That guy who shot two cops outside the Pentagon last night? Guess which side of the ideological divide he hailed from:
The California man who opened fire last night outside the Pentagon was a property rights extremist who railed against the government’s ability to “confiscate the resources of their citizens to fund schemes that need only be justified by lies and deception,” and wanted to “eliminate the role of the government in education.”
In a recorded manifesto called “Directions To Freedom”, the audio of which he posted online in 2006, John Patrick Bedell, of Hollister, California, praised private property as “the most successful basis for structuring society that humanity has ever known.”
Bedell shot two police officers last night during the rampage, before being mortally wounded himself.
Surprise, surprise.
Now I know folks are reluctant to characterize violent political extremists like Bedell and Joseph Stack, the anti-tax wacko who flew his plane into an IRS building, as terrorists — because they’re not brown-skinned ragheads or anything — but I just looked up the word “terrorism” in the dictionary, and whadda ya know:
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
Of course, I’m not suggesting that all teabaggers are terrorists, but, well, violent rhetoric does occasionally foment actual violence, so nobody should be surprised when patriots like Bedell and Stack are inspired to act on the anger, fear and violence the teabaggers and other far-righties preach.
So now everyone who disagrees with Obam-Mao’s government is a “TeaBagger”?
And anyone who commits violence is a “TeaBagger”??
Hmmm….So Amy Bishop is a big time Lefty. She hated authority and being evaluated so she became a mass murderer of those in authority.
Now I’m not saying all Leftists who dislike being evaluated by those in authority are Mass Murderers…but, well, violent rhetoric does occasionally foment actual violence, so nobody should be surprised when patriots like Bishop are inspired to act on the anger, fear and violence the fringe lunatic leftists liek ELF & ALF and other far-lefties preach.
As a vet, it sickens me that people who hate America wrap themselves in the flag and call themselves patriots.
This guy is a typical teabagger who just happened to act out the rhetoric. If only the FEMA camps were not just their paranoid ideation…
Please , Goldy, let us have an ignore button.
Goldy is incorrect. The Pentagon shooter was a 9/11 truther, and most truthers are liberals. So in all likelihood, the shooter was a wacky liberal.
Goldy, you never answered my question. Is your daughter a teabagger?
Bedell was inflamed by Lee’s anti-Marijuana rantings!!!!
This KLOWN was a 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist along with a million or so LEFTIST PROGRESSIVES who believe 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush.
And he also…sounds just like LEE!!!
Can you actually READ Goldy?
I would accuse you of stepping on your dick with this post…but that is about as possible as the 9/11 Conspiracy Bedell and you KLOWNS believe in.
This has got to be the funniest, most self-mutilating post of Goldy’s career!!!!!!
4. Troll spews:
Please leave Goldy’s daughter alone.
#4 Wow. Winguts are anti-reality, anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-common sense. They’ll always point and the moon and tell you it’s the sun. They tell you LIBERALS love big government taxes and socialism, so if someone shoots someone because they hate taxes and big government, they’re liberal. ROTFLMAO
Lordy, Goldy, how about banning people like Klynical for bringing too much of the stupid here. How about money? Will $100 make that batshit insane KLOWN disappear. If not, then how much? I’m sure others would kick in. How about a trade? Bring back Marvin and get rid of that dumbfuck KLOWN. Hmm, maybe we’ll throw in headless. C’mon, Goldy. Enough is enough. When you get rid of Marvin just to leave that stupid fucking Klynical to litter this place, you’re showing us some misguided values or something. He brings nothing. Get rid of him.
Goldy often mentions his daughter in his blog, so why can’t I? And he hasn’t asked me to stop.
Offspring often rebel against their parents politics, so it’s only nature to wonder if the offspring of a liberal is a teabagger.
The teabaggers are terrorists. They have an agenda of overthrowing the government, using violence and threats of violence to meet their objectives. They want to replace our current government with a neo-fascist regime that is racist, based on twisted, fundamentalist christian ideology, and radically laissez faire. If they can’t remake the country in their own image, they will work to break it up, via civil war if necessary, and are forming militias to that end. The irony is that they are tools being used by corporate America to undermine basic government institutions that protect Americans from corporate avarice. The teabaggers are not patriots, they hate democracy and the liberal values on which our great country was founded.
9. Troll spews:
I just think it’s a bad idea….and unnecessary. She is getting to the age where she is going to start reading this stuff.
I imagine it’s tough enough for a kid coming from a broken marriage…much less seeing reference to her in a negative way in her Dad’s Blog. Frankly, I appreciate Goldy doing this. I’ve learned a lot about how Progressives think and too often, don’t think.
Anyway, do what you want.
My 2 cents.
Well, one post doesn’t a trend make, unfortunately. Goldy is back to his pointless partisan ranting after an actual discussion yesterday. Come to think of it, the latter half of that thread degenerating into monkeys throwing scat at each other probably amused him more in his adolescent leanings.
A mans’ wife and children are off limits. Any halfway civilized person could tell you that.
Re 10
Wow, what world do you live in?
By the way, can I borrow your tinfoil hat for a costume party coming up?
8. Steve spews:
Ummmmmmmm ranting Lunatic Steve–
Did you actually read my comment @ 5?
Goldy was trying to make this guy out as a right-winger…when he is actually pissed about Marijuana Laws and is a 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist…both left-wing issues.
I could hardly control my glee?
Is that somehow a crime??
I guess in Humorless Leftist Progressive Seattle, it probably soom will be…or you’ll need a costly permit to laugh.
Re 7
A few of the posters here have valid points reasonably expressed on either side of the political divide.
Then there are people like you.
12. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Actually, if you read that Bedell was a 9/11 Bush Conspiracy Theorist and Marijuana Law proponent, you will giggle that Goldy’s attempt at partisanship backfired on him.
Can’t you see the irony lost??
Pretty dang funny.
That’s our Goldy.
“The teabaggers are terrorists. They have an agenda of overthrowing the government,”
The dumbfuck KLOWN of a traitor posting here was calling for a revolution over a year ago, just a month after the election. His party loses an election and he wants to overthrow the government. Some patriot he is, huh? But he changed his tune when he found a glimmer hope for his beloved Republicans in his Rasmussen polls. Goldy should remove his lying, sorry ass from this cesspool. Get rid of the America-hating KLOWN, Goldy.
Goldy, is it off-limits for me to inquire about your family’s politics? If so, let me know I and will never ask if they are teabaggers again.
So I won’t be able to find even one example of Goldy mentioning a public figure’s wife or kids, correct?
He can’t Steve.
His success or lack of it doesn’t depend on rational people having rational discussions. His niche is the shouting and yelling obscenities venue. He needs the loud vulgar fools on either side. In a small way he is Glenn Beck or Schultz. Both are more interested in loud entertainment creating an advertising revenue stream than in informed political discourse. Put another way he is the Dr. Phil of politics. Subtance doesn’t matter, sensastionalism does.
@21 Yeah, I can see that.
re 20
Sarah Palins’ daughter was called terrible names and dragged through the mud by leftists and media run amuck and trying desperately to get their choice elected. No possible political reason to do so, and it was reprhensible.
This doesn’t mean that conservatives ought to join them in the sewer.
I’m really not trying to be offensive and apologize if it comes accross that way, but how would you feel if someone referred to your daughter in a conversation entirely unrelated to your family? Especially using a loaded term like ‘teabagger.’
Lost, see, we can agree on something. Kids are offlimits, Britol Palin, et al, too. David Letterman especially pissed me off with his foul mouthed “jokes” Sarah Palin’s kids at the Yankee game.
Disgusting. I emailed Dave’s show, as well. Not that I’m a viewer, but that really was uncalled for.
Re 24
Well if you and I can come to agreement on something I’ll end on a good note. Too nice a day to be sitting at my desk, so I’m off to the woods.
Have a nice day folks.
20. Troll spews:
Even if you do, so what?
Just because Goldy is a douchebag and could only justify his comments against Palin’s family in some foolish way…doesn’t mean it is best. She’s just a kid. I say leave her alone.
However troll, you have laid down the gauntlet for Goldy. Hopefully he will think twice before getting in the gutter attacking Palin’s family. Good point.
Ahhhhhhhhh, raising the bar at!!!
Poor drunk Steve is sooo down about the Progressive/Obam-Mao collapse and so intoxicated he cannot make a decent argument…now has to ask Goldy to ban someone who is sober and way smarter than he is.
I guess that’s the Atheist Progressive mantra…when you cannot win an argument, ban the other guy!
Heck, even the Soviets and the western intelligence agencies had an “understanding” that the families of agents were off-limits. You would think we coul agree on that here, as well. Given the double-meaning of the term “teabagger”, the use of it with respect to an adolescent girl is pretty sick.
And thanks, Cynical, for drawing the line. We don’t agree on much, but we can at least agree on that point.
lostinaseaofblue spews:
A mans’ wife and children are off limits. Any halfway civilized person could tell you that.”
Looky here. A Goldy post about Sarah Palin’s daughter:
Two police offers are shot and you can “hardly control your glee” over the thought?!?!?!?
Wow, you must’ve been in NRA heaven when those 4 police offers were gunned down in the Tacoma coffee shop.
I know for FACT you trahsed the Mother of one of our Fallen Warriors in Iraq because she DARED to challenge President Bush on the legitmacy of the Iraq war. Which we all know now she was right and Republican Reactionaries were, as usual wrong.
You also trasdhed Pat Tillman for receiving the Silver Star.
@23 “Sarah Palins’ daughter”
Only the left has ever done something like this? Only if you have a selective memory. Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton readily come to mind. Where were the right’s “hands off kids” admonishments then? Or is it OK when the Republicans do it?
Hey Lee, it looks like the Pentagon shooter may have been a stoner!
You know, because we might think all knuckle dragging rednecks are terrorists otherwise.
The KLOWN shits: “Poor drunk Steve”
Project much? I recall someone here mentioning that it’s a Psych 101 thing. And your narcissistic drunken KLOWN bullshit? I’d say that’s the stuff of some future doctoral thesis.
@4: Ditto. Shooter was a truther who was angry about our miltary adventures in distant lands. At least that’s what the usual reliable sources were reporting on the news this morning.
Daddy Love my love: You made my point about Thomas Jefferson and Dusky Sally. DNA indicated that a male in TJ’s genetic line was the great white father of her children. May have been Thomas; more likely his wastral brother. Liberal media jumped to the conclusion that the paternity test came back and that Long Tom was it.
St. Barack Hussein Reagan: Recently compared Obama’s first year to the trajectory of Reagan’s presidency. Also stated at least twice that Reagan’s greatest and bravest accomplishment as president was keeping Volcker. Here’s somebody who agrees with me, so he must be right:
Note to careless Rabbit: quoted material really is from National Review.
Enough there for true believers on both ends of the cesspool, the deep end and the shallow end, to choke on. Especially GBS, who certifiably insane about President Reagan and what he accomplished, pulling us back from Carter’s brink and laying the groundwork for an expansion that lasted 25 years.
As Puddy was driving and Puddy heard about the Pentagon shooter, Puddy immediately thought THE DUMB BUNNY FOOL would be the first to comment. Sadly it was Goldy, and he again didn’t fact check in his rush to post HORSESASSSHIT. This fool fits the progressive moronic idiot (think HA leftist pinheads) to a T.
“According to the Associated Press, there are emerging signs that Bedell may have harbored resentment for the military and had doubts about the facts behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.” This is a progressive HA Libtardo LauraMae. Good to see you got up on the moronic side of the bed this morning. This could have been headless lucy and his 51 doppelgangers. GBS, didn’t you at one time place some 9/11 Truther shit here? Come on dude… fess up.
“The writer said the case would be a step toward revealing the truth behind 9/11. The user also railed against enforcement of marijuana laws.” Golly LauraMae, how many anti-Marijuana law posts have LEE made on this blog?
LauraMae, Steve, Alki, screed and future posters to this thread, this sick moron was Moonbat!
Goldy you’ve been hanging around Jon DeVore too much lately. Another dumb thread.
What happens when you mix marijuana, truther, and guns together?
You get a Moonbat! Pentagon shooter.
Must have missed the trashing of Amy and Chelsea. Remember no media maligning of Amy until she became old enough to become politically active re South Africa. Sometimes she as called naive. Only recently did someone (don’t remember who) who knew her as First Daughter say that she was a very unpleasant person.
Media were officially hands off about Chelsea unless Bill and Hillary gave permission to put her in the story. There were some unofficial words in 1993 about Chelsea going to Sidwell Friends snob school. Rush got in big trouble, trouble he had coming, for doing a TV gag that compared Chelsea to Buddy, the family dog. P.J. O’Rourke got snarky about her hair.
Anything else? Don’t think so. Compare that to the official media sliming and maligning of Palin and her children.
I just read that he was a registered Democrat in California. He was a devout reader of books about the Bush ‘Crime’ Family. He despised George W. Bush and was an admitted 9/11 Truther and wanted to legalize marijuana.
Is Lee the latest the stir someone unstable into a horrific act??
How funny is it the resident Progressive Genius posts this anyway?
Troll is right and wrong…
Troll is right Goldy went there with Bristol Palin. Butt then again Goldy is one of those progressives who do as they please and damn the consequences. What do you expect from a man who uses Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Markos Moulitsas, Jonathan Alter, Joshua Marshall, David Brock, John Podesta, etc. as his favrit locations?
Troll is wrong by attacking Goldy’s daughter and using Goldy’s attack on Bristol as his reasoning. Have the arschloch replay Puddy’s comments on Goldy’s daughter. She’s hands off Troll. Plain and simple. Don’t be an ASShole like Goldy!
Big Bill was so suffused with love & affection for his daughter that he manfully backed down from a president run in 1988. Like a good man and good dad, he didn’t want his daughter to be exposed to the truth about his soggy sleazy private life. He wanted to shield her from bimbos erupting in living color on national television.
Got to admire a man like that, even if he was (is?) slime. In 1988 he put his daughter first.
In 1992 and later he didn’t protect her. He did a Rodney Dangerfield Triple Lindy into the slime he liked to swim in, and pulled Chelsea in too.
Bush ‘Crime’ Family? You’ve got to be kidding…
You forgot one, Puddy. The truther shooter and goldy’s rush to mislead us about him are eerily reminiscent of what we hear on Trash-Talk Radio: Mike Malloy.
You want to hear hate? Don’t go to KTTH or KVI. Go to 1090. You want to read trash that’s unhinged from the truth? Go to goldy. (Although goldy’s discussion of boutique farming was almost fair and balanced.)
Bush Crime Family is straight outta Mike Malloy.
I didn’t like the comments about Bristol Palin, either, and said so at the time. Her Mom didn’t help things by using her references to Bristol’s pregnancy as an example of her family’s anti-abortion views. But that was her mother, not the daughter, so I still thought Bristol’s situation should be out-of-bounds. I was, however, astonished that Palin accepted the vice-presidency under those circumstances, knowing that her daughter’s pregnancy would become a topic of public debate. Maybe she learned about the pregnancy later, but that kind of goes to show how little discussion Palin had with her family about whether she should accept the nomination. (Bristol: “Uh, Mom, I think you should know something first….”)
Same with the Bush twins. Yea, it was kind of stupid to engage in public underage drinking while in college, knowing that your every action was going to be scrutizined. But there but for the Grace of God go I, etc., etc., etc. As long as they didn’t hold themselves out as public examples of moral behavior, my preference is to leave them alone.
Chelsea Clinton and Amy Carter were even more obnoxious – the comments circulating about them were publically ridiculing their appearance (over which they had no control), something no adolescent or teen girl should have to endure.
We’ve really gone through the Rabbit Hole on this thread. Goldy goes to print with a teabagger terrorist who was probably progressively crazy left-wing truther.
Meanwhile, Holder is left holding the teabag. Why didn’t the Obama administration’s screw-up du jour (having to keep KSM on Gitmo for the military tribunal he deserves) get top billing as today’s goldy?
Or yesterday’s socialists on parade in Olympia? Where the socialists ran the table and got the income tax of their dreams? Don’t hide your socialists, goldy. Bring them out of the closet. They’re trying to give you the taxes you want (somebody else to pay.)
No need to mislead us about homegrown left-wing terrorists when you have taxes to celebrate. Be loud and be proud. Everything’s going your way. Somebody’s going to pay and pay.
Swine fly and swime flu. rhp and i agree.
Sarah Palin, like Clinton and Clinton in 1992, should have put her family first. Knowing that leftist Big Media is a ravening beast, Palin should have kept her head down, kept her profile low, and kept her job in Juneau instead of palling around with lower-48 flying-pig politicians.
If it were all true, I’d give Reagan a tip of the hat.
I will say Reagan did a wonderful job breaking the back of inflation. Reagan and Volcker were correct in their approach. At the very least, it worked.
As for the Carter created inflation, that is simply not true. Hyper inflation began on Nixon’s watch and his in ability to deal with OPEC and the stranglehold the Muslim nations put on America.
Remember Ford’s campaign slogan?
W.I.N. = Whip Inflation Now.
Just in case you’re too young to recall, or didn’t learn it in school, Ford was the president before Carter. A side note, Ford remains the only president to not be elected as president or vice president.
When Carter said we had to deal with our oil addiction and go green power, he was right. And, installed solar panels on the WH to demonstrate leadership on the obvious issue at hand.
Reagan, on the other hand, mocked Carter on the oil crisis and had the solar panels removed.
Just think where we’d be now if America applied its might and resources for the last 30 years to developing alternative energy sources that didn’t fund terrorist extremists.
9/11 probably wouldn’t have happened because we wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass that some Middle East crackpot dictator invaded some smaller Muslim nation.
Thus no need to protect Bush’s butt brothers in Saudi Arabia and our need to have a stable oil supply. bin Laden wouldn’t have been pissed that American soldiers were stationed in Saudi Arabia, which was what prompted him to plan the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America.
Also, Reagan took us from a national debt of around $850 billion to $4 TRILLION.
Reagan had two severe recession on his watch, one in each of his two terms, and Bush 41 also had a severe recession on his watch. Between the Reagan and Bush presidencies, Clinton inherited the largest deficit and national debt in our history.
Reagan’s assault on unions, working families, the middle class, social security, homosexuals, Iran / Contra – selling weapons to IRAN and using drug money to fund Contra’s.
Reagan didn’t even create more jobs than Jimmy Carter.
In fact, no modern day Republican president has created more jobs as a % of the population than any Democratic president.
So, yeah, worst presidents:
1) Bush 43
2) Nixon
3) Reagan
4) Bush 41
5) The next Republican president which won’t come before 2024
swine flu
So let me get this straight. A guy who thinks private property is sacrosanct also thinks two police officers that he randomly meets in a subway station don’t have a right to keep their own lives. Go figure.
I think any psychologists would tell you this guy’s profile fits that of an unsocialized, self-centered, immature child who is throwing a temper tantrum. I mean, we’re talking less than juvenile here, we’re talking toddler. Which is pretty much the mentality of all the tantrum-throwing, gun-brandishing, teabaggers.
No, GBS. The egg of hyperinflation was laid on LBJ’s watch. Many posts about this in the recent past. Look ’em up.
We did alternative energy development. Carter’s ethanol. Or would you prefer to forget.
Reagan did not have a severe recession in his second term.
Highest deficits and highest debt in real terms were from WWII.
Get your facts straight. Then your opinions might be worth our time.
To be fair to the Teabaggers, not all Teabaggers are domestic terrorists.
But all domestic terrorists are Teabaggers.
Too bad this guy committed suicide-by-cop, because he’s gonna miss out on some stock market opportunities.
Some people think the market is overvalued and anticipate a correction. We had a mini-correction a few weeks ago, but the market has popped right back up. Personally, I don’t see much prospect of growth, and last year’s profits from cost-cutting and productivity gains aren’t repeatable, so I’m looking for undervalued stocks. I found one on Dec. 31, when I bought AEPI, a bloodsucking company that lives on taxpayer largesse (my favorite kind of investment), at 34 and it’s now above 43. I bought Boeing last month and it’s already up several bucks. Today, I made $1,100 in the stock market, which if you divide by an 8-hour workday is $137.50 an hour, which is almost as much as the permit-processing guys at BALD get from the property owners and developers they victimize on a daily basis. And overall, my portfolio is up 5.2% so far this year, which annualizes to 29%. So, I’m kicking ass, and have every right to be proud of my investing accomplishments. It sure beats getting laid off from a sucky $10-an-hour job!!
Well, being the generous and compassionate liberal that I am, it’s not uncommon for me to post my tips on this blog, which is the only place you’ll find them. If you call my office, I’ll have to charge you for what I’m giving you free in this comment.
I bought Disney and Hartford Insurance Group today, because they’re both undervalued and moving up (i.e., in speculator lingo, they have “momentum”), and sold all of my Microsoft, which is a nonperforming piece of shit.
Maybe if that wingnut asshole had spent his time speculating in stocks, crude oil, or pork bellies instead of trying to murder cops he would’ve made enough FREE MONEY to pay his taxes so he wouldn’t have to be angry at the government. But no, he preferred to be DEAD. Stupid idiot.
I’m confused about why people upset over taxes figure they come out ahead by flying planes into buildings or getting shot by cops. When you’re dead, you have nuthin’.
Sorry to burst your bubble GBS but Major Malik Hasan could have been an HA Libtardo progressive with his views.
51. GBS spews:
Hardly…can you actually read dumbass.
Bedell is a LEFTY!
Anti-Bsuh, 9-11 Truther and wants to Legalize Marijuana. Registered Democrat in California. The list goes on & on.
Racist & Lying Rabbit @ 52–
You have been a convicted liar, choking on your own lies about your alleged stock picking largese so many times we’ve lost count.
But keep posting the lies!!
If you say them enough, you probably believe them.
@54 I don’t think so. Liberals care about other people. Randomly shooting strangers doesn’t fit that profile. Angry self-centered rightwingers, however, do. And Muslim fundies are conservative traditionalist troglodytes opposed to change, just like our own homegrown Bible-thumping Talibanists.
Sybil @ 50:
You’re right, my bad, there wasn’t a 2nd recession on Reagan’s watch.
It was the Saving’s & Loan scandal in 1987 due to lack of oversight by the Reagan admin that ultimately led to the recession of 1990-91 on Bush 41 watch.
PS: The energy crisis of 1973 is what triggered hyperinflation in an unsustainable path.
You completely missed the point of ethanol and solar. It’s not that those were the do all to end all alternatives.
THE relevant point about Carter’s principles were that our future national security couldn’t rely on oil from Muslim nations.
Reagan and Reactionary Republicans took the position that we could and would continue to rely on Muslim nations for the most critical part of our strategic national security — energy.
Wrong choice for America by St. Ronnie Dumb Shit.
@1 Leave it to goatfucker to blame rightwing psycho murderers on liberals. That’s the “personal responsibility” crowd for ya.
@2 “As a vet, it sickens me that people who hate America wrap themselves in the flag and call themselves patriots.”
They do worse than that. Read up on the “Oath Keepers.” See, e.g.,
Is that conjecture on your part? “Could have been.”
No, Maj. Hasan was a Muslim terrorist in our midst and despite numerous warning Bush missed chance to prevent another terrorist attack America.
Unlike Clinton warning Bush about bin Laden and al Qeada, no such waring was issued from Bush to Obama regarding Maj. Hasan. Righ?
Too bad for the soldiers and their families who lost their lives that day because Bush was asleep as Commander-in-Chief — again.
@9 You strike me as the type who would stalk a judge’s daughter because you didn’t like a ruling the judge made in your case. I had that happen to me once when I was a judge.
Mr. Cynical, thank you for your posts @6 & 11. You get kudos from me for this intervention. Even on this blog, some things cross the line.
15, 17 — A pot smoking property-rights lunatic? Too funny!
Weren’t you the one saying the Tea Party movement was made up of both Republicans AND Democrats who hated big government and all the runaway spending?
Aren’t you the one who said Democrats love BIG government and spend spend spend?
So, how do you merge those to positions?
Obviously, if what you say is correct, but it’s still highly suspect, but for the sake of argument, it sounds to me that a Reagan Democrat got pissed off at BIG government, which automatically makes him not a typical BIG government loving LIBERAL and squarely puts him in the Teabagger, Water the Tree of Liberty movement.
Therefore, you stand corrected, this guy was one of you.
GBS, entering revisionist history again?
Carter was the worst preznit ever. End of story. Delayed military upgrades, destroyed military moral, coddled useless dictators Somoza, Shah Pavlavi, El Salvador leaders, Ol Pineapple Face Noriega, brought this country into double digit inflation and 15%+ interest rates. What a preznit.
Could have been is spot on for Hasan. Hasan’s hatred of Israel and the love of the Palestinians who is his mind could do no wrong; he could have been another in the long line of leftist nuts here. Hasan was politically coddled by the PC class. That’s what happens when political correctness enters the military.
You going back to that tired Clinton warning of Al Qaeda has been dispatched outta here long ago. Richard Clarke in his book and Roger Cressey in the NY Times slugged that pitch long ago GBS.
oh spare me…the guy was a nutball with a past history of mental illness…
nothing to see here..move along folks…
There it’s fixed. Bedell was no independent DUMMOCRAPT.
hardly…just because people wanted a limited, less intrusive, NON-SOCIALIST government, doesnt mean that they “hate government”.
looks like you are using the same scare tactics as the globull worming crowd.
nice try, yet FAIL.
Once again revisionist history… From the Atlantic Free Press – Progressive Opinion since 2006.
“Deficits do matter – eventually. Sooner or later those bonds have to be repaid. In the meantime the nation has to pay interest on a growing national debt. Both interest on the debt and the eventual repayment of principle will have to come from someplace. Either future taxes will have to be raised — far more than they would have if the spending had been paid for with taxes at the time the obligations were created. Or the government will increase the money supply by simply printing more money. That will sparking hyper-inflation but allows the government to replay those bond obligations with devalued dollars. The last time we did that – to repay the debt we built up during the Lyndon Johnson “guns and butter,” Vietnam War years – it sparked the hyper inflation that racked the economy during the Carter administration.”
The result then was stagflation – the worse of all possible worlds.
Jimmae should have thanked his ol’ Texas bud Lyndon Baines!
the more the facts come out, the more this nutball in DC seems to lean left…
…I sense a good helping of crow being feasted upon tonight at goldys, screed, et al’s house….
It’s so funny watching the progressive heads explode as more and more information comes out on this California jackass. Puddy remembers the moronic leftist twits who tried to blame the Al Abama shooter as a right-wing whack job. Then, when the dust settled and we found out she was a left-wing progressive the shit hit the fan with she’s crazy comments. Now history repeats itself with this fool!
You progressives provide comedy at it’s best.
LEANS LEFT? He was planted past left field in the progressive seats.
Amazing the lengths wingnuts will go to paint this insane and horrible murderer as representative of progressivism, but post a link to a site that documents how many Republicans, real Republicans, have been busted for deviant and decadent sexual behaviour in an attempt to demonstrate Republican moral hypocricy and the hew and cry from trolls is that’s, um, way out of bounds, an absolutely awful thing to do. Hypocrites.
@74…yo steve – it was goldy who started this thread by painting this nutball as a far rigth teabagger….
the only thing this guy is representative of is other nutballs….period.
Well said lebowski. Leave it to a progressive to slime someone. Then when the truth comes out other progressives cry fowl.
Sorry Steve but this dead fool is one of yours. Besides, with this California leftist fool, his own words damn him.
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy,
OH, OKAAAAAYYYY, the oil crisis of 1973 wasn’t what ignited the inflation of the 1970’s, but it did blow it up through the ceiling.
What triggered the hyperinflation happened in 1972.
I use not the Atlantic Free Press as my source but something a little more geared towards the economy.
Bottom line, however, Nixon fucked it up.
Read ’em and become educated. Become educated and know the truth. Know the truth and become a Liberal. It’s really that simple.
Here ya go: Traditionally, the oil crisis is blamed for the 1973-74 high inflation. However, due to monetary policy decisions in 1972-73, the inflation rate had already exceeded 10% before the onset of the oil crisis in October 1973. These decisions include the interest rate cut of June 1972 and the interest rate hike of April 1973, which in retrospect proved too small.
You should really try reading something besides Rupert’s propoganda.
I’d say he’s just a murderer, some guy with a screw loose that left him with no values, a psycho-freak who would readily extinguish human life. What’s left or right about that? This left-right paradigm, which I say is nothing but the reality construct of fools, is a little too much at times, don’t you think? Yeah, Goldy’s guilty of that, and everybody else here, including me. But I tell you what, these simplistic constructs are starting to bore me to tears.
Pudfucker descends into mindless madness:
“Carter was the worst preznit ever.”
Nope. GW Bush and James Buchannan win that honor hands down. Not even close.
“Delayed military upgrades, destroyed military moral”
Bullshit. Defense spending was increased every year of the Carter presidency.
“coddled useless dictators Somoza, Shah Pavlavi, El Salvador leaders, Ol Pineapple Face Noriega”
Wrong. He simply continued the policies of previous administrations, policies that were in fact continued by Reagan who equated nun killers to our founding fathers–a despicable act.
“…brought this country into double digit inflation”
Incredibly stupid. Johnson lit the inflationary fires, and they were stoked by Nixon’s war spending.
You are utterly wrong on all counts. Epic fail.
Did you get that, Puddy?
“Due to the monetary POLICY decisions in 1972-73” is what caused hyperinflation.
Wait, I need to see when LBJ left office. BRB . . .
Puddy, did you know LBJ did NOT seek the presidency in the 1968 elections???
Hmmmm . . . it says here that a Republican named Richard Milhous Nixon won the ’68 election and was reelected in 1972. (Milhous, what a fucking nerd name.)
Hmmmmm. . . . again Hmmmmmm. . . Well, it couldn’t have been LBJ it must have the Republican, Nixon.
Ohhhhh . . . lookie here, also says he left the presidency before completing his 2nd term. Give him crdit though, at least he finished one term unlike the dipshit Palin.
It goes on to say he was going to be impeached and convicted of crimes while being the sitting President.
Hmmmm . . . did you know that???
Apparently, the answer is ‘No. You did not know that.’
Because if you did, that would make you a liar.
I’ll go with “ig-nant” ala Michael Jackson.
Carter denounce Somoza and cut off aid and arms to the Somoza regime which fell in 1979.
Pudwhacker sez: “Deficits do matter – eventually. Sooner or later those bonds have to be repaid. In the meantime the nation has to pay interest on a growing national debt. Both interest on the debt and the eventual repayment of principle will have to come from someplace….”
This claim displays an ignorance several orders of magnitude below even ordinary run of the mill common sense. Tell me, economic genius, who is the largest holder of Treasury bonds? How are they created? Does the Federal Reserve buy bonds? What do they do with them? Is there a limit as to how many they can buy? How much has the money supply increased in the last two years?
You’re dumber than a box of rocks.
It’s now starting to look like this man was a victim of mental illness. Correct me if I’m wrong, but according to the Americans with Disability Act, isn’t Goldy’s post considered a hate crime?
Wow, it’s off to the races today.
The shooter wasn’t neither left or right. He was yet another mentally ill person with access to a firearm.
@84 The shooter wasn’t neither left or right. He was yet another mentally ill person with access to a firearm
That’s right – and most of the commentary on this subject including Goldy’s is way off base. Give it a rest.
So can we, please, find a few steps to make it harder for crazy people to get guns (and bullets) and start shooting people.
I’ll throw out the ideas I’ve posted before of having instant background checks on ammo purchases and ending ammo sales over the internet.
Puddy @ 66: So many false statements, so little time….
Nope, George W. Bush won that one, hands down.
Bush took the nation into an unnecessary war in Iraq based upon completely false premisis, exploded the federal budget by combining war and tax cuts, oversaw a 21.78% drop over eight years in the DJIA (which understates the extent of the financial collapse in his final weeks in office), was the only President in modern times to sustain a DJIA drop in BOTH terms in office. In contrast, Carter’s DJIA drop of less than 1% (actually 0.87%) over four years is MUCH better.
Carter didn’t delay military upgrades. Republican leadership criticized him for shelving the B-1 program, even though they KNEW that stealth technology had already made that obsolete, but counted on Carter not being able to talk about it. The late 1970’s was a time of considerable reform in the military as it converted from a conscription force which relied upon overwhelming firepower and attrition to a much smaller volunteer force relying upon high-technology and highly-trained professional soldiers. There were lots of expensive weapons programs in development, including the M1 tank, cruise missles, attack helicopters, etc., which appeared on the field in the 1980’s, for which Reagan took credit.
Make up your mind, Puddy, or at least pick which side you want to argue on this issue. Carter was the one who was roundly criticized by the Republicans for NOT supporting Somoza, the Iranian Shah, etc. as he applied human-rights criticism to our friends as well as our foes. As a result he got the blame for Iran falling to the Islamist fundamentalists, Nicaraugua to the Sandinistas, etc. Noriega wasn’t in charge in Panama yet, Carter was dealing with his predecessor. Carter could have kept proping up these unpopular regimes with military support, perhaps for a few more years, but at the expense of further entangling U.S. troops in foreign civil wars. Instead, he pulled the plug on these petty dictators, which someone was going to have to do eventually.
For the life of me, I still can’t figure out what Carter could have done differently to avoid this result. He had already cut back federal spending, to the point that Reagan officials were complaining that they couldn’t find any easy cuts to make in the budget, and their offices weren’t being cleaned often enough for their tastes. The primary factor behind the inflation and corresponding interest-rate spike was first the oil crisis of 1977 (a continuation of the oil dependence problems going back to 1973), and the resulting fed increase in rates to damper inflation (over which Carter had no control).
I’ve always thought that if Carter had been able to win a second term, we would have seen a substantial economic turn-around in the next four years, and avoided a lot of the long-term problems (massive federal deficits/debt, etc.) which we spent the next two decades trying to remedy.
Klynical, Troll and Puddy can all rejoice that their American Taliban movement is underway…
Except, the HA reich wingers always run away like pussies once their disturbing thoughts are actually put into action. (As if pot was some kind of left wing cause. Geez, the paranoia that comes along with THC fits right into the sicko troll mindset)
And when their fellow right wing creeps go on record, notice how good they are at subtle threats. Like “we’re not gonna kill anybody…yet.”
Not quite, michael. Mentally ill people are drawn to right wing and left wing political movements – and they tend to take the extremists’ words to heart, lacking the moral compass to decide what’s right and wrong.
Mentally ill people also LOVE conspiracy theories, which is what the entire Tea Party movement is built upon.
I think it’s sick that some on the right wing are trying to criticize the Obama administration (and Holder) for not preventing this attack.
The shooter never breached the security perimeter, dying in a shoot-out with the guards which would have checked his ID. I’m not sure what more you could expect of the system other than that.
Down Rabbit’s Hole indeed. Look at who made the big time.
Good career move, Mr. Goldstein. Keep up the good work and you might move on up to world-net-daily.
About inflation: The JFK/LBJ no-win war on peasants and Rabbits in The Nam, combined with LBJ’s no-win war on US poverty, combined with JFK’s tax cuts for the rich, were unsustainable. That fiscal folly, very similar to the folly of GWB’s credit-card wars and free drugs for old people, came home to roost under Nixon, Ford, and Carter.
1972’s oil shocks and Carter’s in 1979, and the predicted inflationalry rebound from Nixon’s wage-and-price controls, sent the economy spinning out of control.
Keynes (who had written that high inflation and high unemployment could not concurrently occur) and his remedies were thrown on the ash heap of history. Carter was thrown on the ash heap of history. Carter’s oil policy (which seemed to be blowing off an American ally, the Shah) was an epic fail. Carter’s alternative energy policy was an epic fail that’s still coming home to roost: worldwide food riots in the recent past were a consequence of Carter’s ethanol.
And somehow, because of Reagan or in spite of him, almost twenty years of American failure and four years of Carter failure were turned around.
The Tea Party movement is built on belated fiscal sanity.
Tired of whiners and wankers here asking why we trolls weren’t shouting about about Bad Bush Economics from 2001-2009. Many of us were loud and clear: There was too much JFK/LBJ and too much JEC in GWB.
“Mentally ill people are drawn to right wing and left wing political movements…”
Note that Mousollini started out as a Communist, then switched to being a Fascist – a 180 degree reversal in political philosophy. My philosophy instructor in college used this as an example a mental tendency (he had a name for it, but it’s been too long ago for me to remember it now). According to him, it is easier for people to swing from one extreme of the political spectrum to another, than for them to simply moderate their views. A moderate Republican might become a moderate Democrat easier than an extremist Republican become a moderate Republican.
Maybe the Carter “created” inflation is simply not true because I simply never said it. Nor did any of my multiple personalities.
Just as we never said the United States was/is a Christian nation. We did say that lostatsea’s sensible summary of Christian influences on our nation made sense. Certainly there were many other influences on us: Jewish, criminal, separatist, enlightenment deist, mercantile … all, to repeat, refracted through the West Euro Christian prism.
Pigs fly. Swine flu. rhp6033 & i are back at 6s and 7s.
Not enough hours in this nice day to deal with the nonsense of @93. Will try to remember to do the deconstruction next week.
@94. Forgot to mention the First American influences and the African. But they, too, were seen through the same lens.
Mr. Klynical pretends to have a moral compass for just a second…
Then he goes right back into the usual disgusting faux Christian judgmentalism…
Broken marriage is something that can me mitigated. Which Goldy has obviously done. Being a broken & frustrated right wing man is something you can’t fix. Aside from death.
I think he’s still more of a lone nut. Real terrorism like the IRA, say, requires at least a bit of political organization–this guy was just crazy, and his crazy latched onto radical-right-wingery.
Whittaker Chambers (hero of the American Right Wing) is another good example.
The guy was a drunk, and a pathetic psycho. But he is remembered by rightist ideologues as a great man because his imbalance led him down their path….
re 98: The rhetoric that inspires people like Bedell comes from an organized and well funded source.
You are the lone nut here.
‘Smashing Pumpkins’ is a Chambers reference.
@52….talk about someone badly needing attention and self-affirmation..damn
@62..and you strike me as the type of judge who wouldnt be so “fair and impartial” to certain people who lean a certain political direction
is that why you are no longer a judge? hmm.
fuckin’ a right! I would definitely pay good money for the chance to vote on banning one or two of the most offensive asshat trolls!
Seriously, Goldy. Steve may have an excellent idea here. Even if you are too high minded to accept such tainted money, this could be a way to drive some Act Blue donations this election season. Set a goal. Make it a high one if you want. And set up a PayPal account to donate to the candidate or fund of your choice.
If your readers reach the goal by the deadline, then you grant them one wish. One sweet perfect wish. To never have to read the mindlessly hostile verbal salad of just one of the trolls ever again.
@78..I agree.
Mr. Cynical, do you support those who shoot police officers and advocate the asasination of other public officials? Supposedly, this is a country of laws enacted by the people. We have a compact we live by called the constitution. I thought you lived by that document, or do you pick and choose what is the rule of law?
The shooter was part of the syndicate, and he went galt. Glibertarians unite: Small government! Property is God! Lots of cheap grass! Sex, sex, sex!
ACTUALLY the shooter was a rabid, anti-Bush, pot-smoking, 9/11 truther and a LONG-TIME REGISTERED DEMOCRAT LEFT WING WHACKO.
Just like the author of this blog! And just like the left wing whacko professor that killed her fellow faculty members, just like the communist who flew a plane into that IRS building, just like the terrorist left-wing psychiatrist that shot up the army base. EVERY ONE OF THEM LIBERALS
@52: “Maybe if that wingnut asshole had spent his time speculating in stocks, crude oil, or pork bellies….” Like that guy in Atlanta, eh, Wabbit?
Now Egyptian cotton….there’s an opportunity!
@108, Lost in Fantasy: most 9/11 truthers are way over the edge wingers…take your buddy, manoftruth for just one instance.
Pentagon Shooter Was A Libertarian
More details are emerging about the twisted fuck who shot two cops at the Pentagon yesterday:
“Bedell, a software engineer, left a long Internet trail behind him. It paints a portrait of an … angry young man with strong libertarian ideas who seethed with resentment for the government ….
“Although much is still unknown about what caused Bedell’s thwarted rampage, his views on government were shared by others ….
“‘Sadly enough, there is a pattern,’ said Northeastern University criminologist Jack Levin. ‘He represents a much larger force in our society today. If one individual is paranoid, we call it mental illness. If thousands of people share the same paranoia, we call it ideology. There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of Americans who are extremely angry with the federal government.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, and with the paranoid freaks of the right now emboldened to openly pack guns in public, we’re going to see more headlines like this one.
@108 “ACTUALLY the shooter was a rabid, anti-Bush, pot-smoking, 9/11 truther and a LONG-TIME REGISTERED DEMOCRAT LEFT WING WHACKO.”
WRONG again! See #107. In fact, you righties are NEVER right. About anything.
Mixing misanthropic nutjobs with easy access to firearms has never been a problem.
@108 – is correct. The shooter was anti-Bush and a 9-11 truther. #112 and #107 are iincoherent pinko progressives as is the propangandist Gold(Clown)stein. The shooter had nothing to do with Tea Parties – stick it along with the liars from Media Matters where the sun don’t shine.
@66 “Carter … brought this country into double digit inflation and 15%+ interest rates.”
You seem to have forgotten Nixon’s price controls and Ford’s silly and ineffectual “Whip Inflation Now” program. Carter inherited the Nixon-Ford inflation, and also inherited high interest rates.
Under Nixon, the prime rate rose from 5% in Jan. 1972 to 10% by Sept. 1973 and was 12% when Tricky Dickie resigned in Aug. 1974; and under Ford, the prime rate remained in double digits until Jan. 1975.
The staglation of the 1970s was caused by the Vietnam War, the 1973 OPEC oil embargo, and the collapse of Bretton Woods after Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. All of these events occurred before Carter took office.
Inflation pushes up market interest rates because lenders and investors demand to be compensated for being repaid with cheaper dollars. The market rate consists of Inflation + Real Interest. When the inflation component rises, so does the overall rate, unless offset by falling real interest.
But it isn’t only the market that sets interest rates. Policymakers raise interest rates to reduce inflation by shrinking the money supply. Both factors were in play during the 1970s. Carter deserves credit for appointing the man who broke inflation by raising interest rates, Federal Reserve chairman Volcker.
Now let’s look at inflation in detail. It stayed under 2% until early 1966, when Vietnam War deficit spending began pushing it up. However, it remained under control for most of LBJ’s tenure, not rising above 4% until mid-1968. Under Nixon it took off, reaching double digits by the time Nixon resigned in Aug. 1974. Thus, inflation was deeply entrenched in the economy before Carter came along. And, as I said, it was Carter’s appointment of Volcker that brought it down, although inflation did not return to JFK-LBJ levels until 5 years into Reagan’s tenure.
Blaming stagflation on Carter is just plain silly, and ignores historical facts. Carter wasn’t responsible for the stagflation of the 1970s. His two Republican predecessors were.
@114 The shooter was a pot-smoking anti-government libertarian.
iwas wondering about the “violent rhetoric” from the protesting berkley students today. apparently they “rapped” about killing cops.
oh, i forgot, if you’re a minority or a student you get a pass.
SurveyUSA Poll: 53% Support Income Tax
“Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown … has proposed letting voters reduce the state’s sales tax and create an income tax for those making more than $200,000 a year. In a SurveyUSA poll of 500 people statewide, 53 percent said an income tax would be a good idea while 39 percent called it a bad idea.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Replacing part of the sales tax with a high-earner income tax is a reasonable start on solving the grossly inequitable distribution of the local/state tax burden in Washington. However, long-term, it won’t be enough. We should support this measure as a downpayment on state tax reform.
Anyone who thinks we can afford our present healthcare system should read this article.
“Sellers don’t set the prices and the buyers don’t know what they are. Prices bear little relation to demand or how well goods and services work. ‘No other nation would allow a health system to be run the way we do it. It’s completely insane,’ said Uwe E. Reinhardt, a political economy professor at Princeton University who has advised Congress, the Veteran’s Administration, and other federal agencies on health-care economics.”
“Replacing part of the sales tax with a high-earner income tax is a reasonable start on solving the grossly inequitable distribution of the local/state tax burden in Washington. However, long-term, it won’t be enough. We should support this measure as a downpayment on state tax reform.”
Then we are enabling the government to keep growing increase corruption and finally control our lives more and more in this state.
A brain dead idea… Tax reform for progressive government as stated by progressive nut jobs. The taxes will start out lower, but the sales tax will be back to the current level, added to a 6% income tax.
I don’t have a great deal of faith in the intelligence of the voters – who would be stupid to vote for this and take the bait from the libtards in power. Better yet, vote out these dickheads…
120 – Plenty of braindead right wing dipshit states have an income tax..
WA is one of the few that don’t and being lumped with the likes of Alaska, Texas, Wyoming, Arizona, New Hampshire, Florida, Tennessee and Nevada is no great honor
Go live there. A lot if not most people here in WA want more education, health care, public safety and infrastructure services like some other States have.
Remarkable thread. I always recommend to friends and acquaintances that they read HA, every now and again, to get in touch with where American politics is. My friends and acquaintances are rational people, who don’t always vote like I do because I like to be around people who challenge me. These people can defend their position without using CAPS. I want those who I know who tend to lean right to see what has become of the right. Puddy, Cynical, and the sock puppets above who change their name every other post. Pathetic. Truly pathetic.
Truth hurts, doesn’t it Goldy… He’s one of yours. Waiting to see which bumper sticker adorns his bumper, Hope or Change.
EMID 15324137
PrefixTitle MR
REGDATE 20051006
PARTY Democrat
ResAddr1,ResAddr2,ResCity,ResState,ResZip 110 Georges Dr Hollister,CA
Dumbfuck @ 123
The guy was crazy, like certifiable. Those are the people who do these kinds of things. You understand that, don’t you?
Mouthbreather @ 124
Yes the guy was crazy and even certifiable. Goldy implied he was a teabagger when in fact he was a certifiable crazy leftist Democrat.
I bet you’re starting to miss him at your blog.
Uhhhh… Nope you Dope. The progressive in the link said that. Learn to read fool! So you disagree with another progressive. Whoop de do!
Exhibit A – post #122. Of course this ambiguous lawyer type obfuscates the thread with his evening crap. He forgets headless lucy provides 51 doppelgangers to HA Libtardos. ylb arschloch is a rerun thread a day. Sure does suck when you see the teabagger claim fly out de window with this Peling fool.
Exhibit B – post #124. Of course this ambiguous lawyer type obfuscates the thread by saying leftist Peling was crazy trying to deflect from Peling’s “progressive” views. Yet when Andrew Joe Stark flew the plane into the Dallas building this ambiguous obfuscating lawyer type called him a teabagger even though he had multiple anti-Bush and anti-conservative statements on his blog.
Can you smell the exploding HA Libtardo progressive head? It’s amazing how the PuddyPost@72 is so true. Replaying…
Butt Michael, why are you so timid in your commentary on guns? Is it because this fool was a leftist progressive? Puddy agrees… progressives should not have guns. We saw what happened at Ft Hood, Arkansas Recruiting center, University Alabama Huntsville, and now the Pentagon subway stop. Progressives and guns are trouble.
o/~ It’s not our fault / We had no liability / We told you that / Before you began ~/o
“The California man who opened fire last night outside the Pentagon was a property rights extremist who railed against the government’s ability to “confiscate the resources of their citizens to fund schemes that need only be justified by lies and deception,” and wanted to ‘eliminate the role of the government in education.'” Read the rest.
Srry, Puddy, he was right-wing.
Raven, you used Talking Points Memo is your source? The same TPM Puddy showed on this blog who claimed Trigg Palin was Bristol’s Baby and then took the link down like Daily Kos did? They cherry-picked a few comments and you drank their kook-aid.
Raven go back and read ezra@123. View Bedell’s registration.
He was a weed smoking Dummocrapt. Many of them here on HA Libtardos.
He was a 9/11 Truther like a few of them here on HA Libtardos.
Bedell believed Bush was behind 9-11.
This was strangely missed by your TPM Kook-aid producers…
Sounds like many of a rant from Daddy Love, correctnotright, YOU, rhp6033, etc. etc. etc.
Look at Bedell’s favrit books…
The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation by Philip Shenon
The Immaculate Deception: Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen
The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Th… by Russ Baker
Now where has Puddy seen these books before…? Oh yeah… proffered reading by HA Libtardos.
Bush ‘Crime’ Family? You’ve got to be kidding…
You tried Raven. The evidence says otherwise.
Good point.
I’ve posted a lot on here about people acting out violently based on what a lot of the right wing folks are saying. It’s a big worry. But, the shooter in this case mentally ill and while he may have been influnaced by the right wing, he himself is just mentally ill.
This fool was a leftwing whackjob. Why is it so hard for progressives to accept this? He’s in the same mindset as the UoA Huntsville lady.
Puddy remembers how some whackjob HA Libtardo loons tried to blame Bill O’Reilly for the murder of George Tiller the Baby Killer by Scott Roeder.
Maybe we should take the same tack and blame the Bush Crime family book authors for Bedell’s violent actions.
Wait a minute… Didn’t Senator Jim Bunning office receive bomb threats last week and this week? Had to be whackjob nutbaggers…!
What about the nutbaggers on MSNBC inciting violence all the time?
One of Bedell’s rants was “no blood for oil”, another of those nutbagger rants here on HA Libtardos.
as Puddy remembers is very similar to this…
Another “See ya” Raven Another nutbagger rant.
As Puddy remembers is similar to this rant by the City of Berkeley CA, a real group of nutbaggers.
Didn’t this comment make John Murtha proud?
Golly Raven, Puddy remembers when the Patriot Act came up on HA Libtardos… these are such similar words to the progressive loons here…
This nutbagger is so similar to the nutbaggers here on HA Libtardos. As one said above, he’ll be missed by your side.
Puddy above thought it was a stupid thread. Now Puddy changed his mind. The whole world can see your nutbagger friends in action here. Thanks Goldy for the nutbagger thread.
LMFAO…so the guy was a registered democrat
goldy, you serving up the crow tonight?
monster fail.
This guy was a Paultard, an Alex Jones type.
Jones hates Obama – totally a right winger..
registered democrat…..just like you.
As a long-time vet and currently in active duty in the Culture Wars, I agree – with everybody. And I disagree – with everybody. “cause everybody has a bit of a point which they then extend until logic is screaming for a chiropractor.
Anyone notice this shooter was a long-time mental case? Does that count for anything? He was in no condition to construct a workable world view and was likely tormented by forces he couldn’t deal with. Strident arguments from both the left and the right probably influenced his actions, which were largely energized by inner demons.
This guy is not a poster boy for the left or the right, so give it a rest.
142 – Exactly. A nutcase.. But tell that to right wing idiots like the coward @ 141.
coward @ 141 – uhhh. No one registers by party in this State.. Your ignorance of the political system in this country is dismaying..
124. proud leftist spews:
You seem a little testy. Goldy was trying to get us to believe this guy was a Tea Partier WITHOUT DOING ANY RESEARCH.
Turns out the guy is own of YOU! A leftist Pinheaded KLOWN!
Don’t you see the humor in Goldy’s faux pas??
This ranks right near #1 in terms of David OwnGoalStein’s self-inflicted wounds!
C’mon PL…Goldy failed to do the research and implied something that turned out to be 180 degrees off course.
Now you are an Angry Atheist Progressive because of that?????
I’ll bet Goldy is chuckling at his misstep. Why can’t you??
Humorless loser.
The Raven @ 129–
Man, damn the facts..right??
Anit-Bush 9/11 Truther.
Registered Democrat.
Pro Repeal all Marijuana laws aka your own brethren Lee.
There is more and more to come.
Are you truly so shallow as to not acknowledge the FACTS that have been made public…just cover you eyes and ears and scream “Right-winger”??
Pants on the floor
Pants on the floor.
The Ravens lookin’ like a fool wit his pants on the floor!
Head up his ass
Head up his ass
The Ravens lookin’ like a fool wit his head up his ass!
All the DailyKos and Dummocrat talking points don’t change the facts KLOWN.
Lots of Leftist Pinheaded Blogs and hate mongers like Goldy’s NW Division of Lunatic moonbats (of which the Raven is a charter lifetime member) made the mistake of JUMPING TO A CONCLUSION before having a lick of facts.
Now, y’all lookin’ like the fools you are.
Well, now we have a Demcoratic president who is free to use the USA PATRIOT Act in the same ways as his illustrious predecessor. I can’t wait.
This is the most fun I’ve had here in a looooooong time. The KLOWNS continue to try & defend their “rush to judgment” and factless rantings. Seems like their misplaced “self-pride” fails to allow them to admit they made a mistake!! Their knucklehead leader, I-man Obam-Mao, sets the example of self-pride with his endless focus on government takeover of Health Care…while folks linger without jobs.
Good thing most Americans are true patriots!!
And not blinded ideologues like the KLOWN cache @
If I had jumped to an incorrect conclusion. I would simply admit I was wrong. Then move on. Not these Leftist Zealots!!
Here is what America really thinks–
Saturday, March 06, 2010
The heart is, indeed, a lonely hunter. Most of us cope with remaining in that condition. The ‘terrorist’ chooses to take us on his journey.
Surprise! We’re already there. I would hope that God in his infinkte mercy and wisdom would treat the terrorist to the scene of his victims deflowering his fourty victims.
Let’s try a bit of debate, eh?
“Then we are enabling the government to keep growing increase corruption and finally control our lives more and more in this state.
A brain dead idea… Tax reform for progressive government as stated by progressive nut jobs. The taxes will start out lower, but the sales tax will be back to the current level, added to a 6% income tax.”
Actually, there’s no reason to fear that because states like oregon or idaho or those with income taxes (a) end up with out having a greater share of tax burden then we have in Wash. state, so your hypothesis is wrong, and in any event, (b) the higher income states have income tax more frequently, suggesting that (i) income tax helps spur economic growth so that (ii) what you lose in tax you more than make up for in economy benefits in fact (iii) it’s pretty demonstrable that a bigger govt. sector (asl ong as in the range of US – Sweden, say) leads to longer, better and more economic growth.
and (iv) you do NOT see fact patterns of states enacting an income tax beginning a long economic decline. Nope, what you see is the high income states with income tax stay the high income states with income tax.
IOW your fears are total bullshit. They’re rantings. Paranoid. Tin foil stuff. Doesn’t happen in the real world.
And guess what KDS? If we did enact an income tax and then if it DID go up, that would be because we LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY AND THAT’D BE WHAT PEOPLE WANT so what is your complaint?
At bottom, you know you’re wrong and you fear being wrong. If people ever want to trim government, they just elect a republican or a conservative or a christian democrat and they rein in taxes and growth a bit. What’s the problem? That we have a system that works?
Your fear level of an out of control ever expanding gummint eating up the entire society as if we would become communist russia is totally fucking delusional, dude. Nobody ever got to communism via elections, and a few social programs. In fact history shows that’s what KEEPS YOU CAPITALIST you moron.
Update: has 180 million registered voter records available online (thanks to Anne Horrigan). Thirty-six-year-old John Patrick Bedell’s voter registration records in Hollister, CA are available for any journalist before he/she goes off and labels him a “right-wing extremist.”
Guess which party he registered under in 2005 and was actively registered under as of 2008?
EMID 15324137
PrefixTitle MR
REGDATE 20051006
PARTY Democrat
ResAddr1,ResAddr2,ResCity,ResState,ResZip 110 Georges Dr Hollister,CA
Stop playing games, goldfuck
Oh wait;! goldfuck needs to grab some attention because he’s about to beg for money again.. when will you goldfuck suckers learn?
John Hitchcock explains it for you goldfuck. Take you head out of your fat ugly ass and try to pay attention:
He was a whack job alright and whether you’re a left wing whack job or a right wing whack job doesn’t matter. You’re a whack job. We should be talking about how to protect society from people like this.
We have far too many recent examples of the mentally ill and felons getting ahold of fire arms and killing and harming people with them. We need to stop the partisan nonsense and work to fix the problem.
Look, I’m a member of the left. I’ve never tried to claim I wasn’t. But, when I’m posting about this stuff the fact that I’m a part of the left is just background. I’m trying to fix the problem, not engage in partisan sniping.
I’m trying to fix the problem, not engage in partisan sniping.
Perhaps. But it’s not about you: it’s about the lying sack of subhuman refuse, goldfuck, who lies to suit his agenda … and pocketbook.
150, 151, 153
Wonderful, another rightwing hater. What comes first, being a hater or being a rightwinger?
There is a certain class of ‘citizen’ in the U.S. that has large and magnanimous rights. And after that 2%, there’s the rest of us.
That, friends and neighbors, is the nub of the problem.
Bedell was right about the fact that the system is set up to thwart and defeat him and others like him.
If he really wanted to make his point, he would have stalked a defense contractor
Proud Goatist,
You are decrying a “rightwing hater”? You? A big time leftwing hater?
Comedy at it’s best!
@143….hey dumbshit racist YLB, you better go talk to goldy – remember, he was the person who started this thread and claimed the nutball represented “the teabaggers”. You are all board the bus when you thought the evidence pointed towards this guy being a libertarian – but then you hopped off the bus once it was known this guy was a registered democrat.
my, how your opinion mysteriously changed.
Puddy @ 156
C’mon, Pud, you know I love y’all, don’t you? Sometimes, because I care so much for the well-being of our wingnuts, that I need to dish out a little tough love. It’s for your own good, you know.
OOPPS! – (Ya should have done a little fact check, Goldie!
Thirty-six-year-old John Patrick Bedell’s voter registration records in Hollister, CA are available for any journalist before he/she goes off and labels him a “right-wing extremist.”
Guess which party he registered under in 2005 and was actively registered under as of 2008? === DEMOCRAT.
You have to excuse ylb arschloch. He lives vicariously through other leftist pinhead’s comments. Nary an original thought in that fool. So when the winds change, he changes too. Notice he turned the lights off (no links in his name) right now. Within three days Puddy will provoke him to using those old links again. Pavlov calls it.
Yep, he’s OWNED and he’s John Edwards bitch.
Perhaps its this type of “journalism” which prompted the Seattle Times to roundfile Goldy’s resume’ and application for employment.
how embarrassing for goldy….
@91 Total bullshit in every respect. I won’t even bother to answer it.
8 Teens Shot
Eight teenagers are hospitalized after being shot in the parking lot of a roller rink in Gary, IN, tonight. Police have no suspects or motive.
@84 “The shooter wasn’t neither left or right.”
Oh, he was definitely a right — specifically, a liberatarian and property-rights freak. News reports make that clear.
@85 “That’s right”
No it isn’t.
“most of the commentary on this subject including Goldy’s is way off base.”
No it isn’t.
“Give it a rest.”
No I won’t. I’m going to remind you every day that the crazy people fomenting hate, brandishing guns, and shooting strangers are rightwingers. The right is acting more like Nazis every day, so far from giving it a rest, we liberals need to redouble our efforts to expunge this criminality from our society.
As for the argument that the Pentagon shooter was mentally ill, what rightwinger isn’t?
That may affect their legal culpability, but it doesn’t alter their ideological orientation.
@103 Wrong on both counts. But then, that’s not surprising, as you’ve never been right about anything.
Must be spot on with that visceral reaction from THE DUMB BUNNY.
@114 I guess in your idiot world if someone is against Bush he must be a lefty, eh? It doesn’t occur to you that some people are so far right they think Bush is a lefty? The teabaggers are only mad at Democrats, and have no issues with Republicans, hmmm? You’re an idiot. This guy was as far-right anti-government as they come. That’s why he targeted the federal government.
Absolute Bullshit from THE DUMB BUNNY! Major Hasan, Arkansas Recruiter Killer, Amy Bishop, and now John Bedell are all DUMMOCRAPTIC leftist pinheads. Puddy will place this evidence for all to read every time THE DUMB BUNNY farts this lie.
@144 “Turns out the guy is own of YOU! A leftist Pinheaded KLOWN!”
Yeah sure … in Cynical’s fantasy world, anti-government property-rights freaks are leftists, and liquor store clerks make $100K.
THE DUMB BUNNY@169… The fool was a 9/11 Truther. You skipped this fact THE DUMB BUNNY! He’s a loon, just like you!
@170 Like pigs can fly.
Is this you, putz?
@173 Voila! It has just been revealed to you that lefties aren’t the only ones who believe Bush blew up the Twin Towers. Hmmm … hmmm … hmmm … (rabbit humming)
@173 (continued) Of course he was a fool! All rightwing gun-brandishing anti-government property-rights freaks are fools! What took you so long?
If the guy he’s talking to is you THE DUMB BUNNY!
Amy Bishop & John Bedell, two Dummocrapts who show how crazy Dummocrapts react when they get guns.
Most Home Schoolers Use Anti-Evolution Texts
MSNBC reports, “Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market …. And for most home-school parents, a Bible-based version of the Earth’s creation is exactly what they want. Federal statistics from 2007 show 83 percent of home-schooling parents want to give their children ‘religious or moral instruction.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, this is a free country, and if parents want to raise their kids to be scientific illiterates, that’s their problem. But there’s a lot of jobs their kids won’t get hired for, and if enough people do this, eventually the U.S. economy will sport the technological prowess of Somalia.
@178 You haven’t answered my question at #175, numbnuts.
I wouldn’t hire an oil geologist who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old.
I wouldn’t hire a microbiologist who was “educated” with creationist textbooks.
I wouldn’t go to a doctor who thinks diseases are caused by the Devil.
“And guess what KDS? If we did enact an income tax and then if it DID go up, that would be because we LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY AND THAT’D BE WHAT PEOPLE WANT so what is your complaint?”
No clown, it would be because the legislature passed it and not the people just like previous sales tax increases have occurred.
“At bottom, you know you’re wrong and you fear being wrong. If people ever want to trim government, they just elect a republican or a conservative or a christian democrat and they rein in taxes and growth a bit. What’s the problem? That we have a system that works?”
Wrong about what ? You have a problem focusing on the topic. The problem is that the voters are not intelligent enough to elect those that would reduce the size of government. Too many dependent brain dead folks who vote. The system is broken and as long as its broken, it will not work like it was designed to.
“Your fear level of an out of control ever expanding gummint eating up the entire society as if we would become communist russia is totally fucking delusional, dude.”
Just going by the present trends. It sounds like you wouldn’t mind a totalitarian regime, like the type that your Prez ObaMao is trying like hell to implement. Progressive/Regressives like yourself are insistent on keeping this system broken and bringing on a fundamental transformation that few Americans want. ObaMao is an OTP..
Does This Sound Like A Government-Hugging Liberal?
“Bedell … railed against the government repeatedly on the Internet. Through podcasts and a Wikipedia page, a man identified online as JPatrickBedell cast the government as a criminal force destroying personal liberties.”
Naaah. The guy was a wingnut. Crazy, to be sure, but also with a head full of rightwing anti-gummint ideology.
@185 “The problem is that the voters are not intelligent enough to elect those that would reduce the size of government.”
You don’t have much respect for your fellow citizens’ right to make their own choices, do you?
“It sounds like you wouldn’t mind a totalitarian regime, like the type that your Prez ObaMao is trying like hell to implement.”
As far as “brain dead” goes, you’re already there.
The ‘teabagger’ term is derogatory, as much as n—– is to blacks. Anderson Cooper’s little joke is exposing the lot of you.
All of you that spew ‘teabagger’ as some sort of adolescent gag or, for that matter, out of all seriousness, should know that ‘we’ are watching YOU. The clock is ticking and the pendelum WILL swing harder the other way.
Yes Puddy did THE DUMB BUNNY. Read it again!
Puddy realizes lately reading isn’t fundamental to THE DUMB BUNNY!
Keep railing THE DUMB BUNNY. This Bedell fool is a leftist progressive pinhead through and through. His commentary on many subjects is right out of the HA Libtardo commentary and playbook. Just as you and your foolish progressive libtardos tried to pin Amy Bishop on we who think right, more and more is being learned about Bedell and his political leanings, besides being a registered DUMMOCRAPT in California. And THE DUMB BUNNY his favrit books:
The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation by Philip Shenon
The Immaculate Deception: Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen
The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Th… by Russ Baker
probably reside in THE DUMB BUNNY library. Tee Bush Crime Family scream was a favrit screed of your progressive libtardo friends here on HA Libtardos. Right up their with chimp. HorsesASSes = Libtardos.
Sucks to be you THE DUMB BUNNY.
What do you expect from a gang of nutbaggers?
Oh I’m so scared JR.. You freaks WEAR TEABAGS OK??
Tick-tock, tick-tock, biatch.
Hey arschloch@192, that lady in the picture could be mocking the Tea Party. Looks like she’s a progressive to Puddy, being ecofriendly, “brewing” her tea bags in the rain.
So are you sure that’s your example? What a dumb brick. The more the arschloch posts the clearer we see how much of a dumb brick the arschloch is.
I love liberals who claim to be patriots. I see the comments here by liberals that keep saying Those who support the Tea Party are terrorists.
The fact is when I see them claim they are violent terrorists. I know for a fact they are putting thier own ideas of what they want to do and claim it is the Tea Party Movement.
Teaparty People are real Americans that understand history. They believe the separation of powers that the Federal Government violates every day. They believe in state rights. They believe in freedom of Choice. ANd Not government telling them what the choices are to be.
It may be hard for some of you liberals to understand. But when TEa party protests take place I do not see any broken windows. When LIberals protest they destroy property. So liberals you could learn manners and respect from those who attend the Tea parties. SOmething your parents never taught you.
@164…and the guys voter registration makes it clear that once again, you are a lying piece of goebbels rabbit crap.
you would have fit in so well in 1930’s germany.
So your chickens are coming home to roost.
Nice work assholes. You got what you wanted.
Anarchy and chaos.
The right and left frontal lobes in rujax’s “brain”.
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The public can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
I’m liking a new term (new to me) to affectionately refer to those that use the teabagger term against conservatives and who blindly support progressive & liberal agendas. IMHO, it’s the new ‘L-word’:
I won’t call names, but I’ll throw it in their face after being denigrated by the likes of ‘them’ before I punch their teeth out.
I’m eager to see how funny they think it is then. After being labeled ‘extremist’ by my own government for having a set of political views I WILL NOT tolerate further derision…none of us should and should forcefully address the parroting of Anderson Cooper’s derision.