As reported Thursday in the King County Journal, Dino Rossi has once again firmly denied that he plans to run for U.S. Senate against incumbent Sen. Maria Cantwell:
Rossi, however, seemed to slam the door on that possibility Wednesday.
“I have four small children and I’m not sure how I’d make it work with the family without upheaval and difficulty for the kids. So, that really is not my focus,” Rossi told the Journal during an interview at his campaign headquarters in downtown Bellevue.
“My focus is running for governor and being governor of the state of Washington and turning the state around. So I’m not running for the U.S. Senate. I’m running for governor.”
Indeed, Rossi officially launched his 2008 gubernatorial campaign back on December 8, 2004. And I take him at his word that he’ll continue running for governor for another three and a half years. At least.
Of course, not everybody puts as much faith in Rossi’s honesty as I do. GOPolitburo Chair Chris Vance is such an accomplished liar himself, that he gets dizzy with cognitive dissonance at the thought of believing anything that comes out of a fellow politician’s mouth. And so he equivocates:
“There are people and organizations who will want to change his mind,” Vance said. “The senate campaign committee will try to persuade him otherwise.”
Or so Vance fears.
I have long speculated on Vance’s own comically grandiose quest for his party’s Senate nomination, an ambition I’m told he impetuously let slip as early as last election night (possibly after tipping back a few too many celebratory toasts.) But with the eventual nominee being chosen via a caucus in Karl Rove’s office, the odds of a Vance candidacy are about as good as that of Rossi winning his lawsuit. (Translation: “not good.”)
And finally, for those of you who think I’m just a partisan, flame-throwing windbag, I’d like to toot my own horn for a moment by congratulating myself on my sharp, analytical skills. While others have dwelled on the dynamics of a Rossi-Cantwell horse race, I have repeatedly stated that Rossi would not run for the Senate in 2006, (to borrow Marsha’s self-referential methodology)… here, here, and here. One can come off looking awfully foolish putting one’s political prognostications on the record, so you can’t blame me for patting myself on the back when one of my predictions comes true.
Speaking of which, you heard it here first: Maria Cantwell 52%, Rick White 47%.
It’s the boogeyman Karl Rove again. I’m sure he’s the reason your traffic is less than Sound Politics as well.
Jeff B.–
Karl Rove is also responsible for Goldy’s chronic diahhrea of the BLOG!
It’s amazing at how Karl Rove can be behind everything bad.
The LEFTIST PINHEADS have built their base on fear-mongering and creating villains. They have way overplayed that card to the point of losing power…but don’t tell them that, OK?
I don’t think Rick White can beat Cantwell either but I do think it would be closer than 5 points. There is one person who can beat Cantwell and his/her name is____________!
I’ll take Rossi at his word for two reasons (and no, one of them isn’t because I think he’s an honest candid straight shooter).
First, he has little kids. I accept the explanation that he doesn’t want to uproot them to move to DC
Second, he has this little monkey on his back about a lost election, and you can bet your bottom dollar he won’t rest until he runs (and loses) again.
Cantwell will have to explain why she lied about paying for her campaign last time so she could be “above it all”. She has taken more special interest money than any other Washington candidate and most of it out-of-state $$$
People won’t buy her whining about the high tech stock market collapse. She should rip on Algore for that since he invented the damn Internet!
The fact is, Cantwell was greedy and a poor investor. Cantwell should have sold enough stock to keep her committment. Instead , she greedly held on, thinking she could make even more (like Hillary and cattle futures). No one will buy the “Maria is a victim” bullshit…I hope she tries for sympathy, especially from working class people!
Hands down, Rossi has my vote around, be that in the upcoming Election this fall or the election in 2008.
Speaking of lying scum, remember Gregoire talking reforming Olympia and no new taxes?
Our two most reliable righty coneheads, Jeff B. and Mr. Cynical, can always be counted on to make fun of ANYTHING Goldy says. It’s their morning wake-up exercise, like coffee is for the rest of us.
Goldy, I think you nailed it again. Rick White is the obvious choice to run against Cantwell, and might even beat her. But just because it makes sense doesn’t mean he’ll be the GOP nominee, given the GOP’s self-destructive tendencies and the self-centered ambition of people like Rossi and Vance.
I would love to see a Cantwell-Vance or Cantwell-Rossi race!
Mr. C @ 4
That’s easy to explain, Conehead. Her Real Networks stock tanked, and she can’t pay for her re-election campaign from her own pockets.
Special interest money? WTF are you talking about? ALL politicians take special interest money, except for the tiny handful of mega-millionaires who go into politics as a hobby and buy public offices with their own money.
Since 2000, Republicans have taken over $4 billion from special interests, and Bush repaid them handsomely with over $400 billion of tax breaks — a far better return than they could get on Wall Street or even in the oil business.
Speaking of special interest money, Rossi has taken millions from the BIAW for campaign and lawsuit expenses. Mr. Cynical, you would know all about that, wouldn’t you? (In other words, I don’t believe you when you deny working for BIAW.)
By the way, C, I still want to know how the washing machine works. I want to know how those $100 bills go into the rollers as L & I taxes for injured workers and come out as Rossi slush funds. If that isn’t “special interest money” you’re … um … processing … at BIAW, then what is?
Yeh I also agree if we want to talk about a “Liar” in this election. Queen TAXUSALLBILLIONS Gregoire and her noble SPENDAHOLICS have done enough lying on NO NEW TAXES and CUTTING GOVERMENT SPENDING to fill even the pages of the Seattle Times!
prr @ 6
Gregoire promised to improve education and fix our transportation problems. Gues what, she did it in her first three months as governor. That’s why I supported her — she’s a dynamic leader who GETS THINGS DONE. By the way, prr, this legislative session also produced meaningful election reform, regardless of what you righty shills say.
Karl; Rove IS a bogeyman. He’s a dishonest, law-breaking, manipulative, Machievellian, lying SOB. He is to American politics as moths are to a good suit.
Who are you kidding?
She improved the education system in this State? How? Show me the statistics? Do we have more kids going graduating? Higher WASL tests? Is the drop-out rate for minorities above 51% in the past 3 months?
You are talking smack. BTW, is part of that improvement the closing in the Seattle School district?
Our educational system is in crisis mode because of the job the Democrats have done in this state. Have some accountability.
As to the election reform. Ummmm…. Horseshit.
Nothing has been accomplished except you know utility bill when voting. That solves EVERYTHING. Give me a break.
You conveniently missed my point.
Sure her Real Networks stock tanked.
My point was, she made a clear committment that SHE was paying for her campaign with her own money.
Cantwell could have and should have sold that stock when it was at a price she could honor her “I’m paying..I’m beholding to no one” PROMISE. Instead, Cantwell greedly hung on to Real Networks as it tanked. GREED…pure and simple.
GREED was more important than Cantwell’s campaign finance promise. It was a CHOICE Cantwell made to hangon shitferbrains!
DonSux loves to try to deflect attention away from the real issue. I thought you were pro-choice DonSux??? I guess that’s only for killing babies…not keeping campaign finance promises!
Also, on the issue of fixing Transportation.
Let’s see, Gregoire mandated that all transportation jobs be unionized, then the legislature overturn initiative 601, then slammed a huge tax increase down our throats.
Wanna bet that that tax increase does do not even come close to covering the costs of the Transportation issues?
I’ll place a bet with you that there is no way in hell that any projects that are proposed by this State will be delivered on time or even remotely close to the proposed budgets.
I won’t take that bet.
Alan/DonSux/Cybil/most of Goldy’s postsguy is only here because he delusionally believes that Goldy’s Blog somehow makes a difference! Can you imagine that? I’m here for the entertainment value of watching how the LEFTIST PINHEAD alleged minds work. They certainly don’t function rationally…they function based on fear-mongering, hate, emotion, and just plain wanted to appear “progressive”!!
They are a real goofy bunch, huh?
I love it when these LEFTIST PINHEADS act oh so serious and oh so self-righteous. They grind their rotten little teeth, snarl and create such a world of angst for themselves. Yet they seem to be most comfortable in complete misery as mindless victims of Karl Rove!
Gregoire’s budget provides funding for the smaller class sizes and teacher raises the public overwhelmingly approved in two initiatives.
Despite all the negativity from our resident righty ranters, after years of gridlock over transportation funding the Legislature finally moved toward providing actual funding — to be followed by … eureka! … actual construction! Of course the gas tax doesn’t provide all the money. Weren’t you guys bitching just a couple days ago about taxpayers outside King County having to contribute for the Viaduct, 520 bridge, and I-405 improvements? Now you’re bitching because statewide taxpayers didn’t get stuck with the whole bill, and local taxpayers have to kick in extra? Make up your minds, which is it? Or do you just like to hear yourselves bitching?
Next thing ya know, Mr. Cynical will try to tell us he never lost money in the market, never held a stock too long, never got greedy … ya, and he’ll say he doesn’t work for BIAW either.
Well, that last one I can believe. Mr. C spends so much time blogging on HA he doesn’t have time to work for anybody.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Gregoire KEPT her promise of no general tax increases. She did raise liquor taxes which is gonna hit the righty lushes who spend all day drinking and blogging.
10 Billion dollars is your idea of not raising general taxes, well who the heck do you think is going to pay the 9.5 cents increase in gas tax, not to mention all the added transportaion of goods costs that will be passed on to every citizen in this state! No General Tax increases. Bullshit! 10 Billion is more than a general Tax hike and every man and woman in this state will pay more for goods and services as a result!
Question – What is a general tax increase?
Answer – Anything that affects your general purchasing power!
Get it Lefties? Or are you too drunk to think today? She LIED!!! Butt you guys swim in her pool and don’t see the real world. I wonder what is your sphere on influence.
I hope Vance is Cantwell’s opponent. He’s such a loooooser. Adam Smith knocked him around like a left handed, redheaded orphan in his last election.
Cantwell will trounce anyone the GOP puts up, hence the reason why we have yet to see a GOP candidate. They are shaking in their cowardly boots at the thought. Hey I have an idea…if Vance won’t run maybe they can drudge up Nethurcutt and dust him off for one more drubbing. Mr. “I promise not to run for a second term” has as much chance as any of the right wing minions of winning. . . which is zero!
She was not saying “NO GENERAL TAX INCREASES” She was saying No New Taxes, Over, and over, and over, and over again. She has signed every single tax increase that has hit her desk. Watch the initiatives fly as a result of the latest Democratic Bullshit!
Alan @ 15….
Enlighten me.
How do school closing in Seattle = Smaller class sizes?
As to Gregoire Keeping her promise on ew taxes. Your answer just established your credibility.
Alan @ 15.
Another thing. Since when did Olympia start giving a flying fuck about voter passed initiatives?
You mean like 601? 776? or how they paid attention when we spoke out against the Sports facilities in Seattle?
Need I mention how they paid attention to what voters ACTUALLY said about the Governors election?
Most of Goldy’s trolls are only here because they delusionally believes that Goldy’s Blog somehow makes a difference! Can you imagine that? I’m here for the entertainment value of watching how the NEO-CON alleged minds work. They certainly don’t function rationally…they function based on fear-mongering, hate, emotion, and just plain wanted to appear “correct”!!
They are a real goofy bunch, huh?
I love it when these ULTRA RIGHT WING-NUTS act oh so serious and oh so self-righteous. They grind their rotten little teeth, snarl and create such a world of angst for themselves. Yet they seem to be most comfortable in complete misery as mindless victims of Rush Limbaugh!
funny how the shit flys back over the fence so easily.
DamnageD:“Most of Goldy’s trolls are only here because they delusionally believes that Goldy’s Blog somehow makes a difference!”
Hey, I have no illusions on anybody’s influence on this blog, but I think it’s important to read and respond to opinions, especially ones you don’t agree with, as along as it’s done in a (somewhat) respective manner. How else are you to refine your own opinions if they’re not challenged once in awhile?
Your plagerism of my words is the highest form of flattery….so I’m told. Thank you!!
A meta analysis of how the right wing mind works:
JeffB @ 1 “It’s the boogeyman Karl Rove again. I’m sure he’s the reason your traffic is less than Sound Politics as well.†<1>Unintentional Irony.
Mr. C. @ 2 “The LEFTIST PINHEADS have built their base on fear-mongering and creating villains “ More laughable Unintentional Irony
GS @ 8 “Queen TAXUSALLBILLIONS Gregoire “ Mindless repetition of right-wing slogans
prr @ 11 “Nothing has been accomplished except you know utility bill when voting.†indecipherable mindless rambling.
Mr. Cynical @ 12 “I thought you were pro-choice DonSux??? I guess that’s only for killing babies…not keeping campaign finance promises! “ More indecipherable mindless rambling.
Mr. Cynical @ everywhere “LEFTIST PINHEAD…†“LEFTIST PINHEADS..†“LEFTIST PINHEAD†More mindless repetition of right wing moonshine.
PuddyPud @ 18 “Question – What is a general tax increase?
Answer – Anything that affects your general purchasing power!†Mindless Non Sequitor
It goes on and on… but in conclusion: The right wing mind does not work very well at all. They appear to run on hot gas and right wing echo chamber BS.
The right-wing echo chamber seems to work well with guys like you. All we do is yell in one of your ears and it echoes for many posts. WHY? Because there is nothing between your ears to stop the reverberations!
AH, Mr. C how kind of you to point out how “guys like me” work. So it is the yelling in my ear that cause you to repeat drivel like “LEFTIST PINHEAD” post after post?
Interesting. I reject my previous conclusion! In your case you are just an unimaginative troll.
prr @ 21
“Enlighten me. How do school closing in Seattle = Smaller class sizes?”
So you are blaming Gregoire because Seattle is closing 10 schools?????? Does this mean that you want the State to step in and tell Seattle that they cannot do this?
I thought you would find it objectionable to have the State step in and telling a local government how to run their business.
“In Favor of Massive Deficit Spending” and now “In Favor of Centralized Big Government”: this ain’t your Grandfather’s Republican Party.
Donnageddon @ 27
Great metaanalysis!
Wingnut A and Troll B in 1 and 2, If you two read the newspapers or watched the news, and didn’t just live at uSP and other blogs, you would have noticed about 2 weeks ago that their were articles in most papers concerning this. The Republicans do not want a primary and the ‘candidate’ will be chosen by King Rove
Thanks dj. There is another one that has me scratching my head.
From PuddyPud @18 “Butt you guys swim in her pool and don’t see the real world. I wonder what is your sphere on influence.”
Besides the poor spelling, I am at a loss to answer the question. What is my sphere on influence?
I am inclinded to catagorize this as More indecipherable mindless rambling
Alan, etc. @*
I can understand why some would react if I make fun of what Goldy has to say, but for starters, I think Goldy has a thick skin, and I think his comments are meant to provoke a strong reaction. I mean he makes fun of something in almost every post he makes, so I don’t think that’s much of a defense.
But, the real reason that I make fun of Goldy insinuating that Karl Rove is somehow this all powerful mastermind that has programmed legions of right wing religious wackos, etc. is that it is a totally preposterous concept. I mean c’mon folks, that’s just ridiculous. Do you really believe that one man is so all powerful that he has set the the beliefs of every single person that leans more to the right than you do and that he hand selects every republican candidate, etc?
Talk about conspiracy paranoia. And if you really do believe that Karl Rove is the Imperial Ruler, isn’t that more a reflection of your frustration with your failure to get your actual political messages out to a larger number of voters than your opposition?
Have you considered that maybe that’s the crux of the matter? Selling your message. You have to admit that conservatives have done this much better than you. And I think it’s because of things like believing that everything went just fine with the gubernatorial election in King County and that Karl Rove is behind it all.
Jeff B–
The LEFTISTS don’t have a message.
They are CAVE people
Being against things doesn’t resonate with the majority of Americans. Being “victims” doesn’t resonate.
The LEFTIST’s cannot get beyond being “victims”…thus are doomed along with their pinheaded ideas.
Mr. Cynical
I can’t figure out what you’re for…enlighten me.
Jeff B. @ 34
No, Rove is not all-powerful, he’s just a mean little gnome who’s good at fighting dirty.
Jeff B @34,
I never implied that Rove was the all powerful wizard, just that he would be choosing our next Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. (And really, even then, I was using Rove as metaphor for the RNC.) Really, the RNC handpicked Nethercutt and Rossi, and they both lost. (Yes, Rossi did lose. I can tell, because he’s not governor.) They’ll handpick White because they think the fact that he beat Cantwell once before actually means anything. And quite frankly, they don’t have a better candidate, because the state GOP has done a piss poor job developing statewide candidates these past 20 years.
Cynical @ 36
I can do acronyms, too. GOP = Greedy Old Plutocrats or how about Greed, Oil, and Pollution?
How about this
40 I nominat Mr Cynical for the ‘A Lame Ass Nutcase’ award. He should win it in a cake walk because my ‘spreadsheets’ are accurate and all else going on in this world is irrelevant.
Donnageddon @ 33
“There is another one that has me scratching my head.
From PuddyPud @18 “Butt you guys swim in her pool and don’t see the real world. I wonder what is your sphere on influence.”
That is a wonder, indeed. I noticed that PuddyPud had a perpetual Freudian Slip with the word “but.” I wonder if PuddyPud is really the little girl in this story:
White would be nuts to run. He’s been Mr. Invisible for a decade. Somebody with a recent visible business success would have the best shot.
If nominated I will not run.
Goldy:“And quite frankly, they don’t have a better candidate, because the state GOP has done a piss poor job developing statewide candidates these past 20 years.”
Hey, something to agree on! The state GOP has done a poor job longer than that, but the result is the same, essentially one party rule, which is not good, no matter what party it is.
OK Goldy
Here is my take on the Cantwell race. Gregoire and the Democrats in this state, Ran right over I601, $30 car tabs, and a failed Gas tax vote just a year or so ago, and many democrats and republicans alike are just plain unhappy about that.
Not to mention the California Emmissions and Sims CAO land stealing mess which has one hell of a lot of people in rural King county upset with him and the democratic party.
I think Cantwell has a very good chance being the incumbent, but she could well be hurt by the groundswell of bad vibes from the voters of this state.
DJ @ 30.
I am claiming no such thing. Nor am I making a statemenmt that our school system is anything but the bottom of the American pool.
Claiming theat Geregoire has “fixed” our school system is laughable.
prr @ 46
Alan @ 15 said, “Gregoire’s budget provides funding for the smaller class sizes and teacher raises the public overwhelmingly approved in two initiatives.”.
You then quipped @ 21, “Enlighten me. How do school closing in Seattle = Smaller class sizes?”
I responded @ 30 ”So you are blaming Gregoire because Seattle is closing 10 schools?” and pointed out that Seattle made that decision, not the state.
And you shoot back @ 46 ”Claiming theat Geregoire has “fixed” our school system is laughable.”
Apparently your comment about Seattle closing 10 schools is irrelevant. Do you disagree with Alan’s statement that Gregoire’s budget funds smaller class sizes and provides teacher raises? What, exactly, are your criticisms that make Gregoire’s education efforts “laughable?”
And prr’s response to the well crafted question by dj @ 47 is
” ”
Why no response from prr? Because he is a troll with no answers, just repetitive crap that he heard on right wing nutjob radio.
taking most politicians at their word is usually asking for a knife in the back
DJ @ 47….
Why do you need to mince words and Cherrypick comments? This is trait of all on the left.
The beigining of this debate with Alan is the statement “Gregoire promised to improve education and fix our transportation problems. Gues what, she did it in her first three months as governor. ”
I find that comment completely naive and would challenge all of you to show me one nugget of truth in it. This educational system is far from cured as are orr transportation probelms. All we have now is higher taxes with the EXACT same problems.
Enough of the game of taking a statement and saying, prove this, prove that, give me statistics. I am not the one saying that a broken system is fixed. You want evidence that our system is completely screwed? We are currently ranked as one of the very worste educational systems in the Country?
Mayvbe it’s about time to say, yes, kids need structure. Yes, kids need discipline and mostly, kids need strong role models who they can look up to. Our current School system not been fixed and the only accomplishment made have been raised taxes and hopeful promisis that this has been fixed.
Donnageddon…. You may want to go look up the defintion of a troll and get back to me later
prr @ 50
I am sorry if you believe I twisted your words in post 47. I tried to copy the salient points. . . .
From what I can see, Alan made a claim that you disputed, but you came back with a sarcastic (and flawed) remark. I called you on it. In part I did so because I cannot understand your reasoning (beyond, perhaps, deeply resenting Gregoire).
I think you and Alan have different views on this because Alan was discussing Gregoire’s progress through passing legislation. You actually want to see things fixed . . . now! So, from your point of view she has done little. I can only respond by pointing out that Gregoire has been in office for 3.5 months. It will at least take until the next budget biennium starts for anything to change. But, more realistically, it will take a few years to make strong inroads. That is just cold, hard reality.
DJ @ 51….
So your point is?
Let me see if I can fill in the blanks.
Yes, the educational system is completely screwed up, as is our transportation system.
In an effort to improve both of these area’s the current administration has raised taxes to hopefully provide adequate funding to help out, further down the line.
Translation: We have the exact same problems as we did prior to Christine Gregoire being sworn in; at this juncture it is too early to tell if these monies will be effective or even sufficient. In the meantime, nothing has changed. So, making a statement that these issues have been fixed could be considered asinine or even “laughable”.
prr @ 52
My point: basically, you don’t dispute that (from Alan @ 15) “Gregoire’s budget provides funding for the smaller class sizes and teacher raises the public overwhelmingly approved in two initiatives,” but you are making the technical point that nothing besides funding has been done yet.
What a cheap shot—the freaking bienium hasn’t started yet! Obviously, a Governor Rossi would have been in exactly the same position (assuming he actually got funding approved for education). What an stupid criticism.
Screw you.
You can have all the fantasies you want. However, nothing has been accomplished.