After all is said and done, 58 Democrats and 2 Independents will have voted for a watered down health care reform bill, and 40 Republicans will have voted against it, even though 3/4ths of the American people want (and millions desperately need) health care reform.
A single Republican vote would have saved the public option, and numerous other jettisoned provisions. It wasn’t there.
This is a legacy vote. It’ll stick to the GOP forever. It’s going to define the Republican Party for future generations. Someday, when today’s youngsters are old, their grandkids will ask, “Why did anyone vote for these baboons?”
It’ll stick to Lieberman, and it deserves to. Unfortunately, people think of him as a Dem.
“We’re all teabaggers now.” Richard E. Nixon (and I am the president, make no mistake about that!)
Since the French are all chickenshit pussies, and always have been, that’s hardly a valid comparison. Don’t forget the U.S. bailed out and saved their smelly, snobby asses in both WWI as well as WWII. That explains Jon’s whiny, sniveling little ass; but is that hardly shocking? Feel free to depart there Jon, I might even drive you and your rancid lack of hygiene (of body and mind) to SEATAC. Good luck asshole.
@4, spoken like a real goose stepping Nazi fascist. You should be teal proud, Mark1.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
After all is said and done, 58 Democrats and 2 Independents
Steve has some animal waiting for you in his barn!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Lieberman is not a liberal. Not even close. He may actually be the least liberal Senator.
Huh? Just because he doesn’t all eat the shit that effuses from Hairy Reid’s ASS doesn’t disqualify him from being a liberal. He thinks.
He caucuses with you fools almost all the time.
30 million new customers handed to the insurance companies by mandate and higher insurance rates and taxes for everyone else. I agree with Jon, this is a shit sandwich…
Correction: 58 capitalist Democrats, one capitalist independent, and one socialist independent voted to end debate on the bill, and 40 capitalist Republicans voted against ending debate.
Strange, we all seem to hate this bill. One of the few points of common ground.
Hey Rog–
Obama is at -17 today on the Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval.
From +32 to -17.
Get a grip you pathetic, chain-smoking old man.
Alki Postingsspews:
Anti-reality,anti-fact, anti-science wingnuts strike AGAIN! “Progressives hate Israel and Jews”.
Yes, I hate it when I have to listen to those ultra liberal KKK guys go on about how Jews, blacks and gays are responsible for all our ills…and we had to have colllege Republicans put on their suits & ties and march on Alabama with their Jews friends to put a stop to segregation.
Is Puddybud and other wingnuts SO INSANELY crazy to think THAT’s what happened in history? What drugs do Republicans take to live in their creationism anti-evolution, Republicans fought the KKK, fictional world? CHRIST! FUNNY! LOL LOL LOL
Progressives like JEWS, but don’t always like Israeli actions (re: West Bank). But wingnuts being wingnuts (like Beck and Coulter) can’t understand the difference between disliking politics or national actions (re: War in Iraq) and hating a people or country. You could be against the War in Iraq, and not hate America. You can be against the Israeli West Bank operations and not hate Jews. The KKK on the other hand doesn’t have a specific argument about national policy, they just hate ALL blacks, Jews and gays. And they vote exclusively Republican (in the 30’s they voted Dixie/Democrat, but the parties switches in the 50/60s, so NOW they vote Republican).
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
All those Anti-Israel comments came from your peeps. Keep that Nazi meme going.
creationism anti-evolution,
Because God and His Son Jesus created the universe ya moron! Someday when you see Jesus return in His full majesty, you’ll be howling “Oh No Puddy was right!”
Keep those Rachel Corrie thoughts. We see where that got her.
Robert Byrd told us all about “There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time.”. Hmmm… that was a recent comment from Robert 3 Sheets To The Wind Grand Kleagle Byrd. Remember he’s the “conscience” of the senate. Patrick Leahy knows about Robert KKK Byrd “While they knew these things in 1959, today we know Senator Byrd as the conscience of the Senate.” Hmmm… when West Virginia sent him to the senate in 1959 he was Grand Kleagle KKK Byrd. And now in 2009 he’s the conscience. John Rockefeller fellow West Virginia Senator said “ROBERT C. BYRD is nothing short of a legend.” Richard Turban Durbin said “Senator Byrd is, of course, a great student of history and the author of the definitive work on the history of the Senate. In fact, one could say that ROBERT C. BYRD is Senate history.” Great student of history? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You all screamed and shouted when Trent Lott made a comment on Strom Thurmond, remember? No? well being a libtardo does kill memory cells.
Maybe Robert Byrd was really talking about you Alki!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Remember Alki it was Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Turban Durban who killed the Opportunities Scholarship Program for over 1700 po black peeps in WA DC. They can’t attend elite white suburban schools for the 2010 school year because your side kissed the NEA’s ASS. The NEA is as racist as all those who voted for Durbin’s amendment. Now they have to attend the suck schools of DC. So don’t tell Puddy anything about how great and wonderful Democratics are today.
Puddy spews you from his mouth!
BTW Puddy placed on HA Libtardos they spend over $25,000 per student per year in WA DC and their schools still suck. So much for Democratic leadership!!!!
What is that profane nakme you use and claim is OUR name for God?
What christian organizations worked to defend us in WWII? Which ones helped smuggle us out?
Tell us gain how Jesus came to correct OUR errors?
OR … tell us how opposing peace between us and our semitic siblings is a way of rpomoting peace.
@14 “Is Puddybud and other wingnuts SO INSANELY crazy to think THAT’s what happened in history?”
You had to ask, didn’t you?
Puddlehead, why did you waste the mental engergy to spew 300 words of mental vomit in the following two comments? A simple “yes” would have sufficed.
Robert Byrd seems somewhere along the way to have corrected the error of his ways. Maybe in his 90-odd years he’s learned a thing or two.
Pudwax…you, on the other hand, have no excuse.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Who killed Jesus in YOUR story? The Pharisees went to Pilate, Governor of Judea and asked Pilate to crucify Jesus. Why? Because Roman law forbid the Jews from executing one of their own.
Which bunch of folks sponsor the Jews for Jesus? Irrelevant!
How much money do YOU give to Peace Now? Nothing. I give to ADRA, Boys and Girls Club, Father Flanagan, World Vision, Save the Children, Make a Wish, etc. etc. etc.
What is that profane nakme you use and claim is OUR name for God? Puddy doesn’t profane the name of God. Because Puddy doesn’t use the four letters. Puddy uses God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
What christian organizations worked to defend us in WWII? Which ones helped smuggle us out? Hmmm… Puddy needs to look that up but the Catholic Church was in cahoots with Hitler. Puddy knows of Otto Schindler, Algoth Niska, Madeline Dreyfus, and Irena Sendler and their great acts of courage. Puddy remembers reading how the MS St. Louis didn’t make landfall in the US or Canada but went back to Europe with 900+ Jews. Now who was president and who controlled congress back then?
Tell us gain how Jesus came to correct OUR errors? Jesus came to die for OUR sins.
OR … tell us how opposing peace between us and our semitic siblings is a way of rpomoting peace. You should fly over and walk into a Hamas camp and say “I’m an American Jew and let’s make peace”. Go for it.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Look in the mirror and take your own advice. Glad you counted the words. Puddy noticed nothing from butt racetrack Art on the Opportunity Scholarship Program killed by senators for the NEA. The NEA can’t stand it when poor black children prove their intelligence and make it in the world leaving the Democrat Reservation. Nary a peep from the Liquid Fart himself!
14-21 are OT…
True. Let’s get back to whining about the crappy bill. Maybe it was intentional that they held the vote in the wee hours while we were all sleeping snug in our wee little beds.
re 4: Do you remember who helped us during the Revolutionary War?
Do you like the Statue of Liberty?
Did the Louisiana Purchase signifcantly improve our nation’s progress?
You are an Ignorant Ingrate who has more in common with Jihadists that your fellow citizens.
@4, @24 Not to mention the French have a universal health care system that (ahem!) works, and get 80% of their electricity from a system of standardized, safe and greenhouse-free nuclear plants. Perhaps they’re a little better than we are at reaching a consensus and learning from past mistakes.
Daddy Lovespews:
According to Pud, manoftruth is a “progressive.”
@26 And no doubt a member of the Alan Greenspan wing of the Democratic party.
Daddy Lovespews:
Don’t know, maybe it seems like a shit sandwich to you, but to me it looks like a towering achievement toward universalizing health care in the face of almost-unprecedented opposition and obstruction by the recently humiliated and defeated political minority party.
Could the various bills be better? Of course they could! Could they be worse? Pretty clearly so, and the failure to pass a bill at all would probably doom the effort for an additional decade.
But as it is, and even though there won’t be a “real bill” until we see what is reported out of the House-senate conference, we’re ending the practice of refusing coverage based on pre-existing conditions, removing anuual and lifetime coverage limitations, it enables pharmaceutical reimportation (which I agree we wouldn’t need if we had the government negotiating prices–like Canda does–instead). Basically, it does nto do everything, but it does to a lot of good and needed things.
Plus it pokes a big fat stick in the eye of Republicans on an issue on which our solution has been very popular. We can run on this and win. On this one, we have the advantage of a simple message: Republicans don’t want you to have health care coverage. It has the advantage of being absolutely true.
@25….good luck getting nuke power past the far left kook eco-nazis. They would rather everyone live in caves(accept for themselves of course).
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
According to Pud, manoftruth is a “progressive.”
Really Daddy Love. Please provide the URL where Puddy said that. Or, as many surmise, you are a libtardo fool throwing up shit like Roger Dumb Bunny?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Plus it pokes a big fat stick in the eye of Republicans on an issue on which our solution has been very popular.
Daddy Stupid, show Puddy a December poll where health care is positive. Even CNN’s latest poll has it losing.
After all is said and done, 58 Democrats and 2 Independents will have voted for a watered down health care reform bill, and 40 Republicans will have voted against it, even though 3/4ths of the American people want (and millions desperately need) health care reform.
A single Republican vote would have saved the public option, and numerous other jettisoned provisions. It wasn’t there.
This is a legacy vote. It’ll stick to the GOP forever. It’s going to define the Republican Party for future generations. Someday, when today’s youngsters are old, their grandkids will ask, “Why did anyone vote for these baboons?”
It’ll stick to Lieberman, and it deserves to. Unfortunately, people think of him as a Dem.
“We’re all teabaggers now.” Richard E. Nixon (and I am the president, make no mistake about that!)
Since the French are all chickenshit pussies, and always have been, that’s hardly a valid comparison. Don’t forget the U.S. bailed out and saved their smelly, snobby asses in both WWI as well as WWII. That explains Jon’s whiny, sniveling little ass; but is that hardly shocking? Feel free to depart there Jon, I might even drive you and your rancid lack of hygiene (of body and mind) to SEATAC. Good luck asshole.
@4, spoken like a real goose stepping Nazi fascist. You should be teal proud, Mark1.
Not quite Dumb Bunny.
“Bernie Sanders, became the first self-proclaimed socialist to win a seat in the US Senate.”
Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist. You can look it up anywhere, even using America Off Line. Off Line, perfectly describes you Dumb Bunny.
It’s 58 Democratics, 1 Liberal Independent and 1 Socialist Independent. There, the record is correct.
Wait for it… something useless will appear regarding Puddy’s Off Line comment.
Yes, Sanders does call himself a socialist. And he’s more popular in his state than most Senators are within their own states.
And Lieberman is not a liberal. Not even close. He may actually be the least liberal Senator.
There goes Ekim making associations which have no proof or truth.
Conservatives love Israel and Jews. Progressives hate Israel and Jews. Have you forgotten all negative progressive comments on HA regarding Israel on HA Libtardos? Yes you have you Dope! We who think right all the time are NOT NAZIs you fool!.
Steve has some animal waiting for you in his barn!
Huh? Just because he doesn’t all eat the shit that effuses from Hairy Reid’s ASS doesn’t disqualify him from being a liberal. He thinks.
He caucuses with you fools almost all the time.
30 million new customers handed to the insurance companies by mandate and higher insurance rates and taxes for everyone else. I agree with Jon, this is a shit sandwich…
Correction: 58 capitalist Democrats, one capitalist independent, and one socialist independent voted to end debate on the bill, and 40 capitalist Republicans voted against ending debate.
Strange, we all seem to hate this bill. One of the few points of common ground.
Most of America does too – 41% favor, 55% oppose.
Hey Rog–
Obama is at -17 today on the Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval.
From +32 to -17.
Get a grip you pathetic, chain-smoking old man.
Anti-reality,anti-fact, anti-science wingnuts strike AGAIN! “Progressives hate Israel and Jews”.
Yes, I hate it when I have to listen to those ultra liberal KKK guys go on about how Jews, blacks and gays are responsible for all our ills…and we had to have colllege Republicans put on their suits & ties and march on Alabama with their Jews friends to put a stop to segregation.
Is Puddybud and other wingnuts SO INSANELY crazy to think THAT’s what happened in history? What drugs do Republicans take to live in their creationism anti-evolution, Republicans fought the KKK, fictional world? CHRIST! FUNNY! LOL LOL LOL
Progressives like JEWS, but don’t always like Israeli actions (re: West Bank). But wingnuts being wingnuts (like Beck and Coulter) can’t understand the difference between disliking politics or national actions (re: War in Iraq) and hating a people or country. You could be against the War in Iraq, and not hate America. You can be against the Israeli West Bank operations and not hate Jews. The KKK on the other hand doesn’t have a specific argument about national policy, they just hate ALL blacks, Jews and gays. And they vote exclusively Republican (in the 30’s they voted Dixie/Democrat, but the parties switches in the 50/60s, so NOW they vote Republican).
All those Anti-Israel comments came from your peeps. Keep that Nazi meme going.
Because God and His Son Jesus created the universe ya moron! Someday when you see Jesus return in His full majesty, you’ll be howling “Oh No Puddy was right!”
Keep those Rachel Corrie thoughts. We see where that got her.
Robert Byrd told us all about “There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time.”. Hmmm… that was a recent comment from Robert 3 Sheets To The Wind Grand Kleagle Byrd. Remember he’s the “conscience” of the senate. Patrick Leahy knows about Robert KKK Byrd “While they knew these things in 1959, today we know Senator Byrd as the conscience of the Senate.” Hmmm… when West Virginia sent him to the senate in 1959 he was Grand Kleagle KKK Byrd. And now in 2009 he’s the conscience. John Rockefeller fellow West Virginia Senator said “ROBERT C. BYRD is nothing short of a legend.” Richard Turban Durbin said “Senator Byrd is, of course, a great student of history and the author of the definitive work on the history of the Senate. In fact, one could say that ROBERT C. BYRD is Senate history.” Great student of history? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You all screamed and shouted when Trent Lott made a comment on Strom Thurmond, remember? No? well being a libtardo does kill memory cells.
Maybe Robert Byrd was really talking about you Alki!
Remember Alki it was Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Turban Durban who killed the Opportunities Scholarship Program for over 1700 po black peeps in WA DC. They can’t attend elite white suburban schools for the 2010 school year because your side kissed the NEA’s ASS. The NEA is as racist as all those who voted for Durbin’s amendment. Now they have to attend the suck schools of DC. So don’t tell Puddy anything about how great and wonderful Democratics are today.
Puddy spews you from his mouth!
BTW Puddy placed on HA Libtardos they spend over $25,000 per student per year in WA DC and their schools still suck. So much for Democratic leadership!!!!
Puddy accuses the left of being antisemitic ….
Who killed Jesus in YOUR story?
Which bunch of folks sponsor the Jews for Jesus?
How much money do YOU give to Peace Now?
What is that profane nakme you use and claim is OUR name for God?
What christian organizations worked to defend us in WWII? Which ones helped smuggle us out?
Tell us gain how Jesus came to correct OUR errors?
OR … tell us how opposing peace between us and our semitic siblings is a way of rpomoting peace.
@14 “Is Puddybud and other wingnuts SO INSANELY crazy to think THAT’s what happened in history?”
You had to ask, didn’t you?
Puddlehead, why did you waste the mental engergy to spew 300 words of mental vomit in the following two comments? A simple “yes” would have sufficed.
Robert Byrd seems somewhere along the way to have corrected the error of his ways. Maybe in his 90-odd years he’s learned a thing or two.
Pudwax…you, on the other hand, have no excuse.
Who killed Jesus in YOUR story? The Pharisees went to Pilate, Governor of Judea and asked Pilate to crucify Jesus. Why? Because Roman law forbid the Jews from executing one of their own.
Which bunch of folks sponsor the Jews for Jesus? Irrelevant!
How much money do YOU give to Peace Now? Nothing. I give to ADRA, Boys and Girls Club, Father Flanagan, World Vision, Save the Children, Make a Wish, etc. etc. etc.
What is that profane nakme you use and claim is OUR name for God? Puddy doesn’t profane the name of God. Because Puddy doesn’t use the four letters. Puddy uses God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
What christian organizations worked to defend us in WWII? Which ones helped smuggle us out? Hmmm… Puddy needs to look that up but the Catholic Church was in cahoots with Hitler. Puddy knows of Otto Schindler, Algoth Niska, Madeline Dreyfus, and Irena Sendler and their great acts of courage. Puddy remembers reading how the MS St. Louis didn’t make landfall in the US or Canada but went back to Europe with 900+ Jews. Now who was president and who controlled congress back then?
Tell us gain how Jesus came to correct OUR errors? Jesus came to die for OUR sins.
OR … tell us how opposing peace between us and our semitic siblings is a way of rpomoting peace. You should fly over and walk into a Hamas camp and say “I’m an American Jew and let’s make peace”. Go for it.
Look in the mirror and take your own advice. Glad you counted the words. Puddy noticed nothing from butt racetrack Art on the Opportunity Scholarship Program killed by senators for the NEA. The NEA can’t stand it when poor black children prove their intelligence and make it in the world leaving the Democrat Reservation. Nary a peep from the Liquid Fart himself!
14-21 are OT…
True. Let’s get back to whining about the crappy bill. Maybe it was intentional that they held the vote in the wee hours while we were all sleeping snug in our wee little beds.
re 4: Do you remember who helped us during the Revolutionary War?
Do you like the Statue of Liberty?
Did the Louisiana Purchase signifcantly improve our nation’s progress?
You are an Ignorant Ingrate who has more in common with Jihadists that your fellow citizens.
@4, @24 Not to mention the French have a universal health care system that (ahem!) works, and get 80% of their electricity from a system of standardized, safe and greenhouse-free nuclear plants. Perhaps they’re a little better than we are at reaching a consensus and learning from past mistakes.
According to Pud, manoftruth is a “progressive.”
@26 And no doubt a member of the Alan Greenspan wing of the Democratic party.
Don’t know, maybe it seems like a shit sandwich to you, but to me it looks like a towering achievement toward universalizing health care in the face of almost-unprecedented opposition and obstruction by the recently humiliated and defeated political minority party.
Could the various bills be better? Of course they could! Could they be worse? Pretty clearly so, and the failure to pass a bill at all would probably doom the effort for an additional decade.
But as it is, and even though there won’t be a “real bill” until we see what is reported out of the House-senate conference, we’re ending the practice of refusing coverage based on pre-existing conditions, removing anuual and lifetime coverage limitations, it enables pharmaceutical reimportation (which I agree we wouldn’t need if we had the government negotiating prices–like Canda does–instead). Basically, it does nto do everything, but it does to a lot of good and needed things.
Plus it pokes a big fat stick in the eye of Republicans on an issue on which our solution has been very popular. We can run on this and win. On this one, we have the advantage of a simple message: Republicans don’t want you to have health care coverage. It has the advantage of being absolutely true.
@25….good luck getting nuke power past the far left kook eco-nazis. They would rather everyone live in caves(accept for themselves of course).
Really Daddy Love. Please provide the URL where Puddy said that. Or, as many surmise, you are a libtardo fool throwing up shit like Roger Dumb Bunny?
Daddy Stupid, show Puddy a December poll where health care is positive. Even CNN’s latest poll has it losing.