It’s a good thing for Susan Hutchison that she’s expected to breeze through the August primary into the general election for King County Executive, for as Richard Pope reveals in the comment threads, it looks like she probably couldn’t count on herself to deliver a crucial vote:
Someone should make an issue of Susan Hutchison’s voting record. Susan S. Hutchison (DOB: 03/24/1954) failed to vote in the August or September primary elections in 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2007. […] She didn’t vote in the presidential primaries in 2000 and 2008 either…
Eh… who bothers to vote in odd-year primaries anyway, what with only those peripheral local races on the ballot?
Richard points out that the other four county executive candidates all have perfect general and primary voting records from 2000 through 2008.
In the interest of completeness, all of the other major candidates for King County Executive (Ross Hunter, Fred Jarrett, Dow Constantine, and Larry Phillips) have perfect voting records, as far as voting in the regular primary and general elections for every single year from 2000 to 2008.
Phillips did not vote in the presidential primaries in either 2000 or 2008. Hunter, Jarrett and Constantine voted in the presidential primaries in both 2000 and 2008.
I also looked at the other King County Council members and the County Executive (and also the recently former county executive). Every single one of these folks had perfect voting records for the primary and general elections for every year from 2000 to 2008, with one exception. Reagan Dunn did not vote at all in 2001, 2002 and 2003, although his record has been perfect since 2004.
Voting is for chumps like us. When you exist amongst the rich and powerful, and you want to influence public policy, you just find the personal number of the appropriate public official in your i-phone contacts, call them up, and have a chat. Voting is so pedestrian.
Hutchison has no executive experience.
I wonder if any local media (not just Joel!) will pick this up. I never thought I’d see something from Mr. Pope that made me grateful for his input.
A Goldy-KIRO exclusive! The nude photos that Susan Hutchison doesn’t want you to see! More at 11:00!
A big wet freedom-fry kiss to Troll for best post of the day. Not only did Troll smackdown Goldstein for sexual harassment, but he linked to this:
That’s Connelly comparing Goldstein to Fox and Rove. How low can sleazy wanker bigot Goldy go?
So low that he’s trying to smear Hutchison as the new Hutcherson.
Mr. Pope, with his powerful spectacles and that bristling wild-hair up his arse, is a dangerous foe.
re 6 — “The name-calling against Hutchison reads like a Karl Rove playbook adopted for use by the left.”
This is a tacit admission of all the sins the left has been accusing the right of all along.
So, they do know what they are doing and lieing when they say they don’t.
A tacit admission …
Well, no. That’s just Joel TripleChinz Connelly having an utterly unprecedented attack of fairness and balance with regard to the Goldstein/Barnett character-assassination axis of evil.
Joel uses ‘Rove’ as an epithet. That tells you nothing about Rove and tells you much about Joel. He’s hysterical but, just this once, he pointed his hysteria in the right direction: left.
‘Fair and balanced’ is a sick travesty when uttered by such as you. The only thing you could possibly Mutha would be a chillblain.
Dear sick travesty chillin’ chillblain: Is that the best you can do? Better hang up your mini-micro jock and get out of the game.
Hmph…Sounds like Joel’s managing to piss people off on both sides. Good work!
re 11_ No — it isn’t. But even if it were, it’s better than you can do. That’s an O’Reilly tactic that you’ve copped.
Is that the best YOU can do?
Did she have the Seattle Municipal records on line scrubbed? It’s not very plausible that she could have been here as long as she has, and there is not so much as a single parking ticket.
Hutchison doesn’t need to be smeared – just listen to her speak….or not speak.
Just look at her experience (or lack thereof).
Just look at her associations (Discovery Institute of Science denialists).
‘Nuff said.
I don’t care what her personal religious beliefs are – I care what her public statements are and what public associations she makes.
She is an anti-science, nut-job loser. I know lots of religious people with personal religious views that are concerned with the poor and the less fortunate.
I would vote for any of them in a heartbeat. it ain’t the religious views – it is the nut-job views.
TPN @ 14
It is very plausible. Ron Sims never had any parking or traffic tickets in Seattle Municipal Court, at least not in the last 20 years or more that records have been computerized on the present system. And it appears that Susan Hutchison never had any either. I am sure that she had her own reserved parking place in the KIRO lot, and that her home probably has off-street parking.
Suzie @6, I am wondering how Connelly lying proves anything other than it is Connelly using Rovian techniques?
You just can’t believe a wingnut without fact checking.
3 So you must not have voted for Obama. No executive experience. Did he ever even vote on anything? I see he voted “present” a couple times. His lack of experience is showing, it could be the end of America.
15 So you like Obamas public associations prior to being President?
Idiot @ 18 who called Obama a “jigaboo”
Yeah I voted for a politician with experience. Experience as a community organizer, 12 years as a constitutional law professor, 8 years as a State legislator and a spell in the U.S. Senate. He voted on plenty of issues if you bother to look.
I chose that over, say,. the mayor of a podunk Alaska town whose priority was to spend 50 grand of taxpayer money re-decorating her office, drive around in a taxpayer bought and paid for Chevy Suburban called the “mayor-mobile”, shake down her Congressional delegation for earmarks and commit her small town to an expensive white elephant of a sports center that bleeds money to this day. Notice I haven’t scratched her crappy record as a governor.
O by the way, she’s a quitter to boot.
What do you all think of Alan Lobdell? He appears to be extremely well educated and has some good experience. I had the opportunity to meet him this week and he seems like a reasonable candidate. He appears to be getting blacklisted due to lack of campaign contributions, which he’s specifically not asked for. I wonder why everything comes down to money, rather than experience and education and ability to do the job. Thoughts?
Hi DebbieKat;
The lack of fundraising is why Lobdell was excluded from one of the debates last week.
That was really poor and not fair.
My opinion of Lobdell is that he is one heck of a technocrat. He knows county government inside and out. He has a very good working relationship with many county employees. However, he is a little light on articulating his policies and governmental philosophy.
I like him, but I worry that he would not be a strong enough leader when it comes to union negotiations. However, I would trust him to run the county if the flood control dam on the Green River fails.
It’s amazing how people take Richard Pope seriously when he’s on the same side they are.