One of the Portland television stations had a segment today on a town hall held by Rep. David W, D-Or. They showed a youngish man and his male friends holding a sign depicting President Obama with a toothbrush mustache, and the man claimed health care reform will be like the Tiergarten 4 program the Nazis carried out in Germany.
Like this idiot could come up with that himself.
The man seemed sincere, which begs the question, who is feeding these stupid, gullible fucks this outrageous and false bullshit? It’s also worth asking why the media is intent on showing stupid, gullible fucks without explaining that they are stupid, ignorant gullible fucks.
Hey, lookie, stupid gullible fucks managed to ask stupid questions, it’s a story! Well, it is a story in one way, and the story is that there are a very small number of people who are very, very stupid gullible fucks. There’s just no other way to put it.
Homo ovis aries aries.
lee calls them “gullible morons” not “fucks.” are morons fucks?
you stupid fuck devoreberg. like the acorn people could come up with their stuff on their own. who do you think would be more likely to come up with their own stuff, the healthbaggers, who look like accountants and schoolteachers, or acorn , who look like welfare recipeints. you stupid lying fuck.
You just might be a member of the Official American Death Panel if
You firmly believe that health care is not a right.
You think that 22,000 people a year dying because they can’t afford health care and 350,000 going bankrupt from medical bills just proves that we have the best health care system in the world.
You don’t want so much as a penny of your tax dollars used to pay for the health care of unemployed or chronically ill losers.
You think that God personally told Governor George Bush to sign the 1999 Texas bill establishing the right of hospital committees to turn off life support for whatever cases they deemed hopeless, even against the wishes of their families.
You think that laws against patient dumping are a Communist government intrusion on the right of private enterprises to make profits.
You approve of Governor Schwarzenegger’s recent line item veto of paying for the long-term care of thousands of elderly people.
If indeed the H1N1 comes back bigger and stronger in the fall, the place it will do the most damage is in the US.
France, Canada and the UK among others have stockpiled enough vaccine and have single payer health insurance for everyone along with ample sick leave, so no one will lose their jobs if they stay home with the flu (lessening the spread). People in those countries are used to working together as neighbors (see their health insurance) so there will be less panic then there will in the US.
We in the US are at the mercy of many different for-profit medical insurers (who may or may not allow claims for flu vaccine) who also may drop coverage of anyone who gets the flu. Couple that with people who feel they cannot afford for whatever reason to take time off of work, the uninsured who cannot afford to go to the doctor and the fact the US may not have enough vaccine to cover even health care workers and there could be a major panic.
The fact that everyone thinks everyone else is a lizard person, 9/11 conspirator, member of a death panel, fascist/socialist/communist/Democrat/Republican/tree-hugging-liberal/kool-aid-sucking-conservative isn’t going to help us be neighbors and get through a medical crisis of that proportion either.
The Plum LineGreg Sargent’s blog On Private Conference Call, Tea Party Organizers Say No Reform At All Is Goal
On a private conference call, a group of top Tea Party and conservative organizers offered a surprisingly frank description of their goal, according to a source on the call: Completely blocking any kind of bipartisan compromise, and completely preventing any type of health care reform bill at all from ever becoming law.
Oy, vey. What a bitter, pissy little queen. You might learn to spell “recipients” before you humiliate yourself in public again, Dr. Einstein.
i’m not sure how my quote is relevant to what you linked, but yeah, i believe in no reform at all….because, i dont believe what obama wants is reform, he wants government control of healthcare. and to that i say..leave me the fuck alone…by the way, i dont blame obama, he’s just a figurehead. its the people behind him running the show.
Could someone please tell me what role Acorn is playing in the healthcare debate? Acorn does not seem to be in the press.
Teabaggers, though. See lots of them trying to disrupt town hall meetings. And not one single idea from them on how to fix health care.
mot @8,
Eh? Who?
Behind the teabaggers it is the private health care industry and the Republican party who are running things.
mot @8
Teabaggers aren’t coming up with their own stuff.
At least you’re honest.
Me, I’m concerned 12,000 more Americans loose their insurance every day. Doing nothing only means the situation will get worse.
A few years ago, John was saying dissent is patriotic. Now he’s angered by it. I think John is a little hypocrite.
Some people don’t want bigger government. John says it’s un-American to protest a plan to increase the size of Government. I think John is un-American.
Ignorance is patriotic!
Dissent is patriotic.
Health insurance conglomerates and super-rich backers (Kohl Indutries) spreading misinformation and outright lies to anger front-line shock troops who are then farmed out to disrupt Congress-constituent meetings isn’t “dissent.” It’s sock-puppetry.
I am pretty sure those we’re Lynden Larouche (sp?) people. I can’t believe you wasted our time with this post.
@5 “France, Canada and the UK among others have stockpiled enough vaccine”
They have???? Seems a little imprudent consdering the testing isn’t completed yet.
What I personally find interesting is the large numbers of people, apparently of the same stripe as the town-hall hecklers, posting stuff here and elsewhere referring to “Obama’s swine flu hoax” and declaring that no fucking way are any gubmint needles going to get poked into their arms. This implies the interesting possibility that there may be an awful lot of sick Republicans for a while.
(I’ll be a nice guy and let someone else deliver the punch line…)
Birthers and deathers and brownshirts… oh my!
This entire mess is the fault of the FCC. If they hadn’t mandated the change in the television broadcast signal, then these people would still be at home where they belong watching Morton Downey Jr. reruns and waiting for their call from the Jerry Springer Show.
Salon – Obama’s Healthcare Horror
It’s all a coordinated strategy to dilute the meaning of the word “fascist” out of existence, ahead of electing the next banana Republican president.
@19 I was going to mention Hulu, but that’s a little beyond the capacity of a Commodore 64.
So you also noticed that the media isn’t talking about acorn and their involvement.
Here’s a good start for you.
These stupid gullible fucks are doing more to pass health care reform than we ever could, thanks to the media attention they’re getting.
@3 “the healthbaggers … look like accountants and schoolteachers”
They do? They look like trailer park Republicans to me. God help us if these people are keeping our accounts and teaching our kids …
Personally, I suspect a lot of these folks are insurance company pencil pushers who fear losing their jobs if we start spending some of the 25% of health care dollars that insurance companies take on providing health care instead of writing claim denials.
@12 “I think John is a little hypocrite.”
I think you’re a little idiot.
USA today did a little fact checking on the obama press conference. You know, the townhall where he had that little girl planted to ask him a question. It’s hard for the democrats to lie with youtube and the internet. Lucky for obama, his sheeple don’t seem to be bothered by his lies. Go figure.
[Copied materials deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Yup, the obama was spreading misinformation and outright lies.
Be a good comrade, stick your head in the sand right after you turn me in for dissenting.
Bravo Jon! You typify here the high water mark of liberal thought in the spiritual vein of a Henry Louis Gates! Don’t have anything to say, cuss up a blue streak in false righteous anger.
After all, why bother with real arguments based on factual data. You’d lose on that for goodness sake. This is all about feelings, so go right for the vulgar and debased in the English language. I realize you probably don’t express yourself well enough to avoid profanities, but most people would avoid exhibiting this failing.
You are a classic example of what progressives stand for; the elevation of the common at the expense of the worthwhile. Thanks for this illuminating example of your type.
@13 I see the little troll is hammering on his blocks again.
Do you have a source for your numbers you are citing for the people who are bankrupted by medical bills and die from lack of insurance affordability? I’m not saying you are wrong, I’m just curious.
And Roger the demented bunny too? Wow, you guys are really bringing out the worst in your ranks today!
Here’s a tip. Speak a rational English devoid of hatemongering and vulgarity and people might actually care what you have to say.
But please keep up the hyperbolic displays of the true intolerant ass in the typical progressive. America needs to see what you really are about devoid of your leaders’ pretty language. Well, pretty when someone else writes it and he can read it off of a teleprompter.
Hey you’re the loser who said he hated President Obama. You had Obama Derangement Syndrome the moment he we was elected.
Your holier than thou act falls flat.
ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE!
We are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning!
Get used to it, you Republican pukes. You didn’t just lose an “election.” You lost the message of your political philosophy to the electorate in general. You lost African-American voters for generations to come, your vile rhetoric on immigration and bashing Sotomayor lost you the Hispanic vote for at least 3-5 more elections cycles, And, most importantly, your fear mongering has lost you the 18-35 year old majority of voters.
In other words, you have ZERO future in national politics until you shift radically from your right wing extremist positions and come far, far to the left.
We are very much now a center left country that will only get more Liberal in the future.
Thanks so much for electing George W. Bush – TWICE!
Like I’ve said, it was a tough 8 years to endure, but now that America has come out the other side of that tunnel, we are never, ever going back to Reagan Republicanism.
Liberalism wins the day again. As it did from day ONE in 1776. Liberals, keeping the pre 9/11 thinking alive and well, because on that day NOTHING CHANGED at the fundamental level of our country despite what the culture of corruption brown shirts said.
@32 “Speak a rational English devoid of hatemongering and vulgarity and people might actually care what you have to say.”
And you would offer as examplars of this approach the health baggers disrupting town hall discussions of health care with violent temper tantrums, yes?
28 MS
Didja “read the bill,” Marv? Once you do, let’s talk over real provisions.
I can’t wait to go down to the camps and poke wingnuts with a stick through the fence.
Keep your terms straight.
Liberalism in 1776 meant what the bill of rights enumerated.
It didn’t mean any loser without gumption had a right to the contents of my wallet.
It didn’t mean that unions could extort concessions from legitimate business, ruin the business, and then whine about outsourcing jobs.
It didn’t mean that every person with 4 kids they couldn’t afford could ask me to pay for their mortgage, health care, EITC and all the other goodies offered the lowest among us.
It did mean that people started on an equal playing field and made what they could of themselves without government interference.
Try to study the actual writings of the ‘liberals’ of 1776. They would find you and your pals repulsive in the extreme.
RE 35:
No demented rodent, I wouldn’t. Nor have I once defended the disruption of public events by either liberal or conservative.
I understand the anger and frustration though. Socialized medicine thrust on people who don’t want it without debate, the media misrepresenting any opposition and the president putting together a fascistic watchlist about people who disagree is enough to anger any real american.
From Pres. Obama:
“(T)he intention. .. was to give people more information so that they could handle issues of end-of-life care when they’re ready, on their own terms.”
Then from Sen. Isakson’s press release:
“The House bill would require Medicare to pay for end-of-life counseling sessions, but it would not mandate that anyone use the benefit.”
Okay, so explain how this constitutes a lie on Obama’s part. It sounds like Isakson’s own statement agrees with what Pres. Obama said.
And none of this constitutes a “death panel.”
I don’t believe you guys are really so stupid that you can’t figure that out, so it leaves the obvious conclusion that you are just a bunch of intentional liars.
lostinaseaofblue says:
“It did mean that people started on an equal playing field and made what they could of themselves without government interference.”
Oh, so you support a 100% inheritance tax.
Yeah right. It’s “don’t you socialists touch my medicare/medicaid/va benefits!” from the zombie screamers in quite a few cases
Re 41
Umm, seems to me that confiscating someones’ property might just kind of constitute government interference.
Re 42:
There is a substantive difference between the VA and the other 2 programs. A veteran served his or her country and deserves the gratitude of his country.
As for the others slow phasing out of them over the next 20 years to allow for the tax structure to catch up would be the best policy. They are both, as you point out, socialist in nature and inconsistent with the ideals of this country. Same goes for Social Security, by the way.
It’s not Health Care reform.
It’s Health Care PAYMENT reform.
Wanna have affordable health care and insurance?
Get the lawyers and gov’t regulation out of the mix.
Peeps who feel they don’t have to pay for health care aren’t helping much either.
As said by someone that doesn’t pay federal income tax.
If you wanted to be a NBA center, how should the government make the playing field equal so you could compete against shaq?
How can the government make you as equal as someone like gbs that has sooo much material pleasures in life and you have so little. Of course, he’s sending his kids to college, something that someone like you might not be able to do. How can that be fixed so the children of gbs don’t have such an advantage over your kids.
So he deserves “socialized medicine” right? In the VA’s case it truly is “socialized” because the hospitals are owned by the government and the doctors are employed by the government as well.
If you were truly with the screaming zombies, you’d be protesting to have the vets transferred to a United Health Care policy to help the CEO buy a fancy condo to go with his mansion.
I’m still waiting for an idiot to boycott Canadian oil and gas because American dollars are going up there to support the absolutely marxist hell-hole of a system they have. Watch Faux News long enough and I’m sure they’ll eventually broadcast Canadians screaming at their politicians to trade their system for ours.
Another example of a proud obama supporter.
“It’s free money!” said Alecia Rumph, 26, who waited in a Morris Park, Bronx, line 300 people deep for the cash to buy uniforms and book bags for her two kids.
“Thank God for Obama. He’s looking out for us.”
It’s only free money for the people that don’t pay taxes.
Thoughts from that well-known stupid, ignorant gullible right-wing extremist wingnut repugnican fuck Camille Paglia:
2 – Excellent. Almost everybody forgot about GWB’s “death panel” he signed into law in Texas.
GBS is sooooooooo envious of those who work and achieve thru indivual initiative and risk-taking (successful), that he has blown a gasket!
Imagine Government controlled Health Care being a WIN???
GBS, you had a brief time-period of lucid thought that has drifted because of anger and jealousy.
The only way you can compete is to take from the “rich & successful” and re-distribute???
That means you are too gutless to compete.
Which means you are a pathetic bottom-feeder…sucking off others fruits of labor & risk.
The issues to fix the current system were ID’d in the 2008 PWC Study….
1) Defensive medicine caused by Tort System/Ambulance chasers
2) Fraud.
Combined===nearly 20% of the 50% waste.
Instead…the quantum leap to GOVERNMENT controlled Single Payer.
Free stuff for GBS and his other lazy-ass pot-smokin’ loser buddies.
The consequences of Obamacare is the final leap to Socialism. One started, there is no turning back. The Massive Defict Spending will be multiplied by this fiasco.
There is no free ride worth gettin’ GBS.
Grow up trashboy.
Excellent idea, YLB. Convert the socialized medical care provided our veterans to a privatized system.
41. Pale Rider spews:
Individuals who accumulate wealth that they have paid taxes on ought to be able to do with it as they please…not as Barrack Obamunism dictates.
Obama can really burn thru them credit cards and other folks money, can’t he!?!!
And, YLB, I’m not ‘with’ anyone.
I represent my own interests, as any thinking person does.
This is in marked distinction to the wide eyed awe with which a certain segment of the population treats the Obama.
Democrats continue to lie saying protesters at town hall events do not represent the majority of voters across the country in the face of recent polls showing a majority of Americans oppose President Obama’s plan to reform America’s health care system. Just close your eyes and spew==Obamunism!
Quinnipiac University poll 36 percent of respondents said Obama’s plan for a national health care option would “hurt” the quality of care they currently receive, while 21 percent said it would “improve” their care. Forty-two percent said the president’s plan would increase their health care costs, while only 18 percent said it would decrease them. The poll surveyed 2,409 registered voters nationwide and had a 2 point margin of error.
A Time Poll said 62 percent said the finalized legislation for a nationalized plan would likely raise their health care costs, and 56 percent said the legislation would give them “less” freedom to choose their doctors and coverage. The poll questioned 1,002 adults nationwide and had a 3 point margin of error.
Obama lied in his Town Hall meeting about AARP’s position. Under Obamunism, a lie becomes “a misspeak” for the messiah.
What a dirtbag.
How many americans have moved to canada for better healthcare.
Any reports of americans running off to canada fro treatment.
You must have missed this question… What country did kennedy and dodd go to for their cancer treatments.
54. lostinaseaofblue spews:
These mindless KLOWNS are under the spell of Obamunism…where Obama’s outright LIES (like yesterday about AARP supporting him) now are merely “misspeaks”.
The KLOWNS have a new vocabulary word.
A lie can no longer be called a lie per Obama’s Executive Order!!
You mean you didn’t think of that before me? Wow what a proponent of “free markets” you are!
Think of how much better the yacht-building industry could have been doing if the status quo medical insurance industry and their greedhead executives were able to deny claims to veterans as “medically unecessary” or “pre-existing condition”.
Many. But Canadians are pretty strict about their immigration policy.
And how many times do I have to repeat that the best care in the world, with private rooms and gourmet meals, is available here IF YOU CAN PAY FOR IT!!??!!
Haven’t you heard, gbs is rich. When john edwards talked about the 2 americas, gbs lives in the small segment of rich americans.
My big bank account, trade account, two Porsches, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Ranger, Sanger ski boat, trips to Europe, my own home, putting my son through dental school, my daughter’s college is already paid, and my wife who’s lived out her dream of being a stay-at-home-mom because she WANTED to, says otherwise.
Yet, living in a country that has allowed him to have all that, he does everything he can to keep his money and not pay federal income tax.
107. GBS spews:
Puddy @ 105.
No doubt you paid more in federal income taxes than me. You forget my line of business allows me to take advantage of the tax loopholes.
Last year, GBS paid nearly $0 in federal taxes. After my deductions, which are many, I don’t have enough in “taxable” income to pay taxes.
It’s nice. I almost had a 5-figure income tax return check.
GBS don’t mind paying his fair share in taxes. The operative word being “fair share.”
GBS has enough money that his family gets to live a lifestyle that the average american only dreams about.
And his $0 in federal taxes is his “fair share.”
re 12: A few years ago, you were saying that dissent was treasonous. In order to ‘dissent’ you need to understand what it is you are dissenting from — which the healthbaggers do not.
Your democrat rulers aren’t paying for it.
Taxpayers are paying for it.
If the free government heal;thcare program the democrats want “we the people” to use is so good, why won’t your rulers use the same system?
They know it’s going to suck. That’s why they are going to continue to enjoy their gold plated healthcare at your expense. Well, not your expense since you’re not working, but you get the point.
28 MS
Stating that some assertions are “debatable” does not make them either misinformation or outright lies. Hey, speaking of outright lies, care to discuss the “death panels” that are gonna kill baby Trig? No, of soure you don’t. Cluck cluck.
There is no requirement in any of the bills before Congress that would force anyone with a current plan to give it up. What employers choose to do is a different matter, and it is not specified in the bills. However, a worker who loses employer-provided health insurance would still be able to obtain coverage under the Congressional plans. And that’s a good thing, because it’s not that way today.
Aw, so in insurance industry advocate doesn’t agree with the president? Weird, huh? Surely no one could havbe predicted this.
Yeah, Isakson came out YESTERDAY and said that the death panel ideas were crazy, and then today walked it back. Uh-huh, I’m sure that statement is what he really thinks.
Again, debatable. AARP lavishly praised one of the House bills in a June press release. Maybe that’s what prompted the statement:
“We are pleased by the House TriCommittee’s health care reform bill, which makes important strides towards making sure that every American has access to affordable, quality health care choices…This bill would make great strides for all of our members and their families…The House TriCommittee bill would also close over time the Medicare prescription drug “doughnut hole” — a major concern for our members.”
And of source they broadly encdorsed the presdient’s goals:
“While the President was correct that AARP will not endorse a health care reform bill that would reduce Medicare benefits, indications that we have endorsed any of the major health care reform bills currently under consideration in Congress are inaccurate…We share the President’s commitment to act this year, and our members appreciate his insistence that any final reform package will not reduce Medicare benefits for the millions of people that literally depend on that program as a lifeline.”
Oh this is priceless, old folk on Medicare and Social Security screaming at town hall meetings don’t want Socialized medicine thrust on them. Right.
Eh, yeah. Look at all the coverage on the Single Payer Plan.
Be sure to wear your heavy duty tin foil hat. Mind rays you know. They can only be stopped with heavy duty tin foil. Trust me on this.
I’m still waiting for a wingnut to show me protests in the street and at “townhalls” in Japan, Canada and Europe coming from ordinary citizens wanting to trade their “socialist” health care systems for ours.
62 MS
They’re your “rulers” too, and they’re also taxpayers.
If only someone were proposing “free governement health care” at least your comment would have some pretense of relevance, but because no one is, it does not.
62 – Chock full of bullshit. We haven’t seen a bill yet. Zombies like you and the screamers are going on fantasies spun by the likes of Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Drudge, Breitbart, Hot Air, Free Republic, WND, NewsMax and the rest of the fear mongers.
Ah. Me! Me! That is simple!
They have a Government health care plan. They have good coverage and can get world class treatment right here.
My right wing Father-in-Law also has Government health care. Two heart valve replacements, four week long hospitalizations for Pneumonia, and once for a broken leg that also included 6 weeks of physical therapy including room and board. All at no cost to him.
Me, I got Premera. I tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder a couple of years ago. All treatment as an out patient. I’m out about $2000. And I have a “good” medical plan.
When will a wingnut boycott Canadian oil and gas?
Because every time they fill up or turn up the thermostat, they are contributing to a “socialist” system.
Apparently they have no problem with propping the socialist systems of other countries with their SUV gas and home heating purchases.
There’s a lot of gullible going around these days. Looks like big bad John fell for the same Democrat disinformation that bagged David Gregory on Meet the Press.
In case you Democrat fucks are too gullible to get the point, Lyndon LaRouche — proud papa of the Barack Hitler poster — is one of you. Seven-time Democrat candidate for the Democrat nomination as the Democrat candidate for Democrat president of the United States. He’s clearly annoyed at being thumped by Democrat Obama. Ergo the Democrat Hitler poster.
Last week our commander-in-chief said that some people (Jon) just need to zip their lip and get out of the way. Shut up, he explained. Jon, this cup’s for you.
My Love Daddy is trying to muddle thru Obama’s lie about AARP to come up with a quick fix. SOL, alas. A lie is a lie is a lie.
Here’s a page o’ links so you liar-enablers can cherrypick the link you like best. Don’t like the likes of Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Drudge, Breitbart, Hot Air, Free Republic, WND, NewsMax and the rest of the fear mongers?
Well, then, YLB and you Obama ditto heads, pick some mongers from the list you like better.
And then explain why Obama keeps lying about single payer. Yesterday he said again that he’s never been for it, but Dori’s got Barack Hussein Obama, who was not born in Kenya, saying that public option is stealth single payer, which he supports.
Mr. Cynical “The Magic Nigger Hater” and Sheik al Marvin:
WOW! Did I ever hit the raw nerve with you two ANGRY and CONFUSED brown shirts!!
Toooooooo Damn funny.
Losing sucks, don’t it?
On the one hand you have the Magic Nigger Hater saying this:
And then on the other you have the Sheik saying this:
Which is it you two MORONS? I’m a loser sucking off the public teat or I have enough money to provide a lifestyle for my family that the average American only dreams about???????
The best part, for me at least, is that the Sheik is PISSED off that I use the legal tax loopholes created by REPUBLICANS to my financial advantage!!!
Do you even know who you’re angry at Sheik? Oh, that’s right it must be Liberals like me who take advantage of Republican created tax loopholes because Limbaugh and the RNC didn’t tell you be pissed at the Republicans who created them. I get it.
And, Mr. C the Magic Nigger Hater, how can I take advantage of the tax loopholes if I didn’t take risks and spend money or accrue expenses that the average hourly wage earner can’t deduct?
The anger is seething so openly with you two it ridiculous. One is jealous and obsessed with my success and the other is a Nigger Hater.
Both are Republicans/Conservatives – go figure!
And this from the self admitted welfare recipient.
Are you aware the obama had an email setup for good little comrades like you to turn in their fellow citizens that weren’t speaking the party line?
Are you aware there are federal rules that requires the obama to keep all email correspondence?
Biiiiiig Pharma. You remember them. The evil Nazis that Nazi Bush took to bed when he pushed a budget-busting Medicare drug entitlement that didn’t use government leverage to lever down the bloated prices of biiiiig drugs.
Well, Donkeys, riddle us this: Why did President Obama crawl out of bed this morning with a drug hangover? And why will YLB reflexively consign the WaPo to the dungheap of decadence, along with BeckRushSeanBill-o and all those other Obama haters?
Is it possible that the Washington Post that brought down racist Nixon is racist?
I mean, that’s all you tards have left, isn’t it? You’re losing the debate, so it’s time to revert to tried-and-true Democrat tactics of shouting racist at anybody who’s taking you down.
And don’t forget, the “black” welfare recipient that is contributing the the stereotype that blacks live off of welfare from generation to generation.
Which explains why you referred to me as “boy-eeee.”
And why are you upset I’m not paying any federal income tax? You don’t either. Isn’t that hypocritical of you?
The remarkable disinformation healthcare reform opponents are spewing proves that any attempt to reach across the aisle to the Republican Party on this issue is simply a waste of time. GOP leadership is too separated from reality, and too intensely partisan, to be part of the debate. It is time to simply jam this down the GOP’s throat. If the reform proves to ultimately fail, Democrats will pay for it at the polls. Sometimes, however, leadership requires balls. Thankfully, Obama has a pair.
HNMT @ 75
Backroom deals define politics. I heard somewhere that Big Pharma makes the insurance greedheads look like Fuller Brush salesmen.
Sure it’s disappointing but any good politician has to choose his fights carefully.
Nice try. Go fish somewhere else, FIEND.
Wrong as usual. YOU are one of HIS – a terminal nutcase.
74 MS
Your contention is that they will use said e-mails to track (for rpesumably nefarious reasons) “citizens that weren’t speaking the party line.” Therefore, THAT is the assertion you need to present evidence to prove.
lostinaseaofblue @ 38:
I have neither the time nor the inclination to teach you what you should have learned in Civics class. If you had Civics at all.
The framers of the Constitution had the intellect and the foresight to realize that the Constitution as written, was not the do all to end all document.
Which is why they ensrined in the document the power for The People to CHANGE it and it’s meaning. What they gave us was not a document that TELLS us what do think, instead the gave us a document and the rules of reasoning to TELL us HOW to think.
You dummy!
That’s precisely the REASON why some language is definite and inflexible such as “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . .” and others MUST be interpreted per the situation like “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, . . .”
Can you give me the “original intent” description of “unreasonable” so that I can precisely measure that against what is unreasonable in EVERY situation???
See if you can answer my question. You cannot. I know that for absolute certain.
Which, proves YOU have NO FUCKING idea what you’re talking about.
But, I’d LOOOOOVE to see you prove me wrong.
Go on. Answer the question – smart ASS!!!
I was educating Cyn that you are rich. I even posted your list of material possessions that you need to feel good about yourself.
I’m not pissed.
I was simply pointing out that $0 is your fair share.
Yet you think others should pay higher taxes.
The only way you could be more of a hypocrite is if after all your talk about respecting the military we find out you hit a superior officer.
GBS is mighty defensive, ain’t he.
GBS is a chronic liar.
He is also shuckin’ out the racist stuff tryin’ hard to pin it on me….We all know GBS is always using someone else to CHANNEL his racist venom thru.
Perhaps someday GBS will meet my beautiful daughter-in-law…and choke on his own venom.
It would truly be priceless to see the look on GBS’s face when he sees my daughter-in-law!!
Keep “channeling” GBS you douchebag!
You brag about all these legal loopholes you allegedly used to shelter income from Federal Taxes. The Standard Deduction and your exemptions is hardly a loophole you KLOWN!!
GBS ought to write a book..
I successfully sheltered my $25,000 of Gross Income. It would probably sell to lots of freeloaders here on HA..
Actually they wouldn’t BUY IT, they would rip it off at Borders!!
75 Change
Tauzin is a drug lobbyist, not a legislator. Obama is not writing any legislation whatsoever. You make no sense.
The envy is dripping off your hands like butter of a hot ear of corn!
You are sooooo envious of the success of others…you will do anything to take it away rather than COMPETE for your own.
That’s the Leftist way…what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine?? Right?
And to see GBS brag about ZERO TAXES is even more pathetic.
Massive Government Programs–
Trillions of dollars of cost.
GBS pays ZERO!!
Too Damn Funny.
Way to connect the dots on this douchebag Marvin!!
70. Stupid Gullible Health Bagger Fuck, and Proud Of It
So LaRouche published a poster, and a horde of stupid guillible health bagger fucks printed it and are carrying it. Hmmm, should I blame LaRouche or them?
I got the answer right! Can you?
Hear, hear. The GOPP is totally dedicated to a filibuster no matter which way you cut it – public option , coops, elimination of pre-existing conditions, copay/deductible regulations..
Reconciliation is the way to go. It’s up to us to push progressive politicians to fight for reforms plus a robust public option. Nothing less is acceptable.
We get real reform or we kill a weak bill and spineless Dems face primary challenges.
Huh, I wonder if Bush knew that federal rule as well?
Or, is it in Brown Shirt world a federal rule that only requires Obama to keep all email correspondence, therefore, allowing the Nazi Party members skirt the law – again.
You wear that Brown Shirt well Stamn.
It is strange that gbs is so bitter considering all the material possessions he owns. Do you think maybe gbs is reaching that point in life when he realizes there’s more to life than having a couple putt-putt cars? Naw, he’s muchtoo shallow to have that deep of self-realization.
And when you consider his life is under democrat rule, why isn’t he happy. Do you think he’s scared that his days of getting away without paying federal income tax are soon to come to an end?
Or maybe he’s bitter because despite his words, he acts exactly like a greedy republican. That kind of self conflict might be responsible for his bitterness.
If the democrats don’t charge him with anything, I guess the answer would be yes.
Strange, the democrats are in power and they won’t even talk about charging bush with all those war crimes that the bitter hateful people keep whining about.
82. Marvin Stamn spews:
The only way you could be more of a hypocrite is if after all your talk about respecting the military we find out you hit a superior officer.
What a revelation we’ve just had. Either you’re consulting phone psyches or you’re really . . . PUDDYBUD!!
I did hit a Marine Zero. I won, but it cost me rank and a lot of money. Too funny, Puddy. Good run though being the Sheik. You shouldn’t have gone for the obvious, though. You know I’m a seer, why would you blow your cover so obviously to me?
Joe Conason:
Conservative death panels. Mark’s on board. How about you?
You make this waaaay too easy.
I knew I could count on you to prove you’re a fucking idiot.
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
Marv, I mean Puddy, I owe you lunch dude for pulling off such a good one. I mean some place nice, too. I’d say McCormick’s, but you don’t eat beef if I remember correctly.
Any way, your call, man. Too damn funny. But, not the Magic Nigger Hater, though, he can get his own handout.
Naaaah. Stamn can’t be Puddybud. He would have been outed long ago..
Now Stamn meeting up with Puddybud in So Cal I can believe.
Look, a truther and a birther rolled up in one.
What a fucking idiot.
It’s hard to believe you really are this clueless. But hell, you thought I was black when you were calling me “boy-eee.”
Shut up.
I put the bait on the hook and put the line in the water.
Now let me have fun with mr. ignorant.
I hope mr ignorant doesn’t ask lee/goldy if Puddy and I post via the same servers.
Today, at a town-hall meeting hosted by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), a man held up a small, handwritten sign reading “Death to Obama,” The Hill’s J. Taylor Rushing reports (subscription only).
Really, Mr. Magic Nigger Hater, why would I “choke on my own venom?”
Are you inferring that your daughter-in-law is African American? Or a person of color?
What EXACTLY are you saying? Why be coy about it? Why not just SAY it?
Does she approve of your Nigger jokes?
Does she laugh as to try and be polite in her father-in-law’s company.
But had someone else at another place, another time and said the exact same thing in front of “her” family they would’ve gotten their asses kicked because saying a “black person would be scared to death if they had to get a real job” is just a fucking knee slapper in mixed race company, aint it?
Why would you do that to your daughter-in-law?
Do you enjoy the feeling of making your daughter-in-law feel inferior, some how beneath you? Oh, white patriarch of the Montana Klan family?
WOW! I heard of being racist, but being blatantly so in front of your son’s (or daughter’) spouse?!?!?!?
That’s truly over the top!!
Dear Daddy: President Obama, who wants single payer without paying for it, is not in a grapple with Republicans. He’s in a street brawl with Baucus.
You’re right that no Senate version of the bill emerged despite relentless Obama coercion and pressure. But Baucas holds the whip. If/when a Senate bill is passed for reconciliation with HR3200, it will probably be a Baucus bill. It will not be single payer or single-payer stealth, a “public option.” It’ll be BBBB: Baucus Believes (in) Balanced Budgets.
That’s why Obama is scrambling to co-opt Tauzin and Big Drug. Obama is trying belatedly show that he now fears the budget cataclysm he was trying earlier to force on Congress.
We conservatives applaud Obama’s new-found conservatism. We wonder, though, why Obama’s Goldycrat buds aren’t very annoyed about his backroom fornication with Big Drug lobbyists.
Those were LaRouche Democrats holding the LaRouche Hitler poster to which David Gregory and Big Bad Jon refer.
Tried last night to give you sweet dreams, but the link broke. Maybe there’s a good one in here somewhere. Enjoy.
98 – I don’t take orders from brown shirts..
I got it right didn’t I? You met up with Puddybud here or in CA.
The only thing you could count on, Puddy, was for me to do something you and the other conservatives are unwilling or unable to do: TELL THE TRUTH.
Pretty funny, though.
When do you want to have lunch?
Wait, let me use a Proxy Server to hide my real IP address and see if Goldy sees the same one.
Geeez, get a grip, Puddy. We all know you do this stuff for a living. Had your own company and traveled all over the country.
It’s soooooooo hard to figure out.
You forgot the R, F(R)IEND.
105 – Wrong again, FIEND.
Maybe, 99, although you don’t look a bit like Barbara Feldon.
Here’s the game, in case you didn’t figure it out: When Democrats and their pimp media lose the argument, which is most of the time, they find or confect one wingnutta out of a crowd of hundreds or thousands to focus their cameras and selective indignation on.
It’s a way of shifting the playing field toward the left. Can’t win on substance, so go for a goal on a cosmetic smear of the right.
Maybe today’s poster boy is a real rightist bad boy, or maybe this is a replay of the Carnahan townhall in which pro-Bama goons beat up a good man and got BM Big Media to spin it as a townhall disrupted by the out-of-control right.
Wait a minute Jon and all you HA Libtardos… Puddy remembers CNN in January 2006 thinking Bush with the Hitler mustache was funny. What a moron Jon is and he’s as stupid as always.
“They and their teachers say more money is needed to fix the levies and they hope the president would stop by after his meeting with business leaders,” Roesgen said in a voiceover. “But while a lookalike showed up with a wad of cash, Mr. Bush did not.”
It must be, because you didn’t figure shit out.
What an ignorant jackass you are.
So, tell me, what’s your proof I’m Puddy.
If you consider this as telling the truth, you are even more ignorant than I thought.
I find it so hillaruous that you are so easy to sucker into things.
I got you to call me a faggot, because you have an anger problem and you wanted to lash out in any way you could.
I got you to assume I was black. Once again, your anger got the best of you.
Just like you anger problem got you in trouble in the military.
And now you fell for this.
I hope Puddy doesn’t start calling you the most clueless one.
Tuesday morning segment of Dave Ross Show proves what fakers and distortionists these anti-health reform zealots really are. The “protestor” is just a guy who was selling buttons with no opinion on the issue at all.
Listen to his sleezy conservative activist lawyer try and put words in his mouth, as their “Project Liberty” tour Tuesday morning segment of Dave Ross Show proves what fakers and distortionists these anti-health reform zealots really are. The “protestor” is just a guy who was selling buttons with no opinion on the issue at all.
Listen to his sleezy conservative activist lawyer try and put words in his mouth, as their “Project Liberty” tour gets ready to hit the Clueless Tea Party circuit!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
9:15 Healthcare protestor injured in fight with SEIU asks for donations to pay hospital bills (he’s uninsured!) GUEST: Kenneth Gladney and his attorney, David B. Brown, of St. Louis
Re 81:
Not entirely certain what the 4th Amendment has to do with health care. Still, if you’re after an explanation of the whole document, its’ history and how it has been interpreted over the past 2 centuries that would do 2 things. It would take about 20 volumes of expert analysis against the historical facts. And it would be waaay outside my credentials.
Does this mean that I don’t have a basic working knowledge of civics. Of course not. The social activism initiated by FDR, carried on by LBJ and loved by liberals hangs mostly on one phrase. It’s called the elastic clause. It says that the federal government must “promote the general welfare.”
What does this mean? I suppose it could mean that all the programs pushed by progressives and liberals, and all the military adventures and civil rights violations pushed by, say, George Bush are justified.
It might just mean that someone was tired when the line was written and needed something that sounded good to fill space. I suppose we’ve all done it while writing reports for work.
In my humble opinion and my layman interpretation of things like the Federalist Papers, letters Jefferson and others wrote and other documents I doubt either of those possibilities. The level of government intrusion into private lives in 1776 by the British was, by todays’ standards, miniscule. Is it at all likely that these writers would have envisioned anything like the escalating demands of government on the private citizen? Is it at all likely they would have condoned it?
clueless wondermoron… you got nuthin right. You are as ignorant as ever. You are a wondermoron.
GBS, you off your meds? Puddy is Marvin? The HA Libtardos would have outed Puddy ASAP, while the let other multiple leftists post here under multiple names.
When cluleless wondermoron gets “itchy” he@106 sticks his thumb up his ASS and then sucks on it.
@ 107:
Like every time a Republican gets caught in another crime, corruption case, extra marital affair they Fox News ALWAYS manages to put a (D) next to their name.
Good one.
But, your side is LOSING big time.
Politically for conservatives we’re in the 4th quarter with 5 minutes to go and you’re down by two touchdowns.
The 2010 elections will be your two minute warning and if you don’t win the game by 2012 when time expires for you . . . that will be the OFFICIAL end of the Reagan Republican Party.
Next will be a grassroots effort to purge the conservative movement of all the Reagan Republican disciple whack jobs and start over.
Which, by the time you win any majority in congress or the presidency it’ll be decades from now and America will be much more Liberal than it is now, and better for it.
We’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning!
Ahhhhhh, there’s nothing like winning, but beating the living crap out of your opponent until they beg for mercy, tap out, or give up the ghost is the best.
I’m for the latter over the former though, so while I have my foot on your proverbial throat I’m just chuckling to myself.
Marvin, notice when the clueless wondermoron has nuthin left, (well he was an empty suit when he first arrived) he calls you a BrownShirt.
Yup, phone psyches. Everyone knows about you and your anger problem.
What was that, the sound of your brain going into shut-down mode?
At least we know how you define “respecting the military.”
You a seer? BULLSHIT
If you were, you would have known how much fun I was going to have punking you and would have avoided it.
So why did you fall into another of my traps?
Where did you go mr. ignorant?
Did you learn your lesson and finally figure out I’m not Puddy?
I’m still waiting for you to provide your PROOF I’m Puddy. Don’t disappear like a coward again. Stand up proud and make your case… you might as well let the lefties here have a laugh at your expense.
clueless wonder moron, Puddy realizes you are an memory missing intellectually deficient moron so look dis up fool. April 2009…
April 2009 “the messiah” farts:
“You just get into some very difficult moral issues when considering whether to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill.”
“That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here.”
So now when people remind the world what “the messiah” said now they are brownshirts? You’re as stupid as another total jerk.
Marvin, Puddy didn’t email GBS. Puddy is shocked SHOCKED GBS would even think it.
Take it easy on gbs, common sense isn’t one of his strong points.
Considering how hated we are, if I/You were a sockpuppet, the ha hooligans would be all over it.
Hhmm, I said ha hooligans. Maybe I’m the sockpuppet of the Piper.
I didn’t think you did.
I was just laying another trap for gbs to step in.
I don’t know GBS. Maybe Marvin is Stupes.
Just like with MWS, you challenge the sockpuppet’s identity and out of the blue Stupes flies in and starts his name-calling.
Such an ugly FIEND.
Layoff Marvin, I mean Puddybud.
I’m NOT angry.
You did NOT PUNK me.
You DIDN’T!!
Stop it!
Shit! Missed the Dallas Cowboy/Grrrrl halftime show.
So when does the Seattle Mist go into the playoffs, GBS? Save me a seat.
You did NOT catch me in any TRAP Marvin, I mean Puddybud.
I’m warning you, back off now. It’s your last chance to heed my warning.
Nope, you didn’t get it right. At least that made sense, unlike gbs and his delusional “proof.”
Although I am looking forward to meet the man, the myth, the legend. My next trip to washington (maybe next month) I hope to meet him.
My fellow Liberals won’t laugh at me!!
You’ll see!!
They’ll stand with me!
If you believe I’m Puddy, yes I did catch you in my trap.
The fact you fell into my trap proves you are ignorant.
What is it liked to be punked again by me? I’m going to keep calling you ignorant until you apologize to both Puddy and I for your lies.
Your turn to provide some facts to back up your empty words mr. ignorant.
Not every Republican bad boy is a confection. But at spirited demonstrations of democracy (i.e. townhalls) we can count on BM Big Media to zero in on one alleged nutta out of hundreds of patriotic activists. Then the media pimps and their media whores (i.e. the Democrat Party) tell undecided observers that the nutta represents the other side.
You people have been playing the game that way for as long as I’ve been alive, and that’s a very long time.
118 – You prove nothing but your own poor reading comprehension (clouded by your mental illness – acute paranoia).
115 – Yeah. Brownshirt fits Marvin well. You’re a whole other category. You go light years beyond being a brown shirt. Maybe a black hole shirt – light can’t even escape from your vacuous path on this Earth.
113 – Your head has never left direct contact with your colon since at least 1992.
All right how about by e-mail or other internet technology?
Blew voir dire, so gotta go sit on the Democrat Death Panel. Trying to figure out what to do with YLB.
112 – I’ve got you right and you’re only too afraid to admit it.
Your legacy here is nothing short of disgusting to any decent person. And I couldn’t care less who you are outside this forum.
You can’t separate the right wing bullshit artist from the man.
Hey, to all my Liberal friends:
Do you guys remmber JCH?
He was a lying, pathetic loser of a Republican who lied about his military service and I througly busted him on it.
Fucking liars. I hate them. They’re not to be trusted.
Puddybud, do you remember when all that went down?
Yeah, you do. Well, it’s about to happen again. I assume you and Marvin Stamn are one in the same because of some old information that Marvin wouldn’t have known, but you would have since you, me and I believe the Magic Nigger Hater jousted over it. Me hitting the Marine Corp officer.
This is one all of you will want to copy and have at the ready at all times. Because I’m about to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Marvin Stamn is a liar and a race baiter.
Further more, I’m going to do it with his own words.
Another good guess. Maybe you should be giving gbs some clues.
Puddy and I have not contacted each other off this blog in any form.
I hope Puddy likes sushi, that’s the type of bread I would like to break with him when we meet.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury the following evidence I’m about to present will prove that Marvin Stamn, A.K.A. American Taliban, Sheik al Marvin is a liar and a race baiter.
I present you with Exhibit A: Post 110 from this very thread. Please note the bolded passage.
GBS – Puddybud would not be exercising such self control with me as Marvin is doing in 136.
Unless the fucker’s blood is super ice cold. You would know better than I.
But I do know. And since I’m not Puddy, how can you explain that?
Good luck.
Well, I did bait you into assuming I was black when you made the comment about me being on welfare. Is that the race baiter allegation you are going to prove?
I can’t wait to see the shit you write.
It’s going to be a real laugher.
Exhibit B:
Here’s is where Marvin Stamn said I’m a liar for saying he was black.
Shut up!!!!
Let gbs prove I’m Puddy.
Exhibit C:
Here Marvin Stamn asks why would I would assume he’s black:
86. Marvin Stamn spews:
80. GBS spews:
I’ve already proven you a liar, Sheik.
Now it’s your turn to prove me a liar or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Go ahead I DARE YOU!
Bet you can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I googled to see if I said I was black.
No results.
You lied.
Now tell us why you assumed I was black.
07/24/2009 at 4:32 pm
Are you already giving up that I’m Puddy?
Damn, you were so sure and then you caved so easily.
I hope it’s not going to take you very long to prove I’m Puddy.
So far you haven’t connected a single dot.
Exhibit D:
Here Marvin Stamn claims “no recollection of identifying himself as black.” Again, please see the bolded passage.
And this proves I’m Puddy?
Good thing you’re not a lawyer.
Let me redirect you to Exhibt A once again to examine the facts between Exhibt A and Exhibit D:
The question for the jury to consider here is “Did Mr. Stamn suddenly “recall”, today, that he “got me to assume he was black” when he clearly said last month that he had “no recollection” of it?
Or, is he lying today or was he lying then?
clueless wondermoron, you know Puddy defined your face looking like your ASS when? Cum on fool you have all the PuddyMissives.
485 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Does that ring a bell with anybody?
How about Panorama City?
I’m homing in. It won’t be long. You see, somebody fucked with the wrong man. Have a nice day, Marvin.
Are you giving up proving I’m Puddy?
That was a wise choice on your part.
You can’t and you won’t. So move on to something else.
148 – LOL! What are you babbling about?!?
You’ve called me every name in your book. You think I care?
This rings a bell with me.
And your point is?
It’s clear that Marvin Stamn “got me to assume he was black,” RACE BAITING, and clearly made the statement that he had no recollection of it only to admit today that he purposefully got me to believe he was black.
That is, ladies and gentlemen is clearly lying and race baiting.
Now, will Marvin Stamn please tell us why he’s a race baiter and a liar???
Thank you.
PS: At post 135 I did NOT say I’d prve you were Puddy, I truthfully said I “assume” you two were the same person based on old information that Marvin Stamn wouldn’t have known.
But, what I did say I’d prove with your words is that you’re a liar and a race baiter.
hey gbs,
have you given up proving I’m Puddy?
So Marvin,
Why did you get me “to assume you were black” then deny it, then admit it today?
Why would you race bait someone then lie about it?
That’s it? That’s your case? Shit, what a dumbass you are.
Right after you tell me why you assumed I was black. That was one point of your case you didn’t even try to address.
Forget post 135, look what you said in post 95-
You said you have the proof.
What’s up? Why are you afraid to out me as Puddy?
You’re a big disappointment gbs.
I was waiting for your proof. The proof you said you had.
Why did you lie?
I would expplain it except you are off your meds today and you wouldn’t understand it.
Let me say this…
I told you I was on welfare, knowing damn well that someone like you would assume I was black.
And then like a trained seal you made the comment-
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
…proving my assumption of you correct.
But that still doesn’t answer the question of you in #95 saying you had the proof I was Puddy and then chickening out to expose me as a sockpuppet.
Where is your proof I’m Puddy?
You don’t have shit.
That’s why you dropped this truther type nonsense.
clueless wondermoron still sucking his shitty thumb.
I’m still waiting on your apology, Marvin.
You said you had “NO RECOLLECTION” of presenting yourself as black, then you admit you purposefully did it as a race baiting tactic.
I PROVED you presented yourself as black, you PROMISED you’d apologize.
Your apology, please.
Getting back on topic, looks like “the messiah” has the wrong info AGAIN…
Try me. I’d love to hear you explanation for promlogating racisim.
And, even if I don’t “understand it” at least it would be out there in the public domain for your defense of blatant racism.
So either explain yourself or apologizes for your vitriolic racism.
You proved I said I was on welfare.
I proved you assumed that being on welfare meant I was black.
What do you want me to apologize for? For making a fool out of you?
And what about that proof you now have that I’m Puddy?
Why are you scared of me and refusing to show us your proof?
161 – Heh. Stupes still dribbling shit from a hole in what passes for his head onto his k/b.
Stand down, Puddy.
I’m not letting this racists bastard off the hook that easy.
He needs to apoligzie to me right NOW!
158. GBS spews:
Which is Marvin, you were lying back then or lying now??
I’m still waiting on your apology you lying racists conservative Republican.
Mocking you, I said I was on welfare.
You chomped on the bait and assumed I was black exactly like I knew you would.
Srry I punked you into using the “faggot” word, sorry I punked you into assuming I was black because I was on welfare.
Just think, if you didn’t believe that being on welfare meant being black you never would have assumed I was black.
For that, it’s your parents that should be apologizing to you for filling your head with negative stereotypes.
Now we can get back to your proof I’m Puddy.
I’m not going to let this drop until you admit once again your anger problem got the best of you and apologize to both Puddy and myself..
You said you have the proof, I’m calling you a liar.
You’re either a liar or ignorant, your choice. I personally believe you are both.
Sorry, GBS, but I just checked the weather report for Hell, and the temperature is normal….
GBS@167, why does Puddy need to stand down when you are not arguing with Puddy?
Did your Porsche blow up? Is dat why you uptight tonight? Just don’t get like NutsTooTight.
BTW my nephew has a nice black 2007 Boxster. We were driving around in it on Sunday. Puddy gots a picture.
You checked the weather report? What? You walked out your front door and that’s how you got your weather report.
You said I was Puddy.
Where is the proof you talked about in #95.
Only a chickenshit would say they have proof and then not even mention it again.
Hey Jon,
What da problem bud? Republicans acting like ACORN “organizers” and it bothers you?
Yet gbs is now so scared of me he doesn’t want to share his proof.
That’s a good choice on your part mr. “respect the military as I hit a superior” hypocrite.
No need for you to get in over your head.
HHS Sebelius on the health care initiative working in cahoots with SEIU Thugs, friends of Mrs clueless wondermoron.
Puddy was busy elsewhere so Puddy missed this.
How sad…
gbs didn’t like being called out so he went away crying.
Maybe gbs is getting something to drink to get the courage to provide his PROOF that I’m Puddy.
Catching the lying race baiter Shiek al Marvin of the KKK he said this:
Be the MAN that you CLAIM to be Marvin and apologize – NOW!
Are you a man of principle or are you the lying, racists I’ve proven you to be.
“I’ve said that the Canadian model works for Canada. It would not work for the United States, in part simply because we’ve evolved differently. So, we’ve got to develop a uniquely American approach to this problem.” – “the messiah”
Butt, NutsTooTight will call this another anecdote even though it’s from “the messiah”.
Puddy @ 171:
You’re right. Wrong choice of words on my part.
My apologies.
Go ahead. I just assumed you would want to hear from Marvin why he’s a liar and a race baiter.
Remember GBS and his two “luxry porches”. What a fucking liar piece of shit. Anyone who owns a Porsche knows how to spell it. Liberals are such losers.
Mark, Puddy seen one of his porches. He may be a poor speller but Puddy saw it.
No apology for being a race baiter and a liar Marvin?
No surprise there. A conservative who lied — again.
It’s absolutely no wonder why you let Mr. Cynical the “Magic Nigger Hater” tell Nigger jokes on the blog and yet turn a complete blind eye to it while being the morality cop for everyone else.
Typical hypocrite conservative.
Hell, man, you’re just purposefully promlogating racism as you so eloquently admitted.
Too bad you were caught with your hands in the racism cookie jar.
So, do you and Mr. Cynical the Magic Nigger Hater trade Nigger jokes off line?
Sure you do.
Thanks, Puddy.
Appreicate the honesty.
I thought you said you had the proof Puddy and I were the same person.
Where the hell is it?
Maybe Puddy would like to hear why you bite at the bait and assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare.
Why did I say I was on welfare.
To prove that you would assume I was black.
And you assumed exactly the way I believed you would.
I called you a liar when you wrote that, you’re still a liar.
Mark @ 182:
You can suck Lying Marvin’s dirty ass hole now.
89. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin:
I’m still waiting on you to back up your words and prove me a liar.
How can I prove a negative.
I have no recollection of identifying myself in any words referring to african-american. I’ve googled many words and didn’t get any results.
If you prove I did, I’ll apologize right here and now. And for my punishment, I will NEVER again bring up your use of a word referring to a gay male.
07/24/2009 at 4:50 pm
Catching the lying race baiter Shiek al Marvin of the KKK he said this:
Be the MAN that you CLAIM to be Marvin and apologize – NOW!
Are you a man of principle or are you the lying, racists I’ve proven you to be.
You haven’t proved I’m a race baiter.
You proved I said I was on welfare and proved you assumed I was black.
Beyond that, you haven’t proven shit.
Hell, you even said you had the proof I was Puddy and you’re too scared of me to post it. That makes you a punk-ass bitch. What kind of “man” would be scared of a “Boy-eee?” Oops, if you believed I was black, why would you be calling me “Boy-eee?” Isn’t that how the slave owners and racists use to refer to blacks?
Only to people that believe being on welfare = being black.
That would be you.
Why did you allow me to play you into believing I was black just because I said I was on welfare?
A question you should ask yourself, how did I know you would assume I was black if I said I was on welfare?
Well, true to a conservative’s values, Marvin Stamn chose not to stand by his words and apologize as promised.
I’m not surprised.
It’s very typical for Republicans to demand proof, get it, and then continue their lying.
This is why dumb shits are going to town hall meetings, whining about “Death Squads,” get the proof it’s false, then go on crying about “Death Squads.”
Marvin just happens to personify conservatism to a “T”.
Did you see the young girl asking a question at “the messiah’s” health care Town Meeting “what is the truth”? Her mother was a big time “the messiah” supporter and even the Boston Globe said so. You can see her mama and “the messiah”.
Now I get it.
You STILL believe that being on welfare means one is black.
I’m sorry you believe racist stereotypes.
I never should have taken advantage of you in that manner.
I’m sorry you’re a racist.
I’m sorry you can’t figure out how to spin it otherwise.
I’m sorry you have the proof that I am Puddy and you are too scared of me to post it.
Prove I said I was black. And then I’ll apologize. Unlike you, I don’t believe being on welfare means you are black. That’s your spin.
Hell, you can’t even prove I’m Puddy like you said you could.
I guess you realize how fucking stupid you looked bragging about getting the proof I’m Puddy.
That’s right…
Run away like a fucking coward.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
Now you have it?
gbs bragged like he could figure something out, and then went away with his tail between his legs like a coward when he realized he was absolutely ignorant.
Strange how many times that happens with the obama.
It’s almost like he only calls on people that will ask softball questions.
GBS@184: Puddy always calls dem as Puddy sees dem.
Hey GBS,
When were you at San Clemente?
SEIU thugs beat up a black conservative and clueless wondermoron has nuthin to say.
Here is clueless wondermoron’s SEIU hero. http://losangeles .craig slist. org/sfv/rnr/1317263007.html
Puddy had to split it up.
“Some additional info on Mr. McCOWARD: He’s a “community organizer” (sound familiar?), an SEIU representative, and a BAPTIST MINISTER (Gee, I wonder what our Lord was thinking while while one of His pastors was abusing one of His kids.”
One of Mrs clueless wondermoron’s finest at SEIU. Y’all remember SEIU. They fired 74 people after sending $85 million of union dues to “the messiah’s” 2008 presidential campaign.
This is funny. Direct from SEIU.
Marvin here is a poster Puddy can place on his vehicle.
“The three men were clearly SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU logo.”
Marvin is just too damn silly.
His agenda here since the beginning was to finger the Democrats as racist.
Funny the nominee of the party for President was black.
Fools like Marvin implied the Dems would rather stay at home than vote for a black President.
Funny he was wrong about that too.
Now right wingers like Beck are saying that Obama has a problem with white people or white culture..
Hmmmm. His Oval Office secretary is white, his chief of staff is white, his SecState, SecDef, SecTreasury, Chief Economic Adviser, Press Secretary, who knows how many others in his administration are white as well.
So much bullshit in this thread about his townhall you need waders…
Right wingers are so full of shit.
What say you clueless wondermoron to SEIU violence?
Why hasn’t Jon DeVore blogged on this?
197 – Gotta go right now but I’ll say this:
You’re full of shit .. again…
It’s getting too boring…
Tell me this…are you really retarded or just trying to convince us you are today??
Your doing an excellent job.
Paranoia, delusional, fits of anger & jealousy…you are hitting thje trifecta.
Am I Puddy?
Am I Marvin??
Heck, maybe I’m YOU, you goofy bastard.,
Of course clueless wondermoron@202 has nuthin to say about this action since the six were arrested for the beat up fool!
Maybe I should tell gbs I am goldy. That would really screw with what’s left of his mind.
It’s obvious how excited gbs was when he believed I was Puddy. I’m thinking it was me mocking him that caused him to rethink his “proof.”
And then gbs dropped it all together.
Guess the ignorant one figured out his “proof” was a figment of his imagination.
What a dumbass he is.
What can he say??
mediamutts and dailypus haven’t given him his talking points.
Hey GBS..
Did you know Obama is really Bush??
Yeah, Marvin told me so.
ANd did you know Obama is really Chinese??
Yeah, Marvin told me so.
And did you know Michelle Obama is really a dude??
Yeah, Marvin told me so.
And did you know Joe Biden is a chronic liar and space alien??
Oh yeah, everyone knows that.
why hasnt devoreberg blogged on seiu violence? lol…just like when the new yorkers went to russia in 1917 to forment violence. its part of the plan. the problem this time devoreberg is that all those polo shirt wearing healthbaggers are more educated and are used to having a good middleclass life for themselves and their children. you new yorkers picked the wrong time in history to try and take over another country. you lose
I used to be ignorant like gbs.
There was a time when I was 17 and had a big V8 cougar, I thought the speeds posted on the speed limit signs were the minimum speed allowed.
A few tickets later I caught on.
And I NEVER said obama was chinese, I said he was chinese-american-muslim. I’ve seen his birth certificate.
For all you good comrades, I’m dissenting. Do what your rulers want and turn me in.
I’m back and I say proud union members don’t take shit from name-calling right wing idiots.
That guy was hustling t-shirts to gullible right wing fools. His mouth was probably running off ugly anti-union and right wing shit like Stupes does here every day and he got pushed down for his trouble.
I saw the tape. He popped right back up. Yeah, really injured. So then he says he has no insurance and is taking donations – RIGHT – that doesn’t spin too well so now he really DOES have insurance – but he’s still taking donations.
Now the guy who’s standing in the tape yelling “fuck you” and “you injured him” just happened to be Gladney’s lawyer. WTF? He can’t take his case because he’s now an interested party.
Smells like a hustle to me. That’s all I can say without looking at it more closely.
Got to go run another errand..
ylb, am i understanding your post corrrectly? so if someone mouths off its ok to pop him? hmmmm, and what if its a woman? ok then too? how about a jew? enlighten me
@211 How about an ugly troll freakazoid?
No, not you, goatfucker, I meant mot.
Aww,..lighten up on Cyn. he’s just human. You’ve probably been frustrated occasionally chasing women.
Same with Cyn…if we could just break him of chasing MOUNTAIN sheep. He’s the Darby Diddler. Pretty funny though. But it’s kinda like he approaches life in general if that tells you anything.
But seriously now, folks, the other day Mr. Klynical was telling me how he and Marvin go about practicing safe sex. heh- They paint a big “X” on the goats that kick.
But seriously now, folks, I was gonna fuck Klynical’s mama last night but, heh- there was a line of goats a mile long. heh- And the goat at the end of the line even growled at me!
When you have to post your same joke over and over you know there’s not much left in the tank.
Seriously, the same joke 3 times.
But seriously now, folks, you know ol’ Klynical and Marvin were touring Klynical’s goat ranch in his pickup truck when they came across a goat with its head stuck in the fence. Ol’ Klynical, he pulls over, jumps out and fucks the goat. Finishing up, he hollars out, “Hey, Marvin, do you want some too?” Marvin sez, “Oh, yeah, Mr. Klynical, I sure do! But do I have to put my head in the fence?”
That dumb Marvin. He’s so funny.
You save that shit? Must be good, huh? Stupid goatfucker.
210 – His mouth was probably running off ugly anti-union and right wing shit like Stupes does here every day and he got pushed down for his trouble.
uh… free speech?
Shit, I probably made the goatfucker cry again.
Did you see what your buddy gbs finally figured out?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
I knew you weren’t as smart as he is.
You didn’t even have a clue.
And like gbs said, “but needed the proof.
Now I have it.” so he’s not just talking the talk, he has it.
Pretty amazing he figured it out isn’t it.
What a dumbass.
It’s a simple google search, took mere seconds.
Sorry you are still having problems keeping up.
Hell, that guy’s probably Puddy fucking around on his vacation. LMFAO, how he shows up for the media in a wheelchair! Good one, Puddy!
Glad it’s worth your while, goatfucker.
Clue? Refer to @150, Sherlock.
Oh my God, they killed Kenny! Ok, they just pulled Kenny off the person he had shoved to the ground, and Kenny was just fine, but that’s the same as killing him, right?
Drama queens in brown shirts.
Stupid goatfucker, you don’t even know the name of the game that’s being played. But you’ll learn soon enough.
Can you give me a date, I would hate to miss it.
Do YOU believe Puddy and I are one?
“Drama queens in brown shirts”
Not to mention freaky pervs like Marvin going after kids while wearing a panda costume.
Time and date? You have no say. But you’ll be there. As for Puddy? heh- Yeah, and there’s Puddy. It’s all sorting out just fine, Marvin, Don’t you worry about it.
Is this the game?
Rather childish.
I guess you don’t want to answer if you believe Puddy & I are one. You know better than to answer my questions any more.
You have a good night’s sleep, Marvin. Don’t you be fretting about shit. There’s nothing you can do about it anyway.
You must be thinking of someone else, I sleep like a baby.
have a good one
Well, let’s say I go to a racist bar. Where guys from the “brotherhood” hang out…
And I say you ugly white motherfuckers, y’all nothin’ but a bunch of inbred queers… This has gotta be a gay bar right?
When you talk shit… shit happens.. And some idiot up above is calling this “free speech”?
Gimmee a break… When all is said and done I bet that Gladney gets laughed out of court..
YLB, People talk shit, yes. And there are sometimes consequences from people who don’t share the same view and are not as enlightened as most of us here.
Question: Should a person who physically harms another because of words spoken be guilty of a crime? Please answer “yes” or “no”.
Question 2: Is healthcare a “right”?
235 – Yes genius if someone broke the law, that person should pay the piper and after proper restitution is made should learn to keep a cooler head.
But don’t play dumb about human nature fool. If that Gladney talked shit, he was asking for trouble.
Healthcare is a societal issue of great urgency that MUST BE ADDRESSED. Just like poisoning of the food and drug supply was addressed by progressives of the early twentieth century like that raging socialist Teddy Roosevelt.
However as this country is a signatory to the universal declaration of human rights and any treaty we sign is the law of the land, the U.N. Charter has this to say:
Make of my remarks what you will. Like I could care what you think.
Poor Poor clueless wondermoron… Looks like eyewitnesses and the paper have the real story of the SEIU thuggery.
Puddy realizes your wife’s union ain’t looking too good right now.
74 people laid off… Spending $85 million in union dues for “the messiah’s” 2008 erection… Now this…
Remember clueless wondermoron…
Because America’s Chickens … Are comin’ home … to ROOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr Jeremiah Wright said so!!
237 – LMAO!!! You reading from the Murdoch papers?
Holy shit you’re a moron.
Why bother with Murdoch? Quote idiots like Powerline or something – that’s at least less pretentious.
I’m enjoying this guy’s turn at the big chair. He’s my guy.
Last I heard, he was PacMan’s guy. He was once your’s.
WTF happened? Was it something I said?
Such a miserable fool…
Keep dissing the sources clueless wondermoron.
Democratic pension scandal was dissed by clueless wondermoron becuz it was in the WA Times. Now it’s in the NY Times fool.
But this fool forgot… it’s in the St Louis Dispatch fool. Barack Obama for president
SEIU Thugs punch, knock down, and hit a 150 lb. small black man.
clueless wondermoron…
PacMan and Puddy can disagree on something. We both agree you are a moron. You jackboot goosestep to everything “progressive”.
Notice the only thing clueless wondermoron can discuss is ““the messiah’s” 2008 erection…”. Because the whole sentence was… “Spending $85 million in union dues for “the messiah’s” 2008 erection…”
Yep because all else is soooooo true… sooooo true…
Going to bed..
Let the loon swim amongst the tropical fishies..
210. YLB spews:
Are you implying you are a Union man YLB??
Did you know Union Folks have jobs and go to work??
Shocking, huh?
Remember, you are “between” jobs….for the past 5 years.
Yeah! Kenny the drama queen has collected $1100 so far from the right wing idiots. Nice step up from hustling flags.
Now he’s going for the big payday with a lawsuit.
Way to hustle Kenny.
Butt clueless wondermoron@245, in post#202 you farted it was lies by claiming Puddy was FOS. Did you decide to leave the SEIU web sites and read the account from the left-wing newspaper?
Still a clueless wondermoron tard!
Facts? clueless wondermoron ignores facts!
Does ROTCODDAM agree with the black SEIU “minister” punching out another black man because he disagrees with him?
What say you ROTCODDAM? It’s brotha on brotha crime.
What, another lying plant at a democrat townhall?
And there’s video and pictures at the link.
She’s even listed as a delegate-
246 – You’ve had your ass handed to you so many times its not funny and still you put up wave after wave of right wing bullshit to hide from that singular truth: you are full of shit.
We’ll never see “ustogether multiple times on the air” – your assertion, backed up in any way. Because the proof doesn’t exist. You probably read it off that shit-headed olbermann watch website.
You’ll swallow any right wing bullshit.
Kenny sure popped up his tiny ass real quick after his “beatdown”, (yeah, real messed up he was) then the next day he’s being pushed in a wheelchair by an angry white woman with her nose in the air – a bunch of angry white middle aged overweight right wing idiots in the background their stupid noodles playing Limbaugh tapes over and over – just like you do.
Getta job!
250 – Leave the kids alone, you right wing creeps:
Can anyone tell Puddy what the chronological monomaniacal clueless wondermoron is babbling about with “ustogether multiple times on the air”? Where did Puddy write that in this thread?
N O W H E R E!
A figment of the femtometer mind of clueless wondermoron!
252 – You’re so scared aren’t you?
You wrote it here:
Now prove it fool. You can’t because you’re frightened. You’ve had your ass handed to you too many times lately.
No matter how much right wing poo you fling, reality, which is the side we’re on, holds up and you’re just deflated like Limbaugh’s viagra-less organ.
Shouldn’t the democrats stop planting kids in townhall meetings?
Or do you believe that’s the best method for the obama to answer questions. When he knows who he is asking and knows the question being asked.
I can only imagine your outrage if bush had done the same.
If you decide not to, at least stop promoting more free government programs for those that don’t want to work.
Are you copying me?
That’s what I say to gbs.
257 – Enjoy your future lunch with Stupes the pitiful coward.
I’m sure you two will find much in common.
There’s no proof of that whatsoever. It’s a legitimate question. The ugly signs outside, the program that the President wants to sign into law.
What’s the truth?
Given the track record and the character of the people involved – Limbaugh, Hannity, Drudge, etc.?
The truth is certainly not coming from the right wing
Nice try fool.
Lets start with the easy questions…
1. Does/did the mom have a picture of her and obama on her facebook page?
2. did the kids mother asks for support to become a delegate to the democratic national convention
3. did 11 year old julia say “”This was my first time meeting Barack Obama, and he’s a very nice man,” Julia said. “I’m glad I voted for him.”?
from democraticunderground-
And so what if she was influenced by her mother’s views?
Along with the prerequisite gay escort references and palin/trig conspiracy and rove/bush did it excuses.
clueless wondermoron@259 is such a visionary. He farted
The Boston Globe broke the story fool!
Such a clueless wondermoron! So stupid 24×7!
Here is another stupid comment from clueless wondermoron. Puddy asked the wondermoron
The thread ID added for emphasis. The wondermoron responds…[18389]. Such drama from the clueless wondermoron. Can’t figga out threads.
at any rate, people love free handouts.
even the lefty blogs agreed the whole thinh was staged, marvin
261 – No link you stink moron..
All the right wingers are the true plants – stinky potted plants farmed by the master morons of hate talk radio – Limpblows, Sean Insanity and the rest… and the internets: Wingnut Daily, NewsWhacks, Sludge Report, etc…
Again the girl asked a legitimate question: what is the truth? You wouldn’t know it if you were drowning in it. You prefer lies.
and who cares if she and her family are big fans of the President? The man inspires hope and trust as opposed to the loathing and disgust that chimp and duck! left in their wake.
Ugly losing fools..