Working okay as far as I can tell, but I just got on.
The stock market seems to like the Fed’s plan to pour $600 billion of virtual currency into the monetary bathtub. Stocks are sharply up this morning and my portfolio just hit a new all-time high. I’ve made $2,400 this morning so far, and I just got out of bed! Commute to a job? Ya gotta be kiddin’. Work? Not me! I’m not gonna do a fuckin’ thing today except sit here in my sleeping fur and watch money appear in my account from nowhere as compensation for doing nothing. Ain’t capitalism grand?!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s gotta be all the stock trades clogging up the Internet Tubes, Goldy!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Either that or a circuit shorted out somewhere from all the Rossi supporters shitting in their pants.
It’s a vast right wing conspiracy. Karl Rove and Dick Cheney wanted to take down HA, with the help of Pat Robertson, Chief Justice Roberts, and the Tea Party movement. George Bush? Didn’t have anything to do with it. He was too busy skinning cute little kittens alive, while torturing innocent Arab Americans he has chained in his basement.
Yeah, retail sales are down and first time claims are up 20k from last week. The private “bank” that lords over the public money supply is basically handing another half-trillion plus virtual money to banksters.
Let’s buy!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Slow & sluggish…like you on election night.
Perhaps you infected the system with some of your chronic burning a$$hole affliction.
No your both your systems are on the same wavelength.
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 4: None of the people you mentioned has the smarts or the skill to do what you suggested.
If they paid someone to do that and then lied about their involvement, that I could buy.
Don’t forget, Libby was convicted.
Speaking of George Bush, he’s making the talk-show circuit promoting his autobiography (if anything that heavily ghost-written can be called an auto-biography).
Based on his comments, he apparantly felt that being President was really, really, hard, and we should all feel sorry for him.
I’m wondering how many wingnuts are going to be buying his book for Christmas? Two years ago you could hardly find a Republican who admitted voting for him, and those who did complained about him anyway.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Perhaps simply could not stomach the Conservative Glee with Election Results.
You probably have an Apple…which when said while holding your tongue sounds like Goldy…or something synonymous.
Anyway, here’s another dose-
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Thursday, November 04, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of Likely Voters say it’s at least somewhat likely that Republicans in Congress will vote to repeal the health care law passed earlier this year.
Folks really didn’t like Obama’s press conference yesterday. He blames his detachment on Washington DC..not himself.
It could be a long 2 years as Obama strives to be a worse President than Jimmy Carter!
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 4 redux: …and, going back a little farther, Oliver North is a convicted felon and a traitor to America — not to mention being responsible for the murder of nuns.
There’s more where that came from you smarmy smirking fuck.
Libby was not only convicted, but he lost his radio gig after he started instructing listeners to take out federal agents with “head shots”, because they would be wearing body armor. I nearly rear-ended the car in front of me when I heard him saying that on the radio – I couldn’t believe it!
I’m guessing that if he was put back on the radio today, he’d be embraced by the wingnuts who are just aching to exercise their “second amendment remedies”. Fox News commentators would be lamenting about how his rights to free speech were being infringed, etc.
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 9: Rasmussen is a wingnut rhetorical weapon and not a scientific tool.
Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann were involved too. Newt Gingrich did the computer work. The Koch brothers funded it, together with BP. And anyone who is a Christian was copied on an email to pray for the success of the mission. I know. I got one of the emails and joined my brothers and sisters in prayer to defeat Goldy, the great Satan. Ron Reagan didn’t have an active role, being dead and all, but I’m sure that he is looking on in approval.
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 11: That was Liddy — but good point. I meant ‘Scooter’ Libby.
The wingnut list of miscreants is long.
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 13: You’re a humorous guy. You could probably get a job writing for The Sonny and Cher Show.
Let’s check the scoreboard-
May have known about a burglary of Democrat offices. Refused to give Congress tapes that ultimately proved he did, but whose content Congress was not aware of at that time.
Outcome: Resigned from office with no official charges of criminal conduct ever filed.
Perjurer. Used his official power to deny justice to his adversary in a civil trial. While not criminal, he had an inappropriate relationship with a young intern. (In most jobs of any responsibility, this would have gotten a person fired.) His wife skirted securities laws for personal gain, then claimed not to know the laws were there. She worked as a lawyer in finance at the time.
Outcome: Due to obfustication and outright lies by democrats his impeachment did not result in the summary removal from office and prison time he richly deserved.
proud leftistspews:
No criminal charges were ever filed against Nixon because Ford pardoned him upon taking office. Damn, you can be such a fucking disingenuous slimebag.
Speaking of technical difficulties, Mitch McConnell (aka, the neckless turtle) tells us the most important job of the Senate over the next two years is to ensure another politician does not get reelected.
Pathetic fools.
I actually know that some Republican elected officials are corrupt, venal or just power mad. I just think it humorous that some on either side are so wedded to their politics that the feel the need to defend these kinds of people. I mean, Tim McVeigh claimed to be a Christian, but I don’t feel any need to defend him just because I do as well.
And I find the paranoic partisanship funny. When I don’t find it frightening. There are no death panels. Obama is a citizen of this country and always has been. He either isn’t a Muslim, or more to the point, it doesn’t matter if he is.
But on the other side Republicans aren’t trying to impoverish the country just to score political points. Nor are they locked in a cabal with corporate overlords who dictate their every move.
I just think everyone needs to take a deep breath and regain a basic sense of perspective.
Bush The Lesser just confessed to illegally torturing suspects in US custody. And you’re still obsessing over a blue dress.
Bush The First ran drugs, to buy arms, to buy off terrorist enemies of the state. Where’s your outrage?
Or maybe it’s just some asshat launching a DOS attack.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
When do Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters go on trial??
I can’t wait for that circus.
Hopefully they will both defend each other!
You couldn’t ask for better comedy.
This trial will really help the Democrats…watch both of these crooks trying to defend the indefensible.
Hopefully it will be televised.
I’m sure we can count on FoxNews to keep us posted…but nothing would beat watching these 2 in action.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blaming Bush is less & less effective with each passing month. Yet the KLOWNS persist. WHy?
Because they are a bunch of f***ing KLOWNS.
No other explanation necessary.
Look, if they are still trying this tactic 2 years from now, the Dems will get clobbered.
23 of 33 Senate Races will be Dems…and 14-15 of those Dem Races will be hotly contested.
Ragging on Bush shoves away the Independents.
True Independents want to know what you are going to do to reduce the size & cost & role of government, reduce taxes, handle the debt and unleash the American Entrepreneurial spirit which will create jobs.
Instead Democrats & Obama INCREASE spending and the debt, increase the size & role of government, sit on their thumbs about taxes and we are almost to 2011!! And of course, the simply are uncapable of understanding Free Enterprise.
There it is.
Learn quick…or you’ll be walking.
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 19: Your information concerning the Clinton’s was from a book by David Brock who later admitted thatr he made it all up.
Another problem that you have with comparing Democrats to Republicans is that of conflation. You compare breaking into a political rival’s office to obtain information that would change the result of a presidential election (Liddy and cohorts were paid by president Nixon himself with ‘slush fund’ money — cash money, bro.)to events that NEVER EVEN HAPPENED).
” Tim McVeigh claimed to be a Christian, but I don’t feel any need to defend him just because I do as well.”
Adolph Hitler claimed to be a Socialist, but I don’t feel any need to defend him just because I do as well.
You should take a deep breath and hold it indefinitely.
Blaming Bush is less & less effective with each passing month.
Yea. That’s a bummer.
On the positive side, whitewashing his record gets easier over time.
Thank you for your help with that.
proud leftistspews:
lost: “on the other side Republicans aren’t trying to impoverish the country just to score political points.”
What utter rot. As slingshot points out @ 18, Mitch McConnell has stated that the Senate’s primary objective over the next 2 years should be to prevent Obama’s reelection. You don’t think we’re going to see some political point-scoring by the GOP over the next two years that harms the country? You’re daffy.
Re 24
I’ve never read any books by, nor do I at the moment even recall the name of, David Brock.
My information comes from the news. It comes from a president who stood in front of a camera and lied. It comes from an independent investigator, Ken Starr.
Nor was the election in any danger. Most folks look at the election in question as a shoo in for Nixon, which makes what he did stupid and criminal. The point I was making was not that he wasn’t guilty. It was that Congress had no way of knowing he was at the time of the hearings.
With Clinton we knew at least that he was a liar and that in fact he did have sex with that woman. We knew that a sitting president was being sued for sexual harassment, and that he was accused of tampering with witnesses. We knew that his wife broke investment laws and lied about that. Basically, the two of them were at the very least embarassing the nation and the office. A man of integrity would have resigned, if only for that reason. Clinton, while smart, charming and charismatic, while a natural leader, is not a man of integrity.
proud leftistspews:
lost: “It comes from an independent investigator, Ken Starr.”
Thanks for the afternoon laugh.
All I’ve been hearing from the left wing talking heads is how the Senate will block all legislation coming from the House. Are the Dems now the ‘party of no’?
Re 26
“Mitch McConnell has stated that the Senate’s primary objective over the next 2 years should be to prevent Obama’s reelection.”
Well…yes. Wouldn’t you kind of expect that from the leader of Obamas opposition?
Honestly, I think Republicans do need to be more forthcoming with real compromise. They need to have a basic area of ground on which they can’t, and identify those areas that are more peripheral, and behave accordingly. One way or another Obama will likely be re-elected. Respecting the will of their local constituents, while respecting the larger will of the national electorate is the balancing act they’ll need to play. But so will Obama.
Mrs. R Comes 2 Senses. Votes 4 Rossi. Kwells the Wabbit.spews:
I’m not gonna do a fuckin’ thing today except sit here in my sleeping fur and watch money appear in my account from nowhere as compensation for doing nothing.
Good 4 nothing Robber Baron Rabbit makes out like a Goldman-Sachs bandit. Gotta love that Republican rally.
Of course Rabbit attributes his easy money to the Fed throwing more piles of easy money (that we don’t have) to make up for the failure of the Democrat easy-money stimulus binge:
The Democrats on Capitol Hill … dallied and used the delays to bargain for better benefits for their constituents and contributors.
What began as a sound economic stimulus, along with health care and energy bills, became a swollen expensive and ineffective legislative monstrosity.
That’s from Broder, today, via Fair Use and Fair Trade.
Here’s from Schlesinger, long long ago: [Foster & Catchings, 1920’s economists, repealed Say’s Law with] their antidrepression policy in a single slogan: “When business begins to look rotten, more public spending.” But would not this increase the naitonal debt? Only in times of depression, they replied; and, in any case, debt increase was hardly an irreparabl3e disaster. “It means scarcely more than that the people of the United States collectively owe themselves [i.e. Red China] more money” …
(A) good liberal Democrat like Franklin Roosevelt scrawled in his copy of [Foster & Catchings’ book]: “Too good to be true — You can’t get something for nothing.”
Unless you’re good-4-nothing Rabbit.
Rest in piecesspews:
Sanchez; not Lo-Retta … the other one
Stephanie Miller’s Amazin’ Grayson
I’d expect him to do something about the fucking disasters his party has perpatrated on the citizens of the US and the world.
You know, the laundry list of stuff you douchebags just spent billions of dollars claiming you’d fix.
4 A Good Time, Call Accept No Whiny Substitutesspews:
George Will finally writes a column worth reading:
Actually, as the distilled essence of progressivism, [Obama] should feel ratified by Tuesday’s repudiation. The point of progressivism is that the people must progress up from their backwardness. They cannot do so unless they are pulled toward the light by a government composed of the enlightened – experts coolly devoted to facts and science.
Robber Baron Rabbit commentary: George Will is the whitest man in America who sometimes gets a few token column inches in the dumbest magazine in America, “News”week. Stupid broke “News”week, page after page, dishes out the dish to the bagger right wing and pretends they’re pushing news.
Then they put Obama on cover after cover and wonder why nobody wants to buy.
Then they give too-white George Will some occasional sloppy seconds to write about … baseball, as if George Will isn’t too white and old and soft to understand baseball.
Well. As George Will would say. Forget “News”week. Today, WaPo let Will write about dumb Democrats and dumb Obama. About damn time.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Will nailed it…for once.
These Atheist Progressives really believed Obama was the messiah for them. Turn’s out he’s just a man..with lots of flaws.
The Emporer has no clothes!
Progressivism is rejected.
You KLOWNS are only part of 20%!
Maybe 10%. It’s amazing you got as far as you did. Will you be able to fool people again?
I know you’ll try.
Goldycrats Having Tech Difficulties. Well, Duh.spews:
One little sunbeam in the Democrat darknite of doom & despair … Dean: I Won’t Challenge Obama In 2012.
You lost almost everything there is to lose. You’re eating the excrement sandwich. You’re too worthless to live. But look on the bright side! You won’t have Howlin’ Howie to kick around any more!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
OMG! Too bad. Howard would be the perfect KLOWN to round out the Obama Regime Circus.
Dean is pathetic…I think bi-polar.
No one in the entire world even dreamed Howard Dean would be a candidate…yet out of nowhere he barks I Won’t Challenge Obama In 2012.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think Goldy fixed the problem when he yanked his Mouse outta his ass.
proud leftistspews:
HNMT @ 36
This election could very well create a cataclysmic rift in the Republican Party. The Tea Partiers are going to demand what they see as their due for the GOP’s electoral success (though their fortunes were really quite mixed), whereas what is left of the GOP’s sanity wing will recognize that letting the TP’ers control the party’s agenda will lead the party over the political cliff. I look forward to watching the brutal internecine fighting we are about to see develop between the two wings. I believe there are some who are already lobbying for Michelle Bachmann to become Speaker of the House. This will be so enjoyable . . .
It appears that the Republican strategy, going back to January 2009, was EXACTLY to prolong the rescession and the economic damage done to America, in the hopes that it could forestall the recovery long enough for them to use it as a campaign issue in the 2010 elections.
We saw this even in late 2009, when a Republican President (George W. Bush) and Republican leadership cooperated in convincing the Democrats to give Bush and the Treasury Secty carte blanch to bail out the banks and brokerage firms at their discretion. The alternative, they argued, was a second Great Depression. Once the Democrats finally agreed, and only while the votes were being counted, did the Republicans jump ship, with just enough voting to make sure the plan sailed through, while others voted no and objected. In short, the campaign for 2010 started then.
And at each step thereafter, they voted in uniform lock-step (with only a couple of key defections) against every attempt to stimulate the economy. Even attempts to keep police and firefighters on the streets were obstructed. Not only did they vote no, they used the filibuster to force a 60% majority for every appropriation. Even when Obama proposed tax cuts for everyone except the top 2%, they stubbornly said “no!”.
No, I don’t think the Republicans have the best interests of the country at heart. They would rather see the country driven straight into the ditch, if it helped them regain power.
And I’ll do everything in my power to keep that from happening again.
proud and loud leftistspews:
pl @39: Pretty sure I read your analysis, such as it is, elsewhere. Almost word-for-word. You great liberal minds must spin around the same circles.
Colonel Chadwick 'Buzz' O'Hanrahanrahanspews:
re 27: I just explained to you what was wrong with your reasoning and you just repeated what you’d previously said — adding the salient self-defense that you never read anything — you just watch television and trust a GOP hatchetman like Kenneth Starr.
rE 42
No. You wrote that I lifted the pretty well known narrative about the problems Clinton brought on himself from one book I’ve never read.
As it happens I don’t own a TV. The leftist media, unfunny sitcoms and ‘reality’ shows just don’t seem worth the time.
Clinton could have dismissed Starr at any time. He did exceed his brief. Just callling him a hatchetman doesn’t diminsh the evidence he brought to light, though. The lefts attacks on Starr are like a burglar blaming the prosecutor for trying him rather than himself for stealing, anyway.
proud and loud leftistspews:
late 2009, when a Republican President (George W. Bush) and Republican leadership cooperated in convincing the Democrats to give Bush and the Treasury Secty carte blanch to bail out the banks and brokerage firms
Chronology is not rhp’s strength. Cordell Hull is.
As for that uniform almost-lockstep GOP conspiracy against the salvation of Obama Stimulus (late 2013), Obama got it or will get it (depending on what year rhp thinks this is) anyway. And it failed anyway. At least it failed to reach the stated target of keeping unemployment below 8%.
Meanwhile, 2010, we’ve lost another 400,000 jobs while Rabbit rolls in the dough.
As for @39, I MovedOn from irrational exuberance in 1995 after the Republican Revolution fizzed out with a whimper, not a bang. Have no great expectations for 2011 (no repeal of Obamacare on my horizon) but am reverently awaiting the kind of gridlock we had after 1995 that turned a damn Democrat into a rather good Republican president. When he wasn’t molesting the hired help.
The era of big government is over. Dig it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You guys gotta knock all that shit off. Especially the cats. It’s giving you and your party a bad name.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “chronic burning a$$hole affliction”
Sounds like you’ve had personal experience with that affliction, Klown. You’ve gotta stop giving your goats reciprocity or you’re never gonna feel better.
Re 45
Well, Justice Roberts was bored and he talked the rest of the gang into it, after a few beers. Cheney was trying to tell him it’d be bad PR, but he’s appointed for life, so he went ahead with it anyway. Oh well. Looks like the plan failed in the end.
proud and loud leftistspews:
With Clinton we knew at least that he was a liar and that in fact he did have sex with that woman. We knew that a sitting president was being sued for sexual harassment, and that he was accused of tampering with witnesses. We knew that his wife broke investment laws and lied about that. Basically, the two of them were at the very least embarassing the nation and the office. A man of integrity would have resigned, if only for that reason. Clinton, while smart, charming and charismatic, while a natural leader, is not a man of integrity.
Dr. Darryl Fair Use Commentary: A pretty close to perfect synopsis of the egregious low crimes & misdemeanors of the Clinton Crime Family.
Former right-wing hit man David Brock, now left-wing shit man David Brock, is no more relevant to lost’s excellent summary of the lost years of Clinton than was the half-vast right-wing conspiracy confected by the Other Clinton.
So there.
proud and loud leftistspews:
It’s a vast right wing conspiracy. Karl Rove and Dick Cheney wanted to take down HA, with the help of Pat Robertson, Chief Justice Roberts, and the Tea Party movement. George Bush? Didn’t have anything to do with it. He was too busy skinning cute little kittens alive, while torturing innocent Arab Americans he has chained in his basement.
Used via Fair Use from the collected works of FDR’s Number 1 Fan.
Dr. Darryl Commentary: Heh.
libby libby libby on the label label labelspews:
Libby was convicted
Ooooooooh, just wait until the New Improved Congress gets started on its Investigation Vacation.
Hope Sarah Vowell’s paying attention. That’s all she can afford to pay after 4 wasted years of Pelosi and almost two tewwible years of Obama.
libby libby libby on the label label labelspews:
When Sestak Sestak Sestak
Goes to jail jail jail
He will take it take it take it
In the tail tail tail
George Will finally writes a column worth reading:
Not possible.
A broken watch is right twice a day. It’s still a broken watch.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
40. rhp6033 spews:
It appears that the Republican strategy, going back to January 2009, was EXACTLY to prolong the rescession and the economic damage done to America, in the hopes that it could forestall the recovery long enough for them to use it as a campaign issue in the 2010 elections.
Gotta tell ya rhp…that’s crazy talk.
How in world could they do that?
What precisely did they stall that would have made a difference.
The Dems had the White House, filibuster-proof Senate and a supermajority in the House. Trying to spin some lame-ass and totally baseless conspiracy theory is pretty silly…especially for you. The other KLOWNS,,,absolutely. But not you.
You are taking this pretty hard, aren’t you rhp?
53: At first, I didn’t believe it myself. I honestly thought that NOBODY would stoop that low, that they would intentionally try to prolong a rescession for political advantage.
But it’s hard to dispute the results. And when Mitch McConnell admits (as he did yesterday) that the Republican’s primary goal is not economic recovery, but making sure that Obama is a one-term President, it’s pretty clear.
And you know full well that the Democrats didn’t have a filibuster-proof majority, they had to count on a certain Connecticut Senator, and some Blue-Dog Democrats, in order to get anything done. If any of them bolted, they had to get a defection from the Republican side. This severely limited what they were able to do, as proposals got watered down until they were barely recongizable in order to get it past the filibuster in the Senate.
Of course, you knew that. You knew that’s the reason why the health care legislation turned into such a mish-mash of provisions, instead of single-payor. It’s why the stimulus bills were limited, and why much of Obama’s economic stimulus packages have still not been adopted.
Dow 36,000spews:
To be fair & balanced: Joe Sixpack Sestak waill probably not go to jail jail jail. He seems to have been the transgress-ee.
The transgress-ors (who paid payoffs to Sestak, or kickbacks, or bribes, or walking-around money) were in Mr. Obama’s “White” House.
As Ted Rall wrote many moons ago, Obama should resign and move back to his little grass shack in Kenya. And, as Rall almost wrote, save us the trouble of impeaching him.
About Rabbit’s Republican Rally on The Street, it’s skyrocketing. The ‘skyrocket’ trope is usually used as if skyrockets always go up, never down. In fact, as every fireworks smuggler on every reservation knows, they go up, then they burn out, then they decline and fall.
Dow 36,000spews:
Jason: Will’s column — about most American welfare going the middle class and above — was worth reading. But that column was from ~1990.
Re 54
Of course, you make some assumptions most conservatives and Republicans don’t share.
Single Payer health care is only considered desirable by the left. It is considered expensive and bad for our health care system by sane people.
The short term positive effects of spending massive amounts of borrowed money to stimulate the economy are also a liberal belief. The long term effects are bad whoever you are. Despite what liberals think, the piper always gets paid, with interest.
What you see is obstructionism. What Republicans see is their desperate attempt to keep the nation off really, really bad policy.
Say, for example, blowing US$3t and American blood on an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation, while letting the bad guys slip away to fight another day?
We’re talking about “bad policy” and Republicans, right?
Whereas Obamacare saves money and helps people.
See the difference?
Right wing: corporate profiteering.
Left wing: help people.
As for universal health care with a single payer, your opinions are irrelevant in the light of the data. That system costs one half of our corporate profiteering system, per patient. Plus, the people in those systems live longer.
Single payer: spend less, live longer.
Sounds like a deal.
Further, our current profiteering system is thwarting entrepreneurship and innovation. Small businesses, the source of most all job growth, are discouraged from hiring because of the protection racket the insurance companies have set up.
You’re saying the last time Mr Cynicallostinspacemanateepudgymerely incorrect George Will said something sane was 30 years ago?
Sounds about right.
We could argue about policy pros and cons all night, but why? Leaving your opinions aside, the point remains the same.
Conservatives simply don’t make the assumptions about economics, health care, taxation, or government that you do, or more to the point, that Obama does. To obstruct what they see as bad policy is not the same as to willfully extend a recession.
For the record, I did see the Iraq War as a bad idea, though not illegal.
I saw under Bush and see under Obama a terrible waste of money and resources on ‘Homeland Security’ (which term frankly gives me the willies- sounds too 3rd Reich for my tastes.) Money spent on improving relations or conditions where terrorism is fostered would likely cost less and affect more for our security.
Conservatives are no more infallible than liberals. I just happen to think they have a better approach to governance.
There is no argument. You are completely, utterly, wholly, disingenuously wrong. To serve some silly troglodyte agenda. Period.
You contesting verifiable reality is like challenging gravity, evolution, heliocentricity, or anthropocentric climate change. There is no disagreement. There is science on one side. And bat shit crazy lunatic regressive on the other.
Even better, taking care of people is the correct moral code. Period. It’s efficient, it’s fair, and it makes everyone feel good about themselves.
There is no conservative economic school of thought. There’s just economics. It’s a science. The debate is on the frontiers of exploration.
There is, however, progressive vs regressive agendas (policies). Stated simply…
Regressives: I’ve got mine, fuck you.
Progressives: We all do better when we all do better.
You’ve already plainly stated that your moral code is social darwinism. That the sick, old, weak or infirm did something wrong and deserve their fate. (aka Calvinism)
So, speaking plainly myself, your input into matters of policy, morality, culture, sports, weather is not just unhelpful, but also unwelcome.
I’ve said it before: Your participation in civic discourse is a detriment.
In other words, someone (such as yourself) who is utterly opposed to civil society does not to kibitz about civil society. (aka troll)
My opinion? That’s rich. Like reality would vanish if I turned my head.
Re 63
You’re wrong, but arrogant about it. No point in discussion with those who have their minds made up.
Wrong how? You’ve got some data to back up your fantasy?
I’m arrogant? Ha. Hello Pot? Yea, it’s Kettle calling. How are you?
I once dated a woman like you.
In every argument her opinions were scientific facts. Mine were, well, opinions. Got old after a while. And honestly, unlike with a fully brainwashed liberal like yourself, I got something from that relationship.
Don Joespews:
@ 66
In every argument her opinions were scientific facts. Mine were, well, opinions.
It’s most amusing when you accuse other people of that for which you are, yourself, most well known.
Have I said before that you are, undoubtedly, a hypocrite? I’m quite certain I have.
“That’s your opinion” is the refuge of the ignorant. No data? Then you have no game.
You google “health care costs per capita”. Then you google “life expectancy per country”. Then use your nail pounding skills to determine which system has the best outcomes.
See. My reality is common knowledge, easily verifiable.
Your “data” is nonexistent. (Kind of like your morals.)
Darn. Really? You’re leaving? That’s too bad. I was just starting to like you. Given time, I had hoped you and me could become BFF.
Well, if you ever figure out you were terribly, terribly wrong, I’ll accept your apology without comment. We progressives are a forgiving bunch. We believe everyone, including you, gets another chance.
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
66. lostinaseaofblue spews:
I once dated a woman like you.
In every argument her opinions were scientific facts. Mine were, well, opinions. Got old after a while. And honestly, unlike with a fully brainwashed liberal like yourself, I got something from that relationship.
11/04/2010 at 8:22 pm
Yeah…opinions, facts…what’s the diff huh.
Little WATB victim is just going to crawl back into his crack like we don’t see him.
See ya.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Wow PMSNBC’s viewership will increase immensely while the scumbag Odormann is OFF THE AIR!
Odormann’s head exploded! He is the A-HOLE! Did the fool apologize to his colleague Dan Abrams’ father yet? Odormann compared attorney Floyd Abrams, Dan Abrams’ father, to a Nazi!
What a pinhead!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Hey Rujax sucks that two blacks got elected as Republicans in the Tea Party south.
Working okay as far as I can tell, but I just got on.
The stock market seems to like the Fed’s plan to pour $600 billion of virtual currency into the monetary bathtub. Stocks are sharply up this morning and my portfolio just hit a new all-time high. I’ve made $2,400 this morning so far, and I just got out of bed! Commute to a job? Ya gotta be kiddin’. Work? Not me! I’m not gonna do a fuckin’ thing today except sit here in my sleeping fur and watch money appear in my account from nowhere as compensation for doing nothing. Ain’t capitalism grand?!!
It’s gotta be all the stock trades clogging up the Internet Tubes, Goldy!
Either that or a circuit shorted out somewhere from all the Rossi supporters shitting in their pants.
It’s a vast right wing conspiracy. Karl Rove and Dick Cheney wanted to take down HA, with the help of Pat Robertson, Chief Justice Roberts, and the Tea Party movement. George Bush? Didn’t have anything to do with it. He was too busy skinning cute little kittens alive, while torturing innocent Arab Americans he has chained in his basement.
Yeah, retail sales are down and first time claims are up 20k from last week. The private “bank” that lords over the public money supply is basically handing another half-trillion plus virtual money to banksters.
Let’s buy!
Slow & sluggish…like you on election night.
Perhaps you infected the system with some of your chronic burning a$$hole affliction.
No your both your systems are on the same wavelength.
re 4: None of the people you mentioned has the smarts or the skill to do what you suggested.
If they paid someone to do that and then lied about their involvement, that I could buy.
Don’t forget, Libby was convicted.
Speaking of George Bush, he’s making the talk-show circuit promoting his autobiography (if anything that heavily ghost-written can be called an auto-biography).
Based on his comments, he apparantly felt that being President was really, really, hard, and we should all feel sorry for him.
I’m wondering how many wingnuts are going to be buying his book for Christmas? Two years ago you could hardly find a Republican who admitted voting for him, and those who did complained about him anyway.
Perhaps simply could not stomach the Conservative Glee with Election Results.
You probably have an Apple…which when said while holding your tongue sounds like Goldy…or something synonymous.
Anyway, here’s another dose-
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Folks really didn’t like Obama’s press conference yesterday. He blames his detachment on Washington DC..not himself.
It could be a long 2 years as Obama strives to be a worse President than Jimmy Carter!
re 4 redux: …and, going back a little farther, Oliver North is a convicted felon and a traitor to America — not to mention being responsible for the murder of nuns.
There’s more where that came from you smarmy smirking fuck.
Libby was not only convicted, but he lost his radio gig after he started instructing listeners to take out federal agents with “head shots”, because they would be wearing body armor. I nearly rear-ended the car in front of me when I heard him saying that on the radio – I couldn’t believe it!
I’m guessing that if he was put back on the radio today, he’d be embraced by the wingnuts who are just aching to exercise their “second amendment remedies”. Fox News commentators would be lamenting about how his rights to free speech were being infringed, etc.
re 9: Rasmussen is a wingnut rhetorical weapon and not a scientific tool.
Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann were involved too. Newt Gingrich did the computer work. The Koch brothers funded it, together with BP. And anyone who is a Christian was copied on an email to pray for the success of the mission. I know. I got one of the emails and joined my brothers and sisters in prayer to defeat Goldy, the great Satan. Ron Reagan didn’t have an active role, being dead and all, but I’m sure that he is looking on in approval.
re 11: That was Liddy — but good point. I meant ‘Scooter’ Libby.
The wingnut list of miscreants is long.
re 13: You’re a humorous guy. You could probably get a job writing for The Sonny and Cher Show.
Let’s check the scoreboard-
May have known about a burglary of Democrat offices. Refused to give Congress tapes that ultimately proved he did, but whose content Congress was not aware of at that time.
Outcome: Resigned from office with no official charges of criminal conduct ever filed.
Perjurer. Used his official power to deny justice to his adversary in a civil trial. While not criminal, he had an inappropriate relationship with a young intern. (In most jobs of any responsibility, this would have gotten a person fired.) His wife skirted securities laws for personal gain, then claimed not to know the laws were there. She worked as a lawyer in finance at the time.
Outcome: Due to obfustication and outright lies by democrats his impeachment did not result in the summary removal from office and prison time he richly deserved.
No criminal charges were ever filed against Nixon because Ford pardoned him upon taking office. Damn, you can be such a fucking disingenuous slimebag.
Speaking of technical difficulties, Mitch McConnell (aka, the neckless turtle) tells us the most important job of the Senate over the next two years is to ensure another politician does not get reelected.
Pathetic fools.
I actually know that some Republican elected officials are corrupt, venal or just power mad. I just think it humorous that some on either side are so wedded to their politics that the feel the need to defend these kinds of people. I mean, Tim McVeigh claimed to be a Christian, but I don’t feel any need to defend him just because I do as well.
And I find the paranoic partisanship funny. When I don’t find it frightening. There are no death panels. Obama is a citizen of this country and always has been. He either isn’t a Muslim, or more to the point, it doesn’t matter if he is.
But on the other side Republicans aren’t trying to impoverish the country just to score political points. Nor are they locked in a cabal with corporate overlords who dictate their every move.
I just think everyone needs to take a deep breath and regain a basic sense of perspective.
lost @ 16
Oh my god. Let it go.
Bush The Lesser just confessed to illegally torturing suspects in US custody. And you’re still obsessing over a blue dress.
Bush The First ran drugs, to buy arms, to buy off terrorist enemies of the state. Where’s your outrage?
Or maybe it’s just some asshat launching a DOS attack.
When do Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters go on trial??
I can’t wait for that circus.
Hopefully they will both defend each other!
You couldn’t ask for better comedy.
This trial will really help the Democrats…watch both of these crooks trying to defend the indefensible.
Hopefully it will be televised.
I’m sure we can count on FoxNews to keep us posted…but nothing would beat watching these 2 in action.
Blaming Bush is less & less effective with each passing month. Yet the KLOWNS persist. WHy?
Because they are a bunch of f***ing KLOWNS.
No other explanation necessary.
Look, if they are still trying this tactic 2 years from now, the Dems will get clobbered.
23 of 33 Senate Races will be Dems…and 14-15 of those Dem Races will be hotly contested.
Ragging on Bush shoves away the Independents.
True Independents want to know what you are going to do to reduce the size & cost & role of government, reduce taxes, handle the debt and unleash the American Entrepreneurial spirit which will create jobs.
Instead Democrats & Obama INCREASE spending and the debt, increase the size & role of government, sit on their thumbs about taxes and we are almost to 2011!! And of course, the simply are uncapable of understanding Free Enterprise.
There it is.
Learn quick…or you’ll be walking.
re 19: Your information concerning the Clinton’s was from a book by David Brock who later admitted thatr he made it all up.
Another problem that you have with comparing Democrats to Republicans is that of conflation. You compare breaking into a political rival’s office to obtain information that would change the result of a presidential election (Liddy and cohorts were paid by president Nixon himself with ‘slush fund’ money — cash money, bro.)to events that NEVER EVEN HAPPENED).
Adolph Hitler claimed to be a Socialist, but I don’t feel any need to defend him just because I do as well.
You should take a deep breath and hold it indefinitely.
Mr Cynical @ 23
Yea. That’s a bummer.
On the positive side, whitewashing his record gets easier over time.
Thank you for your help with that.
lost: “on the other side Republicans aren’t trying to impoverish the country just to score political points.”
What utter rot. As slingshot points out @ 18, Mitch McConnell has stated that the Senate’s primary objective over the next 2 years should be to prevent Obama’s reelection. You don’t think we’re going to see some political point-scoring by the GOP over the next two years that harms the country? You’re daffy.
Re 24
I’ve never read any books by, nor do I at the moment even recall the name of, David Brock.
My information comes from the news. It comes from a president who stood in front of a camera and lied. It comes from an independent investigator, Ken Starr.
Nor was the election in any danger. Most folks look at the election in question as a shoo in for Nixon, which makes what he did stupid and criminal. The point I was making was not that he wasn’t guilty. It was that Congress had no way of knowing he was at the time of the hearings.
With Clinton we knew at least that he was a liar and that in fact he did have sex with that woman. We knew that a sitting president was being sued for sexual harassment, and that he was accused of tampering with witnesses. We knew that his wife broke investment laws and lied about that. Basically, the two of them were at the very least embarassing the nation and the office. A man of integrity would have resigned, if only for that reason. Clinton, while smart, charming and charismatic, while a natural leader, is not a man of integrity.
lost: “It comes from an independent investigator, Ken Starr.”
Thanks for the afternoon laugh.
All I’ve been hearing from the left wing talking heads is how the Senate will block all legislation coming from the House. Are the Dems now the ‘party of no’?
Re 26
“Mitch McConnell has stated that the Senate’s primary objective over the next 2 years should be to prevent Obama’s reelection.”
Well…yes. Wouldn’t you kind of expect that from the leader of Obamas opposition?
Honestly, I think Republicans do need to be more forthcoming with real compromise. They need to have a basic area of ground on which they can’t, and identify those areas that are more peripheral, and behave accordingly. One way or another Obama will likely be re-elected. Respecting the will of their local constituents, while respecting the larger will of the national electorate is the balancing act they’ll need to play. But so will Obama.
Good 4 nothing Robber Baron Rabbit makes out like a Goldman-Sachs bandit. Gotta love that Republican rally.
Of course Rabbit attributes his easy money to the Fed throwing more piles of easy money (that we don’t have) to make up for the failure of the Democrat easy-money stimulus binge:
That’s from Broder, today, via Fair Use and Fair Trade.
Here’s from Schlesinger, long long ago: [Foster & Catchings, 1920’s economists, repealed Say’s Law with] their antidrepression policy in a single slogan: “When business begins to look rotten, more public spending.” But would not this increase the naitonal debt? Only in times of depression, they replied; and, in any case, debt increase was hardly an irreparabl3e disaster. “It means scarcely more than that the people of the United States collectively owe themselves [i.e. Red China] more money” …
(A) good liberal Democrat like Franklin Roosevelt scrawled in his copy of [Foster & Catchings’ book]: “Too good to be true — You can’t get something for nothing.”
Unless you’re good-4-nothing Rabbit.
Sanchez; not Lo-Retta … the other one
Stephanie Miller’s Amazin’ Grayson
I’d expect him to do something about the fucking disasters his party has perpatrated on the citizens of the US and the world.
You know, the laundry list of stuff you douchebags just spent billions of dollars claiming you’d fix.
George Will finally writes a column worth reading:
Robber Baron Rabbit commentary: George Will is the whitest man in America who sometimes gets a few token column inches in the dumbest magazine in America, “News”week. Stupid broke “News”week, page after page, dishes out the dish to the bagger right wing and pretends they’re pushing news.
Then they put Obama on cover after cover and wonder why nobody wants to buy.
Then they give too-white George Will some occasional sloppy seconds to write about … baseball, as if George Will isn’t too white and old and soft to understand baseball.
Well. As George Will would say. Forget “News”week. Today, WaPo let Will write about dumb Democrats and dumb Obama. About damn time.
Will nailed it…for once.
These Atheist Progressives really believed Obama was the messiah for them. Turn’s out he’s just a man..with lots of flaws.
The Emporer has no clothes!
Progressivism is rejected.
A recent Gallup Poll showed
48% Conservative
32% Moderate
20% Liberal.
You KLOWNS are only part of 20%!
Maybe 10%. It’s amazing you got as far as you did. Will you be able to fool people again?
I know you’ll try.
One little sunbeam in the Democrat darknite of doom & despair … Dean: I Won’t Challenge Obama In 2012.
You lost almost everything there is to lose. You’re eating the excrement sandwich. You’re too worthless to live. But look on the bright side! You won’t have Howlin’ Howie to kick around any more!
OMG! Too bad. Howard would be the perfect KLOWN to round out the Obama Regime Circus.
Dean is pathetic…I think bi-polar.
No one in the entire world even dreamed Howard Dean would be a candidate…yet out of nowhere he barks I Won’t Challenge Obama In 2012.
I think Goldy fixed the problem when he yanked his Mouse outta his ass.
HNMT @ 36
This election could very well create a cataclysmic rift in the Republican Party. The Tea Partiers are going to demand what they see as their due for the GOP’s electoral success (though their fortunes were really quite mixed), whereas what is left of the GOP’s sanity wing will recognize that letting the TP’ers control the party’s agenda will lead the party over the political cliff. I look forward to watching the brutal internecine fighting we are about to see develop between the two wings. I believe there are some who are already lobbying for Michelle Bachmann to become Speaker of the House. This will be so enjoyable . . .
It appears that the Republican strategy, going back to January 2009, was EXACTLY to prolong the rescession and the economic damage done to America, in the hopes that it could forestall the recovery long enough for them to use it as a campaign issue in the 2010 elections.
We saw this even in late 2009, when a Republican President (George W. Bush) and Republican leadership cooperated in convincing the Democrats to give Bush and the Treasury Secty carte blanch to bail out the banks and brokerage firms at their discretion. The alternative, they argued, was a second Great Depression. Once the Democrats finally agreed, and only while the votes were being counted, did the Republicans jump ship, with just enough voting to make sure the plan sailed through, while others voted no and objected. In short, the campaign for 2010 started then.
And at each step thereafter, they voted in uniform lock-step (with only a couple of key defections) against every attempt to stimulate the economy. Even attempts to keep police and firefighters on the streets were obstructed. Not only did they vote no, they used the filibuster to force a 60% majority for every appropriation. Even when Obama proposed tax cuts for everyone except the top 2%, they stubbornly said “no!”.
No, I don’t think the Republicans have the best interests of the country at heart. They would rather see the country driven straight into the ditch, if it helped them regain power.
And I’ll do everything in my power to keep that from happening again.
pl @39: Pretty sure I read your analysis, such as it is, elsewhere. Almost word-for-word. You great liberal minds must spin around the same circles.
re 27: I just explained to you what was wrong with your reasoning and you just repeated what you’d previously said — adding the salient self-defense that you never read anything — you just watch television and trust a GOP hatchetman like Kenneth Starr.
rE 42
No. You wrote that I lifted the pretty well known narrative about the problems Clinton brought on himself from one book I’ve never read.
As it happens I don’t own a TV. The leftist media, unfunny sitcoms and ‘reality’ shows just don’t seem worth the time.
Clinton could have dismissed Starr at any time. He did exceed his brief. Just callling him a hatchetman doesn’t diminsh the evidence he brought to light, though. The lefts attacks on Starr are like a burglar blaming the prosecutor for trying him rather than himself for stealing, anyway.
Chronology is not rhp’s strength. Cordell Hull is.
As for that uniform almost-lockstep GOP conspiracy against the salvation of Obama Stimulus (late 2013), Obama got it or will get it (depending on what year rhp thinks this is) anyway. And it failed anyway. At least it failed to reach the stated target of keeping unemployment below 8%.
Meanwhile, 2010, we’ve lost another 400,000 jobs while Rabbit rolls in the dough.
As for @39, I MovedOn from irrational exuberance in 1995 after the Republican Revolution fizzed out with a whimper, not a bang. Have no great expectations for 2011 (no repeal of Obamacare on my horizon) but am reverently awaiting the kind of gridlock we had after 1995 that turned a damn Democrat into a rather good Republican president. When he wasn’t molesting the hired help.
The era of big government is over. Dig it.
@4 You guys gotta knock all that shit off. Especially the cats. It’s giving you and your party a bad name.
@6 “chronic burning a$$hole affliction”
Sounds like you’ve had personal experience with that affliction, Klown. You’ve gotta stop giving your goats reciprocity or you’re never gonna feel better.
Re 45
Well, Justice Roberts was bored and he talked the rest of the gang into it, after a few beers. Cheney was trying to tell him it’d be bad PR, but he’s appointed for life, so he went ahead with it anyway. Oh well. Looks like the plan failed in the end.
Dr. Darryl Fair Use Commentary: A pretty close to perfect synopsis of the egregious low crimes & misdemeanors of the Clinton Crime Family.
Former right-wing hit man David Brock, now left-wing shit man David Brock, is no more relevant to lost’s excellent summary of the lost years of Clinton than was the half-vast right-wing conspiracy confected by the Other Clinton.
So there.
Used via Fair Use from the collected works of FDR’s Number 1 Fan.
Dr. Darryl Commentary: Heh.
Ooooooooh, just wait until the New Improved Congress gets started on its Investigation Vacation.
Hope Sarah Vowell’s paying attention. That’s all she can afford to pay after 4 wasted years of Pelosi and almost two tewwible years of Obama.
When Sestak Sestak Sestak
Goes to jail jail jail
He will take it take it take it
In the tail tail tail
good time @ 34
Not possible.
A broken watch is right twice a day. It’s still a broken watch.
40. rhp6033 spews:
Gotta tell ya rhp…that’s crazy talk.
How in world could they do that?
What precisely did they stall that would have made a difference.
The Dems had the White House, filibuster-proof Senate and a supermajority in the House. Trying to spin some lame-ass and totally baseless conspiracy theory is pretty silly…especially for you. The other KLOWNS,,,absolutely. But not you.
You are taking this pretty hard, aren’t you rhp?
53: At first, I didn’t believe it myself. I honestly thought that NOBODY would stoop that low, that they would intentionally try to prolong a rescession for political advantage.
But it’s hard to dispute the results. And when Mitch McConnell admits (as he did yesterday) that the Republican’s primary goal is not economic recovery, but making sure that Obama is a one-term President, it’s pretty clear.
And you know full well that the Democrats didn’t have a filibuster-proof majority, they had to count on a certain Connecticut Senator, and some Blue-Dog Democrats, in order to get anything done. If any of them bolted, they had to get a defection from the Republican side. This severely limited what they were able to do, as proposals got watered down until they were barely recongizable in order to get it past the filibuster in the Senate.
Of course, you knew that. You knew that’s the reason why the health care legislation turned into such a mish-mash of provisions, instead of single-payor. It’s why the stimulus bills were limited, and why much of Obama’s economic stimulus packages have still not been adopted.
To be fair & balanced: Joe Sixpack Sestak waill probably not go to jail jail jail. He seems to have been the transgress-ee.
The transgress-ors (who paid payoffs to Sestak, or kickbacks, or bribes, or walking-around money) were in Mr. Obama’s “White” House.
As Ted Rall wrote many moons ago, Obama should resign and move back to his little grass shack in Kenya. And, as Rall almost wrote, save us the trouble of impeaching him.
About Rabbit’s Republican Rally on The Street, it’s skyrocketing. The ‘skyrocket’ trope is usually used as if skyrockets always go up, never down. In fact, as every fireworks smuggler on every reservation knows, they go up, then they burn out, then they decline and fall.
Jason: Will’s column — about most American welfare going the middle class and above — was worth reading. But that column was from ~1990.
Re 54
Of course, you make some assumptions most conservatives and Republicans don’t share.
Single Payer health care is only considered desirable by the left. It is considered expensive and bad for our health care system by sane people.
The short term positive effects of spending massive amounts of borrowed money to stimulate the economy are also a liberal belief. The long term effects are bad whoever you are. Despite what liberals think, the piper always gets paid, with interest.
What you see is obstructionism. What Republicans see is their desperate attempt to keep the nation off really, really bad policy.
54 – Obama can’t get very many of his appointees through the obstructionist block in the Senate either.. It’s insane.
Oh well tit for tat when they get one of their guys in the White House.
lost @ 57
Say, for example, blowing US$3t and American blood on an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation, while letting the bad guys slip away to fight another day?
We’re talking about “bad policy” and Republicans, right?
Whereas Obamacare saves money and helps people.
See the difference?
Right wing: corporate profiteering.
Left wing: help people.
As for universal health care with a single payer, your opinions are irrelevant in the light of the data. That system costs one half of our corporate profiteering system, per patient. Plus, the people in those systems live longer.
Single payer: spend less, live longer.
Sounds like a deal.
Further, our current profiteering system is thwarting entrepreneurship and innovation. Small businesses, the source of most all job growth, are discouraged from hiring because of the protection racket the insurance companies have set up.
Lost indeed.
36,000 @ 56
You’re saying the last time
Mr Cynicallostinspacemanateepudgymerely incorrectGeorge Will said something sane was 30 years ago?Huh.
Sounds about right.
We could argue about policy pros and cons all night, but why? Leaving your opinions aside, the point remains the same.
Conservatives simply don’t make the assumptions about economics, health care, taxation, or government that you do, or more to the point, that Obama does. To obstruct what they see as bad policy is not the same as to willfully extend a recession.
For the record, I did see the Iraq War as a bad idea, though not illegal.
I saw under Bush and see under Obama a terrible waste of money and resources on ‘Homeland Security’ (which term frankly gives me the willies- sounds too 3rd Reich for my tastes.) Money spent on improving relations or conditions where terrorism is fostered would likely cost less and affect more for our security.
Conservatives are no more infallible than liberals. I just happen to think they have a better approach to governance.
lost @ 61
re: single payer
There is no argument. You are completely, utterly, wholly, disingenuously wrong. To serve some silly troglodyte agenda. Period.
You contesting verifiable reality is like challenging gravity, evolution, heliocentricity, or anthropocentric climate change. There is no disagreement. There is science on one side. And bat shit crazy lunatic regressive on the other.
Even better, taking care of people is the correct moral code. Period. It’s efficient, it’s fair, and it makes everyone feel good about themselves.
There is no conservative economic school of thought. There’s just economics. It’s a science. The debate is on the frontiers of exploration.
There is, however, progressive vs regressive agendas (policies). Stated simply…
Regressives: I’ve got mine, fuck you.
Progressives: We all do better when we all do better.
You’ve already plainly stated that your moral code is social darwinism. That the sick, old, weak or infirm did something wrong and deserve their fate. (aka Calvinism)
So, speaking plainly myself, your input into matters of policy, morality, culture, sports, weather is not just unhelpful, but also unwelcome.
I’ve said it before: Your participation in civic discourse is a detriment.
In other words, someone (such as yourself) who is utterly opposed to civil society does not to kibitz about civil society. (aka troll)
My opinion? That’s rich. Like reality would vanish if I turned my head.
Re 63
You’re wrong, but arrogant about it. No point in discussion with those who have their minds made up.
Have a pleasant evening.
lost @ 64
Wrong how? You’ve got some data to back up your fantasy?
I’m arrogant? Ha. Hello Pot? Yea, it’s Kettle calling. How are you?
I once dated a woman like you.
In every argument her opinions were scientific facts. Mine were, well, opinions. Got old after a while. And honestly, unlike with a fully brainwashed liberal like yourself, I got something from that relationship.
@ 66
In every argument her opinions were scientific facts. Mine were, well, opinions.
It’s most amusing when you accuse other people of that for which you are, yourself, most well known.
Have I said before that you are, undoubtedly, a hypocrite? I’m quite certain I have.
lost @ 66
“That’s your opinion” is the refuge of the ignorant. No data? Then you have no game.
You google “health care costs per capita”. Then you google “life expectancy per country”. Then use your nail pounding skills to determine which system has the best outcomes.
See. My reality is common knowledge, easily verifiable.
Your “data” is nonexistent. (Kind of like your morals.)
Darn. Really? You’re leaving? That’s too bad. I was just starting to like you. Given time, I had hoped you and me could become BFF.
Well, if you ever figure out you were terribly, terribly wrong, I’ll accept your apology without comment. We progressives are a forgiving bunch. We believe everyone, including you, gets another chance.
Yeah…opinions, facts…what’s the diff huh.
Little WATB victim is just going to crawl back into his crack like we don’t see him.
See ya.
Wow PMSNBC’s viewership will increase immensely while the scumbag Odormann is OFF THE AIR!
Odormann’s head exploded! He is the A-HOLE! Did the fool apologize to his colleague Dan Abrams’ father yet? Odormann compared attorney Floyd Abrams, Dan Abrams’ father, to a Nazi!
What a pinhead!
Hey Rujax sucks that two blacks got elected as Republicans in the Tea Party south.
Sucks to be you!