Mike!™ McGavick says he wants to talk about the issues, yet ask him why he’s running and he’s bound to tell you that he wants to bring civility back to the US Senate.
How does a real straight shooter answer the question? Listen to Peter Goldmark lay down his priorities:
I’m running for Congress because we need to change things in Congress, and we need to change the direction of our country. We need look no further than the price of gas, no further than the corruption and problems in Congress, no further than the agricultural crisis in eastern Washington, no further than the escalating cost of health care, and no further than the fact that nobody seems to be paying any attention or taking care of those issues. It is my intention to go back to Washington, DC and address those issues. People out here need a representative that will work on these issues on their behalf.
Energy, corruption, agriculture and health care. Bam! Those are Goldmark’s priorities if elected to Congress.
Mike!™, on the other hand? I’ve been following his campaign for over a year, and hell if I know what his legislative priorities are. Do you?
To learn more about Peter Goldmark and where he stands on the issues, read a full transcript of the interview over on McCranium.
McGAvick is not going to win. You’re beating a dead horse.
Is that your horse he’s beating?
But Peter Goldmark must win.
Yes, his issue is to GET ELECTED. Anything beyond that will hurt his (uncivil) chances.
When Goldy first started talking about Goldmark, I dismissed it. “A Democrat winning against a Republican opponant in Eastern Washington? Not even in 2006!” I said to myself.
But the more I hear about this guy, the more impressed I become. Maybe my vote is being wasted in Everett, and I should move to his district so I can vote for him?
Is that your horse he’s beating?
Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— 8/28/06@ 3:29 pm
No. I have cats, not horses.
“I’ve been following his campaign for over a year, and hell if I know what his legislative priorities are. Do you?”
Sure — two words. Cheap labor.
Holy shit guys… I think I’ve started something… looks like there maybe something to MTRs theory that the sun warms the earth. Check it out:
“Maybe my vote is being wasted in Everett, and I should move to his district so I can vote for him?” Commentby rhp6033— 8/28/06@ 3:47 pm
Beautiful country over there. You won’t regret it. And there’s lots of hi-tech moving into Methow Valley.
Day 7 August 28, 2006 Where’s Goldy?
Mayor Nickels’
unprecedented tax increase proposal and
Tim Eyman’s opposition campaign not only screws the taxpayers into paying extra for basic services, but it also really puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament. I’ve been taunting Goldy for some time now with my “Where’s Goldy” series, and he still won’t tell us where he stands. No doubt, he’s between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. So as a true compassionate conservative, I’ll lay out the options here for ya Goldy:
1) Open up your wallet and pay more and more property tax every year until you are forced out of your home. Even if you can do it, do you want to make seattle a place where only the rich can live? Or do you not give a fuck about anybody else?
2) Join Eyman’s campaign to fight defeat the tax increase, and expose yourself to be the fucking hypocrite that you are. Admit that you are wrong about taxpayer rights, and thank Tim in pubic for giving you the right to vote on major policy issues.
3) Support the tax hike and agree that the tax money has to be raised, but make somebody other than you pay. You could take the tried and true class envy approach and make those “rich people” in Magnolia and Queen Ann pick up the tab. Remember, a “fair tax” in moonbat parlance is a tax that the other guy has to pay.
4) Or just keep quiet and hope I go away. That’s not gonna happen.
Tax Cuts and Fed Revenue
Roger Rabbit is full of shit when he denies the link between cutting tax rates and subsequent increases in federal revenue.
“there maybe something to MTRs theory that the sun warms the earth” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/28/06@ 3:56 pm
Roger Rabbit theory: Wingnut hot air warms it.
Bullshit in, hot air out.
Republican secret weapons for 2006 election:
Some moonbat musings about economics:
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
“Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives…”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 5:14 pm
Roger Rabbit weighs in on electrical science:
…how big a capacitator do we need to shoot MTR into orbit with a flashlight battery?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:42 pm
How long before somebody pulls Karr out of his Miata and beats the shit out of him just ’cause he needs it?
Okay, off-topic, but given MTR’s usual rantings, I feel obliged.
“Hans Vrijling, a renowned authority on flood control who designed part of the Dutch system, says it should be possible to protect New Orleans—even low-lying sections—from storm surges more than 10 times Katrina’s. The price tag: less than $10 billion.
Instead, Congress has so far allocated $5.7 billion to repair and rebuild the existing levees to pre-Katrina standards. Those levees, if they had worked, were supposed to have protected the city from a 100-year storm. In other words, the walls would guard against a storm surge so severe it is likely to happen only once every century. If that sounds impressive, consider this: critical flood barriers in the Netherlands are designed to withstand a 10,000-year surge. That may seem like overkill. But storm scientists estimate a Katrina-strength hurricane is likely to wallop the Gulf Coast again at least once in the next 70 years….
Vrijling, for one, can’t understand what the Corps is going to study for so long. The technology already exists and has been tested over decades in the Netherlands. He says Dutch and American engineers, working together, would need only “a couple of months” to draw up a detailed plan. “If we had the will and one month’s money from Iraq, we could do all the levees and restore the coast,” says Ivor Van Heerden, a Louisiana State University hurricane scientist who warned for years about a Katrina-like disaster. “We can save Louisiana. It is very doable.””
“Roger Rabbit is full of shit when he denies the link between cutting tax rates and subsequent increases in federal revenue.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/28/06@ 3:57 pm
Redneck is full of shit when he claims I said there’s no link between cutting tax rates and subsequent increases in federal revenue. Here’s what I actually said:
A tax rate of 100% produces no revenue, because there’s no economic activity. A tax rate of 0% obviously produces no revenue. Therefore, revenue is maximized at a tax rate somewhere between 0% and 100%. When the tax rate is below that point, cutting taxes will decrease revenue. When the tax rate is above that point, cutting taxes will increase revenue.
Of course, Mark the Lying Welsher knows I said that (I’ve posted it more than once), and is trying to wriggle out of his untenable assertion that cutting taxes always increases revenue by lying about what I said.
I repeat: Welsher asserted that cutting taxes ALWAYS increases revenue! And I said, bullshit, all you have to do is look at these numbers:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
(Data from official sources)
In a previous thread, one of the trollfucks took me to task for posting the same comments over and over. My reply is, I have to post the same comment 500 times for 2 reasons:
1) It takes a wingfuck at least 500 tries to hear you, and
2) If I don’t keep reposting the same comments, the wingfucks will lie about what I said.
the capacitator has to have a lot of capacity to hold both MTR’s ego and his big fat ass. Then we’ll get a big fucking capacitor, charge it up, and poke him in that big fat ass and launch him.
Tell me, if MTR was in the forest and a tree fell on his head would the blood reduce the value of the lumber?
Redneck, it’s not my fault you look like an ass. You wouldn’t have gotten yourself in this pickle if you had said, “There are circumstances where cutting tax rates increases revenues.” I would have agreed with you. But no, you spouted the wingnut bullshit that cutting taxes ALWAYS increases revenue, which is a fucking lie. Don’t blame me for what you did. How about taking some personal responsibility for your bad choices.
RE: # 19: So, if we had someone exercising real LEADERSHIP, like the President, do you think we would well be on our way to an effective solution to the New Orleans problem?
Do you really think that the local politicians would be a voice AGAINST installing a system similar to the Dutch system in New Orleans?
If the President and his party really wanted to revitalize and restore New Orleans, why didn’t they (a) make all the levees the responsibility of the Corps of Engineers, (b) allocate the money necessary, (c) push through the program with the same speed and effort they applied to tax cuts, and (d) reverse the tax cuts, at least temporarily, to pay for the program?
Their failure to do that reveals that the Republicans really don’t want a restored New Orleans. They want those reliably Democratic votes to be dispersed throughout the country, preferably in nearby “red states” such as Texas and Oklahoma which can dilute their effect. But because the fate of New Orleans captured the attention of the American people in late August/Sept. 2005, they feel they have to make a token effort.
But the failure of to break through logjams of bureacracy in the Corps of Engineers, FEMA, the EPA, and other agencies show that its not a Republican priority.
rhp – When did I ever weigh in on levees? Are you a licensed civil engineer? Or just a crazed moonbat out of his league?
“puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament”
What predicament, Redneck? I came out against Nickels’ ripoff tax increase. So did all six Democratic candidates in the 43rd District. I said, why does Nickels need a $1.8 billion tax increase for a $500 million backlog of road and bridge repairs? And I said, vote no.
The only predicament I see is that Redneck lies about everything fucking thing under the sun. Hell, he even lies about the sun! He claims the sun warms the earth, when in fact, clearly Redneck’s hot air contributes more to global warming than the sun ever did.
Redneck wants you to believe Democrats are in favor of Nickels’ ripoff tax increase. That’s a fucking lie, too. We’re only in favor of raising taxes $500 million to pay for $500 million of road and bridge repairs. We’re against raising taxes $1.8 billion to pay for $500 million of road and bridge repairs, and $1.3 billion of gold-plated pork.
My understanding is that isn’t even the $1 billion Nickels wants for a tunnel; THAT $1 billion comes on top of the $1.3 billion of pork in this tax increase. God only knows how much pork Nickels will attach to the tunnel tax. The $1 billion tunnel probably will cost $5 billion by the time Nickels finishes adding more gold-plated pork to it. There’s probably a gold-plated city hall with a gold-plated phone for the mayor’s office to match his gold-plated bathroom fixtures in there somewhere.
Screw Mayor Nickels! Besides, that fascist fuck sicced animal control on me last spring, and sent me to a concentration camp.
Back when Scooter Libby was indicted, goldy and friends could barely restrain the happiness of fitzmas, and the demise of Rove and the repub party. Now a very big piece of information becomes available – who leaked valerie plame’s name – and there is silence by all you moonbats.
Richard Armitage doesn’t fit your template, so the story is buried very deep. Sorry, you guys were wrong, wrong, wrong. Anyone going to be ethical enough to admit it?
(I am not saying that Libby is off the hook. He alledgedly lied to the grand jury. Now it looks even dumber than it did when the charges were first brought.)
P.S. … pay the $100 you owe Goldy, welsher! :(
Rabbit – Your side ALWAYS says that tax cuts cause deficits. That is demonstrably false. Deficits are always caused by spending; some of the spending is justified and some is not. I’m just making the case that the tax rate cuts done by The Great One and by GWB resulted in increased federal revenues.
I’d be glad to talk about spending and deficits, but let’s be honest about it.
23: I meant that the President was in a position to provide real leadership, not that he was actually doing so.
Redneck is a F R E E L O A D E R . He wants to fuck for free, and bitches about paying vagimony and child support to his dead crack-whore wife.
He doesn’t support the troops — he’s too fucking cheap to donate $99 to http://www.operation-helmet.org/ .
I’ll bet his one of those assholes who never leaves a tip for the waitress.
Talk is cheap in this world, and in Redneck’s case, talk is VERY cheap — he’s never given 1 fucking dime to Goldy’s beer fund.
So, next time Redneck posts wingnut tripe, consider the source when you’re reading it.
Nice picture of the next President of the United States. (After Bush and Cheney are impeached, Speaker Pelosi will become president.)
Hey, come to think of it, with Bush in N.O. having his usual meetings/photo ops to show he is doing “something” with regard to Katrina, a year later:
Now would be a good time to announce a 10 billion dollar program to install the dutch sytem on the dykes, to be ready in time for the 2007 hurricane season, and that it will protect ALL of New Orleans. Well, about eleven months late, but better than never, in any event.
Considering much of the problem with the rebuilding effort goes back to the uncertainty regarding future flooding (unavailability of insurance, future re-lining issues, housing code re-vamps, etc.), this could be the one single thing that Bush could do to restore New Orleans.
After that, he can pledge federal money to pay for infrastructure repair (gas, electric, sewer, etc.) that was previously refused.
Janet Whore must not read Newsweek, because she thinks a story (in its Sept. 4 edition) identifying the leaker is “buried deep.” Memo to Janet: A lot of people read Newsweek (apparently you’re not one of them).
Armitage will swing from the old oak tree just fine. He’s a certified wingnut, Bush hatchetman, and former No. 2 in the State Department. How’s that for high-ranking treason. What do you think the chances are that the No. 2 guy at State would tell a columnist that Joe Wilson’s wife is a CIA agent without orders (not to mention clearance) from above? You think he did that on his own initiative?
Janet, you are as stupid as you look.
Mrs. Rabbit just asked if Armitage can be impeached. I said, no, he doesn’t work for the government anymore; but he can be hanged.
Mrs. Rabbit asks, who told Armitage? Good question. How would Armitage know Mrs. Wilson worked for the CIA, unless somebody fed him that information?
“Rabbit – Your side ALWAYS says that tax cuts cause deficits.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/28/06@ 4:20 pm
Who? When? Where?
It’s pretty fucking obvious — even to a wingnut like you — that when the budget is running surpluses, it’s possible to cut taxes without causing deficits.
By the way, in case you didn’t get that memo, Bush’s tax cuts DID cause deficits.
It’s fun to watch Redneck dance as I shoot bullets into the ground under his feet. Dance, scumbag, DANCE!!! bam-bam-bam
Armitage is not one of the neocon right that you all are so eager to do away with. He was number two to your hero, and dissident in the Bush administration, Colin Powell.
I didn’t mean the MSM didn’t know the story, I’m just impressed by the silence on this site. Fitzmas was quite a prediction back when. Now, nothing. Armitage has no real connection to Rove or Cheney – he wasn’t part of that inner circle. You all must know that, hence the lack of comment.
BTW, doesn’t the constitution now read that if the president or vice president leave office, that the congress selects someone new? It could be the Speaker, but doesn’t have to be. If both went out at the same time, then I guess the Speaker takes over until the congress selected someone new. But this is a fantasy, just like fitzmas. So who cares?
Janet S
You seem to be laboring under a misapprehension that Lewis J. “Scooter” Libyy is being tried for “leaking Valerie Plame’s name.” nothing could be further from the truth. Libby was inddcted on one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements. No matter what the original matter under investigation is, those actions are illegal in and of themselves, and if convicted he will do time.
Poor Redneck. Redneck is having a bad day. The Bunny is shredding Redneck today. (grinding noises)
Ever hear of a computer game called “Frog In A Blender”? We’re playing a new game today called “Redneck In A Blender”.
I wonder what will happen if I turn the speed up to “High”? :D
Damage control.
38 (continued)
Who gave the order to Armitage, Janet?
A president always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always delegates dirty work to underlings, to maintain his “plausible deniability” in case he gets caught.
One of a presidential underling’s duties is to get fired if the president pulls some shit and fails to get away with it. It’s part of what a flunky like Armitage is paid for. As for Armitage not being a neocon …
Betcha Janet Whore is gonna blame it all on Clinton
If Armitage was sort of innocently “gossiping” about Valerie Plame and he truly did not know her covert status (which is what they would have us believe), the fact remains that several other people were also aggressively talking to multiple reporters about Plame’s role at the same time. If Armitage really didn’t have any malicious intent, it’s a heckuva coincidence that he happened to be gossiping about the exact same thing at the same time as a bunch of other people who did have malicious intent. I’m just sayin…
Wtih Bush planning to show up to try to claim the high grouond on NOLA and Katrina a year later, our news reports that: “the president wants to make clear that he has been fully engaged in planning for Ernesto as he vacationed over the weekend at his family’s summer home on the Maine coast.”
Yeah, I’ll bet he’s “fully engaged.” Fully engaged with the Ranger game.
So how many Safeco employees did Mike! fire so he could get higher pay for himself and his fellow officers? 400, 600, 800, 1200, 2,000? What was their benefit packages when they got the big boot? Two weeks pay, plus a week per year or what? Sure as hell was not $28 million for voluntarily leaving, huh?
How many Safeco policy holders did Mike! dump so he could slim down the “risk” and maximize the insurance company’s profit? Did Safeco use bogus credit report criteria on policy holders so they could have a flimsy justification to get rid of “ethnically unacceptable” customers? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?
Rabbit – So you agree with Eyman? C’mon… say it. It’s OK. Think of yourself this way: Even a stopped clock is right twice a day…
Re: MTR on “global warming”
I can’t get over how much the Right LOVES an Op-Ed to try to prove a point, particularly a scientific one. Useless.
The author of your little Times of London Op-Ed is Tim Hames. he is not a climatlogist; far from it. He is not a scientist of any sort.
“Tim Hames is a columnist and the chief leader writer at The Times. He was previously a lecturer in American and British Politics at Oxford University. His writing combines insider political analysis with a strong sense of history, social trends and some humour. He has considerable experience of addressing conferences and after-dinner speaking.”
…just no experience in climate science. Lame, Mark, lame…even for you.
I luv libruls like DL. He thinks the sun doesn’t affect temperatures on earth.
Hey DL, does the sun revolve around the earth? Sure looks like it..
So tell me DL, have you quit driving? Do you have a windmill in your backyard? Do you turn off your computer and printer every night? Or are you just another fucking hypocrite?
DL – How’s the chi squared analysis coming? Anything to worry about yet?
Didn’t think so….
Armitage will swing from the old oak tree just fine. He’s a certified wingnut, Bush hatchetman, and former No. 2 in the State Department. How’s that for high-ranking treason. What do you think the chances are that the No. 2 guy at State would tell a columnist that Joe Wilson’s wife is a CIA agent without orders (not to mention clearance) from above? You think he did that on his own initiative? Janet, you are as stupid as you look. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/28/06@ 4:36 pm
Wrongo Furball and his Furballettes. Armitage “leaked it as part of a conversation” regarding VP. He didn’t leak her “status”. Reread the article a little closer Furball.
You seem to be laboring under a misapprehension that Lewis J. “Scooter” Libyy is being tried for “leaking Valerie Plame’s name.” nothing could be further from the truth. Libby was inddcted on one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements. No matter what the original matter under investigation is, those actions are illegal in and of themselves, and if convicted he will do time. Commentby Daddy Love— 8/28/06@ 4:48 pm
Kind of like how William Jefferson Clinton being convicted for LYING to a GRAND JURY and NOT FOR SEX? Blows that theory DL!
You party with these dudes, MTR?
Pack your bible for Iraq and make sure you have a steady beer supply while you’re there.
Washington hit by curse of the kid bloggers
Tony Allen-Mills, New York
AS the leader of the Republican party in the US Senate and a possible presidential candidate, Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee has a reputation for sober rectitude. The same cannot be said of his son Jonathan, a Vanderbilt University student who recently appeared on the internet wearing six cans of beer strapped to his belt.
Nor has Jonathan’s brother Bryan done much to help his father’s attempts to strike a reasonable note about US involvement in Iraq. “I was born an American by God’s amazing grace,” wrote Bryan Frist in an online profile. “Let’s bomb some people.”
45 is reaching even for Furball. I expect garbage from lesser life forms. Wait a minute… … … He claims sex with animals. Ewwww! A lesser life form!
Hey Redneck,
Tell me what has remained a constant over the past 200 years:
1) The sun; or
2) Carbon emissions into the earth’s atmosphere.
When you, allegedly, took your science courses, you plainly skipped the part about science requiring objective, dispassionate inquiry. You, my friend, are an idiot, an idiot who does not mind putting his idiocy on display. You amuse us, and I thank you for that.
If you read my first post, I specifically say that Libby is appropriately indicted for alledgedly lying to a grand jury. No excuse, but he is allowed a trial before being declared guilty.
Plame wasn’t covert at the time of the leak, hence no one was found guilty of breaking that particular law. She hid her status by driving into CIA headquarters every day for her desk job. She also was key to getting her husband a political junket designed by CIA operatives for the sole purpose of embarrassing the president. If you recall, Mr. Wilson’s report to the CIA differs from his bloviating to the NYT. And he lied about being sent by the VP.
Janet: I brought this up earlier with my post in the BBC. Merry Fitzmas was the rush to judgment by the moonbats here. Why didn’t Fitzpatrick indict Armitage? Because there is no issue moonbats.
Using my best moonbat rant: Waaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaah!
Janet S
Would you please, oh please, share with me how to get all the answers? You plainly know everything and, on bended knee, I beseech you to lend me the key to wisdom. Oh, please, kind lady, grant that I, like you, might be struck by the shining light of the all-knowing.
Keep cherry picking, Janet.
Link us to where it said Plame wasn’t a covert agent.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and married to a shiksa. […………………………………………………………………..Mrs. Grossmanstein, “Tookie” love tonight????? Call me!!!]
Skinnyfreak: Here is a great start on your “quest”.
The Moonbat Brigate and the Furballettes are pissed it’s NOT Karl Rove. I see a Rove attack soon.
mitage, a well-known gossip who loves to dish and receive juicy tidbits about Washington characters, apparently hadn’t thought through the possible implications of telling Novak about Plame’s identity. “I’m afraid I may be the guy that caused this whole thing,” he later told Carl Ford Jr., State’s intelligence chief. Ford says Armitage admitted to him that he had “slipped up” and told Novak more than he should have. “He was basically beside himself that he was the guy that f—ed up. My sense from Rich is that it was just chitchat,” Ford recalls in “Hubris,” to be published in early September by Crown and co-written by the author of this article and David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation magazine.
…Armitage himself was aggressively investigated by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, but was never charged. Fitzgerald found no evidence that Armitage knew of Plame’s covert CIA status when he talked to Novak and Woodward. The decision to go to the FBI that panicky October afternoon also may have helped Armitage. Powell, Armitage and Taft were aware of the perils of a cover-up—all three had had lived through the Iran-contra scandal at the Defense Department in the late 1980s.
Taft, the State Department lawyer, also felt obligated to inform White House counsel Alberto Gonzales. But Powell and his aides feared the White House would then leak that Armitage had been Novak’s source—possibly to embarrass State Department officials who had been unenthusiastic about Bush’s Iraq policy. So Taft told Gonzales the bare minimum: that the State Department had passed some information about the case to Justice. He didn’t mention Armitage. Taft asked if Gonzales wanted to know the details. The president’s lawyer, playing the case by the book, said no, and Taft told him nothing more. Armitage’s role thus remained that rarest of Washington phenomena: a hot secret that never leaked.
Yes, that sounds to me Rove was behind it Furball. You need to read more Furball. Your latest rants of unadulterated bullshit are letting down the Furballettes!
Erratum .. it should be Fitzgerald.
“How long before somebody pulls Karr out of his Miata and beats the shit out of him just ‘cause he needs it?” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/28/06@ 4:05 pm
Are you volunteering? Or is it beneath your dignity to administer a well-deserved spanking to a fellow Republican?
How do I know Karr is a Republican? By inference. First of all, he conned a first-class airplane ride from Bangkok out of law enforcement. Second, he’s a child molester. And third — this one is really damning — he has a stupid-looking face.
“Rabbit – So you agree with Eyman? C’mon… say it. It’s OK. Think of yourself this way: Even a stopped clock is right twice a day… ” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/28/06@ 5:06 pm
I don’t take cues from Lieman. He, on the other hand, is welcome to lick my cottontail any time he wants! For a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG. Or call Rent-A-Rabbit.
P.S., pay the $100 you owe Goldy, welsher
and support the troops, cheapskate
When they’ve got nothing else, they can always fall back on Monica.
Q: How can you tell when a wingnut’s mouth isn’t connect to a brain?
A: When he answers every argument with “Clinton, Clinton, Clinton …”
moonbats-do your own research. It is out there in your reliable sources:
Cherry picking what? The only person charged with anything is Libby, who said confusing things to the grand jury. Fitz never found anyone in violation of revealing covert status of an agent, and he interviewed Armitage more than once. He knew that Armitage is the one that told Novak about Plame. If Plame had been covert, why wasn’t Armitage charged?
Sorry about using logic, I know it makes your heads hurt. Can’t you just admit you were wrong?
Furball, I think Dean A. Schwartzmiller of Everett and San Jose child molester is donk. San Jose and Everett voted Moonbat last election.
He had 34,000+ entries in his log. He loved little boys. Is this Left Turn’s father? He’s ugly enough!
Roger – so far you are the only one who has mentioned the former president. Are you obsessed, or what?
56 When they’ve got nothing else, they can always fall back on Monica. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/28/06@ 6:44 pm
Good try at deflection Furball. I made the same association of your HERO and lying to a GJ.
Yes Janet, facts blow apart their miniscule brains.
Janet I did as a comparison of Libby lying and Clinton lying.
Do you have sex with humans? … with these dirty (ugh) things?http://tinyurl.com/fk2as
Click here for picture of sign on McGavick’s computer room: http://tinyurl.com/8cttj
Janet Whore and Mike Web Sucks Farts = apologists for treason
Furball, king of sex with animals and creating treason when a US Special Prosecutor finds none.
Moonbats: Create a scandal when the law doesn’t demonstrate one.
Moonbats: Need judges to legislate from the bench when their loony laws don’t past muster. Did you forget DOMA?
Moonbats: Stupid is as stupid does
Moonbats: If there is no smoke, bring a smoke bomb and yell fire!
John Craig,
When you get your finger, and head, removed from your rectum and MTR’s dick out of your mouth, try speaking up, in English. And try using a little class.
Roger – what treason? I guess it is fun to throw around accusations, but shouldn’t there at least be some evidence?
MWS – you are right – you made a factual reference to the former president who was found guilty of perjury. Appropriate comparison. Too bad the nuance went right past Roger.
Nuance ≠ Moonbat Intelligence.
Did you remember to take your Klonopin?
When you get your finger, and head, removed from your rectum and MTR’s dick out of your mouth, try speaking up, in English. And try using a little class.
Commentby Mrs Left Foot […………………………………………………………………………Talk dirty to me, bitch!! Now take it Democrat “Tookie” Williams style!!!! Moan and scream and beg!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Carl, would you like to watch? She’s hot tonight!!!!!
Mrs. Grossman, Say hello to the Washington Redskins Football Team. Washington Redskins, say hello to tonight’s date, Mrs. Carl Grossman.
Still “looking over your husband’s shoulder”, Mrs. Grossman? Well, bend over just a little more!!!!
John Craig is quite the gentleman. Proves it here day after day.
John Craig is certainly a brave soul, hiding there behind his keyboard. Coward and Navy failure.
I guess JCH is offering up the Redskins football team because he and Tookie are otherwise “engaged”
“Plame wasn’t covert at the time of the leak” Commentby Janet S— 8/28/06@ 5:26 pm
Janet Whore, you’ve been spouting this same rightwing talking point/lie for months. Repeating a lie 10,000 times doesn’t make it a fact. You’re a pathetic apologist for treason.
Rightwing Lie: Valerie Plame was not a covert CIA agent
Reality check: “Former CIA official Larry C. Johnson, who left the CIA in 1989, indicated Plame had been a ‘non-official cover operative'” (NOC). He explained: ‘…that meant she agreed to operate overseas without the protection of a diplomatic passport. If caught in that status she would have been executed.’ … She met with folks who worked in the nuclear industry, cultivated sources, and managed spies. She was a national security asset until, supposedly, being exposed by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
“Valerie Plame Wilson was identified in the New York Times as a N.O.C. by Elisabeth Bumiller, who wrote (5 October 2003): ‘But within the C.I.A., the exposure of Ms. Plame is now considered an even greater instance of treachery. Ms. Plame, a specialist in non-conventional weapons who worked overseas, had ‘nonofficial cover,’ and was what in C.I.A. parlance is called a NOC, the most difficult kind of false identity for the agency to create. While most undercover agency officers disguise their real profession by pretending to be American embassy diplomats or other United States government employees, Ms. Plame passed herself off as a private energy expert. Intelligence experts said that NOCs have especially dangerous jobs. …
“Plame is known to have served in a classified position as a CIA officer. At his October 28, 2005, press conference, Special Counsel Fitzgerald noted: ‘ … In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. … Valerie Wilson’s friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. … It’s important that a CIA officer’s identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation’s security.’ …
“In the February 15, 2005 ruling on the issue, the court’s opinion stated: ‘As to the leaks’ harmfulness, although the record omits specifics about Plame’s work, it appears to confirm, as alleged in the public record and reported in the press, that she worked for the CIA in some unusual capacity relating to counterproliferation. Addressing deficiencies of proof regarding the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, the special counsel refers to Plame as “a person whose identity the CIA was making specific efforts to conceal and who had carried out covert work overseas within the last 5 years”—representations I trust the special counsel would not make without support.’
“A Newsweek article published for the week of February 13, 2006 interpreted the information in the released (court) documents to mean that Fitzgerald had indeed determined Valerie Plame was a covert agent.”
Union-backed Wal-Mart critics defended their drive to change the world’s largest retailer in a letter Monday to Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee after he called them a “traveling circus” and refused to sign a communique criticizing the Bentonville company. Wal-Mart Watch, a Washington D.C.-based group formed to pressure Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on issues including employee pay and benefits, urged Huckabee to reconsider his support for Wal-Mart and suggested further talks.
In other news the heavily Democrat controlled unionized American auto industry continues to lose truck-loads of money as union pensions, demands, and shennanigans eat away profits.
Meanwhile heavily Democrat controlled unionized New Jersey leads the nation in several catagories of regressive taxation, and has the highest rate of property taxes in the country.
John Craig is certainly a brave soul.
Commentby My Left Foot [……..Bark, Mrs. Grossman! Bark!!!]
John Craig @ 96 is still having trouble with entire quotes. Just like Republifuck to twist and edit a statement to benefit their point of view.
He is utterly without integrity, intelligence or honor. Failed military career mystery is solved.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Patriot.
My favorite part of John Craigs posts are that cut and paste jobs that he does. Never writing in his own words. Never citing his “source”. Well, unless he is spouting his sexist, racist agenda. Then I am pretty sure those are his words. I don’t know anyone else that stupid and ignorant.
For a picture of John Craig Herman, click here:
Did you remember to take your Klonopin? Commentby Men in the White Coats— 8/28/06@ 7:57 pm
You shouldn’t share your medications. Psychotic events may occur. Keep your load as you’ll need it.
Looks like the moonbat’s worse nightmare is phoenixing.
B A Barracus: Hannibal where are we going? These thugs aren’t worth my time.
Hannibal Smith: We’re going to screw with some moonbats. I like it when a plan comes together?
Goldy Keep up the good block tries:
Speaking of issues; how about lefty liars: Joe Wilson. Remember “Little” Joe and how he lied? He watched his carefully-constructed and mostly false version of events come apart at the seams with this latest revelation.
1.) He lied about Yellow Cake – Senate Report
2.) He lied about his assignment – Senate Report
3.) He lied about his wife – Senate Report
How can you trust moonbats telling the truth?
Furball loves to ask how do you know a righty is lying? Well how do you know a librul is lying? He runs to the MSM first!
Can you try on this jacket for me?
If it’s a Green Masters Golf Tournament Jacket – Sure.
If it’s from Cutter and Buck – Sure.
If it’s a Mizuno Rain jacket – Sure
If it’s the normal moonbat wear – No.
“I luv libruls like DL. He thinks the sun doesn’t affect temperatures on earth.”
If only I had ever said that or anything like it, you’d have posted a brilliant riposte. But, sadly, the truth is the opposite. You (again) changed the subject.
The truth is you linked to an OPp-Ed wherein a political scientist agreed with your fvorite wingnut position on global climate change. Why should we care WHAT someone clearly the farthest thing from an expert (Tim Hames OR you) thinks?
MWS @ 56
“Kind of like how William Jefferson Clinton being convicted for LYING to a GRAND JURY and NOT FOR SEX?”
If ony he were convicted on such a charge lo, those many years ago now, you’d have a brilliant riposte. Sadly, the truth is that he never was convicted of any such charge. Becxides the obvious nonsensen of throwing the Clenis in again when we were clearly talking about Lewwis Libby. Nice try at obfuscation, but the fact is your boy is in serious trouble and Bill Clinton is continuing to pursue a distinguished career.
Of course, we’re all waiting to see what happens next to Lewis Libby. But the FACT remains that federal charges of obstruction of justice, perjury, making false statements are extremely serious.
Janet S @ 60
“Plame wasn’t covert at the time of the leak, hence no one was found guilty of breaking that particular law. She hid her status by driving into CIA headquarters every day for her desk job. She also was key to getting her husband a political junket designed by CIA operatives for the sole purpose of embarrassing the president. If you recall, Mr. Wilson’s report to the CIA differs from his bloviating to the NYT. And he lied about being sent by the VP.”
Wrong, wrong, and wrong.
“Plame wasn’t covert at the time of the leak, hence no one was found guilty of breaking that particular law.”
The CIA has filed an affadavit with the court stating that she had traveled outside the country on covert business within the five years previous to the offense AND that they were actively protecting her identity, which are the requirements of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. Let’s note in passing that it also proves you wrong on that point. And, of course, that the that Act ALSO requires knowledge of her covert status, which is why Armitage is claiming NOT to have that knowledge.
“She also was key to getting her husband a political junket…”
You might actually not be completely wrong on this point. But I am guesign that you beleive the oft-repeated conservative meme that she suggested him for the trip, which is, as we all know, not supported by the testimpny of the CIA personnel in question. After they came up with his name, they asked her about him.
“…designed by CIA operatives for the sole purpose of embarrassing the president.”
HA! That’s a funny one. Find someone who has said they they did this.
“And he lied about being sent by the VP.”
This is where reading skills make a difference. Joseph Wilson has never said this. He has always said that the “Office of the Vice-president” asked the CIA to attempt to authenticate the Niger documents (NYT: “I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney’s office had questions about a particular intelligence report.”). And crazily enough, that’s exactly what happened. If you want to continue to insist that he DID say this, please point to a reliable source that quotes him.
“If you recall, Mr. Wilson’s report to the CIA differs from his bloviating to the NYT.
Funny, but the NIE that was based on his report to the CIA said that U.S. intelligence did not know the status of Iraq’s procurement efforts, that it ‘cannot confirm’ any success and had ‘inconclusive’ evidence about Iraq’s domestic uranium operations. The State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, likewise, called the claim [that Iraq attempted to obtain yellowcake from Niger] ‘highly dubious.’ That is all perfectly consistent with his account to the NYT.
Janet S @ 74
“If Plame had been covert, why wasn’t Armitage charged?”
The Intelligence Identities Protection Act requires a knowledge of the covert status that Armitage claims he did not have (it’s almost as if they KNEW the requiremens of the Act and were careful not to violate it–clearly a ridiculous notion). If Fitzgerald does not have proof to the contrary, no prosecution under that Act.
That does nothing to change the fact that we know White House operatives were aggressively pursuing a policy of passing around misinformation along with Valerie Plame’s identity during the summer and fall of 2003. The chips have not yet all fallen; I wouldn’t start gloating this early if it were me.
Janet S @ 74
“The only person charged with anything is Libby, who said confusing things to the grand jury.”
Um, no, he lied to the grand jury. You can say “lied,” can’t you? I knew you could. To quote you, “Can’t you just admit you were wrong?”
Daddy Luv: Presenting the Washington Post article for your review:
Bill Clinton’s memoirs reveal he lied to grand jury
According to today’s Washington Post:
Clinton’s own legal battle with independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr accounts for one of the book’s more peculiar revelations. In his August 1998 grand jury testimony, Clinton said he began an inappropriate sexual relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky in “early 1996.” His testimony, as was widely noted at the time, was in conflict with Lewinsky’s story: She testified the relationship began on Nov. 15, 1995, in the midst of a government shutdown.
Starr’s prosecutors, in their report to Congress, accused Clinton of lying about the date of their relationship in order to avoid admitting that he had sexual relations with an intern, as Lewinsky still was in the fall of 1995 before being hired for a paying job in the winter.
Without explanation, in his memoir Clinton departs from his grand jury testimony and corroborates her version: “During the government shutdown in late 1995, when very few people were allowed to come to work in the White House, and those who were there were working late, I’d had an inappropriate encounter with Monica Lewinsky and would do so again on other occasions between November and April, when she left the White House for the Pentagon.”
Now here is the cutting part. Clinton said one thing to the grand jury, and another thing in his book. Just like a Moonbat; Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Just like Janet said, Facts hurt the moonbattic mind:
Pursuant to Section 595(c) of Title 28, the Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) hereby submits substantial and credible information that President Clinton obstructed justice during the Jones v. Clinton sexual harassment lawsuit by lying under oath and concealing evidence of his relationship with a young White House intern and federal employee, Monica Lewinsky. After a federal criminal investigation of the President’s actions began in January 1998, the President lied under oath to the grand jury and obstructed justice during the grand jury investigation. There also is substantial and credible information that the President’s actions with respect to Monica Lewinsky constitute an abuse of authority inconsistent with the President’s constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws.
There is substantial and credible information supporting the following eleven possible grounds for impeachment:
1. President Clinton lied under oath in his civil case when he denied a sexual affair, a sexual relationship, or sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.
2. President Clinton lied under oath to the grand jury about his sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky.
3. In his civil deposition, to support his false statement about the sexual relationship, President Clinton also lied under oath about being alone with Ms. Lewinsky and about the many gifts exchanged between Ms. Lewinsky and him.
4. President Clinton lied under oath in his civil deposition about his discussions with Ms. Lewinsky concerning her involvement in the Jones case.
5. During the Jones case, the President obstructed justice and had an understanding with Ms. Lewinsky to jointly conceal the truth about their relationship by concealing gifts subpoenaed by Ms. Jones’s attorneys.
6. During the Jones case, the President obstructed justice and had an understanding with Ms. Lewinsky to jointly conceal the truth of their relationship from the judicial process by a scheme that included the following means: (i) Both the President and Ms. Lewinsky understood that they would lie under oath in the Jones case about their sexual relationship; (ii) the President suggested to Ms. Lewinsky that she prepare an affidavit that, for the President’s purposes, would memorialize her testimony under oath and could be used to prevent questioning of both of them about their relationship; (iii) Ms. Lewinsky signed and filed the false affidavit; (iv) the President used Ms. Lewinsky’s false affidavit at his deposition in an attempt to head off questions about Ms. Lewinsky; and (v) when that failed, the President lied under oath at his civil deposition about the relationship with Ms. Lewinsky.
7. President Clinton endeavored to obstruct justice by helping Ms. Lewinsky obtain a job in New York at a time when she would have been a witness harmful to him were she to tell the truth in the Jones case.
8. President Clinton lied under oath in his civil deposition about his discussions with Vernon Jordan concerning Ms. Lewinsky’s involvement in the Jones case.
9. The President improperly tampered with a potential witness by attempting to corruptly influence the testimony of his personal secretary, Betty Currie, in the days after his civil deposition.
10. President Clinton endeavored to obstruct justice during the grand jury investigation by refusing to testify for seven months and lying to senior White House aides with knowledge that they would relay the President’s false statements to the grand jury — and did thereby deceive, obstruct, and impede the grand jury.
11. President Clinton abused his constitutional authority by (i) lying to the public and the Congress in January 1998 about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky; (ii) promising at that time to cooperate fully with the grand jury investigation; (iii) later refusing six invitations to testify voluntarily to the grand jury; (iv) invoking Executive Privilege; (v) lying to the grand jury in August 1998; and (vi) lying again to the public and Congress on August 17, 1998 — all as part of an effort to hinder, impede, and deflect possible inquiry by the Congress of the United States.
Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv! Sucks to be Daddy Luv!
MWS @ 110
So Clinton’s memoir (in your opinion) contradicts his grand jury testimony?
Wow, that’s REALLY different from the claim I was questioning: “William Jefferson Clinton being convicted for LYING to a GRAND JURY ”
As I said, Bill Clinton was not convicted of lying to a grand jury. You are either sadly mistaken, unforgivably sloppy, or a goddamned liar.
As for memoir v. testimony, your quote has Clinton saying that he had “an inappropriate encounter” and “would do so again.” IN his grand jury testimony, he denied having had “sexual relations” with Miss Lewinsky. If you think those are the same, fine. I don’t.
then @ 111
The articles of impeachment were CHARGES. He was CONVICTED on NONE of them.
then @ 112
What are you, 12?
That fact remains that your claim the Bill Clinton was ever convicted of lying to a grand jury is false. And the fact the Lewis Libby is charged with at least one federal perjury charge is true. And his trial will decide whether he is convicted. Of course, after the conviction I am sure you will hold your breath for appeal and call him exonerated if anything is reversed, while you will continue to claim Clinon is guilty in the absence of even a conviction. Don’t let the facts get in your way. Party on, dude.
Daddy Love: You are right. The technical definition because 55 senators didn’t want to have a sitting president convicted, overlooks the House impeaching him on two counts, grand jury perjury and obstruction of justice. Interesting.
It isn’t plausible that, if Socialist is an alias for a regular here, the commenter is a liberal. If Socialist is actually an individual posting only under that screen name, he is comepletely ignorant of American liberalism.
My opinion is that Socialist is Mark the Redneck. Consider the following exchange from the 7/25 thread “Gay marriage decision coming tomorrow”. I have highlighted the posts of interest.
I’m still waiting for one of you delerious moonbats to splain why a guy should get special privileges just because he likes the feeling of having a dick up his ass.
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 7/25/06@ 1:12 pm
It depends on the basis of the decision. If it is based on the state constitution, the Supremes can’t review it, except on the basis that the US Constitution somehow over-rides it.
Commentby wayne— 7/25/06@ 1:13 pm
Hate to say it, but, I think they will uphold the decision.
Commentby Particle Man— 7/25/06@ 1:25 pm
What special priveleges do you want, Mark?
Commentby Dr. E— 7/25/06@ 1:31 pm
I predict that the Washington Supreme Court will, in a sharply divided opinion, take some sort of middle ground position based upon an interpretation of the state constitution.
The majority opinion will mandate that Washington state law establish some sort of “civil unions” resembling, more or less, what the Vermont legislature enacted several years ago in response to a similar case before that state’s supreme court.
The majority will find that the marriage laws give many benefits to a man and woman who marry, including a statutory economic contract – i.e. community property, mutual support during marriage, division of property, possibility of spousal support after dissolution. So these economic benefits will be declared fundamental to same sex couples as well through civil unions. And maybe even to opposite sex couples who want these economic benefits without getting formally married.
This is my prediction based upon my perception of the various justice’s likely legal philosophy, as well as the political realities involved.
If such a middle ground approach is not taken, then I will say it is more likely that a narrow majority will uphold present state law as written than having a majority (of whatever size) mandate same sex marriage on exactly the same terms as present law.
But we will see. In any event, the decision has been far too long in coming – nearly a year and a half since oral argument, when most cases are decided in 90 days.
There certainly are political elements in timing – coming on Wednesday during candidate filing week, when three incumbent justices are seeking re-election.
Commentby Richard Pope— 7/25/06@ 1:40 pm
mark we don’t really care what you like up your ass.
Commentby The Socialist— 7/25/06@ 1:44 pm
I don’t see why gay people should be allowed to not get married and be miserable like the rest of us !!
Commentby The Socialist— 7/25/06@ 1:46 pm
No one cares what a welsher thinks. You have no credibility.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/25/06@ 1:47 pm
If republican Christians really cared about protecting marriage they would be trying to make divorces illegal and adultery illegal.
Commentby The Socialist— 7/25/06@ 1:49 pm
Im not a welsher im IRISH you boob
Commentby The Socialist— 7/25/06@ 1:50 pm
Well MTR if anyone should know – it’s you!
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/25/06@ 1:51 pm
So, we find that Socialist is MTR, in drag.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/25/06@ 1:53 pm
MTR spouts of at #3, Harry Tuttle replies with standard payment demand at #10, MTR replies under the Socialist tag that he forgot to change at #12.
coincided maxima bearings explanations regaining?.