From the Seattle Times: “Wenatchee cyclist could get shot at Tour de France.”
My advice to 23-year-old Wenatchee cyclist Tyler Farrar is, if you could get shot at the Tour… for God’s sake don’t go! It’s just a bike race, and you’re too young to die!
The Times has updated the headline in their online edition to read: “Wenatchee cyclist has shot at riding in Tour de France.”
Another victory for bloggers everywhere.
Yesterday the NYT posted a headline from Reuters, I think, about McCain repudiating Hagee over his “Hilter” remarks. It was up about 10 minutes before they took it off the site.
And one of the local rag sites had something about how global warming would “effect” salmon.
Doesn’t anybody hire editors anymore?
Goldy, you missed the point entirely!
Steroid injections? A shot? Get it?
The headline writer obviously was alluding to the on-going TdF drug scandals.
The Piper
Piper, you need to read this,
Surprised you didn’t link to Mark Twain’s famous essay deriding JFC.
What, pray tell, literary offense have I commited? Before you answer, do understand that when it comes to certain things literary, the rules were meant to be broken.
The Piper
I know the newspaper industry has fallen on hard times, what with the collapse of real estate advertising and all, but I didn’t realize they were this desperate for readers. What Pacific Northwest newspapers need is more fish swimming up our rivers, so people will have a reason to buy more newspapers …
BTW the headline now reads “Wenatchee cyclist has shot at Tour de France.” Looks like someone at the Seattle Times reads HA. Who knows, maybe they all do.
An excellent double-entendre, Piper. Give yourself a drumroll.
But congratulations are still due to Farrar. Regardless of how the sport has fallen into disrepute over doping, the Tour de France is still the crown jewel of its sport, and one of the great sporting events of the world. Farrar deserves our respect and support.
What’s wrong with doping if it’s done under a doctor’s supervision?
It will never stop. In the bodybuilding world, they have two different classes of competion: all natural and doped. Maybe that’s the solution in all sports venues.
“Rider”, not “riding“!
“Wenatchee cyclist has shot at riding in Tour de France.”
Well, I hope he gets arrested for being so naughty.
Wenatchee cyclist?
Does he ride a Wenatchee-cycle?
just wondering. That’s all.