A local pol, via email, rightly rants about our media’s googly-eyed infatuation with bipartisanship:
What the stupid media don’t realize is that it’s a tactic, not a goal. The goal is to get something accomplished. If that something requires bipartisanship to do it, so be it. If it doesn’t, who cares. They’ve made the classic mistake of not caring what the goal is, as long as it’s bipartisan. It’s not a surprising conclusion, really, as long as you frame in the media’s so-called “objectivity” frame. That frame forces themselves to gravitate to the holy grail of bipartisanship, because they are too lame to call some actual goals bullshit, or praise some as actually being worthy. Thus their choices comes down to partisan=bad, bi-partisan=good. No wonder why people have stopped reading their drivel.
And in my opinion, it’s even worse than that, because good or bad, the very notion of “bipartisanship” is usually as illusory as that whole “objectivity” crap.
For example… Obama goes to the Hill. He meets with Republicans on their turf. The Dems compromise, making the stimulus package smaller, less progressive, and less effective. And then House Republicans still vote unanimously against it, including our own local, conscience-driven independent, Dave Reichert. Bipartisanship my ass.
See, the problem is, even as a tactic, bipartisanship is pointless if not counterproductive if you don’t have an honest, trustworthy partner across the aisle. And currently, the Dems don’t.
The fucking Rs are the party of “no” right now. They are also cry babies.
Granted, the House version of the stimulus bill needed adult oversight (original version was a fucking wish list written by 6 year olds) but once the Senate got involved if the Rs didn’t want to play ball, fuck ’em. Let them fillibuster and look like the morons they are being. I want to see Boehner’s wig slide off his head from him sweating.
And remember, if your Boehner lasts longer than 4 hours see a doctor.
Some fool said
“For example… Obama goes to the Hill. He meets with Republicans on their turf. The Dems compromise, making the stimulus package smaller, less progressive, and less effective.”
The Real metting…..
Obama meets and tells them let’s talk about this.
They all state their views including obama who reminded them who cares what you want taken out of the bill. I won you lost. Thanks for your input.
Congress starts to write the bill Republican need not apply on the door.
Only a idiot would believe any spin coming out of obamas month or the majority leaders.
You can’t find anyone who supports a trillion in spending and the guy/ gal they elected to represent them voted yes on a bill they didn’t read.
The Shit will hit the fan and the dems again will stink like shit however to them it’s smells like roses.
Aahhhhh, is lil limp-dick Darcy Stalker, uuhhheeemmm…I mean Goldy mad? Good, that means the other Washington is doing something right.
Did the local pol really say “What the stupid media don’t realize is that it’s a tactic, not a goal.”?
Seems to me, if they’re a local pol and they do not have a firm grip on the english language… there’s a problem and it isn’t just a problem with the local pol.
And then there is this dipshit “Only a idiot would believe any spin coming out of obamas month or the majority leaders.”
Again… if they do not have a firm grip on the English language… there’s a problem.
Right wingers support that easy.
For endless war. Duh..
Reading the fine print? The fuck they could care as long as there’s a scary picture of a swarthy guy with a beard and some fancy guns to point at him. No price is too high for the knee-jerk Limbaugh dittohead.
Goldy’s comment contains an interesting perspective on a not-so-mysterious problem.
This month, I’ve had repairmen to my burrow to fix the frig and laundry equipment within a week of each other, their repair bills collectively amounting to about half of what I paid for the damn appliances in the first place.
I say “damn” because nowadays all appliances, regardless of brand name, are cheaply-built crap. The frig repairman even said so. He told me most of today’s refrigerators don’t last more than 5 years. Appliances are so badly built they’re turning those extended warranty ripoffs into good deals.
Well, journalism is busted, too. If people aren’t buying the product anymore, it’s because the product is a piece of shit that’s expensive to maintain and hardly ever works. Newspaper owners and editors act like they don’t know this. They gravitate toward conspiracy theories instead (e.g., “Google is stealing our content and ad revenue!”). It’s amazing anyone can be so self-deluding — that’s like saying someone would actually go to the trouble of stealing my fucking refrigerator. Listen, if I put it out on the curb with a “Free” sign on it, it would still be there next week! In fact, I tried that with my last refrigerator — tried to get someone to steal it by putting a “Free” sign on it — and the city fined me for littering.
Well, if you take a newspaper out of the trash bin and lay it on a park bench, that’s littering too, because sure as hell no one’s going to read it. When you produce crap, it’s crap, and no one wants crap. Calling it a “newspaper” or “journalism” doesn’t change it from crap into something else or make anyone want it.
It used to be that a journalist had to know something. For example, he had to know right from wrong well enough to write the crime blotter. A crime blotter isn’t any good if the guy writing it doesn’t know what a “bad guy” is when one steals your mailbox. We have a whole generation of journalists who can’t figure out who the bad guys are when they steal a whole fucking country and economy — see my point? The crime blotters in today’s newspapers suck, because the guys writing them don’t know what crime is. They’re too immersed in writing the criminal’s point of view to realize that a crime has been committed. So, crime goes unreported now.
Just about everything else is unreported, too. The only thing you find in newspapers nowadays is stories about how newspapers are going broke because nobody reads anything except the internet anymore. This is news? Are these guys just now waking up to the fact that reading the internet is free, and reading their newspaper isn’t, and the customers have gravitated to the more competitively priced product? It used to be journalists had to be smart. Now they’re stupid, and it’s a great big surprise that their business model doesn’t work?
How do we get it across to them that not only their business model, but also their reporting, is busted? Does it do any good to say even my fucking refrigerator works better than their newspaper? Do you think they’d get it?
No, it’s hopeless. Newspapers are doomed, because you need real journalists to write a newspaper, and there aren’t any anymore.
Well Goldy, I think the evisceration of the stimulus bill in the name of bipartisanship was worth it, if Obama gets an education from of this. All new presidents have a learning curve. We can’t afford to spend a lot of time on his, so the quicker he finds out Republicans are double-dealing four-flushers, the better off we’ll be. He needs to kick over the table, draw his sixguns, and send these vermin to boot hill, figuratively speaking of course. You can’t negotiate with cheats! Let’s hope Obama learned this and will do things differently next time. The only way you can sit at a table with these swine is if they’re laying on the floor. Figuratively speaking, of course …
“Bi-partisanship” made the bill possible, even though it had to undergo plastic surgery to get those 3 Senate repulican votes.
@9 The solution to that is electing more Democrats to the Senate. Long before 2010 rolls around, this will be plain as day to America’s voters.
@8 The only papers one can read and learn of the crime situation in Seattle are the neighborhood rags containing crime blotters. It’s been that way for decades. Reading those crime blotters could even curl a rabbit’s fur.
Hope And Change!
Corruption and Cronyism!
Who needs Republicans? Why read this porkulus? We Won! To the victor goes the spoils.
To the rest of us goes the waste of a grand experiment, swapping Freedom for Socialism.
$8 billion for high-speed railway (including an earmark for an Los Angeles to Las Vegas MagLev)
• $1 billion for the “FutureGen” not-ready-for-primetime near zero emission plant in Illinois
• $53.6 billion for the “state stabilization” slush fund
• $1.3 billion for Amtrak
• $24 million for USDA buildings and rent
• $176 million for renovating Agricultural Research Service buildings
• $290 million for flood prevention activities
• $50 million for watershed rehabilitation
• $1.4 billion for wastewater disposal programs
• $295 million for administrative expenses associated with food stamp program
• $1 billion for the 2010 Census
• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
• $650 million for the DTV converter box coupon program
• $360 million for construction of NIST buildings
• $830 million for NOAA research and facilities
• $2 billion for Byrne JAG program
• $10 million to combat Mexican gunrunners
• $125 million for rural communities to combat drug crimes
• $1 billion for the COPS program
• $1 billion for NASA
• $300 million to purchase scientific instruments for colleges and museums
• $400 million for equipment and facilities at the NSF
• $3.7 billion to conduct “green” renovations on military bases
• $375 million for Mississippi River projects
• $10 million for urban canals
• $5 billion for weatherizing buildings
• $2 billion to develop advanced batteries for hybrid cars
• $3.4 billion for fossil energy research (possibly including an earmark for FutureGen)
• $5.1 billion for environmental cleanup around military bases
• $5.5 billion for “green” federal buildings
• $300 million for “green” cars for federal employees
• $20 million for IT upgrades at the Small Business Administration
• $200 million to design and furnish DHS headquarters
• $210 million for State and local fire stations
• $125 million to restore trails and abandoned mines
• $146 million for trail maintenance at National Park Service sites
• $140 million for volcano monitoring systems
• $600 million for the EPA Superfund environmental cleanup program
• $200 million to clean up leaking underground storage tanks
• $500 million for forest health and wildfire prevention
• $25 million for the Smithsonian Institution
• $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $1.2 billion for “youth activities” (for “youth” up to 24 years old)
• $500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
• $1 billion for Head Start
• $32 million for home-delivered nutrition services
• $160 million for volunteer programs at the Corporation for National and Community Service
• $500 million earmark for the SSA National Computer Center in MD
• $220 million for the International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico”
Heh heh … the numbers will be against the GOPers again in 2010 … 19 Republican and 17 Democratic Senate seats will be exposed to the electorate. And with 5 retiring GOPers versus only 1 retiring Democrat, the open seats again will favor the Democrats. All of the Democratic seats should be safe; several of the GOP-held seats look ripe to turn over. For example, in Kansas, retiring Sen. Brownback (R) is likely to be replaced by popular Gov. Sebelius (D), who is term-limited from running for re-election. In Florida and Ohio, the GOP has no big names on tap to run for seats being vacated by Republicans, and the last GOPer in New England, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, likely will face a highly competitive race. GOP fratricide in Alaska might make a seat there vulnerable to Democratic takeover, and in Kentucky, unpopular GOP Sen. Jim Bunning is facing a rematch against the same Democrat who nearly beat him in 2004. In Louisiana, single-term GOP Senator Vitter’s re-election prospects are imperiled by his recent prostitution scandal. Oklahoma’s single-term GOPer, who won a close election in 2004, isn’t raising money or acting like he plans to run for re-election, which would create an open seat there.
How small will the GOP caucus get before bottoming out? Let’s put it this way, politics isn’t football, and we Democratics aren’t gentlemen; we should run the scoreboard as high as we possibly can and not quit until there isn’t a single Republican left in the U.S. Senate. But locking up a filibuster-proof 60-plus seat supermajority in 2010 will do for starters.
What in the world is in this bill that couldn’t survive a 48 hour review, as the Democrats required of all bills, and promised by Obama?
What is in this bill that is so urgent and secret that no one is allowed to know what is in there?
Talk about fascism and criminal behavior.
Leahy is barking up the wrong tree.
@12 Look who’s back — none other than Janet Stupid! And in fine form, too. Following the collapse of capitalism under Bush Socialism, Janet Stupid is railing against the Capitalist Party, also known as Democrats. That’s right, I vote Democrat because I want my stocks to go UP! Under Republican Socialism, they get all the profits while I get all the taxes, not to mention all the work and war-fighting as well, which just doesn’t work for me. So, I don’t work! Why would anyone work under a fucking system like that? That’s why the economy is tanking — the incentive system got all screwed up. Republicans took incentives and stood them on their head, rewarding lazy oafs like me for flipping stocks and punished people for working! So, it’s not surprising that millions of Americans have stopped working recently. If we want to get American working again, we have to take money from the Republican Socialists and give it to the workers, instead of the other way around. Nobody will work if you don’t pay them. Cheap labor conservatives created this Depression by knocking down wages. To reverse the collapse this produced we have to strengthen unions, raise wages, and equalize the taxes on wages, capital gains and dividends, and inheritances.
@14 Why does it need to be reviewed? We have the votes, you don’t. The good guys win, the economy will be saved, the cheap labor conservatives are thwarted in their effort to put 25% of America out of work. If you don’t like that, go live in Haiti. They have your kind of economy there.
Too bad our local newspapers won’t survive until 2010, and the next election. At least they paid lip service to fair and equal coverage.
Without them, we will have no public forum to discuss just what is being done behind closed doors.
Next they will come for talk radio, where free thinking conservatives hold sway and lame liberal-touchy-feely hate spewing liberals can’t buy a paid commercial. The Fairness Doctrine will be enforced at KVI, but get a total pass at NPR.
Hope this website doesn’t cross the powers-that-be. Better spew the party line forever, with never a dissenting voice. That is the only way you will be allowed to survive.
Hey, Roger Rabbit, better start storing up carrots. You are a bit of a loose cannon, and a threat to the regime. You are with them now, but what about tomorrow? You could go rogue. Best to control you now.
What will you do when your public pension is no longer solvent, and your savings are gone because the market has tanked? Don’t look to the tax payers, they will be as bankrupt as you.
re 12:
“$5.5 billion for “green” federal buildings.”
Green saves money, protects the environment, and creates jobs. Can you do that producing a uranium bullet?
re 12: Your child is more likely to die from an HMO cheating you out of medical care than some deranged Muslim.
You can’t even see who your enemies are.
The sociopathic shitstains in the Repub party had no problem with a trillion in spending on tax cuts in 2001, nor with starting a couple of wars that will cost that much. It’s just spending to benefit the public that they object to.
Fire Stations, fighting forest fores, stabilizing collapsing state budgets- Oh the horror!
Janet Stupid is back sporting that right wing base paranoia!
Owwww. I’m Bbbbbblinded by the light from her tinfoil hairdo!
Fire Stations, fighting forest fores, stabilizing collapsing state budgets- Oh the horror!
the point is, you can spend on those things, but within a budget, not a trillion dollars that you dont have. besides, the argument is moot, because the whole point of this bill is to advance socialism, thats why that didnt give anyone time to read it. moron, your kids be working as butlers for all the silverbergs.
12 Hey, Janet….
You know what? I like each and every one of the things you listed, for several reasons.
(1.) Every one of those things is a good idea, and will be something that will benefit many, if not all of us. (Every time another airliner in our wonderful deregulated air travel network crashes, the more I feel like taking the train, yanno?)
(2.) Every one of those projects will put people to work, or keep people working.
(3.) Best of all, they all seem to make you get your knickers in a knot. Makes me feel good all over, knowing how unhappy you are.
Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Two months ago, when we were adding a trillion dollars to the national debt strictly to hand out money to banks so their blue-blooded senior execs could pocket gigantic bonuses and buy themselves new Bentleys for Christmas, that was just peachy keen.
Doing the same thing, but spending the dough in ways that keep people a ways down the social scale from losing their homes or giving up sending their kids to college, and maybe fixing a lot of stuff that’s half busted, and it’s horrible.
Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Two months ago, when we were adding a trillion dollars to the national debt strictly to hand out money to banks so their blue-blooded senior execs could pocket gigantic bonuses and buy themselves new Bentleys for Christmas, that was just peachy keen.
the thing u have wrong artfart, is it’s not bentleys for christmas they were buying, it was bmw’s for hunaukuh
lol by the way art, now its ok to say the word christmas?????
Bipartisanship. No thanks. I actually love partisanship; I vote for someone to serve as my partisan, to work for my issues and values. I have two words for the fans of bipartisanship: Joe Lieberman. Nuff said.
and what would your values be ann? to have any cock that you want fuck you and then kill the fetus before it has a chance to take its first breath? how perfectly obamaworldlike.
As always, the worst are full of passionate intensity.
Committee Chairman: “In order to acheive an outcome of FOUR we propose adding two plus two, but we are willing to consider adding three plus one.”
Ranking minority member: “That’s a naive, big government formulation. Ever since Saint Reagan it is well understood that the only way to acheive an outcome of four, is to put the lime in the coconut.”
Stupid newspaper people: “The mush-headed public is not interested in sensible outcomes. The mush-headed public is interested in “bipartisanship” for its own sake. You should compromise by adding two plus a coconut. That would be the “post partisan” thing to do. Everyone should listen to our advice since we’ve run our own businesses so very well.”
The Bushistas created approx. a 2 Trillion dollar shortfall with their tax cuts and 1 Trillion plus with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
But now that we want to spend some money on infrastructure and jobs, they’re against it.
No more bipartisanship for you guys. We need a LOYAL opposition. But you righties are just opposition. I hope Obama doesn’t drop the bipartisan meme too soon. It shows the world what deranged assholes you are.
Fuck the rethuglicants.
Roll ’em.
That’s what they did to us and look how well THAT worked out.
The janet is an ignorant slut.
So is the mark1.
some say the “manoftruth” is seen at glory holes all over town. rumor has it his lube bill is astro(glide)nomical.
why waste time trying to reason with the fuckheads. easier just to pick ’em off…like how “the dick” did his lawyer buddy…why…just last year.
Grover Norquist called bipartisanship “date-rape”.
Obviously he spoke from experience because it’s his side who is only too eager to rape the people of this country.
IMO President Obama is sincere when he says he wants to work across the aisle. I recall President Bush doing the same thing, making the same gestures…..
IMO the problem is the elite power structure in DC. Example. After 9/11 the whole country was united. The power brokers in DC were far less powerful because they didn’t have two sides to play against one another. K street, Unions, etc lose power when we’re unified.
I think it’s lofty goal to create that same unity. I Hope our President continues to reach for that goal. IMO it puts the power back into the hands of the people and reinforces the fact that those in DC work for us, not the other way around….
The only acceptable “goal” for the minority is larger defense budgets and large tax cuts for the rich with a few hundred dollars in cuts ladled out to the Limbaugh-addled unwashed masses (to keep them pacified and bought off).
I believe the “stimulus” (too small by half) even has dole outs for the military. As if riches galore haven’t been showered on them the last eight years.
ylb, u just have to be jewish
Hopefully President Obama sees what a farce it is to consider doing business with the right wing traitors. We don’t need to be bi-partisan. They never were. Fuck em. We won. They get shit. End of story.
by the way, ylb, if you are jewish, u should tell richard belzer, who i saw last night on hannity, that if his parents didnt inbreed among the tribes, he wouldnt have ended up with a face like a horse, with those beady eyes and horselike mouth.
webentover, i know you’re not jewish, you’re too stupid, at least jews are smart, you’re a fucking moron, you say the same fucking thing over and over
“we will have no public forum to discuss just what is being done behind closed doors.”
After years of freeloading on Goldy’s web site, you still think newspapers are your only public forum? That figures! And speaking of closed doors, it sounds like you’re already nostalgic for Dickless Cheney’s open-door policy … this may be news to you but the rest of us are not …
@17 “we will have no public forum to discuss just what is being done behind closed doors.”
After years of freeloading on Goldy’s web site, you still think newspapers are your only public forum? That figures! Speaking of closed doors, are you already nostalgic for Dickless Cheney’s open-door policy? Hmmm, that didn’t take long …
@18 I’m a feral rabbit, dummy! No one can control me. Not even Mrs. Rabbit.
@24 No, the point is, if your budget doesn’t have a fire department in it, your house burns down; and which is cheaper, taxes to pay for fire fighting, or a new house?
@28 “lol by the way art, now its ok to say the word christmas?????”
Check with Bill O’Reilly, he’s the guy who started the War Against Christmas.
I have to go now, because Mrs. Rabbit says it’s time for me to mop the kitchen floor and wash the dishes.
no roger it wasnt oreilly, it is for example my sons school that has a calendar with hunaukka, yom kipper, kwanza…but doesnt say fucking chrsitmas for dec 25..thats why i say fucku goldstein, give us our country back
@53 “give us our country back”
Did you sleep through Nov. 4? We just did …
P.S.: Your kid’s school calendar was printed when? I believe that would have been under the former administration, yes? Doesn’t Dec. 25 come before Jan. 20? If you have a complaint about how things were run under the former administration, you need to speak to the former administration about it.
you’re trying to say the bush administration had local school districts remove christmas from calendars? what are you a moron? its done at grass roots. thats why they send reps like goldstein out west to stick their nose (no pun intended) into everything
Ever attend a School Board meeting MOT? Ever participate in the PTA? Or do you just sit and bitch and make bigotted comments?
Obama’s post-partisan “New Kinda Politics” unity shtick was his transformational architecture for both domestic and international affairs. It’s the reason he ran and the reason you nominated him.
You never asked to see the blueprints. Now’s a fine time to call it stupid.
Obama came into the stimulus debate riding as high as W after 9/11, and played it according to his daydreamy fifth grade here’s-my-idea-of-a-better-moon-rocket Theory of Change.
@55 “you’re trying to say the bush administration had local school districts remove christmas from calendars?”
Why not? That makes as much sense as you blaming a school calendar on Goldy.
One of the things I do on this blog is lower myself to the idiocy level of you wingnut morons so you’ll see how stupid you are.
I don’t find this embarrassing because, being a rabbit, I’m not afflicted with human pride.
manoftruth? Who do you think your kiddin’? Not me…
@57 There’s room for experimentation right now because any outcome is an improvement over the Bush/GOP fiasco.
@60 Any time a winger flings the word “truth” around — WATCH OUT!!!
Lush Rimjob only said on the radio that which the GOP has been saying behind closed doors: they want Barack Obama to fail. The consequences to the country don’t mean a thing to these people.
We need to call these right wing whack jobs out for who they are: anti-American and more dangerous than Communists.
43 – I’m an atheist you prick. I believe in freedom and liberty for all INCLUDING believers of all stripes.
What a small mind!
Hey. You know it’s pretty easy to complain about right wing Republican crap-heads – it’s another thing entirely to remove them from office and keep them removed every two years.
Progressives have a lot of work to do.
re 64: Agreed.
Maybe we could run joke candidates a la Colbert to outfox them?
My sister waeches Fox and I turned her on to Colbert. She thinks it’s for real.
It’s hilarious.
@32: A brilliant analysis!
you know, it just ocurred to me, for maybe like 30 years or so we have been force fed tolerance and respect , correct? but there is more hatred on this board(and everywhere else for that matter) than i have ever known. just hope that you’re on the right side (no pun intended) when the collapse comes.
ps i was right, wasnt i ylb
@69 Spoken like a true puke — blaming “hate and intolerance” on liberals. Who the fuck do you think started the hate and intolerance, and kept it going for 60 years? All we’re doing is feeding you whackjobs your own castor oil. Also, we’ve learned from experience that when we try being nice to you goatfuckers, you use us as doormats. Incivility seems to be the only language you asswipes comprehend, and coercion is the only thing you respond to. Don’t like it? We’ll stop it when your side stops it, but your side has to stop it first because your side started it. Until then, go fuck yourself, because we’re not your tools anymore.
roger, i say this sincerely, because i hope the same for myself… i hope your pension is still there for you, likewise mine, in a couple of years, because you certainly think people like obama are in this for the good of the people. he’s a tool of the nwo, it doesnt matter now weather bush was or not, and total control of the people is close at hand.
Nope, not about one fucking thing.
then tell me ylb, if you’re so concerned about diversity, how come there has never been an african american on the board of the federal reserve? how come the msm, lovers of all things affirmative action, has never complained about that? i can guess, can u?
Brainwashed tool @71: Are you for real? Democrats don’t spy on citizens or suppress dissent — that’s your party, and you’re one of the damn fools who’ve been voting for the guys who wiretap and start wars and torture and arrest people for having peace stickers on their cars, so don’t fucking lecture me about “total control.” You’re part of the problem, boy. I’m not worried about my pension or social security; if you’re worried about yours, all I can say is, I’ve already done everything I can for you by voting for Democrats and I have absolutely no doubt your pension is safer and your future will be more secure because Obama won.
@73 “how come there has never been an african american on the board of the federal reserve?”
Federal Reserve board members are appointed by the president, so you should ask that question of the party that’s held the White House for 70% of the years since 1968.
I’m all for building a fire house, but why in the world is it in a stimulus package? Same with giving Milwaukee $88 million to build schools, when they have 15 sitting empty and their school population is declining?
Every one of these items might be the greatest projects that man can invent. So why the rush to get this bill passed, so that us ordinary folks can’t stand back in awe and amazement at the superior intelligence of Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the Congressional Democrats?
This bill is a scam, and the details of just how much it will line the pockets of the Dems will come out slowly over the next six months. Dodd’s sweetheart bribe from Countrywide will be seen as amateur hour in the corruption game.
I’m sure this blog will be one place that will be investigating it, just like a regular newspaper. Yeah, right.
If it made economic sense to turn a federal building “green”, due to the savings in energy, then why not do it as part of regular maintenance?
Probably because they savings will never happen, and the “green” jobs are another sham that is making a Dem contributor rich. Al Gore must be laughing all the way to the bank. He is not only getting fabulously wealthy off global warming, but he has also conned all of you into thinking he is an artistic genius.
Anyone notice that the trend in global temperatures has been downward for the last 10 years? What exactly does the science have to be before you admit that man-made global warming is fake?
I am HAAAAAPPPPPYYYYY,That the REPUBLICANS left this all to the drum beat of the lefty democrats….March 2,3,4,.
I will be even Happier when they pass an omnibus bill – from the Latin meaning “for all,” an omnibus legislative bill contains many miscellaneous provisions, as in the omnibus budget bill.
Opportunism – in politics, the practice of adapting one’s actions to gain any short-term personal advantage that may be available, but without regard for principle or long-term consequences, Sounds as if obamessiah has been in the dictionary for a long time.
This is just the beginning…
Oppression – severity, especially when practiced by a government that puts too heavy burden upon its citizens, in terms of taxes or unjust laws.
This is coming…..
Redistribution – reallocation by a government of the wealth of a nation. This is usually done by taxes and welfare benefits-high taxes for the wealthy finance benefits for the poor. Redistribution is one of the central tenets of the welfare state, and of socialism
Republic – the form of government in which ultimate power resides in the people, who elect representatives to participate in decision-making on their behalf. The head of state in a republic is usually an elected president-never a hereditary monarch. A republic is founded on the idea that every citizen has a right to participate, directly or indirectly, in affairs of state. The U.S. is a republic.
Right-wing – on the far conservative side of the political spectrum, the opposite of left-wing. Right-wing politics usually favors: a free enterprise system in which business is unfettered by government regulation; a strong military; does not favor much spending on social services, and is “tough on crime.”
Left-wing – on the left of the political spectrum. The term can include communism, socialism, or liberalism. It originated in the seating arrangements in nineteenth century European parliaments, where the conservatives would sit on the right side of a semi-circle (as seen from the point of view of the presiding officer, often the king) and the socialists on the left. The more radical the group, the further to the left they sat.
Left-wingers advocate generous spending on the welfare state, are suspicious of high spending on defense, tend to be internationalist in outlook, favor government controls on the free market system, and generally favor social welfare over business interests. The Democratic party has some left-wing adherents, Left-wing groups however, often form powerful interest groups that do exert influence on particular issues. See also communism; liberal; liberalism; Marxism; socialism.
FINALLY OBAMESSIAH UNMASKED,And can not deny any longer what his aggenda really is.
We do the Dems give a flying fuck about bi-partisanship? They’ve got the votes to do what they want, and I can guarantee if the Reps had control they would vote for what they wanted and not give a flyin’ fuck what the Dems thought.
The Dems should pursue their agenda, and if the folks don’t like it, they can let the Dems know about it in the 2010 election.
@79 “We do the Dems give a flying fuck about bi-partisanship? They’ve got the votes to do what they want”
Nope, we’ve got only 58 votes in the Senate, not enough to stop GOP filibusters, so we gotta get a couple GOP votes for everything that requires a Senate vote.
@78 “This is coming….. Redistribution – reallocation by a government of the wealth of a nation.”
Ooooh, the REDISTRIBUTION bogeyman again!!!
We’ve already had 8 years of redistribution. All the Democrats are gonna do is distribute some of it back to the people who Republicans took it from.
I have never taken a a thing from anyone, As a matter of fact I have worked and very hard to have what I have, no one has ever given me a thing,I paid for my own college,I paid for my own home and land,I have bought food for my own family,I have never been on unemployment or welfare or medical relief,Everything I have is mine,I owe nothing to anyone,not a dime. My kids all have college degrees that I and themselves paid for,And have been succesfully living with in there means and saving money. RESPONSIBILITY GOES ALONG WAY,TRY IT
A telling, if rather inept use of metaphor.
The conflated traditional delusions of Manichean Christo-fascism, Tax-The-Poor Voodoo Economics, and White Privilege has left these folks convinced that they themselves will be left unscathed in the wake of the various disasters and holocausts they seek to unleash and prolong.
Somebody needs to point out to them how just many “Gawd Fearin'” good ol’ boyz lost everything in Katrina, and how many of them are losing everything still for the sake of the “missing” WMDs.
There’s only one “side” that comes out of these conflagrations intact. That’s the side that never fights in wars, flies out of town in their Gulfstream before the hurricane strikes, and looks at big recessions as opportunities to go bargain hunting.
73 – Your “guess” I’m sure is only too predictable. I’m not talking to you anymore. It’s boring and no one should ever encourage racists.
Idiot @ 78
Then by your definition Bill Clinton was right wing:
Free enterprise: NAFTA (enterprises “freed” to export jobs to Mexico)
Strong military: we won Afghanistan and Iraq with Clinton’s military
tough on crime: federally funded programs to put more cops on the streets.
Not a damned thing you write makes any sense, dittohead.
I have never taken a a thing from anyone, As a matter of fact I have worked and very hard to have what I have, no one has ever given me a thing,I paid for my own college,I paid for my own home and land,I have bought food for my own family,I have never been on unemployment or welfare or medical relief,Everything I have is mine,I owe nothing to anyone,not a dime. My kids all have college degrees that I and themselves paid for,And have been succesfully living with in there means and saving money. RESPONSIBILITY GOES ALONG WAY,TRY IT
Sometimes the desire to absolutely fisk (word by word) something as completely idiotic and stupid as this overwhelms the rational senses. Other than the fact that the author of the comment apparently lives in a completely separate reality–in which he is the sole occupant, free from ever needing/requiring any sustenance, resource acquisition, energy, etc. taken from anywhere other than his mind–one can only hope that the college degrees, his alleged kids received, provided them with vastly superior grammar and language skills (they do know the grammatically correct difference between homophones, don’t they?). Quite clearly his own “college” experience did not do such, which may explain his needing to purchase it from himself (again because he has received not a single thing from anyone other than himself).
@86 My Father taught me well, not to depend on others,To be responsible for the choices I make, That the borrower becomes servant to the lender.
@87 If you’re determined to live your life by bumper sticker platitudes, at least learn to spell the platitudes correctly.
I’m not convinced you learned what your father actually tried to teach you. Of course it’s better to be self-sufficient than dependent, strong than weak, and free of debt. But that’s not the same thing as thinking you’re not part of a community, have no responsibilities to your fellow citizens, and no duty to pull together with others for the common good. That vision of life says, in effect, that we’re not a civilization but just a bunch of animals living in a jungle with each animal strictly looking out for himself. That approach to social life isn’t capable of creating economies, cities, a defense, or anything else. Stuck in that kind of thinking, you would never progress beyond being a glorified ape.
I borrowed money to buy a car when I was offered a job that required a car. No car loan, no car; no car, no job. Debt was necessary, constructive, and productive in that case. Most people would never own a home if they had to wait until they could pay cash for it. Many corporations, and the jobs they create, wouldn’t exist if they didn’t borrow money. Debt is not evil per se; it’s how you use debt, and what you use it for, that determines whether debt is good or bad.
What exactly have you “won”? A personal feeling of superiority over your fellow citizens? What works for you may not work for them. Like you, I have no debt, but there are bums living under the Alaska Way Viaduct who have no debts either. I wouldn’t trade places with them, and I wouldn’t have traded places with them when I did have debt.
You strike me as a sloth who lets dogma do your thinking for you because you’re too lazy to use your brain. God, who went to a lot of trouble to design your brain, is not pleased because in your case it turns out to have been a wasted effort.
@82 “I have worked and very hard to have what I have”
You think the rest of us haven’t? God, you’re an ass.
@82: Watchwoman says:
They paid for themselves? And within their means?
Great, you were frugal. Does that make you any less of a fool and a bigot? No.
Maybe you should use some of your money to go back to school and learn about the use of the english language and grammer. After you are done congratulating yourself, maybe you should think about why you insist on being a bigot.
@77: I used to give Janet the benefit of the doubt, but now I think she is a full-fledged idiot.
This is probably the dumbest comment I have seen in a long time. First, it takes MONEY to convert older buildings to become energy efficient. Next, it takes people to do the work – these are the green jobs. that I have to point this out to you shows how limited your intellect really is. Next, the savings in energy costs over the long run is what helps to pay for the investment.
If you can’t figure out the obvious about this, then you have no business even making comments.
I guess my dumbass comment award goes to Janet S at #12.
Maybe I live in Bizarro World Janet, but I think money for keeping Mexican drug gangs out of the country, money for flood control, money for Head Start(one of the best investments this country makes, other than our continuing Republican “victory”, hahaha, in Iraq), money for energy conservation and the environment, those are AWESOME uses of federal money.
Why is it not socialism when Republicans open the doors to the treasury to rebuild Iraq, and bribe the Sunni’s over to a more pacifist role? Why is it not socialism when Republicans give pallets of cash to Iraq? Why is it only socialism when we feed poor American children before school?
The insanity of what Republicans call pork barrel, and what they call the free market always makes me chuckle. It seems that nothing that benefits the rich is pork to them, only the programs that benefit the needy.
hey ylb
whats worse, a racist or a doctor who kills unborn babies???
and that is the problem with this country. u jews only care that someone is not racist, everything else, abortion, adultery, homosexuality, drug use…is all fucking ok, as long as nobody can call u jewish
is none of your fucking business.
12 js
Sounds like a whole lot of stimulative spending to me.
76 js
Spending is stimulative. It would be stimulative for Milwaukee to tear down all of its schools and build all new ones, although I am certain that is not their plan. Lots of jobs, lots of materials purchased, and so on. Even if Milwaukee would be left with the same number of schools as before, they would all be new and modern. I attended a crappy, 40-year-old school for a couple of years in high school. A new one would have been better. Especially today when they can be wired for wireless Ethernet and other modern communication technologies as they’re built.
78 WW
“Oppression?” Obama and the Democrats just passed the largest tax cut in history.
I’m paying for those colleges WatchmanW’s kids went to. And their grammar schools. And the road that runs to his house. And the police who patrol his neighborhood. Self-sufficent, my ass.
Hey Daddy Love, something you are perfectly qualified for…
From the Internet…
Pending Legislation – Americans With No Abilities Act
Washington, DC – Congress is considering sweeping legislation that will provide new benefits for many Americans. The Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA) is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.
‘Roughly 53 percent of Americans (about Obama’s Total Voter percentage) do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society,’ said California Senator Barbara Boxer. ‘We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability to be ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they have some idea of what they are doing.’
In a Capitol Hill press conference, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) pointed to the success of the U.S. Postal Service, which has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack any job skills, making this agency the single largest U.S. employer of Persons of Inability.
Under The Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million ‘middle man’ positions will be created, with important-sounding titles but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of purpose and performance.
Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given so as to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees. The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations that promote a significant number of Persons of Inability into middle-management positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium-sized businesses that agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.
Finally, the AWNAA contains tough new measures to make it more difficult to discriminate against the Non-abled, banning, for example, discriminatory interview questions such as, ‘Do you have any skills or experience that relate to this job?’
‘As a Non-abled person, I can’t be expected to keep up with people who have something going for them,’ said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint , Michigan , due to her inability to remember ‘rightey tightey, lefty loosey.’ ‘This new law should be real good for people like me,’ Gertz added. With the passage of this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens will finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Said Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL): ‘As a Senator with no abilities, I believe the same privileges that elected officials enjoy ought to be extended to every American with no abilities. It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each and every American citizen, regardless of his or her inadequacy, with some sort of space to take up in this great nation and a good salary for doing so.
@100 We call that the republican incompetence bail-out bill. Clearly, the republicans have no ability to:
Rescue people from hurricanes
Run a war
Decide to start a war under false pretenses
Run a Justice department
Run a torutre department
Run a secret wiretapping department
Run a campaign for President
Run a lobbyist campaign designed to have just republican congressional input, lobbying and “special favors” – just ask Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist and Jack Abramoff.
I am so happy that my debt free situation,
Living within my means, paying cash for my purchases,Rubs everyone’s ass so raw.
I will garantee, Daddy love you aren’t paying any more taxes than my kids and myself are,If the truth is known you probably pay less.
Because your ass is hocked to the hilt, begging for government handouts doesn’t mean that has to be my family’s way of life.
Teaching my kids the value of being responsible for thier choices,financial and other wise,to work,to give to others has helped to make them four of the wisest young people of thier time. Be jealous if you must.
Its a very long line you stand in daddy love.
Borrowed money can only go so far,Eventually the well will dry up, when to many are using the same one.
So I win again, I am still debt free.
so roger, i guess it totally doesnt bother u that obama picked (or was told to pick), as his chief of staff a guy who, has dual us/israeli citizenship, fought not for the us but israel in the first gulf war, made 18nmillion in two years at this same subprime mess, whose father was a terroist, and who has been accused by a jewish author of being the north american chief of mossad. so none of that bothers you, but u think bush wants to sit on his ranch and comtrol what???you stupid fuck, its right in your face, every jew in this country is raping and robbing every cent. you ever hear of a jew named maxwell from the uk, he robbed billions in pension money. and they let a fucking jew tax cheat run the treasury. your the one whose been brainwashed by the jew media. shithead
I’m all for free speech and all but still, I’ve grown a little tired of running across this Jew-hater @103 every day. Further, why is it that I only see people on the left putting this freak down? Does your silence mean that all of you trolls agree with him?
104 – Stupes loves to call out to that guy.
i’m not a jew hater, even if i was , i assume that it is legal. but i’m doing no more than the nyt editor richard rosenthal who said bill oreilly is a member of the “white christian power structure”. so tell me most holy, how is that different than me pointing out the jewish power structure? or is it that white male chrsitians have to just shut up.
while we’re at it, its kind of laughable that you’re sick of my rantings. i guess people are just so used to chrsistians being ridiculed, like say a show like king of the hill, showing some pastor with the bible under his arm, talking in a southern accent, spouting insanities. yeah, i guess making fun of christnas is just ok.
@106 As a most holy white male Christian, I’m telling you that you’re quite fucked up in the head.
“chrsistians” “christnas”
Good grief! How stupid are you? Geez, Jew-hater, you can’t spell worth a shit and your grammar totally sucks. Oh, and do try experimenting with the shift key to the left on your keyboard. Hold it down and you can turn this “a” into this “A”. Cool, huh? No, don’t thank me. I’m just trying to help.
Manoftruth –
“i guess people are just so used to chrsistians being ridiculed, like say a show like king of the hill, showing some pastor with the bible under his arm, talking in a southern accent, spouting insanities”
So what? Is your faith so fragile? Or is it something else?
I suspect, with comments like this –
“every jew in this country is raping and robbing every cent. you ever hear of a jew named maxwell from the uk, he robbed billions in pension money. and they let a fucking jew tax cheat run the treasury. your the one whose been brainwashed by the jew media. shithead”
-that you are a racist, skinhead type. Probably not very old, 16-22y/o without many postitive influences in your life. Do you claim to be a Christian? because you fail in your comments to exhibit any Christian qualities.
I don’t even know why I bother to address your comments….you need help.
please, get a job. while it is hilarious reading the vile and patently false things you type, it gets old after a while. it looks like you are trying really hard to believe what you type.
also, richard curtis called. he wants to know why you stopped giving him reach arounds. apparently he really likes when you do that.
You asses finally got it right. If a Republican votes against the toxic waste package proposed by obama and crooks in congress, you say:
See, the problem is, even as a tactic, bipartisanship is pointless if not counterproductive if you don’t have an honest, trustworthy partner across the aisle. And currently, the Dems don’t.
The Truth Is:
The only trustworthy Democrat, one could possibility find today is 6 foot under and still not smiling.
After being in the shit pool for 2 months.
Your hate of yourselves is shinning. Hope you get help soon look to our lord for help.
You gals are crackups hope your board stays active.
God Bless,
The Truth.