It’s been all over the news, so you’ve probably already heard it, but Sen. Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. I’ve got no idea what the prognosis is, but clearly, things like this are never good.
Kennedy has long been a bogeyman for the right, beyond all reason, and no doubt there are more than a few assholes out there cheering his illness. But for the most part the reaction from the right has been muted thus far, and the statements of his Republican colleagues have been respectful, supportive and downright heartfelt.
I personally don’t believe in prayer, but those of you who do, have at it.
Good riddance.
And now the magic word: Chappaquiddick.
My thoughts and prayers are with Ted Kennedy, family and friends.
Ted Kennedy is a true fighter and that will be a plus for him in his upcoming battle!
You are a venal piece of shit. Anyone who takes pleasure in another’s cancer diagnosis is inhuman. You have never made any mistakes? Ted Kennedy has spent a career making the world better. You have spent a lifetime wasting space.
@3 Would you be so adamant if it were George Bush with the tumor?
Actually, from what I hear, the talking heads are busy eulogizing him already. And republicans too, even though they had nothing nice at all to say about him (see comment above from Chris), oh, last week.
Chris, you are obviously a class act. Maybe you should go fall under a bus?
Senator Kennedy has valiantly carried on for his fallen brothers.
THAT is how dangerous it is to to buck the moneyed and powerfully entrenched establishment in this country.
Despite all the efforts to ruin him personally and professionally, the Senator has stood for average working Americans like his brothers did…when he could have gone out of public life and no one would have blamed him.
Truly a courageous, brilliant, effective human being, man and legislator. Not without flaws and faults…but anyone who says they don’t have their own flaws and doesn’t sometimes succumb to their own temptations and seductions is a fucking liar.
My best thoughts to the family and friends of the Senator.
Too bad it was wasted on such a good man. ANY GOP maggot getting a brain tumor would have been cause for joy and celebration.
For instance, Laura Bush – who killed a guy when she was in high school – has lots of Karma to pay off.
@ 4 I would never wish cancer on anyone, especially Bush!
Now a fair trial at The Hague, with a first class hanging for war crimes after conviction… that’s another matter entirely.
I wish for Sen. Kennedy and his family strength.
@3 – Proud Leftist, amazing how twisted the minds are of these types that wish illness and harm on someone just because of a D or R behind their name! Anyone who does this being a democrat, needs to go join forces with the republican anti-moral game!
@7 – read comment number 3.
Goldy, its kind of like your giddyness over
Chucks cold dead hands. Remember. At least
Chuck wasn’t a coward like Kennedy.
Chris at 1:
My fellow posters are far too kind with you.
My wish is that every calamity that has befallen another human being that you have taken gleeful pleasure in should afflict you simultaneously with great pain and horror.
Motherfuckingassholecocksuckingprick who is lower than pond scum. Jesus, I just insulted pond scum.
@3 you said
what does being “motivated by susceptibility to bribery” have to do with anything? Perhaps you meant “vile piece of shit”, in which case, yes, I concur.
I agree with @8. I would like justice, but I would never wish cancer on anyone, even Bush.
Folks, shrug Chris (and his kin) off, dismiss him as a sad excuse for a human being. Karma will get him soon enough. Let him rant harmlessly to himself.
@14 – Yes brush off Chris and BBG since they both are of the same species of unhuman when they wish ill on those they disagree with! Pathetic!
“@3 Would you be so adamant if it were George Bush with the tumor?”
I’d be equally offended. I may not like what someone’s doing, and wish that they’d stop, but wouldn’t wish misery upon them or their loved ones.
The hardest thing to do in this life is to really abhor the sin but love the sinner.
I was in the 8th grade when Jack Kennedy was assissinated, and I can still remember one of my classmates, who I’d known since kindergarten, skipping into math class with a merry smile to gleefully announce the news that he’d been shot. Are some of us doomed to behave like 13-year-olds for our entire lives?
It might also be worth pointing out that some of the finest pieces of legislation that Ted has gotten passed, he has co-authored with his close friend Orrin Hatch. Thank heaven there are still a few “old-schoolers” around who can actually walk the walk of compromise and bipartisanship. Some of us apparently could learn from them.
Did anyone know John McCain and Ted Kennedy are actually very close friends? Whoda thunk?!
Gordon @ 13
Yikes, I hope I haven’t been misusing “venal” all these years.
17 As a matter of fact, I didn’t know that, but McCain and John Kerry are supposed to have become friends through their work with Vietnam accounting for MIA’s.
I also remember reading a story of how Jack Kennedy and Barry Goldwater had assumed they’d be running against each other in 1964, and planned to travel around the country together holding public debates.
@19 – I just read an interview Essence Mag did and McCain got the call from Kennedy’s chief advisor about the “stroke” (what they thought at the time) and it was very clear to Essence that they were very close friends via the phone conversation…I know they have worked well together but had no clue they are such close friends!
@1 If I were like you, I’d wish for your death instead of Kennedy’s, but I can’t bring myself to stoop that low … not even in your case.
I-burn @4
I wouldn’t take pleasure in even Dick Cheney’s getting cancer. I wouldn’t make jokes about it either. Wishing suffering on others because of political differences is sick, even pathological. I want to win in the battlefield of ideas, not through attrition from illness and death.
I have a relative who survived an unsurvivable medical condition and the surgeon told our family he believes it was divine intervention.
Jack and Barry and Orrin and Ted and John all come from a different time. When civility and manners counted for something. Seems today that rhetoric, rancor and rudeness rule the day.
It is very sad.
@ 24 – Miracles do happen!
@19 McCain not only likes and respects Kerry but publicly denounced in the harshest possible terms the Swift Boaters’ lie-laced attacks on Kerry’s military service.
I own stock in a company controlled by one of the Swift Boaters’ biggest financial supporters. I bought it hoping to relieve that jerk of some of his money, but Mr. Market did a far better job than I ever could have: The stock has dropped 50%. I lost $1,500 but he lost $500,000,000. This is one of those times when I’m pleased to lose money.
Apparantly Kennedy is still of the old school that politics doesn’t have to get in the way of friendships. Kennedy even got along quite well with Ronald Reagan, on a personal level, even as they held fierce debates regarding political issues. Nancy Reagan even asked Ted Kennedy to deliver one of the three speeches when Reagan was awarded the Medal of Freedom.
Quite a bit of difference from the “slash & burn, utterly destroy anybody who gets in our way” from the Rovians.
@26 I believe in God, prayer, and miracles — and have other personal experiences to back it up.
@28 – Now THAT is justice!
@30 – I too, God does work in mysterious ways. I have had far too much tragedy in my life but I know that saying “everything happens for a reason” to be oh so true!!!
Kennedy is a fighter and I think he will come out of this…it will take it’s toll but I believe he is the type of man than can make it through.
By the way I also wish cancer on Hannah and her family. Just to finish the thought. Since she too is a republican.
My Left Foot: “rhetoric, rancor and rudeness rule”
Kudos on such literate alliteration.
Anyone in here who’s getting their jollies wishing death on anyone, go wash your conscience out with strong soap.
I won’t hold it against the lunatic fringe WingNutz that the cancer afflicting Ted Kennedy gives them joy. After all, I was practically dancing in the streets when that fat, meretricious fuck-wad Jerry Falwell croaked!
I also took a little bit of cheer when Nancy Reagan changed her stance on stem cell research. She changed NOT because of the benefits to humanity, but only because she realized that it could have helped “Ronnie”. Typical Conservative. Me, Me ME, and more Me.
Thank you. It was pure accident.
Now we know the cause of his leftist tendencies, a diminished mental capacity.
He was nothing more than the son of a robber baron, “do as I say not as I do”, killer.
The piece of trash will not be missed.
I just hope he gets all the medical attention that he wants for ordinary people including all the illegal aliens.
So what if he dies waiting?
He’s gonna have some ‘splaining to do here pretty soon, so he’s prolly busy workin’ on the story.
@ 25 – MLF Isn’t that the truth!
39 and 40
Thank you both for your insightful, thoughtful and regrettable words of encouragement.
Small minds, small thoughts.
and of course a hearty
Ted Kennedy’s phlegm has more mental capacity, integrity, and humanity than your entire being has. Go stew in your own bile.
Hey, you twisted rightwing dungheaps who are cheering Ted Kennedy’s illness, here is what John McCain said today:
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to him. We hope and pray that they will be able to treat it and that he will experience a full recovery. I have described Ted Kennedy as the last lion in the Senate. And I have held that view because he remains the single most effective member of the Senate.”
Political disagreements need not produce vileness, as McCain clearly demonstrates. Folks like Mark the Redneck are so far out on the fringe, however, that I question whether he can even wipe himself.
28 It’s pretty difficult not to hold shares in anything without getting your proxy notices and dividend payments handled by Mellon Investor Services.
“Folks like Mark the Redneck are so far out on the fringe, however, that I question whether he can even wipe himself.”
I don’t want to know, and I ain’t gonna help.
“I also took a little bit of cheer when Nancy Reagan changed her stance on stem cell research.”
I was encouraged at her change of heart, but having watched my Mom die of Alzheimer’s I have the utmost sympathy for that entire family. Adversity is often a path to growth, but that’s one helluva way to have to learn something.
I got to this thread late and, knowing that no right wing tool can hear the name “Ted Kennedy” without ejaculating “Chappaquiddick!!”, I did a quick search for the term to see how many posts it took for some knuckledragging, Dittohead, Bushbot to bring it up. Wow…the first post?
With all due respect…go fuck yourself, Chris.
What a bunch of Fxxxing wolf’s Let him die peace.
Few men on the American political landscape found themselves with larger shoes to fill than Ted Kennedy. Joe, John, Bobby – the Kennedy family went to the well four times and the fourth time around still managed to come up with a presidential candidate and very fine senator. He might have been the best politician of the four brothers. Perhaps not the one with the best presidential material of the four, but one hell of a politician. That was a great speech he gave at the 1972 convention introducing George. And it was another good speech at the 1980 convention. He was a great orator in his day. I could never look at him without being reminded of Bobby and John and I minded not one bit. I prefer to remember.
I’ll admit to voting for Teddy as a write-in candidate in 1972 along with Tom Eagleton. I was so pissed at McGovern! Aargh!!
I forgave him Chappaquiddick. I also forgave Nixon his transgressions so I’m easy that way.
Just to play the devil’s advocate: If someone truly believes that Ted Kennedy is an evil man who has hurt humanity, then I don’t begrudge them the truth of their emotion that his sickness is a good thing that helps people more than hurts them.
The only thing I would question about such a person is their sanity and the relative safety of others who are in proximity to them. A straight-jacket would be the attire of choice for one such as Chris.
I don’t wish him any ill will. I just want him to get the same medical care that he wants for everybody else.
And I want him to wait his fucking turn and not act like an elitist asshole and go to the head of the line. Let him return to Mathahs Vinyahd and wait. Give him all the morphine he wants while he’s waiting and working on his explanation.
Steve @ 50
Forgiveness is a good thing. I’ve asked for some myself over the years. How could anyone not like Teddy Kennedy on a personal level? I mean, hell, the guy’s bright, can tip a pint, and knows how to slap a fellow on the back. Yet, we see our rightie friends wish him ill. I think that’s why we need to euthanize the Republican Party.
Mark the Retarded Parrot @ 52:
You mean like they way George Bush’s daddy got his son to the front of the line for the Texas Air National Guard so he didn’t have to serve in Vietnam?
Yeah, whatever, chump. Get used to being the party of irrelevance and a permanent Democrat majority.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
Pay your debt poor boy.
@52 Geez, Mark, what an ass you are.
@53 Perhaps we could start by euthanizing Mark. Later on I can forgive him.
HALogik: If you wish ill on Ted Kennedy, you’re evil, but I can wish ill on you and that’s ok.
Leftist = Post Rationalist
ByeByeGOP @ 34
I bet you Hannah is too cute to be a Republican …
Huh? What the fuck is wrong with wanting Ted The Swimmer to get the same level of medical care that he wants for everybody else? Isn’t that “fair”? Isn’t that what you moonbats are all about?
Geez, why all the hate?
I have NO PROBLEM with giving him all the morphine he wants while he figures out what he’s going to say.
Richard @ 57
BBG is one of the wingnuts wishing ill on everyone here…ignore him…and yeah I am too cute to be a reprican! :)
This is a great month for conservatives:
1) Ted The Swimmer is no longer a threat.
2) The Smartest Woman In The World is so hated by her own side she can’t get the nomination. She will fade into the shitcan of history where she belongs.
3) You guys are about to pick Jimmy Carter The Second as your nominee.
@58, like I said, you’re an ass – not that you can help it or anything.
Get used to the hate, chump. You’ve earned it. Live with it and quit your whining. It’s not our fault that you decided to become a hated fascist bitch.
@60 Now you’re going all delusional on us.
@59 How are you doing, Hannah?
Mark @ 60
“You guys are about to pick Jimmy Carter The Second as your nominee.”
Jimmy Carter the First was the last Democrat to get a majority of the popular vote for President. So it will be nice to see Jimmy Carter the second getting elected with a majority vote this November as well :)
Steve @62 – I am great! Enjoying this weather we have been having! (even the bit of rain this morning) And of course enjoying all the nasty name calling I read here everyday ;-)
How have you been? Staying out of trouble?
re 58: That would still 100% more medical care than 47 million of your fellow Americans are getting thanks to Republicans.
I can only wish that all Republicans receive that kind of medical attention. NONE!
AND — as far as undocumented workers go, I’ve worked many a day in my life with my American brothers from Mexico, and I’ve never worked with harder working and more generous fellows in my life.
If push comes to shove, I’d rather send Republicans back to Mexico.
But I doubt the Mexicans would want them.
|”glioma” | |_____________________|________
A source in Boston tells me this is actually a glioblastoma multiforme.
For the four cretins who seem to enjoy this, glioblastoma multiforme is not only a death sentence it is a MISERABLE way to go.
Since I do not see any reason to feed the vipers here, I will not discuss what Mr. Kennedy now faces but .. having watched friends go through this kind of death I have trouble believing that any human would wish this sort of death on any of us, or for that matter even on any animal. This is a death worthy of the morality of Dr. Mengele or of the Priest, Torquemada.
Friends with glio were one reason I became a devout atheist. Any Deity, must take resposibility for this sort of death and that Deity, He, She or It would have to be a far worse person than I am. I pray that no Deity exists cruel enough to do this to any human.
For Roger and other believers here, I hope you are right and that your prayers find the Deity you beleive in.
Like many others I am troubled by Mr. Kennedy’s origins and have a hard time thinking about Chappaquiddick and wondered if this man was made of anything more than the DNA left after the invention of his more able brothers.
I did, however, have the good fortune of spending several hours on an airplane with Mr. Kennedy. We discussed one of my favorite issues .. school reform. I learned to respect Kennedy. He was awfully kind to a stranger and taught me a lot about the balance needed in politics between idealism and the need to achieve real goals.
So, I will tell you what. Tonite is DL and I have a shit load of work to do, I wasn’t planning to make it but .. as a Bostonian, and adopted Irishman, I will be happy to buy a vrew for anyone willing tonite to drink a toast to a great man.
May you be in heaven a full half hour
before the devil knows your dead.
@64 Oh, I’m doing fine. I think a couple of liberals here might hate me now. A post or two yesterday didn’t go over so well. But I’m back, trying again.
It absolutely poured this morning where I was at. But it turned out to be a really fine day.
I wouldn’t wish brain cancer on Geaorge Bush. I’d rip out his eye and skullfuck the socket, but I wouldn’t wish brain cancer on him.
Best of luck, Edward.
@67 – Yeah well those same couple liberals seem to hate me too, I’m just not far enough left for some. But I am who I am, and I stand by my word.
It is absolutely beautiful here in Issaquah now that the wind has died down! :)
@66 – SJ, sorry to hear about your friend!
60 MTR
Naw, we’re about to pick The Guy Who Will Kick McCain’s Wrinkly Ass as our presidential nominee.
But just askin’, how many additional seats in the Congress do you think the Republicans will pick up here in 2008? I’m curious to know how far your delusion reaches.
I predict a gain of 24 House seats and 7 Senate seats for the Democrats, as well as the presidency, of course.
Hannah @ 69
It is really nice now here in Bellevue too :) The rainy weather this morning, on the other hand, was sort of crummy.
Richard @ 72 – yes but our plants really needed it! I hope Memorial Day weekend is nice and sunny though!
immy Carter the First was the last Democrat to get a majority of the popular vote for President. So it will be nice to see Jimmy Carter the second getting elected with a majority vote this November as well :)
He was also a one termer who made it a cake walk for the best president in 20th century. It was by far Carters greatest achievement as president.
My plants needed it too. Although I bet you are a much better gardener than I am :)
Richard @ 75 – Nah actually I joke that I have 2 brown thumbs! LOL! But I have Grandma who is a great gardener teaching me the tricks! :)
400 Bad Request
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
re 74: The best thing Ronald Reagan ever did was to grant absolute ans unconditional amnesty for 4 million illegal immigrants!
What a guy. For someone who thought he’d personally liberated the prisoners of Auschwitz, he could occasionnally do something sane.
hehehe Nothing riles up a donk more than threatening them with their own liberal policies. hehehehe
Hannah @ 76
It must be nice to be in your mid-30’s and have a grandparent who is still alive.
My mother’s father was the last of my grandparents to pass away, back in 1985. I was 22 at the time, and he was 65. My grandfather had been in the Alabama legislature back in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. He was a strong supporter of Jack Kennedy and a strong opponent of George Wallace. He had worked hard for Ted Kennedy when he ran for President in 1980.
Richard @80
And she is still “young” so to speak, only 75! My Grandpa (my mom’s real dad) is also still alive, 75 also. My grandparents on my mom’s side are all republicans but as far as I know they too supported Kennedy back in the day, yet they are ashamed of the current admin. My dad’s side were democrats. In fact my Grandma (passed away in 2000) on my Dad’s side gave me a set of entire newspapers she kept from the unforgettable Kennedy assasination. She told me America changed that day. And I still have them tucked away safe.
Hannah @ 81
Every single last one of my ancestors was a Democrat, with the exception of my father, who switched to the Republicans in 1980.
Other interesting trivia — one of my great-great-grandfathers also happens to be Britney Spears’ great-great-great-great-grandfather. And that is a helluva lot closer relationship than Barack Obama and Dick Cheney have.
Hymie 66 (paraphrasing Jesse Jackson)- I’ll say it again. I’m not wishing Ted The Swimmer any misfortune.
I just want him to have the same health care that he wants for all of us.
What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that “fair”? Isn’t that what you guys want?
All I want is for him to wait his turn and pay his “fair share”.
His most urgent priority is to figure out what the fuck he’s gonna say. As you know, he’s got some ‘splainin’ to do. And this time, the neck brace prolly not gonna work.
Richard @82 – Related to the Brit huh? That’s funny! JK!
Actually on my dad’s side we had the family tree done years ago in the 80’s and found my Grandmother was a 3rd cousin to Princess Di! What a small world we live in!
Why did your father switch to a rep in 1980?
Hmmm…. just wondering….
can ya be buried in a neck brace? If any of you know, send mail to Mass Gen. Ted needs to know…
It’s worth a try at least… worked once… might work again…. Ya think?
Hannah @ 84
My father wanted to vote for George Bush Sr in the Republican primary for President in Louisiana back in 1980. So he went and switched his party registration, probably on about the last day to do so before the primary.
MTR, revealing, once again, the depths of his despicable nature.
When you only amuse yourself, its called masterbation.
Wack on
Richard @86 – what made him change his party affilliation (sp?)?
The Kennedy’s were truely one of a kind in American History.
I wish the whole Kennedy family well in the following weeks or months of this terrible disease, and will pray for them all.
Hannah @ 84
That’s what I found out when putting together my family tree. I ran my great-great-grandfather Jesse Warren Ball through the Google, and a webpage entitled “Ancestry of Britney Spears” came up, with all the details.
Britney is my third cousin twice removed. Her paternal grandmother, Emma Jean Forbes (Spears) (1934-1966), was my third cousin. Emma Spears tragically committed suicide with a shotgun in a cemetery, right next to the grave of one of her sons who had died nine years earlier when he was only a few days old.
Richard @90 – WOW! Amazing how we can all be interconnected with the rich and famous!
It’s sad what has happened to Ted Kennedy…that family has had more than it’s fair share of tragedy over the years!
Wow It sure is amazing the hatred for MTR-X while bybygoober gets a pass for attacking Hannah from the same Homo sapiens neanderthalensis who wished all type of vile death on Dick Cheney.
Puddy Remembers.
Puddy @92 – Ya caught that huh? Yeah hypocrisy at it’s best! :)
Richard – can ya dance like Britney? It should be in your genes.
Hope you do better at relationships than she does….
I don’t wish cancer or death on Cheney or Bush – I just wished they would be impeached. Just because I don’t like their policies doesn’t mean I hate them as people.
Cheney is not a very likable character – but I would still not wish cancer on anyone. Cancer is a miserable death full of pain… one deserves that.
RR @ 94
Well, I have custody of my daughter, and Britney can’t hardly even see her two sons even for supervised visitation. So I would say that I am doing a helluva better in my relationships than she is.
Now if I just had a small fraction of the kind of money she has, then I would have it made!
There is no excuse for what MTR is attempting to do. He is failing. What he is doing is showing his ass again. He is really very good at it. World class expert.
Puddy, I know you do not condone his incomprehensible rantings. I don’t condone it from this side either. I do think hannah is a Rep trying to pass for a dem.
It’s ironic. Every Rethug in the country wishes him dead, but their party wouldn’t allow him to end his life with dignity. They’ll probably flip flop with McCain on that now too.
Here is a little info MTRasshole:
The median survival time from the time of diagnosis without any treatment is 3 months. Increasing age (> 60 years of age) carries a worse prognostic risk. Death is usually due to cerebral edema or increased intracranial pressure. One in twenty of glioblastoma patients survive for more than three years, and approximately one in 5,000 glioblastoma patients survive for decades.
Keep cheering, MTRasshole. Karma is fucking bitch.
Mark@posts about medical care:
Pay attention. He IS getting the medical care he wants everyone else to have.
Mark@posts about medical care:
Pay attention. He IS getting the medical care he wants everyone else to have.
05/20/2008 at 9:52 pm
Then why aren’t people in Europe who already have socialized medicine getting it???? How many examples do you need that socialized medicine doesn’t work??? yikes.
Stupid dog,
This ain’t Europe. Cite your examples of documentation about medical care in Europe in support of your wild and unsubstantiated claim.
Fuck you!!!
GS @ 89
Well done. Kudos, man.
When people in Europe get sick (ie brain cancer) and need the best possible care they sure they hell don’t get it there. They come here. Any dumbass knows that. We don’t have the best medical care in the world because its socialized. Are you that stupid… wait your a donk. Of course . geesh.
While I do not wish illness upon Dick Cheney, I do hope he gets skunked the next time he goes fishing.
Cite a documented example, O’Ball-less one. Just one. Must be something on google you can find.
Neutered dog @ 104
The reality is far more nuanced than you could understand. Can you tell me why life expectancies in most of Europe exceed life expectancies here? I’m sure you would respond that dumbassed Democrats don’t take care of themselves, but answers don’t come that easy. Nationalized health systems are better than ours in some respects, and our mostly privatized system is better than theirs in some respects. I understand that canines only deal in blacks and whites, so would hardly expect you to grasp grayness.
I have a question for all of you righties out there who have sainted Ronald Reagan. I’m watching MSNBC’s election coverage tonight. St. Reagan’s son–remarkably, his name is Ron–is a panel member. He doesn’t seem to have much fondness for his father’s party. Might one of you explain how the son of the saint of your party doesn’t like your party?
Ummm Ron Reagan Jr and his father didn’t get along too much! You can google that to the bank proud leftist…
From one issue in Boston to another.
Hannah, I know know why bybygoober is the way he is…,2933,356592,00.html
Waaa haaaa hahaha haaaa haaa haaaa haaaaa
Can you say sex change? And all the time I was picking on bybygoober as an ASS. Well he still is……
Damn, bybygoober’s little bro is banned from a church…
I didn’t know autism was a family trait. No wonder bybygoober got that sex change operation in Boston. And I thought it was the Ugandan shamen who did the deed.
Puddy @ 109
Hell, St. Ronald didn’t get along with his own son, yet he was sainted? I just don’t understand how that could be. I thought all family values and whatever else it is that you righties believe in flowed from St. Ronald. How could such come from someone who didn’t get along with his own son? I’m lost, Puddy. Please help me out of this confusion.
re 101: The Europeans live longer than we do. When’s the last time you tried to make an appointment with a doctor and had to wait three weeks.
Don’t lie now.
Well, go ahead. You can’t help yourself. Too bad we don’t have socialized psychiatry for the likes of you.
My Left Foot:
Sorry but I can’t agree with you on Hannah. We on the right know the seminar blogger code words and she doesn’t use them. She’s about as honest as Richard Pope with facts. Now if you want to take someone to task MLF, I think you can think of about 20 lefties who always play loose with da facts.
How you doing dude? How is da wife. Did I read you became a grandfather? How is the ticker? No strenuous activities and if priapism occurs go see a doctor immediately. You ain’t black!
Puddybuddy @ 110
Many of your ideological buddies in the posts above have been arguing about our healthcare system providing the best healthcare in the world. Isn’t the Boston doctor providing good healthcare–indeed, even the best healthcare available anywhere? At least, the best healthcare money can buy? Given your medical education, I’m sure you can provide a thoughtful answer that is not guided by ideology. (On a different note, let’s share a high-five over Obama’s win in Oregon.)
Hannah is a ‘concern troll’.
Proud Leftist I read something said by RR Jr around the death of his father. I am going to bed but eventually I’ll try and remember it from the vast storehouse of PuddyFacts so I can create the right search. Right now I’s tired!
Sex change operation for little kids? Well in bybygoober’s case it was to correct a genital oops I meant to write a congenital defect. Sorry Proud Leftist I can’t agree with that doc.
Yes, Obama winning in Oregon is good but no one dares address the 20% of white Kentucky Donkey who said they won’t vote for Obama… Can you say donkey racism still exists in 2008?
Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky. Hmmm…
Then you have the hispanic states of CA, NM, NV, AZ… And he almost lost Texas.
I’m going to bed, too. I’ll be saying a prayer for Ted Kennedy. I’m going to miss him when he’s gone, and I fear he’s going to be gone soon.
I’ve seen Hannah go through this ‘concern phase’ before. After she (or, whatever) feels she has made some online friends, she’ll start sneaking in the hard right talking points.
Also, any troll that uses the word ‘donk’ is Puddybud. I can almost conjure these trolls up just by mentioning them.
Gee! I wonder what happened to Mr. Cynical and PacMan (the biggest douche in town)? Must be in LA playing with Marvin’s cornet.
What do you think of George W. Bush’s pastor supporting Barack Obama for President? Remember the black United Methodist minister from Houston, Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell? The minister who introduced Bush at the 2000 Republican National Convention? The minister who offered the prayers at both of Bush’s inaugurations? The minister joined Jenna Bush and her husband in holy matrimony this past weekend?
“no one dares address the 20% of white Kentucky Donkey who said they won’t vote for Obama…”
The Refukingrats who are calling themselves Democrats this year? The same crawling, rascist, derelict, maggot fools who supported Bushco, the “wars”, the war on tear, and now don’t support it because it’s isn’t going too well, so they can’t beat their chests and proclaim what great fucking Americans they are? Wake up Fuckydud, they’re still voting for a Democrat and not McLameass.
Proud Leftist….why are you bothering to try to debate about health issues with an animal that eats its own poo?
Poor Ted.. Perhaps when he embarks in his dirt nap he can do it next to Mary Jo.. It would be fitting that he have to be in the HMO’s he foisted upon America Maybe he can be buried in the car he drove off the bridge..
Im just afraid the Bushmills people will go ut of business..
Now the death watch is on Robert KKK Byrd the old Klansman is hangin on by a thread its about time that old racist cracker take the dirt nap
The hospital couldn’t give him a transfusion they were out of Bushmills…
When Laura Bush killed that kid in high school – I wonder if she knew he was going to enlist and go to Nam – you know, the place her future husband did everything in his power to avoid? She’s gotten a free pass in life after murdering a young man. Why doesn’t cancer strike evil people like this instead of true American heros like Kennedy?
Oh – yeah I forgot – this same cancer killed that GOP thug Lee Atwater – good riddance.
Is Ted the killer dead yet??? After Ted comes KKK Byrd and Leaky Leahy woo hoo cm on cancer keep up the good work.. takin the dirt nap yet Teddy??
A malignant tumor for a malignant man
RPope@121: Good for him. Why do you all need me to give a positive or negative on someone else’s thoughts? He’s a grown man and does what he feels best.
Since Duncan Renaldo magically “appeared” less than two months ago, he must be someone else’s name avatar. How would he know what PacMan has previously written since PacMan only posted ab out eight times in two months and most of those were over a one week span?
PacMan is doing fine. He’s been weally weally busy at work lately. Working and paying bills like many of us producers.
Kenny is no hero. He’s a disgusting human being.
@132 – Duncan is Headless, his Headless tag line would take you to his same Duncan tagline site! Two for one!
@129 Phil Lato
Taking My Name in vain has never bothered me much, but wishing a fellow human a horrible death is the worst form of blasphemy.
Careful, I might be real and I do take vengeance.
I Am that I Am
Yes, I is a grampa. Little Oren Samuel. And I am feeling fine, go to UCLA next week for ticker checker upper.
As for all of you who are making jokes and wishing ill on others: Shame on you. That kind of behavior is a poor reflection on the parents who raised you and on yourself.
And as I previously stated, Karma is a bitch. What goes around, comes around.
I don’t wish ill on Kennedy, but justice is finally being served on the horrible human being. I don’t think anyone can deny that Kennedy is a piece of human garbage.
@137: What a lame idiot. I don’t wish ill ….but….you do wish ill.
You are a poor example of a human being and Ted Kennedy is so far above you that you have no clue.
The piece of human garbage is the troll with no brain.
You have absolutely no idea what this piece of human garbage did to Mary Jo Kopechne, do you?
re138: “You are absolutely correct, SIR!!! Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!”
re 139: I know what conservative beer baron Augie Bush did as a college student in 1983 in Tucson, AZ. It is not a surprise to me what the well connected can get away with in America.
We have the best justice system money can buy.
I’ll give you a clue. Dead co-ed. Smashed corvette. Augie Bush found later that day in an Apt. 5 mi. away.
One day of reporting — then a news blackout.
@138 – The list of the “You are a poor example of a human being and Ted Kennedy is so far above you that you have no clue. The piece of human garbage is the troll with no brain.”
1) Chris
2) ByeByeGOP
3) VolksMeinung
4) MTR
5) phil latio
All of these are the types who wish harm to all people they disagree with…Human GARBAGE!
@141 – Ed, I have never heard of you have any links? I tried to google the name, but couldn’t find anything on a car crash, just about budweiser beer.
Question for you Kennedy-lovers. If a man kidnaps, rapes, then murders a child, and gets away with it, then goes on to serve in politics, doing a bunch of progressive crap along the way, is he a good man? A man of honor? A man to be admired and respected?
I NEVER SAID I wanted anything bad to happen to The Swimmer. I simply said I want him to get the same level of medical care that he wants for everybody else, and I want him to wait his fucking turn behind illegal aliens, just as he would have the rest of us do.
What’s wrong with that?
@145 MTR – We don’t have a universal health care system yet, so we really don’t know that we will have weeks of waiting behind illegal immigrants. That is the point some are trying to make here. I know you don’t wish ill on Kennedy, but until we have this universal health care, we cannot assume we will be waiting weeks behind illegals. Most people I know would never vote for something that allows illegals to get better medical attention than tax paying legal citizens.
Hannah – Look at every other shithole country that has universal care. People die waiting. Combine McCain/Kennedy amnesty and open borders with “free” healthcare, and the system will crumble.
Great Britain plays fucking games with waiting times. They have patients wait in the ambulance while the ER clears up because the clock doesn’t start until the patient comes through the door.
@147-I know how other countries universal health care works, I have neighbors from Australia that moved to the US for immediate surgery she had been waiting for in Australia for over a year and had another year to wait.
It isn’t perfect by far, but I hope our politicians will make it better than what is currently being used across the world.
148 – So as Limbaugh says “to be a liberal you have to believe the only reason socialism has never worked is that we’ve never had the right people in charge.”
@149 – I don’t view myself as a “liberal”, don’t wanna put myself with that label that brings out alot of distasteful hatred, I guess I’d consider myslef a moderate. I am long tired of the current ways of our government.
Obama can bring change and I like his ideas on health care (not mandatory).
This thread says all you need to know where Republicans are this election cycle.
Ted Kennedy diagnosed with brain cancer and 150 posts, most of which from the right are hate filled.
Dave Reichert votes against supporting the troops and their silent on the issue.
Republicans, like cockroaches, are blinded by the light of truth and they are scurrying for cover.
You cannot escape the truth, Republicans, it’s time to pay for your lies and corruption.
Mark the Welching Redneck will, of course, never point out that people in this country die waiting for medical care, because their insurance companies deny benefits based on “pre-existing conditions.” You can point this fact out to him numerous times, but he’ll still ignore the facts.
For MtWR, as with quite a number of other wingnuts, ideology trumps facts every time.
I don’t know much about the “European medical system”, but I do know a bit about the Japanese medical system. They pay a nominal monthly fee of less than $100 per month (employers often pay it for their employees), and they get unlimited access to health care. The Japanese who have lived in both countries swear that the Japenese doctors and hospitals are just as good, if not better, than those in the U.S., and they don’t have to worry about medical bills. Even co-pays don’t exist. If you need medical care, you just get it.
In contrast, here they have to work for an increasingly limited number of companies that provide health insurance for their employees, find a doctor that is within their network, who is working for a hospital/clinic that is within their network, as well as any labs, etc. which will do work on them, and then pay a deductable, plus a co-pay, and sometimes other “non-covered expenses”, which can be substantial.
They keep asking me for a rational explanation for our health-care system, and I can’t provide one.
Not to mention that any system which assumes that most people would receive insurance voluntarily provided by their employer is subject to the internal contradiction that those business who provide coverage have higher costs than those that don’t.
One of the biggest incentives to out-sourcing labor is that the company gets to keep it’s insurance for it’s management employees, while discarding insurance for most of it’s work force. Other firms (especially in retail) simply make sure that their staff never get scheduled for enough hours to qualify for insurance benefits (the notorious 34 and 3/4 hour work week). Eventually only the highest-paid management will have insurance benefits (the ones who need it the least), and everyone else will be on their own.
This country needs an insurance plan which you can take with you regardless of where you work, and which won’t drop you at the first opportunity when you demonstrate that you might actually need it.
Teddy’s cancer is living(not for long :) ) prof that liberalism rots the brain.
Personally, I always felt he was too evil to die…. my bad. And yes, his death is a good thing for America.
O Teddy Boy the pipes… the pipes are calling.
From glen to hell, were you are soon to go.
“11.mark spews:
Goldy, its kind of like your giddyness over
Chucks cold dead hands. Remember. At least
Chuck wasn’t a coward like Kennedy.”
Great memory mark!
Goldy is obviously a JINO (Jew in Name Only) if he doesn’t believe in prayer. It’s that New Age Progressivism disease that has infected his soul.
Senator Oren Hatch is a great friend of Kennedy’s. Even the political odd couple can have mutual respect and be friends.
Goldy, being soul-less (WITHOUT A SOUL) can make flippant comments about Charleton Heston and not feel accountable. Ultimately Goldy…you will pay a price for that.
My wife & I regularly pray for folks who reject God. We’ll add you to the list!
Orin Hatch is a terrific man.
Just ask his friend, Ted Kennedy.
I’m with Steve at 50–
I forgave Teddy for Chappequidic many years ago. It’s Ted’s cross to bear…between Ted and God. If Ted has not confessed & repented by now…I’m sure he will soon.
I pray a miraculous recovery for Ted Kennedy.
We should ALL take a serious look at any offense we choose to hang onto…and any unforgiveness… it ultimately binds & hurts us!
@157 – well spoken!
Disingenuous: Google it. And I am not referring to your comments about Kennedy. I am sure those were honest.
It is O-R-R-I-N Hatch.
Also, for the wingnuts who continue to judge and make light of another man’s misfortune……you too shall answer. Would be my good fortune to hear the excuse and witness the punishment.
Teddy’s cancer is living(not for long :) ) prof that liberalism rots the brain.
Hm… Now, what ailment did Ronald Reagan suffer from during the last several years of his life?
I can just see Maria Shriver and Arnold getting the news….
“Its a TUM-AH!!”
check all the hate Olberman spews nightly on PMSDNC NBC TV and than call me onm rippin old Teddy.. plus the hatred towards Reagan by loosers on the web.. Honestly I hope the old fart is not in pain.. I just dispise the piece of crap him and KKK Byrd..
Whoa big fella. There are only two make fun of and not death. You know who they are. Others I just mock and ridicule for their innate stupidity.
Goldy, it doth seemeth Ed Mack Mahone is another Duncan Renaldo and this is headless lucy’s 21st name here?
Do you need all these pseudo-lefties to inflate your numbers?
How about askiung a J colleague to podt here or, if Goldy will not take it) at SJ? I thihnk a personal account of a very different system would be great.