I’m in the middle of a rainy commute, but I’m recommending that y’all check out Goldy‘s and Kshama Sawant‘s Twitter feeds for the latest on the rally and strike for a decent wage in Seattle. Nationally, you can follow the #829strike hashtag. Godspeed everyone.
Drove by a McDonald’s in the north end earlier.. I did see one or two picketers..
I’ve noticed all of my vocal co workers are adamant that McJobs are not meant to be living wage jobs and these people are just being stupid and greed and outragious for wanting to be paid more.
Their key argument is that it’s not the corporations place or responsibility to pay more.
Also they are convinced that with training and motivation all these low wage workers could get living wage jobs. They don’t want to, because they are lazy and unmotivated.
I also ask them to list the living wage jobs that are begging for people and don’t have them, but they cannot and change the subject.
That’s the typical cheap labor klownservative style..
Also they are convinced that with training and motivation all these low wage workers could get living wage jobs.
And of course with college prices skyrocketing, how someone is supposed to get the proper training on minimum wage is usually left unsaid.
Butt butt butt, it’s the Obummer economy. Obummer claimed Obummer nailed it. Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz claimed y’all owned the economy. Apparently McD, Wendy’s are the jobs Obummer been crowing about!
Sooooooooooooooooo, where all de high paying jobs? At $15 an hour even HA’s unemployed ASSHole moron could get a job… or maybe not. Seems creating useless goto code is his calling!
Yes this is true..
We’re not back to the levels of employment pre-recession… That is also true.
This is the fault of the feckless policies of the Bush misadministration and the obstructionist klownservative krackpot kongress that 2 term President Obama has had to deal with.
The R-money solution was *sigh* more feckless tax cuts (those Bush tax cuts REALLY HELPED in 2008) and keeping millions of Americans from access to health insurance – just like in the bad old days of Bush..
Good question.. If only Bush hadn’t stood by and/or enabled 42,400 factories in this country to shut down. What was the klownservative solution to this dilemma?
Tax cuts? Heh.. Of course.. The kind of policies that really helped working people in 2008 when the economy was dropping jobs at a 700k per month clip.
If those jobs were really all that plentiful – pretty apparent that they’re not. At least in the Puget Sound area.
Jobs created, the little that was created, were low paying jobs too. It is more of a trend than economic policy driven. But if course Puffy wouldn’t want to know that.
@9 jobs created by Monkey Bush.
Until they’re forced to do so. It’s the only way workers or other low-power/prestige people get anything – by demanding it, and doing so as a group, with leverage.
Capitalism’s clear tendency is to get the cheapest labor possible, free is best; the only way to counter it is to apply leverage and make demands.
Good on the McD workers!
The resource that the economy desperately needs, that we need to immediately drill for and extract, is not the Baaken oil or the Powder River Basin coal, but rather the trillions of dollars that are being hoarded by the 1%, or even more by the .01%.
It needs to be extracted and injected into the economy in the form of taxes that then pay for renewable and sustainable industries and infrastructure and education.
Free college tuition. Full conversion to wind/solar. Smart, robust grid. High-speed rail. Electric car charging stations. Minimum wage hikes. Minimum guaranteed vacations and sick leave. Universal health care. Universally superb primary and secondary schools. Superb day-care. Support for stay-at-home moms/dads.
Drill, baby, DRILL!
2, 3 – Nothing gets rightwing hackles up like suggesting workers get paid more.
If the free-market types really mean what they say, they would acknowledge that workers have a right to demand higher pay and withhold their labor until they get it.
If fast food jobs were worth 15 bucks an hour, sure…but they are not.
How much would paying their workers an almost living wage up the price of a meal? 10 cents a burger? 20 cents a burger?
And I bet you are another one of those good Christians, aren’t you.
whodat ya moron? yerself? Must be!
HA’s klownservative klaptrap addled ZERO IS THE IDIOT @ 6 and 17
“DAT”‘s WHO!
Too Dense!
What is the difference between a PILE OF SHIT and UNCLE TOM BUTTPUTTY?
The PILE OF SHIT has a higher IQ.
Useless HA donk moby trolls @18 & 19!
Now before UNCLE TOM BUTTPUTTY goes and claims I hate blacks again, let me be clear.
I have black friends, as well as other non white friends. I live in a culturally diverse neighborhood by choice, not necessity. I even have a few Republican friends.
Then there is BUTTPUTTY. Him I could give a shit about…