When President Bush touches down in Seattle tomorrow to headline a high-donor fundraiser for Rep. Dave Reichert, it will mark a historic first for both the President and his uber-political advisor Karl Rove: Democratic challenger Darcy Burner now has the honor of being the first “Netroots endorsed” candidate to be targeted with a presidential visit.
Don’t underestimate the significance of this event. Rove is nothing if not clever (well… maybe “evil”,) and he knows a political danger when he sees it. In the past the Netroots have focused on supporting progressive underdogs, campaigns where our financial and media resources could have the most relative impact. But Burner is different. Burner has the opportunity to give the Netroots our biggest victory to date. Burner is in a strong position to win.
But no candidate can be expected to compete in a media intensive market like the 8th CD while being dramatically outspent by their opponent, and Bush’s visit tomorrow is intended to be a financial sledgehammer that Rove can use to smash the Burner campaign and the Netroots strategy. We can’t let that happen.
Burner just posted a “diary” to Daily Kos, and I urge all my readers with active DKos accounts to go there and recommend it NOW. We need to get her struggle out in front of the national Netroots so that they can respond immediately with their support.
I also urge all of you to go and read Burner’s diary on Daily Kos, for no other news article or post or piece of campaign literature I have seen so clearly lays out the candidates, the issues and what is at stake for our region and our nation in this election.
President Bush’s visit tomorrow will pump a startling half million dollars $800,000 or more into Reichert’s coffers, and is clear confirmation that both Rove and Bush believe that the silver-haired, leaden-tongued first term congressman is a loyal Bush Republican. We cannot allow Reichert to be coddled by the White House and the GOP House leadership on the one hand, and to claim independence on the other. We cannot allow this enormous influx of presidential money to come without a political cost.
If you have any plans to give to the Burner campaign at any time this year, now is the time to do it. And if you can afford to max out your contributions, now is the time to max out. Burner has set a modest goal of raising $75,000 in response to President Bush’s visit… but I’d like to see us blow past this target. So please, give directly to Darcy Burner today. Or if you prefer, you can give to Burner via my Act Blue page, and we’ll add the Netroots contributions into her total.
We can take back Congress. But we need your help.
GO DARCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we’re gonna kick dave reichert’s ass….and stefan’s, too.
OK folks
Time to “Burn” them big time
“…playin with matches in a pool of gasoline…” – Swamp Mama Johnson
Fantastic. Netroots Endorsement, the kiss of death. I hope Kos makes a video for Darcy too. Now Darcy will get associated with all of the lefty, extremist, Bush hatred mentality. (Roger Rabbit, please don’t start foaming at the mouth to prove my point.)
“My experience as a mother and a businesswoman tells me . . .”
Her experience as a mother is giving birth. She has chosen to turn over motherhood duties to someone else, and pursue a 20-hour per day job, that requires 20 hours per day to get. Businesswoman? Sure. Keep telling yourself that. But three years in one job, and a lot of job hopping before that is not a successful business career. It is dabbling.
“I’ve given up my career”
She gave up her career to go to law school, not to run for office, according to the story she gave at the time. Looks like she can’t stick to a story or a job or an education.
“I am honored to be a “Netroots Endorsed” candidate.”
So far the record of Netroots is 0-20. Some honor.
“I believe in broad-based opportunity, strong protection of individual liberties, and real equality for all Americans.”
And I believe someone is feeding you vapid comments. Who doesn’t believe in these things? Tell us something that sets you apart from the average American.
“I would fight to . . . protect Puget Sound from oil spills”
Who exactly do you see yourself fighting with?
The rest of the article is the same old stuff. Every policy is dictated by the party. If she thinks that posting on the far left dailykos will win over the moderates in the 8th, then I hope she does more of it. Maybe it will send some of them there to see just what is posted over there, and how far away it is from the district she hopes to represent.
You guys just don’t get it. How long is it do you think that people have been voting for Sheriff Dave, anyway? Darcy has no chance.
““I would fight to . . . protect Puget Sound from oil spills”
Who exactly do you see yourself fighting with?”
At least Ted Stevens…
The more the right wing screams that Darcy is no threat. . . the more likely she is. Why else would they need to bring in the Pretender & Thief?
asdf – are you saying that Ted Stevens wants oil spills in Puget Sound? Got a record of him saying so? Her comment is pandering, just like cantwell.
Anyone come up with what community she claims to lead, or what experience she has had in state politics? Sounds like she is practicing her own pretending skills. Not that any of you here care.
Janet [GOP talkingpoint]S:
So far the record of Netroots is 0-20. Some honor.
You’re wrong (wow, what a surprise).
Stephanie Herseth, Ben Chandler, Jon Tester, Barrack Obama.
So give it a rest and/or go back to your handlers to get some more meaningful talkingpoints.
If the Democrats can’t at least take back control of the House of Representatives in 2006, given the screw-ups by the Republicans, then the Dems will only have themselves to blame.
They’ll win the White House in 2008 as long as they don’t nominate Hillary. They’ll probably get control of the Senate, too, if they just play their cards right.
Yeah, NetRoots really made the difference for Busby in the CA 50th congressional race. Even the voters “without papers: couldn’t help her.
Bakc to the drawing board liberals. You need to cook up another scheme in Tamany Hall to steal elections.
So will you use the same election theft tactic you used in 2004 to steal the election in 2008 or will you streamline it by using Democrat “activists” to count ballots for all mail voting?
Janet S: Why are you still trolling here? Go away and come back when you can tell us why anyone should vote for the Sheriff. Remember your “game” re. Darcy – we’re still waiting for you to play the Sheriff version.
Rove will have an opportunity to do his famous lipstick application on our very own local Republican Pig, Dave Reichert.
What does Sheriff Davie stand for? Just a minute – he’s calling George Bush right now to find out how he should answer that question.
There’s only one thing I need to know before I will vote for a Democrat…is he or she running against a republican. That’s good enough for me.
Sorry that you don’t have an open thread, Goldy, but…
OK, you R’s who were whining about the Legislature spending so much can STFU now.
You know why the uber rich like deficit spending: Because they can take the money from their tax cuts and buy government bonds to fund the debt. Then the first 15% of YOUR tax dollar goes to pay the interest that they bought w/ your money.
How pathetic that the Godlstein must direct people to skew the vote on KOS because without it, the post wouldn’t get the votes. Usually one can let their words speak for themselves without having to call in the loyla partisans to skew the vote.
I guess without that election skewing, Burner hasn’t got a chance – even on a radical lefist site such as KOS.
Goldsteing admits as much when he implores people to action to skew the results.
Obviously, the more the right complains about things around Darcy, the more worried they are.
How sad and pathetic it is that pbj is so brainwashed by right-wing garbage and addicted to it as well. Is there a “rehab” for wingnuts? I bet his “entry drug” was Limbaugh.
But thanks for coming here to HA.org so people who have a firm grip on reality can laugh at you and the Republican party as it swirls down the drain of history.
And yet you ignored the premise of my question. If Darcy Burner’s post is so compelling, why must people be coerced to skew the rating in order to keep her post at the top of the list?
Can you answer or are you just “Cluless”?
Now I can see if you tried to skew things on say Sound Politics, the authority for political truth, but to have to skew your own party’s prose poll on a leftist site like KOS, is really pathetic.
pbj – brainwashing you wasn’t much of challenge for the wingnut borg – there wasn’t much brains to begin with!!!
pbj – In keeping with a tactic I learned at (un)SP, I wish to thank you for illustrating the vacuous lunacy of the die-hard right-wing true believers. It keeps us folks who are to the left of Dino Rossi falling off our chairs with side-splitting laughter. Forgive me for not mentioning that.
Oh by the way, pbj, Darcy Burner’s post in DKos is in the recommended list and the dollars are flowing to her campaign. Thank you again for helping Darcy Burner to win the WA-08.
Thanks to Janet S as well who can relied upon to use every opportunity to smear Darcy Burner thereby helping her campaign.
PBJ= P athetic Blog Jockey.
Why is it a smear to ask what community Darcy has led? You all act like it is a trick question to provide evidence of her claims to being a community leader. Same with experience in state politics. She is asserting that she has both of these accomplishments. She has provided no evidence that either is true.
(If the best she can come up with is that she was president of her home owners association, and president of a group of rich women who sat around writing checks, then it is a pretty weak claim. But at least it would be more than what has been provided as evidence of her political experience.)
Janet S – any American citizen who meets the age requirement can run for Congress. Darcy has proved to be a smart capable person with a record of achievement at Microsoft and law school to her credit. She will serve all the people of the eighth district well. She certainly has the smarts.
Reichert on the other hand has proved to be a lock step Republican dancing to the tune set by DeLay and Bush. He took over twenty years to get the Green River killer. The eighth district can’t wait that long for Reichert to find his feet in Congress.
I encourage the people of the WA-08 to send Darcy Burner to Congress. Darcy and the Democratic Party will lead the American people out of the fetid swamp of hate and division that is the legacy of the Republicans.
None of this applies to Janet S of course. It’s so predictable what she’ll do.
For the Clueless >”…He took over twenty years to get the Green River killer…”
Hey, tell the truth !
He had help.
“If you don’t behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave.” – Bishop Fulton John Sheen
By the third Tuesday in November, the operative question will be … DARCY WHO? The only possible answer will be… WHO CARES??
from where i come from, someone who quits a good law school only 1 year into it is called “LOSER”
N in Seattle: 4/20 and you are trumpeting that percentage? Wow, you are a left-wing whackoff job!
They’ll win the White House in 2008 as long as they don’t nominate Hillary. They’ll probably get control of the Senate, too, if they just play their cards right.
Commentby Libertarian— 6/15/06@ 11:31 am
I am not worried even if the dems do win the house and Senate back. It will be short lived. We have two medias now and it will be easy to get the repubs out to slaughter the dems just like in 94.
I noticed Janet S has never answered the question…”Why are you voting for Sheriff Davie.”
It’s okay Janet S. Call Lush Flimbaugh and ask him for some talking points. We’ll wait.
Wrongone @ 33
Oh yeah? Tell that to Bill Gates.
Janet S, please go easy on Darcy. If the libs realize how vapid she is they might put up somebody dangerous like Ross. She’s so nutty on things like immigration and marriage that she doesn’t dare talk about current issues; her next position paper will likely come out against rape and murder. Let sleeping libs lie.
God I love the smell of REPUBLICAN FEAR !
Go Darcy Go!! Thanks Goldy for bringing attention to this now. Donation made!!
ROBOTS walk. ROBOTS stop. ROBOTS, support Darcy Burner NOW!!
The resident Darcy burners are actually bringing up the major factor in favor of Mrs. Burner, she is new to politics and she HASN’T BEEN BOUGHT.
Darcy is a grass roots candidate. She went out and got individual people, like me, to write her a check.
I don’t know exactly who bought Dave Reichert, but his 93% voting record with the Bush policies leads me to believe it was by, at least, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Big War (euphemistically named defense). Lately, there was some sign of Big Microsoft, but that was probably them hedging their bets. (I know MS goes both ways.)
So. If you want somebody who will vote to stay in Iraq until 2030. Vote Reichert. If you want somebody who will praise a tree museum then vote to drill in ANWR. Vote Reichert! If you want a RUBBER STAMP FOR BUSH. Vote for Dave.
If you don’t want any of those things. VOTE FOR DARCY!!!!
If you want better health care for you and me. VOTE FOR DARCY!!!
If you want to create incentives for our local heavy-truck industry to design more-efficient vehicles. VOTE FOR DARCY !!!!
If you want to guarantee local biofuels entrepreneurs access to existing fuel-distribution channels. VOTE FOR DARCY !!!!
If you want more security from terrorist attack here in the Puget Sound area. VOTE FOR DARCY !!!!!
If you want to hold the Bush administration accountable and reign in its excesses. VOTE FOR DARCY !!!!