Admittedly, I’ve been a little tough on Mike?™ McGavick recently, so as a gesture of good will (kinda a bipartisan PSA,) I thought I’d pass along this message that recently went out to Eastside Republicans:
Mike McGavick will be taping a TV commercial today, Tuesday, September 12, at 2:00 p.m. at the Downtown Bellevue Park just south of Bellevue Square. They’re looking for a big crowd of people to be “extras” in the commercial. If you have time that afternoon and can come on down for the taping, I’m sure it will be fun! We’re asked to wear “nice” clothes, preferably not T-shirts and jeans. Hope to see you there!
So if you happen to be in the area, stop on by — it’ll be fun! But remember, no T-shirts. And especially, no T-shirts that say things like “Maria Cantwell for Senate” or “Bush Lied,” because that would just be inappropriate. I also wouldn’t wear a T-shirt advertising Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or WSDOT’s “Drive Hammered, Get Nailed” campaign. Hats and T-shirts advertising beer or liquor products also probably wouldn’t be a good idea… though I’m told Mike?™ has a fondness for Guinness (who doesn’t?) so maybe he’ll make an exception for that?
And whatever you do, don’t show up and set off air-horns every time the cameras start rolling, like those bastards gleefully did some years back at a Hillary Clinton rally, drowning out the speech so that none of us in the back could hear a word she was saying. That would be just plain rude.
I’m just saying.
“Al-Qaida lieutenant warns of new attacks” …………Doctor JCH Kennedy warns of Trident Sub unloading all missile [D-4] tubes on Muuuuuslim targets, military and civilian! You want to stop Muslims terrorism? Scare the shit out of them!! If they continue to fuck with Americans, repeat with another fully loaded Ohio class Trident. This will work EVERY time! Enjoy, mother fucking ragheads!!!!
“JCH, NO! We need to convert to Islam!” [Daddy Love]
You keep setting up and knocking down those straw men, JCH, while the rest of us get busy fighting terrorism intelligently.
AUSTIN — A Houston-area lawmaker said today that she is “vehemently insulted” by independent gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman’s derogatory comments about Hurricane Katrina evacuees.
Friedman last week attributed a spike in Houston’s crime rate to the “crackheads and thugs” who evacuated New Orleans.
“He has demonstrated a total lack of human sensitivity,” said state Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston. [……….Note that the crime rates in Democrat Cape Cod and East Hampton, NY didn’t go up! Oh………wait………Those Democrat controlled communities didn’t take any New Orleans black homeless? Never mind!!!!]
“while the rest of us get busy fighting terrorism intelligently.”
Commentby Art […………Er, Art, we are AT WAR!!! They want to KILL US!! If they [Muuuuslims] have to pay a huge price [the death of civilian Muslims] as a result of them fucking with America, they will stop. It is that simple.]
No news to you, but your message boards have become unreadable thanks to mutherfucking right wing wingnut idiots who insist on vandelizing every thread. Is there anything you can do to ban these dumbshits?
I remember that rally at Westlake Center, the one ruined by those right wing cunts. What assholes!
IN these secular times, celebrity-styled and self-appointed moral guardians have long replaced church leaders as the average person’s guide to the higher moral ground. Al Gore and his message on climate change is but the latest. In Australia to promote his film An Inconvenient Truth, Gore was given extremely soft interviews by Kerry O’Brien on The 7.30 Report, Andrew Denton on Enough Rope and Fran Kelly on Radio National. All ABC interviewers accepted Gore’s preaching without substantial query.
The problem for moral guardians is that often they take the high moral ground while simultaneously dealing in much of what they condemn. It’s called double standards. And right now the world of commentary is full of them.
In his film, to be released in Australia tomorrow, the former US vice-president lectures at length on the need for all of us to change our lifestyles to save the planet. We are sitting on a time bomb, he tells us, a planet heating to such an extent we have just 10 years before the apocalypse. We have a choice he says – “to bring our carbon emissions to zero”. We must use renewable energy and clothes lines, drive hybrid cars and cut back on consumption.
But a zero carbon emission is not a choice Gore has personally made. He owns three homes, one of which is a 930sqm, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville and another a 370sqm house in Arlington, Virginia. In spite of readily available green energy, in both Nashville and the Washington DC area, writer Peter Schweizer (USA Today, August 8) has revealed “there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy”. Gore usually travels to promote his film in a private jet.
Governments and citizens around the world must heed the message that carbon emissions need to be reduced and that the earth is warming to levels that cause concern. No doubt in that. But the hype of Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth and his own performances in its support have given him guru status. Surely the least a guru can do is lead by example.
The hypocrisy industry is alive and well in secular democracies. Decades of campaigns from animal rights protests to anti-war marches have offered some notable Americans not only celebrity status but even comfortable incomes. This is the lucrative humbug Schweizer exposes in Do As I Say (Not As I Do) – Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.
Take Michael Moore, documentary film-maker and guru of anti-Americanism and fashionable leftist causes. His hallmark characteristic is hero of the little man against the big corporations. He talks often of growing up in the working-class, wrong-side-of-the-tracks rust belt of Flint, Michigan. Flint has become a trademark for Moore – on his email address and website. In fact, Moore grew up in nearby Davison, the son of a middle-class General Motors worker who owned the family home, drove two cars and played golf after work in the afternoons.
Moore has a penthouse in New York and an extensive property on Torch Lake, Michigan, made of 70-year-old Michigan red pine trees. In spite of his so-called green credentials, he was recently cited by local authorities for despoiling a wetland in an attempt to extend his private beach.
Moore’s image exudes the ordinary guy, the man who can hack it rough with no interest in consuming goods. He derides the elite for their excess and need for luxury. This is the same man who couldn’t drink Poland Spring when backstage and had to have a ready supply of Evian. The same man who demanded he travel the country in a private jet and a fleet of four-wheel drives for his most recent book tour.
The hypocrisy industry has caught a number off guard in the fashionable global warming pronouncements. Barbra Streisand took neighbour and photographer Wendell Wall to court after he took shots of her at a car dealership looking at four-wheel drives, a clear contradiction of her plea a few months before for Americans to get serious about reducing fuel emissions. She had him arrested, pressed charges that led to bail being upped to $1 million so that he was held for three days. When the matter came to court, Wall was recognised to have been doing nothing offensive and he sued the sheriff’s department for violation of his civil liberties, which was settled out of court.
Schweizer’s study of the rich and hypocritical is full of such stories – of how those who preach loudest against the so-called evils of modern democracies have the biggest skeletons in their closets.
Legislators such as Democrat congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, one of the wealthiest on Capitol Hill, an anti-nuclear and environmental campaigner who owns and invests in property where environmental regulations are ignored.
Teddy Kennedy, whom Schweizer calls the king of liberal hypocrites, is fulsome in his appeals for greener choices. Yet the Kennedys, led by Ted, continue to oppose a wind project off Hyannis where they sail, even though the project is way out to sea. And as Ted preaches against oil companies, the Kennedys have invested in oil in Texas for decades, and even own the drilling rights on land that is not theirs.
Let’s save the planet by all means – but let’s not be fooled by those who preach loudest but do not practise what they preach.
Yea, that’s right Doctor JCH Kennedy. I’m talking about you.
Stupid mutherfucker.
I sure hope I can get “rich” and retire to “Hawaii” and then spend ALL OF MY TIME pasting text into the comments section of a blog I dislike. THAT sounds like a good time!
It would be a real shame if the people with anti-Mike t-shirts hid them under nice conservative clothes and then unveiled during taping, because that would be wrong.
It would be a shame if someone videotaped the GOP trying to weed out the non-McGavick supporters with the candidate’s signs in the background, because that would only be useful in a negative campaign.
JCH doesn’t really live in “Hawaii”. He resides in a carefully and expensively re-created replica of Mill Creek which just happens to have replaced whatever used to be on the northwest corner of the Big Island.
You keep setting up and knocking down those straw men, JCH, while the rest of us get busy fighting terrorism intelligently.
Commentby Art Vandelay— 9/12/06@ 12:12 pm
Right, Art, we have to understand what the terrorists are feeling:
Is more violence and less safety what we want?
“The attacks brought up so many questions. Why would people from another part of the world do this? Who was Osama bin Laden and how did he find 19 hijackers to die for his cause? How could they hate us so much?”
I’ll be there with my MADD t-shirt, my air horn, my Impeach Bush button and a bad attitude.
I have TWO airhorns, and a Bush Lied T-shirt. In the spririt of bipartisanship, I will wear the red shirt with white lettering. Do you think a cowbell would be rude too?
Hey, maybe Darcy Burner can tear herself away from her Seattle buddies and events and cross the bridge to Bellevue for this event! Of course, that would be counterproductive for her, as she needs to spend her time with her out-of-district funders. I wonder if she’s going to move to Madison Park once she is elected?
darcy who????
#17 – You must be an 8th District voter… all the Seattlites know who Darcy is (and some will even figure out a way to vote for her, I am sure).
ArtFart…………Five acres, ArtFart………Five acres!!!!!
Dang, here it is 2:15, and I’m in Bellevue, and I can’t get over there. I’m too busy “producing”.
I’m even wearing a suit and tie, I could probably have gotten into the shot until I pulled out a “Re-Elect Cantwell” sign.
Just out of curiosity – Does McGavick ever campaign anywhere other than in Bellevue?
Proud to be an Ass and Imlyingright:
Glad you ask. Darcy Burner is the person who is up by three in the latest poll on the WA 8 race. Burner 49-46:
In other news, it appears that Stephan Sharansky style voting intimidation has spread to other conserviatives:
Currently, poll watchers in North Kingstown on behalf of Steve Laffey are disrupting the election process in North Kingstown. During the election, these impartial observers have begun leaving their designated seats and interjecting themselves into the process, challenging the eligibility of voters. This has significantly delayed the voting process, and is intimidating voters.
Doctor JCH Kennedy warns of Trident Sub unloading all missile tubes
For those of you new to the syphilitic ravings of John Craig Herman, “unloading all missile tubes” is what he calls it when an Indonesian sailor pulls out and comes on his ass.
Straw men abound. Morons. No one is talking about singing kumbayah, but you know that already. Try intelligence and police work like what busted the would-be liquid bombers. Try sending our finest after bin Laden instead of building oil well security bases in Iraq. Try not pissing off the rest of the world by blindly lashing out at 1/5 the population of the world practicing a religion, and getting the 99.9% of peace-loving Muslims to help us by ratting out the bad apples in their midst.
Big guns are great but firing them off indiscriminately accomplishes nothing if you don’t aim properly. Morons.
#22 – you should really reference more reputable polling data… IVR is widely held in the polling community to be worse than suspect. It self selects for the poor, old, and lonely.
If you have a more up-to-date poll, please cite.
“Big guns are great but firing them off indiscriminately accomplishes nothing if you don’t aim properly.”
Commentby Art Vandelay [Big guns, used long enough and hard enough, work EVERY time. Try one or two Tridents. If the Muuuuuuuslims keep fucking with America, try one or two more. Aim at civilian targets. They WILL get the message!]
One of the most infamous terrorists of the 1980s has rejoined Hezbollah following his release from a German prison and deportation to his native Lebanon in December 2005, a senior Bush administration official told FOX News. Please split extra wide headlines. For instructions email LinkLady7 at aol.
He’s the one who beat/murdered Navy Seal Robbie Stethem in 1985……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “while the rest of us get busy fighting terrorism intelligently.”
Commentby Art […………Er, Art, we are AT WAR!!! They want to KILL US!! If they [Muuuuslims] have to pay a huge price [the death of civilian Muslims] as a result of them fucking with America, they will stop. It is that simple.]
Susanne Osthoff, another whacko liberal Euro who converted to islam and then put her daughter in boarding school while she spent 5 years traipsing around the Middle East, was also found to be carrying some of the ransom money (marked U.S. currency) that Germany paid her “abductors” in conjunction with hamadi’s release. [……………………………………………………………………….Deport ever Muuuuuuslim out of the USA.]
#22 – you should really reference more reputable polling data… IVR is widely held in the polling community to be worse than suspect. It self selects for the poor, old, and lonely.
Commentby PollingExpert— 9/12/06@ 2:49 pm
Hey Polling “expert” isn’t the normally relibly ReTHUGian “strategic vision” polls done with by IVR? I am pretty sure McGavick has cited a few of those early in his campaign.
Just cast my vote for Darcy in teh primary. You bet your ass we in the 8th know who she is. And apparently we prefer her to Sheriff “Gay Pride” Davey by 49%-46%.
Big guns are great but not when Bush shoots himself in the foot.
One Trident SSBN, and the terrorists lose……….War’s over. It is that simple. JCH
#22 – you should really reference more reputable polling data… IVR is widely held in the polling community to be worse than suspect. It self selects for the poor, old, and lonely. -Commentby PollingExpert— 9/12/06@ 2:49 pm
PollingExpert: If you have a more up-to-date poll, please cite. -Commentby JDB— 9/12/06@ 2:52 pm
You femimen really are good a screwing the subject line. PollingExpert didn’t say word one about the poll being “up-to-date”, he referenced their miserable reputation and lacking credibility.
I have TWO airhorns, and a Bush Lied T-shirt. In the spririt of bipartisanship, I will wear the red shirt with white lettering. Do you think a cowbell would be rude too?
Commentby My Left Foot [……………..Noisy Carl…….Typical loser protesting “progressive”.]
I simply asked for a more up-to-date poll, if he had one.
But as far as robopolling goes, it is not as contraversial as PollingExpert wants to make it out:
What matters is the record of the polling organization, and the general trend of all polls. Right now, from everything I see, Burner 49-46 is consistent. If there is a poll that shows it is inconsistent, I would like to know about it.
OF COURSE Kinky Friedman’s hootin’ and hollerin’ about “crackheads and thugs.” He’s running for Governor of Texas. If you don’t hand-execute an inmate they recall you.
You aren’t one.
Straw men abound. Morons. No one is talking about singing kumbayah, but you know that already. Try intelligence and police work like what busted the would-be liquid bombers. Try sending our finest after bin Laden instead of building oil well security bases in Iraq. Try not pissing off the rest of the world by blindly lashing out at 1/5 the population of the world practicing a religion, and getting the 99.9% of peace-loving Muslims to help us by ratting out the bad apples in their midst.
Big guns are great but firing them off indiscriminately accomplishes nothing if you don’’t aim properly. Morons.
Commentby Art Vandelay—— 9/12/06@ 2:44 pm
Right again, Art. Singing will not be enough; intelligence and police work will work, as long as there is no death penalty. A death penalty would just piss nice Muslims off, and we don’t want that because they do some silly things when they’re mad, don’t they.
But I am concerned about our bases in Afghanistan; won’t they just piss off the 99.9% nice Muslims also? Isn’t it an insult to the Religion of Peace to have infidels in Afghanistan? Shouldn’t we have more sensitivity to the culture and traditions of the Religion of Peace?
You have some very good ideas but you are not being consistent if you support having troops in Afghanistan. We are getting involved in an Afghan civil war, and as the Russians already found out there, and as we learned in Vietnam, we should never do that. Please see General Rabbit’s reminder about that below:
“It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit —— 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
D’ya really think so? Cause that would be pitiful if it were true. I mean to think that nearly half of 8th district likely voters responding in the latest poll indicated that they would vote for a candidate whose name, according to you, they didn’t even recognize. And this in a supposedly “safe district”?
Why would you people nominate a douche bag like Rubber Stamp? It’s like he’s afraid to try, in case he loses. In a 50 state/435 district strategy Rubber Stamp is nothing but a financial sink hole for Rethugs.
I haven’t seen such a pathetic effort by an incumbent in Washington State since Slade Skeletor got his ass whooped by Cantwell.
Typoical. Argue against what no one has proposed. Sraw men abound, indeed.
Name someone who has said that there should never be a death penalty imposed on a terrorist guilty of murder. Tim McVeigh should be dead already.
Has @ 40
No offense, but Slade Gorton was only beaten by about a thousand votes or so. It was a whisker, not a whuppin’
Ah yes, the venerable and always reliable
“widely held… to be”.
Hey, I’m convinced. I’m sure everyone else is too.
I mean, after all they’re “widely held to be”, and that’s true because you say it is.
Incidentally, JCH is “widely held to be” living in a trailer in Algona with a giant chicken-porn collection.
39 There’s this little thing called “territorial imperative”. One way to explain that is to look at the comparative options available to both sides.
In Iraq and Afghanistan, just as was the case in Southeast Asia, we can always decide “the hell with it, this isn’t fun anymore”, pack our kit bag and go home. The people we’re fighting can’t do that, because they ARE home. Their options are to become exiles or prisoners, or to keep on fighting us until we’re gone or they’re all dead.
True enough and I stand humbly corrected. But considering Gorton’s personal wealth, incumbency, statewide prominence, name recognition, lengthy service in statewide office, and the fact that he got beat in a year that leaned toward Rethugs it was a pretty huge failure for him. (And an astonishing success for Cantwell. D’ya ‘spose that’s why she gave her campaign manager a bonus? Nah. Couldn’t be. Must be a huuuge scandal!)
Meanwhile Skeletor’s strategic blunder is the reason we see so much of the blackout drunk on the Eastside. No Rethug running for statewide office will ever again ignore King County the way Skeletor did. They’ll just ignore Seattle.
That’s what it’s going to be.
Had Enough Yet at 43:
When JCH said he had a lot of pictures of cocks, he wasn’t talking about chicken porn.
While it’s widely held to be true that John Craig Herman has a large collection of pictures of cocks, it is also true that the term “chicken-porn”, as all good wingnuts know, has nothing whatsoever to do with poultry.
One Trident SSBN, and the terrorists lose……….War’s over. It is that simple. JCH
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/12/06@ 3:10 pm
So basically, what you’re saying is that if Iran were to nuke, say, Oahu or Mill Creek or wherever it is you say you live, you’d just give up and convert to Islam? They’d have won, right? What a pushover, weak-willed pussy you are. I expected as much.
Goldy…give me a BREAK. You chastise McGavick for a few memory errors — and then you blatantly call for uncivil behavior among Cantwell supporters.
WHY can’t you just be CONSISTENT. You are so twisted.
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – A teenager accused of raping an 8-year-girl and leaving her for dead in an abandoned landfill has been declared mentally incompetent and unfit to stand trial.
Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Edward Garrison ordered Milagro Cunningham, 18, committed to a treatment facility of the Department of Children and Families. The order, issued Thursday, requires the agency to report on Cunningham’s condition within six months.
Cunningham, a native of the Bahamas, was charged as an adult with attempted first-degree murder, sexual battery, kidnapping and other counts. He had been held without bail since his arrest in May 2005, when he was 17.
Police discovered the girl under chunks of concrete at a landfill May 22, 2005, about seven hours after she was reported missing from her godmother’s home. She identified Cunningham as her attacker.
Authorities said the teen confessed after initially telling police that five men in a station wagon took her.
Cunningham’s public defender argued last year that the teen comprehended and communicated “within the range of a 7- to 9-year-old child,” the Palm Beach Post reported on its Web site Monday. Two of three mental health experts appointed to evaluate him concluded that he was incompetent, according to the newspaper.
The after-hours recording at the Palm Beach County Public Defenders office would not accept an incoming message Monday night.
Officials have said Cunningham was in the country illegally but escaped the notice of immigration authorities after three burglary arrests in 2004 because his cases were handled in the juvenile justice system. [………….Another “Democrat-to-be” illegal alien just doing the felonies that Democrat welfare hacks are too lazy to do!!! Regardless, he must “vote early, vote often” and vote Democratic”!!! Right, Carl??]
Despite the best efforts of the righ wing liars, Mikey is getting his asssss kicked!
And this is a republican pollster so you can probably safely add five points for Cantwell. Game, set match. Buh Bye Mikey. Go back to stealing insurance money from little old ladies. We don’t need a lying drunk who left his wife and kids for politics running plays for the Alaska oil companies here in Washington state.
44,Right, my point is that it’s inconsistent for liberals to oppose troops in Iraq but not to also oppose troops in Afghanistan.
Name someone who has said that there should never be a death penalty imposed on a terrorist guilty of murder. Tim McVeigh should be dead already.
Commentby Daddy Love— 9/12/06@ 3:44 pm
Check your lib playbook and you’ll see that libs oppose the death penalty.
I see that while I was out expressing my freedom of speech, JCH was here making outlandish suggestions. I believe that JDB is correct, the syphilis has claimed the last of two remaining brain cells from JCH. It must be sad to be so lost, so angry and so ignorant. He would answer here now but he is swimning out to a Navy carrier that just docked. He is hoping for some Tookie love tonight.
Syrian guards just helped to protect our embassy. Does JCH still want to kill all Muslims? Or is he upset with them just because they don’t approve of old queers like him?
“swimning” out to a Navy carrier
Commentby My Left Foot [……No, Carl, I was “swimning” out to the break at “Secret’s” [Kapoho] for a quick “session”. 2 to 4 foot, but clean. Water temp was 80! So……………………………. BTW, does Mrs. Grossman wear “G’s” or “grannie panties”? OK…….Let me guess!!………Extra large Men’s underwear?? GROSS!! What a pig!!!]
Fact: As long as Muuuuslims don’t vote Republican, most Democrats could give a shit about terrorism. BUSH is their enemy, not Democrat voting Muuuuuuslims.
What an odd coincidence; a would-be Jew-killer turns out to have been born in Iraq, of all places:
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — As the world remembered the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, investigators said a very real terrorist attack threatened the Jewish community in Nashville.
An Iraqi-born man, Ahmed Al-Uquaily, became the poster child of terrorism concerns in Nashville, and photographs from the Federal Bureau of Investigation showed why.
“He was going to harm to people in the Jewish community in Nashville,” said Randy Thyssee of the FBI.
He is hoping for some Tookie love tonight.
Commentby My Left Foot […………………………………………………………..Dear Mrs. Grossmanstein, Do you still “read over your husband’s shoulder”? Do you still meet Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams and take his 9 inches of Democrat “love” up your rectum? Do you let “3 inch” Carl take pictures? Hey, you married the little Jew, so you get to complain, shop, bitch, whine, and do the “JAP” “out to lunch” shit. Perhaps Carl could post the pictures of Tookie and your “love box” on HA.ORG. Many Dems who get nothing here would love to see what Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams gets to cornhole.]
Please, John Craig, you old queer, like you know anything about women’s underwear.
Day 22 September 12 2006 Where’s Goldy?
Mayor Nickels’
unprecedented tax increase proposal and
Tim Eyman’s opposition campaign not only screws the taxpayers into paying extra for basic services, but it also really puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament. I’ve been taunting Goldy for some time now with my “Where’s Goldy” series, and he still won’t tell us where he stands. No doubt, he’s between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. So as a true compassionate conservative, I’ll lay out the options here for ya Goldy:
1) Open up your wallet and pay more and more property tax every year until you are forced out of your home. Even if you can do it, do you want to make seattle a place where only the rich can live? Or do you not give a fuck about anybody else?
2) Join Eyman’s campaign to fight defeat the tax increase, and expose yourself to be the fucking hypocrite that you are. Admit that you are wrong about taxpayer rights, and thank Tim in pubic for giving you the right to vote on major policy issues.
3) Support the tax hike and agree that the tax money has to be raised, but make somebody other than you pay. You could take the tried and true class envy approach and make those “rich people” in Magnolia and Queen Ann pick up the tab. Remember, a “fair tax” in moonbat parlance is a tax that the other guy has to pay.
4) Or just keep quiet and hope I go away. That’s not gonna happen.
Syrian guards just helped to protect our embassy. Does JCH still want to kill all Muslims?
Commentby JDB [Yup……… Start by deporting 6 milliom Muuuuuuslims out of the USA. Then finish Iran with B-52s. Any problems? Use Tridents. The rest of the ragheads will think twice brfore fucking with Americans. It is that simple.]
The true role of gummint according to moonbat economic theory:
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
Government does make private wealth possible. What part of that don’t you understand????
Jesus H. Christ, you’re fucking stupid.
Commentby GBS— 9/6/06@ 2:03 pm
JDB……………..5 acres in Hawaii………Think about that. You are way out of your league. SCUBA, surfing, and Hawaiian sunshine. And YOU live in WASH State. Atlas has Shrugged, and you have been left behind.
AIDs……….the disease of today’s Democrats. Enjoy!!! [Oh, and pay for your own medical bills!!!!!]
Too bad for the wingnuts, they’ve got nothing to say concerning the polls that say that Maria has a 17% lead on Mike?
Poor little trolls, reduced to their normal irrelevancies. No chance for a point.
Boring and irrelevant. M’lad, you just can’t get laid ’til you improve yourself. The gals just don’t like boring and irrelevant, and that’s what you’ve become. Obsessive and compulsive, man, that’s even worse than boring and irrelevant. Is that where you’re headed you sorry sonofabitch? Say it ain’t so . . .
Hey Leftist – Bring it on… pick a topic:
1) The myth of global warming and whether THE FUCKING SUN is behind it.
2) On how tax rate cuts increase gummint revenue.
3) Tell us where you stand on Nickels’ greedy attempt to rob you and whether you support Tim’s stand to let you vote.
4) On the vagination of Murka…
Pick one. Or all. Don’t care. I’ll kick your ass.
Coward. Dumass…
Hey Goldy – Are you referring to the rally when The Smartest Woman In The World was on her crusade to destroy the best health care system in the world, and take over 14% of the US economy? Yup, we went right between those big thighs and right up that big fat ass of hers didn’t we? The only substantive policy issue she’s ever addressed went down in fucking flames.
If she wants the nomination its hers. I hope she gets it. Because she is unfuckingelectable. And she knows it. But I’m gonna support her getting the moonbat nomination because it guaranfuckingtees 8 more years of GOP domination.
On another thread, one of the moonbats here… I think it was “factsaremeaninglesstome” challenged right thinkin’ people like me to make a list of what GWB has done for the little guy. I’m paraphrasing here, but that captures the gist of it.
The question itself exposes why librulism is wrong on its face. Got news for ya… it is NOT the role of government to give stuff to people. That kind of “thinking” is fundamentally un-American. Instead, Murka is founded on the premise that limited government provides the freedom for Murkan citizens to achieve all they can be on their own.
Librulism is founded on the ideas of selfishness, greed, covetousness, hate, etc. If you want to shake loose from that and put yourself back in control of your life here’s the prescription:
1) Take advantage of the education system which is so lavishly subsidized by the tax paying producers.
2) Study a field that results in marketable skills. Hint: “Women’s Studies” is not a marketable field.
3) Get a good job with a good company. Show up every day for 4 decades or so and work your ass off. Alternatively, start a business and work 18 hours a day every fucking day.
4) Spend less than you make.
5) Invest the savings wisely.
That’s it. That’s all there is to it. And then you’ll be free. Doesn’t that sound appealing?
Oh yeah… if you have a vagina, you can ignore all that shit at 71. Just marry the richest guy you can attract, get vested, and then help yourself. Remember: “You can marry more money in 5 minutes than you can earn in a lifetime.”
You sound like you know that from experence buttneck
Did you catch your self a nice rich guy ?
Dear Mrs. Grossman, Parhaps a little “FDS” to cover up the tuna smell? Sincerely, “Tookie” Williams
Speaking of irrelevancies, have you heard of Mark “the Welsher” Redneck?
And, is if on queue…
I think Doctor JCH Kennedy is bizzy sniffing empty tuna cans dreaming of Mrs. Grossman :-/
An assistant professor of Arabic at San Francisco State University has been stranded in Canada for three months, unable to return to campus, after the U.S. State Department canceled his visa and began reviewing his security status. Mohammad Ramadan Hassan Salama’s troubles began in June, when he arrived in Canada for what he thought was a two-day stay to change his temporary scholar visa, which was due to expire. [……………………………………………………………………Carl, Could you do a little driving for the “progressive” Democrat cause??]
“The Socialist”, Could you tell us if you finished junior high school?
Dubai, 12 Sept. (AKI) – Osama bin Laden is planning to carry out new, more destructive attacks inside the United States, and there is someone working on this terror plot currently in the US, according to Hamid Mir, the famed Pakistani journalist who obtained the only post-9/11 interviews with Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. […………………………………………………………………..”BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!” [Carl Grossman]]
Doctor JCH Kennedy Could you tell us if you finished 1st grade ?
Although I think most of us all ready no the answer.
Poor B.M. is constipated again I see :-(
“Although I think most of us all ready no the answer.”
Commentby The Socialist [….Do you think you “no” the answer? Proof that NEA Democrat run “guvment” schools are a huge waste of taxpayer funds!!]
Mark the Yellowback:
Do you really think anyone will pay any attention to anything you post when you constantly lie and don’t even have enough honor to pay your debts?
But let’s just entertain one of your little fantasies:
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
Government does make private wealth possible. What part of that don’t you understand????
Jesus H. Christ, you’re fucking stupid.
Commentby GBS— 9/6/06@ 2:03 pm
Commentby Mark The Yellowback Limbaugh— 9/12/06@ 5:31 pm
First of all, since you keep claiming to have a ton of degrees, you surely must have taken at least econ and poly sci 101 (although that seems really questionable from most of your post). If so, you must know that the United States was founded based on the ideas of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and of the Social Contract. The idea is that you form a government by giving up certain rights so as to protect other rights. This is the basis of captalistic democracy. So, Belltowner and GBS are right, and you are, as usual, wrong.
But, since we probably just can’t understand your greatness, oh Yellowback, please tell us why government exist in your little world.
Oh, and while we are on your amazing lack of knowledge on economics, NASIism and facisim are political, not economic theories. Just thought you might want to know if you ever care about posting something truthful.
Now pay your bets!!
Oops, More bad news for Mark the Yellowback:
Rising ocean temperatures in key hurricane nurseries are due primarily to increased greenhouse-gas concentrations from human activity, scientists report in a new study.
Using 22 different computer models of the climate system, atmospheric researchers from 10 centers studied sea-surface-temperature (SST) changes recorded between 1906 and 2005. They found that the models showed an 84 percent probability that human-induced factors account for most of the rise in the hurricane-formation regions of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific.
The study, published online Monday by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, adds to the science linking global warming and the increased power of tropical storms.
John Craig Herman:
Lets just say for a second I believed something you post and really believed you lived in Hawaii.
You spend all your time posting total nonsense on a site dealing with the politics in Washington.
How pitiful is that? It really seems that the only time you go outside is when you are looking for sailors to blow.
Umm… bucep that hurricane intensity is DECREASING and has been for SIXTY FUCKING YEARS.
Lets just say for a second I believed something you post and really believed you lived in Hawaii.
You spend all your time posting total nonsense on a site dealing with the politics in Washington.
How pitiful is that?
Commentby JDB […………….How “pitiful” is it that you read my posts and respond? Oh, It rains a lot here, so dumping on dumb ass lib “progressive” commies like Carl and JDB seems like an amusing way to spend 15 minutes when it rain an inch an hour. hehe, JCH]
Say, doc, I see that you still haven’t taken my advice and get out, meet some
people and generally get a life. It would really do you some
good. Then you wouldn’t have to troll so much for attention.
But I know for small children any attention is good attention.
So much good luck to you and when you have a cogent,lucid, interesting
thought, please feel free to share it.
89, Yawn. Doctor JCH Kennedy
Support Mike?
Get him elected so he can help the Republicans
damage America farther.
Mark the Yellowback:
You sir, know only one thing, and it is wrong.
If you would actually read the article, you would see why your response was foolish:
Most experts agree that warmer seawater should, as models suggest, provide more fuel to hurricanes and make their winds stronger. And sea-surface temperatures in the tropics have risen by an average of about 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1970.
“It is important to note that we expect global temperatures and sea-surface temperatures to increase even more rapidly over the next century,” said Wigley.
. . .
The modeling team, which includes researchers from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., agrees that temperature is not the sole determinant of hurricane intensity.
But the team adds that temperature is likely one of the most significant influences.
Several studies published in the past year found that the total power released by Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes has nearly doubled over the past 30 years, with longer storm durations and greater storm intensities.
As always, sucks to be you.
Wake up, doc. Life is short and you’re
wasting your time trolling here. You could meet
some women and actually have fun, a life,
so long as you don’t bore them to death with
your juvenile ideas.
As far as JCH goes, lets just say that Atlas may have shrugged, but JCH keeps hoping he would bend over for the soap.
Lucky you JCH, I am coming to Hawaii in Novemeber. Why don’t you prove that you are rich (wealthy is the polite term), show me your five acres and your big house. Put up or shut up.
I am sure you will pussy out, but that OK, we all know you lie about everything. Goldy has my “real email” address and he can give it to you if you ask him. I am sure he knows how to make sure you are you. Then we can work out the details. What do you say, John? Lets have a beer and dinner. Be polite, discuss the issues and introduce the wives. My guess is you wil pussy out. But the offer is genuine.
Jch is afraid of women, he only goes for older men like Anne Coulter
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 8:28 pm
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can’’t answer.
You can’’t even answer question #1. I have 9 more……..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can’t wait to see the other nine, so I’ll make an offer–– if you show us the other nine questions I’ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they’re trying to be clever.
Commentby americafirst—— 9/8/06@ 10:07 pm
Still waiting for the other nine questions, phoney.
They make it so easy for us.
Doctor JCH Kennedy@51
Truthfully, he sounds more like a Republican campaigner to me.
BALTIMORE, Md. – Democrats were deciding between Rep. Ben Cardin and Kweisi Mfume, former head of the NAACP, for a Senate candidate to fill Paul Sarbanes’ seat in Tuesday’s primary election. With 2 percent of precincts reporting, Cardin was leading Mfume, with 46 percent of the vote to Mfume’s 21 percent. [……..Once Kweisi’s “mofo chillin” all vote, this could be a close race!!!!]
“Lucky you JCH, I am coming to Hawaii in Novemeber.”
Commentby My Left Foot [……………………………………………….Well, maybe we can catch a few waves in “Novemeber”, Carl! And I look forward to seeing Mrs. Grossman again!!! And again!! And again!!]
You know, I knew JCH would pussy his way out. Make fun of a typo, and then back to the old lines about Mrs. Left Foot. I will be in the islands NOVEMBER 6-10. I will buy JCH dinner. I will be polite and cordial. I am willing to meet at any restaurant of his choice. Now, put up or shut up. You have lied here long enough. You are no doctor, you are no Naval officer. You are not wealthy, if you were, you would not brag about it. I know. I was raised with wealth. First rule, never mention it. Second rule, use it wisely, it comes with the responsibility of taking care of, not only your own family, but also your community.
Now, lets see what smart ass remark John Craig can make now. The offer is genuine. Shame JCH is not.
Dear Mr. Goldstein;
I’m writing here because I have no clue if your email problems are solved yet.
I am wondering if you can tweak the comments window to give us the option to maximize the screen. It would make it easier to read people’s comments. Especially the ones that are basically “…..” for a couple inches.
Commentby David— 9/13/06@ 12:35 am
Do a “right click”, then “open in new window”. You can get full screen.
This thread has problems because someone insisted on giving us about 200 unbroken characters of HAHA in one of the posts.
It messes up the word wrap of some browsers.
John Barelli@105
Thank you, it was messing my eyes up.
Did Doctor JCH Kennedy and Mark The Redneck KENNEDY get married I
Just noticed they have the same last name. ?
Goldy, No news to you, but your message boards have become unreadable thanks to mutherfucking right wing wingnut idiots who insist on vandelizing every thread. Is there anything you can do to ban these dumbshits? Commentby David in Wedgwood— 9/12/06@ 12:26 pm
I remember that rally at Westlake Center, the one ruined by those right wing cunts. What assholes! Commentby Will— 9/12/06@ 12:33 pm
Wedgwood David and Will:
Funny you sould skip the WTO meeting in Seattle where your good friends the anarchists looted downtown Seattle. Even Madwoman Dumblight was afraid!
Yea, that’s right Doctor JCH Kennedy. I’m talking about you. Stupid mutherfucker. Commentby David in Wedgwood— 9/12/06@ 12:43 pm
I sure hope I can get “rich” and retire to “Hawaii” and then spend ALL OF MY TIME pasting text into the comments section of a blog I dislike. THAT sounds like a good time! Commentby Anonymous— 9/12/06@ 12:46 pm
Wedgwood David: I’m sorry you caught JCH with your mother. That must have been shocking.
Anonymous (Lucy I suppose): Instead of jumping on JCH, try answering his post. You condone Al Gore’s actions? You condone Babawawa Streisand for getting the sheriff to arrest the photographer? Must be dipshit because their kind are your heroes!
Right, Art, we have to understand what the terrorists are feeling: ===========
Is more violence and less safety what we want?
“The attacks brought up so many questions. Why would people from another part of the world do this? Who was Osama bin Laden and how did he find 19 hijackers to die for his cause? How could they hate us so much?”
========================================== Commentby americafirst— 9/12/06@ 1:10 pm
Americafirst: 67% of moonbats think the 19 hijackers were on the FBI payroll!!
I simply asked for a more up-to-date poll, if he had one. But as far as robopolling goes, it is not as contraversial as PollingExpert wants to make it out: =
What matters is the record of the polling organization, and the general trend of all polls. Right now, from everything I see, Burner 49-46 is consistent. If there is a poll that shows it is inconsistent, I would like to know about it. Commentby JDB— 9/12/06@ 3:23 pm
When in doubt always count on JDB to whip out a well known moonbat site as his reference materials. Do you sip your coffee to anything MAINSTREAM?
Incidentally, JCH is “widely held to be” living in a trailer in Algona with a giant chicken-porn collection. Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 9/12/06@ 3:51 pm
It’s NOT widely held but WELL KNOWN you are an idiot. Who ever heard of chicken-porn. You really have to read and pay attention to what lurks in the mind of a moonbat!
Had Enough Yet at 43: When JCH said he had a lot of pictures of cocks, he wasn’t talking about chicken porn. Commentby JDB— 9/12/06@ 4:27 pm
47. While it’s widely held to be true that John Craig Herman has a large collection of pictures of cocks, it is also true that the term “chicken-porn”, as all good wingnuts know, has nothing whatsoever to do with poultry. Commentby Had Enough Yet?— 9/12/06@ 4:34 pm
That’s something we on the right don’t use. Must be moonbat-speak for their nightly activites. Thanks for the education. Amazing what you learn on this blog from moonbats. Didn’t PacMan write about a special decoder ring. I wonder if that was in it’s memory bank?
Name someone who has said that there should never be a death penalty imposed on a terrorist guilty of murder. Tim McVeigh should be dead already. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/12/06@ 3:44 pm
For instance, your good buds in the ACLU.
I see that while I was out expressing my freedom of speech, JCH was here making outlandish suggestions. I believe that JDB is correct, the syphilis has claimed the last of two remaining brain cells from JCH. It must be sad to be so lost, so angry and so ignorant. He would answer here now but he is swimning out to a Navy carrier that just docked. He is hoping for some Tookie love tonight. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/12/06@ 5:01 pm
If “syphilis” is your claim for JCH, what is your disease? Moonbattiness? Just plain stupidity? Head up your assphobia? Just checking!
Day Nine Goldie: Where are the Haaretz and Jerusalem Post links? Scared you’ll lose your base if moonbats read the real news?
Too bad for the wingnuts, they’ve got nothing to say concerning the polls that say that Maria has a 17% lead on Mike? Poor little trolls, reduced to their normal irrelevancies. No chance for a point. Commentby Harry Tuttle— 9/12/06@ 5:53 pm
Garry you must be looking below your belt line. We are not “Poor Little Trolls”.
Maria Moonbat! lives in WA State, well known for moonbats. The fact Slade was a three term senator shows how whack-job left this state has become!
Boring and irrelevant. M’lad, you just can’t get laid ’til you improve yourself. The gals just don’t like boring and irrelevant, and that’s what you’ve become. Obsessive and compulsive, man, that’s even worse than boring and irrelevant. Is that where you’re headed you sorry sonofabitch? Say it ain’t so . . . Commentby proud leftist— 9/12/06@ 5:56 pm
In a choice between SGMMac, HowCan and Helen Thomas, I’d date them in a heartbeat over Helen Thomas. Hint: I have never met either SM or HC but after seeing Helen Thomas, I’d roll the dice! Besides I like feisty smart conservative women! We can have a conversation vs. looking at the side of a moonbat woman’s head and seeing the wall through her ear hole.
How can you spot a moonbat woman? Carefully look into her eyes and you’ll see twin red neon lights flashing VACANCY HERE!
This thread has problems because someone insisted on giving us about 200 unbroken characters of HAHA in one of the posts. It messes up the word wrap of some browsers. Commentby John Barelli— 9/13/06@ 12:46 am
Just can’t trust moonbats can you?
MTR @ 87
That’s an intersting table. This table tells us that in the last 40 years there have been two Saffir-Simpson Category 5 hurricanes to hit the US (the last in the 90s), but only one in the hundred years preceding that. That indicates the opposite of your claim, but is also very little data. However, the disastrous hurricane season of 2005 is conveniently not yet included. When it is, that table may look very different.
The tables says nothing about the TOTAL number of hurricanes formed during those decades. It ALSO says nothing about WHY fewer hurricanes have hit the US mainland during those decades. Have wind patterns changed?
In the document that is based on, namely THE DEADLIEST, COSTLIEST, AND MOST INTENSE UNITED STATES TROPICAL CYCLONES FROM 1851 TO 2005 (AND OTHER FREQUENTLY REQUESTED HURRICANE FACTS) by Eric S. Blake, Jerry D. Jarrell (retired), and Edward N. Rappaport of the NOAA/NWS/Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center, their Table 4 tells us that five of the top 20 “most intense major hurricanes to strike the U.S. mainland” were in the last 20 years.
That report also tells us that, while it is true that “during the forty year period 1961 2000 both the number and intensity of landfalling U.S. hurricanes decreased sharply,” it is ALSO a fact that, “of the most recent four decades, only the 70’s and 80’s were significantly below normal in terms of overall tropical cyclone activity.”
Is it wind patterns that have been keeping recent hurricanes off the US? Was the small-scale world cooling trend of approx. 1940-1970 (which led a small group of scientists to fmously speculate on the possibility of a “New Ice Age” before their conclusions were debunked) to blame for the lower overall cyclonic activity of the 70s and 80s? Help us understand the why, Mark.
The wingnuts have been reduced to jelly. Next, they’ll be choosing up sides for dodgeball.
What maroons.
So, for all the wingnut yellow cowards out there shivering in their boots at the imminent arrival of the “Islamofacsist” hordes here in our sacred homeland, please take a moment to explain:
By what scenario do you see al Qaeda “taking over” the United States of America. Super secret laser beams from Mars? How?
Subject Mike McGavick, the wingnuts talk about al Qaeda, Kinky Friedman, Afghanistan, a rape in Florida, Osama, Muslim voting patterns, Tookie (the all-time favorite of the trailer park shut in,) city taxes, etc.
They want to talk about anything but Mike?
Game, set, match.
I see that when you call John Craig’s bluff he shuts up. Funny how that works. Mrs. Left Foot was looking forward to meeting him too. She was wondering whether he would be as bold in person as he is here on the blog where he is safely hidden in his mother’s basement in downtown White Center.
This is how the right wingers win elections. They cheat.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — State lawmaker Keith Ellison didn’t let questions about his past slow down his campaign to become the first Muslim in Congress.
On Tuesday, voters responded to his liberal message calling for peace, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and universal health care. He beat three contenders in the Democratic primary in a Minneapolis-area district long dominated by his party.
“You’re not on your own,” Ellison told supporters at an African restaurant in a speech that had the call-and-response of a revival meeting. “We are with you. We do these things together, y’all, and we don’t let nobody break us apart.”
Ellison, a 43-year-old criminal defense lawyer who converted to Islam as a college student, overcame questions about late parking tickets, overdue taxes and his past ties to the Nation of Islam. He has since denounced black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan and was endorsed by a Minneapolis Jewish newspaper. He has also pledged to improve his personal record-keeping.
Ellison courted the liberal wing of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party by comparing himself to the late Sen. Paul Wellstone – and many voters responded. Others clearly relished the chance to elect a minority to Congress from Minnesota for the first time; Ellison is black. [……………………………………………………………………………………….”Eyes don’t pay no MoFo parkin tickets, and Eyes don’t need to pay no taxes!! I’m a black Democrat Muuuuuuuuuslim!!”
Hey, did anyone go to the filming of that commercial yesterday?
Just thought I’d give John Craig Herman a bit of help here. It’s
difficult to read his post because of the word-wrap problem on
this thread.
“MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – State lawmaker Keith Ellison didn’t let
questions about his past slow down his campaign to become the
first Muslim in Congress.”
On Tuesday, voters responded to his liberal message calling for
peace, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and universal health
care. He beat three contenders in the Democratic primary in a
Minneapolis-area district long dominated by his party.
Thanks, John Craig. Nice of you to give us such good news. I
see that Minnesota Democrats have chosen to avoid using religion
as some sort of litmus test.
I don’t know enough about the race to know whether he is the best
candidate, and it seems he has some other issues to deal with.
But at the very least, we have shown the world that some folks
here truly believe in our system which includes freedom of
Wow. Such a powerful statement about the inclusiveness of the
United States and of Democratic party. Didn’t know you had it
in you to be so supportive of us. Thank you.
Afghanistan — The U.S. military said Wednesday it is looking into the unauthorized release of a photo purportedly taken by an American drone aircraft showing scores of Taliban militants at a funeral in Afghanistan. NBC-TV claimed U.S. Army officers wanted to attack the ceremony with missiles carried by the Predator drone, but were prevented under rules of battlefield engagement that bar attacks on cemeteries. [……Now, we wouldn’t want to break the rules!!! Why, what would the ACL Jew say?? What would the CBC say? What would the NAALCP say?]
Keith Ellison is involved with the Nation of Islam and is an active supporter of terrorist rights.
How come no talk of the recent AP release that Maria “Cantvotewell” helped line up in excess off $11 million in federal money for projects benifitting client of a lobbyist pal who owes her money? Ah, I see; it’s slander on Mike’s side, but no admission of what a devious and shifty little skank Maria is? What’s that I hear? Oh, this is in addition to buying out a past competitor? Huh, I guess that supposed halo is bought off for after all. And this time, there’s no Dean Logan around to find the needed votes of felons, dead people, illegal aliens, etc. and such in the middle of the night in the basement of KC elections office. Huh?! Go Mike! go!
Saddam had dinner with Osama and planned 911 while eating muffins supplied by Kennedy!!!