Susan Hutchison points to a handful of so-called “Democratic” endorsers to bolster her claims of bipartisanship, but delve a little deeper under the scarlet “D” and an interesting pattern emerges:
Former US Rep. Don Bonker (D-WA)… generally considered to be a conservative Dem, who “opposes abortion as a matter of personal philosophy.”
Former US Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN)… generally considered to be a conservative Dem, who was widely thought to have lost a shot at the VP spot on Bill Clinton’s 1992 ticket due to his support of restrictions on abortion rights.
Democratic Lt. Governor Brad Owen… widely considered to be one of the most conservative Democrats in the Washington State Senate during his tenure there, and who not surprisingly, is anti-choice.
Notice the pattern? As for Hutchison’s other two “Democratic” endorsers, former Seattle Mayor Wes Uhlman and State Auditor Brian Sonntag, well, I don’t know where either one stands on reproductive rights, though I’ve emailed Sonntag bluntly asking him the question. But, I do know that Uhlman has a history of endorsing Republicans, while Sonntag, given his penchant for conspiring with Tim Eyman, speaking at teabagger rallies and publicly endorsing conservative Republicans like Hutchison… well… I take personal offense at him continuing to call himself a Democrat.
Let’s be clear, when I vigorously opposed the campaign of Republican Dan Satterberg for King County Prosecutor, I was endlessly frustrated by the impressive list of prominent Democrats who endorsed him… but only because he managed to garner an actual impressive list of Democratic endorsements. By comparison, Hutchison’s claim of bipartisan support is a total sham, consisting of three, long-retired politicians, and two of the most conservative and disloyal Democratic elected officials in the state.
Thanks to the bullshit initiative making county elections officially nonpartisan, Hutchison’s chances aren’t handicapped by being forced to put an “R” next to her name, but that doesn’t make her any less of a conservative Republican. And any cooperation she gets from our local media in perpetrating this lie would be a disservice to King County voters.
According to his 2008 KC Dems candidate questionnaire, Sonntag says he’s pro-choice. But he’s sure as hell wrong about Hutchison.
It should also be noted, by the way, that of Hutchison’s five Democratic endorsers, only Uhlman is a native or resident of King County.
Goldy, if I may ask a question of you:
Are there any supporters for Dow Constantine who have a R after their name?
Even if you want to paint those three as DINOs, wouldn’t you want to proclaim it to all if Don had some RINOs (or even ‘real’ Rs) backing him?
Thank you.
Does the Alki Foundation qualify? They even spell out why they did not choose Suzie.
Left Behind @1,
I’m sure there are R’s supporting Dow, though no electeds that I know of. But as Ekim pointed out, Alki certainly falls into the category of an organization that normally endorses the Republican when there is one available to endorse.
That said, it misses the point. Dow getting Alki’s endorsement doesn’t make him bipartisan. He’s still a proud, avowed Democrat. Unlike Hutchison, who is attempting to hide her party affiliation.
Obviously, you know nothing about Don Bonker and have made no effort to learn. Your only goal is to discredit Bonker as a Hutchison supporter.
Bonker had a largely pro-choice voting record during his 14 years in the House. He did have personal and religious reservations about abortion. (Who is actually “pro-abortion”?)
While an advocate of expanded international trade, he was a leading House human rights advocate.
On conservation, he was an architect of the Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument — much larger than the Reagan administration desired — as well as the Washington Wilderness Bill and the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.
He sponsored legislation adding Shi-Shi Beach and Point of Arches to Olympic National Park — over opposition from peninsula wool-hats.
It’s a good record. ‘Suggest you employ Karl Rove-of-the-left tactics on a more worthy target.
Goldy, your points here are well taken. Every election cycle the GOP puts up at least one person for a major office who fits the mold GOP consultants and backers look for. When the GOP does not have anyone qualified and willing to run, it seems they always go for a shell candidate who has the ability to run on any issue and avoid any issue and promise loyalty to any group. Dino Rossi, Mcgavic and Hutchison all fall into this category. These robotic candidates stand for nothing and avoid every issue which may divide the electorate. Next they go about exploiting a few folks elected as D’s, or a few non profit organizations aimed at deceiving the voters about how “green” they are or how “bi-partisan” they are. Next they create and puff up a cozy back story to throw the voters off track.
Should we be insulted? You bet.
Will the Huchison campaign spend most of its money presenting these endorsements as proof that she is above the fray? Without question.
Will the average voters of King County see through the fog these tactics create and vote for Dow? Sure and in large numbers. BUT, AND THIS IS KEY, THE REAL FIGHT IS OVER 5%-8% OF THOSE WHO VOTE.
If these tactics work, and it is likely they will, then party affiliation will matter less than gender and the desire voters expressed for the office to be non-partisan will work more for Hutchison than for Dow and he will be defeated.
Of course, anyone to the right of che Gueverra (or whatever that mutts last name is) is , in Goldy’s eyes, a “conservative Republican”. So nothing much new under the sun there.
Boy, I bet that Lee Hamilton endorsement carries a whole lot of weight 2000 miles from his home. I’d put the over/under on his name recognition in King County somewhere lower than the standard error of the estimate.
Are you sure it wasn’t George Hamilton? He seems more Susie’s type.
PS. Her next “Democrat” endorser will probably be Tim Sheldon.
@7 I’ll be Lee Hamilton’s name ID is pretty close to Dow Constantine’s outside of Seattle!
This thread inspired me to go look at Brad Owen’s webpage. Not only has he grown a beard, but it seems from the pictures there that he is incredibly short.
Joel Connelly, you may have a point as to Bonker, still you must see and cannot deny the fool the voter strategy which is at the core of the Huchison campaign.
Jacob @8:
I’ll take that bet.
I’d suggest that Dow’s name recognition beyond Seattle is at least an order of magnitude higher than Lee Hamilton’s in King County.
Joel @4,
How am I trying to discredit Bonker? All I said is that he was generally considered to be a conservative Dem, and that he opposed abortion as a matter of personal philosophy.
If anybody has discredited Bonker it’s Bonker himself, by associating himself with a conservative Republican like Hutchison who lacks both the skills and the experience to serve in such an important executive office.
The most cursory look at Bonker’s voting record in Congress shows that he is not and never was a “conservative Democrat.”
Nobody has ever taken as much abuse as Bonker from the wing nuts’ Uncle Sam billboard down beside I-5 in Chehalis.
He is a religious man, which I guess is heresy and/or a mortal sin by standards of But it’s social gospel Christianity, to which seems deliberately oblivious.
That didn’t stop David Golstein from voting for the POTUS. An extremely unskilled (as we are seeing) and inexperienced (as his record indicates) man that has NEVER held an executive postion (as evidenced by his training wheels firmy in place as we speak- See OJT).
Funny how these attributes are important to Goldy only in a freaking County Executive race, but not the leader of the free world.
Cognitive dissonance apparently.
N @ 11
Maybe a magnitude higher, but probably statistically not significant!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Don Bonker? Is he still alive?
Are you sure he did not post-date a check for any random Republican running in 2009? Or, maybe they froze his head with a pen in his teeth and they move the check in front of the frozen head to get his signature?
Now, I am thinking about running for lieutenant governor in 2012 against Brad Owen.
Now I am going to get a beer, and do a little research, other than presiding over the senate, what else does lieutenant governor do?
I mean, other than use a lot of hair spray?
I have RR of O, I know a little bit about Parlament and the Funkadelic.
I think I would need a platform, I am not very tall.
Well, I might not endorse Dow, but I sure as Hell would not endorse Hutchison.
@Joel, Goldy,
From what I remember of Bonker’s time in the house, Joel’s description of him is the more accurate one. His choice of supporting a woman clearly not qualified for the job is unfortunate.
How can Hutch, who’s never held an elected office or served on any sort of bi-partisan board, claim bi-partisanship? I’d say her claim is BS, because she’s never done it.
I’m a fucking leftist and I oppose abortion as a matter of personal philosophy. But, I don’t run around trying to make others (other than Puddy and Cynical) live by my personal philosophy.
Michael farted
Huh? Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to the comments of HA Libtardos lately.
So Hutchison has a few DINO’s to bring to her dog-and-pony shows. And this matters how? Is Jim Hargrove next?
Sorry Goldy
The number of Dems who qualify for your DINO award is huge. Your guidelines could have kept the Repricans, as idiotic as they are, in power in the Senate and the House.
Uhlman, Bonker and even Hamilton are well withing the same tent with McCaskill, Webb, Baucus, Tester, Nelson … throw that croud would you?
OTOH Brad Owen is a fish more foul. He, along with a number of other Dems .. including Sunny Jim and Gregoire herself, reflect a state DP that gets its mkain source of strength from the core of the Reprican Remnant. Many people vote D, not because they feel an affinity for the Dems but because Dino, Beck, et all are disgusting.
Owen is a great example. That job SHOULD be a good one. If the Dems were not so badly led, some up and comer would be in the job and the Democratic Guv would assign real tasks to her second in command. Instead she can’t take a job in DC without turning the state over to a dimbo.
Sunny Jim is another example. here we have a widely disrespected member of congress who sits on a safe seat that cOULD be used to grow any of a number of promising younger folks.
For those ignorant of Puddy Speak
As repetitive as it sounds, it stands for “liberal retard.”
A libtard wants to live in a fantasy world (in which life is the way that they WISH IT WAS) as opposed to dealing with life the way it actually is.
I suppose that makes a Reprican
As repetitive as it sounds, it stands for reprobate, remnant, radical religous republican.=
A Reprican wants to live in a fantasy world (in which life will be the way that they WISH IT TO BE if they follow their ideology) rather than dealing with life the way it actually is.
Since we’re still a right of center nation, I’d say you have that about backwards, Steve. But I wouldn’t expect you to know that as you’ve been ensconced in the bubble of ignorance that is the institutions of lower learning for the past 40 years. Talk about living in a make believe world, steve. That is exactly what academia is.
I still have to admit I get a chuckle out of some leftist crying “She’s not qualified for county executive” when they voted for an extremely unqualified man for the POTUS. She probably has more executive experience than Obama did as a (hold laughter) “Community organizer”.
Go Huch!… Anyone named after a fucking chemical company and a Roman emperor is obviously not a serious candidate worth backing.
I happen to know some people who worked at KIRO while Hutchison was there. Their impression of her was less than favorable to say the least. She was extremely difficult to work with and very clueless by their accounts.
@24 …empty suit
Yu know all too little of my life dimwit. Tell me about your time in the military, in cvil rights activism, working with the (Reagan) admin to deal with communist imprisonment of colleagues, helping start an arts group, etc etc.
Yy also know far too mlttle of the Universitry you denigrate. I grew up in a very low class neighborhood, I am far more liekly t find people with my life experiences at the Dub than any Reprican picnic.
Joel @ 13:
I know a lot of “social gospel” Christians who are backing Dow Constantine. So that’s no excuse for Bonker. You can defend him and label him all you want to, but whether he’s a “conservative” Democrat or not is not the issue.
If he’s going out of his way to endorse Hutchison, he’s just being a dick, and I cut him no slack. Why would you?
Former Progressive Mayor Wes Uhlman has been “reborn” as a Conservative.
With all due respect, because Wes is a family friend, he needs to just declare himself a Replublican.
@27 and @28
I like the point that past history does not tell us where Bomker or Uhlman are today.
If they are not senile, sotted, or smoking too much weed perhaps Hutchinson ought to get them to ‘splain why they support her?
@29 in re Uhlman
is he your family friend? can you get him t come down to DL some night? Hell, if he is serious about Hutch he might do her some good.
I would really like to hear his take on Nickles too.
There are lots of pro-life dems. That doesn’t make them conservative. Its just an irrelevant issue that people like to talk about but it really has nothing to do with liberal/conservative ideas, its more of a personal morality issue.
in re Freeze
There are also pro war Dems and pro segregation Dems. It is relevent if you believe a that cause.
@32 Freeze
Unfortunately, neither the left nor the right places a high value on science and rationalism. Currently good on these issues, but the right has fallen off of the deep end.
I am sort of on your side in re “life” except that I do not see the moral or the religous argument that a fertiized egg or a blastula … for that matter most of the first trimestr, should be considered life. From wahta I have read G-d, Jesus, and Mohammed seem to have said nothing on nothing n this subject so unless the Pope, Rabbinate or the Imans have sort of direct line to the Deitu they really are doing this one their own.
Third trimester issues are a lot harder and I think the left is as nutty as the right when they calim that a pregnmat mom’s body always takes priority over the rights of a sensient fetus.
I hope they drown in their own effluent so that we can evolve towards a more rational society.
Look, this is not about anything but why one Democrat, Don Bonker, who doesn’t live in or near King County, endorsed a right-wing Republican, Susan Hutchison.
It’s not about any “greater issue.” The two major political parties both attract people at the fringes. Big whoop!
Joel is trying to make excuses for Bonker, who has no excuse. He lent his name to Hutchison, who he knew would use it. I don’t worry if he’s a “conservative” Democrat or not, or what he has done or not done in the past. Right now, in the context of the 2009 election cycle, I don’t consider him much of a Democrat at all.
I took a look at the endorsements listed on Suzie’s web site and Dow’s web site. Suzie just doesn’t seem to have much support. Now I’m not going to endorse Suzie myself, but maybe the HA trolls will want to step forward and do their duty.
Suzie’s endorsements
Dow’s endorsements
Endorsements by Groups
Endorsements by Elected officials
Endorsements by Individuals
I wonder why Suzie didn’t land the Discovery Institute’s endorsement?
In re 31:
Family friend, not personal friend. I couldn’t even get the member of the family that he’s friends with to show up to something. But I did strongly support W.U. for Governor back in the day when he was Seattle mayor. That was then. I sure he is now more in the Conservative camp.
Don Bonker came to Vancouver for a DSCC meeting a couple years ago. I’m surprised that he would support the “stealth Republican” Hutchison.
“…But it’s social gospel Christianity, to which seems deliberately oblivious…”
I’ll let Goldy speak for himself, but I couldn’t let that statement pass without comment.
Couldn’t be further from the truth.
We do take note, and appreciate them as allies on “for the least of these” issues.
But OTOH, lots of us also recognize that these people have bought into beliefs that don’t withstand the merest scrutiny. I think we’re more than entitled to be a little “skeptical” of religious people because of it — no matter how well meaning.
I believe that Wes Uhlman supported Dino Rossi also.
Ivan and Mike, agree with your comments, though a retired politician endorsing Hutch over Dow in this race is a speeding ticket in the political world, Brad Owen is a fellon and should loose his voting rights. Or did we fix that law.
Any way the core issue is not that these dunderheads endorsed an unqualified TV personality, the issue is that this candidate is following a script we see over and over from the GOP that is aimed at blurring the facts and the lines with an end game of gaining votes through trickery.
Hutch will use these endorsements to suggest that she is mainstream and that she must be head over heals a better candidate in order to earn such controversial endorsements. This is politics though and Goldy was well within bounds to expose this sham for what it is.
Don Bonker: Washed up
Brad Owen: Stupid man with not even a Bachelor’s degree.
Susan Hutchinson: Even the Muni league would not endorse her….she knows too little to be effective.
She won’t win and she is too dumb to run the place even if she does.
As for Brad Owen, I should say that I do not actually regard him as a dunderhead though this was at best a dunderheaded political move. He and Jim Hargrove for that matter have some conservative views and are rather consistent about them, while supporting democratic policy in many other areas.
I expect this endorsement for Brad has more to do with how close he and his wife are with John Carlson and his wife and perhaps that Brad has decided not to run for re-election.
I think Goldy goes a little bit far in attacking Susan Hutchison’s Democratic endorsers. That much being said, it looks like Hutchison has the support of lots of Republicans, but only five Democrats of any arguable stature. Hutchison has only listed a limited number of endorsers on her website, in order to promote a “bipartisan” image. She identifies five Democrats and four Republicans, then lists a bunch of other people without party affiliation (most of whom really are Republicans). It is an image thing …
I said “I don’t” not “we don’t.” And of course, you and Cyn are the exception to the rule. You will ride a bike, wear clogs and sip shade grown organic coffee…
Brad Owen had BETTER not run for re-election after this. He could have held that seat for life because he hadn’t pissed off enough people who might back a challenger. Now he has. If he runs again, we’ll take him out.
@ 26 seattleGunslingerJew
You’re right,Steve. I don’t really give two shits about your life in academia. All I really know of you is that you’re a batshit crazy fuck endorsing showing up to a private venue with a firearm in order to intimidate a crowd of people going to the event. Making your dumbass not any better than these cocksuckers outside a Philly voting center last november. You may not think so, but your tactics are no different.
By the way, Steve, What is the posse up to? Has it increased from one Overpaid batshit crazy UW professor that sells “beck is Goebells” t-shirts on cafepress?