Ah. Just noticed the latest libel from Dave Irons’ webmaster, Stefan Sharkansky:
Ron Sims re-election strategy is now becoming apparent.
The centerpiece is to turn the county elections office into a de facto subsidiary of the re-election campaign organization.
Specifically, that entails putting the non-team player (= honest) employees on administrative leave, and filling their chairs with Sims loyalists from other agencies who are really good at papering over their incompetence and malfeasance if nothing else.
Let’s be clear about what Stefan is saying: the fix is in. According to Stefan, Ron Sims is attempting to fraudulently steal the November election. There is no other way to interpret this. And this is slander.
But I’m guessing this is less a clumsy attempt to influence the outcome of the election than it is a humorless, pathetic effort to inoculate himself against the inevitable result… for in Stefan’s black and white world, a free and fair election could never possibly result in a Sims victory.
It is also a raving, paranoid fantasy of the Nth degree… exactly the sort of angry, over-the-top rhetoric that has destroyed Stefan’s credibility with the MSM. And in the course of trying to tear down Sims with vicious lies and innuendo, Stefan also attempts to tear down King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng, one of the region’s few, truly thoughtful and electable Republicans.
After all, why should Ron Sims undermine his own re-election campaign by releasing any evidence of malfeasance and incompetence in his own agencies when there’s a team of lawyers on the public payroll at the Prosecutor’s Office who will abet his evasion of the Public Disclosure Act at no cost to Sims.
There are few WA politicians more widely respected and admired — from both sides of the aisle — than Norm Maleng. I have had the opportunity to meet Maleng, and he came across as a nice man, an honest man, and a dedicated public servant. And while I may not always agree with his politics, I always trust his intentions.
I cannot say the same for Stefan, and neither should the KCGOP. While the Republican faithful may enjoy Stefan’s stinging attacks on Sims and other Democrats, they should be aware that he is a scorpion in their midst, and could strike one of their own indiscriminately, and without warning. He is also, in my opinion, a little bit nuts… so embrace him at your own risk.
There, now you don’t have to do it.
crap, ate my thingy
stupid formatting;
Missing is
*Insert Mr. cynical gay joke here*
Goldy … Stefan thinks like a criminal — when you don’t get the public record you want because it doesn’t exist, blame the lawyers.
It’s been quite a few years now, so perhaps many people hereabouts don’t know of the tragedy in Norm Maleng’s life. Seattle had one of its rare heavy snowfalls and was a winter wonder land. Maleng’s 12-year old daughter was sledding with friends on a steep hill with parked cars. She slammed head-first into one of those cars, killing her instantly. Norm knows what it’s like to get that dread phone call, and the emptiness and heartache that comes with losing a child.
Wonder if Stefan knows about that. I’ll bet not. He might not be quite so ready to pick on the man if he did. Lord knows, Norm Maleng has carried the cross of pain and suffering, and doesn’t deserve a yelpy little cur like Stefan nipping at his heels to atone for whatever sins he may be guilty of.
I think it is time to start a new vigil for both David Irons and the KCGOP to repudiate the minnow on this issue. It is in their interest for the election to be seen and fair. It does them no good if half their voters think the fix is in because of the slander. That would tend to drive their voters down.
Roger @ 4 & 5
What does your tragic story about Maleng’s daughter have to do with enforcing the Public Disclosure Act?
You’ve got an unhealthy obsession with Stefan — I mean, bordering on creepy.
Speaking of Stefan. I read this comment a couple of days ago and posted it on uSP and it was promptly removed and I was banned from posting. It made me thankful that Ron Sims is running our county finances and not Stefan. KC has one of the highest credit ratings of any county in the Nation thanks to Sims. If Ron Sims handled the county’s finances like Stephan handles his family’s, we’d all be in a world of hurt. Republicans really were never good with money.
Roger Rabbit @ 43
Stefan paid $858,836 for his house on May 3, 2003. It should be worth a bit over a million dollars by now. The property tax assessment is only $809,000 – but that is from last year, and they have done this year’s valuation yet (those tax values are about two years behind, anyway, based on the sales data that are used).
It is a pity that Stefan didn’t buy the place earlier. Apparently it was a bit run down and was sold to some investors for $390,000 on October 7, 2002. They remodeled the place and sold it to Stefan for more than twice as much seven months later.
Stefan put over $600,000 down on his house – his mortgage is only for $250,000. If he had just planned a little better, he could have bought the place as a fixer-upper, paid for the renovation himself, and probably saved at least $150,000.
Still, I think it would be a good idea for Goldy to camp out at Greenlake. It is a lot closer to Stefan’s place than Cindy Sheehan is to Bush’s ranch. And Greenlake is always a good place for liberals to meet. Not too far away from night spots – okay, it is on the south end and it will require a little walking – so much the better.
Roger, if you are LIGHTER on the return trip, why are you visiting his garden? Shouldn’t you be hanging out on his doorstep instead?
Comment by Richard Pope— 8/17/05 @ 10:04 am
It is also a raving, paranoid fantasy of the Nth degree… exactly the sort of angry, over-the-top rhetoric that has destroyed Stefan’s credibility with the MSM.
Whaddaya mean? Dori Monson thinks Stefan’s great.
I note that you don’t address any of the evidence. There have been staff adjustments in the elections office that appear suspicious. Your whole article is an unsupported attack on stefans credability.
Rabid Rabbit: I sympathze with Norm Maleng’s loss, but a personal loss several years ago does not make him immune from criticism now.
If you submitted a public disclosure request to the Bush administration, and you didn’t recieve the information, would you write it off as missing information? I suspect you would scream cover-up.
*dies laughing*
Talk about damning with faint praise!
Please continue to report on Stephan and keep the focus on him. You may not realize it, but you are playing right into his hands. For some reason you lack the ability to formulate discussions based on topics you originate. Instead it appears you visit Sound Politics, and base your blog on whatever Stephan is talking about. Your lack of originality and refusal to establish arguments on your terms makes you appear intellectually challenged. I don’t know if this is the case because I have never met you. I would encourage you to prove this appearance wrong and become your own blogger. As of right now you’re merely a reflection of the Democratic Party’s major problem at the federal level: a lack of any original ideas.
you realize, of course, that most of his posts Aren’t about Stefan at all?
I think the election stealing satire goes a little too far. Especially in the sense of credibility. It isn’t slanderous — the U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that obvious satire is not slander and can’t be sued about.
On the other hand, the Public Disclosure Act criticism of Norm Maleng is fair game. Maleng’s attorneys, as far as I can see, actively assisted in the cover-up of Armen Yousoufian’s disclosure requests, and went far beyond merely representing their client (Ron Sims). The case file in that matter includes letters in which Maleng’s staff makes blatant misrepresentations about the nature and extent of the public records.
It seems that every time I come over here, they are. I’m not a regular to this site, but I have yet to see Stephan go on a rampage against Goldie. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Horses ass, you betcha.
a) its not slander to engage in political debate and criticism. But since you call people Nazis, I guess you really want it both ways….???
b) of course the fix is in, you have zero great reason to defend election, Logan, Sims’ role, unless of course you want to protect your “counting arm”…that is, you guys have trouble unless you own the people who count the ballots.
The real reason Simms does not have to worry about this election?
Dean Logan is still running the elections office.
If he is beat the first time, they will just keep counting till he wins.
it isn’t either; its free speech.
I wouldn’t call Stephanies comments slanderous…. but I would call them fear mongering. The proverbial “OH MY GOD HERE IT COMES AGAIN. WE CAN’T HAVE FAIR ELECTIONS IN KC. THE SKY IS FALLING…. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!”
Get real. Want election fraud? Move to Ohio.
Oh … “the fix is in” in King County … but Ohio holds open, transparent, and honest elections … right?
Glad somebody around here knows more law than Stefan does.
3 counts, with margin of victory difference in the hundreds is what we had
Ohio is what 100,000’s or so delta???
Barely worth a reply, its just part of your playbook to try to equate our fraud to anything else.
Did ‘your controllers’ at Dem party central instruct you on writing this? I mean you always slur Stefan for supposedly being a tool of the GOP, by the same token, you are a tool for Berendt, Patty, Jim and the rest of the KC demo machine.
I was thinking of you the other night while watching the news.
There was a news story on that covered the funeral of the Ohio Marines killed in Iraq and a group from Rev. Phelps (http://www.independenteye.net/.....y-funerals) held their own vigil and noticed the similarities behind what you have to say and what this madmans flock has to say.
How hard is it to create 120,000 votes with a few keystrokes?
26; i don’t believe in space aliens at Roswell, nor in 120,000 votes via a keystroke. You guys should move away from the high power wires, you sound delusional.
@ 26
Just as hard as it is to create 133
HA’s premier hater, prr, is comparing me — cute, fluffy, little Roger Rabbit — to a group of religious fanatics who send protesters to slain soldiers’ funerals with signs saying
�Thank God for 9/11�
�God is U.S.A.�s Terrorist�
�God hates you�
�Thank God for dead soldiers�
�America is Doomed�
Thank you, prr, for letting me know that I get under your skin this much. I appreciate it. When I pick on you, I’m doing God’s work, nothing less. Please don’t go away. :D
Righton @ 16 – I have never called anyone here a Nazi…. You are really, as has been proven several times, A FASCIST (and apparently a moron besides..)
prr, are you the Zodiac Killer? Just wondering …
We know what the Right Wing Fanatics Believe:
The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable.
The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building.
War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it.
Mine @ 32
Unfortunately it was Mussolini who espoused these beliefs….
Blue Sky:
To be technical, Washington only recognises one cause of action: Defamation.
The point is that no one can get the minnow off of his paranoia fantasies. He will slander anyone who doesn’t see the grand conspiracies that he sees. It doesn’t matter that there is no proof, or that a Judge has seen all of the evidence that the GOP can come up with and ruled there was no fraud. Nope. The minnow is sure there is a secret cabal that is out to keep Ron Sims in office. And this secret cabal apparently includes every Republican other than Dino Rossi.
Burn the Witch! At least that would explain why the minnow has been turned into a newt!
GBS: Since I value your thought processes over most asses horses; remember the “circle flies” commentary ladies and gentlemen, navigate to the Open Thread post 186 and read the information presented by the link. I want your opinion. Read all the other links. It will take some time. You are level-headed. Other leftiess are shit shovelers here.
Speaking of slanderous actions, here is a link for cogitation:
Mr. Headless Loocy. Cogitation: – You don’t know “a carefully considered thought about something.” Something you can’t perform if paid! I now know you are a man! Still working on the details though.
Fuddy Dud – Such cogent and thoughtful posts… Gee, WHERE do you get them? Oh that’s right, you’re a “Ditto Head”…. heh heh heh hheeh moron…. heh heh
Why thank you fired_upon. I appreciate that commentary from such a valued circle fly member. Ditto head? Maybe, maybe not. Horses Ass? Definitely not. Remember, I don’t call my self a cute fluffy fur ball. Aren’t those called dust bunnies?
I think for a living. Therefore I get paid well. I told everyone what I do. What do you do for a living besides waste pixels and espouse hot air balloon filling principles, since you call me a “moron”?
Firing_on_no_cylinders: Seems to me that everyone who disagrees with your position is a moron. Isn’t that a tenuous position considering the shit you’ve been slinging lately? I like Internet links. Care to provide something to disavow that being learned about your side ignoring Able Danger?
Didn’t think so. In the words of the Internet translated to Mr Don*****don and Mr. Headlice Loocy words of praise- STFU USSCFM
Imagine a world where the right wing used something other than personal attacks and lies to get what they want. Sure, the minnows site and talk radio would disapear, Tom Delay would be still selling hottubs, Karl Rove would be a sewer worker, but there must be a down side.
Sheesh, you need to read more on Able Danger. The wingnuts are running from it, since it doesn’t look like it has anything to do with Clinton, and if you are going to worry about this, you must really worry about a president ignoring a memo labled “Bin Laden Intends Attack on US” given to him just a month before the attack.
Do your research and be consisent, or let it drop.
Sputtering_on_all_cylinders: Is this your real problem:
Viagra – Viagra was introduced in 1998 and had $1.68 billion in sales last year. The impotence drug has been used by 23 million men worldwide. There are a growing number of cases where men are allegedly losing their vision due to a condition called nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) while taking Viagra. There are also reports of intraocular pressure, retinal vascular disease and other eye complications. The drug’s label currently has warnings about possible side effects involving eyesight, such as increased sensitivity to light or blurred vision.
Cialis – Cialis (tadalafil) is a similar impotence drug produced by Eli Lilly. One of the main differences of Cialis is that it may work for up to 36 hours after taking the dosage. This has made Cialis a strong competitor for Viagra. There are also a number of cases of men allegedly losing their vision while taking Cialis. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently investigating these Cialis cases.
I am just wondering. But in your case it’s affecting the small cranial cavity material called your pea-brained mind!
JDB show me where the “wingnuts” are running away from it. We already know about the memo. It was shoeshined by your side long time ago. Provide MSM links not dailykos blog memoranda.
Puddy babe, I already provided you with the John Podhoretz comment on National Review Online, but since your short term memory apparently got blown out, here you go again:
“Now, as my earlier item on Time magazine noted, Weldon is backing off his contention in his book that he had given the Bush NSC a chart with Atta’s name on it just after the attacks in 2001.
None of this passes the smell test. And an apology is due the 9/11 Commission staff at the very least, I think, because some of us were in effect contending that they were sloppy or dishonest or covering something up. Sounds like they were being professional to me.”
Hardly DailyKos, you would agree.
And, heck, while you are over at NRO crying into your coffee that you fell for this pack of lies, you can commiserate with Jim Geraghty, since you must feel the same betrayal as he does when he writes:
“Just heard from a guy I trust that the Pentagon will be releasing information regarding Able Danger in the not too distant future. The short version: Don’t expect any bombshells.
Thank you, Congressman Weldon, for getting just enough of this story right (the existence of Able Danger and its mission) to get folks like myself and lot of others to take you seriously. Those others weren’t just bloggers, by the way – I’m talking about the New York Times, the AP, the Bergen Record…
And thanks a [really bad word] heap for getting more than enough wrong that we look like idiots for trusting you.
You know, like that rather key element that Able Danger had picked out four of the 9/11 hijackers and recommended they be picked up by the FBI. I can see how you could mix up that pesky little detail.
Thank you for making all of these stunning allegations without any supporting evidence. Thank you for not having any documents, memos, or anything beyond allegations from an anonymous former defense intelligence guy who is unwilling to come forward and speak on the record.
Thanks for using us to goose your book sales this month.
Thank you for making the 9/11 Commission, a group that seemed to have done a sloppy, incomplete job, look absolutely on the ball and well-organized and coherent in comparison.”
So, if the intelligent right wingers are running away, don’t you think it is about time that you do? Like I said, do your research.
And, now that you know that Bush was directly warned of possible attacks, and Clinton had nothing, don’t you want to call for the impeachment of Bush? I knew you would.
David, Speaking of libel, you know very well that I am not “David Irons’ webmaster” yet you post that silly statement multiple times anyway with reckless disregard for the truth. Of course, anybody who knows you at all well knows that nearly everything that you post here is fictional rubbish. I’m just pointing out one example out of many so that naive readers who innocently stumble onto your den of lunacy can calibrate the rest of your fact-free ramblings.
I’m sure Norman Maleng appreciates your kind words. In fact, why don’t you give his nomination speech at next year’s KCGOP convention? It will be sure to get him renominated.
JDB: You just pissed me off. So I will use mostly the MSM articles of today.
Here is the “wingnut” NY Slimes today:
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08.....38;emc=rss – “Sept. 11 Advocates, a group led by five women from New Jersey and Connecticut whose husbands died in the attacks, said Colonel Shaffer’s account was evidence that panel members “failed in their obligation to the American public and to those who lost their lives on 9/11.”
Here is the “wingnut” NY Post today:
http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/27171.htm – “Bill Doyle, whose son Joe was killed in the WTC, ripped 9/11 commission member Jamie Gorelick, who as President Clinton’s deputy attorney general codified the separation between intelligence and investigative agencies in a 1995 memo. “What’s disheartening is from the beginning, we said Jamie Gorelick had a conflict of interest,” Doyle said.”
Here is the “wingnut” NY Post again today:
http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/27181.htm – “His stunning remarks [Shaffer] have sparked a storm of questions about whether the Sept. 11 atrocities could have been prevented and why the 9/11 commission ignored claims that Clinton administration lawyers blocked Able Danger from alerting the FBI to al Qaeda cells on U.S. soil.
A naval officer has also told reporters that he alerted the 9/11 commission about Able Danger but was ignored.
He hasn’t gone public, but The Associated Press yesterday identified him as Capt. Scott Philpott, an expert in futuristic naval warfare.
Shaffer told The Post that at least two other members of the Able Danger team plan on going public “as soon as they get basically some guarantees from their own organizations that they can talk without being retaliated against.”
More from the Internet: “In a book called The CIA At War, Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror, by Ronald Kessler, on page 257 it says: “A 1998 report about a plot to crash a bomb laden plane into the World Trade Center originated with a police chief in the Caribbean. The chief said he had heard from Islamic militants in his country that Libyan officials were planning to attack on behalf of Iraq. The CIA considered such an attacked highly unlikely but distrubuted the report anyway.” In the 9/11 commission report, in chapter 11, it mentions in a sentence about this report but leaves out the part about Iraq. Why did they leave out “on behalf of Iraq”? Did they do anymore reseach on this report? If they did not think it was credible why did they mention it and leave out, on behalf of Iraq?”
tks.nationalreview.com/archives/073310.asp – Shaffer transcript on CNN.
Yes JDB, everyone is running away from it.
[Hey Goldy…Democrats at play!!]
(08-18) 10:58 PDT Oakland (SF Chronicle) — A federal grand jury has indicted five more people in a scheme in which employees of the state Department of Motor Vehicles office in Oakland accepted bribes to provide licenses and identification cards to illegal immigrants, court records show.
OOOH, Goldy! You made the minnow mad again. And, strangely enough, he doesn’t have any substance to back himself up. You have to give him points for at least being consistant.
And, no shock here, he once again shows he has no sense of humor.
Maybe we should start a fund to get him some good psychiatric help. It must be hard when you think everyone is out to get you.
But, look at it this way, at least we still know that he would rather read this site than his own boring site. I guess he has to go somewhere to get the truth.
My post in reply to your foolishness is being held up by the filter. If you want to see how wrong you are sooner, please check your last rant where I posted the links to NRO. Of course, if you are like the minnow, you probably claim that NRO is all part of the conspiracy, right?
Thanks JDB. You got my investigative juices flowing again. Call uncle if you want me to stop providing proofs from your MSM. I’ll ignore it anyway.
When you read those articles you will see it was some general who told Shaffer to stand down not GWB. As I said all along GBS, this was the pentagon mentality under Clinton, “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil”!!!
Goldy is Ron Sims “Honky”! Goldy lovingly follows SIMS around and they make goo-goo eyes at each other. But I would never accuse Goldy of being SIMS Webmaster! Just a whole pile of other crap.
I went to the NRO site. I didn’t find anything contrdictory there. I await this fine link.
Goldy; this is a really stupid post; i don’t get your fixation w/ slurring/slamming Shark…. jealous?
He’s not really the poster child for conservatism…i mean, are you running an issue oriented site, or just one to piss on people? I think most of us (yeah even some of your libs) would prefer to argue the issues and not the person.
Putty Brains @ 36
Putty, are you SERIOUS? You linked us to the Washington Times? The Washington Times is a right-wing propaganda sheet owned by the self-described “Reverend” Sun Myung Moon of “Moonie” cult infamy, who tells his followers he is Jesus Christ to get them to work in his Asian factories and sweat shops for free so the good “reverend” can live in the lap of luxury in a Park Avenue apartment in New Yawk City. As for the Washington Times, it is printed on newsprint to look like a newspaper, but it is actually the ultimate vanity publishing venture: It loses over $50 million a year because nobody reads it, and Moon has dumped over $1 billion from his other business ventures into it to keep it afloat. And you’re linking us to THAT??? WTF??? The reason nobody reads it, my dear Putty Between Ears, is because not a goddam thing it prints is true, even though “Jesus Christ” himself is the publisher!
Hey Stefan — do you know your home address is posted on your web site?
HAs – I’m really undecided about whether Ron Sims should be re-elected. Can any of you provide a list of reasons why I should vote for him? And if you can be honest, can you also suggest anything where he’s not done a good job?
Reply to 49
“are you running an issue oriented site, or just one to piss on people?”
What do you think? “prr” stands for “pisson roger rabbit”
Stefan suffers from attention deficit disorder. I’ve been trying to get his attention for a long time, but his home address is still posted on his web site. Ah well, my conscience is clear.
prr, if you’re Zodiac, turn yourself in. Please. (If you’re not Zodiac, disregard this message)
So, what do you all think about Ron Sims’ nephew using Ron’s home address to register to vote in King County when he has NEVER lived in King County. And what about Ron Sims’ nephew voting in the 2004 primary (Ron was candidate for governor) when he lived in New York! Really curious that he did NOT vote in the 2004 general election.
Nah, there is NO CORRUPTION in King County government.
Yes Dust Bunny, I quoted from the WA Times regarding big donor people giving $$$$$$ to your side. Our side gets money from the little people. I guess you shoot the messenger when the message hurts, huh Dust Bunny?
Well how about the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. They performed the original study. http://www.opensecrets.org
Dust Bunny: I’ll Make it easy for you, ya know being retired and all: http://www.opensecrets.org/org.....038;View=P. You will see all the thug unions, ya know those you support extorting union dues from the common man who doesn’t support their politics, giving to d u m m o c r a p s. Thanks Dust Bunny for asking me to probe the Internet more.
What does that prove? I voted in Seattle when I lived in Vietnam. Study the law, idiot! You don’t lose your voting rights because you’re temporarily absent from the state. Domicile is a matter of intent, not geography or calendar.
“Our side gets money from the little people.”
I agree that Richard Scaife is a little person.
“I guess you shoot the messenger when the message hurts, huh Dust Bunny?”
Oh, heck no, I don’t need an excuse to attack the Washington Times. I “out” the Washington Times every chance I get, because it’s a right-wing propaganda rag supported by slave labor. If you want to use the Moonie house organ as a “source” for your “information,” go right ahead.
NEWS FLASH!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!! UNIONS DONATE TO DEMOCRATS!!! That’s because Republicans fuck over the working man.
Putty Between Ears didn’t have the same freshman English professor I did. We weren’t allowed to cite Reader’s Digest, let alone the Washington Times. Automatic “D” on that paper if you did.
Academic rigor, you know. Putty was never taught not cite to shit.
Ya don’t get it, do you dust bunny. Not everyone in the union thinks like the union. Oh that’s right I’m wrong. They all are all union “ditto” heads to the ALF-CIO prez Sweeney!!! Damn, thanks for reminding me Dust Bunny. Still dwelling on the WA Times. You need to see a shrink for that WA Times problem you have.
Academic rigor? With the crap you post? You are a funny Dust Bunny.
roger; lying again… Secy of state says
What does residence mean for purposes of voter registration and voting?
When applied to voter registration, the term residence usually means the place where you physically maintain your home and where you spend the majority of your time. You must have a residence. Once that residence is established, it exists until a new residence is established. You may not have more than one residence
What does that prove? I voted in Seattle when I lived in Vietnam. Study the law, idiot! You don’t lose your voting rights because you’re temporarily absent from the state. Domicile is a matter of intent, not geography or calendar.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 8/18/05 @ 7:14 pm
Hey Roger you do if you live in another state, you know, ship the ballots out late. Hi headless Lucy do you work for Ron Sims, maybe you can set the record straight.
What does that prove? I voted in Seattle when I lived in Vietnam. Study the law, idiot! You don’t lose your voting rights because you’re temporarily absent from the state. Domicile is a matter of intent, not geography or calendar.
Umm, I do know the law. RCW 29A.08.210
(4) The address of the applicant’s residence for voting purposes;
(5) The mailing address of the applicant if that address is not the same as the address in subsection (4) of this section;
i.e. you are required by law to provide your mailing address if it is different from where you are registered to vote.
Righton: Dust Bunny has multiple residences with many other fluffy female bunnies in multiple locations multiple times a day. He said so on another thread.
The Washington State Constitution states the following qualifications for voters, “All persons of the age of eighteen years or over who are citizens of the United States and who have lived in the state, county and precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote…”(Art. VI sec. 1) . RCW 29.01.140 defines residence for the purpose of registering and voting as a person’s address where he physically resides and maintains his abode.
What does residence mean for purposes of voter registration and voting?
When applied to voter registration, the term residence usually means the place where you physically maintain your home and where you spend the majority of your time. You must have a residence. Once that residence is established, it exists until a new residence is established. You may not have more than one residence.
This is similar to the law for a drivers license and car registration. You aren’t supposed to report that you live in Portland when you actually live in Seattle to avoid taxation. If your car has Oregon plates but the cops see it parked at your house in Seattle every day, you will get a ticket.
that was really weak……..
goldy, can the comments section support ink?
tough with the tablet….
KLake: Headlice Loocy works for the Seattle School District. Headlice is a man. Working on the school Headlice works at. Ya know liberal bureaucracy, it takes time to determine it.
Crapping is what bunnies do best, next to fucking. I thought you knew that.
Anybody think it is interesting that the minnow considers it libel to be linked to David Irons? Has Herr minnow been talking to Mr. Iron’s Mom?
no kidding Puddybud, you know one would have ever guess that.I heard that the Seattle School District went bankrup. They spent all their money on the lite rail and close the schools. They have all been showing up over here on the east side liveing in tents. He/She could be living down the street in one of those Headlice tents. Hey wrabbit quit picking on Bill, you bad bunny could get eaten by a Bear over here Republican land.Is it true that Ron Sims is leaving town for good.
Pudster, for the sake of your tiny little head (and, lets face it, you quote people who, probably like you, have heard the right wing spin and not the real story) here we go again. Not as pretty as my first post, but hopefully it will get through:
John Pohoretz, NRO, who is to the right of your short little pud:
“Now, as my earlier item on Time magazine noted, Weldon is backing off his contention in his book that he had given the Bush NSC a chart with Atta’s name on it just after the attacks in 2001.
None of this passes the smell test. And an apology is due the 9/11 Commission staff at the very least, I think, because some of us were in effect contending that they were sloppy or dishonest or covering something up. Sounds like they were being professional to me.”
Jim Geraghty, NRO online (you aren’t a good researcher, are you?):
“Just heard from a guy I trust that the Pentagon will be releasing information regarding Able Danger in the not too distant future. The short version: Don’t expect any bombshells.
Thank you, Congressman Weldon, for getting just enough of this story right (the existence of Able Danger and its mission) to get folks like myself and lot of others to take you seriously. Those others weren’t just bloggers, by the way – I’m talking about the New York Times, the AP, the Bergen Record…
And thanks a [really bad word] heap for getting more than enough wrong that we look like idiots for trusting you.
You know, like that rather key element that Able Danger had picked out four of the 9/11 hijackers and recommended they be picked up by the FBI. I can see how you could mix up that pesky little detail.
Thank you for making all of these stunning allegations without any supporting evidence. Thank you for not having any documents, memos, or anything beyond allegations from an anonymous former defense intelligence guy who is unwilling to come forward and speak on the record.
Thanks for using us to goose your book sales this month”
You are going down in flames, pud-bud. You should get better info than the trash Limbaugh dishes.
Reply to 64
Who cares what the Secretary of State says? His rules are subordinate to the statute, which says:
RCW 29A.04.151
“‘Residence’ for the purpose of registering and voting means a person’s permanent address where he or she physically resides and maintains his or her abode. However, no person gains residence by reason of his or her presence or loses his or her residence by reason of his or her absence:
(1) While employed in the civil or military service of the state or of the United States;
(2) While engaged in the navigation of the waters of this state or the United States or the high seas;
(3) While a student at any institution of learning;
(4) While confined in any public prison.
Absence from the state on business shall not affect the question of residence of any person unless the right to vote has been claimed or exercised elsewhere.”
Especially read that last paragraph, Wrong Again. If you establish a domicile in Washington and register to vote here, there is no time limit on how long you can be absent on business, you lose the right to vote here only if you register to vote somewhere else.
Roger Rabbit:
Note, the Sec. of State says “usually” and is correct. righton is just too stupid to realize that the word “usually” left a big hole for him to fall down in. You, as a rabbit, are smarter than the hole.
While we are at it. You at least for once for a wingnut, got it somewhat right. What ever your problem with Gorelick, she didn’t change anything that wasn’t in place before in Bush 1 and Reagan.
However, you make you usual stupid mistake. Able Danger was a Pentagon project. The supposed wall did not deal with the Pentagon. I assume you will appoligise to Ms. Gorelick in your next post?
Sorry klake, I can “live” in another state for as long as I want, provided it’s “on business,” and still vote here as long as I claim Washington as my domicile and don’t register to vote somewhere else.
I have news for you, klake. Presidents vote in their home states, not in D.C. — even the ones who live in D.C. for eight years. Congressmen and Senators vote in their home states, not in D.C. — even the ones who own homes in D.C. and spend the majority of their time there for 30 years or more. If I wanted to be a lobbyist for the National Bunny Association, I could set up shop in D.C. and spend 350 days a year there, for years on end, and still vote legally in Seattle, as long as I don’t register in D.C. My mailing address is:
Roger Rabbit
c/o Green Lake Park
Seattle, WA 98103
Reply to 67
I realize every union has freeloaders who want union pay and benefits, but want other people to pay the dues for the expenses of getting them.
JDB: First off you quote four day old information August 14th. Is that the best your little mind can acquire. I am glad you visit NRO. Other lefties are afrain, very afraid to read another opinion!
I placed links of today. Try again. I wanted to hear from GBS, not a small time circle fly guy like you. The Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer has been on different shows this day, as I am on the east coast so I see them while you be working. It is going to be awfully strange when the other people talk. He mentioned that others want to talk too. Why is the Times and other newspapers carrying this? Why did the AP out a Navy Captain on Able Danger? I didn’t use Rush for this thread, I used him for another thread. I asked GBS to read the other links because he will process the information, unlike you, another circle fly simpleton. Read the articles of today 08-18-05. Your has been news of 4 days ago is stale, like the thoughts in your head.
Regarding the Pentagon, maybe they found more stuff since Monday. Let’s see. Lt Co. Shaffer was saying different things today than yesterday. The news is different today from yesterday. When working I can’t listen to Rush. All I am saying is if half of this is true, the 9/11 women trotted out by your side must feel really shitty now by being used by lefties to yell at Bush!
Reply to 71
So what if I’m a rolling stone? I still get to vote.
Michael @ 73
“Usually” doesn’t mean “always.” Why don’t you challenge Patty Murray’s Washington voter registration, and see how far you get.
I don’t know what Seattle Schools spent their money on, but they sure as hell didn’t spend any to teach you spelling and grammar.
“Roger Rabbit: Note, the Sec. of State says “usually” and is correct. righton is just too stupid to realize that the word ‘usually’ left a big hole for him to fall down in. You, as a rabbit, are smarter than the hole.”
I have an unfair advantage over Putty Brains and Flake. I’m a lawyer. They didn’t graduate from grade school.
Dust Bunny? Why is it when the message hits the mark, you disemble and pick on his spelling and grammar?
You’re on the east coast, Puddy? If so, you’re not supposed to vote in Washington, according to you — unless you want to admit you’re wrong about what Washington’s voting qualifications are.
Are you serious? Flake hasn’t hit anything yet.
Hmmm? It’s 1:35 on the east coast. Does mommy know you’re up past bedtime, Putty?
Wow, I am in awe of de lawwwyer. Well git down peeples, why in tarnation we gots here on HA sumtin spesul. Should we bow down in obesience to you? NOT!
Uhhh, Dust Bunny I fly home to WA state tomorrow. Mommy is in the grave, so behave buster. I live in WA state. You have me mixed up (like always) with another righty. I suppose that lawyering bidness has gotten to your mind.
Stefan @45,
I’ll tell you what Stefan… if you think I’ve libeled you by calling you “David Irons webmaster” I suggest you go ask your sycophants for more contributions to your legal offense fund… and sue me. Personally, I’d look forward to our day in court, as you always seem to lose them.
Oh, and purge your party of the moderates like Norm Maleng and Sam Reed and Fred Jarrett… and we all lose. Though I assure you, the KCGOP will lose a helluva lot more than the rest of us.
I’ll tell you what Stefan… if you think I’ve libeled you by calling you “David Irons webmaster” I suggest you go ask your sycophants for more contributions to your legal offense fund… and sue me
The difference is when Goldy is sarcastic on an issue, he makes it clear. Stefan tries to sell his rantings as facts.
Also, the suggestion that the the “webmaster” statement was slanderous is as baseless as Stefan’s assertion that military voters didn’t get their ballots: a great statement to mouth but with nothing to back it up.
If Stefan actually believed his slander allegation he would sue Goldy, take away his website with the resulting judgement and redirect the traffic to his site.
But the truth is he doesn’t believe it and it will just be another baseless allegation of the day.
baseless as Stefan’s assertion that military voters didn’t get their ballots: a great statement to mouth but with nothing to back it up.
You mean like the way you donks regurgitate that tired crap about Ohio and Florida?
@81 – Sorry klake, I can “live” in another state for as long as I want, provided it’s “on business,” and still vote here as long as I claim Washington as my domicile and don’t register to vote somewhere else.
If you live somewhere and move, you don’t have to change your official residence. The law states that you should though unless you intend to come back. It would be difficult to prove that you never intend to come back.
However, the big part you are missing is that for some place to be your official residence, you have to have lived there at some point.
“‘Residence’ for the purpose of registering and voting means a person’s permanent address where he or she physically resides and maintains his or her abode.
You can’t just pick a place and say that is your residence. You physically have to reside and maintain abode there. If you later on move, you don’t automatically loose you resident status at the old place.
Haha, I just noticed that RCW 29A.04.151 is very close to RCW 29A.04.139, which defines a “recount” as “the process of retabulating ballots and producing amended election returns based on that retabulation.” But apparently that isn’t what a recount really is, based on Election 2004.
Maleng is a good man, and many people hope to never meet him or personally need the services of his office. Either as a defendant, or in my case, as a victim of violence. I thought his plea-bargaining was reaching epidemic proportions, but after being mugged, I was hoping their would be a plea so I did not have to testify. Take away the Plea Bargain because of mis-use in some cases, and you may be denying justice to some victims.
JDB: The wall was erected by Gorelick. Every lefty in the MSM admits to that. Why can’t you? There was no wall before Clinton. I see you haven’t read the New York Post article. The US Presecutor for NYC Mary White complained to Gorelick directly about the wall in the 1993 WTC truck bombing. She could not get evidence to use against the people involved. The truth will set you free. I know the truth is a painful experience.
EvergreenRailfan: Sorry to read you were mugged. It happened to my older brother many years ago in lower Manhattan and he knows Kung Fu. He did some damage but there were at least three who mugged him. He ended up with two cracked ribs.
Rufus: Why didn’t AL Gore win Tennessee in 2000? Because they knew the real man!!! How many times will these donks need a reminder.
JDB: Didcha know about Jamie Gorelick had a bio on the 9/11 site. “Prior to joining Fannie Mae in May 1997, Gorelick was deputy attorney general of the United States, a position she assumed in March 1994. From May 1993 until she joined the Justice Department, Gorelick served as general counsel of the Department of Defense.” Hmmm… Maybe she did something special in the DoD job?
Did you also know:”As general counsel to the DoD, Gorelick was the top lawyer in the department (the position requires Senate confirmation). Recall that Janet Reno, Gorelick’s soon-to-be boss, was attorney general during this entire time, and that Gorelick herself was the protege of none other than Hilary Clinton.”
You did cause me to really investigate the wall. You are right. It was erected in 1978 by the Carter Administration.
http://www.opinionjournal.com/.....=110004956 – “What’s more, Mr. Ashcroft noted, the wall did not mysteriously arise: “Someone built this wall.” That someone was largely the Democrats, who enshrined Vietnam-era paranoia about alleged FBI domestic spying abuses by enacting the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).”
Well, Pud, glad to see you can admit you were wrong. Yep, the Wall (which only dealt with the FBI), was up since the FBI abused its powers spying on people in the 60s and 70s. Reagan and his AGs and Bush and his AGs never thought they had to get rid of it, nor did Bush the lesser and Ashcroft.
Secondly, and more importantly, it had nothing to do with DOD. There was no wall of any sort at DOD. And while Gorelick was at DOD in 93, as you nicely point out, she had long been gone before Able Danger supposedly had its report and tried to set up meetings. Heck, she wasn’t even in the government any more. Further, the Bush administration never acted on the information either, and they had a clearly presented to them.
So, lets face it, if you really want to rail against the wall, you need to rail against Nixon and his abuses with the FBI which lead to it. I look forward to your rant on that.
An interesting asside on the minnow and his followers of the lord of lies:
In the mid-60s, Dan Evans help lead the purging of the Washington GOP of the Birchers and other far right wing nuts who were dragging the party down both because there ideas were so unpalatable and because there demands for orthodox purity did nothing but produce losers. The only Republican Govenors in modern memory came about after the far right was taken care of. The GOP had some real wins in what had been a very liberal state.
Fourty years later, in the mid-00s, The minnow and his followers want to lead a purge of the party of the moderates and all others who will not follow their orthodox purity. Strangely enough, these are their only statewide office holders, and the only ones that can (and do) win in the democratic strong holds. The minnow and his followers would rather have orthodox purity then support people that agree 80% with them. They have developed a littel fantasy world around themselves, and anyone who brings up reality is assumed to be a part of the grand conspiracy against them. There lack of touch with reality explains why the minnow and his followers couldn’t see how bad their elections case was (the law was fairly clear, and they had no facts to support them), and explains why as soon as Judge Bridges ruled against them, he suddenly became part of the conspiracy.
So, they will turn on Sam Reed, Norm Maleng, and, eventually, Rob McKenna, because they refuse to ignore reality and drink deep the Koolaide the minnow sales. They will destroy good policy that the Republican office holders support, like improving the roads, because there fantasy world is more important to them than good policy. Good for the Democrats, but very sad for this state and for a Republican party that will become more and more marginalized at the state level.
Hey JDB: I usually don’t rant on the Sabbath. So it won’t be. Back then and still do think Nixon was a jerk. He was not my hero and if I remember I never said he was. That being said, there was a small wall because the Repubs are the party of law and order back then. It was after the Clinton’s arrived that the real wall appeared. Why else would Mary White ask Gorelick to tear it down back to where it was. You seem to forget that fact or like other HA lefties, you choose to ignore it. So JDB, which is it? Honesty pays unless you are a lefty.
JDB: Also you be a parsing here. What of the fear of the Justice Department by DoD don’t you get? What part of her knowing the inner workings of DoD when she moved to Justice don’t you get? What part of her being a protege of HRC don’t you get? See I can nice and ask with out acting like a lefty!!!
Pudbud @ 105:
No parsing here. Where do you even get that DoD had a fear of justice? And, again, even assuming everything you say is true, what does any of that have to do with the Abel Danger reveal in 1999-2000 when Gorelick was in the private sector?
Further, the actual story looks to be more and more about nothing. Check out: http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....rrer=email
“The former intelligence officer who says that a Defense Department program identified Mohamed Atta and three other hijackers before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks said yesterday that many of his allegations are not based on his memory but on the recollections of others.
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who has been on paid administrative leave from the Defense Intelligence Agency since his security clearance was suspended in March 2004, said in a telephone interview that a Navy officer and a civilian official affiliated with the Able Danger program told him after the attacks that Atta and other hijackers had been included on a chart more than a year earlier.”
And an intriguing theory on why the right is backing off of this so fast: http://justoneminute.typepad.c.....r_mud.html
It must be hard to see Tom Delay, Karl Rove and Bush going down in flames, and then your pet theory not pan out. Despite the right wings attempt to blame Clinton for everything, it still looks like Bush is the one who messed up from day one with Bin Laden.