I hate the Giants and the goddamn New York media elite who hype them. Hope they get their asses kicked.
[UPDATE by Will]
The fact that Eli Manning has found a place with the New York Football Giants is proof positive that retarded people can be productive citizens. Yeeeaaghghh!!!
Tom Brady bangs supermodels, while Eli Manning bangs into closed glass doors. Yeaaahghg!!!
[UPDATE by Will]
I just saw a clip of the Giants back-up QB, Jared Lorenzen. He’s a big boy, coming in at a stunning 285 lbs. When he’s in the huddle, he snacks on summer sausage and cheeze whiz.
[UPDATE by Will]
Wasn’t FOX supposed to do some sort of “football and politics” gimmicky feature? Pols talkin’ sports, while the jocks talk politics? I haven’t seen it yet.
[UPDATE by Will]
It’s Halftime! Superbowl Halftimes last about a week and a half these days.
Favorite commercials thus far:
IRON MAN preview
Justin Timberlake Pepsi ad
“Beer hidden in cheese” beer ad
[UPDATE by Goldy]
Anybody else notice during the last set of downs on the drive in which the Pats went up 14-10, that the Giants had two “injuries” that gave their defense a rest, only to have the player pop up and walk off the field with no limp or ill effect? What a bunch of pussies.
[UPDATE by Goldy]
Fuckin’ Giants. Ah well, it’s only football. And it could be worse. It coulda been the goddamn Cowboys.
Ever consider all this hate in you is not good for you? Almost every post of yours hates something.
Must be a extreme left thing being hateful.
Go FOX Superbowl coverage.
Must piss off the lefties knowing FOX is making big bucks so they can plow it back into my favorite Cable Shows!!!!!
1 It has to beat the hell out of being a chat room imposter spreading nonsense and lies.
Or being a Phelps-loving wannabe terrorist homophobe.
And how do the self righteous righties feel about the sludge Fox entertainment spews?
K, Surely you mean self-righteous lefties:
“Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.”
Puddystudy: Dammit – my way or the highway.
puddy…i was so relieved to find out that hillary has busted all those nasty [poor] pikers that just refuse to buy health insurance! damn them all. i mean really? who the hell do they think they are deciding to pay rent and EAT rather than buy health insurance?
could you believe her? i almost fell out of my chair. my first thought was “shut up hill, you are going to blow it as bad as billy has and then you won’t get the nomination”
god she is DUMB.
but, we really really want her to get the nomination.
Hmmmmm…..what to do when two loathsome teams with equally loathsome fans are playing…..
goldy…you of all people are rooting for PATRIOTS???
now, that is irony at it’s best…….
Delusional Joe@4: I told you, I don’t like Fred Phelps. It’s all over this blog.
Do you have issues with the English Language?
@10 But you can’t help having some things in common with him, can you?
Hey! I have a question for you patriotic immigrant-hating moral-virtues righties. How can you root for a quarterback who dumped his American girlfriend as soon as he learned she’s pregnant, and is now sleeping with a foreigner who insists on being paid in Euros?
I understand why he does it, though. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of her myself! And she’s rich!
At least Brady has his own income. Stefan, who is supported by his corporate lawyer wife, is a mere gigolo.
workers who refuse to buy health insurance
What happens when a cop pulls you over and you don’t have car insurance? I’m just sayin’…
ChristmasGhost @ 7
That sort of thing is why Hillary Clinton’s national health plan went over like a lead balloon in the early 1990’s. People saw it as a way to increase the wealth and power of private insurance companies. Increasing government-funded health coverage is certainly politically sustainable. But forcing people to purchase private health insurance coverage will prove to be extremely unpopular.
Pud- simply pointing out the Fox hypocracy. Touting “family values” on their political side while spewing trash for entertainment.
And nary a word from the right.
YLB @ 15
Driving is a privilege. Living is a right.
YLB….of course you ,of all people, would say that.
i’m not a fan of the “must buy” car insurance either. if the government is going to require that people buy something they don’t want to, then i suggest the government pay for it.
so…here hillary is saying that she will FORCE people to buy health insurance.how ,exactly, does that solve the health care “crisis”? she has said over and over that people can’t AFFORD HEALTHCARE and she thinks she can solve that by making them get it even if they can’t afford it? are magic beans involved in this hillary scheme yet? maybe she’ll use the same program for this that she did for cattle futures…that ought to do it, right?
notice that every issue the libs talk about is a “crisis”…..
is this the “chicken little ” wing of the party or what?
how about christian scientists? do they have to buy it too?
richard…….yup, i remember her “tenure” as the health czar for all of us “peeps”. it was a short one. so short that you would think she would have gotten the picture. but, noooo, not hillary ‘one thought’ clinton. whew…..good luck to you guys…and just when you thought you couldn’t lose too…..here comes another clinton to hillbilly things up royally.
People who have the means to purchase health insurance often visit emergency rooms and stiff the hospital. That’s at least part of the reasoning behind health insurance mandates.
If we’re not willing to go single payer because it’s “socialism” then how do we get everyone access to affordable health insurance unless we grow the risk pool?
You wingnuts took one statement by Hillary and of course used it to paint her as authoritarian. You refuse to think about what it takes to get from A to Z – you want the status quo and it’s not hard to see why. It’s working just great for you in whatever bubble you live in.
ChristmasGhost@19: That’s why I call him Clueless.
The most notable NEW Progressive clueless democrat 16%er on this blog, absolutely without a clue.
YLB….”People who have the means to purchase health insurance often visit emergency rooms and stiff the hospital. That’s at least part of the reasoning behind health insurance mandates.”
that is absolutely untrue and you know it…or should.
hospitals have the ability [and boy do they use it], to clean out your bank account for their money. and please, people with health insurance do not go to emergency rooms to stiff them. have you ever tried to stiff a hospital if you had even one cent in your bank account? hm? no? didn’t think so………
YLB @ 21
I verified that Hillary Clinton had really talked about wage garnishment. Puddybud really cited a reputable mainstream news report.
Then I looked at Hillary Clinton’s health care promises. It says absolutely nothing on her website about garnishing wages to fund health care coverage:
I liked Barack Obama’s health care coverage proposals much better.
CluelessIdiot@21: We need to study this. I wonder how many of these hospital stiffers are Moonbat!?
Where are you “getting” this emergency room “information” or, as many of your presentations here, it’s direct from the left-wing kool-aid sites?
puddy…….i have had parrots that did more thinking before repeating than YLB does……..
and isn’t it amusing that all these fox news HATERS all have their TV’s tuned in to ,what else? FOX NEWS!
do you realize that that will mean that goldy has spent more time watching fox this week than i have?
is this a do what i say ,not what i do moment or what?
Richard Pope:
Verifying a PuddyPost? That’s great, cuz Clueless is truly clueless regarding real life issues. Thanks for the extra credibility.
Now regarding her website. She is testing the winds of “change”. If this is acceptable, she’ll modify the site. If not, it’ll die quiently, except Puddy always finds those tidbits of new PuddyKnowledge.
Ok losers I’ll turn it around on you.
What’s your solution for getting all Americans insurance?
Health Savings accounts, i.e. tax shelters for the rich? Tort reform, i.e. doctors are never held accountable?
Let’s hear it!
people with health insurance do not go to emergency rooms to stiff them
I didn’t say that – I said people who CAN afford health insurance and DON”T have it often stiff hospital emergency rooms.
Here is an example of how Hillary Clinton’s health insurance wage garnishment proposal can be applied in practice.
Let’s take a single person, age 61, who is earning $2,610 per month, before taxes. This is slightly over 300% of the federal poverty level for 2008 ($10,400 for a family of one), so this person would not be eligible for any health insurance subsidies. Let’s further propose a conservative estimate of $400 in payroll taxes ($200 for income tax, the other $200 for social security and Medicare, etc.), so this person has $2,210 per month in take home pay.
This person also has health problems, so they don’t qualify for “standard” private health insurance. They have to purchase through the Washington State Health Insurance Pool. This policy will cost $1,533.69 per month. In addition, there is the possibility of over $2,000 per year in additional expense for deductibles, co-pays, coinsurance etc.
So our supposedly “able to afford insurance” person is left with a mere $676.31 per month to pay for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and health care expenses not covered by this insurance.
Now Hillary does say that she will provide “tax credits” to help people who can’t afford insurance. So this person will now get their $200 per month in federal income tax refunded at the end of the year, giving them an one-time “bonus” of $2,400 each year after they file their taxes.
Tom Petty just told the audience God bless you.
Wife just said: “I bet that ticked off the masses”.
Ok sillghost, here it is:
One in 10 uninsured Americans live in families that earn $82,600 a year or more!
That’s 4.7 million Americans that can be added to the risk pool to bring DOWN insurance rates!
ChristmasGhost: Anyone who disagrees with CluelessIdiot is called silly.
Yet he can’t see the silliness of his inane idiotic positions. You know he wouldn’t recognize his inane idiotic positions if they were shown back at him on a HDTV.
Richard – I don’t trust Hillary’s proposals either. She seems firmly in the pocket of the status quo given how much the insurance industry gives her. Obama isn’t all that pure either.
At the end of the day it’s up to the grassroots to compel politicians to solve the problem.
So Clueless the richest Americans are part of that 4.7 Million peeps. You going to force:
Warren Buffet
Bill Gates
Steve Ballmer
Larry Ellison
Oprah Winfrey
Sergey & Larry of Google
and many other filthy rich peeps to get insurance cuz Heilary says so?
Terrorist Homophobe:
I have issues with stupid fucking righty liars.
So Pud’s wife is as clueless as he is. There is a substantial difference between opposing government establishment of religion and being perturbed by an individual’s statement.
CluelessIdiot@Everywhere: What about chronic abusers? Look at what they do to them in IRAN!
Maybe they should look at something similar for chronic idiots such as you?
Let me rephrase that:
Some “national health care” proposals are far worse than the existing problem. Obviously, it really sucks that a single 61 year old with pre-existing health problems has to pay $1,533.69 per month for private health insurance in this state.
But let’s suppose this person makes $2,610 per month before taxes. At the present time, if they don’t have employer sponsored health coverage, they are probably “stiffing” a fair number of doctors and emergency rooms. But at least, they can probably afford to eat and have some sort of modest shelter.
How does Hillary Clinton’s health care plan improve this person’s situation, by garnishing all of their pay, down to $676.31 per month in take home pay, to provide insurance? Doctors will get their bills paid, hospitals will make a profit, insurance companies will make a profit, but how does this person afford to eat?
K: Ever heard Rosie O’Donnell rants?
Pot meet Kettle.
Ahhhhhh Delusional Joe appeared.
Looks like the corn cob is fully implanted in the nether regions.
Pud- no I work
Delusional Joe: Stop posting lefty manure. Plain and simple.
K- Google her then.
You’ll be surprised the crap that comes out of her mouth. CluelessIdiot loves Rosie.
Do you really believe Rosie is the voice of the masses? And do you therefore believe the masses oppose you?
And since when do you get to pick who is the voice of anyone but you?
YLB @ 32
Your assumption that a family making $82,600 per year can afford health insurance may be logically flawed. I have read the report that you linked.
The report actually looked at family income versus the federal poverty level. $82,600 happens to be 400% of the federal poverty level of a family of four for 2007, which was the standard the report used.
So you are assuming that health insurance can be afforded by anyone making at least 400% of the federal poverty level.
Let’s go back to my hypothetical 61 year old with health problems who was making $2,610 per month (just over 300% of federal poverty level). Let’s increase this person’s income to $3,470 per month (just over 400% of federal poverty level for one person). Their tax bite is also higher — let’s say $600 per month ($265.45 for FICA, the rest for income tax), so they have $2,870 per month take-home pay.
Paying $1,533.69 per month for health insurance is still OVER HALF of their take home pay!
And if you read the report carefully, even a family of four making $82,600 per year will still pay at least 20% of their take home pay for health insurance premiums (if they don’t have employer coverage, and if they choose to have private health insurance coverage) — which is a greater percentage of take home pay than any other category (with the exception that housing can cost slightly more than health insurance in expensive metropolitan areas).
K – She is one of the prime voices of the NEW Progressive 16%er mASSES whom you are a card carrying member.
So I like Barack Obama’s health care proposals far better than Hillary Clinton’s. Obama’s plan would help a lot of people, probably increase the federal tax burden somewhat, and would not impose an oppressive burden on anyone. Clinton’s plan would actually help less people, while making some people far worse off with oppressive health insurance premium burdens.
Cheap old debate tactic, Pud. Put words or positions on your opponent then pounce. I ask again, who named her a voice of the new progressives. And how do you get to label me one? Was she elected or selected by any group? Or is it more PudSpew?
4.7 million Americans with no health insurance come from families that make $82,600 or more.
More interesting facts about these folks:
Almost half come from the South.
It’s twice as likely they come from the South and West as from the Midwest or Northeast.
So big bad Hillary wants to mandate that these folks get health insurance so they don’t end up stiffing some hospital and driving up premiums for the rest of us.
My take on these folks – more than HALF of these people are WINGNUTS! No wonder they’re freaking out on the Dem proposals!
Richard Pope: I am glad you are dissecting the crap called information from CluelessIdiot. His stuff is so useless to an argument. I bet I can find it on Kos, Matters or Underground because he can’t think for himself, and is an American History boob.
K – Since it seems you wait for the PussyStudy: Results 1 – 10 of about 20,600 for Rosie O’Donnell Voice of Progressives.
PuddyStudy. So much for typing while watching the game.
Richard @ 48
Ok I’ll have to take a closer look at both Hillary and Obama’s proposals. I know Paul Krugman didn’t like Obama’s health plan a while back concluding it fell short of insuring all Americans.
BTW K, Isn’t Rosie O’Donnell one of those 9/11 Truthers, just like headless lucy and others on this blog? Need I say more?
Don’t go there Pud. My brother saw the second plane hit. I’ve talked to people who dodged bodies on the plaza. I do not doubt the cause or the source.
Richard I trust Newsweek over anything from Krugman.
“Why Krugman Is Wrong Why Obama’s approach to health care isn’t naive.”
“But his attack on Barack Obama on December 17 was wrong on history, wrong on politics and wrong on what the future holds for Obama’s “big table” idea.”
Fair use and copyleft to the URL owner.
But the CluelessIdiotFool loves Krugman.
Wasn’t he fully disgraced by the NY Times Ombudsman on the Hanging Chads?
Waaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
On multiple occassions I have praised the initial move into Afganistan. THe rest has been a massive fuck-up.
K – The facts are the facts. I deliver facts, plain and simple. Rosie said it. I delivered it.
I don’t argue what Rosie said. I don’t care. What I dispute is the allegation she is a spokesperson for anyone other than herself.
And once again, you made a silly allegation- that the masses would care about an individual’s statement. You then appointed Rosie the spokesperson for the masses, and cited some silly statement you say she made.
Who cares!!!
Carville needed to shine the pate a little more
See Matalin talk about his leash on Meet the Press this AM?
K – Not a silly allegation. I agree who cares. You need to write Clueless Idiot (YLB).
He loves Rosie. Where was your voice when Clueless attacked me when I said Rosie was a fool?
What say you Clueless Idiot? K – seems to agree with me about your favorite gay libbie Rosie.
Here’s a clue K – Results 1 – 7 of 7 from horsesass.org for Code Pink Rosie YLB.
Hang on there Pud. First, do not call me into account for others. I dabble intermittently here, unlike you. I do not feel the need to monitor others.
Second, you MAY have found another she speak for. You have a low threshhold for “masses”.
You seem to like to argue for collective responsibility to monitor the posts of others. Isn’t that vaguely communistic?
Just askin.
K – I have a low threshold for ASSES!
Why not call you into account. I am called into account for every dumb thing. I am asked if I agreed with Larry Craig, Tom DeLay, Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff, etc.
So turnabout is fair play, eh?
Craig and DeLay were elected. Rove was a senior member of the White House Staff. Do they compare with Rosie?
Hell, she got kicked off The View! Not that I ever watched.
YLB @ 52
You are totally misreading the report when you say:
“4.7 million Americans with no health insurance come from families that make $82,600 or more.
More interesting facts about these folks:
Almost half come from the South. (ETC)”
First of all, the 4.7 million figure is based on families making more than 400% of federal poverty level. This would be $82,600 for a family of four in 2007, and higher or lower for a larger or smaller family size.
Second, and more importantly, the study does not break down the 4.7 million uninsured earning over 400% of federal poverty level by region of the country.
Instead, the study breaks down the 47.0 million uninsured Americans by region of the country. A significantly higher percentage of the overall uninsured happen to be in the South and West.
Odds are that uninsured Americans vote Democratic.
For one thing, a higher percentage of uninsured Americans are poor, than among the general population. For example, 36.5% of people under 100% of the poverty level are uninsured, while only 5.4% of people over 400% of the poverty level are uninsured. Poor people tend to vote more heavily for Democrats than rich people.
For another thing, a higher percentage of uninsured Americans are Black or Hispanic — groups which heavily favor the Democrats in elections. 12.8% of Whites are uninsured, compared with 21.8% of Blacks, and 35.7% of Hispanics.
So Hillary Clinton is going to backfire in a major way if her plan is to force uninsured persons to purchase health insurance. Or if the Republicans can portray the Clinton plan as one to force the uninsured to buy health insurance through wage garnishment.
Uninsured Americans tend to be a heavily Democratic voting group. They tend to be uninsured because they cannot afford health insurance. They would favor a plan for the government to provide them with health insurance, but would mostly react strongly if their already meager earnings are garnished to make some private insurance company rich.
K – Ask the liberal MSM. They ran and placed her comments on the big screen and newspapers and never called her accountable.
And you equate her to elected officials?
Come on now Pud. Media gives air to Brittany Spears. Whose spokesperson is she?
You named Rosie the voice of the masses.
Can someone provide me with even a single example of a country in which the government forces its citizens to buy private health insurance? There are plenty of countries with government-funded health insurance systems, that are supported out of some sort of general tax revenue. But I doubt that there is a single country that actually forces someone to buy private health insurance.
I can see Hillary Clinton’s recent comments going over like a lead balloon, especially with being crucified by pro-Republican “independent” expenditure advertising.
This is the way it’s going to be through November:
Clueless@76: Goldy is wrong!
See thread heading.
Terrorist Homophobe:
Make me stop, bitch.
Richard @ 71
Yes, the uninsured as a whole are more likely to lean Democratic but I made my political call ONLY on the 10 percent that come from the higher income households (above $82,600 per year).
Since the uninsured as a whole come mostly from the South and the West I conclude that at least 2.35 million of the insured from the highest income above $82,600 lean to the right.
Yes I am assuming the 4.7 million are evenly distributed geographically. That may not be the case but also remember that many heads of these households are also small business owners. Couple the higher income, the geography and the higher likelihood of business ownership and you have a higher chance of these households leaning to the right.
My father was an example of this. After he divorced my mom I don’t believe he carried any health insurance. He ran his own small business and thankfully never got injured or too sick. He died suddenly of a heart attack. A long chronic illness would have almost certainly have bankrupted the business which carried quite a bit of debt. He was a staunch Republican to the end.
#52 YLB says:
Hey clueless, if someone is making that much money ($82,000) they are not going to stiff a hospital. If you want to make the argument that some poor person would stiff the hospital feel free insulting the less fortunate of the country. That’s your style.
You repeated claims that people earning $82,000 would stiff a hospital is laughable. Ever heard of debt collectors? And with a salary of $82,000 there is something to garnish.
Make me stop telling the world EXACTLY what you are:
A hateful homophobic little Phelps-worshipping slug.
Yes, that’s what you are.
Yes, I said that. Shall I say it again?
No, I will never take it back. Why recant the truth?
How do you plan on making me stop, bitch? The way I see it, it’s going to cost you a trip to Nevada to get your ass beat.
#78 Broadway Joe says:
It’s not my job to make you act civilized. It was your parent’s responsibility.
Knowing to stay out of harm’s way is something your parents should’ve taught you, old man.
79 excuse me “2.35 million of the UNinsured”
So does this mean that Marvin supports the HATEFUL HOMOPHOBIC LITTLE PHELPS-WORSHIPPING SLUG?
Or has the Alzheimer’s kicked in again?
#83 Broadway Joe says:
Do you acknowledge that you see the same traits within yourself?
Besides, you’re in nevada, that speaks volumes.
Yep, all the way to eleven, old man.
You’re next.
Why don’t you come down here and make me stop, old man? Between you and the Terrorist Homophobe, I might actually have to break a sweat.
Delusional Joe: Typical Liberal – Lose Argument, resort to violent threats. Yes, the NEW Progressive democrat way!
U Not Da Man!
#86 Broadway Joe says:
Nope, I don’t support your views at all.
80 – You’re getting as loony as some other right wingers here.
It is documented that 4.7 million Americans who come from household at 400 percent of poverty level DO NOT CARRY HEALTH INSURANCE. If they’re too cheap or stretched to have sensible coverage why wouldn’t they stiff the hospital for at least part of a big bill?
Remember also that most personal bankruptcies are due to big medical bills from an injury, chronic illness, heart attack, etc…
which could of been avoided had they carried health insurance to begin with.
Another paper on the New America site estimates that the “hidden tax” that people who do carry insurance pay is 8 to 10 percent of their premium – this is paid to carry the burden of the uninsured 10 percent of whom can at least on paper afford insurance.
#90 Broadway Joe says:
What is it about less educated people that they feel the only way they can make their point is with violence.
Come there and make you stop? I have a life, why waste my valuable time on a violent hater.
I’ll give you the same deal I gave Lee when he tried to act like a tough guy. Fly into LAX, I’ll met you at one of the parking lots. By the way, are you one of those deadbeats that would stiff the hospital?
Chickenshit bunch of punk-ass trolls. Marvin and Terrorist Homophobe should just go back to sticking corncobs in each other’s asses while they write love notes to Fred Phelps. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men”, they can’t handle the truth. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to work. Today was the biggest betting day of the year, what with the Super Bowl and all, and I have 18 casinos’ worth or reciepts to pick up.
Oh, and one more thing:
YLB: “People who have the means to purchase health insurance often visit emergency rooms and stiff the hospital.” You’re pretty loose with the facts, YLB, maybe you should back that up with some proof.
And Goldy, calling NFL players “pussies”??? Come on Goldy that is ridiculous.
Marvin, you just don’t know when to shut the fuck up, do you? Why would you call me a ‘violent hater’? You could’ve just sat on the sideline and watched me dissect the Terrorist Homophobe yet again. But you just had to try and get a piece for yourself. I only get violent when provoked, and I’ve had quite enough of Terrorist Homophobe, so I’ve made the challenge. You didn’t have to get invovled but you’re too stupid to know any better because of the Alzheimer’s.
So as my SEAL friends like to say, S2 – sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Or do you really want to be next? What’re you going to do? Smack me with your cane? Break a clarinet over my head? Run me over with your walker?
You and Terrorist Homophobe should get married, you’re such a perfect pair.
Good night, Cleveland!
He loves Rosie. Where was your voice when Clueless attacked me when I said Rosie was a fool?
PStupid – that’s a lie. I’ve never watched her show. I was making fun of you because without any prompting you were going Rosie this and Rosie that, Code Pink this, Code Pink that, Hillary this, Testicle Lock Box that and projecting that paranoia and hatred on people here.
Rosie is just another talk show host trying to get ratings. She hasn’t got a tenth of what Oprah Winfrey’s got and is highly unlikely to do much better. So why are you bothering with Rosie?
Easy, she’s an easy target, you can’t resist a cheap shot and you’re full of paranoia and hatred.
November’s coming Silly.
#97 Broadway Joe says:
Violent hater? You hate, and you threaten violence. Fact.
Your seal friends?? Hilarious. I guess that means you will ask one of your friends to fight me. Can’t do the job yourself, we both know it. Coward.
So you know how old I am? Take a shot at my age, let’s see if you are smart or a doofus.
96 – Read the rest of my comments in this thread.
Hey YLB, why are medical procedures no covered by insurance dropping in prices? Is it because of less government interference?
(elective plastic surgery, lasik, etc.)
Have you ever inquired about cash prices for medical procedures?
YLB: What about the stiffing of the hospital? They use collection agencies and know how to collect from “people of means”. I don’t get how you go from “uninsured” to “often stiffing the hospital” with your conclusion.
Delusional Joe: Talk to GBS, he’ll clue you in to me.
See ya.
Clueless Idiot@98: Where did I say you watched Rosie? I wrote you love Rosie.
Time and Date Stamp?
You attacked me when I placed Rosieisms here. You proved my point.
See ya!
102 – Using collections agencies forces costs up as well – which could be avoided if people carried health insurance to begin with. Collections agencies don’t always collect.
The average success rate is 11 percent.
104 – Of course I attacked you. I made fun of you. You’re a big fish in a little pond.
People like that are always an object of ridicule.
Zip: You’ll be bored reading Clueless Idiotisms. Once you wade through the kool-aid you’ll realize you’ve just wasted a few minutes never to be able to recover the time.
So you do love Rosie. Thought so.
Thanks for playing…
So you do love Rosie.
Fantasize all you want. You can’t stop what’s coming this November. You wanted to be the king fish in this little pond and instead you’re a pesty little minnow like the phony “shark” at that other blog.
101 – Comparing apple and oranges. Cosmetic surgery and corrective procedures for myopia aren’t even in the same league as treatments for chronic illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
My father in law takes at least a dozen drugs for diabetes and heart disease, has had a triple bypass and numerous stents since his first heart attack and recently suffered a stroke. Try cost controlling the fallout from a lifetime of smoking, stress and a diabetic condition he probably had since his mid-twenties. Thank heavens he never had cancer.
Does Pud have a Rosie obsession?
Just askin.
YLB @28….good question, really.
what would i do? first of all, it’s really important that doctors get the pay they deserve and have worked hard for. medical school is not exactly easy. the ridiculously inflated costs come from the hospitals and middle men. and most of those costs are driven by the insurance companies and their nasty little friends the attorneys.
cut them out. put a limit on how much profit the hospital can make off, say, an aspirin. an aspirin does not cost twenty bucks…but that’s what they will charge you for it.is the hospital in business as a pharmacy? is that their main job? NO. so don’t let them make a profit off that. handling costs etc. are already covered…this is double and triple dipping.
if you want to exact change yourself it is actually quite easy. do what i do. find a doctor that prefers to not work with insurance companies. you will get much better care, it will cost you much less and then only pay for insurance that covers major medical.
i am really lucky ,but there are more and more doctors that are doing this. it used to be called THE NORMAL WAY OF DOING BUSINESS AS A DOCTOR. now they act as if it’s new and cutting edge. my doctor spends an hour with you each time you visit, orders only the tests that she thinks you need and /or want and she can do this because she is not spending every evening doing paperwork for the insurance companies. she also makes house calls…and how sweet is that?
if this is really what you think is going on”Health Savings accounts, i.e. tax shelters for the rich? Tort reform, i.e. doctors are never held accountable?” then there isn’t much i can say to change your mind. we used to be a country of thinkers and doers. now we seem to be a country of whiners and complainers. and if you think anyone making 82,000 a year is rich…then you really are clueless.you cannot support a family and have a house and pay medical insurance on that very well.
next time you go to your doctors ask him or her if they know of a doctor that is taking new patients and prefers no insurance…or at least doesn’t mind it. my doctor charges 80 bucks a visit and the money goes to her. period.
doctors are always held accountable…..and if you are the type of person that thinks that only a lawyer can stand up for you, then all is lost for you. you seem to hold your own pretty well on here, why not channel that energy into other parts of your life?
broadway joe…man, you have some serious issues.
Can someone provide me with even a single example of a country in which the government forces its citizens to buy private health insurance?
If we’re not willing to do single payer then I guess we have little choice but to try to be the first if we want everyone to be covered. Or we could settle for the status quo which means spiraling costs, bankruptcies, declining standards of care and more abuse by insurance companies.
K – I dislike Rosie. Thoroughly dislike her. Remember the entries above K when you didn’t like me bringing up the 9/11 Truthers like headless lucy and other 16%ers here, well she’s one of them. Sooooooooo do you like her now?
I’ll leave it to your Cornell University trained faculties to figger the rest out.
A New York team kicked the Patriots’ butts, and a New Yorker is going to kick the fake patriots’ butts, too.
This hasn’t been Goldy’s best week.
ChristmasGhost: Your doctor only charges $80/hr? She’s cheap.
I charge way more than that. But my networks have to work first time. There is no opportunity for “let’s try a different drug” in a network.
@21 “People who have the means to purchase health insurance often visit emergency rooms and stiff the hospital. That’s at least part of the reasoning behind health insurance mandates.
“If we’re not willing to go single payer because it’s ‘socialism’ then how do we get everyone access to affordable health insurance unless we grow the risk pool?”
Nothing could be more socialistic than providers and insurers passing on the costs of those who don’t/can’t pay to those who do pay.
This Socialism Moment was brought to you by the private health care industry.
@118 “I charge way more than that.”
No wonder you have so much free time.
112 – No way a country doctor and major medical takes care of someone like my father in law.
@80 “Hey clueless, if someone is making that much money ($82,000) they are not going to stiff a hospital.”
Oh, you have no fucking idea, man. The days when people got money by working harder or inventing a better mousetrap are long gone. The way most people get rich in America now is paying for nothing and helping yourself to as much as you can grab.
Turn the volume up once more, for old time’s sake:
Changing of the Guard.
Pelletizer@120: Wrong again pelletbreath.
You are so wrong so many times. Haiti, Sarcozy, Ohio, Voting Machines, etc. Seems the only thing that calms your mind is the fantasy of boffing animals.
ChristmasGhost: More PuddyFunnies for you:
@125 Oh, I get it now … you’re blogging here on your clients’ time.
@125 Or maybe you’re an imposter and not the real puttybutt.
@125 I’m pretty sure, though, that no one could spend as much time here as you do and hold a full-time job, unless you’re blogging at work.
“Pressed on how she would enforce her mandate, Clinton said: “I think there are a number of mechanisms” that are possible, including “going after people’s wages”
That is from an AP report, quoting from “This Week” on ABC.
Why should my employer continue to give me health benefits under der fuhreress Hitlery’s plan? This will save them $600 a month. I get to give ten percent, at least, more to the government for worse health care under Hitlery’s plan. So in effect, I get worse health care, and less money.
This is not exactly a way to motivate people like me, people who actually work for a living, to vote for her.
This is why I think Hillary Clinton is a complete fucking arrogant moron, and will never vote for her. She is the worst politician ever to get this far in a presidential primary season. Without Bill Clinton, she would be Bill Richarson without the resume. On her own merits, she is as successful as Mike Gravel. Hell, she is less successful than Gravel. Gravel made Senator without his spouse being a president.
I will not vote Republican, but I will never vote for Hillary.
Obama voted for the bankruptcy bill and suorts Lieberman. The reason he didn’t vote for the war is that he was not yet a sitting senator. He has voted in favor of all the wars funding and I really didn’t hear a squeek against the war from him until he started running against Hillary.
Food for thought.
Roger Rabbit says:
This hasn’t been Goldy’s best week.
Boy is that an understatement!!
Goldy seems to profess the NEGATIVE MIDAS TOUCH.
You could put 2- 10 lb. gold bars in Goldy’s hands…..
and within 48 hours,
they would turn into hot, steaming poop running thru his fingers!!
Creighton Baril: Apparently you don’t pay attention to the political details do you? Your hero must be Bill Clinton. Well did you read what Ted Kennedy said why he rejected Heilary and went for Obama?
If it’s in print Puddy will find it. Fair Use and copyleft to the URL holders.
Among the most overproduced spots was one featuring musclebound models in the “American Gladiator” mode wearing tight spandex athletic garb from Underarmour.com. A huge mob surging through the streets seemed stolen from the underrated futuristic thrilled “V for Vendetta.” It was hard to tell, though, who were the fascist oppressors and who were the liberated hordes.
PuddyStudy Tom Shales is a big time Liberal. Liberals, we find fault with everything…
#102 zip says:
Considering most of the uninsured vote democrat (#79 YLB Yes, the uninsured as a whole are more likely to lean Democratic), YLB understands what kind of people vote democrat, the kind of people that would stiff hospitals. Sad, but true.
#105 YLB says:
Did you see this in the article you posted?
“When a consumer is behind on one debt, they’re typically behind on six more,” he says. “Some put that figure at 11.”
Like you said, more likely to lean democrat. I guess when you live your life off the hard work of others why should you pay your own bills.
#106 8:53 YLB says:
#109 8:57 YLB says:
Classic. It’s obvious why you vote democrat.
#110 YLB says:
True, cosmetic surgery is not the same as treatment for a life threatening disease. But you didn’t answer the question. Why are procedures not covered by insurance cheaper? Free market. The doctors have to compete against each other. Competition lowers prices.
So insure them already stupid!
I suppose you support the status quo. No wonder. How much does it pay to come here and shill for it?
138 – So you believe the “free market” solves all problems.
You believe in right wing fairy tales.
#118 THE Puddybud The Prognosticator… says:
Ah, that explains why you don’t vote dixiecrat. You can do for yourself. Kudos.
It’s obvious why you vote democrat.
I vote Dem because I don’t want corrupt kleptocrats like the people you shill for ruining the future of this country for my kids.
I love itwhen the phony moralists like the PuttyButtMan show their true colors:
Sex workers get ‘more business’ at GOP conventions. This summer’s political conventions are expected to be “a boom in business” for “the sex and adult entertainment industries,” but according to one veteran sex worker who spoke to the Rocky Mountain News, the GOP conventions are “a lot better for the sex workers.” “We get a lot more business,” Carol Leigh told the paper. “I don’t know if they’re just frustrated because of the family values agenda.” 12:39 pm
From Think Progess this morning.
#142 YLB says:
I know I’m a troll and all that, but in all honesty… Do you really believe that democrats are not corrupt kleptocrats, equal to the republicans?
144 – The Dems I support are not.
#3 ArtFart says:
I agree 1000%. I loved the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
#145 YLB says:
Obama – Tony Rezko
Hillary – Hsu
It’s like the word “is,” depends what you call corrupt.
147 – Guilt by association, you can play the same game with the ugly crowd that has run things going back to Raygun.
@132 “You could put 2- 10 lb. gold bars in Goldy’s hands…..
and within 48 hours”
You could put 2- 10 lb. gold bars from the Mint in your hands … and within 48 seconds they would turn into Rossi slush funds.
Cynical, how does your washing machine work? I want to know what’s inside the rollers. How does $100 of L & I taxes going in one side come out as $100 of Rossi slush funds from the other side?
@135 You want to see deadbeats? Just try being a veteran trying to collect veteran’s benefits from a Republican administration — now there’s deadbeats for ya! They even make Redneck look like a good credit risk.
puddy@118………..yup, my doctor is able to charge only 80 bucks an hour because she doesn’t have to spend money dealing with the insurance agencies. she also has her office in her home and it’s great to sit by the fire and discuss your health issues with her.and because she isn’t insulated by a large clinic type office she treats people like people instead of cattle. the worst experience, medically, for me was called washington state. horrible, absolutely horrible. it reminded me of the time i drove a friend to a free clinic in the tenderloin. HORRIBLE.i wanted to take a lysol bath after even sitting in the waiting room for her.
thanks for the links….gawd, you just have to love it. i haven’t looked forward to a presidential election this much in years. hillary will get slaughtered.wait till those papers come out…whew…that’s really going to be fun.
someone [can’t remember who] on here said that this type of medical care wouldn’t work for his father in law because of his medical conditions: “a country doctor and major medical”. well, i have news for you, if you live in washington state you are subject to some of the worst health care in america. i think only mississippi is worse off than you are.a “country” doctor. what a classic.
first of all, i have serious medical conditions i have to deal with every single day….and a good doctor is a good doctor. only someone who would say “it’s time for a black/woman” to run this country instead of “it’s time for a super qualified person to run this country” would think that if your doctor is in a rural area they can’t possibly be as good as one in an urban area. silly non logic.
but…at least you are consistent.
as to your father in law…….well, add up how many times he actually goes to the doctor per month, then his scrips, then the major and take a good look at what he is forking out every month. you may be surprised.
the HMO’s etc. are what is destroying health care in this country………the HMO’s and their nasty little friends the lawyers.and hillary “care” would be a huge nightmare. you all bitched about FEMA and the FDA, right? who the hell do you think would be running that? the same “type” of person. a bureaucratic nightmare.
YLB@142…you have kids???????
my god.what a chilling thought that is. they don’t stand a chance in the real world.
153 – Ghost, how does it feel to have so much hate burning inside you?
I just shake my head at people like you. You’re so crazy it’s unbelievable.
CluelessIdiot@154: It’s not hatred, it’s real world experiences. When you have to provide for the family and you are the provider, humming along working for yourself, you look at things much differently.
ChristmasGhost@153: Yes CluelessIdiot has a boy and a girl. I know the boy has a higher American History IQ than his father! Anything is about IQ0. I think he should answer my questions and let his father “appear” smart.
puddy….is that clueless’ answer to everything? he calls people “haters”? is that rich or what? YLB calling someone else a hater! now that IS amusing.
his fixation with “craziness” is telling too. do you think he vacations at western state?
and YLB…..it’s a chilling thought that you have children because everything you say shows that you are a hopeless whiner with absolutely no respect for yourself or others.i cannot even imagine what those poor kids must go through. but, hey, after all none of it could ever be YOUR FAULT, right? isn’t that your mantra? so if you don’t supply enough food for your kids what do you do? scream at them that it’s the nasty republicans fault? i’ll give you a heads up right now……..someday [in spite of you ,obviously] they will grow up and cast a very jaundiced eye back on “dear” old dad and his ridiculous opinions. you know, the opinions that prevented him from being a decent human being and good dad.
of course i don’t know you [that doesn’t stop you from forming opinions on others so you must approve of that behavior, right?] so i could be wrong. but, after reading the pure tripe you post here all day long [i imagine INSTEAD of working] i am basing my unfavorable opinion on how you envy others and wish them ill. that’s not exactly the ‘dream parent” now is it?
it was hardly an upset