A few links to share while I root for Chad Ochocinco and Vernon Davis to keep my fantasy season going.
– Pete Guither catches the New York Times sanitizing a story on Mexico’s violent drug war. This comes while the Washington Post and reporter Ashley Halsey III are still digging in their heels after being caught passing along completely imaginary statistics fed to them by the drug czar.
– Josh Feit points out that Larry Haler (R-8) has introduced a bill to overturn the state’s voter-approved medical marijuana law. One can only imagine what the voters of the 8th LD would think if the federal government passed a strict gun ownership ban, the voters of Washington passed an initiative that restored gun ownership rights, and then a Seattle legislator introduced a bill to overturn that voter initiative. Yet I’m sure people will still vote for Larry Haler next year because he believes in liberty, or something.
– Barbara Coombs-Lee has another follow-up on the attempt by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ to override individuals’ advance directives at their many hospitals and health care facilities around the country. Despite the protestations by certain local commenters, I’m still not aware of any Catholic facility in Washington state that will refuse the order and respect the living wills of individuals who come under their care.
– Kentucky GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul) is in a bit of trouble now that his main spokesman, Chris Hightower, had to resign after he was caught with some seriously racist stuff on his MySpace page. [via the General]
Roger Rabbit Storytime
Years ago, in a provincial southern small town, a white kid and a black kid ate together at a local eatery. Some of the locals didn’t like it, and egged the white kid’s house. Later, the black kid egged the white kid to apply for Harvard. Today, the black kid is an MIT prof and the white kid is the guy who saved the world.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This story, like all Roger Rabbit stories, is completely true.
I’m Ben Benranake Spencer!
Here’s the money quote from the Time magazine article linked above:
“The first thing any Depression scholar comes to understand is that nothing — not hyperinflation, megadeficits or irked Chinese creditors — is as bad as a full-on Depression.” A collapse in the ‘aggregate demand’ for goods and services that makes an economy hum can be irreversible.
And, of course, conservatives don’t get it. That’s why they shouldn’t run our government. It’s bad enough they run most of our businesses. Why would anyone vote for them?
If some ‘media savvy’ celebrities wanted to weaken the cred of some antediluvian politicians, they could set up some free medical clinics in say, Sen. Mitch McConnell’s state. and invite Mitch to come there and explain his views on national health care before the cameras.
Whether Mitch attends or not, it makes Mitch look bad — which he is — like when bad really means bad.
@4 Republicans like our health care system. They like 50 million uninsured, exorbitant hospital rates, arbitrary claim denials, and the fact even people with health insurance can lose everything they’ve worked for to medical bankruptcy. To make this sytem even more draconian than it already is they want to take away patients’ right to sue negligent doctors.
Why would anyone vote for these asswipes?
Why waste your time on trivial matters when this is CHRISTmas Time. Rejoice & be glad.
Know this—
Colossians 1:21-23 (New International Version)
It’s all or nothing.
Christ is either Lord of ALL…or nothing at all.
Your choice.
Invest time in your spiritual future.
Eternity is a looooooooong time.
Christ’s quest is to rescue us from death.
The joy set before Christ is US.
re 6: Know this: I’d rather be in hell than in heaven if you were there.
Don’t spout your half-baked cosmology here.
re 6: No Christ figure is going to change the fact that you are a small-minded, meanspirited little prick — and if you want to change that you’ll have to work on it yourself.
Merry Christmas!! >>:-{}
Just leave your pamphlet on my doorstep, please.
Lee @ 9
Promise you won’t roll a joint in it??
Voters of the 8th LD will return him to the legislature because he has an R next to his name.
It’s a new record for Obam-Mao!!
The most prolific drop in popularity since polls began.
Let’s give Obam-Mao an award or something.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Good thing the Democrats have all that borrowed money of ours to throw around for the next election cycle.
What a joke.
Last week Bill O’Reilly called Laura Ingraham an ideologue on his show. It was in the Huff Po, one of the HA Libtardo web sources. Yet no one brought it up. Hmmm…?
Puddy knows why no one discussed this development. It explodes your worthless view of Bill O’Reilly.
Only Bloomberg and Associated Press have Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm above 50%.
My cat knows that Laura Ingraham is an ideologue. That’s not really noteworthy.
Dance, monkey, dance!
In Tennessee, someone puts out a fake Christmas card, supposedly by a Democratic legislative aid, showing him giving someone the finger to the photographer.
Representative Stacey Campfield (R-Knoxville) claims the card was aimed directly at him, in response to Campfield’s own Christmas greetings. He further ventures to say that it shows what Democrats/Liberals think of Christmas, and that
Funny thing is, the Democratic legislative aid didn’t send out the Christmas Card. No one can seem to produce an envelope which shows the postmark. The picture itself was taken so long ago, no one can remember the context.
But Campfield isn’t beyond trying to use it to try to drum up money.
By the way, this is the same Stacy Campfield who was escorted out of the Univ. of Tennessee football stadium because he was wearing a mask (not allowed under stadium rules), was sitting in the wrong seats premium seats instead of student-section seats for which he had tickets), and his disruptive behavior was causing parents with children to complain about him to the stadium staff. Police declined to comment, but others indicated that he was uncoopertive with police. Speculation is that alchohol was a contributing factor.
Based on other news stories about Campfield, I wouldn’t put it past him to have used photoshop to make the card himself.
15 Pud
And yet he is going to be president until at least 2012 and, given the advantages of incumbency, very likely until 2016.
And yes, AP has his Approve/Disapprove numbers at 56/42, and Bloomberg has him at 54/41 (although their most recent result appears to be from 12/3), but also:
CNN Dec. 16 has 54/44
Gallup Dec. 14 has 52/40
ABC dec. 10 has 50/46 (not “over” 50% but a healthy +4)
So I’ll just assume that you’re ignorant.
So, you know, suck on that, Mr. Supporter of President 27%.
Obama has his worst rating ever this AM
25% Strongly Approve (all clinically retarded)
46% Strongly Disapprove (all informed and paying attention)
Obama is to the Democrat Party what Bush was to Republicans.
It’s a lack of TRUST…neither was trustworthy.