by the way idiots, why is the nyt getting tough with the boston globe unions? i thought u liberals loved unions. instead of looking tocut their pay,the nyt should be giving thema raise, because ubions are so great,
u fucking moron hypocritical assholes
Marvin Stamnspews:
Reason magazine online punks obama and his pledge that he made during the campaign.
In announcing his switch to the Democratic Party last week, Specter said that Democratic leaders assured him that he would be treated as if he were elected as a Democrat 29 years ago — essentially allowing him to leapfrog most Democrats and put himself in line to become a committee chairman if he wins reelection in 2010.
The move may have come as shock to Specter. Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, he said that it’s an “entitlement” for him to retain his seniority on those committees.
Hey arlen, how did trusting the democrat leaders work out for you?
If fellow democrats can’t trust democrat leadership, how can we the people?
Really, I thought the chapped hands were from all the conservative pundits trying to blame swine flu on President Obama and then stroking themselves while relishing the thought of the end-times.
Wait, did I read that right? I’m a hypocrite because TNYT is in contract negotiations with its workers at the Boston Globe?
And now I need to wash my hands about 1,000 times do to the fleeting image that popped into my head.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Why are democrat controlled government schools failing so bad?
About 160 instructors and others get salaries for doing nothing while their job fitness is reviewed. They collect roughly $10 million a year, even as layoffs are considered because of a budget gap.
At least the teacher unions are protecting the rights of the teachers. Of course protecting the teachers screws the students but we have to keep in mind what is most important to democrats… teachers unions.
Every school day, Kim’s shift begins at 7:50 a.m., with 30 minutes for lunch, and ends when the bell at his old campus rings at 3:20 p.m. He is to take off all breaks, school vacations and holidays, per a district agreement with the teacher’s union. At no time is he to be given any work by the district or show up at school.
Now we see why the unions keep whining about needing more money.
Why do democrats hate students.
The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll’s Presidential Approval Index shows President Obama’s approval soaring. It’s now at +7, up 600% since only last Friday. I’m sure our Mr. Klynical would have told you himself but perhaps the news has left him feeling a little bit ill.
You’re complaining because teachers get to take breaks?
In WA teachers get paid for a 180 (or so) day contract.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Oh my, so Jon Devore and the rest of the “girly-men” at are worried about their soft, sensitive, uncalloused chapped hands???
Too damn funny!
You KLOWNS are sooooooooo fragile.
The only callouses you have are on your asses from being unemployed and sitting around bitching about your pathetic lives.
Being a compassionate Conservative however, I must share with you the best solution for your severe chapping and chafing….it’s called Bag Balm. Farmers use it on their cows, horses & goats. If it’s good enough for a GOAT, it’s certainly good enough for a girly-man KLOWN.
Read about it:
Do NOT use the stuff for your rectal chaffing caused by questionable personal choices.
troll & puddy–
We must be more compassionate with these KLOWNS. It’s obvious they are sensitive and fragile.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Michael spews:
You’re complaining because teachers get to take breaks?
You obviously didn’t read the link.
Here’s the next paragraph talking about Kim
In the jargon of the school district, Kim is being “housed” while his fitness to teach is under review. A special education teacher, he was removed from Grant High School in Van Nuys and assigned to a district office in 2002 after the school board voted to fire him for allegedly harassing teenage students and colleagues. In the meantime, the district has spent more than $2 million on him in salary and legal costs.
Last week, Kim was ordered to continue this daily routine at home. District officials said the offices for “housed” employees were becoming too crowded.
It’s not about me complaining about teachers getting breaks. It’s about me complaining about teacher unions forcing schools to keep, as the article documents, The housed are accused, among other things, of sexual contact with students, harassment, theft or drug possession. on the payroll.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Mr. Cynical spews:
Oh my, so Jon Devore and the rest of the “girly-men” at
Not all are girly-men…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Swine Flu is a by-product of the Democrats “Porkulus Bill” championed by the Head Pig, Obama and managed by Swineherd Joe Biden
As usual Marvin is too stupid to understand the complexities of the situation.
Teachers are often accused of things they did not do by students – so there needs to be a very detailed and impartial way of sifting through real and imagined complaints.
It takes time and it takes money but the real offenders are usually caught, prosecuted and fired.
Without teachers unions and protections any old student who did not like their grade or was rebuffed by a teacher could file a complaint and get a good teacher fired.
Unions are not always right – but without them this country would be in even worse shape. Imagine if the CEOs could do what ver they wanted…oh, yeah, that was the banking industry deregulation proposed and supported by right wingnut Phil Gramm. That sure worked well.
Since Marvin never got out of third grade – he may have trouble understanding anything beyond the three little pigs and the wolf.
@12 Bag Balm and goats? Damn, Mr. Klynical. The things you come up with!
So anyways, Mr. Klynical, his Bag Balm, and his little buddy Marvin were out driving in the countryside, cruising past farms and pastures, when they come across a goat with his head stuck in a fence. Mr. Klynical immediately pulls over, grabs the Bag Balm, jumps out of the car, hops the fence and fucks the goat. Finishing up, he calls out to Marvin,
“Hey, Marvin, you want some too?”
Marvin replies,
“Oh yes, Mr. Klynical!”
With that, Marvin hops the fence, pulls down his pants, bends over and sticks his head in the fence.
“OK, Mr. Klynical, I’m ready!”
The more the right winguts bash Obama – the more popular he becomes.
Bush screwed up Pakistan so badly by getting buddy-buddy with the dictator Musharaff. Now we are finally getting action against the Taliban.
Another Bush foreign policy failure – just like he blew it in North Korea and Iran. Bush has been an unmitigated disaster for this country:
Foreign policy grade: F
Blew NK, Iran (now they both are going nuclear thanks to the Bush bluster), unecessary war in Iraq, torture that embarasses us and stifles our allies and NO progress in the Middle East.
domestic Agenda grade: F
Worst economy since the great depression, biggest budget deficit in history, most spent of defense ever without any oversight on the waste.
Going after waste at the pentagon.
Going after usurous credit card practices
Going after off-shore tax breaks for big corporations.
Going after tax loopholes for the very rich.
These are all things the republicans and Bush ignored and winked at. The everyday working person was screwed while the bigwigs got away with highway robbery.
KBR and Halliburton looted our treasury as the latest report shows.
Our “justice” department forgot to read our constitution and authorized illegal torture.
Corporations and the rich have not paid their fair share by using loopholes and off-shore havens.
Do the republicans care about this? NO
Do the republicans lie about being for the working person? YES
Does anyone believe their crap anymore? Yes, about 25-30% of the really stupid people believe the republican crap.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. correctnotright spews:
Teachers are often accused of things they did not do by students – so there needs to be a very detailed and impartial way of sifting through real and imagined complaints.
Speaking about Kim, it wasn’t students complaining.
The school board voted to fire him in 2002.
It takes time and it takes money but the real offenders are usually caught, prosecuted and fired.
Here in los angeles, the real offenders are usually transferred to another school.
Unions are not always right – but without them this country would be in even worse shape. Imagine if the CEOs could do what ver they wanted
Huh? The “CEO” of a government run school district?
Who benefits from the demands of the teacher unions, teachers or students?
Don’t the students deserve someone speaking up for their rights.
Yeah, I missed it on that one. He should have been gone (or absolved) back in 2002.
I wonder if the union has some contractual obligation to back he whether they want to or not?
And does sound like this case is a statical outlier.
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. Steve spews:
@12 Bag Balm and goats?
Are you going to apologize yet for being homophobic.
After all, only someone with issues about homosexuality would call people “faggots.” And of course little kids that don’t know better, but that’s not an excuse you can use.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
On what basis? Probably student complaints….that need to be verified.
Thanks for proving my point again.
If a teacher is fired on the basis of complaints only…then there is no job security and no one would teach.
And lesson in logic 101: A single case does not prove a point.
Do I need to go into all the thousands of false accusation cases?
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. Michael spews:
Yeah, I missed it on that one. He should have been gone (or absolved) back in 2002.
I wonder if the union has some contractual obligation to back he whether they want to or not?
Did you read all 3 pages of the article? The unions are only have one goal and that goal is not to the benefit of the children.
district officials say, they are prohibited from assigning chores under the contract with the teachers’ union. Although there is no specific reference in the contract to housed employees, an attorney for L.A. Unified pointed to Article 9, Section 4.0, which defines the “professional duties” of a teacher, such as instructional planning and evaluating the work of pupils.
With no mention of photocopying, stuffing envelopes or answering telephones in the contract, the district and union have interpreted this provision as prohibiting clerical duties.
“Why would we denigrate [teachers] by forcing them to do something they’re not supposed to do?” said A. J. Duffy, who is now president of UTLA, adding that housed teachers are entitled to a presumption of innocence.
How misguided is the teachers union that doing “clerical duties” is denigrating.
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. correctnotright spews:
On what basis? Probably student complaints….that need to be verified.
If you read the article it talks about the school principal having problems with the teacher. No mention of student complaints, but I’m sure the teacher appreciates you covering for him.
Thanks for proving my point again.
Just because I proved your point that unions do not help/protect the children doesn’t make your point of view either correct or right.
If a teacher is fired on the basis of complaints only…then there is no job security and no one would teach.
If you had read the article you would learned that it wasn’t a single complaint from a student.
Kim’s troubles with the district began in 2000, when a classroom aide reported inappropriate comments and advances.
In class one October day, according to her testimony before an administrative panel, Kim asked her to stand closer to him while interpreting his speech for the students. When she moved closer, she said, he touched her breast with his left hand, the only one he could slightly control.
Students immediately started making comments about what they’d seen. One said: “Oh, come on, Mr. Kim, you know you liked it,” according to a summary of allegations against Kim prepared by a state review panel in 2008. Kim responded to the students that he had.
Over the next two years, another adult andsixstudents would make similar complaints against Kim,according to the summary.
The same month the aide complained, Kim asked a girl if she had a boyfriend and if she was a virgin, according to the girl’s testimony during an administrative hearing.
Another girl said that Kim kept staring at her and urged her at one point not to change her hair color, according to documents filed with the state.
Joseph Walker, then the principal at Grant, confronted Kim, who denied most of the allegations. Walker then wrote a memo to the teacher telling him that it was important “to stay out of the students’ personal life and personal space,” according to district records filed in court.
Complaints of misconduct kept coming, according to district records filed in court.
After a male classroom aide reported that he had seen Kim touch a girl on the shoulders and near her crotch, Walker asked for advice from L.A. Unified’s personnel division. The principal noted that Kim “has been charged with sexual harassment for the fourth time within a one-year period,” according to his December 2001 memo in court files.
Two months later, a school counselor complained that Kim ran his hand back and forth across one of her breasts during a meeting, according to the court filings and the commission summary.
@21 I think Marvin might still have his head stuck in that pasture fence, Bag Balm in hand, waiting for Puddy to show up with that “white dildo” that Puddy keeps going on and on about. Yeah, that Puddy. The same Puddy who can’t stop talking about “sticky white man-juice” in these threads. But you’re good with Puddy and that sleaze of his, aren’t you?
I can see now that you’ll never get the ironic humor of GBS and I tagging you, a self-loathing, gay-hating, woman-hating, wing-nut hypocrite, as a “faggot cunt”.
Here’s one that’ll warm Mr. Klynical’s cold, cold, heart:
Doubtful. Do you have a link to back up your claim?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Go ahead and belittle me by calling me a “faggot.” Did you know that manotruth shares your views on gays? Considering your white workplace environment I’m sure you share views on blacks.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, you continue to amaze me with:
1) Moronic comments
2) Lack of memory
3) Just being plain stupid
So first Steve, let me set the scene…
Stillbentover, you know the one you call for your nightly cock sucking, tells the world:
1) He fucked my wife
2) He stuck a black dildo up her ass
3) She’s fat and ugly
Since the other smart Steve AKA SeattleJew that is; and some other friends have met my wife, they definitely know differently. Also GBS has made positive comments about my wife’s beauty and how did Puddy marry above his pay grade.
Since stillbentover has this fetish over big BLACK dildoes, Puddy asked him why is he fascinated on big BLACK dildoes… Oh but Puddy knows why. They don’t make big WHITE dildoes, because that would be perpetuating a lie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha
So Steve, if you paid attention to threads instead of having your head up some goats ASS maybe acquired knowledge and intelligence could penetrate that Neanderthal skull.
Regarding the “sticky white man-juice”, that is reserved for clueless wonder, as he loves to wallow on Daily Kurse, Huffed Postal, and other George Soros funded activities. That’s where he runs to to get that special coffee sweetener when he first wakes up. Maybe clueless wonder should call George “daddy”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Steve, you continue to amaze me with:
1) Moronic comments
2) Lack of memory
3) Just being plain stupid
You’re not amazed with his homophobic name calling?
Marvin, you are asking NutRight to read something other than left-winged kooky web sites for the LA teacher story. Nut gonna happen!
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Marvin, you are asking NutRight to read something other than left-winged kooky web sites for the LA teacher story. Nut gonna happen!
I understand that NutRight only believes what he reads on left wing-nut websites, that’s why I quoted the liberal LA Times.
It appears that NutRight refuses to believe facts that don’t support his position even if the facts are from a left wing website.
Wow. Mindblowing bit of analysis from Chris Bowers:
Starting with Goldwater, but first achieving success with Nixon, Republicans have spent forty years trying to win elections by riding majority cultural demographic resentment (whites, Chrstians, native-born citizens, straights) toward minority cultural demographics (non-whites, non-Christians, immigrants, LGBT, “liberal elites”). The problem with this strategy is that all of the demographics they were attacking were increasing as a percentage of the electorate. In just a few more electoral cycles, all of the demographics Republicans and conservatives have attacked will, combined, become a majority of the electorate. Given that the “culture wars” have turned these demographics against Republicans by the tune of 3-1 margins, these trends put Republicans in an almost insurmountable electorate hole. By 2028, the electorate will be 9% less white, 6% less Christian, and 2% more LGBT. At current partisan tendencies, such trends are unsustainable for Republicans. Democrats would only have to win about 25% of the straight, white Christian population in order to reach 50%+1 nationally. Democrats already do about that well among white evangelicals, much less all white Christians.
Not a word from Marvelous Marv about Stupes’ “gay bowel movement”. Crusader’s “fudgepacking” remark just get a lame “GBS and Steve are worse”.
Nothing at all about fiendoflies’ homophia either.
In other words:
Am I mistaken or did Puddy @28 just author a nine paragraph post that was entirely about dildos and sticky white man-juice?
Yep Steve that’s what puffybutt does – that is when he’s not out behind the bowling alley in Port Orchard giving shipyard workers a BJ. He likes to think that means he’s “serving his country!” LOL!
I just want to make sure that I understand where everybody’s coming from on this shit. Let’s see, we now have here at HA a guy named Troll with his multiple “nigger” this and “nigger” that posts, manoftruth with his constant stream of Jew-hate, and the newly arrived KIKE KILLER with his “KILL NIGGERS” and “KILL JEWS” comments, all in CAPS for good effect. All this, and Marvin’s having a breakdown because GBS and I called the self-loather a “faggot”, and Puddy is birthing a goat because somebody mentioned a “black dildo”.
Does that sum it up?
How misguided is the teachers union that doing “clerical duties” is denigrating.
The union’s completely miss guided in this case. But, that doesn’t answer the question of the union’s contractual oblations to its members. And we’re still talking about one union in one district and you’re still trying to say that every union everywhere is evil because of this one example. Which is crap.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. YLB spews:
Not a word from Marvelous Marv about Stupes’ “gay bowel movement”. Crusader’s “fudgepacking” remark just get a lame “GBS and Steve are worse”.
Nothing at all about fiendoflies’ homophia either.
Who is stupes? Without the context or a link I won’t comment on it. As far as I know, it might have been a medical diagnosis. Don’t gays have bowel movements?
Crusader and manoshit (is that fiendoflies) are obviously homophobes.
I have the same amount of disdain for them as I do steve and gbs. If there is a word/phrase you want me to call mano/crusader/steve/gbs just tell me. To me, they are all one in the same.
\Speaking of homophia…
HAve you heard of the magazine “the advocate?” Do you feel they are a right-wing publication? If not, check out this article about democrats and homophia.
If you would rather not follow the link, the article names names… bill “maricon” richardson, john “I’m not comfortable around those people,” Obama giving donnie “(gays) are trying to kill our children” mcclurkin stage time with him, eric “little roy” alterman, etc. The article talks about how democrats promoted the myth that gays target children during the mark foley case. Talks about how clinton is “arguably” worse than bush on gay issues based on his policies.
Interesting reading.
Liberals have no compunction about propagating this type of homophobia, which categorizes gay conservatives as “self-hating.” But if liberals believe in the humanity and individuality of gay people (not to mention blacks, women, and other minorities expected to sympathize with the left), a corollary to that acceptance is an understanding that gays may not agree with them on issues ranging from affirmative action to Iraq.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Steve spews:
I just want to make sure that I understand where everybody’s coming from on this shit. Let’s see, we now have here at HA a guy named Troll with his multiple “nigger” this and “nigger” that posts, manoftruth with his constant stream of Jew-hate, and the newly arrived KIKE KILLER with his “KILL NIGGERS” and “KILL JEWS” comments, all in CAPS for good effect
Steve is trying to justify his behavior by pointing the finger at others.
Calling people “faggots” is bad enough but your words about not belittling gays but belittling me speaks volumes.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Hey steve, what if your friends in bigotry manoshit and “kikekiller” said they only used those words to belittle obama and not other blacks, would you stop your whining about them being racist? I didn’t think so.
If you wouldn’t give them a pass, why should you get one.
proud leftistspews:
Marvie @ 39: “Crusader and manoshit (is that fiendoflies) are obviously homophobes.”
Credit where credit is due.
Time to point out that Marvin has never, ever once denied the fact that he is a child rapist and a pervert. Although he does (usually after calling someone names and threatening violence) claim to be a Christian. Yeah right.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Have you already forgotten..
Steve is a rich guy in an all-white Kountry Klub and Kommodore of an all-white Yacht Klub.
Steve tried to fools folks by pretending to be black…heck, it was more hysterical than Bill Clinton’s act.
Kountry Klubber and Kommodore Steve believes in integration….as long as he can only talk about it and not live it. His Martini-swilling helps him “get his Afro-groove on”!
Marvelous @ 39
I’ve referred to Puddybud as Stupes forever. The fool is always looking down his nose here at Goldy’s supporters while spewing the most stupid garbage himself. I can hardly believe you have not noticed this.
Stupes referred to the gay rights movement as the “gay bowel movement”. This is in the last thread where you told me that drawing even the slightest parallel from gays organizing to demand civil rights to the black civil rights movement was “insulting” to a black person.
Of course you won’t disdain Stupes like you did Crusader and fiendoflies (credit due) because he’s the cornerstone of the right wing “team” here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Michael spews:
The union’s completely miss guided in this case. But, that doesn’t answer the question of the union’s contractual oblations to its members.
And we’re still talking about one union in one district and you’re still trying to say that every union everywhere is evil because of this one example. Which is crap.
It’s the same tatic from the saul alinsky playbook that democrats routinely use. Notice how the left insisted that because that one person that yelled out the N word or whatever he said about obama at the sarah palin rally that proved all republicans were like him. Of course, it turned out the allegation was false.
Teacher unions have one goal in mind, doing everything they can for their members. The children are not their concern. The same philosophy is true for all unions, it’s all about their members and not the business that employs the union members.
Unions had a time, that time has passed. Today, people know there are many alternatives to being abused by an employer. Ask the rabbit about how many civil lawsuits there were 30 years ago, how many today.
Back to the teacher unions… Here in LA the teacher unions are going on a one day strike on the 15th if their demands are not met. How does the strike help the children learn, it doesn’t. And why the 15th, it’s a testing day. Just imagine how no test scores would screw up funding. Nice people those teachers.
other George Soros
Stupes is always going on about Soros like BillOFelafel. Strange obsession. The right wing stink tank and propaganda crowd is well funded by a gaggle of right wing billionaires – a fact that’s continually lost on the fool.
I guess Stupes must envy BillO’s big house and the megabucks he makes. There goes that self loathing again.
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. proud leftist spews: Marvie @ 39: are obviously homophobes.”
Credit where credit is due.
I’m not taking the credit.
In my circle of friends anything else wouldn’t be acceptable.
I grew up in an era when male gays and pedophiles were both called queers, faggots and homos. Times change, and so do attitudes. Today, gays are just gays. Pedophiles are a distinct entity, no longer folded into the old view of the gay community as they once were. “Don’t want queers around my kids” is old school. One shouldn’t want pedophiles around their kids.
For many, it’s been a matter of accepting change. Who will adapt to societal change more readily, conservatives or progressives? The answer is obvious. So while some, perhaps too many progressives are still a little too much “old school” in their thinking, it’s not nearly as bad as on the conservative side of the fence, where true hatred can still flourish and can grow into acts of violence against gays.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. YLB spews:
Of course you won’t disdain Stupes like you did Crusader and fiendoflies (credit due) because he’s the cornerstone of the right wing “team” here
If that’s true, I learned it from lee…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
If it’s good enough for you guys, isn’t it fair we do the same.
You believe in things being fair don’t you?
@43 “Steve tried to fools folks by pretending to be black…”
Delusional. The recent Rasmussen poll results must be fucking with your mind. Speaking of which, the daily tracking poll is at +7 today, up 600% since only last Friday. That sucks for you, doesn’t it? Hmm, in fact, it seems to be pushing you over the edge into a state of delusion, or “bat-shit crazy”, as I like to call it. It should be fun witnessing your mind deteriorate as the polls continue to show strong approval for President Obama.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Moron@34: Fudgepacking commentary has been used by years fool! What? You haven’t tried it? Go visit stillbentover and find out why he’s stillbentover.
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. Steve spews:
I grew up in an era when male gays and pedophiles were both called queers, faggots and homos.
Now steve is making the excuse that it was okay to call people “faggots” when he was growing up so it’s okay for him to do it now.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
We haven’t even started about your use of the word “cunt” and your issues with women.
Steve will no doubt make the excuse that back when he was a kid his daddy routinely called his mother a “cunt” and how change happens slowly.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
No Steve@37, you left out the haters on your side.
You do that all the time Steve. It has to be the goat sex thing because you’ve gone way beyond the Stupid Solution act.
Why do you do that Steve?
Can’t seem to first remove that stick in your eye?
Why do you turn a blind eye (sic) to Donkey hate Steve?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy sees Steve@35 still being a moron. Well Stupid is as Stupid Does.
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. Steve spews: @43 “Steve tried to fools folks by pretending to be black…”
Delusional. The recent Rasmussen poll r
Now steve is blaming the rasmussen poll for his out of date views.
Steve, a better excuse would be you have a drug/alcohol problem and you don’t remember what you write when you are under the influence.
So let me remind you…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
If you read the article it talks about the school principal having problems with the teacher. No mention of student complaints, but I’m sure the teacher appreciates you covering for him.
From your own article:
Another girl said that Kim kept staring at her and urged her at one point not to change her hair color, according to documents filed with the state.
That is called a student complaint.
Anyway, after showing that you can’t argue for shit – I think this teacher is probably a bad apple – but there needs to be verification. that was my point that you just don’t get. Also, there needs to be some protection from bad complaints – that is what the union is for.
Marvin says he’s a musician who works in the entertainment industry so either now or in the past he may have belonged to the musicians union.
Shouldn’t the concern of the union be for the musicians? If a producer had it in for Marvin and organized a blacklist shouldn’t the union put the kibosh on that?
Being reflexively anti-union is ignorant.
“Open thread”? This is more like an open sewer. Then again, that’s what you get when modern-day “conservatives” are given an opportunity to freely express their innermost thoughts.
Just had a great thought. What if Puffybutt were forced to walk down 98th St in LA wearing a sign saying:
“I vote GOP because I am a self-loathing black man who wants to do the bidding of rich white guys who’d just as soon hang me as piss on me if I’m on fire.”
I see that Marvin’s reduced to making shit up. So tiresome already.
Marvin makes everything up, including himself.
“Stupes” @53 and 54 You’ve really earned the handle “Stupes”, haven’t you. I haven’t been calling you anything but Puddy, but maybe I should reconsider. After all, your responses are as stupid as they fucking come.
“No Steve@37, you left out the haters on your side.”
Funny stuff, coming from a wing-nut black man who has never once denounced the race hate coming from the right. Who on the left would you compare to KIKE KILLER? Speaking of which, KIKE KILLER is yet another hater of blacks you won’t bother to denounce. Hell, even the insipid faggot cunt, Marvin, mustered enough spine to do that. But not you, Puddy. And yet, after all these years, you’re still birthing goats over Headless. Yeah, “Stupes” fits you well, doesn’t it? It looks like BBG @59 has you pegged.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey, how about moving this thread into something much more positive.
One of the biggest diffences between Liberal’s and Conservative’s is their view on the size, cost & role of government in our lives.
Minimal vs. Maximal.
My contention has always been that we as INDIVIDUALS are called by God to serve others…not the government doing the re-distribution of wealth thing.
Here is an organization my wife & I support. It is amazing to see how far they can stretch resources. No government bureaucracy could ever be as cost-effective and compassionate.
Check it out here:
I hope some of you will look at it seriously and support them. It’s amazing how much volunteerism and a great organizational plan can stretch dollars.
We went to a fund-raiser last night. .8% of our entire County was there. Can you imagine is .8% of King County attended such an event the impact it could have on those in need?
It appears there are just too many folks who would rather wait and let “the government” do things THEY should be doing.,
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. Steve spews:
“No Steve@37, you left out the haters on your side.”
Funny stuff, coming from a wing-nut black man
As said by a homophobe. You’re starting to get close to exposing your racial hatred, be careful.
who has never once denounced the race hate coming from the right.
Instead of asking people to apologize for what others say, why don’t you apologize for your own words.
Who on the left would you compare to KIKE KILLER?
If you mean hating blacks, that would be headless and the way you are going it won’t be long until you start throwing the N word around, not to belittle blacks, but to belittle Puddy.
If you mean gays, well then you are still the king.
goats over Headless
Since you refuse to denounce headless, using your logic that you apply to Puddy, wouldn’t that mean you condone it? See, I knew it wasn’t going to be long until your dirty underbelly of racial hatred would surface.
It looks like BBG @59 has you pegged.
Steve wants Puddy to denounce people he doesn’t even know. And then steve cozies up to byebyegoober again. Maybe it’s that big white dildo byebyegoober is looking for.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Marvin Stamnspews:
60. Steve spews:
I see that Marvin’s reduced to making shit up. So tiresome already.
Once again I have forced steve to lie.
I’ve got skills to pay the bills.
If you’re not lying… post the link.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
@63 Love INC appears to be a good organization and worthy of support.
I’ve mentioned before that I give my support to Friends of Youth, a local organization that also makes a significant impact.
They helped me out so much when I was a kid that I’ve, at this point, left my entire estate to them. That said, I’m considering leaving a portion to Lakeside High School to help fund their LEEP program. I was lucky enough to attend the first year of that program and it was very influential through the years.
@64 and 65 Now you’re simply wasting my time. Pick up the level of your game or you’re destined to remain a second string troll.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. ArtFart spews:
“Open thread”? This is more like an open sewer. Then again, that’s what you get when modern-day “conservatives” are given an opportunity to freely express their innermost thoughts.
List the conservatives in this thread that have the foul mouths that steve and byebyegoober exhibit on a daily basis.
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. Steve spews:
@64 and 65 Now you’re simply wasting my time. Pick up the level of your game or you’re destined to remain a second string troll.
Have you noticed how often you call me a liar but NEVER back up your words. Why is that steve.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Calling me a “faggot” is not meant as an insult to gays, it’s intended to insult me.
@68 So what? So I swear like a sailor, what’s it to you? What’s worse, a few cuss words or manoftruth spewing race hate and bigotry? How about Troll spewing “nigger” this and “nigger” that? What about KIKE KILLER advocating the killing of Jews and blacks? Don’t bother. We already know that you don’t care about the hate spewed by you and yours. Until you display a moral compass worthy of respect, you can take that situational bullshit of yours and shove it up your ass.
@69 “Have you noticed how often you call me a liar but NEVER back up your words. Why is that steve.”
You’re not worth the effort. Too many lies, too little time, too insignificant a liar. Your only worth is to be the object of scorn.
Have you noticed that Marvin the pervert calls people out but won’t reveal his location? Wow how brave of you bitch. Is that the reason you rape little kids? You’re just a complete coward? Just like all other Publicans I’ve ever met.
Hey, how about moving this thread into something much more positive.
One of the biggest diffences between Liberal’s and Conservative’s is their view on the size, cost & role of government in our lives.
Minimal vs. Maximal.
Positive. Yeah right. What you just wrote is a lie and insulting on top of it.
Brag all you want about what you do with your money. After writing drivel like the above, no one is going to care.
Steve Jobs blasted teachers unions in 2007. Jobs said “What kind of person could you get to run a small business if you told them that when they came in they couldn’t get rid of people that they thought weren’t any good? Not really great ones because if you’re really smart you go, ‘I can’t win.'” – Puddy put it here. Did you fergit dat Michael?
What is strange is the CA Teacher’s Union gave $1,000,000 to oppose Prop 8 last year? What has that got to do with teaching Michael?
Remember how the National Education Association got their pink panties all twisted around the lips and scrotes when Education Secretary Rod Paige for calling the union a “terrorist organization” because they use “obstructionist scare tactics”? All this over Ted Kennedy’s No Child Left Behind Law and the Union didn’t like some language in it.
Or how about how unions work back in the 1990s Michael?
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. Steve spews: @69 “Have you noticed how often you call me a liar but NEVER back up your words. Why is that steve.”
You’re not worth the effort.
If only your actions didn’t prove you a liar.
I was on your mind enough for you to write about me in messages-
in this thread alone.
You would love to rub it in my face if you could.
But you can’t.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
@75 Whatever, Marvin.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, Steve, Steve, such a sad sad case.
1) Moronic to the bone
2) No memory
3) Always saying something more stupid everyday.
Steve, Steve, Steve, you have to stop drinking the Stupid Solution. Steve Steve, Steve, Puddy told you why Puddy doesn’t castigate people. Puddy long ago told the HA Weasel Class if Puddy denounced JCH would they denounce headless. Less than 10 denounced headless while Puddy lead the charge to denounce JCH. Since the HA Weasel Class decided to not denounce headless, Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right because your HA Weasel Class ilk can’t find their voice.
So Steve, Steve, Steve stop trying to get Puddy to denounce or criticize anyone on the left, because you and others have lost your voice on headless.
See ya Stupid Solution Drinker!
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. Steve spews:
@68 So what? So I swear like a sailor, what’s it to you?
Words like fuck, shit, ass, etc are cuss words. The words you use like “faggot” is hate speech. Go figure.
What about KIKE KILLER advocating the killing of Jews and blacks
Why are you still sniveling? I denounced him. Hell, even you admitted in this very thread.
62. Steve spews:
Speaking of which, KIKE KILLER is yet another hater of blacks you won’t bother to denounce. Hell, even the insipid faggot cunt, Marvin, mustered enough spine to do that
Is your lying pathological?
See how easy it was for me to use your own words as proof of your lies?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
@74 “Steve’s Stupid Solution.”
Coming from a guy who so easily earned the tag “Stupes”.
@78 Nonsensical. Try again. Maybe you’ll come up with something worthy of response rather than scorn.
@77 “Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right”
So you refuse to denounce hate-speech coming from the right in the here and now because you hold a grudge for what you once perceived as an insufficient response by whoever so many years ago? Puddy, Puddy, Puddy, your lack of a moral backbone is really something to behold. So clue me in – are there more injustices or hate you might refuse to stand against and show some spine because of your selfish spite or because the price you demand to show courage hasn’t been paid in full?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, You didn’t comment on the whole comment . So why did you hijack only one sentence?
Puddy long ago told the HA Weasel Class if Puddy denounced JCH would they denounce headless. Less than 10 denounced headless while Puddy lead the charge to denounce JCH. Since the HA Weasel Class decided to not denounce headless, Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right because your HA Weasel Class ilk can’t find their voice.
How many times does Puddy have to tell you? Puddy is not the owner of this blog. Puddy has a moral backbone. Puddy called out headless. Puddy called out JCH. Did you? You asked headless to contact you. headless didn’t.
You can call me anything you want Steve, that’s your prerogative, you being a fool.
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. Steve spews:
@75 Whatever, Marvin.
When you start replying to yourself you know the wheels are coming off the wagon.
Or did you mean my message at #74?
We all know what you meant. You said I wasn’t worth your effort yet I used your posts to prove you are lying.
I’ve been trolling for years. Started back in the Laker/Sonic days with steve “coz” pyeatt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone fall apart as badly as you have in the last few days.
@82 You deserve a reply
“Steve, You didn’t comment on the whole comment . So why did you hijack only one sentence?”
Some sentences stand out more than others and deserves some focus in a response. You do the same thing. So does everybody else here.
“Puddy long ago told the HA Weasel Class if Puddy denounced JCH would they denounce headless. Less than 10 denounced headless while Puddy lead the charge to denounce JCH.”
How about skipping the namecalling for a post or two? For the longest time I had no idea what you were talking about. After all, it happened in 2005, three years before I got here. Others haven’t been here that long either. Regardless, when you finally posted the old Headless comments, I wasn’t all too thrilled to read some tasteless remarks that smacked of overt racism. You will recall my displeasure and you will recall my attempts to get to the bottom of what happened. I haven’t read anything like that out of Headless in my time here. If there were more current comments, I’m sure you would have posted them.
“Since the HA Weasel Class decided to not denounce headless, Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right because your HA Weasel Class ilk can’t find their voice.”
So less than ten denounced Headless. Let’s call it nine. Count my pending denouncement and you’ve got nine and a half. Hell, call it ten. And you’re clear enough about your not having any intentions of denouncing Troll, manoftruth and KIKE KILLER, which is to say that you’re not going to denounce the likes of Troll’s “nigger” comments, manoftruth’s Jew-hate, and KIKE KILLER’s calls to kill Jews and blacks, although he put it a little more in racist and bigoted terms. But let’s see just how much more clear we can get. Are you saying that ten people who stood with you when you and they were all so offended do not deserve the same respect of your standing with them today when they are again confronted with that same racism and bigotry? Are you saying that, not for what they have done, but for what others have done, that you will not stand with them?
“How many times does Puddy have to tell you? Puddy is not the owner of this blog. Puddy has a moral backbone. Puddy called out headless. Puddy called out JCH. Did you?”
Regarding Headless, I was about to be very, um, disappointed if what I read was confirmed. JCH? I have no idea who JCH is or what he did. Before my time. Maybe you talked about him before. Hey, I don’t have the famous “Puddy’s photographic, though selective memory” thing going, OK? Beyond Headless, I have never passed on the opportunity to denounce a racist or bigoted post. Isn’t it true that I have done that as much or more than anybody on this blog? I am the only one to comment on KIKE KILLER! What is wrong with you people on this blog! We have our fun going after each other here. But sometimes something serious is happening on this, something that transcends the petty partisan bickering in which we indudge. I am not black. I’m not a Jew. But when anybody shows up here, especially one talking about killing Jews and blacks, I’m going to damned well stand and be counted! That’s the way of it. When that man talks of killing you, Puddy, and you SeattleJew, and you, Lee, and you, Goldy, I’m not going to tolerate it. In this context, I don’t give a damn what you and Headless said four years ago.
All of you. Do you understand? Am I clear?
“You asked headless to contact you. headless didn’t.”
Yes, although it was more than that. You and I were having a very serious discussion. I was reading everything that you had to say. I read the old posts and shared my disgust. I posted a very adamant comment or two about getting to the bottom of this matter. I posted a “headless wanted at other thread” comment on other current threads. And your right, Headless didn’t show up. What am supposed to do? Call the HA blog cops? It was late in the week. That thing died. I let it fade and so did you. You want to resurrect it? Do one of those famous Puddysearches and let’s get it on.
“You can call me anything you want Steve, that’s your prerogative, you being a fool.”
Oh hell,
Yo mama!
@83 “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone fall apart as badly as you have in the last few days.”
You’re never going to get a handle on that projection shit, are you? You ought to work on it at least. Maybe you you wouldn’t be so damned obvious about being so fucked up in the head with every post. Do you not even know when you’re jumping for us anymore? Musician? Fuck. You must be a drummer. Dumber than a stump.
Marvin Stamnspews:
84. Steve spews:
You keep replying to me and talking about me but it’s not worth you time to provide links to back up your absurd gibberish? How byebyegooberish of you.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Marvin Stamnspews:
83. Steve spews:
Some sentences stand out more than others and deserves some focus in a response.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
How about skipping the namecalling for a post or two?
ISn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? And when you consider you work in a white environment…
@83: Puddy is full of it about denouncing racists. I have denounced any racist comments every time I have seen them – but sometimes I don’t see them, so I can’t denounce them.
Puddy won’t denounce the racist comments made by the right wingnut trolls on here. He lets them go, just as he lets the racist comments of Limbaugh, Sessions and other republicans wingnuts go. Puddy is a hypocrtie. Period.
That crap about “not enough” denounced is just that – crap. There may only be about 15-20 people reading some of the selective threads that Puddy spotted some racist comment on. And about 4-5 of them are trolls – leaving the 10 that denounced the racist comments and a few gawkers. so what?
Someone made a racist comment in 2005 and therefore all wingnuts can make any racist remarks they want….yeah, that is fine logic.
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, a 700% increase over last Friday! Our president’s approval continues to skyrocket, increasing with each passing day! Of course, this glorious news sucks for our America-hating, treasonous trolls who want America to fail. They placed their bet against America – bad move. They lose.
Oh, and did I mention that Marvin’s a little faggot?
Marvin Stamnspews:
88. correctnotright spews:
@83: Puddy is full of it about denouncing racists. I have denounced any racist comments every time I have seen them – but sometimes I don’t see them, so I can’t denounce them.
What about gay hate speech?
Does that bother you or do you approve of it?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Someone made a racist comment in 2005 and therefore all wingnuts can make any racist remarks they want….yeah, that is fine logic.
But gay hate speech is accepted here, the only one that admitted they had a problem was YLB. No one is bothered.
Go figure.
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. Steve spews:
Musician? Fuck. You must be a drummer. Dumber than a stump.
Don’t you even understand the difference between pro musicians and hacks like you?
I only hire drummers that play mallets. Which means they read music. Wouldn’t that make them a musician? See, once again you are projecting your out-dated feelings about others. tsk tsk
Is it true that you quit playing music because there were so many blacks in the business? I ask only because you work in a white work environment and the pattern of your life is so obvious.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
“Is it true that you quit playing music because there were so many blacks in the business?”
Too many blacks. Um, yeah, Marvin. That’s why I played in a black soul band in Rainier Valley where I grew up. Yeah, too many blacks. That’s why I’ve had black friends all my life. No, Marvin, it seems more probable that I bailed out of the music scene long ago because I saw it as being increasingly infested with talentless, unintelligent asswipes such as yourself.
“I ask only because you work in a white work environment and the pattern of your life is so obvious.”
Wrong. You only ask because you’re dumber than a stump. In case you haven’t noticed, Marvin, there’s a few more people around of color than just blacks. Evidently, I work and play with more people of different color and ethnic backgrounds than you even know exist.
You’ve got issues, Marvin. You should work on them. Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll be able to stop fucking goats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
92. Steve spews:
Too many blacks. Um, yeah, Marvin.
That’s why I’ve had black friends all my life.
Have you ever noticed that racists always say they have black friends.
Considering your views about gays, why should I believe you have black friends.
If you are not lying, it should be easy to prove.
Prove it you chickenshit.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Yeah, you call me a “faggot” to belittle me. Nothing says belittling like being compared to gays… well, at least in the mind of a bigot.
by the way idiots, why is the nyt getting tough with the boston globe unions? i thought u liberals loved unions. instead of looking tocut their pay,the nyt should be giving thema raise, because ubions are so great,
u fucking moron hypocritical assholes
Reason magazine online punks obama and his pledge that he made during the campaign.
Of course, another democrat policy is hurting poor blacks the most.
Specter loses seniority on five committees
Sen. Arlen Specter lost big under a resolution approved by the Senate Tuesday night: He won’t be able to retain his seniority on five committees this Congress.
In announcing his switch to the Democratic Party last week, Specter said that Democratic leaders assured him that he would be treated as if he were elected as a Democrat 29 years ago — essentially allowing him to leapfrog most Democrats and put himself in line to become a committee chairman if he wins reelection in 2010.
The move may have come as shock to Specter. Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, he said that it’s an “entitlement” for him to retain his seniority on those committees.
Hey arlen, how did trusting the democrat leaders work out for you?
If fellow democrats can’t trust democrat leadership, how can we the people?
Has anyone seen the topless photos of that ditzy gay marriage opponent?
(the nipples are covered so it’s safe for work)
Iran is so scared of the obama they decided to start bombing in iraq.
Iranian aircraft attacked three villages inside Iraq over the weekend. The airstrikes — Iran’s first on Iraqi soil since the U.S. invasion
With obama in office iran doesn’t even have to sneak IEDs into iraq anymore. Now they are free to fly in and bomb.
Really, I thought the chapped hands were from all the conservative pundits trying to blame swine flu on President Obama and then stroking themselves while relishing the thought of the end-times.
Wait, did I read that right? I’m a hypocrite because TNYT is in contract negotiations with its workers at the Boston Globe?
And now I need to wash my hands about 1,000 times do to the fleeting image that popped into my head.
Why are democrat controlled government schools failing so bad?
L.A. Unified pays teachers not to teach
About 160 instructors and others get salaries for doing nothing while their job fitness is reviewed. They collect roughly $10 million a year, even as layoffs are considered because of a budget gap.
At least the teacher unions are protecting the rights of the teachers. Of course protecting the teachers screws the students but we have to keep in mind what is most important to democrats… teachers unions.
Now we see why the unions keep whining about needing more money.
Why do democrats hate students.
The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll’s Presidential Approval Index shows President Obama’s approval soaring. It’s now at +7, up 600% since only last Friday. I’m sure our Mr. Klynical would have told you himself but perhaps the news has left him feeling a little bit ill.
You’re complaining because teachers get to take breaks?
In WA teachers get paid for a 180 (or so) day contract.
Oh my, so Jon Devore and the rest of the “girly-men” at are worried about their soft, sensitive, uncalloused chapped hands???
Too damn funny!
You KLOWNS are sooooooooo fragile.
The only callouses you have are on your asses from being unemployed and sitting around bitching about your pathetic lives.
Being a compassionate Conservative however, I must share with you the best solution for your severe chapping and chafing….it’s called Bag Balm. Farmers use it on their cows, horses & goats. If it’s good enough for a GOAT, it’s certainly good enough for a girly-man KLOWN.
Read about it:
Do NOT use the stuff for your rectal chaffing caused by questionable personal choices.
troll & puddy–
We must be more compassionate with these KLOWNS. It’s obvious they are sensitive and fragile.
You obviously didn’t read the link.
Here’s the next paragraph talking about Kim
It’s not about me complaining about teachers getting breaks. It’s about me complaining about teacher unions forcing schools to keep, as the article documents, The housed are accused, among other things, of sexual contact with students, harassment, theft or drug possession. on the payroll.
Not all are girly-men…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Swine Flu is a by-product of the Democrats “Porkulus Bill” championed by the Head Pig, Obama and managed by Swineherd Joe Biden
As usual Marvin is too stupid to understand the complexities of the situation.
Teachers are often accused of things they did not do by students – so there needs to be a very detailed and impartial way of sifting through real and imagined complaints.
It takes time and it takes money but the real offenders are usually caught, prosecuted and fired.
Without teachers unions and protections any old student who did not like their grade or was rebuffed by a teacher could file a complaint and get a good teacher fired.
Unions are not always right – but without them this country would be in even worse shape. Imagine if the CEOs could do what ver they wanted…oh, yeah, that was the banking industry deregulation proposed and supported by right wingnut Phil Gramm. That sure worked well.
Since Marvin never got out of third grade – he may have trouble understanding anything beyond the three little pigs and the wolf.
@12 Bag Balm and goats? Damn, Mr. Klynical. The things you come up with!
So anyways, Mr. Klynical, his Bag Balm, and his little buddy Marvin were out driving in the countryside, cruising past farms and pastures, when they come across a goat with his head stuck in a fence. Mr. Klynical immediately pulls over, grabs the Bag Balm, jumps out of the car, hops the fence and fucks the goat. Finishing up, he calls out to Marvin,
“Hey, Marvin, you want some too?”
Marvin replies,
“Oh yes, Mr. Klynical!”
With that, Marvin hops the fence, pulls down his pants, bends over and sticks his head in the fence.
“OK, Mr. Klynical, I’m ready!”
The more the right winguts bash Obama – the more popular he becomes.
Bush screwed up Pakistan so badly by getting buddy-buddy with the dictator Musharaff. Now we are finally getting action against the Taliban.
Another Bush foreign policy failure – just like he blew it in North Korea and Iran. Bush has been an unmitigated disaster for this country:
Foreign policy grade: F
Blew NK, Iran (now they both are going nuclear thanks to the Bush bluster), unecessary war in Iraq, torture that embarasses us and stifles our allies and NO progress in the Middle East.
domestic Agenda grade: F
Worst economy since the great depression, biggest budget deficit in history, most spent of defense ever without any oversight on the waste.
Going after waste at the pentagon.
Going after usurous credit card practices
Going after off-shore tax breaks for big corporations.
Going after tax loopholes for the very rich.
These are all things the republicans and Bush ignored and winked at. The everyday working person was screwed while the bigwigs got away with highway robbery.
KBR and Halliburton looted our treasury as the latest report shows.
Our “justice” department forgot to read our constitution and authorized illegal torture.
Corporations and the rich have not paid their fair share by using loopholes and off-shore havens.
Do the republicans care about this? NO
Do the republicans lie about being for the working person? YES
Does anyone believe their crap anymore? Yes, about 25-30% of the really stupid people believe the republican crap.
Speaking about Kim, it wasn’t students complaining.
The school board voted to fire him in 2002.
Here in los angeles, the real offenders are usually transferred to another school.
Huh? The “CEO” of a government run school district?
Who benefits from the demands of the teacher unions, teachers or students?
Don’t the students deserve someone speaking up for their rights.
Yeah, I missed it on that one. He should have been gone (or absolved) back in 2002.
I wonder if the union has some contractual obligation to back he whether they want to or not?
And does sound like this case is a statical outlier.
Are you going to apologize yet for being homophobic.
After all, only someone with issues about homosexuality would call people “faggots.” And of course little kids that don’t know better, but that’s not an excuse you can use.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
On what basis? Probably student complaints….that need to be verified.
Thanks for proving my point again.
If a teacher is fired on the basis of complaints only…then there is no job security and no one would teach.
And lesson in logic 101: A single case does not prove a point.
Do I need to go into all the thousands of false accusation cases?
Did you read all 3 pages of the article? The unions are only have one goal and that goal is not to the benefit of the children.
district officials say, they are prohibited from assigning chores under the contract with the teachers’ union. Although there is no specific reference in the contract to housed employees, an attorney for L.A. Unified pointed to Article 9, Section 4.0, which defines the “professional duties” of a teacher, such as instructional planning and evaluating the work of pupils.
With no mention of photocopying, stuffing envelopes or answering telephones in the contract, the district and union have interpreted this provision as prohibiting clerical duties.
“Why would we denigrate [teachers] by forcing them to do something they’re not supposed to do?” said A. J. Duffy, who is now president of UTLA, adding that housed teachers are entitled to a presumption of innocence.
How misguided is the teachers union that doing “clerical duties” is denigrating.
If you read the article it talks about the school principal having problems with the teacher. No mention of student complaints, but I’m sure the teacher appreciates you covering for him.
Just because I proved your point that unions do not help/protect the children doesn’t make your point of view either correct or right.
If you had read the article you would learned that it wasn’t a single complaint from a student.
Kim’s troubles with the district began in 2000, when a classroom aide reported inappropriate comments and advances.
In class one October day, according to her testimony before an administrative panel, Kim asked her to stand closer to him while interpreting his speech for the students. When she moved closer, she said, he touched her breast with his left hand, the only one he could slightly control.
Students immediately started making comments about what they’d seen. One said: “Oh, come on, Mr. Kim, you know you liked it,” according to a summary of allegations against Kim prepared by a state review panel in 2008. Kim responded to the students that he had.
Over the next two years, another adult andsixstudents would make similar complaints against Kim,according to the summary.
The same month the aide complained, Kim asked a girl if she had a boyfriend and if she was a virgin, according to the girl’s testimony during an administrative hearing.
Another girl said that Kim kept staring at her and urged her at one point not to change her hair color, according to documents filed with the state.
Joseph Walker, then the principal at Grant, confronted Kim, who denied most of the allegations. Walker then wrote a memo to the teacher telling him that it was important “to stay out of the students’ personal life and personal space,” according to district records filed in court.
Complaints of misconduct kept coming, according to district records filed in court.
After a male classroom aide reported that he had seen Kim touch a girl on the shoulders and near her crotch, Walker asked for advice from L.A. Unified’s personnel division. The principal noted that Kim “has been charged with sexual harassment for the fourth time within a one-year period,” according to his December 2001 memo in court files.
Two months later, a school counselor complained that Kim ran his hand back and forth across one of her breasts during a meeting, according to the court filings and the commission summary.
@21 I think Marvin might still have his head stuck in that pasture fence, Bag Balm in hand, waiting for Puddy to show up with that “white dildo” that Puddy keeps going on and on about. Yeah, that Puddy. The same Puddy who can’t stop talking about “sticky white man-juice” in these threads. But you’re good with Puddy and that sleaze of his, aren’t you?
I can see now that you’ll never get the ironic humor of GBS and I tagging you, a self-loathing, gay-hating, woman-hating, wing-nut hypocrite, as a “faggot cunt”.
Here’s one that’ll warm Mr. Klynical’s cold, cold, heart:
A bunch of Republican Klowns….
Doubtful. Do you have a link to back up your claim?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Go ahead and belittle me by calling me a “faggot.” Did you know that manotruth shares your views on gays? Considering your white workplace environment I’m sure you share views on blacks.
Steve, you continue to amaze me with:
1) Moronic comments
2) Lack of memory
3) Just being plain stupid
So first Steve, let me set the scene…
Stillbentover, you know the one you call for your nightly cock sucking, tells the world:
1) He fucked my wife
2) He stuck a black dildo up her ass
3) She’s fat and ugly
Since the other smart Steve AKA SeattleJew that is; and some other friends have met my wife, they definitely know differently. Also GBS has made positive comments about my wife’s beauty and how did Puddy marry above his pay grade.
Since stillbentover has this fetish over big BLACK dildoes, Puddy asked him why is he fascinated on big BLACK dildoes… Oh but Puddy knows why. They don’t make big WHITE dildoes, because that would be perpetuating a lie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha
So Steve, if you paid attention to threads instead of having your head up some goats ASS maybe acquired knowledge and intelligence could penetrate that Neanderthal skull.
Regarding the “sticky white man-juice”, that is reserved for clueless wonder, as he loves to wallow on Daily Kurse, Huffed Postal, and other George Soros funded activities. That’s where he runs to to get that special coffee sweetener when he first wakes up. Maybe clueless wonder should call George “daddy”.
You’re not amazed with his homophobic name calling?
Never mind, I wasn’t either.
Marvin@27 maybe they are the doppelgangers!
Marvin, you are asking NutRight to read something other than left-winged kooky web sites for the LA teacher story. Nut gonna happen!
I understand that NutRight only believes what he reads on left wing-nut websites, that’s why I quoted the liberal LA Times.
It appears that NutRight refuses to believe facts that don’t support his position even if the facts are from a left wing website.
Wow. Mindblowing bit of analysis from Chris Bowers:
It’s just really looking bleak for Republicans.
Not a word from Marvelous Marv about Stupes’ “gay bowel movement”. Crusader’s “fudgepacking” remark just get a lame “GBS and Steve are worse”.
Nothing at all about fiendoflies’ homophia either.
In other words:
Am I mistaken or did Puddy @28 just author a nine paragraph post that was entirely about dildos and sticky white man-juice?
Yep Steve that’s what puffybutt does – that is when he’s not out behind the bowling alley in Port Orchard giving shipyard workers a BJ. He likes to think that means he’s “serving his country!” LOL!
I just want to make sure that I understand where everybody’s coming from on this shit. Let’s see, we now have here at HA a guy named Troll with his multiple “nigger” this and “nigger” that posts, manoftruth with his constant stream of Jew-hate, and the newly arrived KIKE KILLER with his “KILL NIGGERS” and “KILL JEWS” comments, all in CAPS for good effect. All this, and Marvin’s having a breakdown because GBS and I called the self-loather a “faggot”, and Puddy is birthing a goat because somebody mentioned a “black dildo”.
Does that sum it up?
The union’s completely miss guided in this case. But, that doesn’t answer the question of the union’s contractual oblations to its members. And we’re still talking about one union in one district and you’re still trying to say that every union everywhere is evil because of this one example. Which is crap.
Who is stupes? Without the context or a link I won’t comment on it. As far as I know, it might have been a medical diagnosis. Don’t gays have bowel movements?
Crusader and manoshit (is that fiendoflies) are obviously homophobes.
I have the same amount of disdain for them as I do steve and gbs. If there is a word/phrase you want me to call mano/crusader/steve/gbs just tell me. To me, they are all one in the same.
\Speaking of homophia…
HAve you heard of the magazine “the advocate?” Do you feel they are a right-wing publication? If not, check out this article about democrats and homophia.
Liberals and Their Invisible Homophobia
It’s not just homophobia from conservatives we have to worry about. Liberals can be just as baldly antigay — often without reproach.
If you would rather not follow the link, the article names names… bill “maricon” richardson, john “I’m not comfortable around those people,” Obama giving donnie “(gays) are trying to kill our children” mcclurkin stage time with him, eric “little roy” alterman, etc. The article talks about how democrats promoted the myth that gays target children during the mark foley case. Talks about how clinton is “arguably” worse than bush on gay issues based on his policies.
Interesting reading.
Liberals have no compunction about propagating this type of homophobia, which categorizes gay conservatives as “self-hating.” But if liberals believe in the humanity and individuality of gay people (not to mention blacks, women, and other minorities expected to sympathize with the left), a corollary to that acceptance is an understanding that gays may not agree with them on issues ranging from affirmative action to Iraq.
Steve is trying to justify his behavior by pointing the finger at others.
Calling people “faggots” is bad enough but your words about not belittling gays but belittling me speaks volumes.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Hey steve, what if your friends in bigotry manoshit and “kikekiller” said they only used those words to belittle obama and not other blacks, would you stop your whining about them being racist? I didn’t think so.
If you wouldn’t give them a pass, why should you get one.
Marvie @ 39: “Crusader and manoshit (is that fiendoflies) are obviously homophobes.”
Credit where credit is due.
Time to point out that Marvin has never, ever once denied the fact that he is a child rapist and a pervert. Although he does (usually after calling someone names and threatening violence) claim to be a Christian. Yeah right.
Have you already forgotten..
Steve is a rich guy in an all-white Kountry Klub and Kommodore of an all-white Yacht Klub.
Steve tried to fools folks by pretending to be black…heck, it was more hysterical than Bill Clinton’s act.
Kountry Klubber and Kommodore Steve believes in integration….as long as he can only talk about it and not live it. His Martini-swilling helps him “get his Afro-groove on”!
Marvelous @ 39
I’ve referred to Puddybud as Stupes forever. The fool is always looking down his nose here at Goldy’s supporters while spewing the most stupid garbage himself. I can hardly believe you have not noticed this.
Stupes referred to the gay rights movement as the “gay bowel movement”. This is in the last thread where you told me that drawing even the slightest parallel from gays organizing to demand civil rights to the black civil rights movement was “insulting” to a black person.
Of course you won’t disdain Stupes like you did Crusader and fiendoflies (credit due) because he’s the cornerstone of the right wing “team” here.
38. Michael spews:
The union’s completely miss guided in this case. But, that doesn’t answer the question of the union’s contractual oblations to its members.
It’s the same tatic from the saul alinsky playbook that democrats routinely use. Notice how the left insisted that because that one person that yelled out the N word or whatever he said about obama at the sarah palin rally that proved all republicans were like him. Of course, it turned out the allegation was false.
Teacher unions have one goal in mind, doing everything they can for their members. The children are not their concern. The same philosophy is true for all unions, it’s all about their members and not the business that employs the union members.
Unions had a time, that time has passed. Today, people know there are many alternatives to being abused by an employer. Ask the rabbit about how many civil lawsuits there were 30 years ago, how many today.
Back to the teacher unions… Here in LA the teacher unions are going on a one day strike on the 15th if their demands are not met. How does the strike help the children learn, it doesn’t. And why the 15th, it’s a testing day. Just imagine how no test scores would screw up funding. Nice people those teachers.
Stupes is always going on about Soros like BillOFelafel. Strange obsession. The right wing stink tank and propaganda crowd is well funded by a gaggle of right wing billionaires – a fact that’s continually lost on the fool.
I guess Stupes must envy BillO’s big house and the megabucks he makes. There goes that self loathing again.
I’m not taking the credit.
In my circle of friends anything else wouldn’t be acceptable.
I grew up in an era when male gays and pedophiles were both called queers, faggots and homos. Times change, and so do attitudes. Today, gays are just gays. Pedophiles are a distinct entity, no longer folded into the old view of the gay community as they once were. “Don’t want queers around my kids” is old school. One shouldn’t want pedophiles around their kids.
For many, it’s been a matter of accepting change. Who will adapt to societal change more readily, conservatives or progressives? The answer is obvious. So while some, perhaps too many progressives are still a little too much “old school” in their thinking, it’s not nearly as bad as on the conservative side of the fence, where true hatred can still flourish and can grow into acts of violence against gays.
If that’s true, I learned it from lee…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
If it’s good enough for you guys, isn’t it fair we do the same.
You believe in things being fair don’t you?
@43 “Steve tried to fools folks by pretending to be black…”
Delusional. The recent Rasmussen poll results must be fucking with your mind. Speaking of which, the daily tracking poll is at +7 today, up 600% since only last Friday. That sucks for you, doesn’t it? Hmm, in fact, it seems to be pushing you over the edge into a state of delusion, or “bat-shit crazy”, as I like to call it. It should be fun witnessing your mind deteriorate as the polls continue to show strong approval for President Obama.
Moron@34: Fudgepacking commentary has been used by years fool! What? You haven’t tried it? Go visit stillbentover and find out why he’s stillbentover.
Now steve is making the excuse that it was okay to call people “faggots” when he was growing up so it’s okay for him to do it now.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
We haven’t even started about your use of the word “cunt” and your issues with women.
Steve will no doubt make the excuse that back when he was a kid his daddy routinely called his mother a “cunt” and how change happens slowly.
No Steve@37, you left out the haters on your side.
You do that all the time Steve. It has to be the goat sex thing because you’ve gone way beyond the Stupid Solution act.
Why do you do that Steve?
Can’t seem to first remove that stick in your eye?
Why do you turn a blind eye (sic) to Donkey hate Steve?
Puddy sees Steve@35 still being a moron. Well Stupid is as Stupid Does.
Now steve is blaming the rasmussen poll for his out of date views.
Steve, a better excuse would be you have a drug/alcohol problem and you don’t remember what you write when you are under the influence.
So let me remind you…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
From your own article:
That is called a student complaint.
Anyway, after showing that you can’t argue for shit – I think this teacher is probably a bad apple – but there needs to be verification. that was my point that you just don’t get. Also, there needs to be some protection from bad complaints – that is what the union is for.
Marvin says he’s a musician who works in the entertainment industry so either now or in the past he may have belonged to the musicians union.
Shouldn’t the concern of the union be for the musicians? If a producer had it in for Marvin and organized a blacklist shouldn’t the union put the kibosh on that?
Being reflexively anti-union is ignorant.
“Open thread”? This is more like an open sewer. Then again, that’s what you get when modern-day “conservatives” are given an opportunity to freely express their innermost thoughts.
Just had a great thought. What if Puffybutt were forced to walk down 98th St in LA wearing a sign saying:
“I vote GOP because I am a self-loathing black man who wants to do the bidding of rich white guys who’d just as soon hang me as piss on me if I’m on fire.”
I see that Marvin’s reduced to making shit up. So tiresome already.
Marvin makes everything up, including himself.
“Stupes” @53 and 54 You’ve really earned the handle “Stupes”, haven’t you. I haven’t been calling you anything but Puddy, but maybe I should reconsider. After all, your responses are as stupid as they fucking come.
“No Steve@37, you left out the haters on your side.”
Funny stuff, coming from a wing-nut black man who has never once denounced the race hate coming from the right. Who on the left would you compare to KIKE KILLER? Speaking of which, KIKE KILLER is yet another hater of blacks you won’t bother to denounce. Hell, even the insipid faggot cunt, Marvin, mustered enough spine to do that. But not you, Puddy. And yet, after all these years, you’re still birthing goats over Headless. Yeah, “Stupes” fits you well, doesn’t it? It looks like BBG @59 has you pegged.
Hey, how about moving this thread into something much more positive.
One of the biggest diffences between Liberal’s and Conservative’s is their view on the size, cost & role of government in our lives.
Minimal vs. Maximal.
My contention has always been that we as INDIVIDUALS are called by God to serve others…not the government doing the re-distribution of wealth thing.
Here is an organization my wife & I support. It is amazing to see how far they can stretch resources. No government bureaucracy could ever be as cost-effective and compassionate.
Check it out here:
I hope some of you will look at it seriously and support them. It’s amazing how much volunteerism and a great organizational plan can stretch dollars.
We went to a fund-raiser last night. .8% of our entire County was there. Can you imagine is .8% of King County attended such an event the impact it could have on those in need?
It appears there are just too many folks who would rather wait and let “the government” do things THEY should be doing.,
As said by a homophobe. You’re starting to get close to exposing your racial hatred, be careful.
Instead of asking people to apologize for what others say, why don’t you apologize for your own words.
If you mean hating blacks, that would be headless and the way you are going it won’t be long until you start throwing the N word around, not to belittle blacks, but to belittle Puddy.
If you mean gays, well then you are still the king.
Since you refuse to denounce headless, using your logic that you apply to Puddy, wouldn’t that mean you condone it? See, I knew it wasn’t going to be long until your dirty underbelly of racial hatred would surface.
Steve wants Puddy to denounce people he doesn’t even know. And then steve cozies up to byebyegoober again. Maybe it’s that big white dildo byebyegoober is looking for.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Once again I have forced steve to lie.
I’ve got skills to pay the bills.
If you’re not lying… post the link.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
@63 Love INC appears to be a good organization and worthy of support.
I’ve mentioned before that I give my support to Friends of Youth, a local organization that also makes a significant impact.
They helped me out so much when I was a kid that I’ve, at this point, left my entire estate to them. That said, I’m considering leaving a portion to Lakeside High School to help fund their LEEP program. I was lucky enough to attend the first year of that program and it was very influential through the years.
@64 and 65 Now you’re simply wasting my time. Pick up the level of your game or you’re destined to remain a second string troll.
List the conservatives in this thread that have the foul mouths that steve and byebyegoober exhibit on a daily basis.
Have you noticed how often you call me a liar but NEVER back up your words. Why is that steve.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Calling me a “faggot” is not meant as an insult to gays, it’s intended to insult me.
@68 So what? So I swear like a sailor, what’s it to you? What’s worse, a few cuss words or manoftruth spewing race hate and bigotry? How about Troll spewing “nigger” this and “nigger” that? What about KIKE KILLER advocating the killing of Jews and blacks? Don’t bother. We already know that you don’t care about the hate spewed by you and yours. Until you display a moral compass worthy of respect, you can take that situational bullshit of yours and shove it up your ass.
@69 “Have you noticed how often you call me a liar but NEVER back up your words. Why is that steve.”
You’re not worth the effort. Too many lies, too little time, too insignificant a liar. Your only worth is to be the object of scorn.
Have you noticed that Marvin the pervert calls people out but won’t reveal his location? Wow how brave of you bitch. Is that the reason you rape little kids? You’re just a complete coward? Just like all other Publicans I’ve ever met.
Positive. Yeah right. What you just wrote is a lie and insulting on top of it.
Brag all you want about what you do with your money. After writing drivel like the above, no one is going to care.
Michael, Michael, Michael@38:
You are drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Steve Jobs blasted teachers unions in 2007. Jobs said “What kind of person could you get to run a small business if you told them that when they came in they couldn’t get rid of people that they thought weren’t any good? Not really great ones because if you’re really smart you go, ‘I can’t win.'” – Puddy put it here. Did you fergit dat Michael?
What is strange is the CA Teacher’s Union gave $1,000,000 to oppose Prop 8 last year? What has that got to do with teaching Michael?
Remember how the National Education Association got their pink panties all twisted around the lips and scrotes when Education Secretary Rod Paige for calling the union a “terrorist organization” because they use “obstructionist scare tactics”? All this over Ted Kennedy’s No Child Left Behind Law and the Union didn’t like some language in it.
Or how about how unions work back in the 1990s Michael?
If only your actions didn’t prove you a liar.
I was on your mind enough for you to write about me in messages-
in this thread alone.
You would love to rub it in my face if you could.
But you can’t.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
@75 Whatever, Marvin.
Steve, Steve, Steve, such a sad sad case.
1) Moronic to the bone
2) No memory
3) Always saying something more stupid everyday.
Steve, Steve, Steve, you have to stop drinking the Stupid Solution. Steve Steve, Steve, Puddy told you why Puddy doesn’t castigate people. Puddy long ago told the HA Weasel Class if Puddy denounced JCH would they denounce headless. Less than 10 denounced headless while Puddy lead the charge to denounce JCH. Since the HA Weasel Class decided to not denounce headless, Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right because your HA Weasel Class ilk can’t find their voice.
So Steve, Steve, Steve stop trying to get Puddy to denounce or criticize anyone on the left, because you and others have lost your voice on headless.
See ya Stupid Solution Drinker!
Words like fuck, shit, ass, etc are cuss words. The words you use like “faggot” is hate speech. Go figure.
Why are you still sniveling? I denounced him. Hell, even you admitted in this very thread.
Is your lying pathological?
See how easy it was for me to use your own words as proof of your lies?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
@74 “Steve’s Stupid Solution.”
Coming from a guy who so easily earned the tag “Stupes”.
@78 Nonsensical. Try again. Maybe you’ll come up with something worthy of response rather than scorn.
@77 “Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right”
So you refuse to denounce hate-speech coming from the right in the here and now because you hold a grudge for what you once perceived as an insufficient response by whoever so many years ago? Puddy, Puddy, Puddy, your lack of a moral backbone is really something to behold. So clue me in – are there more injustices or hate you might refuse to stand against and show some spine because of your selfish spite or because the price you demand to show courage hasn’t been paid in full?
Steve, You didn’t comment on the whole comment . So why did you hijack only one sentence?
How many times does Puddy have to tell you? Puddy is not the owner of this blog. Puddy has a moral backbone. Puddy called out headless. Puddy called out JCH. Did you? You asked headless to contact you. headless didn’t.
You can call me anything you want Steve, that’s your prerogative, you being a fool.
When you start replying to yourself you know the wheels are coming off the wagon.
Or did you mean my message at #74?
We all know what you meant. You said I wasn’t worth your effort yet I used your posts to prove you are lying.
I’ve been trolling for years. Started back in the Laker/Sonic days with steve “coz” pyeatt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone fall apart as badly as you have in the last few days.
@82 You deserve a reply
“Steve, You didn’t comment on the whole comment . So why did you hijack only one sentence?”
Some sentences stand out more than others and deserves some focus in a response. You do the same thing. So does everybody else here.
“Puddy long ago told the HA Weasel Class if Puddy denounced JCH would they denounce headless. Less than 10 denounced headless while Puddy lead the charge to denounce JCH.”
How about skipping the namecalling for a post or two? For the longest time I had no idea what you were talking about. After all, it happened in 2005, three years before I got here. Others haven’t been here that long either. Regardless, when you finally posted the old Headless comments, I wasn’t all too thrilled to read some tasteless remarks that smacked of overt racism. You will recall my displeasure and you will recall my attempts to get to the bottom of what happened. I haven’t read anything like that out of Headless in my time here. If there were more current comments, I’m sure you would have posted them.
“Since the HA Weasel Class decided to not denounce headless, Puddy decided not to denounce anymore on the right because your HA Weasel Class ilk can’t find their voice.”
So less than ten denounced Headless. Let’s call it nine. Count my pending denouncement and you’ve got nine and a half. Hell, call it ten. And you’re clear enough about your not having any intentions of denouncing Troll, manoftruth and KIKE KILLER, which is to say that you’re not going to denounce the likes of Troll’s “nigger” comments, manoftruth’s Jew-hate, and KIKE KILLER’s calls to kill Jews and blacks, although he put it a little more in racist and bigoted terms. But let’s see just how much more clear we can get. Are you saying that ten people who stood with you when you and they were all so offended do not deserve the same respect of your standing with them today when they are again confronted with that same racism and bigotry? Are you saying that, not for what they have done, but for what others have done, that you will not stand with them?
“How many times does Puddy have to tell you? Puddy is not the owner of this blog. Puddy has a moral backbone. Puddy called out headless. Puddy called out JCH. Did you?”
Regarding Headless, I was about to be very, um, disappointed if what I read was confirmed. JCH? I have no idea who JCH is or what he did. Before my time. Maybe you talked about him before. Hey, I don’t have the famous “Puddy’s photographic, though selective memory” thing going, OK? Beyond Headless, I have never passed on the opportunity to denounce a racist or bigoted post. Isn’t it true that I have done that as much or more than anybody on this blog? I am the only one to comment on KIKE KILLER! What is wrong with you people on this blog! We have our fun going after each other here. But sometimes something serious is happening on this, something that transcends the petty partisan bickering in which we indudge. I am not black. I’m not a Jew. But when anybody shows up here, especially one talking about killing Jews and blacks, I’m going to damned well stand and be counted! That’s the way of it. When that man talks of killing you, Puddy, and you SeattleJew, and you, Lee, and you, Goldy, I’m not going to tolerate it. In this context, I don’t give a damn what you and Headless said four years ago.
All of you. Do you understand? Am I clear?
“You asked headless to contact you. headless didn’t.”
Yes, although it was more than that. You and I were having a very serious discussion. I was reading everything that you had to say. I read the old posts and shared my disgust. I posted a very adamant comment or two about getting to the bottom of this matter. I posted a “headless wanted at other thread” comment on other current threads. And your right, Headless didn’t show up. What am supposed to do? Call the HA blog cops? It was late in the week. That thing died. I let it fade and so did you. You want to resurrect it? Do one of those famous Puddysearches and let’s get it on.
“You can call me anything you want Steve, that’s your prerogative, you being a fool.”
Oh hell,
Yo mama!
@83 “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone fall apart as badly as you have in the last few days.”
You’re never going to get a handle on that projection shit, are you? You ought to work on it at least. Maybe you you wouldn’t be so damned obvious about being so fucked up in the head with every post. Do you not even know when you’re jumping for us anymore? Musician? Fuck. You must be a drummer. Dumber than a stump.
You keep replying to me and talking about me but it’s not worth you time to provide links to back up your absurd gibberish? How byebyegooberish of you.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
ISn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? And when you consider you work in a white environment…
@83: Puddy is full of it about denouncing racists. I have denounced any racist comments every time I have seen them – but sometimes I don’t see them, so I can’t denounce them.
Puddy won’t denounce the racist comments made by the right wingnut trolls on here. He lets them go, just as he lets the racist comments of Limbaugh, Sessions and other republicans wingnuts go. Puddy is a hypocrtie. Period.
That crap about “not enough” denounced is just that – crap. There may only be about 15-20 people reading some of the selective threads that Puddy spotted some racist comment on. And about 4-5 of them are trolls – leaving the 10 that denounced the racist comments and a few gawkers. so what?
Someone made a racist comment in 2005 and therefore all wingnuts can make any racist remarks they want….yeah, that is fine logic.
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, a 700% increase over last Friday! Our president’s approval continues to skyrocket, increasing with each passing day! Of course, this glorious news sucks for our America-hating, treasonous trolls who want America to fail. They placed their bet against America – bad move. They lose.
Oh, and did I mention that Marvin’s a little faggot?
What about gay hate speech?
Does that bother you or do you approve of it?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
But gay hate speech is accepted here, the only one that admitted they had a problem was YLB. No one is bothered.
Go figure.
Don’t you even understand the difference between pro musicians and hacks like you?
I only hire drummers that play mallets. Which means they read music. Wouldn’t that make them a musician? See, once again you are projecting your out-dated feelings about others. tsk tsk
Is it true that you quit playing music because there were so many blacks in the business? I ask only because you work in a white work environment and the pattern of your life is so obvious.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
“Is it true that you quit playing music because there were so many blacks in the business?”
Too many blacks. Um, yeah, Marvin. That’s why I played in a black soul band in Rainier Valley where I grew up. Yeah, too many blacks. That’s why I’ve had black friends all my life. No, Marvin, it seems more probable that I bailed out of the music scene long ago because I saw it as being increasingly infested with talentless, unintelligent asswipes such as yourself.
“I ask only because you work in a white work environment and the pattern of your life is so obvious.”
Wrong. You only ask because you’re dumber than a stump. In case you haven’t noticed, Marvin, there’s a few more people around of color than just blacks. Evidently, I work and play with more people of different color and ethnic backgrounds than you even know exist.
You’ve got issues, Marvin. You should work on them. Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll be able to stop fucking goats.
Have you ever noticed that racists always say they have black friends.
Considering your views about gays, why should I believe you have black friends.
If you are not lying, it should be easy to prove.
Prove it you chickenshit.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Yeah, you call me a “faggot” to belittle me. Nothing says belittling like being compared to gays… well, at least in the mind of a bigot.