HA has been experiencing some intermittent technical difficulties… you know, like not being able to load pages at all for hours at a time. (There’s nothing to suggest that this is due to malicious hacking, but then, it really wouldn’t really surprise me.)
Anyway, please be patient while we get this thing fixed.
Keep people poor, ignorant and dependent and they will always vote the party of the big handout. This has been the Dem playbook since 1965. Or is it 1933? And welcoming millions of illiterate descamisandos will put them permanently in control.
Harry Poon, A little Hawai’i background news. The New Orleans Levy Board [ALL Democrat….mostly black] LOVED to have their “conference” in Kapalua, Maui each and every year. [very expensive] The “civil servants” were armed with “guvment” credit cards and spent taxpayer money like water at the PGA golf courses and the Plantation Estate for expensive meals and entertainment. Nothing like black “civil servants” with “guvment” credit cards to run up huge bills and ass fuck the New Orleans Levy Board for the cost. THis is how the Democrats spent the Levy funds prior to Katrina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Still the libs will say………………… Don, “Somehow Bush is at fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” [hehe] Fuck you, dumb ass lib, JCH
Little[JCH]Eichmann ( with two N’s, not one! ) is a sick and twisted individual whose brain mis-fires.
JCH (just craves head). Don’t toss me aside like an ol’ rag doll, buddy. It was for THE CAUSE!!! What’s Harry Poon got that I don’t?
[Just another Chicken Hawk]:
Racist, Anti-Semitic, lying self-hating homosexual.
Why is it that the right is made up of guys like this?
What is up with the liberal military? Should we start calling them the main stream military? Where can I go and find an alternative military which doesn’t hate Bush? Every time I listen to the military now days, all they do is bash Bush. Why all this hatred? Doesn’t the military know that they cannot accomplish anything if all they have is the Hatred of Bush?
When will the Main Stream Military report on the good that Bush has done, instead of pointing out all of his mistakes? Damn liberal military!!!
The real question is why won’t Bush get rid of Rumsfield? If he was a baseball manager, his ass would have been grass two seasons ago. He has lost the respect of the military, everything he has tried to do for the last three years has blown up in his face, and he cause nothing but damage to the President.
Does Bush think he is the only person that can run the Pentagon? If so, what happens if Rumsfield were to have a heart attack? Does everything fall apart then?
Or is it more likely that Bush knows that any one else that is put in that position will have to tell the people the truth of how badly Rumsfield and Bush’s team has screwed everything up?
The military isn’t liberal or conservative. The Generals are prepping the battlefield for their new books, their consulting jobs, and their paid TV appearances. There has always been retired arm-chair Generals who think they could do it better. There has always been pissed off soldiers who say their leaders don’t listen.
There is a difference between not listening and listening and then making a decision that the subordinate doesn’t agree with. Because your boss doesn’t do what you want, doesn’t mean your boss didn’t listen to you.
Soldiers don’t like change and the Generals certainly don’t like Rummy taking away their people and their “power.” Rummy has made big changes in the military to make it smaller, faster and lighter. It will save billions in the long run and the Generals don’t like not having everything under the sun……..
in other words, They need to grow the fuck up!
This is an excerpt from an article in the Sunday 04/16/2006 edition of the King County Journal. This story didn’t make it into the on-line edition for some reason – they had two stories about the 8th district race, and only posted one. It is only in today’s print edition.
“Raised in Nebraska in an Air Force family, Burner went to Harvard as a National Merit Scholar and wound up in a high-tech career, ultimately spending five years as a product and group manager at Microsoft. She left the company at the end of 2004 to raise her and husband Michael’s 3-year-old son, Henry. And, she began preparing her political run.”
Hey Dick – time to take your meds.
Why would that even qualify as a white lie Pope? Exactly what bearing does that have? I would say both law school and full time mum are well… exemplary.
On the other hand, voting for Bush’s agenda and running up record deficts would not be so… exemplary.
That dog don’t hunt Pope.
Richard @ 9 — You are usually pretty good at fishing for anything fishy. You seem to think you’ve hooked a big one here, but I don’t see ANYTHING here but a concise profile of a multi-tasking, multi-talented Microsoftie married mom. Not a LIE. Not a WHITE LIE. Nothing to be ASHAMED OF.
WHAT ARE YOU SHOUTING ABOUT? Do you realize you’re coming off as a man OBSESSED with the BIG ONE THAT GOT AWAY.
Pope’s just sore…he can’t win an election, so he doesn’t want anyone else to either.
“voting for Bush’s agenda and running up record deficts”
Will someone please provide me with evidence that the DEMOCRATS in Congress are against the record deficits?
Please provide some votes in Congress where most DEMOCRATS voted AGAINST a major spending item and most REPUBLICANS voted in FAVOR of a major spending item.
Please let me know what SPENDING CUTS Darcy Burner favors to get rid of these record deficits.
Breaking News
From the Richard Pope News Service:
Mike McGavick continues to lie:
Mike McGavick has in several interviews not discuss the fact that he went to the bathroom after leaving Safeco but before running for Senate?
What is Mr. McGavick trying to hide?
Many are speculating that he failed on several occasions while in the bathroom. Will Mr. McGavick release information to counter this charge?
One thing you know for sure, Richard Pope will get to the bottom of this.
This is from georgia10 at DailyKos today:
“Former Illinois Governor George Ryan has, for the past six months, been on trial for racketeering conspiracy, mail fraud, obstructing the IRS, tax fraud and lying to FBI agents. Today, the jury in his corruption trial has reached a verdict. Ryan has been found guilty of all counts.
On trial with Ryan was lobbyist Larry Warner. Warner was also found guilty of all counts.
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald took over the investigation into corruption in the Governor’s office in 2002, indicting him in December of 2003 (Fitzgerald indicted some 73 Ryan administration officials before he made his way to the top). “I submit that the citizens of this state expect honest government from the secretary of state or the governor,” Fitzgerald said at the time. “They deserve nothing less.” (Fitzgerald was in the courtroom while the verdict was read).
For those not familiar with Illinois state politics, George Ryan was a Republican who was governor from 1999 to 2003. Before that, he was Secretary of State, from 1990 to 1998. A Republican powerhouse, his actions mirror those of Republicans on the national scene: cronyism, rewarding campaign donors, free trips to Jamaica, accepting gifts from lobbyists, and more. For a background on the case, click here.”
“Adding to the drama of the case, prosecutors pointed to what they called the “tangible consequences of corruption.” In November 1994, six children (all of one family) died when a piece of a semitrailer truck fell off and hit their van, causing it to explode. The driver of the truck was not qualified to drive that vehicle, but he had paid a bribe to get his license under the Ryan administration. It was also alleged that the Ryan’s Attorney General sought to squash an investigation into the crash.
Culture of corruption isn’t just a catch phrase. It does have tangible effects. Where it isn’t six children perishing on a highway, it’s the citizens of New Orleans stranded on the highway, begging for water. It’s a do-nothing Congress that passes bills which hurt hard-working Americans. There are the tangible effects of administrations that operate to serve themselves rather than the people who elected them. Now, the justice system has provided tangible consequences for Ryan and Warner.”
Thanks to tghe Republican Party.
Personally…I WANT rummy to stay on. I WANT this gang of incompetents, hacks, crooks and christo-fascist fools to do all the damge they can. That way NO Krazy Korruption Konservative republican will get elected to office foe the next 30 years. The lying, the cheating, the bamboozling “Reagan Revolution” will finally be DEAD.
And Mt. Rushmore will be SAFE!
People are waking up.
George Ryan was a LIBERAL FOOL who commuted the death sentences of over 100 people — the ENTIRE DEATH ROW — in the Illinois state prison system.
So it is a good thing that Ryan will be getting some “first hand experience” with the prison system himself.
What is Darcy Burner’s position on the death penalty?
Looks like someone hacked the Washington Democrats website too:
R. Pope @ 14: “Please provide some votes in Congress where most DEMOCRATS voted AGAINST a major spending item and most REPUBLICANS voted in FAVOR of a major spending item.”
Medicare Drug Benefit, 2003, a major budget buster.
Pope @ 14
We used to be able to find a bunch of republicans to do that. Where the fuck did they go?
One spending cut Darcy would likely support would be ending the war in Iraq. That would be a doosey of a cut doncha think?
Pope, you are a good researcher and I think some people actually have some respect for you here. But your “white lie” spin on Darcy is just plain silly. It is even more so than uSP’s traffic ticket report.
In a surprising editorial, The Washington Post deviated from the conventional anti-Bush media position on two counts.It said President Bush was right to declassify parts of a National Intelligence Estimate to make clear why he thought Saddam Hussein was seeking nuclear weapons.And the editorial said ex-ambassador Joseph Wilson was wrong to think he had debunked Bush on the nuclear charge because Wilson’s statements after visiting Niger actually “supported the conclusion that Iraq had sought uranium.” ……………………………………………………………………..[Bush lied!!! Bush lied!! Oh…………….Never mind!! Rossanne Rossannadana, SNL]
Jimmy @ 21,
Richard Pope runs hot and cold. Sometimes he launches off onto quixotic quests. Other times, usually when he is doing original research, he digs up some fine dirt and provides salient analysis. I’ll not try to diagnose the reasons.
In this case, the “Darcy and law school” looks strongly like a hair-brained quest. I mean, Richard is asking us to believe that he has better insight into Darcy’s reasonsing to quit Microsoft than either the reporter and, in fact, Darcy herself. Unlikely!
Secondly, we much somehow buy into the bullshit that Darcy has been “secretive” about having attended law school. This is simply not true. Darcy mentioned that she attended law school the very first time I met her (months ago at Drinking Liberally). She was pretty matter-of-fact about it being one strength of her candidacy.
That someone might treat going to school (especially law school) as a way to prepare for a new career in politics, rather than just a path toward making money, is, apparently, too much for Richard to swallow.
Monday April 17, 2006–For the second straight day, 39% of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That’s the lowest level of approval ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.
Sixty percent (60%) disapprove of Bush’s job performance, including 44% who Strongly Disapprove.
Richard Pope again lies with this hilarious statement :”George Ryan was a LIBERAL FOOL ”
No, actually RP, Ryan was a REPUBLICAN Govenor, and a REPUBLICAN Secretary of State.
He is just another corrupt clown of the REPUBLICAN PARTY being sent to jail.
sgmmac @ 8 “Rummy has made big changes in the military to make it smaller, faster and lighter. ”
And how is that working out?
That war planning done by the Civilian Leadership has worked out GREAT, too!
I wonder if they actually TEACH “Whack-a-Mole” at War College.
Didn’t Hannibal invent that?…or am I thinking of somebody else.
That (cough, cough) was actually CLINTON’s smaller, lighter, faster Army that Rummy and friends are fucking with.
Darcy seems to be overly coy about how she has spent the last five years. The facts are all out there now. She went to work for MS in 2000, had a baby in 2003, quit in 2003(?). Then went to law school, quit law school to run for congress.
I kind of wonder why she doesn’t stick at anything for very long. Maybe she wants to play down the law school thing because it emphasizes the fact that she doesn’t focus for very long. I don’t care if she got a’s and a-‘s her first year. It is a three year program, followed by a bar exam. If you want to dabble at these things, fine. But isn’t that a relevant thing to know about someone running for congress?
Hey Janet…
Stick with that BJ thing for a while as an exercise to see if you can sustain a project like…well Running for Congress.
You know…now that I think about it…I kind of wonder why YOU don’t stick with anything either.
You post here…you post there…JUST WHAT are we to believe anyway?
By the way, when was it a GOOD thing that the military agrees 100% with civilian leadership? There is a reason why we don’t have the generals in charge. It would be truly amazing if there wasn’t some dissent.
Guess the Washington Democrats got their website back up and running too. Must have been a Democrat virus this weekend, since Horse’s Ass wouldn’t load either.
In this case, the “Darcy and law school” looks strongly like a hair-brained quest.
Commentby dj— 4/17/06@ 11:33 am
Don’t you mean “hare-brained”? As in the Roger Rabbit type of hare?
DJ @23,
My guess is that Richard put at least as much effort into researching Darcy as put into research Aaron Dixon… and came up with squat. So you can’t really blame him for going with what he has.
Janet @30,
Keep wasting your time. If you really think that this law school meme is going to have any traction beyond the rightie trolls and cheerleaders in the comment threads on HA and SP… I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Secondly, we much somehow buy into the bullshit that Darcy has been “secretive” about having attended law school. This is simply not true. Darcy mentioned that she attended law school the very first time I met her (months ago at Drinking Liberally). She was pretty matter-of-fact about it being one strength of her candidacy.
Commentby dj— 4/17/06@ 11:33 am
If going to one year of law school is a STRENGTH of Darcy Burner’s candidacy, then why doesn’t she list this in her official campaign biography? Why doesn’t she tell reporters about this when giving a biographical interview?
Burner’s performance in her one year of law school certainly isn’t anything to be ashamed about (assuming that she has accurately related her grades to Goldy).
So why is she minimizing and concealing this? Is she afraid that she will look like a flake?
Hey Dick – How many times did Darcy go to the grocery store during that one year??? Why the hell isn’t it on her bio? Nothing to be ashamed of you know.
Richard @ 36
“If going to one year of law school is a STRENGTH of Darcy Burner’s candidacy, then why doesn’t she list this in her official campaign biography? Why doesn’t she tell reporters about this when giving a biographical interview?”
I’ll have to ask her next time. Here is my guess, though. Because she doesn’t want to look like a lying Republican. You know, like those assholes who go to college for a couple of year without getting a degree, and then put it on their Resume in a way that is ambiguous enough to suggest they actually got a degree. I’ll not mention any names here, but the initials David Irons Jr. are a hint….
“Burner’s performance in her one year of law school certainly isn’t anything to be ashamed about (assuming that she has accurately related her grades to Goldy).”
WTF? As and A minuses? Richard…umm…I don’t believe you know what the fuck you are talking about in making this claim. Apparently, you believe that all first year law school students only get A’s? Come-on, Richard, you usually are a little more complete in your research. The information is available on the web.
If you look at this link, it shows manditory percentage cutoffs for law school grades. The WORSE CASE senario places Darcy well above the median for all of her course grades. The best-case senario has her in the top 5% for most (4 out of 7) of her grades and the worse case is the top 20% for most of her grades. The A minuses are in the top 15% to 40% (worse case) to top 5% to 40%. In other words she did better than most of the students in every class she took.
“So why is she minimizing and concealing this? Is she afraid that she will look like a flake?”
Given that she has mentioned her law school experience to people who, you know, actually talk to her, I think your statement is a sign that you probably haven’t been doing the right kind of research, Richard.
But, who knows, maybe she is just doing it just to bother you, Richard….
Donna @26
They are hanging in there! Most of the changes arn’t effective yet. And then we have the Senators and Congressmen who fight any reduction in military spending in THEIR state…..
The military made those plans, and then they were tweaked by the civilians in the Pentagon. Planning goes up and down the chain of command. You never get everything you want, and those whining Generals don’t give their Colonels everything they want either!
sgmmac @ 39
“They are hanging in there!”
I wouldn’t exactly call it hanging… http://icasualties.org/oif/BY_DOD.aspx
“The military made those plans, and then they were tweaked by the civilians in the Pentagon.”
But earlier you said ““Rummy has made big changes in the military to make it smaller, faster and lighter. ”
Consistancy isn’t your long suit, is it sgmmac.
But then consistantly bad planning and execution by “Rummy” has gotten us into this Iraq Disaster.
sgmmac, why in the world would you shill for the abominable failures of “Rummy” and BushCo?
Thousands dead… all to destabalize the Middle east, and make our country less secure.
HOORAH For “Rummy” and BUSH!
Darcy Burner was so excited on June 15, 2005, the day she filed with the FEC to run for Congress, that she couldn’t control herself. Mind you, this was just five days after finishing final exams for her first (and only) year of law school at the University of Washington.
Burner raced home to share the good news with her husband. She wasn’t paying attention to the cars stopped in front of her to make a left turn and rammed right into them. It was 6:00 p.m. and full daylight. This took place at the intersection of SE Duthie Hill Road and SE 33rd Street in Sammamish, about 9 miles from Burner’s home. Burner caused a four car chain reaction collision, which resulted in two of the cars having to be towed.
Among the passengers were three children in one car and one child in another car, ages between 22 months and 5 years. At least two people were injured in the accident, including someone else’s 3 year old child. Burner’s own son, Henry, who was about 29 months old at the time, was not a passenger in her car.
Source: King County Sheriff’s Office Incident Report No. 05-170074 (Washington State Accident Report No. 1716184)
Too bad Darcy Burner isn’t spending more time taking care of her own small child, instead of injuring other people’s small children through her own carelessness.
So, Richard, your saying Burner had a trafiic accident.
Is that it?
Yes, that is it. A minor one at that. And apparenlty Richard and the minnow think that means something.
I’m sorry, but when did the far right get this stupid?
I am not one of Rummy’s fans……. Roger and I had the Rummy conversation a couple of months ago. That said, Those same Generals who are whining are the ones who developed the plans…. At every level, the plans are co-ordinated, tweaked, changed and put together. The military plan didn’t fail, the military action hasn’t failed, it’s the nation building plans that were non-existent or not executed that failed.
Throwing around numbers of killed and injured doesn’t matter. It is nothing in comparison to any other previous war. War is hell, soldiers die, non-combatants die!
Our Soldiers are in Japan and Germany – been there since WWII. Our Soldiers are in Korea – been there since the Korean War. American Soldiers are in the Sinai, Turkey, Phillipines, Thailand, and in over 100 fucking countries around the globe and they have been for years. Are soldiers still in Bosnia? Bill’s little war?
There was a time after the first Gulf war and before it that it was unacceptable for any casualties. But the fact is, when you give up the heavy armor and go faster and lighter, you will have higher casualties. The type of warfare also increases the casualties. The military has a hard time fighting the IEDs and the vehicles getting hit by them are not designed to protect the soldiers in them. They are fixing it.
“The military plan didn’t fail, the military action hasn’t failed, it’s the nation building plans that were non-existent or not executed that failed.”
Uh… yeah. Like I said HOORAH for Rummy and Bush! They have totally fucked our soldiers, and gotten us into a quagmire that has destabilized the middle east, and made our country less safe.
You can keep repeating all you polly-anna bullshit, but the above facts remain.
BushCo and Rummy have lost the support of The US, and our soldiers.
Ain’t no way in hell they are gonna fix that. They are both scumbags hardly worth the rope needed to hang em.
erratum: “scumbags” should be “traitorous scumbags”.
I apologise for any confusion.
Oh, and sgmmac about this:
“Those same Generals who are whining are the ones who developed the plans…. At every level, the plans are co-ordinated, tweaked, changed and put together.”
Bullshit! Rummy ignored his commanders on the field, and as you stated above
““Rummy has made big changes in the military to make it smaller, faster and lighter. ”
So quit talking out of your ass, sgmmac. You can’t have it both ways.