example of his disrespect for honest dialogue and for the rule of law.
It’s painfully clear what the President’s request for retroactive immunity is really about. It’s a self-serving attempt to avoid legal and political accountability and keep the American public in the dark about this whole shameful episode. Like the CIA’s destruction of videotapes showing potentially criminal conduct, it’s a desperate attempt to erase the past.
Via Crooks and Liars.
Ted The Swimmer tellin the truth…
LMAO… that’s a great one.
Keep ’em coming.
There’s probably a little more involved here than most people are aware of. Remember, it ain’t your father’s AT$T any more.
Ma Bell is rapidly re-constituting itself, under the management of the good ol’ boys from Texas who’ve been running SBC. Can’t help but wonder whether there was a bargain struck between these guys and their buddy in the Oval Office on the order of “we’ll help ya spy on your political enemies, if you’ll grease the skids for us to create a new telecom monopoly.”
ted kennedy and immunity? well, i guess if anyone would know about doing something really bad and then getting away with MURDER it would be teddy, wouldn’t it?
geez, goldy, your little idols are so tarnished……..
It’s funny (in an extremely sad way) to watch the flag-wrapped, pro-war, Bush-defending, super-partriot so quickly hand over our basic civil liberties at the first sign of outside agression. These Republican Bush-apologists are so quick to call anyone standing up against the illegal Iraq war a coward, but are the first to grant virtually unlimited power to our executive branch and defend torture.
There is only one word to describe these folks: Coward.
Cowards @1 & @3,
You can’t actually refute Kennedy’s words, so instead you choose to attempt to discredit him by referencing a 38-year-old incident.
How pathetic.
Nicely said. Also, the “tough on crime” crowd and the no “amnesty for illegals” crowd is more than willing to trample the constitution and allow illegal search and seizures on american citizens without a warrant.
Not to mention to grant retroactive immunity (amnesty) to the large telecoms that surely knew that spying on us Americans was illegal.
There were some brave telecoms that were punished (by the lack of governmnet contracts) for not standing up and following the law – they should be rewarded for following the law. The guilty telecoms should be punished to the full extent of the law – no immunity for illegal acts.
Illegal spying without a warrant is not protecting our country any more than torture in our name protects our country. It just makes a mockery of our constitution and our basic civil rights – encoded in the bill of rights – no illegal searches without a warrant.
What is so hard to understand about that? – since our founding fathers wrote those words.
Show me one American Citizen who has been successfully prosecuted using illegal wire taps.
At the same time, if what’s been done is not illegal, why the need for any kind of retroactive immunity…
Another cute little tidbit that seems to have been lost in the current “debate” is that the Bush Gang started its wiretapping shenanigans before 9/11.
re 7: In the WingNut™ world view, that just proves how hard the administration was trying!
MTR doesn’t disappoint. I knew he couldn’t leace the Kopechne thing alone. It’s just as releveant as the president’s wife running over her boyfriend while drunk several decades ago.
Of course Bush is wants your son to die for the phone company. Did you ever have any illusions otherwise?
@1 Strange how you criticize a politician who killed 1 person but don’t criticize another politician who has killed thousands.
Hmmm … let’s edit that a bit:
@1 Strange how you criticize a politician who accidentally killed 1 person but don’t criticize another politician who has deliberately killed thousands.
That’s better.
@3 See #11.
@3 (continued) Hey Xmasvapor, wanna play “Let’s Make a Deal?” I’ll waive the statute of limitations and let Massachusetts try Kennedy for manslaughter if you’ll waive sovereign immunity and let the Hague try Bush for war crimes and torture. Deal?
@4 They’re not handing over THEIR civil liberties — only yours.
umm…..roger, his BROTHER got us into vietnam and almost caused a nuclear crisis with his stupidity/drug addiction and lying. do you think it runs in the family?
and goldy, get a grip… are the only person on earth that is STILL listening to anything that teddy boozehound/murderer kennedy has to say.
frankly, as far as i am concerned that is a lot like pointing out that hitler did lovely watercolors……..
after all, there are a lot of smart honest people that didn’t kill anyone. but, wow, so after 38 years [is that all???…i’ll bet it seems a lot longer to her family you twit] MURDER just goes away, huh?
good to know……..
@6 I don’t see why AT&T deserves amnesty more than a poor Mexican farmworker whose only crime is enabling wingnuts to buy cheap food does.
I’ll bet eastern Washington farmers watching their apples rot on the trees are real grateful for the GOP’s principled stand against illegal immigrants right about now.
Comment #17 should be titled, “How To Turn Eastern Washington Into A Democratic Bastion”.
@15 “umm…..roger, his BROTHER got us into vietnam and almost caused a nuclear crisis with his stupidity/drug addiction”
No, my wingnutty friend, you know as little about history as you do about everything else. And let’s not forget who lost Vietnam: Nixon.
@8 “It’s just as releveant as the president’s wife running over her boyfriend while drunk several decades ago.”
Of course that’s relevant. It shows what kind of people George Jr. hangs out with. Birds of a feather …
Behind the facade of that seemingly mild-mannered librarian lurked a killer …
So, can any of you WingNuts (TM) answer this question: If Laura got off, why shouldn’t Ted? Why do you criticize Ted for killing his girlfriend while driving drunk, but don’t criticize Laura for killing her boyfriend while driving stone cold sober? In fact, when you think about it, one of those incidents was an obvious accident, but the other — you can’t be so sure …
Comparing Ted to Laura demonstrates the partisan hypocrisy of these WingNuts (TM).
Ghost: “you are the only person on earth that is STILL listening to anything that teddy boozehound/murderer kennedy has to say.”
Do you ever consult reality before posting? Ted Kennedy wields considerable power in the Senate. Any senator who doesn’t listen to him is a complete fool. Even Bush has collaborated with him (No Child Left Behind). Your wish that no one would listen to Teddy doesn’t make it so. He should have been president. This country would be stronger, freer, and more principled.
I’ll Bet These People Are Republicans
“A jury on Monday convicted a millionaire couple of enslaving two Indonesian women they brought to their mansion to work as housekeepers.
“Mahender Murlidhar Sabhnani … and his wife … were … convicted of all charges in a 12-count federal indictment that included forced labor, conspiracy, involuntary servitude, and harboring aliens.
“Prosecutors said the women were subjected to … abuse and were forced to work 18 hours or more a day.
“The Sabhnanis, who … operate a worldwide perfume business out of their … home on Long Island’s Gold Coast … are naturalized U.S. citizens.
“Prosecutors called it a case of ‘modern-day slavery.’ Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Lesko said … the … women worked as housekeepers for $100 or $150 a month … and … were subjected to … beatings with brooms and umbrellas, slashings with knives, being made to repeatedly climb stairs and take freezing cold showers … forced to eat dozens of chili peppers and … eat her own vomit ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not only against involuntary servitude, I’m against voluntary servitude, too! That’s why I don’t work! I don’t have to work because I belong to the Owner class now. I own my burrow, my pension, my stocks, and a bin full of carrots. YUMMY!!! I LOVE CARROTS!!! Why should ANYONE work? Working is involuntary servitude to the government that confiscates your earnings while the Owner class gets to pay half the income tax rates on money they don’t work for!! Congress doesn’t want you to work. If you work, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!! Congress wants you to get money by inheriting it, gambling in the stock market, or being a slumlord. This never would have happened to those poor women if they hadn’t worked!! They should have been Owners instead of Workers. That’s the key to financial success in Wingnut America.
Why should I work? Republicans don’t.
Coward @15,
Refute what Kennedy had to say. Come on… I dare you. Watch the clip again, and refute it.
The Republicans are against amnesty for illegal aliens because they broke the law.
Yes, I know it is completely tautological. If you dind’t break the law…you don’t need amnesty.
But for these telecom companies, they want amnesty.
They want to protect law breaking. They want to eliminate “personal responsibility.” They are “soft on crime.” They are against traditional values of respect for the law, the constitution, and the civil liabilitly process.
They are for bigger government and less freedom.
Then, instead of admitting it and trying to explain why we should make these radical changes and why we should accept their volte-face on their most basic principles, they make personal attacks.
They are not for anything except more power for government it seems.
Less freedom.
Vast new bureaucracies. Just imagine the waste and abuse involved in 1000s of government employees listening to every conversation and reading every e mail.
The purpose of the Republicans to day is to grow more Government, no? And take your taxes to do it. And borrow from the Chinese.
@28 Republicans think government is merely a plaything for their own amusement and enrichment.
“He should have been president. This country would be stronger, freer, and more principled.”
are you nuts?
he should have been president??? wow…..nope, wrong again. he should be IN JAIL. and the people that become president are the ones that get the votes. teddy is only popular in the Mass. grave of societal decency known as massachusetts.
and goldy…stop trippin’…get your numbers right. or is it too difficult with a sock puppet on one hand???
Using Ted Kennedy as a moral compass is like using the KKK to promote racial harmony.
Christmasghost doesn’t know how to refute argument.
All she’s about is repeating talking points and spewing hatred.
Ted Kennedy telling it like it is. “Hicup…Burrrrpp”
That was Ted Kennedy ladies and Gentleman telling it like it is.
Kennedy turned around and voted to invoke cloture on the Dodd filibuster, S 2248, as did Senator Patty “Weak Democrat” Murray. I hope that the Preznit and his enabler, Harry Reid are proud of her. I am not. Shame on you, Patty Murray.
Senator Cantwell voted against cloture. Bravo, Senator Cantwell!
Roger Rabbit says:
Why should I work? Republicans don’t.
12/17/2007 at 4:59 pm
So. Why should republicans pay taxes. Democrat don’t.
Not one of you right siders respond to the substance of his comments. You are pathetic.
The Right IS pathetic. Simple as that. Just a bunch of useless fucking hypocrites, top to bottom.
Actually that would be your democrat politicians and their refusal to debate on Fox. The repubs have no problem enduring the liberal drivel from Chris Mathews and friends. Of course democrats have always been pussies… just ask Ann Coulter. hehehehe
It is a waste of time to respond to every lying accusation from moonbats. Ted is a drunk and a democrat. That is all you need to know. Geeesh.
Why is the video no longer available? Doesn’t EK want want to continue to spew?
Whoops – it is available….
k….it’s just very hard to keep listening to teddy after he makes the statement that it isn’t the phone companies right to choose WHICH LAWS TO FOLLOW AND WHICH TO NOT FOLLOW…….
can you even listen to someone being that big a hypocrite?
last time i checked there was a law against driving drunk off a bridge and having so little regard for the girl that you just killed in your car that the first thing you do is run to a phone to make sure your assets are protected. because that’s just what teddy did……….
and if he wants to throw stones at companies making money off others weakness or grief…..WHISKEY anyone? how do you potato heads think his trashy family made their money? by working for it???
bwaaahah hah hah hah hah hah….hardly!
why do you think i am so against prohibition of any kind? look what it creates! wealth based on lack of morals rather than hard work……..
in other words….THE KENNEDYS.
@31 America, and 90% of Americans, would be infinitely better off today if Teddy Kennedy instead of George W. Bush had been president for the last 7 years.
@32 Teddy Kennedy, flawed as he is, has more integrity in his little toenail than the entire Republican Party put together.
@34 Ted Kennedy is more articulate staggering drunk than George W. Bush is cold stone sober.
Goldy’s calling some posters on his blog cowards, but not the man who ran away from a drowning woman? Huh??
BTW, I hope the taser Goldy’s daugher next. hahahaha!
@36 Few things in life are as amusing as listening to wingnuts complain about taxes they don’t pay.
@40 Being a drunk and a democrat (your choice of small or large “d”) is a million times better than being a fascist warmonger and thief.
@43 You’re saying I can’t sue my phone company for breaking laws that protect my privacy because Ted Kennedy had a car accident 38 years ago? Are all WingNuts (TM) as fucking idiotic and asinine as you, ghost?*
* Don’t answer this question; you’ll only embarrass yourself even more.
Democrats are so hypocritical they think it should be unconstitutional to force people to carry ID to vote but have no problem with forcing people to remember a 9 digit number to file their taxes. Democrats = Hypocrites.
@47 So the only answer all you WingNuts (TM) have to the illegal actions of phone companies is that Ted Kennedy should have been prosecuted 38 years ago? I see why none of you were college material.
Roger Rabbit says:
@36 Few things in life are as amusing as listening to wingnuts complain about taxes they don’t pay.
One of those few things are that democrats work. heheehehhahahahahahaha
What do you expect from a tax sucking leech guvmint worker.
It is the problem of privacy issues which are of concern to everyone. The issue is that Ted Kennedy has proven himself not to be the spokesperson to do so based on his background. Had some other Democrat or Republican mentioned the problem, there would be many more people interested in the discussion. Otherwise, Hooo Humm! Another extreme leftist spewing more leftist nonsense.
Roger Rabbit says:
@32 Teddy Kennedy, flawed as he is, has more integrity in his little toenail….
Yeah, to bad he never used his toenail to save that woman.
So I supposed it would be okay if Lawrence Singleton, if he were alive today, should be able to be the spokesperson for, let’s say, Greenpeace? Afterall, he raped and chopped off that teenage girl’s arms a long time ago. And what he did in the distant past shouldn’t have anything to do with what he says or does today.
no problem with forcing people to remember a 9 digit number to file their taxes
Wrong again, shit eating mutt! You’re entitled to file an extension on your taxes.
Are you advocating an extension for exercising your right to vote?
Silly cur! hehehehehehe
Are all WingNuts ™ as fucking idiotic and asinine as you, ghost?*
Pretty close. Look at the mangy cur and PuddyLiar.
Nope, I am advocating that we pay taxes on the honor system just like voting. I have no problem with a signature but nothing more on a tax return. Of course you would because you a a tax and spend liberal.
no problem with forcing people to remember a 9 digit number to file their taxes
Wrong again, shit eating mutt! You’re entitled to file an extension on your taxes.
And what to you need to provide on your extention in order to file it.. (hint) It’s a mumber. hahahahahahahaha
What a dumbass.hahahahhahahahahahhaahahahaha
Yeah democrats pay taxes. hahahahahahhahahahaha
We shouldn’t even have an extention. All taxes should be due on the first tuesday of the eleventh month after the end of the tax year.
Democrats would never go for this. heheehehheehe
Silly mutt! You have no problem remembering a 7 digit number and area code to call your mommy but you can’t write down a Soc sec # on your tax return – one digit less.
What a stupid cur you are!!! hehehehehehehehe
Question for you dumbass liberals. A little old single lady cleans houses for extra income. She charges them $ 15.00 an hour and made $1,100.00 in income with $100.00 in expenses. She also made 14k in social security and earned no wages for the year. Does she owe taxes?
@53 I learned that from you guys.
YLB says:
Silly mutt! You have no problem remembering a 7 digit number and area code to call your mommy but you can’t write down a Soc sec # on your tax return – one digit less.
What a stupid cur you are!!! hehehehehehehehe
Yeah but poor people cant carry and ID to vote???? Oh that is right, it would be hard for the democrat dead voters to vote wouldn’t it. hehehehehehehehehe
You just can’t win can you. hahhahhaahha
@54 Few things are as boring as a WingNut (TM) pretending to be against government tyranny and for individual liberty when the opposite is true.
Hey silly cur. No one wants to pay taxes but how are we going to pay for the endless wars you support? Where’s the money going to come from to pay for the bombs and the other fancy military hardware, soldier, sailor, marine, airman pay? How about veteran’s care? Don’t you have any gratitude for the job they do?
You’re such a worthless freeloader!
I tell you what cur. I support you being excused from paying any more taxes. Any animal with breath as fetid as yours from eating shit is doing enough for society I guess.
Someone’s got to take care of the cat shit in the world. Might as well be you. Thanks for the work you do. Someone’s got to do it.
@57 So if we pay taxes on the honor system, does that mean we’ll have dogs paying taxes?
What is easier. Carrying and ID with you or memorizing a nine digit number?
@69 You have fleas, don’t you?
Eat shit and bark at the moon Mutt!!
Nothing in the state or federal constitutions says you can deny someone their right to vote because they can’t afford to buy a photo ID.
It is not wars I am worried about. It paying for worthless liberal entitlements. Why should liberals spend all the taxes. Screw that!!!! We need 10 more wars to catch up to all the wasteful liberal spending for the last 30 years. We need to cut spending on social programs and get into more wars.
Interesting how Republicans send other people’s children to die for Iraqi democracy while they spend millions of dolalrs and countless manhours of effort trying to keep Americans from voting in their own country.
Republicans = bacteria
@74 Show me a Republican and I’ll show you someone who would rather kill an innocent human being than feed a starving child.
Nothing in the state or federal constitutions says you can deny someone their right to vote because they can’t afford to buy a photo ID.
12/17/2007 at 8:53 pm
Is there anything in the constitution on forcing people to carry or provide a social security number??? Where? Please cite?
No Republican ever met a war he didn’t like or wanted to fight in.
@78 Dogs don’t have social security numbers.
You dont have to worry about it. The only people fighting in Iraq are repoblicans. You feel differently? Any day you donks want the active military to decide our next commander and chief I am in. hehehehehe
A Republican is someone who wants to spend millions on voting ID and nothing on keeping al Qaeda from sneaking a nuclear bomb into an American port in a cargo container.
worthless liberal entitlements.
You mean like an education so you can effectively contribute to society? You mean like regular checkups and immunizations so you don’t haunt emergency rooms? You mean a modest income in your old age so you don’t eat cat food?
Oh I get it now cur!!! You eat shit, so it’s ok if old people eat cat food out of the can.
I get it!
Nov. 14, 2001: Senate Democrats propose $15 billion for homeland security; the White House warns against “permanent spending on other projects that have nothing to do with stimulus and that will only expand the size of government.”
Dec. 4, 2001: Senate Appropriations Committee votes 29-0 in favor of $13.1 billion for homeland security; the next day, Bush threatens to veto it.
Dec. 6, 2001: Senate Republicans reduce homeland security funding by $4.6 billion.
Dec. 19, 2001: Under pressure from White House, House-Senate conferees eliminate another $200 million of funding for airport security, port security, nuclear facility security, and postal security.
June 7, 2002: Senate votes 71-22 for $8.3 billion of homeland security funding; the next day, Bush’s advisors recommend a veto.
July 19, 2002: Under White House pressure, homeland security funding is further reduced by cutting money for food security, cyber security, nuclear security, airport security, port security, drinking water security, coordination of police and fire radios, and lab testing to detect chem-bio weapons.
Aug. 13, 2002: Bush decides not to spend $2.5 billion appropriated for homeland security on the grounds of “fiscal responsibility.”
Jan. 16, 2003: White House reacts to Democratic efforts to increase homeland security funding by stating, “The Administration strongly opposes amendments to add new extraneous spending.” Later that day, Senate Republicans vote against funds for smallpox vaccine.
Jan. 23, 2003: Senate Republicans cut security funding for the FBI, FEMA, INS, TSA, Coast Guard, and National Nuclear Security Administration.
Feb. 3, 2003: Bush submits a 2004 budget cutting homeland security funding by nearly 2 percent.
Feb. 14, 2003: Senate Democrats request money for smallpox vaccine, police and fire radios, and public transportation security; no Republicans support it.
March 21-25, 2003: Republicans defeat 7 amendments to bolster homeland security.
April 2, 2003: Senate Republicans reject Democratic amendment to provide $1 billion for port security.
April 3, 2003: Republicans reject protection of commercial airliners from shoulder-fired missiles and four other pro-homeland security amendments.
June 2003: House Republicans reject Democratic proposal to raise $1 billion for homeland security by reducing tax cuts for 200,000 millionaires by an average of $5,000 each (from $88,000 to $83,000).
Source: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003), pp. 41-43.
@83 WingNuts (TM) consider education “worthless.” That’s why they don’t get an education.
I have to admit, my social security number argument combating democrat voter fraud is a slam dunk. There is no defense for a donk. You can’t be against a voter ID and be for forcing people to provide a SS # at the same time. hehehehehehe
Eat shit libs. hahahahahaha
Dodd Wins!!!
Reid pulls bill until after the new year!
C’mon you cheap bastards, give Senator Dodd a $20 bill.
Roger Rabbit says:
@83 WingNuts ™ consider education “worthless.” That’s why they don’t get an education.
A liberal one, hell yes. Fourty percent of Seattle pass up a free liberal education eventhough it costs them thousand in taxes each year.
Before Hitler tried to kill all the Jews in Europe, he first had to demonize them and make them seem less than human.
Can anyone think of anyone on this blog who regularly demonizes Republicans in his intolerant and hate-filled posts?
I honestly believe this person could, if he had the means, be as dangerous as Hitler. The hatred is palpable.
Roger, this mangy, flea-bitten cur is so corrupted, polluted and sickened by the shit he’s eaten in his lifetime – I mean it’s sad, he’s beyond all hope.
But I must admit, he does serve a purpose. If there’s a puddle of cat shit around, he makes a bee line for it. There’s not a molecule left when he’s done.
Of course, his breath could stop a tank advance but hey, you got to take the good with the bad.
my social security number argument
is a loser. In your feces odor laden dreams cur.
YLB says:
my social security number argument
is a loser. In your feces odor laden dreams cur.
Liberals can’t stand it when you use their tactics against them. heehehheehhe
@88 “A liberal one, hell yes. Fourty percent …”
Hell yeah, who needs a liberal education, you sure don’t.
@89 When I call Republicans demons, I’m simply stating facts.
Night libs. Unlike you, I have to work. But I will be back.
@90 Too bad he was cowering under a bush when they could have used him in Tiannamen Square.
Bush is mired in a WW II economic mentality. He thinks the only way to stimulate the economy is by feeding money into the defense industry.
Hideki Tojo – Japanese prime minister during World War II – had the insight that the industry that America used to create consumer goods could be easily transformed into making the machines of war. This is why he feared America.
We have gone to the far extreme of now being incapable of producing much of anything.
@95 Work? A Republican work?
Good one, dog! I didn’t know you were a comedian. You learn something new every day.
Can anyone think of anyone on this blog who regularly demonizes Republicans in his intolerant and hate-filled posts?
Nope. It’s not demonizing. It’s describing Republicans as they are: intellectually bankrupt, hypocritical, thieves and liars.
Any person with any decency who at one time considered his self a Republican now identifies with being an independent or even a Democrat.
@95 It’s his bed time. His mommy will now tuck him in.
Back to Ted Kennedy. Personally, I am fond of flawed human beings. Those who have made mistakes and understand their lack of perfection tend to have more empathy for everyone else. Those who believe they are perfect (just read the posts from the trolls above) contribute nothing to the common good. With arms crossed, they stand back and sneer at the rest of us, telling us how to conduct our lives. Mitt Romney said that freedom is not possible without religion. In reality, freedom flows from doubt. People like christmasghost, Jane’s dog, and “me” are incapable of understanding freedom, or valuing freedom, because they do not know doubt. Those who do not know doubt are totalitarians, like, for instance, Hitler.
We do produce the best plastic in the world. The inventor of plastic took his inspiration from a dream he had of dancers ‘Bobby and Sissy’ on the Lawrence Welk ‘Champagne Music’ Show.
‘Bobby and Sissy’……..plastic……… It’s kinda dark and creepy in a way. I can just see a young Dick Cheney watching the dancing duo and wondering how he would rein the world back to this happier and simpler time.
Unlike you, I have to work. But I will be back.
Good night cur. Come back after a hard days work eating shit. It’s a good thing we have you around to demonstrate the utter moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the right wing.
And its a good thing too we can’t smell that awful breath of yours over the internet.
@101 Wingnuttia is a state of self-hypnosis in which imperfect people imagine themselves empowered to demand perfection of others.
I can hear Hitler saying the same thing about Jews… “It’s not demonizing. It’s describing Jews as they are.”
Roger Rabbit is intolerant and hate-filled. I’m just the only person here with the courage to say it.
I think this blog is a piece of shit, and I believe Goldy, if not outright encourages hatred, he ignores it, which is just as bad.
@105 This blog may be a piece of shit, but you’re not above wallowing in it.
re 105: So, you’re just catching on? The REAL reason we want to give health insurance to poor children is because we hate you.
Few things in life are more amusing than seeing a Republican criticize a Democrat for behaving like a Republican.
Hey cur! Don’t forget to say your prayers:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
And pray the Lord my soul to keep,
But if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Not fucking likely the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit wants THAT soul, though.
Jane’s dog will be thrown into the hot house along with the rest of the Republicans.
I’ll bet ol’ Satan gets tired of explaining to Republicans the reason there’s no air conditioning is because they’re in the Other Place.
BS, (aptly named) seems fixated on Hitler, tasering, raping and cutting the arms off of teenage girls. What’s up with that?
I’ve always thought it would be Godly justice indeed if these righty nutcases were forced to spend eternity with each other.
@115 That’s God’s plan.
Getting back to number one comment. ad hominen arguments are just that. Illogical. So listen to the youtube.
A Republican complaining about hate talk is like Ted Bundy complaining about crime.
105 – What a dunce! Why do you keep coming back if this place is so bad?
Just leave silly wingnut! Believe me, you won’t be missed. I suggest (un)SP – the circle jerk over there may be more to your liking.
I want to know what the Admin has on Reid, probably gleaned from the wire tap on his phone and internet to get him to cave so much to Administration. I hear that Dodd put a hold on the bill, that Reid ignored. Reid never ignored a republican hold but Dodd’s hold he ignored. Dodd was going to have physically filibuster. When Republicans filibuster, they don’t have to actually talk, but for this Reid enforced the rules. Who is Reid working for?
Here Libbies: Just in time for Christmas
Or better yet: Here’s one I’ll get my baby for college wear!
Teddy Kennedy is morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt. The man who literally invented what we now call, “Borking” dares to claim any moral high ground on the issue of retroactive amnesty for telecom firms is the ultimate in hypocrites.
While it’s always relevent when discussing any Kennedy initiative to remind ourselves of his bridge over troubled waters and unwillingness to have his eyes polluted with visions of green energy producing windmills, the immediate issue by itself is enough to sully his already sullied image.
Why does he oppose immunmity so adamantly? Because it would remove his ability and the ability of other Congressional like-mindeds from engaging in punative witch hunts all in an effort to blackmail and extort acquiescence to the liberal POV from not only telecom firms, but also any who dare cooperate with the Bush Administration in the war on terror.
This is an effort by Teddy and his pals to seize control of intelligence gathering strategies and techniques and bend the Executive Branch to its will.
Raising the spectre of immunity and Dubya’s insistence upon it as a willingness to “…let Americans die to protect the phone companies,” is a complete false strawman argument. Without immunity – akin, as I see it, to the immunity granted airlines after 9/11 to protect them from what would have been fatally debilitating litigation from victims’ families – hyennas on the left who really aren’t interested in effective efforts against terror, would attack, harp, snarl, and generally bite at the heals of any who don’t kowtow to their interpretation of the law or how things should be.
As an aside…where is the evidence of massive violations of anyone’s rights? The cavalcade of victims of unlawful NSA activity? The scores of telecom firm customers whose rights have been “violated?”
No…that list is suspiciously devoid of the names of real human beings. Instead, this is nothing more than typical Teddy Kennedy political manuervering designed not to protect the American people, but to score points, cripple the Bush Administration, and advance a liberal agenda that doesn’t regard the threat of terrorism as something to be taken seriously.
At the end of the political day, cooler heads will prevail, and Teddy will not get his way. He can make his speeches, all designed not to persuade fellow Senators, but to provide sound bites for the 6:00 news and sycophantic bloggers who do his bidding like the Pavlovian types they are, but those who genuinely care about the safety and security of the people of the United States will support the President’s POV.
Terrorists aren’t nice people; they follow no Geneva Convention rules, nor do they abide by Marquess of Queensbury niceties. Efforts against them have to be ruthlessly hard, brutally effective, and unrelentingly aggressive. Anything less is a willingness to risk another 9/11…or worse.
How many of you think risking a repeat of 9/11 is worth the gamble? Teddy does. I do not.
The Piper
I don’t trust the government with the power. I was raised around John Burch Society conservatives. Those conservatives would never willingly let the government spy on them, unfettered and without consequences. What’s wrong with you people? Have you not read 1984?
Goldy: Go back into history a bit here because Puddy likes to look at the history of an issue while most liberals like to cause jump.
Back in 1994 the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act AKA CALEA, was passed by a democrat congress and signed by a democrat president.
What happened just the year before? Bombing #1 of World Trade Center. The bill written by required all domestic based telephone companies to install CALEA compliant switches that meet very specific wiretapping requirements, as mandated by the 1994 law. Whether it was a land-line or cellular, these new compliant switches allowed the FBI to log directly onto the telephone company’s networks as needed.
So now let’s use an example: The US foreign service is monitoring a nasty dude/dame in foreign country #1 which on a map is proven to be outside the US (unless the person received NEA-based education then they can’t find it on the globe).
Now this nasty dude/dame receives multiple emails and calls each day like clockwork. Let’s say they receive twenty or so e-mails and ten or so phone calls each day all from differing unknown or anonymous e-mail addresses and phone numbers. (If I use the greater than sign I lose the post)
Can the Unites States assume that the e-mails and calls are from places other than the U.S? If this is valid assumption, can the US therefore decide to monitor the calls without a FISA court order? Or as Ted Kennedy slobbers forth, the government must presume all the e-mails and calls received by bad dude/dame are domestically located in the U.S. unless they can prove it otherwise? What kind of proof does the ACLU want and how high does the bar have to be to be sufficient either way?
Didn’t the FBI government agents have NSA demand letters which at the time were FISA court ruling compliant?
This is a tough one and Puddy would like to know what is real and what is political demagoguery!
I pronounce this blog a hate-blog, and I pronounce Goldy guilty of running a hate-blog.
Goldy is always bragging on his radio show about he has one of the most popular blogs in the state. This blog serves no purpose other than to provide a place for dangerously intolerant and angry people like RR to spew their hate.
Teddy Kennedy is morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz…. oh. oh.. Like Mitch McConnell?
Why does he oppose immunmity so adamantly? Because it would remove his ability and the ability of other Congressional like-mindeds from engaging in punative witch hunts all in an effort to blackmail and extort acquiescence to the liberal POV from not only telecom firms, but also any who dare cooperate with the Bush Administration in the war on terror.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaZZZZZZZZZzz… uh… oh yeah, it’s so liberal to expose the American people to truth of what the phone companies have done. Pooper Scott doesn’t need to know. Willfully ignorant.
Terrorists aren’t nice people; they follow no Geneva Convention rules, nor do they abide by Marquess of Queensbury niceties. Efforts against them have to be ruthlessly hard, brutally effective, and unrelentingly aggressive. Anything less is a willingness to risk another 9/11…or worse.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZ.Z.Z.z . hmmm. Great. Go after them. If you want to go after me, get a warrant first.
BS Did you know:”December of 2000, the National Security Agency sent the Bush Administration a report asserting that the Agency must become a “powerful, permanent presence” on America’s communications network.”
Is that because the previous administration didn’t care? What impediments were in place from 1994 until 2000?
Wow the Bush Administration was in power December 2000. That’s what’s so bad about half the crap Goldy links into bad facts. Malleable minds swallow the white sticky kool-aid with open mouth. Real thinking people wonder “what was that I just read?”!
BS@125: He still allows headless lucy to post 24/7 after his multiple hate filled diatribes!
Piper@122: It’s tough swimming upstream when you have Yelling Loser Bozo (TM) falling asleep because facts are narcotic to him.
So lets assume you are right Yelling Loser Bozo (TM), and ATT & Verizon need to pay $$$$ Billions in damages. AT&T and Verizon can’t afford those penalties and they go out of business. Hundreds of thousands of people are Enroned. I assume you and Teddy have the financial wherewithal to take care of them right?
129 – Your stupidity amazes me Puddybud. Sheer, total stupidity. I could care less about their f’ing money.
I want the truth about what the Bushies have contracted with them to do. The truth!
They give up the truth, they don’t have to give up a dime. I’m entitled to know what my government is doing.
Freaking moron!
Hey just thought of another example.
I’ll use two liberals who post continuous crap here in my examples. I would have used Goldy, but his home is kept to cold and people would complain. Wait… they’d feel at home complaining away.
Pelletizer is wanted on a bench warrant for growing Vietnam Sweets AKA – ganja.(weed marijuana pot bud smoke herb joint mary jane reefer bowl grass hash trees bong cannabis green high pipe stoned 420 bumble cheeba chronic dope greens hashish kronic maryjane pothead puff skunk smoking spliff stoner the good stuff wackey)
Yelling Loser Bozo ™ decides to have a party at his house and writes to this blog, YLB is having a Christmas party come one come all liberals only. There is a sign on his front door with a picture of GWB with a red circle and slash on it.
Yelling Loser Bozo ™, the big mouth he is tells one of his liberal Seattle’s Finest he’s having a Christmas bash, no conservatives allowed so come on. Seattle’s finest packs his heat and his small Dick-Tracy like radio and visit’s Yelling Loser Bozo ™’s home.
Yelling Loser Bozo ™, being a “fine upstanding citizen” doesn’t allow minors to drink or illicit drugs into his house. Mr and Mrs Pelletizer (TM) arrive and are fully welcomed into Yelling Loser Bozo ™’s home. Seattle’s finest smells some of the ganja scent on the Pelletizers (TM) clothing, he looks at him and recognizes who he is and calls in backup under probable cause (suspicion of packing ganja). The police with their warrant arrive at Yelling Loser Bozo ™’s home and ask to come in.
Naturally Yelling Loser Bozo ™ doesn’t think anything is amiss so he asks why. Seattle’s finest display the arrest warrant for Pelletizer (TM). What’s a Yelling Loser Bozo ™ to do. So he follows his simple-minded conscious and lets the police officers in. Being the idiot he is, Pelletizer (TM) yells, you’ll never take me alive and starts slashing with his old decrepit hind legs and dull claws. He tires quickly and is arrested.
Pelletizer (TM) realizes his predicament and hires Piper Scott. Piper can’t practice so he calls in Richard Pope. Richard the effervescent barrister he is realizes the reasoning for Pelletizer’s (TM) arrest is flawed and appeals to Justice Bobbi Bridge . Bobbi bridge throws out the bench warrant on illegal grounds. Pelletizer’s (TM) growing operation evidence in his burrow is suppressed and the Pelletizer (TM) goes free.
But you see Pelletizer is a vindictive prick and decides to sue Yelling Loser Bozo ™ for allowing the police into his house and sullying is “good name”. After all Pelletizer (TM) says to Yelling Loser Bozo ™ in the law offices of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe, since the warrant was proven invalid — why didn’t you resist the warrant, hey who cares if you would have been arrested! Of course, in this case Yelling Loser Bozo ™ was really The Clueless One (TM) as he sin’t clairvoyant and didn’t know the warrant wasn’t valid.
Isn’t this the same scenario Teddy Chappaquiddick Kennedy wants to apply to AT&T and Verizon. Sorry but you are liable anyway, you lose go to jail!
Wow the Bush Administration was in power December 2000.
Need I present more evidence of the cloud of brain farts through which you conduct your poor excuse for a life?
GWB was handed the reins of the executive branch of the federal government on January 20, 2001.
Isn’t this the same scenario Teddy Chappaquiddick Kennedy wants to apply to AT&T and Verizon.
Uhhh. No. Not really. You wasted a few minutes of your poor excuse for a life building up to that?
Idiot Gene possessor @130, I realize my thinking mind in posts #124 and 131 is so much higher in thought than your blatherings in #130.
Keep up the idiot gene pool. We need more idiots like you Yelling Loser Bozo ™ – The Clueless One (TM).
Clueless@132: Not per the Crooks and Liars link JACKASSSSSSSSS!
You have the malleable mind Goldy needs.
Clueless@133: Ummm… Yes it is. I realize thinking is not part of your repertoire!
AT&T and Verizon were acting on good faith with the NSA demands. Do you actually research stuff or as you normally operate you accept the liberal side only?
134 – Thanks for letting us know that you prefer to be willfully ignorant of what the government is doing. You don’t engage that point at all. You just name call.
You are bankrupt, PStupid.
Name calling from Yelling Loser Bozo ™ – The Clueless One who name calls and tells everyone against his position to shut-up all over this boneyard?
If you actually read my last sentence in post #124, I stated my position. But being the malleable minded ignorant idiot you are…
Another one bites the dust!
I have to go out for a while Yelling Loser Bozo ™ – The Clueless One (TM).
Hey PStupid,
Why did Qwest balk? Maybe they didn’t quite buy the noble agenda of the NSA? Or maybe they knew this would come back to bite them on the ass?
Typical wingnut. Declares victory and flys the coop!
Maybe I should name YLB – MMII or M2I2 – Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot!
Puddy Survey:
1) YLB – The Clueless One (TM)
2) Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One (TM)
3) Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One (TM)
4) M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot
5) All the above – always appropriate anytime on HorsesASS
6) Any the above – always appropriate anytime on HorsesASS
No M2I2 I am not flying this coop just yet. The family asked me to check something out at a store. Spending money keeping the economy moving. Can you dig it?
Qwest blaked. I bet they are liberals at the helm like Mattel Toys. Let me look up their leaders when I return.
This post is for Pelletizer (TM).
Why was Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy and five of his married buds hanging in Martha’s Vineyard with the six single “Boiler Room Girls” women? As I remember these six lovelies worked on Big Brother Bob’s presidential campaign in 1968? Ted was a married man Pelletizer (TM).
I’ll ask again weren’t all those young women all single Pelletizer (TM)? What was Teddy doing? I thought he was a good Catholic?
Why not ask Esther Newberg what happened?
I realize my thinking mind in posts #124 and 131 is so much higher in thought than your blatherings in #130.
Indeed it reminds me of the “higher thinking” of MWS and Puddybud as they circled jerked together.
Read about these at
Wow M2I2@143: Powerful post. Full of facts. Like November 10, 2004 when you said you were leaving HorsesASS as Clueless but came back that evening as Yos Lib Bro?
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Mr. “I am Puddybud, not”:
tells everyone against his position to shut-up
Do you have a cite on where I used the exact words “shut up” or may it was “up shut”?
I think I have used “put up or shut up”. Not quite the same thing, but again rarely.
Ok how about the higher thinking of
1) Puddypud granting power to GWB before the constitutionally appointed time
2) Attributing to Jonathan Alter?
Since the issue isn’t Mitch McConnell, you must, then, be acknowledging that Teddy Kennedy is morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt; the issue is his credibility, not comparing him to anyone else as if to justify him.
I’m not seeing any groundswell of outrage from the American people over the interception of electronic communication between someone in the U.S. and someone suspected of terrorist ties in some other country.
Then again, we can’t afford to offend those in other countries planning to kill Americans who include in their plot someone who’s in the U.S.
As long as you don’t fall in that category, Darryl, you have nothing to fear. Or do you fall into that category? Just checking.
Again, I’ll ask the question: Where are the legions of people whose rights have been violated? Where’s the hard, provable, courtroom-ready evidence to justify your claim that anyone’s rights have been trampled upon?
Frankly, I accord you zero credibility on this issue; you’re more interested in Bush-bashing than taking necessary and proper steps to safeguard and protect the lives and property of American citizens. After all, you’ve never said anything to the contrary.
The Piper
Mixed a response to Darryl into the one to YLB…I’m sure each can sort out which is which.
The Piper
1) M2I2@147:
I proved the Crooks and Liars link used December 2000 Bush Administration. But you still living in CluelessWorld.
You can’t
1) Read
2) Comprehend
3) Think
4) Parse facts
5) All of the above
Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot@147: Two weeks ago or so you said Pooper Shut Up! I am busy Christmas shopping so I took a few minutes to post.
Why are you posting from the workplace?
150 – Woooo! It’s cloudy and smelly with all the brain farts:
Here’s the NY Times quote:
The N.S.A., though, wanted to extend its reach even earlier. In December 2000, agency officials wrote a transition report to the incoming Bush administration, saying the agency must become a “powerful, permanent presence” on the commercial communications network, a goal that they acknowledged would raise legal and privacy issues.
Here’s Kennedy:
Yesterday’s newspaper disclosed that in December of 2000, the National Security Agency sent the Bush Administration a report asserting that the Agency must become a “powerful, permanent presence” on America’s communications network.
Here’s PPsycho:
Wow the Bush Administration was in power December 2000.
Now who’s got a wild hair up his ass?
Where are the legions of people whose rights have been violated? Where’s the hard, provable, courtroom-ready evidence to justify your claim that anyone’s rights have been trampled upon?
Every American citizen who’s been spied on without probable cause, without FISA court oversight.
You’re excusing the Bush Administration from breaking the law. They must be held to account.
You’d ask the same if it was a Democratic administration.
Interesting thread. To see the winger trolls in such a frenzy, tossing red herrings, distractions, wastebaskets and chairs all over the place seems to suggest that we’ve touched on an issue where they and their heroes know they’re up to their necks in ethical manure.
Two weeks ago or so you said Pooper Shut Up!
I just did a google search for that exact phrase and I just come up with an accusation from you.
Cough up the link where I told Pooper to shut up.
Closest thing I’ve said to that is “put up or shut up” to the right wing fireman.
YLB: Google doesn’t cache everything, just like you brain can’t cache truth.
Here’s some truth I’ve cached: a dwindling minority swills right wing bullshit.
And no link? Thought so.
I call right wing bullshit, PLiar.
Notice I told
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot
the link was Crooks and Liars.
Could he who is described above use the Crooks and Liars link? Nope. Why? He couldn’t make is simpleton point.
Yesterday’s newspaper disclosed that in December of 2000, the National Security Agency sent the Bush Administration a report…
If C&L wrote the incoming Bush Ad… I wouldn’t care a lick.
But being the butthead he is… M2I2 can’t help himself except flick his pee pee.
YLB: When I find it what will you do?
160 – Nothing there but a fool shouting. Next..
161 – I’ll do whatever I fucking please just like you.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot
Give me some time.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot
Where did I use all capitals?
What an ignorant idiot!
164 – Can anyone make any sense of this whackjob?
Ehh. Still no link. I’m calling it a night.
Like November 10, 2004 when you said you were leaving HorsesASS
Brain farto again, puddypeabrain. I don’t think I’d even heard of at that time.
Good night!
Okay: YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot (TM)
November 10, 2006.
160 – Nothing there but a fool shouting. – I asked where did I use capitals.
I realize simple English is lost on
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot (TM)
FartNArt@154: You, another prince of generalizations (Pelletizer (TM) your brother?)
Which posts gualify as “tossing red herrings, distractions, wastebaskets and chairs all over the place”?
Good morning Pwhacko!
You’ve had plenty of time.
To cough up the link to where I told Pooper to shut up. To where I told DOOFUS to shut up. To where I accepted a bullshit challenge from you to stay away from Kos.
I call right wing bullshit.
Okay: YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
Uh…. Plenty of time to what? I have to navigate through all your worthless posts from last September onward to now. This takes time as you are a prolific poster of BULLSHITTIUM!
Remember you couldn’t find what I said and if it wasn’t for ATJ saving your sorry ass you would have lost BIGTIME
So STFU and crawl back into your hole. Are you posting on the man’s time again?
172 – I thought you said you were the master of the google search.
I call bullshit again.
And what’s that about STFU? Are you telling me to shut up? When have I told you that?
Oh I forget, you can’t find that.
Yeah, I like how ATJ wrapped you up in a web of your deceit and conceit so you could choke on the gas from your brain farts. *cough* *cough* *cough*
Okay: YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™
How can you search something not cached by Google? Are you really this stupid. Ummm… yes teacher he is! Only in the ignorant mind of you!
So at least in #173 you are without skills. Who again figgered you out? Who again figgered out ATJ/Killatroll? Who helped you two figger out MWS? Goldy
LMAO at the ignorant idiot AKA YLB
How can you search something not cached by Google?
How could ATJ find “I am Puddybud, not”?
Yet you CANNOT find what you say I said. Where’s the links?
Yeah, google cannot cache the brain farts oozing through your ears.
Where’s the proof? You said “give me time”. I have given it. I’m still giving it. How many stupid comments from you and still no proof?
You don’t even need to use google! Just go to “two weeks ago” like you said and look there.
Cough up the proof – if it exists.
ATJ was that cached in Google?
Now be truthful…
Just to prove to you not everythng is cached M2I2
was not cached yet shut up is in it.
178 – you still haven’t found the links. See 176.
And if google is not helping then try yahoo or Windows Live. Google isn’t the only game in town.