From a recent sermon by the Rev. Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church, preaching on gender roles:
“God hates soft men … God hates effeminate men … If I was in a drugstore and some guy opened the door for me, I’d rip his arm off and beat him with the wet end.”
Well, that explains the alarming number of one-armed doormen at some our city’s upscale drugstores.
I don’t claim to be a Bible scholar, having only read the New Testament cover to cover once (and let me tell you, the sequel isn’t nearly as entertaining as the original)… but could somebody please point out the scripture where Jesus advocated tearing the limbs off polite people?
At some point, one of Hutcherson’s congregants is going to commit a hate crime, and when they do, I hope the victim or his family sues the hell out of Hutcherson and his “church.”
Another day another story in the paper about a Bush Admin. official facing jail time.
Agriculture Chief’s Priority: Avoid Jail
By MATTHEW DALY – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — He overhauled federal forest policy to cut more trees — and became a lightning rod for environmentalists who say he is intent on logging every tree in his reach.
After nearly seven years in office, Agriculture Undersecretary Mark Rey still has a long to-do list. Near the top: Persuade a federal judge to keep him out of jail.
Rey, a former timber industry lobbyist who has directed U.S. forest policy since 2001, also wants to set up state rules making it easier to build roads in remote national forests and restore overgrown, unhealthy forests by clearing them of small trees and debris that can stoke wildfires. And he wants to streamline cumbersome regulations that can paralyze actions on public lands.
A Montana judge, accusing Rey of deliberately skirting the law so the Forest Service can keep fighting wildfires with a flame retardant that kills fish, has threatened to put him behind bars.
For Rey, who faces a court date Tuesday, the prospect of jail time is daunting. But it’s just one more obstacle as he attempts to rid federal policies of pesky paperwork and endless litigation that slows forest managers from cutting down trees.
Before ragging on the Rev, think about the New Testament.
Could the Lord have created Jesus as a female? Imagine, if your Jewish mind can do it, a voluptuous 30 year old, daughter of God, naked from the top to her waste, fastened on a cross?
So, the answer is no, is no. , though God, Jesus is not only man but male to teach us all that it is the intent of nature that man lead, even to the point of the ulimate sacrifice while woman is to be looked to for love but protected and respected.
That is why I find the Democratic fascination with Hillary so digusting. Not only do they want her to be President, they want her to be manly! And Mr. Osama-Obama, have oyu ever seen any one run for Present who was this girly-girly? Ihis skin were lighter, Lilly Tomlin cold play him! Take away his deep voice and put a wig on that close cropped hair .. not bad!
the Democratic fascination with Hillary so digusting.
You had no problem hanging out with Maggie Thatcher. Was the Tories’ fascination with her disgusting?
Losing troll.
Hmmm … bet THIS gives Hutcherson the urge to commit mayhem:
Seattle man who helped launch Microsoft left $65M for gay rights
Wouldn’t Jesus have held the door open for Ken?
Rev. Kan and Gongregants – PuddyBrain’s friends.
Wouldn’t Jesus have held the door open for Ken?
Once, maybe twice, but definitely not a third time.
Hutcherson is a bully who loves the attention his homophobic comments bring him. Don’t forget that much of the attention is positive, from the closet homophobes who are attracted to his just-barely-disguised hate speech.
The fact that a man can continue to enjoy such success even as he keeps spewing crap that is so clearly contrary to any objective reading of the New Testament is all you need to know about mainstream Christianity in America. It doesn’t take a Biblical scholar to understand that there’s just no place for a church leader to talk about ripping arms off of “girly men” (no, not even in “jest.”)
Mainstream evangelical churches are largely a sham, “led” by hustlers and attended by the gullible.
So let me see – we have a right wing devil worshiper pretending to be a “Christian” who sees an act of kindness as an excuse to do mayhem. Someone needs to put this animal down. And I hope they do it in public so I can watch.
If THIS is how God works? Well fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
One thing Goldy doesn’t mention is that in the same article he links to, the author, Anthony B. Robinson, also said “You have to dehumanize somebody before you beat them up.” I’ve pointed out in the past, that on this very blog, people like Roger Rabbit regularly dehumanize Republicans, while the people who run this site remain silent.
So Goldy & crew, if someone ever acts on Roger Rabbits dehumanizing hate speech against Republicans, should the victim or the family be able to sue you?
@3 YLB says: ‘Losing troll.’
This coming from someone who is unemployed….
Sounds like professional malpractice to me. Jesus loved everyone, especially the unpopular people in society, and if Hutcherson doesn’t know that he isn’t qualified to preach to a tree stump let alone a congregation. This guy should be defrocked forthwith!
So … does anyone know how to go about revoking a $10 mail order divinity degree?
Gipper snacks (at 2). What planet do you live on? Not of this earth. The discussion was about tearing the limbs off polite people, not Hillary.
Are you one of Hutcherson’s congregants? Is the reason that you are drawn to off topic because you have or are on the verge of commiting a Hutch-style hate crime?
And let us not forget Hutch Hutcherson’s good friends, the watchmen on the walls:
Thanks, Goldy, for bringing up the topic. This scumbag needs more neg-publicity.
NBA Offers Oklahoma Voters A 75% Discount
“OKLAHOMA CITY — … On March 4, voters will decide whether to raise $120 million in taxes to lure the Seattle SuperSonics as Oklahoma’s first major professional sports team.
The money from extending an existing 1 cent sales tax would pay to renovate the 6-year-old Ford Center arena and build a separate NBA practice facility and team offices. …
“The timing of the vote is aimed directly at an NBA meeting in April, when league owners are expected to consider a request by the Sonics’ Oklahoma City-based ownership group to move Seattle’s 41-year basketball franchise. Backers of the move say it’s nothing personal, but if Seattle politicians can’t put together the money for an NBA arena, Oklahoma City may be happy to oblige.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How come they can get our team for only $120 million, but we have to pay $500 million to keep it? Why is a renovated facility good enough to move the team to Oklahoma City, but it takes a new facility to keep them in Seattle? Just askin’.
“The fact that a man can continue to enjoy such success even as he keeps spewing crap that is so clearly contrary to any objective reading of the New Testament is all you need to know about mainstream Christianity in America. It doesn’t take a Biblical scholar to understand that there’s just no place for a church leader to talk about ripping arms off of “girly men” (no, not even in “jest.”) Mainstream evangelical churches are largely a sham, “led” by hustlers and attended by the gullible.”
Well said.
Christ is being mis-represented by the vilest of elements of the so called evangelical storm troopers (prayer warriors, anyone?)
Here’s a swift kick to Hutcherson’s crotch:
“Ric Weiland, who helped his friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen launch Microsoft, … has left $65 million to the Pride Foundation in Seattle and 10 nonprofit organizations, believed to be the largest estate gift ever given to the gay and lesbian community in the U.S. “Weiland [was] one of the first five Microsoft employees ….
“The money will support anti-discrimination campaigns and programs to help youths, develop future leaders and provide scholarships.
“‘It’s a gigantic investment in our equal-rights movement,’ said Zan McColloch-Lussier, the Pride Foundation’s director of communications. …
“Recipients will include the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Network, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, the American Foundation for AIDS Research and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. For most of them, the bequest is the largest gift in their history. …
“The nonprofit Pride Foundation supports the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community with grants, scholarships and leadership-development programs. With Weiland’s gift, Pride becomes the largest such foundation in the country.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know where the money to sue that bigot Hutcherson and his bigoted parishioners in order to dismantle his bigoted “church” will come from.
@9 Don’t blame this piece of shit calling himself a “pastor” on God. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit spoke to me in a dream last night and said She had nothing to do with this asshole, and her buddy God had nothing to do with him, either. They both said Hutcherson is Satan’s handiwork.
@10 I couldn’t dehumanize Republicans if I tried. They already did it to themselves long before I showed up.
@10 (continued) What I say about Republicans isn’t hate speech, it’s merely stating facts. I’m only a reporter.
See, e.g., @2 above.
Hate speech? C’mon. As far as making Republicans look like venal fools goes, how could anything I say possibly top what comes out of their own own mouths? I don’t even get close.
No martyrs, please.
Hutch is such a total buffoon that he can easily dig his own grave. Let us observe:
All us websters have to do is keep Hutch’s antics public and available for all to watch.
This Hutch is an idiot and a bully, as are all of his followers. Passive resistance will neutralize these fools. Publicity of their foolishness is the only weapon that is needed (until the Hutchites take up arms – or in Hutch’s own words, “rip off arms”, anyway).
How come Oklahoma City gets our basketball team for $120 million but we have to pay $500 million to keep it? That doesn’t seem quite fair. I think Congress should take another look at professional sports’ antitrust exemption.
Wingnuts don’t need Roger Rabbit’s assistance to look like idiots. The fact they defend a hater like Hutcherson speaks for itself.
re 2: Conversion may have been a much easier task with such a saucy cross!
You’re sassy!
You know Hutcherson sounds a lot like Fred Phelps. Next he’ll be announcing the Antioch Bible Church is going to start picketing funerals.
I wonder how many teenage homosexuals had to sit through Pastor Ken’s sermon and now want to either kill themselves or go out and do a Virgina Tech massacre when they go through life feeling rejected and less of a human being. GO AGGIEESS.
Do you all think that the group concensus present on HA represents mainstream leftist, sorry *Democratic* thought/opinion, as prevalent in the US today? If so, then one can safely conclude that most of you believe that all Republicans should probably be killed, or at the least never permitted public office or to publicly espouse their political opinions again.
Obviously that isn’t really the case.
Aren’t you doing the same thing by equating this person with all Christian beliefs/churchs? He is certainly accountable for his own statements and issues, however that doesn’t mean he represents anyone else politically, or spiritually. I’m not a Christian, but even I can recognize that much.
that all Republicans should probably be killed,
Nah. Just shrunk down to the size where they can be drowned in a bath tub.
Just kidding.. Anne Coulter humor with a touch of Grover Norquist. Ha ha ha!
What you’re not laughing? Wingnuts – no sense of humor…
We don’t advocate the extermination of Republicans, I-Burn. They just shouldn’t be allowed to run government. The last seven years should present ample evidence to the validity of this belief.
Roger Rabbit says:
How come Oklahoma City gets our basketball team for $120 million but we have to pay $500 million to keep it? That doesn’t seem quite fair. I think Congress should take another look at professional sports’ antitrust exemption.
02/24/2008 at 10:45 am
Roger you have to wet the palms of your friends that run city hall. Lets not forget to save the spotted owls that nest where the Center Arena will be built. Besides they don’t have to fix all the city streets due to lack of maintenance. Roger why does Las Vegas have a mono rail and wee have a mass transit system to no where? Maybe you can get Ric Weiland make up the difference by $380 million and you clowns will now get a free pass. Keep dreaming Roger maybe someone will pay your doctors bill for you and your wife.
Collard greens on Air Force One. Hillary will get real
ugly real soon you watch.. I wonder if Hutcherson likes
a couple of hot lesbians, like a manly man.
Klake and Troll. You guys rule.
@29 “most of you believe that all Republicans should probably be killed”
So now you’re bitching about getting a taste of wingnut humor? Fuck you. How come you never complained about people like Ann Coulter and Jonathan Gardner going around saying liberals should be killed? I repeat, fuck you.
The difference between liberals and conservatives is that we don’t want to kill anyone, and you guys want to kill just about everyone. Your warmongering proves it. We’re for peaceful co-existence. You wingnut assholes have never heard of a foreign country you didn’t want to bomb.
@29 “at the least never permitted public office”
This is a damn good idea, considering what you creeps do when you get a little power.
@29 “or to publicly espouse their political opinions again”
Once again, you are a lying hypocrite. It is your side that wants to suppress dissenting viewpoints. Our side defends free speech, including yours. Fuck you.
@34 Rule what? The supply room where the toilet paper is kept? The 3 of you together don’t have enough smarts to be the water boys for a college freshman debating team.
#35 Roger Rabbit says:
It’s not the hate from the left, it’s the hypocrisy. It’s all about the hypocrisy. Just like larry foot tapper was about the hypocrisy.
#38 Roger Rabbit says:
Yeah, the left defends free speech. As long as it agrees with yours. Otherwise, it’s hate and fuck yous.
Ribbit ..
Are you who you claim to be or some sort of a parody?
First you accuse ME of hate speech! Nothing in my message was hateful unless you are homophobic! You are the hareful one, not I!
I speak of a loving God and even comment that your new
You guys also went ballistic because our guy, Rudi, dressed in drag! Why did that bother you??? It bothered you cause you libruls are hypocrites! You want my kids to go to school and be taught by gay teachers but you send your own kids to play soccer in mixed teams where they beat up on girls!
Hell, the closest you guys have to a real man is Bill Clinton’s dominatrix! She ven jokes that SHE wears the pants suits in that family!
Obama .. Clinton, they are the same thing, a dyke and a girly man. Neither one can go mano a mono with Putin. First time Putin and Hillary O Bama meet, you just watch the limp handed handshake. Thats all the info a KGB master spy needs!
As for the real Jesus NOT being manly?? Who do you think the apostles were … a male harem?? They were all married men (ral men) who had met someone who incited feeling no woman can ever experience! Look what happened soon after! Christian Rome beat the matzoh juice out of the Jews. The cross was hel high as armored MEN conquered most of the world. Can you imagine Charlemagne as the follower of some effete lefty? Even the “barbarians” .. hell they be3at the hell out of Rome because they were more manly, more true to the founding vigor of the religion that BECAME Rome!
I am no catholic, but looki at the Popes if you want o understand how manly Jesus was! Yhe there have been some gay priests, but the Pope? Talk about manly men! Did you see the movie where Charleton Heston played Michaelangelo while Rex Harion played the Pope. Which guy was the gay??
Remember when Stalin asked how many troops the Pope had? Little did he know! And is there anythihn mor emanly than the Christian conquest of the West?
So, little fuzzy wuzzy fur ball, YOU libruls are living off the drippings from the long swords born by generations of good Christian warriors. If you don’t like it, burrow back into your hole!
What would “Reverend” Ken Hutcherson do if some attractive 33 year old man, who has never been married or even had sex with any woman, offered to wash his feet?
He would probably want to beat the fellow to a bloody pulp and crucify him …
Pope ..
What Bible do YOU use! Where doe sit say Jesus was a virgin?
As for Jesus showing humility, do you think the disciples did NOT understand this as evidence that their God was so far above them that he could wash their feet?
This is the same Jesus who walked ON the water and washed people’s feet! Do you think the Roman empire adopted a pansy as Its God?
gipper snacks at 42:
“burrow back into your hole”
Good advice for yourself. Why don’t you find a reich wing wingnut blog to spew your vomit on?
Hutcherson’s homophobia is not emblematic of Christianity. But it is a well-trodden road in black churches, as I have posted before. And with Hutcherson’s connections to the Watchers on the Walls, it becomes a much more sinister thing. His whole manly-man (ubermensch?) diatribe seems to fly in the face of one of the basic tenets of the faith, that being humility. Hell, if Jesus came back to Earth and introduced himself to Hutcherson, he’d probably have some of his Watchers goons beat the shit out of that little mama’s boy.
Oddly enough, that’s kinda why I like “One Punk Under God”, the Sundance Channel doc-series about Jamie Bakker (yes, that’s Jim & Tammy Faye’s boy). I’m nobody’s Christian, but at least Bakker seems honest and sincere to me. He’s the kind of person that Jesus would hang out with, not some multimillionaire preaching out of a converted basketball arena. Hutcherson would probably think Jamie was gay and beat the crap out of him as well.
Oh, boy. The wingnut trolls better slap a restraining order on Gipper soon, before he completely dismantles what microscopic respect that wingnut trolls are due.
Oh forget that! Gipper is exactly what the wingnut trolls are deep down: Insanely hateful, and completely ignorant.
Besides that, wingnut trolls deserve no respect, not even a microscopic amount.
@35-38 Jesus Roger, wipe the spittle off your fur before someone gets the wrong idea about you.
It’s pretty laughable that you can claim that any hateful bullshit coming out of your mouth is humor, but then go on to decry what anyone else has said. Think about it old rabbit… Oh and as for “my side” wanting to surpress freedom of expression? I fucking DARE you to walk down the ave in the university district, carrying a sign supporting the Republican party. Let’s just see how “tolerant” your side really is. Fucking idiot!
@48 Project much?
@ 49 Project much?
@51 Oh my, how utterly clever of you. You sure showed me, by golly… Who is ignorant, again?
@ 52
Yeah, I did. Who is ignorant, again?
There is a difference between the Rev. Arm Ripper and Roger Rabbit.
Roger is right (correct)!!
I’ll go with Roger too. I don’t see much from you trolls but abuse. I’d really like to be in a position open a door for ken H sometime.
How much of the bible,New Testiment,is about hating people? It seems to be to much of what some evangelicals are about. Many are trying to take back their religeon from people who’s defining identity is their hatred.
I believe another Nordquist line is, reducing the number of democrats down to where the remainder could be hunted down with dogs.
#48 The Blatantly Obvious says:
Typical liberal perspective.
Doesn’t see individuals, only groups of people.
Irony alert!!!
Irony that only a wingnut could produce.
It’s certainly obvious that hateful Puddyprick is a member of Hutcherson’s church.
I’m just glad I didn’t have to read one of PuddyPrickDickBrain’s comments – my brain didn’t short circuit for once.
Hypocrisy: Hy poc crisy – def.
Professing one thing while doing the opposite.
Hutcherson: Professes to be a Christian, but says things and acts in a hateful manner that is the complete opposite of christianity.
Goldy: You called it just right.
If Jesus (that nice Jewish boy) came back today – Hutcherson would stomp on him and call him liberal fag-lover.
turn the other cheek – love the weakest among you – do unto others –
Nahhh – none of those things are important. Stomp the sissies!
I open doors for guys and for women – it is called being polite. I would love to open a door for Hutcherson – and I would dare that fat blob to try anything. He is an intellectual midget.
I have an idea – maybe we can rip Hutcherson’s arm off and beat Puddy with it? Now THAT would be productive. Hey if the “reverend” can say it – why can’t I?
He could loose some weight pickin cotton.
“Hutcherson: Professes to be a Christian, but says things and acts in a hateful manner that is the complete opposite of christianity”
Hutcherson = Puddyprick.
@40 I’m tempted to agree with you and say it’s about hypcrisy — the GOP drips with hypocrisy. But it’s not about hypocrisy. It’s about warmongering, torture, lawbreaking, lying, stealing, cheating, bullying, and a whole lot of other things. It’s about the GOP doing the best imitation of Hitler’s brownshirts this country has ever seen. It’s about the stupidity of the goosesteppers who are following Bush, Cheney, and Rove over the cliff and dragging our whole country along with them. Its about the evil criminal organization the GOP has become.
@64: while I agree with you about the republicans RR – I am a tad worried about you blood pressure after that last comment!
“ByeByeGOP says:
I have an idea – maybe we can rip Hutcherson’s arm off and beat Puddy with it? Now THAT would be productive. Hey if the “reverend” can say it – why can’t I?”
Because you are smarter than that. Let HHHHHutch rip of his own arm.
Right on!
This story came from the “Articles of Faith” PI column by Anthony Robinson described as a consultant and author of books-judging by their titles-dealing with spiritual issues.
Hutcherson is a buffoon. Pastor Joe Fuiten over at Cedar Park Church in Bothell is the dangerous religious leader for the gay community. He’s anti-gay marriage and pro-war and continues to support Bush in spite of Bush’s well earned reputation of lies, and torturing people and killing civilians. To say that Bush has Christian values is t deisparage Christianity. Fuiten is all about power and influence and money.
The PI and Robinson know this that’s why the PI turns to Fuiten whenever it needs a quote from a local relious leader; and that’s why Robinson went after Hutcherson and not the far worst Fuiten.
Evangelize the Vote
Sexual Disorientation
There is a particular place in Hell for false prophets who preach the word in a warped way. Whether it is Joe Fuiton or Hutcherson – the purveyors of hate masked as religous doctrine deserve their sqalid spot down below.
Yes, I’m coming in late here, but I suppose this grizzled old Chief would be in trouble with Pastor Hutcherson. I routinely hold doors open for both ladies and gentlemen.
It’s called “courtesy”, and there isn’t anything “effeminate” about it.
And oddly enough, most men are secure enough in their own masculinity that it doesn’t bother them in the least. They would certainly not feel so threatened by a small act of courtesy that they would feel a need to become violent.
Apparently Pastor Hutcherson has read a somewhat different Bible than I have. Of course, mine talks of being forgiving to people that hurt me. I just took it for granted that I should also be polite to people who are being nice to me.
Maybe I misread. Perhaps I’m only supposed to be nice to my enemies, and I should dump all over my friends.
But I doubt it.
Now, as to Gipper’s interesting little tirade about how manly Jesus was.
Jesus taught humility by being humble. He also taught us (again by example) that true manliness was not expressed through bravado and violence.
As Jesus was a member of a religion that only allowed sex within marriage, and no record exists of Jesus being married (which would have been an important enough event to be recorded in the Gospels, regardless of what the DaVinci Code folks may believe) most churches, and most Christians believe that Jesus never had sex.
So, the question of what Pastor Hutcherson would do if a thirty year old male virgin offered to wash his feet is a legitimate one.
And I truly hope and pray that Pastor Hutcherson would fall on his knees, crying out “my Lord and my God!”, and see how far he has strayed from the message of the Bible.
Somehow ripping off the arm of someone doing a small courtesy just doesn’t seem to fit in that message.
It is interesting to note that Puddy prick is not admitting that he’s reading this. The silence is proof.
How can Hutcherson talk about feminine men, when most of his photos (including a couple glamour shots) shows him with his hand beneath his chin? He sure projects, because he’s got some of the most sissified poses on the internet.
@71 John Barelli
I would hate to be on the nut side, but some of what oyu say strikes e as absurd:
Jesus taught humility by being humble. He also taught us (again by example) that true manliness was not expressed through bravado and violence.
As Jesus was a member of a religion that only allowed sex within marriage, and no record exists of Jesus being married (which would have been an important enough event to be recorded in the Gospels, regardless of what the DaVinci Code folks may believe) most churches, and most Christians believe that Jesus never had sex.
Most Christians believe a number of things about Jesus that we know are not true. For example, he was obviously NOT of the house of David, he was a follower .. not an opponent .. of the Pharisees .. he presumably never said the name of God (the punishment, meted out t St. Stephen inter alia) was stoning .. So that is not much of a criterion.
As to humility. WADR. most Christians beleive Jesus claimed to be God. Is that humble?
As for Sex. if Jesus WAS married, then the Roman Church would have expunged the record for obvious reasns. Since NO contemporary records exist of Jesus humself, unti about a century later, it is hard to say whether Jesus
having a wife would have been noted. Actually, since Jewish law requires men to be married by Jesus age, one might even expect the oppoiste .. i.e. that his being celibate would have een noted and used against him.
As for sex outside of amrriage, Jesus claimed descent from tow of the biggest whore mongers of the Jewish tradition .. David and Solomon. If ot was good enough for these men why wouldn’t it be good enough for Jesus?
Fianlly, if you must appeal to most Christians, MOST Christians throughout history have belonged to societies that practiced holy war. Hard to imagine the victims of Christian violence accepting your image of the religion.
As one aphorism states, Few Christians have lived up to Jesus, his idea must not be popular amongst Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, etc.
According to this blog entry, both Hutch Hutcherson and Joseph Fuiten are of the same cloth:
Puddy the Homophobic Terrorist has claimed that he doesn’t know about Hutcherson. I don’t believe him, either. Birds of a feather, y’know…..
Obviously, we’re going to have some differences of opinion here. I suppose that I could jump in point by point, but it would be a fruitless effort. If you ignore the New Testament, then Jesus was little more than an itinerant member of an obscure Jewish sect (if that).
If, however, you believe the New Testament to be the honest accounts of his followers, then a far different Jesus is described.
My own faith is based on subjective evidence, so I try to limit my prosletizing to “ask for guidance from the Creator”. Much beyond that is counterproductive.
As to your observation that “MOST Christians throughout history have belonged to societies that practiced holy war”, I will simply point out that most everybody throughout history has belonged to societies that have practiced war for whatever reason they could come up with.
Although even there, your argument is not entirely honest. For example, our current society, which we are both part of, has segments that are currently practicing what could be described as a holy war. The fact that we are both working to stop them does not negate that fact.
Most Christians throughout history have not practiced holy war, any more than most Muslims or Hindus or Atheists practice it.
1 Yeesh! At least Earl Butz was funny.
10 Republicans are perfectly good at dehumanizing themselves, without any help from us normal people.
Goose-steppers? More like a flock of beheaded chickens staggering in circles.
I don’t think he’s knocking manners. I think he meant not that God hates anyone, but that he hates some of their actions. (no argument there, for any of us who’ve lied or hurt someone’s feelings, showed disrespect to a parent when we were kids, etc etc all of which is pretty much everyone reading this). And I think Hutch is pretty much referring back to homosexuality, which God calls an abomination in the old testament (ya know, the part of the Bible Goldy expressed a preference for). Using an example of a guy holding a door for someone else is pretty much of a stretch, but a guy hitting on another guy would be more what really would bother Hutch, I think. Disagree with all of it, if you choose, but free speech is even for others who don’t usually read this blog.
#9: Careful how you address God. Really careful
sing an example of a guy holding a door for someone else is pretty much of a stretch
Bible stretching is what I calls it.
Hutch is exactly who the term “christianist” was invented for. I was raised in a Christian family, went to a Christian church, and Ken Hutcherson is by no means a Christian.
Pelletizer@35: Kiss my big black butt.
It was that CRAZED Loon Bill Mahar on HBO who started it all. Bill Maher remember him? Puddy doesn’t forget. He called for the assassination of a sitting American vice president! Yet your small peanut sized brain forgets this. Ann Coulter answered back and the ‘Numbnuts went apoplectic!
Here is the video which Puddy posted before:
16%er fools.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”
Such venomous hate.
To the Delusional Joe: First time I read this thread this evening.
Since you all are thinking about me, means I am getting to you…
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!