I don’t generally follow Tacoma City Council races, but I’ll make an exception for Keven Rojecki, who recently announced his candidacy for an open seat.
I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk with Keven on a number of occasions during my adventures in Olympia, where in his capacity as a legislative liaison for the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters (WSCFF) we have often found ourselves working the same side of important public policy issues. Keven is also an active fire fighter, an 18-year veteran with the SeaTac Fire Department, and has served the past two years as Vice-Chair of the Washington State Gambling Commission.
I know nothing about Keven’s opponent—perhaps she’s just as qualified, I dunno—but I do know that Keven is exactly the kind of public servant we could use more of in electoral politics, so I wish him the best of luck. And if you’re down in Olympia Thursday, you can wish him luck in person at a luncheon reception and fundraiser being held at the WSCFF headquarters:
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009Time: 11:00am – 1:30pmLocation: Washington State Council of Fire FightersStreet: 1069 Adams Street SECity/Town: Olympia, WA
You should take a look at Marty Campbell as well.
Keven is a great guy, sadly however, he chose to run against an even better progressive candidate – Victoria Woodards. She has been active in the community for years and is currently serving on the Metro Parks Board and, for her day job, she works for me as my council assistant (I fully admit to personal bias here =). You can check her out on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/.....0464827083
Love your site – hope to comment more in the future time permitting. As an FYI Pierce County is starting to field a ton of GREAT Progressive candidates in response to our drubbing in the last election. I will try to update you on our efforts soon and I would greatly appreciate it if ANY person out there in Pierce County who thinks they might be interested in running for office someday to contact me at tfarrell@harbornet.com
Timothy M. Farrell
Pierce County Councilmember
(D) Tacoma Center/Ruston
Marty Campbell is unopposed and I do not see him having a legitimate opponent.
You may have noticed that one of the bluest parts of the state fails to have any pull in Olympia.
This session legislators from Tacoma have been successful at restoring a felon’s right to vote and pushed for funding to restore the Murry Morgan bridge (to nowhere)…Seriously, in this economy these are their priorities?
They are part of a regional transportation entity (Sound Transit) that has failed to deliver Sounder service to Lakewood and will see the construction of usable light rail infrastructure stop being built somewhere north of Federal Way (and their local representatives on the ST board supported the measure).
Rojecki would be a breath of fresh air in a vacuum of leadership down in PC. Having a guy who has fought for working families his entire career and knows how Olympia works, could only be a good thing for the people of Tacoma.
I am sure a firefighter like Keven would support restoration of a bridge that provides a direct link between the industrial heart of the city where 27,000 people work and the only trauma centers in Tacoma.
And restoring someone’s right to vote is wrong? WTF? You serve your time and your right to vote should be restored. Current law amounts to a poll tax for lower income ex-felons. Cheers to Rep. Darneille for leading that cause.
@5 I have no idea what Rojecki thinks about the bridge, but I can tell you that the Port doesn’t want it built because they fear development encroaching on industry. Also, the real link to the industrial heart is the 509 bridge with is new and shiny and doesn’t need $3million cables.
I can also tell you that the business community would rather see the money go towards the completion of the 167 from the Port to Puyallup.
I will agree with you about getting felons the right to vote is a positive thing, but it is minimal for the people she serves and for the amount of juice she had to put behind it. Kind of mixed messages to those who rightly feel like Pierce County is a dumping ground for the state’s felons.
Since when does the Port get to decide which projects get built or don’t get built? Not every project needs to benefit the Port- which has ample tax authority if it really wants to build stuff. As for 167, you could take all of the money for bridge rehabilitation and the I-5 project in Tacoma and still be tens of millions short of what is needed to complete 167.