Damn commie-pinko American public…
When it comes to paying for a health care overhaul, Americans see just one way to go: Tax the rich.
That finding from a new Associated Press poll will be welcome news for House Democrats, who proposed doing just that in their sweeping remake of the U.S. medical system, which passed earlier this month and would extend coverage to millions of uninsured Americans.
[…] The House bill would impose a 5.4 percent income tax surcharge on individuals making more than $500,000 a year and households making more than $1 million.
The poll tested views on an even more punitive taxation scheme that was under consideration earlier, when the tax would have hit people making more than $250,000 a year. Even at that level the poll showed majority support, with 57 percent in favor and 36 percent opposed.
Why tax the rich? Perhaps because Americans understand that the rich are the ones who individually and collectively have benefited most from our government’s economic and tax policies over the past several decades, and perhaps most importantly… the rich are the ones who can best afford it.
Simple math.
Heterosexuals are murderers, thieves and rapists. You Bigots….Goldy’s been censoring my comments and blocking me, what happen to freedom of speach?
oh it’s me. Gman!!
“…the rich are the ones who individually and collectively have benefited most from our government’s economic and tax policies over the past several decades…”
Yep, that’s right. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the other super-rich were just lucky: hard work and brains had nothing to do with their accumulation of wealth, so let’s tax it away to provide salaries, pensions and health care for government workers. Oh yeah, we can use some of the money for stupid foreign adventures and maybe even help some poor folks in the US…but not too much. We don’t want ’em to get too independent. After all, what’s the purpose of having a government if it can’t be too big and intrusive and dominate every aspect of our lives?
Yep, soak the rich – they consented to the miserable war policies of the last misadminstration if not actively sought to profit from it as if they needed the money.
Let them pay off the lion’s share of the miserable debt.
When this country is more oriented to the benefit of the middle class (as it should be) and their wages rise as they HAVEN’T for all the years of right wing misrule, THEN the middle class will gladly chip in for the social benefits.
Right now the poor and the middle class are completely tapped out.
You are a nut….A fucking raving loon.
We already have enough STRAIGHT raving, fucking loons here that Goldy doesn’t ban, and THAT may be a problem.
But you’re barking mad and the the Gay community has enough problems without a nutqueen
Bye Bye
Off the top of my head….
Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the other super-rich personally earned very dollar they currently have? None of them have a single employee working under them, that helped them?
They never, or had an employee working under them, use a public road, or public court system, or attended a public school, or used the US weather service, or the FAA when flying, or relied on cops, firemen or the military to keep them safe? They never once dipped into the public commons to support their business?
Incorrect @3,
Buffet would disagree with you on tax policies.
Slight modifications of PI to improve her grammer:
Saw the poll numbers on this. I just wonder how likely the rich will ever pay back for all the services they consume.
“let’s tax it away”
What crazy. I love it when raising taxes by 3% or 5% means we’re taking all of the rich peoples money. What a JOKE! This is an ida from the wingnut Ayn Rynd concept that if taxes go from 28% to 32% or something, the “superior” (ie. rich) people will stop making the world go round. Bill Gates would simply decide NOT to make an OS or form a company if he’s taxes 32%, but it would do it if taxes were 28%.
This NUTBALL crazy wingnut idea that taxes going up or down by single percentage points means people will just stop working, exploring, discovering, or achieving is SOOOO CRAZY it’s kinda funny. But then it’s scary when you realize they BELIEVE it. Just like creationism and all the other silly magical beliefs.
The Google founders did what they did because they loved doing it. And they were going to it (and be billionaires) whether they were taxed 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 60%. The idea that they wouldn’t have made the effort because of some arbitrary federal tax rate is FUNNY…just a joke. NO ONE THINKS LIKE THAT…EVER.
Ok…some people DO think that way. But they’re not the Bill Gates or Buffets…just crazies in their survival bunkers in Wyoming.
Bill Gates
key events in his creation of MSoft
1. At a tax payer subsidized private school (Lakeside issue tax free bonds) Bill and Paul got excited about working with a PDP 8 …a computer with deep roots in government funded research.
Their first product? Traffic control SW to sell to government,
2. At a second tax supported private school, Bill and Paul used Harvard’s computer, largely supported in those days by the DOD, and adaped Basic, a language developed at another tax subsidized school, Dartmouth, to run on the Altair.
3. The Altair was an early product growing out of DARPA funded research (parly here at UW) on LSI and VLSI.
4. MS basic was a hit. This led to MS basic and languages running on more chips derived from DARPA. In the meantime, NASA funded research led to the first database SW (Vulcan later called dBASE).
5. Gates and Apple sucked more at the DARPA tit through Xerox Parc and its efforts to commercialize concepts developed in switzerland and MIT at government funded universities. … Mac and Windows were born.
6. Al Gore proposed industrializing DARPAnet … the internet was born. Gates made a lot more money.
Put another way, as marvel=us (and lucky) as Bill has been, he would not even exist of the US government had not created OPPORTUNITIES.
Tax the rich!!! Then they won’t invest in companies that use offshore slave labor.
Think how tragic that would be for WalMart.
Hmmm. Interesting. Taxing rich people is bad because it attacks people for being smart and hard working. But then taxing middle class or poor people (have to tax someone to pay for our wars) is ok, because they’re lazy and stupid by definition then?
The idea that if you have $5 billion it’s because you’re smarter and harder working than someone who makes $50k a year is a cute idea, but not true. Stephen Hawking is MUCH smarter than Bill Gates, Paul Allen or Oprah. But golly, he only has 1/100000 their money. Is Opera really 100,000 times smarter and harder working than Hawking? No. She just happened to enjoy and pick a career (TV) that CAN make large money in certain circumstances. While being the SMARTEST and hardest working theoretical physicist in the WORLD won’t make more than $100k a year. Hawkings will never be a billionaire doing what he loves.
There are only a VERY VERY few things you can do to become a billionaire. The idea that every ELSE is just lazy, stupid or not hard working (like all government employees) and “deserve” to be taxed, unlike the rich, is rude, disrespectful and untrue.
So all “government workers” (or anyone getting ‘benefits’ from their job) are just lazy stupid people sucking off the magical tit of the rich? That includes EVERYONE in the military (civilian and enlisted), everyone in the CIA, FBI, NASA.
Dude, there’s not ONE person on this blog who’s worth hundreds of millions or billions. That means ALL of us ‘normals’ are just stupid and lazy and should thank the CEO of Goldman Sachs for allowing us to suck off their tit?
Everything is life is half hard work, half chance/timing/luck.
I can just hear Sean Hannnity now; “What??? Democrats think making a million bucks a year makes you rich????”
“Let’s get Joe the Plumber on the line. He’s a small business owner who makes a million dollars a year and he ain’t rich.”
To paraphrase an old joke that Sarah Palin (or more likely, her “collaborator”) put in her book:
If we’re not supposed to tax the rich, then why are they made of money?
Let’s not forget Patents and Copyrights –
government issued monopoly. Not too many business folks willing to give them up.
The R&D projects the US government has done just since WWII has created TRILLIONS of dollars in private wealth.
jet engines
interstate highway system
electrical power grid
Hell, even the iPod owes it’s thanks to government funded research projects.
How about those Power Scooters you see on TV where they state if “Medicare (i.e. The Government) won’t pay for your chair we’ll give it to you free.”
Any moron who thinks that when a government, any government, invests in society and economic growth somehow hurts its citizens and common wealth is quite frankly stupid.
Look at China, EU, and the USA. Then compare that to governments that don’t invest in their country, Somalia, Afghantistan or Mongolia.
Look you Tea Bagging idiots, the Clue Train is coming your way!! Get on board and stop listening to dip shits like Limbaugh and Beck.
@14 “But then taxing middle class or poor people (have to tax someone to pay for our wars) is ok, because they’re lazy and stupid by definition then?”
That would be consistant with what troll’s spew here. Just the other day Lostinaseaofblue went off on “the lazy poor”.
The only problem with raising taxes on the rich is that the rich have loopholes so they will never pay their fair share.
As evidenced here-
107. GBS spews:
No doubt you paid more in federal income taxes than me. You forget my line of business allows me to take advantage of the tax loopholes.
Last year, GBS paid nearly $0 in federal taxes. After my deductions, which are many, I don’t have enough in “taxable” income to pay taxes.
It’s nice. I almost had a 5-figure income tax return check.
GBS don’t mind paying his fair share in taxes. The operative word being “fair share.”
For gbs, his “fair” share is “nearly $0 in federal taxes.”
@15 If Joe the Plumber really was a plumber (which he isn’t) and had any brains (which he doesn’t), he’d make his business a corporation, pay himself a salary out of its proceeds, and be taxed on that lesser amount.
As for me and my bride, if we were ever so fortunate as to be making a million a year, that 54 grand would be a drop in the bucket compared with the amount of our good fortune we’d be sharing with our fellow humans via other means.
“Simple Math.”
Simple Marxism is more like it.
How many respondents of this poll went to public school and/or an institution of higher learning.
Yea, well, Goldy, you also thought the stimulus package was a great idea, and the public is surely wondering by now if giving Uncle Sam even more money is really that smart:
Story of Jobs: Administration Faces Credibility Gap, as Talk Grows of New Stimulus
“The Recovery Board says it can’t and won’t certify the numbers posted at Recovery.gov — and can’t even tell lawmakers who’s failed to report jobs data, since there’s no “master list” yet. “No, I am not able to make this certification,” Earl Devaney, the chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, writes in a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., provided to The Note.”
As for Gate’s fortune maker, DOS, it was stolen shamelessly from CPM by a guy who got paid very close to nothing for that service.
But, oh yes, Gates CERTAINLY is a self made man.
Interested in a bridge near Manhattan?
No one is saying that they “just got lucky” or that you don’t need to work hard, save cash & so on.
Your post is a total canard.
Paying taxes is Marxist? I did not know this.
re 3: People who are wealthy depend upon their customers to have enough money to buy their goods or services.
Geico can’t sell insurance policies to Cotton Mather.
and/or Ayn Rand.
lets kill the goose that lays golden eggs! he looks yummy!
Wasn’t there a theology where the more money you have, the closer you are to God. Poor people are poor because they are evil, the rich are rich because they are good. See, Greed is good.
Here’s my take on why I want to tax the rich a lot IF it goes to growing the middle class.
Would you rather have 200 families and corporations controlling the wealth and power of the country, or 2,000,000 families and small and medium sized businesses controlling the wealth and power of the country
@29 Well, if the goose quits laying golden eggs, then why not slit it’s throat? Perhaps there’s a lesson in there for the rich.
Do you think media coverage in the U.S. is biased? Do you want $50 for Amazon.com?
Many people feel that the media can lead people in different ideological directions. We are Smith College students in a Senior Political Psychology Seminar and we want to invite you to take our survey. We are investigating the relationship between media coverage and political information. If you take our confidential survey you can choose to be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com. If you are interested follow this link to Surveymonkey.com
re 29: You mean the American Middle Class?
You don’t see many poor people hanging with cruise.
The naive precepts of Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand are articles of faith with the wingnuts, not conclusions they’ve reasoned out.
They lob their often inappropriate word grenades willy-nilly, hoping that one will hit the mark. They all believe every word that Adam Smith wrote, except the ones about the source of all wealth deriving from the hands of the workers.
Wealth of Nations was “… written in the English of the late 1700s, so there are some points to consider:
The term economics was not yet in use.
The term capitalism was not yet in use. Smith talks about a “system of perfect liberty” or “system of natural liberty”.
To a certain extent, some form of feudalism was still dominant in parts of Europe.
The term corporation, as in feudal corporations, referred to a body that regulated and, in Smith’s portrayal, limited participation in a skilled trade.”
Goldy speaks like the ultimate Marxist/Obam-Mao-ist. He gets a free-ride at someone elses expense who has worked and risked capital. Yup, that’s our Goldy. An unabashed FREELOADER! Can’t get enough of that free stuff, huh Goldy?
You are a reasonable intelligent chap, why not get a full-time job or try to take $500,000+ per year and then get back to us on how you feel supporting the likes of Perpetually Unemployed YLB…the between jobs guy who has never actually had a job to be in-between.
America is getting an unhealthy does of class warfare. Blame successful people.
This would certainly be a job-killer Goldy.
But I don’t expect you to actually think about the unintended consequences.
The best cure is LESS INTRUSIVE, LESS COSTLY Government. Be a man Goldy. Nut up. And pay your way.
re 35: One of the ‘not hanging out’ with Mapother is assuredly YOU.
Calvinism (No, Marvin, don’t get excied. I didn’t mean Calvin Klien.)
@3 “Yep, that’s right. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the other super-rich were just lucky: hard work and brains had nothing to do with their accumulation of wealth”
That has nothing to do with it. Everyone works hard for their money — including the janitor who empties Warren’s wastebasket. Luck does have a very great deal to do with who is rich in this country — you are vastly more likely to be wealthy if you’re born into an already-wealthy family. But that has nothing to do with it, either. “It” is paying for government — something we all have to do.
“so let’s tax it away to provide salaries, pensions and health care for government workers.”
Yes, because government workers — like you — don’t work for free. Yes, because that money isn’t welfare for government workers; it buys services we want and need. For example, the guys who plow the snow off I-90 so commerce can move in this state. Or the cops, prosecutors, judges, and jail guards who keep dangerous criminals off the streets. And the teachers who provide America’s employers with a workforce that can read, write, and do basic math …
“Oh yeah, we can use some of the money for stupid foreign adventures”
Now here’s a prime area for cuts in government spending! Republicans have never seen a weapons system or military adventure they didn’t love, so if we just keep Republicans out of public office, we can reduce the amount of money wasted on killing furriners.
“and maybe even help some poor folks in the US…but not too much. We don’t want ‘em to get too independent.”
If employers provided everyone with jobs, we wouldn’t need food stamps. But employers seem more interested in providing jobs that feed Chinese and Indians than jobs that feed Americans. Maybe we should eliminate tax breaks for outsourcing?
“After all, what’s the purpose of having a government if it can’t be too big and intrusive and dominate every aspect of our lives?”
Well, we got a pretty good look at Republican Anarchy in the last 8 years, and the results speak for themselves, so I’ll take big government and regulation to keep the private thieves and liars from getting too big for their britches and dominating every aspect of our lives — at least we have some chance of controlling big government, but we have zero chance of controlling Big Capitalism.
YLB Vomits–
How can “poor people” become tapped out?
They were always tapped out dumbass.
They need jobs…not welfare.
During the 2000 – 2004 election cycle, donors gave the GOP $4 billion in campaign donations, and got back $400 billion in tax breaks — a 100-to-1 return on investment.
@41 “They need jobs…not welfare.”
Yeah, Republican laissez-faire capitalism does a great job of providing employment for everyone who wants to work, doesn’t it?
So, all we need is more Republican laissez-faire capitalism, and there won’t be any unemployment! Go back to fucking your goats, Klown — you should stick with something you know.
@38 “America is getting an unhealthy does of class warfare. Blame successful people.”
How come you didn’t think it was class warfare when the rich were taking from everyone else and giving to themselves?
A Republican thinks “class warfare” is when an heir gets 1,000 times as much tax exemption on money he didn’t work for as a worker gets on wages he did work for.
re 38: “Blame successful people.”
Taxing them appropriately is not blaming them. Cymetrical has taken on the burden of the rich man as if he were rich himself.
If we tax the rich enough, maybe they’ll favor the public option.
A Republican thinks “class warfare” is when a guy who makes $50,000,000 a year has to pay 1/3rd the tax rate as a guy who makes $50,000 a year.
A Republican thinks “class warfare” is when a rich investor class of 100,000 people get only 60% of GDP and a working class of 100,000,000 people get the other 40%.
A Republican thinks “class warfare” is when a rich guy gets to deduct his private jet as a “business expense” but a worker can’t deduct his bus fare to work.
Well, I think it’s “class warfare,” too — by the rich against the working class, not the other way around.
I think that’s dose, not does, but with the way I type I wont quibble.
We’ve had class warfare for the last 30 years. The only thing new is that the top 10% are starting to get a slightly smaller piece of the pie.
Sure we’ve been getting an unhealthy dose of class warfare, for the last 30 years and the wealthy have been winning.
I’d say it is about God damn time the rest of us fought back. Spill some fucking blood if needed by dragging the bloodsuckers, crooks, and thieves out into the streets and stringing them up.
In a just world the banksters and profiteers would all be in hiding in fear of their lives. At risk of being torn limb from limb should they be caught out in public.
@53 “At risk of being torn limb from limb should they be caught out in public.”
That’s why they live in gated communities and travel in armored limos.
What we need is a better correlation between performance and pay. Why should an executive get a multimillion-dollar bonus if his company’s stock is going down, dividends are being cut, workers are losing their jobs, and the company is losing market share? In a rational world, he wouldn’t get a bonus at all, he’d get fired.
And that’s the point — there’s no rational relationship between contribution and reward in the American economy anymore. Who gets what is simply a function of Machiavellian power. And it’s not hard to figure out who’s doing the getting — the financial industry gets over 40% of all U.S. corporate profits. Why? Not because they earn it, or deserve it, but because they’re strategically positioned to skim money off the top of each and every financial transaction — large or small — that takes place in the economy.
But instead of rational compensation, we have execs whose shareholders are losing money getting their stock-option millions anyway — by backdating their stock options — and they not only don’t go to jail for this, but they even get to keep the money they stole.
The first rule of stock investing is that the only profits that do investors any good are the profits that the shareholders, not the executives, get.
A 5% tax on the super-rich ain’t such a bad idea when you consider that they essentially get a built-in tax cut because Social Security payroll tax (roughly 8%) is assessed against only the first $100,000 or so.
Ronald Raygun didn’t think they were. He rose taxes on them at least 5 times.
59. Punditwatch spews:
Once again, a KLOWN’s distortion. There is a maximum SS benefit. That is why it’s only the 1st $100,000. If you KLOWNS spent half the time trying to create jobs and invest capital that you do trying to take money away from others…you would have a different opinion.
Roger Rabbit is a career government hack attorney who failed at an AMWAY Distributorship for God’s sake.
How many of you KLOWNS have started successful businesses and created jobs??
Very, very few.
You are a bunch of OPM Addicts…addicted to
Grow up and wise up.
Government doesn’t create wealth. It sucks wealth.
Now Obama is talking about the Massive Deficit he just created and how it isn’t sustainable.
ylb did I believe. There’s a new employee at the unemployment office who’s sole job is to find a job ylb can do.
Thanks to the stimulus, ylb might now get a job.
“How many of you KLOWNS have started successful businesses and created jobs??
Very, very few.”
How the fuck would you know? Just more made-up bullshit spewed by our resident KLOWN.
Re 63: I did. I tried and failed several times (not for lack of trying)and was pretty successful at my last stab as a businessman.
Taxes are a problem (particularly payroll), but there are so many loopholes and deductions that you can deduct prctically anything.
So anyways, Marvin, do you spend much time in the recording studio? I haven’t figured out if you work as a studio musician, composer, producer or what. I think you’ve mentioned film scores and commercial soundtracks. But any of the roles above would seem to fit in with that. Just curious as we seem to have something in common with the music.
Every heard of Costco? Microsoft? Apple? REI? K2? Trek? Starbucks? PAX World Fund? Most of those micro-breweries that seem to be popping up everywhere are run by center/left types.
Lands End? Patagonia? LL Bean? Northwest Snowboards? IKEA? Surly Bikes?
I just love that Oprah is the one of the hardest working Americans. God bless America for Oprah and the Britneys that make this country what it is today. And let’s not forget the Jonahs brothers… from their last tour earnings… they are what America is all about. Hard working Americans who make all those lazy asses working 40hrs a week a bunch of punks.
Hey Mr Cynical @61
Truth be told, I’m one of those $100k+ employees who spends a good deal of time helping my employer invest capital in our business.
The reality of the cap on Soc Sec tax is that I see an 8% increase in my paycheck for the last few months of the year. The “extra” money I get the past two years has had no stimulative impact on the economy because I’ve been saving it — and I’m guessing that’s typical for people of similar income.
With regard to the benefits side of Soc Sec, my view is that the whole system is a big ponzi scheme. By the time I could draw benefits in 30 years, it will be means-tested and I’m sure not going to get a rebate on my lifetime of contributions.
“Government doesn’t create wealth”
Tell that to Boeing who relies on govt work. oh yeah, and the ceo banks millions in compensation… yeah, thats not wealth in his pocket.
“trying to create jobs and invest capital that you do trying to take money away from others”
you mean like wal mart which buys products produced on slave wages, and charges 1000% markup to low income buyers, you mean like that kind of investment and job creation???
thats ok, but increasing taxes a few percentage points is detrimental to a billionaire? please.
“Government doesn’t create wealth”
and Bremerton would die if it wasn’t for the Bremerton Naval Station… trying selling that to the city of Bremerton.
“….the rich are the ones who individually and collectively have benefited most from our government’s economic and tax policies over the past several decades, …”
Or maybe, just maybe, they goe educated and went to WORK, EARNED something, and handled their earnings INTELLIGENTLY rather than waiting for handouts!
@72 “Government doesn’t create wealth”
Take out a dollar, what does it say?
The Fed Reserve determines the money supply.
“they goe educated and went to WORK, EARNED something,”
yes, if you aren’t making making 7 digits, you aren’t earning shit. Like Britney, damn she works hard for her money. There is what America is all about, hard working, baby producing, lip syncing American, god bless her and her hard work.
Digital Research Gary Kildall created CPM and refused to liscence it to IBM. Gates was utterly and entirely uninvolved with DR.
DOZS was written here in Seattle. Gates bought it from the authors and made ooodles because IBM did not understand PCs.
“earnings INTELLIGENTLY rather than waiting for handouts!”
don’t see one exec willing to turn down a tax break, do you? so a guy getting a min wage unemployment is evil, but a mega corporation not having to pay their fair share of taxes is ok due to either a bailout or tax loopholes???
middle class getting a cut – evil. Billionaires getting a cut – woohoo!!!!!!!!
Basically correct depending on which story is believed. That was another OS X’ad.
EPIC FAIL by X’ad. Must have gotten the Asian story version.
@14 Actually, the best way to make a billion dollars is steal it. That’s what a lot of Wall Street financiers have done.
@22 Another nut who thinks making the rich pay taxes for all the freebies they get from government is “marxism.”
@61 You forget to mention that Roger Rabbit is also a hack stock flipper who doubles his money every 5 years by producing nothing and paying no taxes.
@68 Yeah, where would America be without Britney? Half the newspapers would go out of business. (The other half have already gone under.)
81. Roger Rabbit spews:
You pay taxes when you take it out of your retirement account…you pathetic lying jackass. Turn up the Oxygen Tank Rog.
64. Headless spews:
I thought you work for a North-end School District??
What business did you do ok at??
66. Michael spews:
67. Michael spews:
YOU started all those businesses Michael??
Wow, what an imagination.
I’m obviously talking about you loser-Lefty’s here at HorsesAss.org.
How many did you start Michael?
How many did you employ???
69. Punditwatch spews:
I’ve got a NEWS FLASH for you.
That additional 8% you see after hitting the Max. IS YOUR OWN DAMN MONEY!!
So is all the Withholding. You earned it.
The problem with the Lunatic Left is they somehow believe the Government earned the tax money they take from us. You earned it friend.
Keep that in mind.
And yes, it is a Ponzi Scheme caused by many reasons like not funding it, borrowing from it, giving benefits to illegals and others who did not contribute.
Get this…I have a buddy who started collecting SS at 62-1/2. He has a daughter 13.
SHE also receives a monthly check FOR OVER $700/month!! He was shocked.
Old Farts….undo those vasectomy’s and get that Viagra! There is free money to be had!!
Kildall went flying when he was supposed to meet IBM. Maybe that constitutes refusal but whatever.
Microsoft had the language ready (BASIC, developed by Gates and Allen while at Harvard), but not the operating system. At the suggestion of Gates and Allen, IBM went to visit a computer scientist named Gary Kildal in Pacific Grove, California. Kildal, a professor at Monterey’s Naval Postgraduate School, had invented a popular operating system called CPM. Unfortunately, he was too busy to deal with IBM on their terms.
So IBM returned to Gates and Allen and promptly signed them to deliver a language and an operating system for the IBM PC. $50,000 later, Gates and Allen had obtained a “reverse engineered” copy of Gary Kildal’s CPM operating system called QDOS–for “Quick and Dirty Operating System.” They changed the name to Microsoft or MS-DOS, and the rest is history.
There are other disgusting stories about MS’s greed in the early days that you may not be acquainted with. Let me know if you want to hear them.
I would bet money it;s the same sort of thing your buddy Cynical would do if he got the chance rather than coming in here and pretending he’s something other than a psychopathic loser from Bumfuck in Ravalli County Mt.
How the hell do you close a link in this psychotic editing system????
20 Correct me if I’m wrong but, isn’t GBS the one bragging about owning two “luxry porches?”
(Spelling courtesy of GBS) Typical broke, lying, liberal full of jealousy. HAHAHAHA
I would be interested in anything you know on this subject but there are errors in the facts you just cited.
I am not sure whether the Naval PG school even has “professors” but by the time IBM came to visit, Kildall had established his company and many folks, myself included, were using DR CPM on eight bit machines.
QDos was bought by Gates not somehow mysteriously obtained. The “Quick and Dirty Operating System” was written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products, for their prototype Intel 8086 based computer. While the command structure was like CP/M that is hardly the same thing as reverse engineering and there has never been a patent or copyright challenge on this subject.
Kildall’s firm did introduce a 16bit version of CP/M for the IBM PC. However, the pricing structure was lousy and most folks chose to go with the MS version. BTW there was a third PC Os, the p-syste, also available with the original machines.
To the extent anyone was screwed, it was Patterson since he was not aware of the deal Gates had set up with IBM. Kildall’s decision not to meet with IBM and later marketing blunders with CPM of 8086 computers was no one’s fault other than his own.
I absolutely agree with you that Kildall was the idiot that brought about his own downfall (if dying with 100 Million was actually much of a downfall). I grabbed the first google source I came to after questing for “reverse engineered CPM” and although I have heard first-hand from MS employees back when that in fact the guy at Seattle Computer disassembled CPM for his OS, this is widely noised chatter and may be factually incorrect. The autority with which it was told was convincing.
MS employees, even long-term ones, are not necessarily in possession of absolute truth. I was not there. I have believed it to be true, but I have been biased.
I DO know from personal experience with the owner of a local (defunct) surplus company called United Products, located in the early 90s at the Mercer Mess Junction, that when MS was battling Apple/Xerox/etc over guis and it was going badly, the guy rescued their ass by calling them and notifying them that he had discovered the relevant source code on tape reels that came with the computers that they had him haul off for salvage.
They came and secured the missing material (I was present in the place at the time) and prevailed in court, and you would have thought that they would have IN SOME WAY expressed their gratitude for this serendipitous action…..but, alas, no. Nothing. Nada. Not even lunch.
I have had NO respect for them since.
Hmm, so what about any company that ships goods through a government owned port? Over a government built road? Through a government owned airport?
What about the entire IT sector which mostly wouldn’t exist as we know it today without government funded research and government contracts?
Think about all of the commercial uses of GPS, none of that would have happened if the DoD hadn’t decided to develop a satellite navigation system and hadn’t allowed anyone to access navigation data.
Then there are the pharmaceutical and biotech industries which rely heavily on NIH funded research for most of their new products.
@61, 92
Hmm… NOAA has no value to American businesses? I did not know this.
The only problem with your assertion that I’m a liar is that Puddy has seen and testified to that fact that I own a Porsche (and “luxry” porches). LOL that is a funny typo on my part.
Wow, Mark. Your jealously of a Liberal (me) because you lack the necessary skill sets to be able to afford material wealth items that you conservatives so covet is hilarious.
Idea: instead of wasting your time posting on a political blog, maybe you should be spending your time more wisely improving your skills so you can earn more money!!
When you achieve those skill sets, AND, someone is willing to trade enough of their hard earned cash for the goods and/or services you offer that will afford you the opportunity to live better, THEN, and only THEN should you be wasting your time blogging.
TIP: You need a reading list:
Start with “The Little Engine That Could”. It’s the all-time classic on the subject of positive self-belief, optimism, and HARD WORK that is necessary in order to succeed. The author, Watty Piper, had the foresight 1930 to make the main character a heroine.
Next read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. You’ll get the “secrets” used by every single successful person in business. But, only if you’re ready to receive the secrets will they reveal themselves to you in the book.
BTW, green with envy is NOT a good color for you.
All good suggestions GBS, but probably only possible if there is a prescription included for effective antipsychotic drugs
Even though GBS has started drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution Frappuccinos, he does own dem Porsches, he does know how to evade paying taxes. Now this should alarm fools like ylb arschloch who scream about the rich not paying their fair share…, butt, ylb arschloch left the intelligence reservation long ago.
@96 Talking cars again? At age 18, two years after my being a homeless kid in detention, I was driving around Seattle in my restored XK-120 roadster. Hard work = success. No wonder Puddy and Klynical hate me.
Wrong again Steve. It’s your libtardo friends who think ASS-sitting, unemployment, and complaining are the best things in the universe.