Carla over at Preemptive Karma has given our friend Stefan a sound spanking over his latest efforts to create a military ballot controversy where none exists. Last week, Stefan claimed he had documented proof that King County Elections sent out military ballots late. Carla responds:
No Stefan…you really don’t. I’ve been looking over your “documentation” at length. What you have is akin to a big roll of toilet paper.
I contacted both the Secretary of State’s office and King County Elections today to give them an opportunity to respond to your findings. My results were much different and infinitely more factual than yours, it appears.Additionally and for future reference…just because someone doesn’t call you back to “dispute your findings” doesn’t make your findings correct. Brad Pitt has never contacted me to dispute my finding that he wants to put me up in a new home on the beach in Malibu. But I harbor no delusion that my “finding” is correct, either.
Yeah… ain’t that typically snarky rhetoric, huh? When Stefan writes that “King County did not dispute my findings,” what he really means is that they didn’t reply to his email. (Hmmm… come to think of it, Stefan never did respond to my post in which I repeatedly accused him of being an arrogant prick.)
Carla doesn’t bother to fisk Stefan’s spreadsheet, because quite frankly, it’s Stefan’s spreadsheet, so there’s no way of knowing whether the data is accurate once he’s finished futzing around with it. But while Stefan contorts the data in an effort to prove nefarious goings on in King County, he conveniently ignores documented evidence of problems with military ballots in five other counties… including Island County, which clearly failed to meet the federal deadline.
Why does Stefan focus solely on King County? Well apparently, he couldn’t give a rat’s ass about whether overseas military personnel really received their ballots on time (and they did,) or about whether the DOD or DOJ received any complaints from disenfranchised soldiers (they didn’t.) Clearly, Stefan’s main concern is discrediting King County Executive Ron Sims during the months leading up to the November election. I suppose that explains why 8 out of the last 10 posts to (u)SP are either direct attacks on Sims, or in some way disparage King County Elections.
It’s getting to the point where Stefan may want to report his web hosting fees as an in-kind donation to David Irons. That is, if he’s honest.
The Hunting of the Snark, Fit the Second
TJ over at Also Also piles on with his own recounting of Stefan’s documented history of poor predictions and shoddy, partisan analysis. As TJ points out, Stefan’s latest analysis isn’t any better:
I’m largely going to leave the military ballot thing to Preemptive Carla, because that’s been her gig from the start, and frankly it’s a pointless exercise of speculation on Stefan’s part that barely merits attention. I did review the materials to a certain extent, but it’s not currently fathomable why Stefan assumes that the only overseas ballots mailed out were in October and not before–since over 1,300 names appear to have been pulled from KC’s database by September 23. Carla gets the core issue correct: “It’s over Stefan. You lost. Deal with it.” That’s also the response he got from Nick Handy at the SoS, who didn’t seem to find a need to review Stefan’s materials, either.
TJ turns most of his attention towards Stefan’s latest round of attacks on Ron Sims, this time accusing the King County Executive of aiding and abetting his nephew in casting fraudulent votes. (Yes… that is what Stefan is implying.) Stefan doesn’t ask for comment… he doesn’t even wait until he has all the information he’s requested before publishing his “conclusions.” He just jumps right out there and slanders a public official and his relatives.
Hey… I’ve got an admission for you Stefan. I lived in New York City for almost four years, and during much of that time I continued to vote in Philadelphia. I had always intended to move back to Philly, but never did. Please… please investigate and see if you can get somebody to press criminal charges, because by your reckoning, I clearly voted illegally.
I know that Ron Sims is one of your closest butt-buddies. So tell us….what’s the deal with Donald Sims? How come Donald was voting in King County?? Hmmmmmmm? You are one of the Sims Bro’s, aren’t you Goldy? Any insight for us???
Are you reporting your contributions to Bagdad Jim Mcdimwits campaign? I note that Carla does not refute the data presented by Stephan, or explain what process she used to get different results. She accuses stephan of fiddling with the numbers, but then provides no evidence. This is just more left wing extremist blather
My aologies to stefan for misspelling his name.
carla would make a great detective…
Let’s start calling her DICKLESS TRACY!!!
Mr. Cynical @ 4
“Dickless Tracy” — interesting way to put it. Ever stopped to think about what percentage of people posting on these Blogs are male versus female? Regardless of whether the blog is liberal, conservative, or whatever, I would say that 90% to 95% of the people posting are males. What happened to all the women in blog-land?
The women are smart enough to ignore the vomit that passes for most blogging.
Stefan says: “5,478 “RS” (non-military UOCAVA) ballots were delivered to PSI on Oct. 12″
He is probably right. But most non-military UOCAVA ballots from King County are overwhelmingly Democrat — i.e. a liberal former Seattle resident who moved to France or Canada. Only a few hundred military UOCAVA ballots were mailed by King County after the 10/08/2004 deadline.
Stefan is correct in pointing out that King County made a major mistake, then lied about it and tried to cover it up. But this mistake probably cost Gregoire far more votes than it cost Rossi.
Gee whiz, Carla’s only response to me is:
“I’ve been looking over your “documentation” at length. What you have is akin to a big roll of toilet paper.”
“I contacted both the Secretary of State’s office and King County Elections today to give them an opportunity to respond to your findings. My results were much different and infinitely more factual than yours, it appears.”
No specific facts to refute what I obtained from government records? Miss Toilet-paper’s argument would be more persuasive if she just stuck her fingers in her ears and shouted “Nah Nah Nah” at the top of her lungs.
I’m waiting for Stefan to tell us how much $$$ he collected from King County under RCW 42.17.340(4) for not complying with the public records laws. It’s gonna be a loooooong wait!
Reply to 1
If you think there’s a problem, why don’t you file a voter challenge, and report back to us with the result.
Man I’ve got a bad case of giggles tonight. :D But then, Stefan and Cynical are sort of funny, sometimes.
Reply to 2
Why bother to refute something that doesn’t even address the issue? The issue — Gary — is whether military voters received their ballots. Read again the part of Goldy’s post about how many complaints the state and feds received. Where there’s no smoke, there’s no fire.
Reply to 3
How about apologizing to Goldy and Carla for your stupid, inane, and irrelevant posts?
Looks like Stefan isn’t gonna reply, so I’ll take that as an admission that he was full of shit when he publicly claimed that (a) King County illegally denied his public records request for a list that didn’t exist at the time of his request, and (b) King 5 News got the list because of Stefan’s request.
I can’t help it, guys. Honest I can’t! :D
Stefan, you’re funny! :D
)Yawn( Think I’ll fuck a few more female bunnies, then go to bed.
Oh — 1 more thing before I depart for the evening. How’s the fundraising going for your public records lawsuit, Stefan? Are the suckers who read your blog being generous? Soneday if you ever raise the price of a beer at Montlake (i.e., $2.75) why not stop by on a Tuesday evening for a meet-and-greet? Har har har har har …
Man I just can’t stop laughing at that guy … :D
dude…no one cares….take your meds, and go to bed….
I posted this story in the Tsunami talkback, but I feel everyone here should take a look at this, as it has made me furious about the ineptness of beaurocracy:
It has made me too angry to tell it again. Check what I wrote in the other Talkback for the background on this. I have to purge these thoughts now in my head about this before I do myself or others damage.
Left Behind: I posted the same info from Goldy’s paper of record on a different thread. It was ignored. The lefties are intellectually dishonest. Otherwise they would have accepted the link and made factual comments. Of all people I would have thought GBS or Patrick (maybe he is someone else) would have commented about the Clinton Administration and AAG Jamie Gorelick’s stoopid memo creating the wall. But the feel good PC correct dummocraps of the 1993-2001 timeframe didn’t give a lick about our well being. Just because he was here on a valid visa we can’t investigate him with the military giving the FBI the findings. Now that this is breaking the Loony Loocy’s and Don*****don’s will project it being Bush’s fault.
Roger Rabbit and Howard Dean–
They act the same.
They are the same.
LEFTIST PINHEADS who go off the deep-end over & over & over again.
a) Shark focuses on KC cuz he lives there…duh..
b) Your source is some other leftie, also without facts
c) and ps, where are your facts supporting Sims votes from the greater Sims household?
Stefan’s real surname is “Sharansky”. He added the “k” so that he could have a snappier, more aggressive sounding blog monniker. I’ve said this many times and he’s never bothered to dispute it. It must be true.He’s not the “Shark”. He’s the “Shar”…
Mr Cynical is a dipshit
even though he thinks he’s hip shit.
Are Roger Rabbit and Harry Poon the same person?
‘..Stefan doesn’t ask for comment… he doesn’t even wait until he has all the information he’s requested before publishing his “conclusions.” He just jumps right out there and slanders a public official and his relatives.’
The pot calls the kettle black. Let me see, Karl Rove, Bush, Rove, Rice, Rove, Ashcroft, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rove….
9 BILLION American dollars “missing” in Iraq. But all Reps care about is “oil for dollars”. And when it turns out a TEXAS oil company is right in the thick of it , we suddenly don’t hear about it in the MSM. Righties can look at that situation and not blink an eye. “Intellectual honesty”, “Facts”……FEH!!!! You righties are all LITTLE RASCIST EICHMANNS. And any person of color who knows and understands the Reps SOUTHERN STRATEGY is an UNCLE TOM whose just begging to get his butt kicked by his fellow Reps in the long run.
Just ask Colin Powell.
So, the argument against SP’s findings is that Island County did it too. And there were democrat voters in the pile sent out late. And Carla hasn’t heard of any complaints from the military.
Why would the military tell Carla if they had complaints? That’s what passes for investigation?
RE: #31
Yes, I think Harry Poon and Roger Rabbit are the same person.
Roger Rabbit @ 12
‘The issue – Gary – is whether military voters received their ballots.’
As opposed to exposing another KC lie and area of incompetence. That is like saying the issue is whether Valerie Plame or some other CIA agent got whacked, as opposed to whether a law was broken or a wrong committed.
Consistency please.
RE: #33
That should read same moron. HAR HAR …
Stefan @ 8:
You hitched your star to an August 2005 email that required someone from the SOS’ office to remember something that took place in October 2004. You based your numbers only on October and completely disregarded September. You have a long and storied history of jacking numbers to suit yourself.
Three strikes, sugar.
And then there’s the fabulous, “they didn’t call me back to refute so therefore it’s all true”. Did you steal that directly from Bill O’Reilly or did you have to pay him for it’s use?
Janet S @ 32:
So, the argument against SP’s findings is that Island County did it too. And there were democrat voters in the pile sent out late. And Carla hasn’t heard of any complaints from the military.
That’s one of the arguments. Had you been paying attention you’d already know the rest of them.
And Carla hasn’t heard of any complaints from the military.
Carla spoke directly with the press officer in Baghdad, Iraq in January and February about the military voting process and if there were any complaints from soldiers about not being able to vote or have access to a ballot. It’s amazing how much information you can get from making a few phone calls. Stefan should try it sometime. It would certainly minmize his constant f-ups.
Why would the military tell Carla if they had complaints? That’s what passes for investigation?
Yes Janet. This is basic investigation. You call the people that actually know the answers and you ask them the questions. Pretty rocket science-like, eh?
“I did review the materials to a certain extent, ” (from goldy’s post of his blogger buddy)
if you are going to deny facts; don’t fight with guesses….
Laughing on the floor at you guys
Richard Pope @ 7: “Stefan is correct in pointing out that King County made a major mistake, then lied about it and tried to cover it up. But this mistake probably cost Gregoire far more votes than it cost Rossi.”
I agree, it’s KC’s poor CYA that’s the issue for me, but it seems to be par for the course. This election has been over for a long time for me, and this attempt to show that somehow these ‘late’ ballots made any difference falls short.
Goldy sezs: “Why does Stefan focus solely on King County?… Clearly, Stefan’s main concern is discrediting King County Executive Ron Sims during the months leading up to the November election.”
Previously Goldy sezs: “…And while I don’t tend to waste pixels on my own party’s foibles (quite frankly, that’s not the job of a partisan, progressive blogger,) no doubt there are some bad Democrats.”
If you won’t ‘waste pixels’ on your own side’s ‘foibles’, why do you expect Sharansky to be any different?
Reply to 29
righton @ 37 “Laughing on the floor at you guys”
While you are down there, would you mind cleaning up all the bullshit you shovel onto this blog everytime you enter it?
Reply to 32
No, the argument against SP’s “finding” is there’s no evidence any military voters were disenfranchised.
I don’t know whether KC mailed overseas ballots later than Oct. 8. If Stefan is correct that some ballots were mailed on Oct. 12, that is an argument for moving the primary to an earlier date, which didn’t happen in the 2005 legislative session because conservative Republicans blocked it. We can’t ask KC elections workers to do the impossible. Well — we can ask, but they can’t do the impossible.
The 2004 election did expose flaws in the system. The 2005 legislature responded by passing significant reforms that include a statewide voter database, ensuring provisional ballots can’t be fed into polling place machines, and establishing audits of county auditors. (The legislature also adopted an ID requirement in response to a “problem” that doesn’t even exist to make the braying jackasses happy.)
Even before the 2004 election, Washington had already done more for military and overseas voters than any other state. It is easier for those folks to vote in Washington than anywhere else. They don’t have to be registered. They don’t need to receive an official ballot. They don’t need to know the names of the candidates they want to vote for. They don’t need a stamp. Their ballot doesn’t need a postmark. Although legally they’re required to vote by Election Day, as a practical matter they don’t even have to do that, as long as their ballot arrives before the election is certified. They can use a faxed or e-mailed ballot, or a Federal Write In Ballot, or they can write “Republican for governor” on a piece of cardboard from a rations box, write “Elections Department, Seattle, Washington” on it, and give it to their unit mail clerk. That’s all it took to vote for Dino Rossi in November 2004.
Is Stefan sweating small stuff? No, not entirely. If a private contractor was paid with taxpayer dollars to mail ballots by Oct. 8 and didn’t mail them until Oct. 12, that’s a problem the public has a right to know about, and which public officials need to do something about. Like any other consumers, taxpayers are entitled to get what they paid for. If King County elections officials are lying to us about when they mailed ballots, we need to know about that — and get new elections officials. The big “if” here is whether Stefan is telling the truth, or playing games with data to construct “truths” from illogical inferences and leaps of innuendo across yawning chasms.
In a word, I don’t trust the guy, because his track record stinks. Stefan Sharansky is a partisan propagandist, not a journalist. His track record says, take what he says with a ton of salt, because Stefan is a serial bullshitter. For Chrissakes, the guy even lied about his name!
Reply to 33
Framed! I’ve been framed I tell you! FRAMED!!!
Minnow @ 8
Please settle once and for all the following controversy:
Did you add a “k” to your last name?
Of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve been framed. Happens all the time. If I shit in one park, I get blamed for the rabbit shit in every park on earth! Why, just recently I got arrested again for some other rabbit’s defecating activity. Fortunately that Nazi goon from Animal Control picked me up by my ears, leaving my hind feet dangling 3 inches away from his puss-gut. Trust me, that’s NOT how you pick up a rabbit!! 95% of my muscles are in the hindmost 15% of my body. I can’t help it, that’s how evolution designed me. Not only that, my sledgehammer hind feet come equipped with pointy CLAWS. Well, let me tell you, I tore that asshole a new belly button!!! Why wasn’t PETA there filming this? They’re useless, never around when you need ’em. Too bad there’s no film of that Animal Control fucker making tracks down the street minus one bunny. Ha! ha! That was quite a site. Well, I gotta go now. I know Stefan lives somewhere near Green Lake, so I’m just gonna keep shitting on every lawn in the neighborhood until one day he finds a pile of bunny pellets on his putting green. Ta-ta! Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work I go …
I have some bruises, though. He dropped me pretty fast. I landed hard. On asphalt, too. (Groan)
Well, here’s an item from Ohio. Decent citizens fed up with GOP manipulation of Ohio elections are putting a reform package on the November ballot. They want a non-partisan redistricting commission (like Washington has), among other things. Nearly half a million signatures so far, and counting. The Republicans, to their everlasting discredit, are fighting the reforms tooth and claw. They don’t want anything to disrupt their corrupt Ohio political machine.
Righton @ 37:
“I did review the materials to a certain extent, ” (from goldy’s post of his blogger buddy)
if you are going to deny facts; don’t fight with guesses….
Laughing on the floor at you guys
You might have told that to Stefan before he posted that pathetic email calling it “definitive” proof…or before his history of futzing around with his numbers…or before he said that not calling him back to refute must mean that his accusations are true…
This place is a cesspool.
Why bother.
Another turd just dropped in the cesspool.
@40 – “If a private contractor was paid with taxpayer dollars to mail ballots by Oct. 8 and didn’t mail them until Oct. 12, that’s a problem the public has a right to know about, and which public officials need to do something about.”
King County did not deliver the ballots to PSI until October 12 (the federal deadline was October 8). We still have no idea what day PSI sent them out and they entered the USPS system.
Harry Poon and Roger Rabbit are the same person….along with Alan/Don/thatPrick/Priscilla/Dubyasux and 93 other identities.
This fool uses the same writing style and words under all these identities for some pointless reasons and to try to make this look like a legitimate Blog with LOTS of contributors.
In reality, Roger Rabbit/Harry Poon make it a big joke and the LEFTIST PINHEADS like the raving loon-atics they are!!!
righton @ 37
I wasn’t guessing any more than Stefan was, which is rather the point. He has no official documentation to support the contention that military and overseas ballots failed to go out on time. He has an October mailing log, a couple of spreadsheets, and a year-old recollection of emails. If he had the documentation, he wouldn’t have to estimate just how many ballots supposedly went out late. He is speculating, and misleading readers to believe the SoS told him King misled their office–a claim which is patently false.
When you are presented with garbage enough times, you don’t need to sniff it over again to make sure it still stinks.
Michael @ 48
the problem is only ballot requests received by Oct 2 were required to go out by Oct 8. There is no indication from the log when those that were mailed afterwards, were requested. That’s Stefan’s problem–he can’t link requests to when they were mailed; he can only speculate.
you are quoting CARLA??? carla for god’s sake…the same carla that can’t get anyone to read her blog…that carla? carla whose first reply to anything is always nah nah nah and f*&# you?
that carla?
oh sheesh….
the woman is a complete moron.
whether you like it or not stefan exposed alot of fraud and shenanigans going on in king county. you just show your true colors when you quote a moron like carla from OREGON [and our elections here are her business why???]… obviosly just want everything kept dirty and ass backwards here in washington.
try some intellectual integrity.
Comment on 46 (continued)
So what have we here, another right-wing chickenshit who can’t take a dollop of his own medicine?
Shows up here, picks a screen name that insults liberals, then runs away when he realizes HorsesAss liberals dish it back. Buh-bye … don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Must be a Freeper who got lost on the internet. Sheesh. Or maybe one of Stefan’s gullible accolytes.
One thing I’ll say for Mr. Cynical, Putty-For-Brains, and Janet S. — they have to intestinal fortitude to get as good as give. Of course, beetles do that, too. So it’s possibly related to the lack of a brain and consequently the absence of cognitive recognition of pain.
RR @ 47
No worries, Angry at Being Proved Wrong by Liberals is a coward who went whining to the Minnow after I showed him to always be wrong and never able to post on topic. He is a pittiful little man who apparently has no family and never leaves his dank little apartment since he will post in the middle of beautiful weekend days. I have a bet with a friend on his posts. I have to admit that I’m an optimist and think he will post on topic at least once this year over at the minnows site. However, eight months in, he still hasn’t done it…, I’m starting to think I’ll loose my bet.
Sheesh, I see that the minnow hasn’t responded to any of the criticisms of him in this thread since his post. They must all be true. I understand that he, Cynical and Pudbud all mollest collies. They haven’t denied it, so that must be true too.
Well Cynical, we know you’re not imitating yourself under other screen names, because you are inimitable!
But for your information, I am NOT Harry Poon. However, if thinking so makes you happy, think away. Whatever makes you happy, makes Mrs. Cynical happy.
Speaking of which, where is Mrs. Cynical? We haven’t heard from her for quite a while. Did you do something to her, Cynical?
you know roger….in what ever incarnation you are in now…you aren’t nearly as funny as you think you are. anyone who spends the time posting HAR HAR HAR over and over again along with the name calling……. do you really expect anyone to take anything you say seriously?
The only thing Stefan has exposed so far is that he’s a serial liar.
He even lies about the spelling of his name.
I don’t do that. I don’t tell people I’m Roger Rabbbit.
I shit on lawns, though. And I’m gonna shit on Stefan’s lawn on of these days!
Reply to 56
Why would I expect YOU to take me seriously, when Wingys like you don’t take anything seriously? Certainly not the science of evolution. Or the body bags coming out of your fucked-up right-wing war in Iraq. Or your torture chambers in Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, Afghanistan, and a score of other places. Or multi-trillion-dollar deficits. Or Bush’s endless lies about everything from Social Security to who benefits from his tax cuts for the rich.
No, I don’t expect you to take me seriously. Nor do I expect apples to fall upward. I have realistic expectations.
@36 And Carla hasn’t heard of any complaints from the military.
It’s amazing how much information you can get from making a few phone calls. Stefan should try it sometime.
It’s amazing what you could learn by reading a newspaper sometimes.
“As far as I know, I would be willing to bet a large amount of money that 95% of the people in my platoon, company and battalion did not receive a ballot,” Marine Cpl. Ted Lester of Snohomish County e-mailed from Fallujah.
“The other 5% did, but they received them burned beyond recognition and about 4-5 weeks too late.”
Lester said that the mail system in Iraq “is a joke” under the best circumstances, that one mail truck was blown up a week before the election and that it was difficult to get information about where to send write-in ballots.
He said he never got his ballot, which he would have used to vote for Rossi.
On board the USS Trenton, Ensign David Mauel of Chehalis said he didn’t get a ballot by Election Day.
“We returned to port one day before the actual election and then my ballot was finally processed through our ship’s post office the day after the election. Either way, I just assumed that voting was pointless because my ballot would have been received back in Washington state after the election,” he said in an e-mail.
Puddy @ 24 Left Behind @ 23
OK, I’ve read the link at GSN. A difficult read, I must say. Not from a technical point of view, but Holy Cow, it was loaded with so much speculation, ifs, buts and maybes that it wasn’t really worth the time. After doing a little research I found out that there were so many errors of omission in the article that it precludes any reasonable person from reaching a truthful conclusion.
One of the jewels left out of the article is that operation “Able Danger” began under President Clinton in September 1999 and was AXED in Feb 2001 just 7 months before 9/11.
Now you have to ask yourself, which president really had their eye on the ball, the one who started Able Danger or the yum yum who shut it down?
Also, Weldon is a political hack congressmen who wants to portray the CIA as some arrogant and corrupt organization to deflect any criticism away from the president and the Republicans regarding terrorism, 9/11 and the Iraq War. At this point in time any smear campaign against the credibility of the CIA in the court of public opinion only helps out the Republicans in general and Rove in particular in his future punishments for the mishandling of SECRET information.
I remember in 1999 when Mayor Paul Shell cancelled New Year’s Eve activities around the Space Needle. He was ridiculed unmercifully for his decision to protect the public by the Right and in particular the two hacks at KVI, Kirby Wilbur and John Carlson. As it turns out they were on the wrong side of history, as usual, and their blasé attitudes regarding terrorism at the time proves out that the conservatives were too focused on Clinton’s zipper and not the dangers gathering against our great nation. That’s where the Republicans in congress should have focused their energy: on our national security not Clinton’s extra marital affairs.
Left Behind and Puddy: One question for you. If you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO concerned over the prevention of terrorist attacks then why aren’t you upset that Vice President Dick Cheney never chaired one meeting on counter terrorism as tasked by President Bush?
I’ll be eagerly awaiting your pointed answers on the specific question asked. Be prepared to talk extensively on the subject of our National Security as I have a whole host of questions regarding security lapses that are occurring RIGHT NOW, on President Bush’s watch and a congress that is overwhelmingly Republican. Not on a bunch of crap that is regulated to history that cannot be changed. The only thing we can change to make us safer tomorrow are the decisions we can make TODAY. So, I’m directing your attention away from the rearview mirror of “blame” and forcing the issue looking forward, as it should be.
Get your A Game ready, I’m loaded for bear.
Michael @ 62
what does any of that have to do with whether the ballots went out on time or not? As you note, he’s talking about the mail system IN IRAQ.
roger…don’t be such an ‘assumer of things’. you assume that i don’t believe in evolution? you spend so much time running your little bunny mouth you don’t read very much do you?
i’m pretty sure that apples WILL fall upward before you get a clue about anything………
and that’s your answer for everything isn’t it? someone doesn’t agree with you, they must be a “winger”.
good grief……thank god grade school will be starting soon so you won’t have so much free time.
ChristmasGhost, any news regarding your niece?
Hoping and praying for her safe return.
I’ll try this again, Goldy, as your spam filter is working overtime, and if this is double-posted, my apologies….
Goldy said: “Why does Stefan focus solely on King County?…Clearly, Stefan’s main concern is discrediting King County Executive Ron Sims during the months leading up to the November election.”
Goldy also said: “And while I don’t tend to waste pixels on my own party’s foibles (quite frankly, that’s not the job of a partisan, progressive blogger,) no doubt there are some bad Democrats.”
I’m no fan of SP, but if you won’t waste pixles on your side’s faults why should SP do the same for their side?
Roger Rabbit is the posterchild of the Progressive New Age LEFTIST PINHEADS! I’m sure carla, Goldy & others are not quite as happy about that as I am!
“Carla”: You based your numbers only on October and completely disregarded September.
See King County’s press release of Jan. 5
“Date of Initial Mailing of Military/Overseas Ballots:
King County Elections began mailing oversea and military ballots for the General Election on Oct.1, 2004. ”
Sorry, anonymous sweetie, you are an idiot. Who are you in real life anyway? Dean Logan?
Minnow @ 68
Did you add a “k” to your name? Settle it now!!! The people want answers!
Mark Bunster aka Turgid Joe: He has no official documentation to support the contention that military and overseas ballots failed to go out on time. He has an October mailing log, a couple of spreadsheets, and a year-old recollection of emails..
Among other things, I have an October mailing log and other records from King County claiming that fewer than 5,000 ballots were delivered to PSI (not even mailed) on or before Oct. 8. I also have a spreadsheet from the Secretary of State’s office showing that King County told them in October 2004 that more than 10,000 ballots had been mailed by Oct. 8.
What’s the matter Mark, is your boss at Portland City Hall not giving you enough work to do?
Sharkansky is calling someone else an idiot? Who predicted Bridges would set aside the election? Who tried to claim Dr. Sosin was illegally registered? Who unsuccessfully sued the SoS? Who claimed the voter credit process could be used to determine valid vote counts?
It’s amazing that you have the stones to continue posting on the subject, when you’ve been so badly embarrassed by your inane mouthings. And yet you think you’ve earned the right to pass judgement on the correctness of others? Good one.
Stefan @ 70
Were other counties in the State of Washington late mailing out overseas ballots, too? Or was this a problem only with King County?
Pay no mind to the minnow. He has reduced himself to a predatory paranoiac – a Captain Ahab fixated on Ron Simms and Dean Logan.
He accuses every critic who points out the obvious as being a shill for KC Elections or even Logan!
With every re-jiggering of numbers and repeated re-querying of fluid databases he diminishes his self even further in the dingy confines of his basement.
The man has no life.
stefan @ 70
ah, the ad hominem attack–the common refuge of the defeated. The SoS spreadsheet does not indicate what you claim, and you have no documentation that supports the 10,000 number. What you DO have is the 4591 figure, which is in fact documented directly by KCREALS. Otherwise you have bupkus.
Stefan @ 70
Stefan, if you’re gonna “out” Torrid Joe, why don’t you do it on your own board instead of misusing Goldy’s board for that purpose, you fucking coward. You know damn well Goldy doesn’t allow this.
Whatsa matter, are the mean liberals on Horses Ass getting under your skin today, Little Boy?
isn’t it interesting how Stefan bars any kind of personal attack on “his people” in his comment space–but comes over here and makes ample use of Goldy’s space to attack others?
@75 whats his obsession with peoples ‘real names’ anyways? How is that remotely relevant to the content of their posts?
He’s trying to get TJ fired from his job. Typical Republican intimidation tactic — similar to Dubya threatening to have a Gold Star Mother arrested as a “national security threat” because he can’t stand criticism. Steffy and Gee-Dub are two peas from the same pod. They’re bullies and cowards who retaliate against anyone who calls them on their bullshit.
How is a mail truck getting blown up in Iraq the fault of King County? What do you expect KCRE to do about that?
I’ll tell you what the feds, state, and counties did about it. If Cpl. Lester couldn’t find his Unit Voting Assistance Officer, and didn’t have access to e-mail or fax, he could have torn off the flap from a cardboard box that MREs come in, written “I vote for Dino Rossi for Governor” and his name and home address on one side, and “Elections Department, King County, Washington” on the other side, and dropped it in an outgoing mailbag. Well, gee, maybe that mail truck would’ve got blown up, too. There’s limits to what we can do for those guys, short of getting the hell out of Iraq and bringing them home (now there’s an idea).
Don’t get me wrong. I think our military people deserve to vote more than anyone else, and should be first in line to vote. I am 110% supportive of the federal, state, and county policies designed to make it as easy for them to vote as is humanly possible. If Cpl. Lester didn’t get to vote, I’m deeply sorry. I just don’t see what more anyone could have done.
Military got shafted, bums got coddled.
Yeah, you still got the homeless and people who lost their registration getting their ballots taken care of; that’s the pisser
Bunnies don’t go to grade school, dummy! I received my training at the Attack Rabbits Training Course conducted by the Security Pets, Inc. kennel and breeding center in Bunny Mound, Kentucky. I’m a fully qualified and certificated “private security contractor.” I’m trained to kick and scratch the living shit out of dogs who poop on other people’s lawns. These are Republican dogs, of course. Their Republican owners take their Republican dogs for walks so they don’t have to clean up dog shit in their own yards. You’ve heard of OPM (they get rich by using Other People’s Money) and OPC (they fight their wars with Other People’s Children), well this is OPL (their dogs shit on Other People’s Lawns).
Of course, it goes without saying those Republican dogs light out for the hinterlands when I go to work on them. Like Republicans everywhere, they’re all bark and bluster, no bite. When I let them have it with my hind feet, that’s all she wrote …
Wrongheaded @ 78
Would you be so kind as to enlighten us about what KCRE could have done about a mail truck blown up in Iraq?
Oops I meant @83. My bad.
Mark Bunster????
Who in the hell would name their kid Mark Bunster?
I thought tj was actually somebody else…..but I refuse to ever reveal anyone’s identity. That’s up to them.
Mark Bunster????
Just for the heck of it, I did a Google Search on Mark Bunster and came up with same “Fantasy Football League” dude.
tj is actually a pretty smart guy and clearly a professionally trained data analyst. I disagree with many of his underlying assumptions….and most of his conclusions but he’s not exactly what I would call your typical LEFTIST PINHEAD.
Mark Bunster????
Stefan @73,
If, like you, I was an insecure control freak who routinely banned people… you would be banned from HA.
By publicly revealing TJ’s name and employer… on my blog no less, you have crossed a line for which there is no excuse. It was a blatant attempt at intimidation, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Perhaps I expect it from a blithering asswipe like Cynical, but I would have thought that you would at least have had the self-respect to use a surrogate.
I will not forget this. What goes around comes around, and unlike the majority of my fellow progressives, I’m willing to get just as mean as you and your vicious little cohorts.
We still know where that house on Greenlake is anyway.
With or without the “K”. Remember the BIAW has let it be known that they can build and tear down houses.
Time-out A$$hole.
I have never and would never reveal someone else’s name.
Why would you take this Blog thing so seriously Goldy?
Life is too short.
Have you seriously deluded yourself into thinking that you are improving the world. I hope not.
Rise above your contempt Goldy.
Goldy @ 88
“self-respect”–did you suddenly forget who you were talking to?
What kind of jackass makes fun of someone else’s name?
RR @ 92
I myself am a little mystified about what’s so unusual about the name Mark…?
GBS @ 63.
My anger is not at which president knew what about 9/11. I actually wrote about this on the other thread. My anger is at the fact that they had the cell under survalence, and recommended that they be picked up, yet that was ignored or refused. Her is a terror cell that is residing in our nation, people connected to Osama, and they would’t pick them up. They would have been legally allowed to, because of the legal status they were here under, yet it was decided that since they have never used that part of the law, it was easier not to follow up on it. Why? I have no idea, although I have an inkling that they didn’t want to offend anyone.
Again, I am not politicizing this. I honestly believe that Clinton did not know about this. What I am angry about is the Gordian Knot that is our government. It has become an octopuss with alzhiemers, unable to remember or control it’s many tentacles. You can try and pin this on either of the last two presidents, but I pin this SQUARELY on the system itself. What we need is somebody not afraid of stepping on toes of established people to change the system for the better. Will we ever get someone like that? Someone not afraid of potential reprisals from those afraid of change. I hope for all of us we do.
PS- About Schell: You know, I feel he did what was necessary, but honestly? I have a hard time respecting ANY person who is so wishy-washy and lacking in self-respect that he couldn’t even bring himself to admit that he was attacked with a bullhorn by James C. Garrett.
Wow, TJ and Carla must have really gotten under sharkansky’s skin. Way to go, TJ and Carla!
Stefan really is quite the prick for posting TJs name and employer. But, then again, few of us really have expectations of integrety from Sharansky.
A number of the regulars here on HA refuse to go to unSoundPolitics precisely because of this most unprofessional behavior of Stefans.
By publicly revealing TJ’s name and employer… on my blog no less, you have crossed a line for which there is no excuse … I’m willing to get just as mean as you
The only reason I know Mark Bunster’s name and employer is because he sent me several unsolicited emails (most of them insulting) with his real name from a Portland city government address. He outed himself.
You must be one sick idiot if you threaten people to protect a government employee who is using government equipment on government time to smear a private citizens under the cover of anonymity.
I’m glad somebody here remembers that before Dubya and his neocons showed up, this country had a fucked-up government bureaucracy, we were all mad at the bureaucracy together, and we were all in this together. Oh, for the good old days.
I thought tj was actually somebody else…..but I refuse to ever reveal anyone’s identity. That’s up to them.
I have never and would never reveal someone else’s name.
and then:
I received information from a google search done by a friend on “torridjoe” who identified you from a Virginia History Archives April, 2002 post as M.B.
Comment by Mr. Cynical — 2/26/05 @ 9:11 am
Cynical, I think you’re being totally disingenuous. I don’t see how anyone can take you seriously.
Waaaa! I feel left out! Steffie isn’t going after the evil rabbit. Wonder why?
Oh, I know why — he can’t. He doesn’t know who the evil rabbit is. Betcha he would if he could.
Hey Steffie, if TJ e-mailed insults to you from a government computer on government time, why didn’t you go directly to the employer and let them handle it as a personnel matter? Instead of going public on Horses Ass?
Actually, I’m not so sure you’ve “outed” TJ. How do I know you’re not lying about his real name? You lie about everything else.
Sharkansky @ 96
Sir, you are lying. I know this both by personal recollection and by a search of current and archived folders from my work email account. I have sent you NO emails from a government address. You are lying.
I have record of four emails sent to you from a private account. You are also lying about the content.
My employer was NOT revealed to you in those emails, only my name.
The only smearing going on is yours. You are exhibiting the social skills of an 8 year old. Trying to intimidate me as a way of deflecting from your preposterous, hilariously disproven fulminations at the sad collection of anger and hate you call a blog, represents in my view your personal admission that you have little of substance to say, and fewer tools at your disposal with which to say it.
This is quite a little meltdown you’re having here. I guess I’d melt down too, if the rhetorical ground I was standing on was as shaky as yours.
but I would have thought that you would at least have had the self-respect to use a surrogate.
He might have used Cynical on 2/26/05. Stranger things have happened.
Hey Prick,
What business is of yours is the relationship of someone with their employer (in another state no less)? Go away, you self aggrandizing jackass.
Wow, we’re having a field day here! Both Minnow and Cynical going down in flames!
I feel like the Stefan/TJ exchange is like the end of the McCarthy/Army hearings. With TJ in the position of Welch, and Stefan as Tailgunner Joe.
“Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”
@66- what does any of that have to do with whether the ballots went out on time or not? As you note, he’s talking about the mail system IN IRAQ.
Would a soldier have any way of knowing why his ballot didn’t get to him, or didn’t get there in time? I’m sure Joe Soldier who didn’t get his ballot assumed he was being disenfranchised by Islamic terrorists, not by Sims, Logan, and Carla. Why would they complain to Carla?
Michael at 105:
“Would a soldier have any way of knowing why his ballot didn’t get to him, or didn’t get there in time?”
No. I would have assumed you agree, but that makes your other comments unfathomable. I’ll ask the question, again: what do the complaints have to do with KCREALS performance in the matter?
I have sent you NO emails from a government address. You are lying.
Sorry, dumbass. A Yahoo! email header contains the IP address that the message is posted from. Yours came from
SS @ 107
So you admit you lied, by agreeing that they came from Yahoo and not a government address.
Dumbass? Do you hear yourself? Are you aware your credibility is already that bad, that you don’t care how low you sink?
Interesting, the minnow has yet to deny he opperates under a nom de web. Given everything he posts is a lie, that makes a lot of sense.
And, minnow ol’ boy, did you check with the BIAW before posting here? Shouldn’t you check with your bosses?
It is amazing how people like the minnow, GWB and other conseravtives are so afraid of anyone that diagrees with them. They only feel comforatable with an amen choir of toadies. Anyone that challanges them, or points out their failings must be destroyed, the truth be damned.
It is amazing how he doesn’t hold his side or himself to the same standards he holds those who disagree with him. What a wimp and a coward. He is the kind of guy you beat at a game in the third game and went running to the teacher claiming you cheated, just because he lost. The only good thing about the minnow is that you know if he posts it, it isn’t true. Shame some people never grow up.
Give it a rest.
@106- To assume that because Carla didn’t get complaints from soldiers, as discussed earlier in the thread, means that there were no problems, is a logical fallacy. The original quote was:
Carla spoke directly with the press officer in Baghdad, Iraq in January and February about the military voting process and if there were any complaints from soldiers about not being able to vote or have access to a ballot. It’s amazing how much information you can get from making a few phone calls.
The quote says that Carla questioned if there were any complaint about “not being able to vote or have access to a ballot,” not whether KC mailed a ballot on time. Try to stick with the topic.
So you admit you lied, by agreeing that they came from Yahoo and not a government address.
Dumbass: they came from a government IP address. An IP address is a kind of an address. Tbat’s why it’s called an “IP address”. Dumbass.
and the Yahoo header contains the IP address, not the host name. You apparently took the time to seek out the additional information yourself. Why, I wonder?
Isn’t the point whether they could vote?
TJ @ 108
“So you admit you lied”
Since you are talking about the ss minnow, you should have just written “So you admit you posted….”
And, boy oh boy, Cynical has to come to the minnow’s defense, it is a bad day for the ss minnow. Boy, imagine if he let opposing view points on his web site, and shut down his little lackeys that are always attacking and posting off topic…, well, there would be no web site, but still, it is interesting to imagine.
Michael @ 111
the topic is whether KCREALS sent the ballots out on time.
Why would they complain to KVI?
To feed grist into the right-wing anger mill, perhaps?
(Instead of making constructive efforts to find out why they allegedly didn’t get their ballot, who is really allegedly to blame, and what to do to keep it from allegedly happening next time?)
SS @ 112
The email was not sent FROM a government address, it was sent from a government host/proxy. The IP address listed––is Yahoo. As I indicated, you had to seek out the relay info in order to identify the host.
Do you have any other excuses for your cowardice to try out?
What are you Cynical, some kind of idea? Stefan pulls a Pearl Harbor on TJ, and TJ is supposed to “give it a rest?” How about if TJ gives it a rest after he has Stefan’s unconditional surrender in hand signed, sealed, and ass-kissed.
Give it a rest.
The topic is whether military voters were disenfranchised.
Fuck off, Cynical! Mind your own business. Of course, if Cynical and Stefan are the same person …
@114 Isn’t the point whether they could vote?
@116 the topic is whether KCREALS sent the ballots out on time.
So which is it? Carla’s statement about no soldiers complaining (false, read the Seattle Times article) is the one making the illogical jump from “no soldiers complained” to “the ballots must have went out on time.”
By the way…excellent hit on National Oilwell Varco (NOV). It almost hit 60 today. A friend of mine tried to convince me to buy some a few weeks ago when it was close to 50. I fucked up and didn’t pull the trigger. Oh well. I saw Jim Cramer pushing it a couple nights ago on his Mad Money show too. Hard to jump in at 60 though, don’t you think?
Sharkansky @ 96,
“The only reason I know Mark Bunster’s name and employer is because he sent me several unsolicited emails (most of them insulting) with his real name from a Portland city government address. He outed himself.”
You fucking asswipe, Stefan. Everytime someone posts on your blog or emails you they provide you potentially identifying information. These people must trust that YOU will not out them. If they are clearly not making their identity public, then you have a responsibility to protect the extra information you receive.
Claiming that TJ outed himself is pure dishonesty on your part–you mentioned a name and employer, not TJ. You fucking prick.
I should also point out that if TJ did send you email from a government IP address, it very likely falls within the acceptable use for Portland. The City of Portland publishes their acceptable use policy for information technology. Employees can make occasional use of email, the web, etc, so long as it is on their personal time, doesn’t cost the city money, and falls within a few other limitations. Essentially, it is the same policy for using the telephone for making occasional personal call from the office.
So, fuck you, you idiot, for assuming there is something wrong with TJ using a Portland proxy or even sending stuff from his work computer. And fuck you for not knowing about Portland’s acceptable use, you asswipe.
I think you owe TJ an apology, but I expect you are too much of a chicken-shit asshole to do so.
Left Behind @ 94
There are several reasons why the information wasn’t acted upon. While I was doing the research on operation Able Danger I learned that part of the protection offered to green card holders was born out of the Waco incident. Waco is an example of acting on intelligence that went terribly bad. The whole thing with Waco could have, and should have, been handled better by Janet Reno. It really was a string of poor judgments that led to the eventual catastrophe. Without any exceptions.
However, it also became a PR nightmare for the Clinton administration because of the way the extreme right wing made into an invasion of privacy issue, “Big Government” run amok. This is the mindset that created the Timothy McVeigh’s of the world, citizen “militia” groups, and a NRA that would send out a letter to its members calling federal law enforcement officers “Jack Booted Thugs” and G HW Bush to resign his membership on the NRA.
To avoid similar disasters and PR attacks in the future came the now infamous memo protecting everyone. The laws of unintended consequences reared it’s ugly head as a result of the RNC talking points that fueled conservative talk radio.
I agree with you that changes need to be made in how our government protects us. But, never, ever at the expense of our civil liberties. The Patriot Act is bad legislation that NONE of our Founding Fathers would agree to. Never. The (un)Patriot Act allows for searches of your home, records, and/or business without oversight by a judge and without your knowledge. The point of law here is your 4th amendment right against “unwarranted searches and seizures.” Without a judge issuing a warrant, there is no one protecting your / our rights as private citizens. If, what President Bush says is true, that the reason the terrorists hate us is because of our rights; then isn’t infringing upon our rights by the government championing the terrorist’s goal of removing, reducing or restricting our rights and freedoms?
I think it does.
Stefan owes you and TJ nothing. Besides, I’m sure his tax dollars end up your pocket every month via your welfare check. Jeez, DJ take a chill pill and consult a distionary for some added vocabulary. Perhaps then somebody other than yourself, donna, rujax and fireone will take you seriously or give a rats ass about what you think. I truly look forward to your response where you actually engage your brain and formulate a cogent point or argument without revealing your limited thought process by just telling me to F-off. Is such a thing even possible? I doubt it.
dj @126
Everytime someone posts on your blog or emails you they provide you potentially identifying information. These people must trust that YOU will not out them.
This is one of the reasons I no longer post at SP. I enjoy my relative anonymity. While it may be interesting for the host to inform the commenters on an IP and location for a certain asswipe like Lush Flimbaugh, it is not a nice thing to shoot out a name for people to Google, specifically when those following up on it are intent on causing havoc or worse.
Remember, we commenters all happen to be pretty close to the extreme edge of passionate in our political thought (right, left, or center), and some are indeed beyond obsessed (I’ll not drop any names regarding that point, but if you suspect I am talking about you, then you are probably one of them).
Stefan can do as he chooses with his site. Goldy does his site better, and from my viewpoint, honorably so. He has yet to out anyone; at least, as far as I know.
IDGAF @ 28
“Stefan owes you and TJ nothing.”
He certainly owes me nothing. But you are a fucking idiot if you don’t realize how totally unacceptable it is to out an anonymous blogger. You understand that it is likely that Goldy CAN out you, but he doesn’t because he has some integrety.
“Besides, I’m sure his tax dollars end up your pocket every month via your welfare check.”
Nope. . . likely the other way around.
“Jeez, DJ take a chill pill and consult a distionary for some added vocabulary.”
Distionary? Ahhhh. . . better follow your own advice there, champ.
“I truly look forward to your response where you actually engage your brain and formulate a cogent point or argument without revealing your limited thought process by just telling me to F-off.”
Oh??? I am sorry if you are blinded by the occasional “fuck you.” But that is your problem. If you don’t like it, go cry to your mommy, you fucking moron. You do not dictate the tone on this blog.
marks @ 129
Yep. . . And, one again, you demonstrate that there are intelligent, thoughtful right-wing bloggers. :-)
Cynical @ 125
I bought in June at 44 and bought some more last week at 57 because I don’t think it’s too late. Sure, it would’ve been better to get in early. Where’s the top? Hell, I don’t know, but if you can figure it out — short it.
Varco and I are old friends. I traded in and out of this stock in the ’90s. Back then, it was a yo-yo stock, and I played its swings by buying at the low end of its trading range and selling at the high end. Sometimes it would cycle several times a year, and I was making close to 100% a year return on this stock by trading in and out like that.
Then Varco was acquired and went private. National Oilfields acquired Varco this spring and the stock of the combined companies, National Oilfields Varco, went on the market just a short time ago. Of course, the moment I noticed Varco was back on the public exchange again, I grabbed it. Good move, it turns out.
Varco designs and manufactures pipe stacking equipment, numerical controls, and other equipment for handling drill rig equipment. Varco’s products make the drilling rig environment safer and more efficient. As a niche company, they lead their industry in technology, market share, and geographic penetration (they’re pretty much worldwide). Their financials are great. They have stable and competent management. It’s always been a great company. The only reason more investors don’t buy it (and bid it higher) is because not very many people know about it.
It’s important to understand that NOV, like all oil sector stocks, fluctuates with oil prices. Their revenue stream depends on oilfield activity. When drilling activity ramps up because of higher oil prices, they sell and service more product. When oil prices ease, investors dump NOV. So the thing to do right now, in my opinion, is ride up what’s left of the upswing, then when the stock stalls, sell and maybe short it. It’s the classic stock pendulum: The market overreacts and bids it too high, then overreacts by overselling it, and the smart player works these swings. It’s NOT a buy-and-hold stock despite the underlying quality of the company because its fortunes are tied to a volatile commodity.
For the long term, most experts are predicting that demand for commodities (including oil) will ease and commodity prices will fall. I don’t think what’s happening right now is the oil production peak. I think oil has a little higher to go, then demand will ease as higher energy prices take the steam out of important economies, and when the oil market tilts back toward excess production and refining we’ll see a drop in crude and refined product prices — and pump prices. How far, I don’t know. I’ll guess that pump prices may be under $2 in a year or two but I don’t think we’ll see $1.49 gas again. With each cycle, it settles in at a higher price level than the previous cycle.
Michael @ 64:
It’s amazing what you could learn by reading a newspaper sometimes.
“As far as I know, I would be willing to bet a large amount of money that 95% of the people in my platoon, company and battalion did not receive a ballot,” Marine Cpl. Ted Lester of Snohomish County e-mailed from Fallujah.
“The other 5% did, but they received them burned beyond recognition and about 4-5 weeks too late.”
Lester said that the mail system in Iraq “is a joke” under the best circumstances, that one mail truck was blown up a week before the election and that it was difficult to get information about where to send write-in ballots.
That was part of what I spoke with the press officer in Baghdad about. Those ballots didn’t go out late via the county. They didn’t arrive because they were bombed. But those soldiers could all still vote for Rossi using the Federal Military Ballot. All of them knew about it because they all had individuals assigned to their unit and held meetings that gave information to them on how to vote. All they had to do was write in Rossi’s name for Governor. It wasn’t difficult at all to find out how to get a write in ballot. The Bush Administration went out of their way to set it up to make it easy. If that guy didn’t know what to do…that’s his voting officer’s fault.
Every county in Washington State that I contacted said that if a person using the Fed Military Ballot wrote in their votes for offices or issues, they would be counted.
SS @ 71:
See King County’s press release of Jan. 5
“Date of Initial Mailing of Military/Overseas Ballots:
King County Elections began mailing oversea and military ballots for the General Election on Oct.1, 2004. ”
Sorry, anonymous sweetie, you are an idiot. Who are you in real life anyway? Dean Logan?
Kinda kills you that you can’t bully me by posting my IRL information, doesn’t it Stefan? :)
King County didn’t actually mail the ballots. They delivered them to PSI, who mailed them. So if they STARTED mailing on October 1, there is a likely delivery to PSI before that.
Michael @ 111:
The quote says that Carla questioned if there were any complaint about “not being able to vote or have access to a ballot,” not whether KC mailed a ballot on time. Try to stick with the topic.
Actually that’s a very intregal part of the topic. Not only does this NOT prove that ballots were mailed late…any complaints of lack of military ballot access are very shaky. Given that none of these people registered a complaint with the military or the DOJ..and all of them had access to a federal military ballot (unless they were weeks in battle..and then they wouldn’t have been able to vote anyway)
Michael @ 124
So which is it? Carla’s statement about no soldiers complaining (false, read the Seattle Times article) is the one making the illogical jump from “no soldiers complained” to “the ballots must have went out on time.”
So they took the time to respond to reporter’s questions…but didn’t bother to complain to their voter representative or up the chain? That is, for all intents and purposes..NOT complaining. Further, unless they were in a long term combat situation where mail and paperwork couldnt’ be shipped to them..they could still vote. And King County even had a secured internet site for voters that they could access. The information on how to do so was available by emailing KC from their website, I believe.
Stefan, outing people’s identities on HorsesAss is a no-no. Even Mr. Cynical knows better. I have seen your address as I looked it up in the property tax records once — to find out if you really live in an $800,000 house before posting that you live in an $800,000 house (he does) — but I didn’t keep that information nor would I ever disclose it in a public forum. We liberals on HA may be vulgar and combative, and partisan as hell, but we’re not uncivilized. I think it’s time for you to admit that you made a mistake and won’t do it again. I’m pretty sure that would satisfy most of the folks here on HA.
The trifling oafish incapacity of liberals on this website to formulate rational thoughts and connect ideas together into consistent lines of reasoning is astounding. This thread displays the typical peculiarly discursive dialogue of a mental institution. Stephan Sharkansky proved you people were silly idiots, and you are all too dense to realize it.
Keep it up. It’s not only mildly amusing; it’s also very encouraging to the conservative cause.
Well let’s get back to the real topic, shall we?
Turgid Mark has vaporized his credibility by accusing me of “lying” for correctly pointing out the irrefutable fact that he was sending his emails from a Portland city government computer.
Similary, the are irrefutable facts, namely that the Secretary of State’s spreadsheet and email show that King County told them last October that 10,000+ ballots were mailed by October 8th. This is contradicted by King County’s other documents that were publicized only later, showing that fewer than 5,000 ballots were mailed by that date. Turgid Mark’s response to these irrefutable facts is to simply deny their existence: He has no official documentation to support the contention that military and overseas ballots failed to go out on time.
What a loser. No wonder why he wants to remain anonymous.
Well, Stefan, since your proclaiming victory and TJ wants to remain anonymous because he lost, then why don’t you publically identify where you work.
I’ll stop by and have a “chat” with you. I absolutely promise you that 100%.
Stefan @ 136:
Similary, the are irrefutable facts, namely that the Secretary of State’s spreadsheet and email show that King County told them last October that 10,000+ ballots were mailed by October 8th. This is contradicted by King County’s other documents that were publicized only later, showing that fewer than 5,000 ballots were mailed by that date. Turgid Mark’s response to these irrefutable facts is to simply deny their existence: He has no official documentation to support the contention that military and overseas ballots failed to go out on time.
Is this as “irrefutable” as your contention that Bridges would set aside the election? (rolling eyes)
Your accounting skills and discrepancies have been noted in the past. That’s what makes your contentions irrelevant.
And that email you posted from the SOS..? What a joke.
You lost. Take your sour grapes and go home.
Amused @ 135
I’m constantly amused by morons like yourself who in all probability like Sharansky called the outcome of the election contest so accurately. Good job. Keep up the good work.
Well, Stefan, since your proclaiming victory and TJ wants to remain anonymous because he lost, then why don’t you publically identify where you work.
GBS, since your offering to have a nice little 100% chat, then why don’t you publically identify where you work?
Anonymous imbecile “Carla”: King County didn’t actually mail the ballots. They delivered them to PSI, who mailed them. So if they STARTED mailing on October 1, there is a likely delivery to PSI before that..
If “Carla” bothered to read King County’s various documents she would realize that they use the verb “mail” synonymously with “deliver to PSI” (even though that is not the same as delivery to USPS). The first group of ballots were delivered to PSI on Oct. 1
The only smart thing that talentless idiot “Carla” has ever done is to avoid worse embarrassment by remaining anonymous.
Because I didn’t publicaly identify anyone, or where they work.
Cynical @90,
Oh. I thought you would take what I wrote as a compliment. Sorry.
Stefan @96,
YOU are accusing others of smearing people? Are you out of your fucking mind? YOU who once again have the Sims = Mugabe analogy headlined on your blog? Do you not see yourself for what you are, or do you just not care?
I can tell you that if I out somebody (and I very well may), I’ll at least feel bad about it.
Second… TJ and Carla didn’t smear you, the refuted you. But I guess you’re so special that you view any contradiction to anything you write to be a smear, huh?
What you did was a deliberate act of intimidation… an effort to make others think twice before posting opinions and analysis that disagree with you. I just can’t help but use the “f-word”. Fascist.
TJ @113,
Why? Because he’s a paranoid delusional. (At least, that’s what the men I’ve hired to trail him tell me.)
Since Stefan is so comfotable identifying someone else’s name and workplace, let’s see if he as the balls to identify his place of work.
I fucking seriously doubt it.
The pussy.
Typical liberal rationalization by G at 141. I can tell you that if I out somebody (and I very well may), I�ll at least feel bad about it. Your feelings don’t count, it’s what you say and do.
@ 140 It is clearly a tough idea for you to comprehend, but you cannot “out” or identify someone who has “outed” identified himself.
It’s always a treat to have Sharansky comment on HA. He namecalls and bullies because he thinks this is adequate support for his lame arguments that collapse like a house of cards upon scrutiny.
How was WACO anything other than incredibly bad judgment by David Koresh?
Koresh, who had a violent history — he and a small group of followers originally tried to take over the Branch Davidian cult by armed force, and were tried on attempted murder charges — resisted arrest on firearms and child abuse charges.
Koresh holed up with his followers in a fire trap of claptrap wooden buildings that didn’t meet safety or fire codes.
Koresh and his followers fired on ATF officers, killing 4 and wounding 16.
Reno ordered the raid because of officials’ concerns the cult might commit mass suicide (and take the children with them).
A day before the tragic fire, a cultist inside the compound waved a sign in a window that said, “Flames await.”
As soon as the FBI launched a tear gas and armored vehicle assault to gain entry and subdue the armed militants inside the compound, the structures erupted into flames.
The only thing missing from the Waco tragedy is a left-wing angle. If, instead of being gun-loving religious fanatics, the Branch Dividians had been armed left-wing radicals (e.g., the Weather Underground or Black Panthers), the wingnuts would be calling for Reno’s head not for authorizing the raid but for trying to negotiate a peaceful resolution instead of killing them all on the first day.
If you want to be an apologist for child killer David Koresh, go right ahead.
Now’s not the time to parse words. You know what the fuck I mean.
And one more thing — I find it amusing that all of these very passionate idiots are pretending to refute my argument by claiming that “there were no complaints that military didn’t get ballots”, “nobody was disenfranchised”, etc. I’m not addressing those issues one way or another, nor am I attempting to divine whether and how any late mailed ballots might have affected the governor’s race. I’m only addressing the narrow issue of whether all of the UOCAVA ballots that King County should have mailed by Oct. 8th, and that they represented to the SoS and the public did get mailed by that date, really did get mailed by that date. The evidence is overwhelming that King County didn’t send them all out on time and has also lied and covered up for months about their failure to do so.
The only counter-arguments that I’ve heard here are all vacuous. It saddens me that so many people here are willing to make such fools of themselves in order to defend a government cover-up.
“Well let’s get back to the real topic, shall we?”
No, let’s not. Not until some unfinished business is taken care of. Asshole.
He’s self-employed and works in his house.
RR@Everywhere: At least I deliver Internet links to deliver information not speculation from a buggered wabbit. Have you read about your good friend Felonious McDimwitt yet?
The_Dudette@56: I stay away from long haired dogs as my asthma will nastily arise. So officially I don’t molest collies. Since you delivered that line on HA, do you have experiences that you are projecting?
GBS@65: I am here in Dallas and I get a different perspective on da news. A person from the 9/11 commission said that received the information but decided not to include in their report. Now Lee Hamilton wants to review it again. The report was clear and concise to me. What did Clinton, Gore and Clarke know and why are we now just hearing about this?
I didn’t see any speculation except they thought they were Al Qaeda based. I hope you shoot your bear. You said “Also, Weldon is a political hack congressmen who wants to portray the CIA as some arrogant and corrupt organization to deflect any criticism away from the president and the Republicans regarding terrorism, 9/11 and the Iraq War.” Interesting words from an interesting guy. Do you have proof of this alleged political hack? I didn’t see him as portraying the CIA as an arrogant organization except they knew of the wall by the assistant attorney general Mrs. J a m i e G o r e l i c k. Did you forget about the wall between civilian and limitary organization created by Clinton’s administration? When I place her name in a post the bloggerator kills the post until Goldy releases it.
Regarding VP Cheney, I don’t have an answer. Maybe you should ask the VPOTUS yerself!
JDB@109: I am a righty who very, very seldom uses a potty mouth. I like a good debate, when the facts are presented. Just the Facts ma’am, just the facts. You see I pity the fools here from the left. What my side says will not appear on Al Jazeera or Al Arabiya. What Turbin Durbin, The Chappaquidick Kid, The Gambler for Nevada, The California Twin Senators, and the Mouth of Marin County, CA says does all the time. I present links and what do I receive in return from Moby Trolling Leftist MoonBat Dummocrapic Donks? Swearing, disingenuousness, stoopid innuendoes and references. So how else am I to react to many of you Donks?
Michael@105: I thought Priscilla said the same thing in May or early June. Is Priscilla aka Carla? I don’t think so but… ya never know!!!
Torridjoe@113: If you have the sillz to pay de billz, one can extract information from headers very easily, even hidden headers. If you have the software, one can easily track from which PC the message originated. If you posted from your Yahoo account from your job, I can find that out. If you posted from you home I can find that out. I can trace your email all the way back to the originating router inside your company!!! Even when some email system implement email routers and forwarders, they are easily traced back to their origination. It’s the spammers that take more work. You have to place relay software back to a secure location on those PCs used as anonymous relay servers. Then you have to acquire the originating IP Address to those relays. It takes time and help from ISPs, but if needed any message can be traced to it’s inception (or as we say – it’s ingress point). I had my PC used in 1998 as a relay agent. I turned on some software and I determined the bozo was in Brazil. Zonealarm Professional back in the day along with other toolz were great. I called his ISP in Brazil and told them what was going on and then I told them I would transmit a message to him saying his PC would now freeze. Ever heard of an inflicted BSOD? Suffice it to say I never heard from him again! We in the networking bidness could perform that back in the 90’s. We had toolz to be in schoolz!! I have a military bud who told me about some great hack we sites, like those presented at the hack convention in LV, NV this past week. This info is easily traced. I sometimes use email encryption for certain stuff. Sorry torridjoe but if you did email Stefan and he has those toolz you ass is grass!!!!! I just read further and I see you provided an IP Address (the A is capitalized as it is a proper noun) for Yahoo.
That’s the point.
You are wrong, but you still insist on claiming you are right. If you had sent me your work address, who would have “outed” you genius?
Argue something where you have a rational chance of winning, or act like a liberal fool.
@133- Not only does this NOT prove that ballots were mailed late
Nor does it prove that they were not mailed late. It just proves that the soldiers did not suspect that King County would try to disenfranchise them, instead that that was a consequence of being in a war zone. So why did she bring it up in the first place, if it neither proves nor disproves anything?
@133- Given that none of these people registered a complaint with the military or the DOJ
Who do you complain to, and would it do any good, if you believe Mohammad bombed the mail truck? You would assume that the chain of command would already be aware that they were missing a truck.
@133- So they took the time to respond to reporter’s questions…but didn’t bother to complain to their voter representative or up the chain? That is, for all intents and purposes..NOT complaining.
Having 10 years experience in the army, that is EXACTLY who I would complain to in the same situation.
@133- The information on how to do so was available by emailing KC from their website, I believe.
I am assuming you have never been in combat. Information about KC websites may not be as readily available to soldiers in combat as you would like to believe, even if General So-and-so tells a reporter that everyone has been notified.
Goldy, do you block Jamie Gorelick’s name?
I am trying to determine why my posts are delayed. No I guess not? Is it Al Gore?
Torridjoe: When Goldy releases my post I explain some Internet facts to you from my working experience. I will refer it back when he validates it.
Why not think big, Stefan? Instead of spending our energy worrying about whether King County met or missed an arbitrary federal deadline date, why shouldn’t we concern ourselves about whether voters were disenfranchised? The deadline isn’t an end in itself, you know; it’s a means to an end. Look at the ball, for crying out loud. Keep your eye on the goddam ball.
I call Robert Novak on you and say Bullshit! If TJ wanted his name to be made public, then he’d post his name that way. If he wanted Stefan to publicly disclose his place of work he’d ask Stefan to do it.
Yes, we all can be traced. But when you participate in a blog you assume you’re personal information won’t be put on public display by the host.
The real reason Stefan acted so cowardly is to intimidate TJ. Stefan revealed his true colors and it’s turd brown. Just like his idol turd blossom. Both are cut of the same pussy cloth. That is the short and the long of if for this debate, Mac.
Come on Stefan. Tell us where to find you, pal.
@ 151
What’s your point, Michael? That mail trucks get blown up in combat zones? Whose fault is it that 1,000+ soldiers couldn’t vote because they’re dead? Shit happens.
RR @ 149
Can you be a little more specific? I’ve got a bunch of carrots for you.
Wow, Angry at Being Proved Wrong by Liberals is off his meds again. I wonder how he would like it if someone posted his name and the address of the dank little apartment where he spends his lonely life. Strangely enough, he is still unable to post on topic, or anything but “the minnow posted it, it must be right.” Hell, moron, the guy lies about his own name. Even someone with less than your 5th grade education would realize that you are defending an idiot.
And minnow, do you kiss your wife/sister with that mouth? Start posting like that on your board and you will have half your lackeys demanding that you burn on the stake. What a shame they are all to big of cowards to come over here and see what you are really like when you are shown to be wrong. Like most conservatives, you are just a bully. Like most bullies, you are a small man who is best just laughed at. Thankfully, the amount of damage you can do to this fine state is limited; most people see fools like you for who they are.
Quick show of hands, how many posters here have been banned by the minnow? How many people has Goldy banned. How many times has the minnow outed his critics? How many times has he outed his lackeys? And how many times has Goldy outed anyone? That is the difference between liberals and conservatives for you.
One is a gold standard, the other is just rotten fish, and lying about your name can’t hide the stench.
GBS, if you listened to KVI you’d know where Stefan worked!!! Us on the right do! But you like Scare America with Al Franken[berry] or is it [stein] and Randi Fake Assassin Rosen.
Well done, JDB.
The truth always sends conservatives scurrying like coach roaches when they turn on the lights in their mom’s/sister’s kitchen.
Roger Rabbit: Instead of spending our energy worrying about whether King County met or missed an arbitrary federal deadline date, why shouldn’t we concern ourselves about whether voters were disenfranchised? The deadline isn’t an end in itself, you know; it’s a means to an end.
Roger, you’re normally too silly to respond to, but that’s not an unreasonable statement. In fact, I would have more respect for Dean Logan if he just admitted that “honestly, we didn’t manage to get all ballots out by the Oct. 8 deadline, but here’s how well we did do, and here’s what we did to compensate for it, and these are the people who did not get their ballots on time, fortunately there weren’t many, etc.” But that’s not what he did. Instead he kept lying that all the ballots went out on time and therefore he has even less credibility than “Carla”.
I ocassionally listen to KVI, but not often enough to catch Stefan’s work address. Since it’s been on the publica airwaves, would you be kind enough to repeat it here?
Thank you,
Boy Pudster, you come up with those on your own, or did you take a correspondence course for the help.
And you would think if the minnows information was so good, he wouldn’t be spending all his time here swearing and outing people. Carla’s right, it really drives him crazy that he can’t out her.
And minnow, if I start posting from a library to get around the stupid ban of yours because Angry at Being Proved Wrong by Liberals was being shown, like all your lackeys to be a fool, does that make me a government employee? Hell, I’m surprised you haven’t outed me as a citizen of Germany yet.
Total Jerk @ 147
I hope that’s the last “thing”. Bridges rendered his decision. Dismissed with prejudice. You lost. Get over it.
If you want to do something contructive (I’m dreaming here) lobby Pam Roach to get the primary moved.
RR @ 156
He can’t think big because he’s a small-minded man who answers his critics with name-calling and bullying.
Would somebody out Stefan already, I’d like to meet him.
carla @133
Fun time:
”Every county in Washington State that I contacted said that if a person using the Fed Military ballot wrote in their votes for offices or issues, they would be counted.”
Yes, and I say pigs fly. Is that true?
The interesting thing regarding FWAB, SF-186 is its ambiguity. First, it is a Federal form. This is immediately confusing for a military voter voting for State offices during a Presidential election. Can a voter actually write in the statewide offices and have them count? Honestly, in WA they can, but most other states do not allow it. That knowledge is dependant on the state to promulgate. I am not sure how vociferously that was accomplished by WA, if at all.
Further, counting votes only matters if the statewide office was delineated by the voter (a competency exam?) and judged proper by election officials, and takes a bit more effort than lining up some butterfly ballot that clearly shows Gore, Bush, and Buchanon…
“The information on how to do so was available by emailing KC from their website, I believe.”
The information on how to use a butterfly ballot was hung up in the polling places in Miami, I believe…oh – hell, there I go again…
GBS: Uhhh, no I will not. I have seen the invective here and I don’t share info with MoonBats. I tell you all to perform you own due diligence. Besides the talk you would have with Stefan would possibly include an aluminum Louisville Slugger perhaps? If Stefan wants you to know that then he will tell that to you. If Goldy has two brain cells he should remember when Kirby interviewed both and he asked how they could afford the time to run blogs. Both expressed how they earned a living on KVI as I remember.
Puddybud @ 161
Kudos to you that’s pretty funny. Al Fankenberry. You make me laugh sometimes. Hey, Count Chocula that could be Stefan and Rove for being such Turd Blossoms. Whatdaya think?
@158 No, my point is that if a soldier doesn’t get his ballot, he doesn’t know who to blame. He would assume that it was caused by the enemy without, not the enemy within. I’m not so sure myself.
But you HA lefties all are butt buddies as Rupert Wabbit would say about right side thinkers, so if you can’t figure it out well too bad!
Mark, don’t worry about your name. We have a couple of Marks in our family. Your name is how did Buckwheat say it oh yeah:
“That’s oootay with me”.
Spanky answers: “Otay?”
Buckwheat responds: “Yeth, oootay”.
Spanky says: “Then it’s ooootay with me too!”.
@ 169.
No Puddybud, no bats, aluminum or wood with 16p nails driven through the end, no chains with pad locks on the end, no socks with rocks, no knives, no guns. Remember, I’m a Liberal. That means I’m a pussy.
If Stefan wants to bring it to blows instead of having a chat, as I proposed, I think that I can hold my own given my skills and how to apply them to my God given appendages that quickly turn into an assortment of weapons at my disposal.
Puddybud @172
Uh, which [Mark/Marks/marks] are you talking about?
Damn, I think I will rename to “right-oblique”…naturally, that could have “Charmin” consequences…
Puddy, you are truly a friend. Thank you so much for the tip. Now that I know Stefan exposed himself on KVI, I’ll see what I can turn up.
I’ll report my findings right here on HA, just in case anyone wants to know. And, since Stefan outed himself on the radio, it’s not like I’ll be the one outing him.
I believe this was the counter argument that was posed earlier by numb nuts @ 143:
” It is clearly a tough idea for you to comprehend, but you cannot “out” or identify someone who has “outed” identified himself.
Comment by Amused by liberal morons— 8/10/05 @ 4:56 pm
I’ve got work to do now. Got some detective work to do.
Thanks again, Puddybud. You can fucking bet I’m on it with a vengeance.
GBS@68…thanks for asking about my niece ,cheryl. there is not a trace of her…it’s as if she just vanished.we did have one loon that contacted web sites and claimed to be a relative saying that cheryl wasn’t missing and was just fine….that was reported to the FBI. other than that… poor sister is living the hell that none of us with kids ever ever wants to go through.
thanks again for asking.
This is the best entertainment around! Goldy vs. Stefan vs. others. Much better than real politics or politicians.
Keep going!
torridjoe@74….actually stefan is quite right when he says that dr.sosin voted illegally. he did. i talked to sosin’s boss myself before doing my post on him, and the boss said that while people often did that when they were transferred etc. sosin did not qualify in that department at all.
i can understand the interest in our crappy election from other states but not the fixation that has come out of the people’s republic of portland. last time i checked you guys had more than enough problems of your own and this group-think mentality is more than a little mind boggling.
and while i could care less where you post from, is it not a valid point that if you are doing it on government time it is costing the taxpayers money? isn’t that stealing? i have a company and employees are not allowed to piss away company time [time=money] playing on the computers. but they sure do try all the time.
GBS: Please don’t talk about fucking when I am away from the wife on bidness! It brings back mammories! I doubt you will find any information on the Internet. Why, cause it’s not there. My challenge is to Goldy. Being the “smart” individual he is, I doubt he can find it out. He outed himself the same day on the show. No Cynical not sexually. I could care less what happens into the Goldy bedroom to alleviate lower abdominal pressure. I only care about what I have at home, and it be a purdy female. But Cynical you do have a way of having me split my sides. I love LEFTIST PINHEADS! They make the world go something or other. Just travel to Al Jazeera. You can find the latest leftist thought there.
I am glad I make you laugh sometimes. I was told in my younger years I should have been a comedian. I really think Al Franken was the original face for Frankenberry. Perform an Internet Morph sometime. No Count Chocula has to be PacMan. Remember he has a nice chocolate woman that he sometimes ignores as he writes on this blog. Where you be PacMan? I miss you. No offense okay PacMan? I miss PacMan more than I miss Headless Loocy. Oh yeah, I noticed when Hairy PoonTang appeared, headless loocy is no where to be found. But maybe Loocy is on vacation. Oh and BTW I did answer your question back around 64, but I wrote something the Goldy Bloggerator had to check. What is Turd Blossom? No I didn’t Google it.
The Mark I was referring to was the outed one. He asked what is wrong with the anem Mark? I answered him. It’s ooooootay with me!
I’m sorry to read that, ChristmasGhost @176. I have a niece at the same age, and can only imagine what you are suffering through. I hope your sister is holding up as well as you, and pray that God will bless this trial with a joyous ending.
Puddybud @179
“Oh yeah, I noticed when Hairy PoonTang appeared, headless loocy is no where to be found. But maybe Loocy is on vacation.”
Funny, you give voice to my thought…
Mr Ghost: I have not seen any sign of the beautiful lass anywhere. You and de famly (spelled correctly – Ebonics) are in our prayers. May the Peace of God and His Son Jesus Christ be upon you and your sister.
GBS: Hey my main white guy. Good to see you critically thinking again. What’s the difference between parsley and pussy? You don’t eat parsley!
Pudster: Shame on you 8). Buckwheat is my favorite Our Gang character. I love that oooootay. I say it a lot in my everyday language, much to my wife’s chagrin. I have two old T-Shirts with Buckwheat: Buckwheat Sings The Blues and Buckwheat Fine Tennessee Mash Whiskey – It’s Ooootay! No offense taken. You sure do remember some funny stuff.
JDB @165
“Hell, I’m surprised you haven’t outed me as a citizen of Germany yet.”
You’re Gerhard Schroder? According to Donnageddon’s quiz site, I’m you…
Marks: I really think Headless Loocy is Hairy PoonTang. Why? First off the Nazi comment of sometime ago from Loocy. Look at the writing style. Now just maybe, just maybe, they went to the same school together. That would be weally weally scawy. Then the use of Ward Churchill sometime ago by Loocy. Now we see Little Eichmanns comment. Aw shucks, I had to navigate to the Internet to determine who Adolf really was. Harry, I am no Eichmann, otherwise I would be looking for a final solution to your sorry ass. But you and Loocy have made stoopid comments against us using similar wording.
BTW – Puddybud,
You were in Plano and you didn’t visit? I’m down the street, mon frere…President George Bush Tollway…hop, skip, and jump…
Marks, where are you now? I’m on the Plano Parkway now!
Hmm. By that logic, I guess I should be outing the gent who I emailed confronting with his gayness and he never got back to me. um QED and all that. But seriously, what a wanker that Sharkansky is.
Puddybud @185
I do not doubt it at all. Like I said:
“Funny, you give voice to my thought”
Hmm, this could get complex…
I won’t give my address, Puddybud. Do you have a favorite eatery?
Oh, okay. I was going to put on the shoes and drive to where you be. But I comprende now!!
After eating at the “Y” I eat just about any good food. What are you thinking for food? Also are you here on business or you live here?
I thought that Ron Sims is the REAL aged Buckwheat. Look at Ron very carefully. Look at Rons nephew, Don.
By the way, did you all realize that Buckwheat actually had a last name? It was Smis. I always thought Smis was an unusual name. It’s SIMS spelled backwards. You see, Ron Sims is a dyslexic Buckwheat! Sims has this bad habit of yelling out YATOOOOOOOOOO after he tells a lie. It seemed strange until I realized YATOOOOOOOO is merely OOOOOOOTAY backwards! Sims yells YATOOOOOOOOOO after nearly every word that comes out of his mouth.
Cynical @193
Damn, that was funny!
Live here, Puddybud, for now at least. How ’bout Shui Wah at 11:00 am tomorrow? It’s the best for the $ at 400 N. Greenville Ave.
Make it a little after noon. I work off of Independence Parkway. How far away is it? Towards US 75 or away.
I’m down here too. This could be interesting.
What is going on here? PacMan in Texas? Marks in Texas? This is great! I am working off of Synergy Park Blvd. Damn this is too cool!!!!
C’mon down! 75 is parallel to Greenville. Find a map! Join us!
marks@180…thanks so much for the kind words. i wish i could say that my sister is holding up as well as i am, but she isn’t. to be expected, it’s her daughter after all….and i can at least feel like i am getting somewhere by contacting everyone and making sure her picture is out there….whereas my poor sister [who has five kids, two of them pretty young] and lupus, is just really fading a little more every day.
pacman@182…….thanks to you too. keep your eyes peeled. she could be anywhere in the world by now, alas.
and i’m a girl ghost…..:)
Comment on 135
“Amused by liberal morons”
… and this screen name is not “oafish,” and does not display “the discursive dialogue of a mental institution”??
I would need Goldy’s okay before I could do something like that.
I give up. Because Logan is an election expert, not a manager? Who doesn’t have management skills? I’ve said all along what KCRE is a real boss. Say, fer instance, a retired Marine colonel who knows how to crack heads to get things done. Doesn’t have to know a damn thing about elections. He can hire experts to give him advice on that. KCRE needs a leader, not a nerd. Logan’s a nice guy and I like him, but sadly, Logan and the job at hand are a mismatch.
By the way, Steffie, how’s the fund raising going for your public records lawsuit? Have you raised $2.75 yet?
Have you figured out yet that public agencies don’t have to give you lists that don’t exist?
Are you ever going to admit that King 5 News got the list (after it existed) because THEY requested it? … that they didn’t get it because YOU requested it?
But then, I’m just a silly rabbit who doesn’t have a law degree, hasn’t worked in government, and hasn’t practiced public records law since you were in diapers wallowing in your own shit.
Cynical: That was Funny. I know Spanky’s last name was McFarland. Buckwheat’s brother was Farina. Look up “Pay As You Exit” episode. Remember Robert Baretta was Mickey in later episodes.
Ms. Ghost: I am so sorry. I should not have projected a male species upon you. If your niece has anything near your genepool you must be beautiful lass too.
Putty For Brains @ 172
“Besides the talk you would have with Stefan would possibly include an aluminum Louisville Slugger perhaps?”
What do you take us for? Are you looking in a mirror and projecting again? Just because you guys are Nazis doesn’t mean we are. Of course, if YOU had a bat, and YOU swung first …
“No, my point is that if a soldier doesn’t get his ballot, he doesn’t know who to blame. He would assume that it was caused by the enemy without, not the enemy within. I’m not so sure myself.”
He is thinking more clearly than you.
Whatever may divide us ideologically, Ghost, we all wish your sister well and pray for your niece’s safe return.
JDB@165: I don’t need correspondence courses to crack a funny. It cums naturally!
Xmas Goosed @ 181
“this group-think mentality is more than a little mind boggling”
Yes it is, isn’t it? On your side, I mean.
“What’s the difference between parsley and pussy? You don’t eat parsley!”
You humans are sick. Sick!!! I always eat the parsley. I never eat pussy. What’s the matter with you humans, anyway?
Hey Rupert Wabbit: I can talk to GBS any way I want. He talks to me any way he wants. You are the cretin here. I know he wouldn’t wield an aluminum bat. U R So stupid.
ChristmasGhost @202
Your plight makes mine (stuck in Texas) a mere inconvenience…Gulp)…
But I mean it when I say I wish all God’s grace upon you and yours…
WTF? They named a highway after him before he’s dead? The arrogance of the man … sheer arrogance.
I have an idear. If I-912 goes down in flames, what do y’all think of replacing the Alaska Way Viaduct with the Roger Rabbit Tunnel? You like? I like!!! :D
Putty For Brains @ 190
You’re posting on HorsesAss while driving on a highway? Maybe we should call you Perfect Vaccuum Instead of Brains.
They caught those two Tennessee bastards who killed the guard.
Roger Rabbit: Nazi stands for National Socialist, becaused they wanted an all powerful national government and a socialist economic system. I submit that the US political party that most closely resembles this position is the Democrats.
marks, Puddy & PacMan—all in Texas at the same time…awesome! That will be a most interested lunch. Y’all enjoy yerselves, ya hear! I’ll hold the fort so to speak…..actually most of these LEFTIST PINHEADS suffer from dementia and early Alzheimer’s. I warned these LEFTIST PINHEADS that mixing pot and Prozac leads to these types of problems!
For lunch, I hope y’all eat something that used to have a face on it. After all, we didn’t spend thousands of years fighting our way up the food chain to eat free-range tofu and other soy-based products!
Perfect Vaccuum Instead of Brains @ 194
Oh, I get it now. He drives barefoot while typing on his laptop so he can steer with his feet.
Rupert Wabbit: It was named for his father. U R really stoopid.
I’m not the stupid one here. I eat the parsley.
He isn’t dead either.
The Roger Rabbit Tunnel???
I like that. Naming a joke after a joke is appropriate. Unfortunately, that RR TUNNEL will be carved into JELLO and probably have quite a brief life what with the upcoming mega-earthquake, the Gregoire Tsunami and other assorted LEFTIST PINHEADED scary stuff.
LEFTIST PINHEADS live their lives in fear because they refuse to acknowledge and submit themselves to the Lord. LEFTIST PINHEADS have deluded themselves into believe Karl Marx was the Alpha and the Omega!
Seattle would not be in such a snarl…
If Marx had been Groucho, instead of Karl!!
Puddybud and PacMan,
So, is noon-ish a good time at the appointed place? I may be somewhat mushy, but food time is set in stone!
I have an idear, they should re-name it the Todd Beamer Memorial Tollway. He’s more deserving, and he’s dead.
roger rabbit @208..thanks to you for the thought. in the end there is much more that we can all relate to than not, and a situation like this really brings that home.
now…as for your other posts…i don’t have a side unless you are talking about the right thing to do side. really. i vote for the best person and it doesn’t matter what the letter is after their name. do i bemoan the fact that lately there have been way too few D’s that i would even consider voting for? yup. and the politicians like it this way kiddies…think about it.
as for ROGER RABBIT TUNNEL….me likey.
as it’s in seattle , and the name makes you think of alice in wonderland and going down the rabbit hole…it’s P-E-R-F-E-C-T.
seattle’s motto should be “DRINK THIS”……..heh heh heh
Hmmm … I see a problem … everybody will think “RR Tunnel” means “railroad tunnel” and exit to surface streets at Battery Street and Brougham Way.
Rupert, I have some technology you would dream of having. I am glad you eat parsley. You continue to eat parsley and I’ll carpet munch. No I won’t lie like most lefties. I am in a hotel room, butt you knew that right old furry one? You just wasting pixels like most of your posts. Did you read about the Felonious one yet?
Cynical, sorry to leave you alone with all of your LEFTIST PINHEAD “friends” in WA State. I am still waiting for Goldy to post my 15x post the system is holding.
Gee, Ghost, I know what you and your sister are going through, sort of. My wife and I nearly lost our kid to a serial killer a few years ago. He broke into our kid’s apartment at 2 AM. He was wearing a ski mask and had a big knife. He looked in the bedroom, but our kid had falling asleep on the couch. He didn’t look under the blankets draped over the couch. He left the way he came — through the window. I didn’t stop shitting on my cottontail for 6 months after that happened. He got caught about a year later. I forget how many people he killed, I think it was about 7 or 8, something like that.
If I can get free at that time I’ll be there. This will be cool. Eyes out for the great looking black man!
marks@213…thank you……being stuck in texas is never ‘just’ an inconvenience.i have been to texas….it’s pretty horrible if you weren’t born there, especially this time of year. gads…the heat, the bugs, the humidity…it’s hell. but it’s beautiful out side of the cities….at the right time of year.and i believe that falls on a tuesday afternoon in late november. :)
This has been an interesting thread if for no other reason that watching Shark have a Novak Meltdown Moment. Fascinating.
Hey Christmasghost& Cynical: I should be the RR Hershey Highway Jello Tunnel. Most of what Rupert says is udder rabbit pellet material anyway. Maybe the Felonious on will christen it.
marks @129,
Thanks for the compliment. Though at times like this, I’m awfully tempted by the dark side.
Stefan @149,
Problem is, you don’t have any proof… just conjecture… and that’s only good enough for your faithful.
Go have some independent source, well connected with the media, randomly ask various members of the political press corps who they find to be a more reliable and credible source, and I betcha they’ll overwhelmingly pick me. And I’m the prankster who filed an initiative to call Timmy a horse’s ass. Tell me… what does that say about you?
And perhaps your lack of credibility explains why we’re having this debate here on HA, rather than on (u)SP. Hardly anybody bothers to post to the comment threads on (u)SP anymore, and your traffic continues to plummet. Hmmm. I wonder why?
Puddy @182,
It is common knowledge that both Stefan and I tend to work from home. I’m not sure what you’re getting at.
RR Hershey Highway Jello Tunnel…now that’s funny stuff, I don’t care who y’ar!
But I thought the Hershey Highway went thru the Free-mount District?
Governor sore loser, meet President Al Gore.
Daniel K
“This has been an interesting thread if for no other reason that watching Shark have a Novak Meltdown Moment.”
Umm, Novak? He got up and left… Oh, the language…some of us have a higher threshold…
Which makes it easy to say: ChristmasGhost @230,
You are beautiful. And more than simply right…
Oh, and thank you Goldy, for your pixels, not for me, but for Cheryl…No ChristmasGhost, You are simply the best…
Goldy you Dimwit–
So if I ask Joel “Dickey-Do” Cornholey if you are more reliable than Stefan, he will tell me YES??!!
Who in the fuck cares!!
Are you in need of some loving tonight Goldy?
Are you fragile?
Have your fellow LEFTIST PINHEADS scared you with all their talk about Tsunami’s, earthquakes, Viaducts collapsing..all the LEFTIST PINHEAD fear-mongering taking it’s toll on you Goldy??
Grab your little fluffy Michael Moore blankie, put your Howard Dean binkie in your mouth and turn on your porno movie of Hillary & Christine.
The “LEFTIST PINHEADS” and their leaders..(cough!) How-wierd Dean, Teddy (burp) Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid and the cast of supporting idiots are doing a great job for us Republicans. Keep up the good work people right up to election day. In fact, double your efforts! The margin of victory must squash your pre-planned allegations of yet another “stolen election”.
By E&P STaff
Published: August 09, 2005 12:05 PM ET
NEW YORK Apparently it’s never to early to speculate on the 2008 race for the White House. Jon Stewart on The Daily Show last night had an “Indecision 2008” segment and Gallup just released a new survey on various trial heats. And guess what: Rudy Giulani is in the early lead in the Gallup gallop.
Its most recent survey in late July found the former New York mayor with the highest favorable rating among several top possible choices, at 64%, with Hillary Clinton clocking in at 53%, John McCain at 51% and Sen. John Kerry at just 42%.
Face to face, both Republicans (right now) top Clinton by the same margin, 50% to 45%, and trounce Kerry 54% to 41%.
One problem with Clinton: Her unfavorable rating, at 43%, is nearly twice as high as McCain’s, and more than double that for Guiliani. Her favorable rating has remained pretty much at the same level, in the low 50s, for two years.
GOP loyalty for their candidates, at 87%, exceeds the Democrats’ 80% level.
GBS — go to this page, click on 2nd link, and download .pdf file.
Hello Goldy. I wasn’t getting at anything. If you noticed your thread, most of your HA lefties did not know that you and Stefan were homebody workers like myself. I enjoyed the tete-a-tete (without the accent grave) you displayed on the radio, eventhough you possess a Gilbert Gottfried tonal quality. Your following doesn’t have a clue about much now do they? If most HA hemmorhoids paid attention to the world instead of left wing materials only, they would have known that information instead of having to search the Internet. Hence they are donks.
Torridjoe, Dude, Michael and GBS: Goldy approved Post # 152. I answer many questions.
It would appear that Stefan has DOCUMENTATION that 5,478 non-military overseas ballots (RS) were mailed out by King County on October 12, 2004 — when this should have happened by October 8, 2004 (and King County told the SOS that they had done it by 10/08/2004).
I don’t think this mistake hurt Rossi. Non-military overseas voters in King County are probably at least as liberal and Democrat leaning as the average for King County. So if any of these folks got their ballots too late to mail back, it probably cost Gregoire a few net votes.
I’m still waiting for YOUR link to McDermott’s felony conviction?
puttybrains @ all
I like a good debate, when the facts are presented.
LMAO! You drank the Kool-Aid a long time ago and it’s been freeper city ever since.
“Facts” from (un)SP led you to the conclusion that Dino Rossi would now be Governor.
Freeper facts! I like the sound of that. Puddy’s Freeper Facts!
152 (continued)
On the other hand, Perfect Vaccuum Instead of Brain, if you want to play the Accused = Guilty game … then what do you think we should do about the treason accusation against Rove?
Feeper Facts! I like it, too. Methinks you’ve coined a whopper of a phrase. Let’s use it regularly.
Richard Pope @ 240:
It would appear that Stefan has DOCUMENTATION that 5,478 non-military overseas ballots (RS) were mailed out by King County on October 12, 2004 – when this should have happened by October 8, 2004 (and King County told the SOS that they had done it by 10/08/2004).
Not all RS ballots are overseas ballots.
RS also means snowbirds, out-of-town voters, voters requesting enlarged ballots, voters who request a one-time absentee ballot be mailed out of state, some Chinese voters and voters who need a ballot early. These are not UOCAVA ballots and were not part of October 8 requirement.
“marks @129,
Thanks for the compliment. Though at times like this, I’m awfully tempted by the dark side.”
Hey, you rule here dude! Some have no idea what fairness is. May be silly of me, but I think you know. Hell, I may have given you a map…not that I am fair…
marks @ 171:
The interesting thing regarding FWAB, SF-186 is its ambiguity. First, it is a Federal form. This is immediately confusing for a military voter voting for State offices during a Presidential election. Can a voter actually write in the statewide offices and have them count? Honestly, in WA they can, but most other states do not allow it. That knowledge is dependant on the state to promulgate. I am not sure how vociferously that was accomplished by WA, if at all.
Further, counting votes only matters if the statewide office was delineated by the voter (a competency exam?) and judged proper by election officials, and takes a bit more effort than lining up some butterfly ballot that clearly shows Gore, Bush, and Buchanon…
“The information on how to do so was available by emailing KC from their website, I believe.”
The information on how to use a butterfly ballot was hung up in the polling places in Miami, I believe…oh – hell, there I go again…
LOL okay…so if the voting officer wasn’t there to hold their hand and wipe their ass while they cast their ballot….
If you don’t believe that the counties counted write ins on Fed Military them yourself. That’s the information they gave to me.
“LOL okay…so if the voting officer wasn’t there to hold their hand and wipe their ass while they cast their ballot”
So, if the voter did not pass the “Voter Test”…did somebody pay the “poll tax”?
Waitaminnit —
Mr. Cynical is Stefan Sharkansky?
marks…thanks for the compliments. if you want to check out updates on cheryl you can check out my site at
and you are so right about goldy.
thank you so much goldy for putting up cheryl’s picture. i can never thank you enough, really. you are a good guy.
No, he’s my brother… in arms that is.
Born to not allow you any comfort in your LEFTIST PINHEAD lifestyle. Born to call bullshit on dimwits like you heath. Born to not live my life in fear of a 30-foot tidal wave possibly roaring over the top of Quenn Anne Hill like you jackass!
Hey Rupert Wabbit, Try this link and go to the bottom. I posted the links about Felonious McDimwitt on July 27 on HA.
Here is the information as I know your Google skillz are suspect.
Rupert Wabbit: He broke the law by passing illegally acquired phone wiretaps to the NY Slimes. The couple who had the scanner were found guilty and fined $500. In federal district court the Boehler vs. McDermott case was thrown out. In the Federal Court of Appeals McDermott was found guilty.
Excerpt:”For the reasons stated, we hold that ? 2511(1)© and the Florida statute, see supra note 2, are not unconstitutional as applied in this case. Accordingly, the judgment of the district court is reversed and the case is remanded.
So ordered.”
Case goes to US Supreme Court. Supreme Court remands it back to federal court. Federal Court in 2004 rules against McDermott:
Excerpt:”As a result, the conclusion to be drawn from that court?s opinion is that even though 18 U.S.C. ? 2511 does not specifically prohibit the receipt of illegally obtained information, Defendant did not lawfully obtain the material if he knew of the illegality of the Martins? disclosure at the time he voluntarily accepted it. The Court of Appeals thus examined the scenario in which a source obtains information illegally and passes it to an intermediary, and that court found that an intermediary?s present knowledge of the illegality of a source?s disclosure at the time the intermediary accepts it renders the intermediary?s obtaining of the information unlawful.”
http://www.firstamendmentcente.....x?id=14275 – He owes court costs of $600K
http://www.firstamendmentcente.....x?id=14405 – ID10T McDimwitt is appealing to the same appeals court again who said he was guilty!!
Rupert: You have to stop screwing those furry friends of yours and read more.
Comment by Puddybud — 7/28/05 @ 9:21 am
One more thing Rupert, McDimwitt had to resign from his Ranking Democrat Ethics seat on the Ethics Committee with the conviction.
Excerpt: “The couple gave the tape to McDermott, the then-ranking Democratic member of the House Ethics Committee, along with a cover letter stating that the tape contained a conference overheard on a “scanner” and that the Martins understood they would be granted immunity.
Indeed, McDermott was not as uninvolved with the interceptors as the respondents in Bartnicki. A woman from his staff allegedly had had a discussion with the Martins – after they intercepted the telephone call but before they delivered the tape to McDermott – during which immunity for the Martins’ illegal interception was discussed.”
See Rupert, the stoopid congressman from Seattle engaged in illegal practices and then he goes to Baghdad, denounces the US, and accepts $5000 for his defense fund from a Saddam henchman? What a guy for Seattle. You all in his Seattle district don’t care about a convicted criminal representing YOU!!!
Comment by Puddybud — 7/28/05 @ 9:35 am
Now it’s been posted twice, once for everyone else and the second time for Rupert.
Comment on 249
“Waitaminnit – Mr. Cynical is Stefan Sharkansky?”
I honestly don’t think so. Stefan comes across as someone who knows better.
puttybrains @ 252
My we’re treated to yet another edition of puddy’s freeper facts!
McDermott vs. Bush you decide!!
Number of people dead and maimed because of Bush’s decisions?
Number of people dead and maimed because of Jim McDermott’s decisions?
You decide!
Sorry, that was puttybrains @ 256
McDermott NEVER makes decisions. All he does is criticize. Kind of like ME!
mr. cynical…heh heh heh…that’s good.
Clueless: I remember you. You need to purchase another clue again. These are not freeper sites. These are law sites. U & RR R Stoopid.
No Democrat in the House can do much with the Hammer in charge. No reaching across the aisle – nothing. Very sad state of affairs.
Cynical –
Born to not allow you any comfort in your LEFTIST PINHEAD lifestyle.
Oh? What can you tell me about my ‘lifestyle’?
As for Tsunamis, which belong in the other thread, even a 10 m / 30′ Tsunami would swamp S. Lake Union, and we were talking about 90 foot / 30m Tsunamis. Or rather, you and righton were, in some kind of insipid attempt to change the subject from coastal warning systems.
I swear, you have your head so far up your ass nobody could tell from looking at you.
I like carla’s blog. Beats minnow’s all to hell. Doesn’t smell bad either.
If you don’t believe that the counties counted write ins on Fed Military them yourself. That’s the information they gave to me.
Comment by carla— 8/10/05 @ 9:04 pm
Hey Carla- Ask Julie Ann Kempf what she thinks about how KCRE handles military ballots.
You Truly Do Have Putty Between Your Ears @ 252
I repeat: Where’s the conviction? Your links only prove that
(a) You don’t know the difference between a “conviction” and a civil judgment;
(b) You don’t know that a judgment is not final while an appeal is pending;
(c) You post links to stuff you haven’t even read, to wit:
“McDermott never was charged with a criminal offense …. ”
“Rep. James A. McDermott, D-Wash., is appealing a court ruling ….”
Oh, and another thing, You Truly Do Have Putty Between Your Ears: The judge based his partial summary judgment in Rep. Boehner’s favor on there being “no genuine material issue of fact” after engaging in what appears to fact finding on disputed issues of fact. If I were McDermott’s lawyer I’d appeal too, and argue the disputed fact should be submitted to a jury because (i) it is disputed, (ii) involves the credibility of a witness, which is the province of the jury to determine, and (iii) McDermott’s civil liability to Boehner turns upon which version of this fact the trier of fact believes, therefore (iv)summary judgment is improper and McDermott is entitled to have the case submitted to the jury.
You also forgot to mention that as a result of McDermott’s release of the tape to the media, Gingrich resigned from Congress and paid a $300,000 fine for HIS illegal behavior.
For those of you who dont know wjo Mrs Kempf is:
Mrs Kempf was the whistle blower who got fired for saying that overseas absentee ballots were being mailed late out of KCRE. Her bosses name was Bob Roegner who was the KCRE elections director.
Roegner later resigned after ballots were mailed late in a May 2003 special election.
That is how the current liar… I mean director Dean Logan got his job.
Puddy why don’t you treat us all to more freeper facts about the blue dress.. We’re all waiting…
Any stirring freeper details about the fabric or the designer?
In the meantime soldiers are dying and being maimed in Iraq along with innocent Iraqi’s caught in the crossfire all brought to the doorstep of the soldier’s families and the U.S. taxpayer courtesy of the brilliant geopolitical acumen of one George W. Bush.
None of that matters. Just blue dresses, 30+ year old car accidents and cell phone conversations no one remembers. That’s what gets Puddy’s attention.
Now your Tsunami has grown to 90 feet?!! WOW!
Your lifestyle obviously includes eating those “mushrooms” and other halucinagenic substances.
So heath wants us to spend time and millions trying to save Seattle from a 90 foot Tsunami??
heath…you are all fucked up man.
It’s time for you to visit
She will help you out of your own personal hell.
I couldn’t help but notice your “testimonial” on the website.
May the force be with you heath.
Mork calling heath….Mork calling heath.
heath…your time on Earth is over. The mothership is hovering over the Free-mount District. Prepare to be beemed up heath…along with the other freaks.
PuddyBud @ 243 “Torridjoe, Dude, Michael and GBS: Goldy approved Post # 152. I answer many questions.”
I keep looking but all I see is mindless gibberish? Are you sure that is where you posted the “answers”?
favorite gibberish:
“I stay away from long haired dogs as my asthma will nastily arise.â€
“I am a righty who very, very seldom uses a potty mouth.â€
“Just the Facts ma’am, just the facts.â€
“If you have the sillz to pay de billz..â€
“We had toolz to be in schoolz!!â€
You will always be “special” with the “skillz” to me PuddyBud. Promise you will never change!
266 is one of the most utterly pointless comments I’ve ever seen on this board.
I take it, Cynical, you’ve never heard of the Lituya Bay tsunami, which was over 1,700 feet high?
Rabbit @ 267
When you read something like, “In federal district court the Boehler vs. McDermott case was thrown out. In the Federal Court of Appeals McDermott was found guilty,” you know the person who wrote it is clueless.
For the clueless:
1) A case entitled Boehler vs. McDermott cannot be a criminal case. In a criminal case, one of the parties is a governmental entity. Since this involved Title 18 of the United States Code, it would be a federal case. Those who claim Google skillz might want to google “us v mcdermott” for grins. McDermott isn’t a horribly uncommon name, so I suspect you’ll have fun wading through the hits in order to find a case involving the same McDermott.
2) It’s generally a good idea to figure out whya district court has dismissed a civil case. Sometimes, cases get dismissed because the plaintiff failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted. Other times, cases get dismissed because the plaintiff failed to adequately prove the facts that are alleged. The difference is rather significant when talking about appeals.
3) Guilt or innocence is a criminal issue. It’s not an issue in a civil case. In a civil case, the issue is simply one of liability.
4) Liability, being an issue of fact, is never addressed directly by an appellate court. They either uphold the conclusions of law made by the lower court, or, as in this case, they reverse the conclusions of law made by the lower court and remand the case for further consideration.
5) Questions of fact, unless both parties agree to a bench hearing, are decided by juries, not judges. This harkens back to point #2 above. If the facts of a case have never been tried because the court of first instance dismissed the case based on, say, the constitutionality of the law that forms the basis of a plaintifff’s claims, there are no legally adjudicated facts upon which to base any statement about someone’s guilt or innocence. In such instances, it’s best to let these cases run their course before pontificating. Better to keep your mouth shut and leave people wondering whether or not you’re an idiot than to open it and, thereby, remove all doubt.
6) While McDermott lost on appeal with respect to the constitutionality of 18 USC 2511(1)(c), that has little bearing on McDermott’s likelyhood of successful appeal on issues that were not addressed in the prior appeal (indeed, issues that had been rendered moot once the lower court declared 18 USC 2511(1)(c) unconstitutional). None of this is relevant to McDermott’s intelligence or that of his lawyers. You don’t get to shop around for courts of appeal. The court of appeal you go to is the one that supervises the district court that’s hearing your case. Only under extremely rare circumstances (e.g. seven members of an appeals court having to recuse themselves) does an appeal ever go outside circuit.
To Puddy, I suggest you stick to your expensive versions of tracerout, and dancing through the vagaries of internet e-mail propagation, and leave discussions of legal issues to those who have at least a partial clue.
PS You can have my host IP address. It’s Not a lot you can do with it, though. You’re not on the same subnet :-).
Uhhh Rick you can say what you want but the wiretap law was illegally broken when he gave the tapes to the NY Times. And who publishes the story? Adam Clymer – The “Asshole” Dick Cheney and GWB talk about on the campaign trail in 2000. That part of the If they decide it’s a civil case, that’s fine by me, but he is still convicted. Not being a lawyer and not playing one on TV I could care less. A Feredal judge said he broke the law. Law breaking is a crime. You leftists love splitting hairs. He’s GUILTY, until the COA or USSCOTUS says otherwise and vacates the judgment. The new judgment against him was in 2004. SO why did McDimwitt resign from the Ethics committee? Yeah, Rick you be so smart; why did he resign? Law breaking perhaps?
So I ask this. Why did OJ get a civil judgment against him in the by a jury in the Ron Goldman, Nicole Brown Simpson civil case brought by Nicole’s father and his is guilty? Why does the press call OJ a convicted criminal. Oh yes that’s right because public opinion is against him so he’s a convict. But not here in HA land.
But all you circle fly recipients here on HA like McDimwitt so he is not a criminal. Where is the differentiation Rick Schaut? Where in the judgments is the 18 USC 2511(1)© declared unconstitutional? The applicable part of the case of Bartnicki was deemed wrong by the courts, but the Federal judge in 2004 said that this didn’t apply to McDimwitt due to the circumstances of he knowing it was illegal and he tried to say he would grant immunity to the Florida couple. Since he received the tapes in WA DC, Florida law did not apply. Also “The Court of Appeals thus examined the scenario in which a source obtains information illegally and passes it to an intermediary, and that court found that an intermediary’s present knowledge of the illegality of a source’s disclosure at the time the intermediary accepts it renders the intermediary’s obtaining of the information unlawful.” So he broke the law. But to you circle fly recipients he didn’t.
So I suppose a Federal Judge knows the law less than you do Rick? You remind me of Artie in another thread, who said if God talked to him to do something he didn’t like doing he would tell God “I know better”. It’s the same with all you lefties. Your use of the courts to get laws passed that Congress will not pass is your only hope. When the eminent domain law was passed by the courts a few weeks ago, even Maxine Waters said it was a stoopid judgment. When lefty judges make stoopid laws even lefty congresspeople have to react.
See ya Rick.
Oh yes don*****don. Your circle fly arguments have little bearing in this thread. You are the typical HA lefty. All blather, no lather. And no I grow in Grace but won’t change for you, as you are a circle fly’s landing pad!
One last thing Rick. I realize you are using a locally administered Class C address, probably allocated by a home cable modem or dsl router. If at work, you are using NAT addressing on a CISCO or Juniper router. If I wanted to attack the Cisco router I could implement the attack discussed at Defcon. But, I don’t perform nefarious acts. I leave that to leftiy circle fly material.
Roger Rabbit@274
Don’t give that idiot heath any other ideas RR.
heath is one of these LEFTIST PINHEADS who is bent on planning for the absolute worst possible case. Doesn’t matter if it’s a 1 every billion years episode….let’s spend the money & try to save ourselves!
heath is probably one of the idiot planners behind the AWV brainfart. heath has zero concept of accountability to taxpayers. heath wants to build HIS dream at our expense NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT COSTS>
heath–born to save us all.
heath–man, a 1700-foot tsunami to plan for. Get busy dude and build your survival retreat up on top of Mt. Rainier.
Puttybrains reaches new heights all the time.
Compares Jim McDermott who treated psychological casualties from Vietnam to OJ..
Just got to love this guy..
Who are these “leftist pinheads” that cynical keeps referring to? The people who post here (except for him, of course) are progressive centrist thinkers. If there’s anybody out on the fringe … Well, it’s nice to have people like him to emphasize our rationality and reasonableness.
This website is only about pettiness, lies and insults.
Nothing worth while is ever done here except possibly to vent the spleen of some degenerates like JDB and GBS who lack the intellect to make a responsible argument, and display mock bravado because they won’t be held responsible for it.
Goldy and others here had a perfect opportunity to clarify the facts surrounding an important issue, and instead completely washed it under with foolishness.
Stephan Sharkansky behaved respectfully and argued rationally on all counts and all you had in response was lies, invectives, and veiled personal threats. I an sure everyone who visits this site is mighty impressed that you people all know how to swear.
Good job–typical liberals.
Reply to 268
“Mrs Kempf was the whistle blower who got fired for saying that overseas absentee ballots were being mailed late out of KCRE. Her bosses name was Bob Roegner who was the KCRE elections director.”
Whistleblower?? Kempf was Superintendent of Elections, for chrissakes!!! King County elections were a mess. Kempf was in charge of KC elections. She was fired because elections were a mess. Logan was brought in from the SOS’s office to clean it up. Unfortunately, Logan is better at being an elections expert than an elections manager. So far, no one has been able to successfully manage KC elections.
Clueless: No I didn’t make the direct comparison at all. Damn clueless, are you brainless too? I pointed out the fallacies of the Rick Schaut argument. I said if OJ loses a civil case he’s called a convicted felon by your side, but McDimwitt loses a civil case and he’s not a convicted felon? Hmmm… what is wrong with those apples. While his case is under appeal he’s not called a convicted felon. What did I miss in translation between the two civil cases?
Marks & PacMan: I just broke free and I haven’t eaten yet, but the problems are fixed!! Yahoo, oops… that’s a website. Sorry I missed you both.
Goldy makes a good point. Can anyone imagine this thread occuring over at the ss minnows web site? Beyond the fact that he would have to lift his ban on all dissenting voices, and he would have to instruct most of his regulars to stay on topic and to stay away from the ad hominems, even then, it is highly doubtful that he could allow an actual discussion on his facts? The minnow knows that in the bright light, he withers.
And that is probably why he has been spewing so much bile in this thread, and launching unethical attacks and attempts to bully those who point out his errors. It’s pure Rovian politics, but he doesn’t have the power to really cause anyone harm.
It must eat at his small black lump of a soul that here at Goldy’s blog, there can be a wide open discussion, and that Goldy can happily blog without banning people out of hand while at his site, he has to limit the critics and protect the amend choir that is left because they are not able to handle a different view, or facts, or anything that challanges their world view.
It must just gnaw at him that he has to hide at his site, while Goldy’s site is open to all. And that is the differnce between liberal/progressives and conservatives/neo-cons. People like the ss minnow have to hide and shut down contrary voices. He knows this thread could never occur at his site; he could not allow it. The light of an open discussion would (and has) show him for the coward he is.
What I find interesting is that this one comment “Swimming with Snarks” produced over 280 posts, while ALL of the last 20 comments on the Sound Politics site has produced less than half of just this one comment…
Comment on 275
The fact Putty is clueless, is what the law refers to as “an open and notorious fact.” I believe I’ve heard this phrase most commonly used in association with madams and whorehouses. Be that as it may, another reason cases get dismissed is because the defendant has an affirmative defense. In the Boehler case, McDermott asserted an affirmative defense based on free speech and public interest.
The Court of Appeals did not, of course, find McDermott “guilty” or even liable. It merely reversed the District Court’s dismissal and remanded the case for further proceedings. Then the Supreme Court vacated the CoA order, and remanded to District Court with instructions to determine the effect, if any, of a new Supreme Court ruling. The District Court entered a summary judgment partially in McDermott’s favor and partially in Boehler’s favor, and the latter is now on appeal. I’m not sure of the issue(s) but it seems obvious the factual issue should have been decided by a jury, not dealt with by the judge in a summary judgment order. That’s because the key fact which determines whether McDermott’s affirmative defense precludes liability IS in dispute.
All of this is way, way, way over Clueless Putty’s brainless head, of course. One gets the feeling that if Clueless Putty were subjected to an administrative fine for not complying with the municipal lawn watering code, he’d ask if he was supposed to report to a parole officer.
In his case, someone should arrange it. Poor Clueless Putty clearly needs adult supervision.
… which I guess is the long way of saying “Thanks Goldy!”
“That part of the If they decide it’s a civil case, that’s fine by me, but he is still convicted.”
What do you do with someone this ignorant? Can’t do anything.
“Not being a lawyer”
And no hope of ever becoming one. A basket case.
“I could care less.”
This simple phrase captures the essence of what causes Putty’s frequent and egregious misstatements.
While on the topic of Putty’s ignorance …
… one more thing, Putty Between Ears: I’m STILL waiting for you to show me the conviction.
“So I ask this. Why did OJ get a civil judgment against him in the by a jury in the Ron Goldman, Nicole Brown Simpson civil case brought by Nicole’s father and his is guilty? Why does the press call OJ a convicted criminal. Oh yes that’s right because public opinion is against him so he’s a convict.”
Most of us residing on this particular planet recall that O.J. was ACQUITTED in the criminal trial. The jury in the subsequent civil case did award a monetary judgment against him. The burden of proof is different in criminal and civil cases; and, in the O.J. cases, arguably the skill of the lawyers was different, too. You may believe he’s guilty as sin. I do. The press may call him a “convicted criminal.” But he is NOT a “convicted criminal.” He is free as a bird, albeit a penniless and indebted one.
Roger Rabbit—..i just have to say here that no one , but no one with any brains would aspire to become a’s the move wanna be politicians make because they don’t have the charisma to be politicians. think gregoire and clinton. lawyers first…and then barely politicians. and if any of you think hillary would win in a presidential election [keep thinking that btw] you are delusional. she is poison. she does not have the charisma her husband had. she has all the charisma of martha stewart……ZIP.
Reply to 278
Actually, Cyn, the 1,700 foot high Lituya Bay tsunami occurred less than 1 billion years ago — in 1958, to be exact. For those of you unfamiliar with this phenomenon, Lituya Bay is a small bay on the S.E. Alaska coastline surrounded on three sides by mountains and fed by a glacier. In 1958, an 8.3 magnitude local earthquake triggered an enormous landslide off one of the hillsides into the bay, which splashed water 1,720 feet up the opposite hillside (because the water had nowhere else to go), stipping all the trees and vegetation up to the maximum waterline. Amazingly, several boaters in the bay at the time survived.
Whether Puget Sound’s enclosed waters could generate a big splash wave like Lituya Bay’s if an earthquake occurred under or near the Sound, is a complicated physics problem. I’m not a physicist, and I don’t know. It does seem to me the potential is there because Puget Sound is an enlosed body of water. In the open ocean, the energy generated by an earthquake is not only spread through a deep water column but also radiates outward in all directions unhindered by land mass. At sea, tsunami waves are only a foot or two high, and they only well up and gain height upon hitting the beach. As Lituya Bay demonstrated, when an enclosed water body is subjected to a similar amount of energy, you get a splash effect. Sort of like a fat person doing a cannonball off the high board in a backyard swimming pool — everyone sitting around the patio gets wet! Think of Puget Sound as a small swimming pool, not very deep (compared to the ocean), and a big one lands in it. Could the resulting wave wash up over Queen Anne hill? I don’t know, but maybe. Seattle sits right on top of a gigantic fault line where the continental and oceanic tectonic plates meet. If we ever get the Big One right under Puget Sound, I suspect there will be a hell of a splash. We’re not talking southern California surf on a good day, folks. I mean a SPLASH.
So what’s the BFD over Gregoire’s tsunami warning system, Cynical? A few loudspeakers and a phone line hooked to a computer aren’t all that expensive … although it will grant that it costs way more than Shrub is willing to spend to keep terrorist from sneaking a nuclear bomb into the U.S. via cargo container. Bush and the congressional Republicans aren’t willing to spend ANYTHING on homeland security, except in Wyoming, which perhaps is where you get your inspiration from, Cyn. Do you live in Wyoming, Cynical?
Frankly I think you’re just exploiting the tsunami issue as a lame excuse to criticize Gregoire merely for the sake of criticizing her.
Reply to 283
What’s really fascinating — no, HILARIOUS — is that minnow’s home address is posted on his own web site! Seems the guy “outed” himself …
RR: Since you are so versed in case law as a barrister, did McDimwitt break the wiretapping law, yes or no? I thought the 2004 judgment said he did. If he didn’t break any law, why did he resign from the ethics panel?
ghost @ 290
if Hillary is so unlikeable, why do 60% of respondents in the latest Gallup Poll call her likeable?
You call these LEFTIST PINHEADS Progressive Centrists!!
First of all, Progressive implies you are progressing toward something which is not the case here for sure. These LEFTIST PINHEADS are always against something….except higher taxes, unaccountable, big government and having there “constituents” be allowed to screw & be screwed by farm animals!!
Second..Centrists stand for nothing and fall for everything. Give me an opinionated LEFTIST PINHEAD like Roger Rabbit anyday before a smarmy, little cocksucker like you!! Centrists are uncomfortable in there own skin and dishonest about how they really feel.
cynical, you’re a pig.
never contribute anything but hate and useless catchphrases…
Why don’t you do both sides a favor and just go away?
So what earth-changing tidbit did you contribute in this post, huh? I resent being called a pig…even though my office lloks like a sty and I do have a cute curly little tail. And of course there is my flat snout. Still windie…you are guilty of name-calling while repeatedly claiming you are against such conduct. It’s frustrating for you to claim the high-road but then stoop to low-levels of actual conduct.
windie is a great monikor for a professional gasbagging LEFTIST PINHEAD who lives in a world of make-believe.
Windie @ 296
Leave Cynical be. Since we have no Warez kids posting, we need him to prove that the cap lock button still works on our keyboards.
Hmmm. The minnow still hasn’t denied that he lied about his name. He has had more than enough opportunities to clear that matter up if it was untrue. By his standards, it is a proven fact now.
aw c’mon, somebody has to sink to his level.
–>cynical: That post was in your form. Indeed, that was the point. Oh, except I can’t bring myself all the way down to “LEFTIST PINHEAD” level.
Its never about discussing, or even arguing with Cynical, or it hasn’t been since he got shamed on the Rossi challenge. Its about putting up with his angry attacks, or maybe giving him back some. I for one am sick of it.
windie@301 says “I for one am sick of it”.
My response is…..
Get professional help windie. You are so uptight, it would take a John Deere Tractor to pull a pin out of your ass. Calm down and go with the flow windie. Flutter in the breeze. Take up something relaxing like needlepoint or crossword puzzles. Naaaw, better skip the crossword puzzles. You will probably be shredding newspapers when you try to squeeze a 6-letter response into 4 squares.
Well, you can maybe try to crossword puzzles. My mother is 76 and does at least one every single day….and she’s mellow.
Let’s see Windie if you can guess this one.
What’s an 8-letter word that means “windie’s personality”.
It contains the following letters…put them in the right order:
Could I make it any easier windie??
I just don’t like amateur trolls, thats all.
Its soooo predictable. People like you can dish it out like nobody’s business, but get all twitchy and defensive when anyone hits back.
Puddybud @283
Yeah, we missed ya! I guess we could try again at some point. How long ya in town?
It was good to put a face with the name. Thanks for picking up the tab. I guess the price was right (for me)… :)
I would suggest dinner, but the wife has me tied up with her “honey-do” list.
PacMan!?! What’s up? I’d like break bread with you. What? I Gotta be a conservative? You too good to have lunch with Rocky Balboa?
Man, I swear no politics and no pissing you off and no rubbing your nose in the plate about your boy from the RNC who was apologizing to the NAACP 2-3 weeks ago about the Republican Southern Strategy policies of the ’60’s, 70’s & 80’s.
You know what? If you ever get to Seattle, I’ll buy lunch. Happy Meals for everyone.
Puddybud at 152
There is a good reason why our military should not be SPYING on it’s citizens. If you cannot fathom that concept, and I know full good and well that you can, then there’s no sense in trying to have a conversation about the subject. Any time the US Military is scanning the civilian population something is seriously wrong with our government. There is no way you can believe that’s what our Forefathers would have wanted or approved.
You can take that argument to the Nth degree and say well, the police/army is going to search everyone’s home at random looking for [insert your conservative fear de jour here] in order to keep the country safe from [insert you favorite conclusion here i.e. “mushroom cloud”].
As for the 9/11 report there was plenty left out that the WH didn’t want included before the elections, remember?
I must confess, Puddybud, I’m a bit disappointed in your comments. You pose the question what Clinton, Gore, and Clarke know and why are we only hearing about it now? As if there was some cataclysmic failure on their part and then you retort Cheney skipping every single counter terrorism meeting is I’ll have to ask him myself.
That’s not the typical, hard to counter answers that you’re known for. Is it that you’re too busy being on road? If that’s not the case, then I believe I just may have bagged me a bear.
Since you like jokes try this one on for size.
What are the only two things in Texas?
Steers and queers and I don’t see any horns on the three amigos.
Just kidding, slow down I know you guys are all red blooded American males who only like females. Puddybud seems to like eating at the Y. How about you Pacman? Are you breaking all the sterotypes or just the political ones?
307 continued
Or is it that PacMan and Marks went to DQ for desert and ordered the chocolate vanilla swirl. Two snaps and a “Mmmmmm MMMMMMM!”
Uh oh, sounds like Jungle Fee-vah!
Here is an interesting article:
Even with don*****don a-spewing the low Bush ratings, the public still dislike the dummocraps more. Excerpt:”Many of these voters still favor Democrats on economic issues. But they see the Democrats as weak on national security, and on cultural and moral issues, they view Democrats as both inconsistent and hostile to traditional values. “Most referred to Democrats as ‘liberal’ on issues of morality, but some even go so far as to label them ‘immoral,’ ‘morally bankrupt,’ or even ‘anti-religious,’ ” according to the Democracy Corps analysis.”
You just have to love the American public for seeing a donk as a donk!
That’s it. Goldy’s bloggerator does not like me calling democrats – d u m m o c r a p s. Hey David Goldstein, why is d u m m o c r a p s, a word to truly describe liberals a reviewable word when it isn’t a word?
Here is the link without my editorial.
Excerpt: “Many of these voters still favor Democrats on economic issues. But they see the Democrats as weak on national security, and on cultural and moral issues, they view Democrats as both inconsistent and hostile to traditional values. “Most referred to Democrats as ‘liberal’ on issues of morality, but some even go so far as to label them ‘immoral,’ ‘morally bankrupt,’ or even ‘anti-religious,’ ” according to the Democracy Corps analysis.”
GBS: Hello there. As more and more information regarding this investigation, Atta and his boys were not a US citizens. Therefore they are not protected by the US Constitution. Once naturalized they are under the constitution. GBS: Please read carefully the following articles.,2933,165414,00.html -“According to Curt Weldon (R-7th Dist., PA), the feds had Mohammed Atta and three other 911 terrorists under surveillance and failed to pursue them in any meaningful manner because Bill Clinton feared another Waco-type backlash. Using data mining techniques, a special Pentagon unit named ‘Able Danger’ uncovered the 911 terrorist cell, tried to have them taken out, and were stopped by Clinton administration lawyers.
This story is just really getting started, and already it stinks to high heaven:
911 Commission members are now admitting that they were briefed on Able Danger – which they had all denied up until now. The Commissioners knew about Able Danger and left it out of their report. Does not pass the smell test.
Jamie Gorelick, architect of the inane ‘wall’ that protected Atta & Co. from law enforcement, was one of the 911 Commissioners charged with investigating why Atta & Co. were not stopped.
Sandy Berger may have been trying to cover up Able Danger by stuffing notes into his socks.
I have a feeling we are going to be hearing a lot more about Able Danger in the near future. Kinda reveals the Plame affair as the complete non-story it is by comparison.”
“For Jamie Gorelick, answering a simple question is not enough. Gorelick is a litigation partner in the Washington law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. Gorelick was formerly the number two person at the Department of Justice where she held the position of Deputy Attorney General of the United States.
According to Newsweek, Gorelick’s firm has agreed to represent Prince Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the 9/11 families. The families contend that al Faisal has legal responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.
While her firm is representing Saudi interests against the 9/11 families, Ms. Gorelick is a member of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States.”
Just perform a Google search +Able +Danger
BTW Rupert Wabbit. I don’t think I said McDimwitt was criminally charged. So I ask you this question, does OJ have a conviction on his official record or is it a judgment? If it is a judgment, then I will change it from Felonious McDimwitt to Judged McDimwitt.
And a Damn fine job that the Republican attack machine does in defining their opponent. Getting the relgious right all whipped up to believe that we’re godless, or that we’re immoral because we think it’s OK for a gay couple to marry, or that a woman derves the right to her privacy in a private medical decsion concerning her body, or allowing a husband to fulfill his promise to his wife not to let her live by artificial means if she’s brain dead, or eliminating the Regan generated deficit, or taxing the rich — because that’s “wealth redistribution”, or creating nealy 23 million jobs, or giving civil rights to all citizens.
Ewwwww bad Dummocraps!! Bad! Bad! Smart Republicans good, and godly.
Even more interesting is that the Bush administration got rid of Able Danger when they came to power, and did not use the information. Lets face it, Al Queada was back burnered by everyone before 9/11.
To answer the other question for RR, OJ has a judgment entered against him. McDermont doesn’t have that either, as the case is on appeal.
Thanks for pointing out that apparenlty Slade Gordon and the other GOP members of the commission has been shilling for Clinton. You should go over to the minnow’s board and start railing against Sam Reed and Norm Maleng and how if only real Republicans were in power, all would be good, and the second coming would be upon us.
I guess your on Oklahoma time, huh Puddybud.
First off, I won’t disagree with you that Atta was not a citizen. But, there are two things working here. First and foremost. The military cannot just hit the terrorist cells. You are missing my point. The military must scan through legal citizens to find the terrorists. The US military must never be used against its citizens in ANY fashion. Period. End of argument. On a federal level that is mainly left for the FBI to handle because they have to operate with restrictions to protect OUR collective civil liberties. The military A) does not operate under those restrictions and B) they are not trained for that mission. Legal guests in this country should be afforded many of the same rights while they are guest in our country. Not all, but certainly most.
Now, what is more important discovering the flaws of a decision we can no longer change, or effect the decisions that are being made today that will effect our lives today and into the future.
But you’re still avoiding Cheney’s dereliction of duty. What you say?
One of my post is missing too, Puddybud.
Do NOT use the “D_ _ _ _ crap” word.
Instant purgatory.
Man, I have to leave. I’ll read your Cheney rebuttal tomorrow AM.
Where the Hell is PacMan. Puddybud and why is he avoiding me?
JDB: You side loves impugn GWB. You do not answer my questions, you bring up the 2001 issues. Maybe, just maybe they didn’t know the full extent of Able Danger and looked at it as another Clinton Administration activity? I asked what did Richard Clarke know about this because he never mentioned this anywhere in his “book”. Maybe JDB and GBS you are projecting? Maybe they told the Bush Administration we should disband because no one is believing us. I ask you what do you think about the Gorelick wall? Her firm is defending the Saudis and you guys are saying that Bush kisses the King’s ass. Now that the truth is coming out, it’s attack Bush. Let’s be fair here. Both sides failed us, but if we knew about these guys and your side placed roadblocks, why are not more of you upset? Hmmm…? If the DailyKos agrees that the green card holders are not subject to our constitution as GBS tried to infer, why did Clinton lawyers stop the full FBI investigation of these shitheads?
So I will change my classification of Dim McDimwitt to Almost Judged McDimwitt!!! How’s that?
GBS: I don’t know where the PacMan is. I had to work on a problem longer than planned. I believe in finishing the job and having a happy customer. I did go past the restaurant on N Greenville. It looks like a great Chinese buffet. The wife likes Asian spices. I may have to get some.
GBS: Looks like another word is being challenged. I suggest Goldy places a list of challenged words on his blog.
GBS@Everywhere: I like Sad Meals, you know the Happy Meals sans toy! Wow you’d be a big spender @ McD’s. You already know my sexual proclivities. Being here this week means the weekend will be mo’ fun! Three amigos? You comparing Marks, Pudster, and me to Steve Martin, Martin Short and Chevy Chase – one is psychotic Chevy, one is strange, and one is wierd. That is not us! Marks is a thoughtful individual, and I’m a sexy black man!
My pleasure Marks. I enjoyed our lunchtime coversation. The food was good too.
Hey Donks: Did ya read the WA Post article about Democrats? I liked it.
Domo_Left_Behind: I wonder why the HA Moonbats here are not addressing the Able Danger. Now the don*****don & Loocy have sumtin to chew on.
Pacman and my other friends who are always RIGHT—
Roger Rabbit is GBS/Harry Poon and used to be Don/Alan/thatPrick/Dubyasux/Priscilla and 93 other identities on this Blog.
“IT” does this manic behavior to try and pump up the posts on this Blog and make it look like all kinds of people are posting here. “IT” has a certain style that always reveals the same patterns, phrases etc.
ghost @ 290
if Hillary is so unlikeable, why do 60% of respondents in the latest Gallup Poll call her likeable?
joe…are these the same polls that said kerry would win? hillary likeable? come on…YOU probably don’t even like her. she is manipulative,dishonest, and obnoxious. you can do better than her…i hope.who would run as VP with her….teresa heinz kerry? what a pair from hell…….
Hilary appoval numbers went down in NY when Jeanine Pirro said she would run against her for 2006 Senate seat.
“all you had in response was lies, invectives, and veiled personal threats”
Gee, HorsesAss is beginning to sound like a lot of right-wing boards. Wonder where we got THAT from??
I never called OJ a “convicted felon.” You’re the one who’s trying to peddle civil judgments as “convictions,” not me! I think O.J. is a murderer and a Republican, but I don’t call him a convicted felon. Of course, in our state it would be a distinction without a difference, because our Republicans vote even if they’ve been convicted.
“And that is probably why he has been spewing so much bile in this thread”
Nah, I think he’s doing it because he’s a thin-skinned little shit who can’t stand criticism.
“RR: Since you are so versed in case law as a barrister, did McDimwitt break the wiretapping law, yes or no? I thought the 2004 judgment said he did. If he didn’t break any law, why did he resign from the ethics panel?”
That depends on whether he knew the tape recording was obtained illegally. If so, he did. If not, he didn’t. The 2004 judgment said he did, but that judgment is under appeal, and no judgment is final until all appeals are resolved. I don’t know why he resigned from the ethics panel. Maybe for the same reason Gingrich resigned from Congress?
294 (continued)
I’m a solicitor, not a barrister. Sheesh. You couldn’t even get THAT right.
Glory be, Cynical LIKE me!!! :D Must be because I used to be a Goldwater Republican before I became a hack guvmint attorney.
Oh c’mon windie, Cynical isn’t useless. He’s our secret weapon! We’ll tie him to an F-16 rocket, fire him at a terrorist, and if we get a hit the terrorist will go to Hell. See post #298.
“I for one am sick of it.”
Not me. I think picking on Cynical is fun. I could do it forever.
No, all you bagged was a bloodsucking little tick.
Reply to 211
Item 1. “Atta and his boys were not a US citizens.”
They did, however, have 50 U.S. driver’s licenses among them. So much for the usefulness of photo I.D. at the polls.
“I don’t think I said McDimwitt was criminally charged.”
True. You said he was “convicted.” Does this mean you think someone can be convicted without being charged?
“So I ask you this question, does OJ have a conviction on his official record”
How would I know? I don’t have his rap sheet. He used to be a gang member, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he has some convictions.
“or is it a judgment?”
The only thing he has against him in relation to the Nicole Brown homicide is a civil judgment.
O.J. probably learned to run like that as a teenager eluding the cops.
“So I will change my classification of Dim McDimwitt to Almost Judged McDimwitt!!! How’s that?”
Getting warmer …
Hey Cynical, if you want to give me credit for GBS and Harry, I don’t mind! I’ll take whatever I can get! But then, I’m just a cute fluffy little bunny who eats grass and leaves rabbit pellets on Stefan’s lawn. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE STEFFIE BABY!!!
Name one new idea that’scome from the right.
harry……name one good new idea that has come from the left…and i will oblige you.
Let’s see, Social Security, Civil Rights, NASA. There’s three. Your turn.
Better yet, given what this thread is, name one truthful and useful thing that the ss minnow has posted.
There are no new ideas, just good ones and bad ones.
Giving sovereignty over to the U.N is a typically bad liberal idea.
Kicking out a murdering world threatening tyrant and taking the war on terror to the enemy is a good conservative one.
In the end liberals survive only because conservatives take charge.
It is laughable that anyone would consider the number of comments posted at this thread as in any way indicative of its prestige. The great majority of this thread is composed by people like this Rabbit clown who has absolutely nothing to say and is ponderously keen about saying it over and over again with vacuous inebriated verbosity.
JDB posts often as well, using his standard little pinheaded box of tricks that include making up whatever claims suit his fancy, ignoring any facts let alone the topic at hand, substituting spiteful silly bullshit for arguments, constantly changing the subject, and making everything personal against his presumed adversary. JDB was never “outed” or banned from SP by Stephan Sharkansky, he ran away. We invite his comments because they consistently reveal what a stark idiot he is, and how pride fully arrogant he is about proving it. Nothing new here.
This sort of foolish senseless bosh works for you people. Does my heart good, so keep it up.
ghost @ 325–uh, no, it’s the poll that had Bush leading almost the entire way, and had Kerry nearly right at 49% the day before the election.
Hmmm…should I rely on your personal perception of her likeability, or Gallup’s scientific report of it? It’s tough for you to spin, I know–even if it’s wildly inaccurate, a majority of the country still finds her likeable.
Pudster, for you to consider:
“But the joint House and Senate intelligence committees’ report of pre-September 11 intelligence failures did not find that the “wall” originated in the Clinton administration; the report states: “The ‘wall’ is not a single barrier, but a series of restrictions between and within agencies constructed over 60 years as a result of legal, policy, institutional and personal factors.” Similarly, a ruling by the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review — when it met for the first time in 2002 — traces the origin of the “wall” to “some point during the 1980s.”
Nor did enforcement of the “wall” end with the Clinton administration. In his April 12, 2004, testimony before the 9-11 Commission, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft conceded that his own deputy attorney general, Larry Thompson, reauthorized the “wall” in August 2001.”
Stop drinking the koolaid and realize you can’t blame everything on Clinton. Here is the full link:
Angry at being proved wrong by liberals:
Further proof that you don’t know what you are talking about. You know that you ran to the minnow to have him protect you. Why else do I have to now spoof my IP addresses to post there?
And given that you have never posted an actual fact in any post, have made things up, and, to this day, have never once posted on topic, you’ll forgive me if I just consider you a lonely old git who really needs a life, and a little counseling. Your fear of the truth is commical though. And your inability to actually engage in conversation is always good for a laugh. Go hide in your dank little apartment little man, there the truth doesn’t matter. Cowards like you and Sharansky deserve each other. You both exist on lies and on hiding from your critics. How pitiful and small you are.
Oh, one list thing Angry at Being Proved Wrong by Liberals:
It is always fun to see someone that can spew talking points, and we wouldn’t want to task your little brain with original thought, but:
1) Name one liberal that wants to cede sovereignty over to the U.N. Working with the U.N., or within other treaties we are a member of is hardly ceding soverignty. And, remember, Bush justified his invasion of Iraq becuase of violations of U.N. resolutions. I assume you must be really angry at him for ceding our sovereignty.
2) I assume, since we haven’t invaded Korea, that you must mean that Saddam is a “world threatening tyrant,” and that the war on Iraq was “taking the war on terror to the enemy.” Let’s put aside that you have to be totally divorced from reality to believe that, since obviously you are, but is that the best you can do? If Saddam was a world threatening tyrant, I’m sure you are calling for the invasion of Iran, Korea, China, Pakistan, Russia, and probably Mexico. And are you really saying the war on Iraq is the best thing conservatives have done? Well, let me know when you are going to sign up and volunteer to go over there with our brave soilders and help out the cause. Boy, you are not only a coward but a total fool.
I would say you should stop posting to save what little dignity you have, but that assumes you have some, and obviously you don’t. So keep posting, we can always use the laughs. Thank goodness there are some intelligent conservatives around here to take up the slack from the mindless bitter old fools like you.
JDB@342…….i thought you meant NEW ideas.
all those that you mention are not new. but i will give you social security.NASA…a good idea? why? really …good for what?
although we personally have made money from doing business with them.
civil rights? oh you MUST be kidding. have you ever studied any history? obviously not. the dems were completely against it to a god….carter, the complete moron, was still attending an all whites only church when he was running for president. and then there’s robert KKK byrd.explain those two will you? and gregoire was head of a white’s only sorority in college way past the time when these things were even remotely acceptable by anyone.much less ouside of the deep south.interesting that she then went on to steal an election from a guy[rossi] who isn’t white, hmm?
let’s see…what has stefan sharkansky done that is positive? too many things to list here. if you have any integrity at all you would want to see voter fraud exposed. but with you you only want to see it if it comes from republicans or benefits democrats.
that just makes you dishonest, doesn’t it?
and torridjoe @345… isn’t just my impression of her toots….remember the last election and all the “jesus-land” people out there you all laughed at?
they are still there……waiting.
ghost @ 345
Yes, they’re still there, and they’re part of the 38% who don’t like her. I’m talking about the 60% that do.
JDB: First off I don’t like Koolaid. Drinking Gatoraid and Poweraid. Second off, koolaid drinkers was the terminology given to Jim Jones’s group. Then it was pinned to d u m m o c r a p s. Buy me a case and then I’ll be drinking your kind.
Wow you are a revisionist. It was you silly shrills in the New Progressive D U M M O C R A P I C party who forced GWB to visit the UN in September 2002. Don’t you remember or do you live in Charmin’s small intellectual prison? Revisionist history lesson one.
Who first installed the wall? Why was it installed. Probably to protect Bill and the “Incredibly Shringing Willy” Clinton. Why was the wall reauthorized? Look at the lay of the land. If grand jury documentation is used, it is sealed. So not to stir up the ACDLU (D added for D u m m o c r a p s) especially for the railing he got from them on the confirmation hearings (did you forget that too?), Ashcroft had it reauthorized. Revisionist history lesson two.
While in Dallas and learning about stuff today, the Able Danger data mining operation was performed using existing data sources and not tied to any GJ or other investigation, so the information could be passed between the departments. Hence your donk administration full of MoonBats probably screwed up BIG Time (oops… that’s reserved for Adam Clymer). You all know that we on the right will determine which d u m m o c r a p i c staph member on the 9/11 commission stonewalled this information from not being in the final report. I am going to use this against don*****don and Loocy for a long time. We will find out that Clinton didn’t want to spoil his legacy. Also if it is true that Sandy Burglar trashed these documents in the National Archives, hell will be paid. It looks more and more like your moonbat didn’t inhale president screwed up big time. So again I ask what did Dicky Clarke know and when did he know it? Why isn’t this in his book?
Our lovely ghoster: There are Jesus land people in Seattle. It’s just that there are more” “‘immoral,’ ‘morally bankrupt,’ or even ‘anti-religious,’ according to the Democracy Corps analysis” people who live here persuaded by donk politics.
GBS: I like Dairy Queen. An ice cream cake for Pudster would work!!! Curious that PacMan ignored the ice cream comment!
ChristmasGhost @ 348
WOW! “NASA. . . A good idea? Really?” I can hardly believe you’d make a statement like that.
We take for granted everyday so many of technological marvels that were born out of the space program it’s not even funny. There are too many to list here so check out this link at NASA.
Not to mention Tang! Don’t forget Tang! (For a laugh switch Poland with Tang.)
Most importantly I want you to read this link. I battled with PacMan over the race issue about a month ago successfully winning the debate. But this link puts it all to rest about. You can point out a few political Dolts in the Democratic party like Senator Byrd, as PacMan tried to do, but what you won’t find on the left is a overall national party philosophy using race as a wedge issue.
Sorry ChristmasGhost, this is one issue where the Republicans are so out of step with America that is beyond the pail.
Yeah, I was a little surprised he left the DQ thing alone, too. But, I give him high marks on his 3 Amigos come back. And, I had to bust out loud laughing at the Sad Meals joke. I’m going to use that one soon.
Any comments yet on Dick Cheney being a bad host and not chairing any anti-terrorism meetings as directed by the President of the United States of America and the Commander-in-Chief?
Or are you just not going to comment on what the current administration is doing and “live like it’s 1999”? Credit the artist formerly known as Prince.
Mr. Cynical at 324
“Pacman and my other friends who are always RIGHT—
Roger Rabbit is GBS/Harry Poon and used to be Don/Alan/thatPrick/Dubyasux/Priscilla and 93 other identities on this Blog.
“IT” does this manic behavior to try and pump up the posts on this Blog and make it look like all kinds of people are posting here. “IT” has a certain style that always reveals the same patterns, phrases etc.
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 8/11/05 @ 8:53 pm”
Are you being serious? Or are you just stirring the pot? Please tell me you’re just messing around. You always claim that the SP blog us Liberals can get a lesson in logic and critical thinking. It seems that you are using your brilliant deductive reasoning skills to reveal some sort of thought pattern that leads you back to a single person/source. Is that what you’re saying?
So, before I expose your lack of both logic and critical thinking, just be honest and say “OK GBS, you caught me. I was just messing around.”
pudster……i know there are alot of good people right around here that don’t follow the moonbat path. that’s why king county elections HAS to cheat. :)
GBS…i will only give you tang. the rest was a waste of time and money. wouldn’t it be better if we cleaned up our home planet before trashing someplace else? no matter what NASA has on their website and believe me i have already seen it…’s called positive spin. some of our scientific equipment was used on the mars probe. and it was invented right here on earth…imagine that!
and as far as civil rights go…have you heard the expression “lincoln freed the slaves”??? i don’t know how old you were in the 60’s, but i was old enough to read and watch TV and the democrats were not fans of civil rights. not the elected ones anyway. and all those guys you saw back then with the confederate flags? you think they voted republican?
be honest here. things change. the dems are very big on civil rights now[ although usually only theirs] but back then…no way.
so you agree that senator bryd is a complete idiot? then why ,oh why,does no one in your party tell him to shut up?
ghost @ 353
You are attempting to equate geography with party, which is incorrect recollection on your part. Northern Democrats worked with most Republicans (a distinct minority at the time) to achieve civil rights legislation, but they were primarily the leaders.
You’re skating on thin ice here.
A) The party of Lincoln and the Rockefeller Republicans died in the mid-60’s, and yes I was around for that time period, **gulp** that’s hard to admit looking at today’s calendar.
B) Lincoln, if you ever read his letters, was not so interested in freeing slaves as he was preserving the Union. He was quite willing to make concessions to hold the country together. Plus the Civil War had very little to do with the ideology of just freeing the slaves as did other issues.
C) It was JKF, Bobby and LBJ who championed the cause of Civil Liberties Act in the White House and pushed for congress to act on this legislative issue. It’s been well documented that LBJ said “I fear that I have just delivered the south to the Republican Party” when he signed the Civil Rights Act.
D) When the South’s general population was heavily Democrat and against Civil Rights what do you think changed to make it so Republican? That all the bad hateful Democrats moved away from their homelands, or did they switch parties when the Republicans pandered to them with their Southern Strategy solution?
Be honest.
E) Who coined the term “Positive Polarization”? And, since your a child of the 60’s and 70’s you should easily be able to answer that without googling it.
Let’s just agree to disagree on the space program. If you cannot or will not recognize all the marvelous benefits we enjoy because of it then we just can’t have an honest dialouge on the subject. To classify all of it as “positive spin” just blows my mind. And your scientific equipment invented right here on Earth comment. . . C’mon. You’re way, way better than that.
torridjoe…… is not wrong to equate geography with party. it never has been. especially back in the 60’s. and even now…look at the geography and party….it has just morphed.
GBS…yes…*gulp*…i know. LOL. time does fly doesn’t it? BUT…the party of lincoln hardly died during the 60’s. imagine lincoln dealing with the 60’s…see what i mean?
@ 357
It’s pretty well established that the Rockefeller Republican party expired in the 60’s and that’s when the modern day conservative movement took root.
Are you sure you understand the contemporary history of your party?
GBS @351
but what you won’t find on the left is a overall national party philosophy using race as a wedge issue.
Umm, let’s see, you may be right about no overt “overall national party philosophy,” but there are plenty of mainstream Democratic groups who seem to fit the bill:
Powell and Rice are uppity ain’t they? Perhaps the overused term “Uncle Tom” means sompin’ to ya?
Reparations for descendants of slavery?
Quotas? Specifically, the fudging of numbers to obtain an overall result based on race, not ability or need?
On the first, this rhetoric is applied by the NAACP to anybody of color who looks beyond the Democratic Party for answers to social issues and needs. Are those simpering white guys who run the Democratic National Committee really the best people to determine policy on race issues? Are the vociferous “leaders” of the NAACP the ideal judges of another’s character?
The second is a wonderful idea to hold the sins of your granddaddy against you. Should you pay for the sins of someone else?
The third is the most ridiculous. We should be applying need, not race, as the factor of concern, but you won’t hear that from the Democratic Party.
Actually, you might not even hear that last one outright from the Republican Party, but you are hearing it from me…
Mr Cynical: Truly, you underestimate me…
@ 346 & 347
You would be quite correct in saying that “Working with the U.N., or within other treaties we are a member of is hardly ceding sovereignty [sic],” if that were the case. It isn’t. Once again your sloppy grasp of the issue and careless indifference for the facts leads you to easy but totally incorrect ASSumptions.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durban, Howard Dean, just to name a few have consistently recommended that the U.N be placed in charge of the transition government of Iraq. John Kerry proposed it as part of his “kinder, gentler war.” It would specifically mean placing our troops under the command of elements of governments who opposed our engagement there. In addition our expenditures of troops and money would be much greater while losing control of all of our national interests. This exact thing happened to our troops several times during the Clinton administration including in Mogadishu where Al Quaida members observed Clinton cut and run rather than defy Aideed and the U.N. “Peace Keeping Force.” Our pusillanimity in the face of Al Quaida there emboldened them to perpetrate coming events we are experiencing now including 911. In addition, liberals are in favor of granting binding authority (jurisdiction) to the International Criminal Court and under the terms of the Kyoto Treaty.
This is not a difficult or complex issue. The International Criminal Court ICC is established to pass judgment on “International law” much of which directly conflicts with American law under our constitution. Among other things our sanctioning of this court would bind us to laws made outside of our constitutional framework and that conflict with and supercede them. This would amount to ceding, or surrendering the possession of supremacy of authority of our national government. The consequences of this are dire. If someone amongst the “International Community of Nations” decides any military action we take is “unlawful” they can and will seize troops in the field under U.N. authority, hold them, prosecute them, and enforce penalties contrary to our national authority. If we were to resist, we would be violating the authority (sovereignty) we ceded by our imprimatur to the ICC. Signing on to allow our military to fall under the jurisdiction of such a court is CEDING SOVEREIGNTY to them plain and simple.
The Kyoto Treaty by its own definition specifically and expressly binds it’s signators to the will of other nations respecting environmental and other interests and forces us to obey their will against our own authority over ourselves. Unlike other treaties, it binds us to obey laws not of our own making in conflict with and superceding our own laws. The absurd part is that it doesn’t even provide any reciprocal value or benefit the U.S. Nevertheless, even if a specific regulation within the Kyoto accord would happen to be in our best interest, binding us under the authority of other nations or factions is undeniably CEDING our SOVEREIGNTY. Both the ICC and the Kyoto treaty would certainly supercede U.S. law and your ignorance of those facts render your claims empty as usual and prove once again that you simply don’t care about FACTS.
You say, “I assume, since we haven’t invaded Korea, that you must mean that Saddam is a “world threatening tyrant,” and that the war on Iraq was “taking the war on terror to the enemy.” Apparently you are saying that we should not have invaded Iraq because to do so would require us to invade other nations with tyrants? By your theory, if I dropped you on your pointy little head because you tried to sucker punch me, I would somehow be thereafter required to thump every other liberal moron degenerate that would like to do the same? Conversely, I should let you sucker punch me under the theory that if I don’t respond, I am saved from potential future attacks by other liberal moron degenerates? Idiotic!!! Your silly liberal egalitarian equal-opportunity foreign policy nonsense evades the issue of national security in favor of making happy-face appearances for nitwits.
The differences between the countries you list and commensurate situational distinctions requiring different methods of dealing with them are obvious for anyone to observe. Last time I looked, North Korea was neither an oil supplier nor threatening any, and they were not shooting at our aircraft or violating numerous U.N resolutions as conditions of surrender in a major war. If we must, we will deal harshly with other countries, but we are not required to, precisely because of what we are currently doing. The world (including tyrants everywhere) took notice that we are willing to kick their ass, and the terrorists are fighting us in Iraq rather than elsewhere.
Granted, this is not the best situation we could have internationally. The better situation would be one where Democrats eschew liberalism and re-acquire a common sense of national purpose and defense of our constitution and America. A divided America is easy prey to terrorists, cowards, and tyrants, especially one whose population is convinced easily by petty emotional partisanship to defeat itself. Put another Clinton, a Gore, or a Kerry in the White House and things would be real quiet for a time (like the late 90’s) until all hell breaks loose.
JDB, you can’t tell the truth about anything. You were never “outed” or banned from SP by Stephan Sharkansky and you know it. You ran away out of embarrassment because you consistently reveal what a stark idiot you are, and how pride fully arrogant you are about proving it. The humorous part is that you do the same thing here. While I must applaud your improved spelling and grammar, you need to begin thinking through issues and engage them as more than simply window dressing for pathetic ideological justifications.
You say, You know that you ran to the minnow to have him protect you. Why else do I have to now spoof my IP addresses to post there? . . . Go hide in your dank little apartment little man, there the truth doesn’t matter. Cowards like you and Sharansky deserve each other. You both exist on lies and on hiding from your critics. How pitiful and small you are.”
AMAZING. JDB, such as you are, you are a harsh though humorously absurd critic of mine, and here I am. Since you are proud of your comments, I’m happy as well.
GBS: I have no idea why Cheney hasn’t chaired a meeting unless it was transferred to HLSD.
You lefties have a very short memory. The Great PacMan, man of color proved to all you donks a few week ago on a thread that over 18 Republicans stepped up to the plate lead by Senator Everett Dirksen and they passed the VRA and CRA over the southern d u m m o c r a p s like “3 Sheet to the Wind” Bird, and “I’m your Daddy” Al Gore Sr. You see when a black man edumicates me on the real deal about blackness I read, search, and say “thank you for the lesson”. You should all thank PacMan for the history lesson, as Jesse “I Gots Mine” Jackson will never admit to the truth!
You’ll have to go back and reread the history lesson. Examine the demography of the day, understand the Republican Southern Strategy polices, then look at the geopolitcal demography today.
If you need help understanding the bigger picture I’ll try to help you out, but you need to arrive at the honest conclusion yourself first in order to have any real impact.
PuddyBud, you forget they also put it over big democrats like Strom “Meet your long lost Sister” Thurmond…
No wait…
Hey, you guys are jumping on me. I just repeated what PacMan said. Regarding Strom I like dark meat Thrumond. He did those acts while he was a Democrat.
GBS: The issue was the VRA and CRA. You are trying to add more to the story. Southern Democrats didn’t approve of what Johnson was doing, so they didn’t vote for it. When you look at whom defected I only see two to Republican side. Did Al Gore Jr. denounce his father’s vote on the VRA or CRA? Look at history: Who sponsored the Boland Amendment? Who sponsored high tax increases? Who became the anti-war party?
special points for puddy for turning an infidelity joke into a race joke. It takes a special sort.
For a change, I’m actually not jumping all over you. The point being PacMan isn’t quite on top of it all, even though he “CLAIMS” to be an itelligent and handsome black man. At this point in time I can only say for sure that he has a modicum of intelligence, although his history is similar to Bush’s math: fuzzy. Also, it’s obvious he’s married way, way, way, way, WAY, over his head.
You’re ever so close to piecing it together, though. Strom Thurmond did all his stuff while he was a Democrat and you’re also correct in saying that the populace that made up the Southern Democrats did not support what LBJ was doing. See we’re finding common ground.
At that time the South was as perdominatly Democrat then as it is Republican now. I’m not adding anything to history, it speaks for itself. You’ll have to read why the RNC Chairman recently apologized to the NAACP for the Republican Southern Strategy.
Now, once you get all of that down, here comes the big question: Why did the south turn so fast against the Democrats? Hint; it happened long before the Tax and Spend matra was born, or before abortion became an issue, or the ERA or Gay rights. . . or any other modern day lighting rod.
What happened was that people, White Christians, did not like the “coloreds” getting the same rights, going to the same schools, drinking from the same fountains, eating at the same diner, riding in the front of the bus. In fact, much of the rehtoric like interracial marriage being “an afront to God” is being used against Gays on the marriage issue. Same “values” just a different group of people to use it against.
The apology by the RNC Chairman, however, reveals the truth of the Republican party’s agenda for many decades.