A couple weeks back, in writing about our incredibly stupid special election for King County Elections Director, I urged Jason Osgood to drop out of the race in favor of a more viable candidate if the alternative would mean throwing the election to a partisan, career politician. Well, yesterday, Jason did exactly that, throwing his support behind current Elections Director Sherril Huff.
Jason Osgood, a previously declared candidate, announced Tuesday he was dropping out of the race and throwing his support to Huff, whom he called “the most experienced and best-qualified candidate.”
I doubt you will ever meet anybody more passionate about election reform than Jason, and he deserves a ton of credit for such a gracious and responsible move.
FYI, I will be moderating the King County Democrats candidate forum on Monday, December 15th, 7-9 PM, at the Renton Carpenters Hall, 231 Burnett Avenue North in Renton. All candidates who file by Friday’s deadline will be invited to participate, and I urge them all to do so with confidence that I will be tough but fair.
I’m confident we Democrats will run an impartial and competent professional for Elections Director. The Republicans? A partisan hack who will wave a gun in the face of anyone who wants to know where thousands of King County ballots disappeared to, just like they do in Zimbabwe.
Jason Osgood is a class act. Had Huff not entered the race he would have united the Dems behind him and beaten both Roach and Irons. The chips were already falling that way.
I know we have not heard the last of Jason. He will continue to be a force for reform in King County and Statewide. We are lucky to have citizen activists like Osgood. Big time thanks to Jason, for the SoS race, and for this classy move.
Twas the fortnight to Solstice and all through the state,
A tiny placard made christians irate;
An Atheists placard had been set in the hall
in hopes of truth, and of justice for all;
The christians did protest the sign they did dread
they wished all the atheists would all turn up dead;
On all of their keyboards did they righteously tap
blogosphere posts of hate and of crap;
The media spoke and they talked of the matter,
and the internet buzzed with all sorts of chatter;
Away to the net I flew like a flash,
Launching my browser and clearing its cache;
By noon the excitement had started to grow,
after O’Reilly had Goldy guest on his show;
And then came Kirby who just had to appear,
to stoke some more hate to spread some more fear;
So lilly livered, so dense and so thick,
I knew in a moment this was O’Reilly’s old schtick;
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now, Wilbur! now, Ingraham! now, Limbaugh and Hewitt!
On, Beck! on Levin! on, Prager and Bennett!
Let’s get the free thinkers! Let’s get them all!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So out on the airwaves the coursers they flew,
With talk radio boys, a few girls to talk too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the air
They’d stolen the sign and hadn’t a care.
They cherished their trophy, and passed it around,
until at a country station it finally was found.
Never mind the commandment they broke, they all had a hoot,
though their names were all tarnished with the ill-gotten loot;
A capital guard took the sign in a sack,
And he put the placard back on its rack;
the christians did protest, did whine and did pray!
The christians they marched on the capitol all day!
They phoned up the governor, just so she would know
they have hegemony, they run the show;
They spoke of their god that’s out of our reach,
to hell with the atheists, to hell with free speech;
They’ll fight like the old days, like in the Crusades,
When they killed all the infidels who hadn’t obeyed.
They were smug and vengeful, and full of them self,
They’d put the bible as law, the constitution on a shelf;
They’d throw out free thought, throw out all the science,
No invention of man to hell with our reliance;
They shouted with anger, with pain and frustration
They’d force us to be an all christian nation.
I thought of their chants and of their angry invection,
then I recalled the results of our recent election;
Of how they were trounced, a resounding rejection.
They’re full of hot air, the bluster of fools,
the like to hear themselves talk, like small minded tools.
So to all of you out there, just let me say,
acceptance is right, it’s the American way.
They’ll be no more christian sword point conversions,
no more hypocritical casting aspertions,
no more judging you bad while priests do perversions.
We are not a christian nation in any way shape or form,
our secular traditions, those are the norm.
Hateful christians, those oh so vocal few,
will shout and will scream, their vile hateful spew.
Be happy the majority reject their harsh view.
So greet those you meet and be sure to recite:
“Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good-night.”
have know Ellen Ferguson for ages – she is quality
Hara has name fam. – will win by good margin
I’ll pay 1,000,000 dollars for that position!
Call me.
Jesse Jr.
Goldy like to try to be Kingmaker – Goldy, you need to concentrate on news, this will be a low turnout election, as long as Pam Roach get kicked in the ass, who cares?
Imagine, Goldy and Seattle Times Editorial Board on the same page preferring Huff. Actually what happened is Ron Sims picked Huff as his preferred candidate then called in the other dems and whipped them about the head with a two by four Tuesday afternoon. Osgood, Hansen, Hara and who knows who else all dropped out after that session with Sims.
@ 7 — Hara has not dropped out.
Irons? That ugly trog?
Pass the popcorn. The antics between him and Pam will be priceless!!
Good. Its going to be hard for an inexperienced Roach to argue that she can run an election better than the person who was actually running elections. Plus, Huff is a great last name.
So its going to be Pam Roach v. Sherril Huff? Should be a blow out for Huff over Roach. Unless Roach gets Huff disqualified over residency — which is highly unlikely, and like the pot calling the kettle black.
Sherril Huff is a very competent and much admired head of KC Elections. There have been 21 flawless elections since she came on board as assistant director in 2005. As Director, she has overseen all of the improvements to processes and audit standards as well as the implementation of several new technologies during last year and this.
Here’s an idea, elect someone to the job who can actually do it! Ms. Huff has proven that she is that person.
Sherril Huff is the perfect person to oversee voter fraud because of her experience with fraud. Such as claiming to be a resident of King County. Sims and the dems have made a big mistake by placing their support behind a candidate who clearly commits fraud when she placed her name on the ballot. She is “leasing” a house in Skyway from an activist who lives in Chicago. Has her husband moved from Bremerton? The test for residency is more than having a sham rental agreement in place and Huff will be disqualified. I imagine Goldy will be completely ‘fair’ at the candidates panel discussion. Perhaps this blog should change its moniker to horses dick.
The kid at Garfield HS got booted from their b’ball squad for having way more residency ties to Seattle School District than Sherril Huff, she of last year’s screwed up voters’ pamphlets, ever will to King County.
Beat up on a kid and screw over his chances to play good ball, but heaven forbid a carpetbagging Sims sycophant gets even a modicum of reproval.
The Piper
I am sure Goldy will put Huff’s residency claim to the scrutiny it deserves. Never mind the fact that he has basically endorsed the carpetbagging whore. Twenty one flawless elections unless you think the voter’s pamphlet is meaningless. But then again, why should anyone care about the damn pamphlet. In King County all you need is Ron Sims endorsement and your positions don’t matter, your qualifications don’t matter, only your allegiance to the master of PC is of any concern.