Remember back in 2009 when Susan Hutchison tried to deny she was a Republican while cynical moralists like the editors at the Seattle Times got their undies in a knot over Democrats slinging partisan labels in a nominally nonpartisan King County executive race? Well it shouldn’t surprise you then to learn that Hutchison has maxed out to Republican Dino Rossi, with a $2400 contribution to his senatorial primary campaign.
Those who advocate for nonpartisan elections claim they are trying to remove partisanship from politics, when in fact all they’re really doing is removing valuable information from the voting public. And most of the nonpartisaniks damn well know it.
“Those who advocate for nonpartisan elections”…just about always have a partisan agenda.
Count on it.
Glib nonsequetors do not a campaign make.
Platitudes and obfuscations are not qualifications I would want in any candidate.
Since the GOP has come full circle with their opposition to a high quality level of public education, their own policies and attitudes towards intelligence and intellect in general have come to full fruition. They have swallowed their own tail.
And they don’t even know how to describe what it tastes like. They just don’t have the vocabulary. They have convinced themselves that it must be a good flavor, after all, they created it. But it is devoid of subtlety, empty of calories, and certainly has no nutritional value whatsoever.
It really is too bad so many people have been taken in by these charlatans. Thats what you get when you feed your children nothing but white bread, velveeta and hotdogs in front of the television while they are growing up.
Attention, Conservatives!
Feeding your kids healthy, natural foods is not socialism!
Encouraging them to read books, or explore avenues of knowledge you you may not be privy to is not communist indoctrination!
I should be stoned. In fact, I think I will be.
Get it yet?
Deathfrogg, from what you wrote I think you are already stoned… too stoned to be out in a civilized public.
its comical when a pot smoker thinks he is above everyone else…
..comic irony indeed..
I’d call you guys “Tea Partiers”, Chuck, but that sounds kinda French.
I love it.
So what?
Suzy Q is going to win the County Exec race, you watch.
With all the teabagging goodness happening combined with the open seat, Suzy Q’s good looks and non-partisan demeanor make her a shoe-in.
oh, wait….
For years, companies operating in the private security/defense logistics industry have predicted an increased reliance on contractors in Iraq that would accompany a draw-down of official US forces. What is clear from the current State Department plan for Iraq is that the United States is going to have armed forces in the country for the foreseeable future. The only question is, How many will be there as uniformed soldiers and how many will be private paramilitaries?
mercenary type companies should be outlawed..and all US citizens should serve a minimum of 3 years in the reserves or guard.
I am carrying my lantern, searching, wandering, wondering . . . Is there an honest Republican anywhere?
No, not any more. They’re all Democrats now.
Notice that the Republicans only push for “non-partison” races in the central Puget Sound region, where the odds of an admitted Republican winning and election are very, very, low.
But if you go to red areas of the state, you won’t hear a peep about the need for non-partison races.
A similar thing happened before the last election, when the Republicans were pushing hard to have California’s electoral votes pro-rated, instead of the usual “winner-take-all”. But if you suggested that this be applied accross-the-board (in red states as well as blue), they just snickered and changed the subject.
The GOP and Seattle Times-backed nonpartisan movement is nothing more than a not-very-subtle strategem to deceive people who would never vote Republican into voting for Republicans.
your comment is typical of the lazy sheep who’s only voting criteria is whether or not a person has a D or and R after their name.
monkey see monkey do….
15 TD
So for really smart people like you who vote for the person instead of the party, how does it help you to have nonpartisan elections?
I dont care if a an election is partisan or non-partisan per se. It does not help nor hurt me with regards to how I vote.
However, I think there are numerous elected govt positions that should be devoid of party involvment or affiliation – just like we have for judges.
In this area in particular, the democrats hate the non-partisan elections, because they know that they have the majority of people who will simply vote for a D or and R(in other words, the Democrat sheep out number the Republican sheep), regardless of the specific candidate. The party in power wants to stay in power, and all that.
That is why so many on the left here hate non-partisan elections. pretty simple to figure out really. If the roles were reversed and the D were in the minority, every one of you here would be supporting non-partrisan elections.
It all boils down to intellectualy dishonest politicians relying upon a lazy and somewhat brainwashed public.