If Raymond Shaw Reagan Dunn is the “rising star” of the KC GOP, their horizon looks awfully dim… as does Shaw Dunn in his 2-minute stint on the Seattle Channel’s 2005 Primary Election Video Voter’s Guide.
Shaw’s Dunn’s clip starts at about minute 37:40, and includes this curiously worded statement about the extremes he’s willing to go to reform King County government:
I was involved in the investigation and prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui, also known as the 20th hijacker on September 11th… it was a hard working group, dedicated to a single purpose, and its the kind of effort we need to help reform and fix King County government.
Um… I assume Shaw Dunn meant to refer to the prosecutors, not the hijackers as a model for reforming King County government, but that’s not the way it came out on the video. (Though I suppose he has more than a few constituents who wouldn’t mind seeing a jetliner slam into the Ron Sims’ office at the King County Courthouse.)
But that wasn’t his worse flub. Thirty seconds later Shaw Dunn stumbles over a classic bit of speechifying that makes George Walker Bush sound like William Jennings Bryan:
Everywhere you look there is waste. It drives up our property values and makes our taxes more congested.
I couldn’t agree more. That is, if I could understand what the fuck he was trying to say.
Of course, Shaw Dunn is still a political novice, so misstatements like these are to be expected. But my understanding is that each candidate got four takes… and if this is the best of the four then he’s in need of some serious media training. Either that, or his lack of preparation (I mean really… how hard is it to memorize a two minute statement?) suggests he really doesn’t have his heart in this race. And why should he? With a powerful mamma like Eleanor Prentice Shaw Jennifer Dunn, King County Council must seem like an awfully low place to start his political career.
Or end it.
Now Goldy–
If you can understand your LEFTIST PINHEAD(aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) comrades and their blathering….you can easily understand Reagan Dunn.
Although I did kinda scratch my noggin too!
Goldy, you just don’t get it.
If it worked for Dubya, why shouldn’t it work for
ShawDunn?He’ll be President one day. You heard it here first.
What a first class turbo FUCKTARD. This guy makes Linda Averill look like Madeline Albright. It just proves that you can have half a brain, and it doesn’t matter as long as your mom is powerful.
Goldy – I know you’re driven mostly by hate, but I don’t get the joke on Dunn’s name. Can you splain it to a dumfuck knuckle dragger?
I am not sure if we should misunderestimate him though.
“I think younger workers — first of all, younger workers have been promised benefits the government — promises that have been promised, benefits that we can’t keep. That’s just the way it is.” —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2005
4 – You know you got a point there Mark the Redneck about Goldy being driven by hate ‘cuz we all know patriots like Tim Eyman are driven by nothing but love of country – no remuneration required.
And maybe you’ve never seen or read The Manchurian Candidate but I understand you work too hard to support the liberal welfare state as well as paying your association fees in your gated community and the gas for your Hummer. You must not have much leisure time.
Hey Clueless: Psstt… Mcarthy was RIGHT.
And WTF is the deal with that Eyman guy. Only a complete jerk would give The People a voice. Who wants to live in a place like that where the elites can’t have the run of the place. Yuck.
8 – You got a point there Mark the Redneck about giving “the people” a voice. Who could be more in tune with “the people” than the gambling industry who footed the bill for Eyman’s last initiative? Only only other entity I can think of is Walmart.
Those elitists who are held accountable at the polls every two years should be told to stay home. “The people” can run the government by initiative.
Mcarthy[sic] was RIGHT? Didn’t I read that in a Coulter book?
Test post……..I love Hillary. Test post……..Liberals are good. Taxpayers are hateful and are greedy. Only Democrats love children. Test……Test………[will this make it throught the Goldy Filter?]
I agree with Redneck. Mcarthy (unsic) was right! All jobs paid for by our tax dollars should require a loyalty oath and everyone who doesn’t take it should be booted off the payroll. Let the Ruskies pay for the commies!
Mark this day in history, Goldy compares President Bush to William Jennings Bryan. Reagan Dunn really must have magical powers.
My grandpa always had a saying. It was “Don’t pick fly shit out of pepper”. If going from point A to Q to get to B on some lame 2 minute video clip is the best you got, Dunn must not be that by of a guy.
I will give you this, Reagan Dunn does look a lot like the dude from The Manchurian Candidate. That’s funny!!!
I’ll take welfare state over warfare state.
Plagiarist. You should at least give credit to Josh Feit for ripping off his comments.
Those elitists who are held accountable at the polls every two years should be told to stay home. “The people” can run the government by initiative.
You donks better get used to initiatives. You cheated to get your govornor so you deserve it.
12 You know you got a point there RUFUS the DOOFUS about cheating. Funny how Judge Bridges didn’t get it?
By the way have you made out your check to the WSGOP for the excellent case Davis, Wright, Tremaine made? You do believe in rewarding excellence do you?
Your party’s in debt DOOFUS. Do your part.
You truly are clueless dude…..
Your reward for Governor Gregoire is (drumroll….)
13 and 14: Oh. My. God. Are you guys at it again?! Jesus! The election is OVER. Rossi LOST. Get OVER it.
Hey we are over it. Geesh. Can’t you see we are taking it one initiative at a time.
Sin @ 14: …if all you got is GRIDLOCK, be happy. Bushy stole the election, and we got the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! (BTW they are War, Famine, Conquest, and Death)
Roof: No, you don’t appear to be over it. And, no, I doubt you are taking it “one initiative at a time” although you are welcome to try. And if you cry as much about losing that one, then you might just want to seek mental help…
Stefan @14,
You obviously read me a lot more religiously than I read The Stranger. If I had seen Josh’s comments on slog, I would have mentioned it.
But thanks for reading.
… is it just me, or does Sharkanzky post as much here as he does on (un)SP?
14 Well you know you have a point there Mr. Cynical about reward. You see the Democrats aren’t in as much debt as the Republicans. Last time I looked it was less than 500k for the D’s and around 1.5 million for the R’s. I wrote several checks myself to the D’s to reward Governor Gregoire for keeping faith with her supporters and pursuing every avenue available to her under the law. You see it’s this kind of steadfastness of purpose that explains why her approvals ratings keep rising and the R’s remain mired in debt.
Have you rewarded the excellent case Davis, Wright and Tremaine made before Judge Bridges? The one full of the “surprises” you kept hinting at? The case that Stefan Sharkansky said was so well presented in contrast to the Democrat’s case which was so awful, so full of awful expert witnesses like Chris Adolph, so poorly presented by such poor lawyers like Jenny Durkan and Kevin Hamilton.
The case you believed that Goldy was going to “go down” for?
You do believe in rewarding excellence don’t you Mr. C.?
C’mon Mr. C. Lay down your coin and help the R’s out of debt.
Bush- Fist presindent in 16 years to win over 50% of the popular vote. You donks have to go back to Carter to claim that. How is passing initiatives now sour grapes. Eyeman and Co. were passing initiatives way before 2004. It is a way of life for us… get use to it.
Hey clueless
I headd that they threw jenny out of holland they caught here with a finger in a dike
And ROSSI LOSSI! Make out your check to the WSGOP!
JCH must be doing drugs.
@ 27 … you “headd” that, did you?
DINGALING – My point is that no matter how bad you may think the WA State government is, it is a thousand times better than that moron Bushy…
I can tell Bushy is a Compassionate Conservative though, he did drop Air Force 1 down to 2500 feet so he could see New Orleans in between sips of whiskey sours…
Where’s that 50% now, Doofus?
“It makes little difference which independent poll results you believe, they all show numbers that reveal a nation that has lost confidence in its leader.”
The Republican Party does have a lot to be proud of:
SUCCESSFULLY set up a Shiite Kingdom in the Middle East
SUCCESSFULLY kept the stock market under its starting point in 2000
SUCCESSFULLY allowed New Orleans to slip into anarchy
SUCCESSFULLY allowed Bin Laden to start a new life somewhere
SUCCESSFULLY kept Halliburton bonuses high
SUCCESSFULLY gave tax breaks to the top 1 percent of US earners
SUCCESSFULLY kept our schools in a state of disrepair
SUCCESSFULLY left ALL children behind
SUCCESSFULLY ran an end run round congress to appoint judges
What a guy. At this rate, it will take an armed revolution to dig Georgie out of office… Although maybe Pat Robertson will pray for someone to assassinates him…
As for Dunn.. well I gotta admit, if there’s anything I hate, it’s “congested taxes”….. BWWAHAHHAAAAAHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAA ..cough gasp MAKE HIM STOP HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAHA….. He’s toooo funny!
Hey that happens… I wouldn’t be suprised if his approval ratings are as low as Clinton’s were in the 92 election. Bush has 3 years plus left in his second term. We will see how history will judge both men.
Clueless @ 27;
The fact the democrats in this state feels the need to continually attack a guy who now sells real estate and drives his kids to school is very telling. It tells me that you might be the one who is not over 2004. You can not get over how a conservative republican state senator, to quote Gov. Gregoire; “vitually tied”, the best your party had to offer in one of the bluest states in the Union, Which Kerry won soundly. Nobody knows who actually got the most legit votes, anyone who says they do has supernatural powers which I do not.
So feel free to make fun of a private citizen because he has an ethnic sounding last name that ends with a vowel. Or because he has different beliefs then you do. Really mature, really progressive, really accepting and open. Really classy, keep it!!!
I don’t care what Rossi is doing now or what a great family man he is.
I care about his stands on having pseudo-science taught in the schools and his political debt to the BIAW. I’ve worked for real estate operators – I don’t want one in the Governor’s mansion.
This guy tried to sell himself like a house in a Windemere commercial. Tried to give people the same kind of warm-fuzzies you got when you bought your first house. Sorry I didn’t buy it but too many did.
The close election sucked but Gregoire came out on top and thank G*d she did. The Republican’s power grab was dismissed WITH PREJUDICE.
As for last names – MY last name ends in a vowel as well. I’m not buying YOUR ethnic baiting.
Don’t forget to help the Republican’s retire their debt to Davis, Wright, Tremaine for the excellent case they presented. Make your check out to the WSGOP now.
You were saying?
“It makes little difference which independent poll results you believe, they all show numbers that reveal a nation that has lost confidence in its leader … his job performance ranges from a low of 37 percent to an absolute high of 52 percent. …
Bill Clinton’s job performance ratings, even when he was embroiled in a sex scandal, seldom dropped below 60 percent, and were usually in the mid- to upper 60s and 70s.”
WTF is this? A right wing lecturing on political correctness? Hey — can I ask a question — do you think calling our governor “Chrissy,” “Queen,” or “Fraudoire” is at least as disrespectful as calling saying “Rossi Lossi”? Yes or no.
Hmm … my typing in that last post was sloppy. (It’s hard to type with a furry paw — my claws keeping getting in the way!) Let’s try this again.
WTF is this? A right winger lecturing on political correctness? Hey – can I ask a question – do you think calling our governor “Chrissy,” “Queen,” or “Fraudoire” is at least as disrespectful as saying “Rossi Lossi”? Yes or no.
Rufus @ 35 “I wouldn’t be suprised if his approval ratings are as low as Clinton’s were in the 92 election. ”
You mean 1992… when he sent GHWB back to civilian villian corporate crime?
Rufus… uh… do you even stop for a second to think before you post such dumbass comments?
And, when you are done with the statement by
ShawDunn, check out HA regular Richard Pope near the end of the video (last statement).I though Richard did pretty well. He rushed things a bit approaching the end, and then flubbed a bit in the last two seconds, going out with quite the silly look on his face.
Seriously, though, Richard, not bad—you did a hell of lot better than
ShawDunn.Oh. . . and Sharkansky, if you find anyone else who said something similar to my post @ 41, FUCK YOU! I thought of it all by my lonesome!
Clueless @ 37
Keep spewing that hate. Let the hate out. Keep attacking a private citizen, who has gone out of his way to stay out of the limelight and let Gov. Gregoire sink or swim on her own merit. During session (even with the challenge still alive), Dino was not holding press conferences talking about the policies she implemented and how he would be better. He appeared every month or so to update the court challenge and that is it. He showed so much class that now an even over 65% think he actually won, and 58& would vote for him in rematch.
That is why your scared. We fear what we don’t understand and fear leads to hate. You still have no idea how all this happened.
If you really think slick commercials is why around 100,000 people voted for John Kerry and Dino Rossi, then just keep thinking that. Note: Gov. Gregoire spent 2/3 of a million dollars more on advertising. So either she hired idiots or is incompetent, which is it.
Let me ax ya dis; Democrats have had the run of the joint for what will be 24 years. Why don’t we live in a perfect utopia??? Let me guess, those evil republican in the minority, or is it those few years the republicans actually had a majority in one of the chambers??? You don’t think it could have anything to do with the fact more and more people are seeing through your parties crap???
As for the ethnic baiting, that was intentional, and I am glad you called me on it. Now you know how ignorant it sounds when anyone (democrat or republican) does that. I am glad we agree on that. Thanks for taking the bait!!!
Scratch the veneer of a Repug, catch them without their face on, and find a murderous barbarian and a thief… Yes, the Repugs would blow it up to “save” it.
It’s just like their religion… No paradise for the living…
I notice a certain style in what passes for your response – could you be Larry the clueless wonder from (un)SP? The same guy who wants to wear a Ron Sims button and vote multiple times in the next election?
It’s a good thing Rossi stays out of the limelight! Every time he opens his mouth or shows his face he sinks his chances at career change. Next time we’ll see him it’ll be in one of those Windemere commercial removing all the blemishes and softening the sharp elbows he used to advance his political career backed 100 percent by the BIAW.
Did Gregoire run a lackluster campaign? You bet. The next one won’t be so bad because more people know now that Rossi is just a creature of the BIAW.
Why aren’t things better? Simple. We have a retrograde tax system in this state. This state has grown too big for the foolish system we have. It has to change and it appears pols from both sides are too chicken to work together to make that change but especially your side! The same side that voted in huge numbers for Will Baker!
I have nothing against the voters wanting to mix things up in the government but Rossi was the wrong horse to back. As long as the Republicans keep serving up the likes of Craswell, Carlson and Rossi, I hope Democrats resist that urge for divided government.
Don’t forget to reward Davis, Wright, Tremaine for the excellent case they made before Bridges. The one your pal Sharkansky said was a slam dunk. Reward excellence. Send your check now. Your party’s over a million in debt. Pony up Larry!
Don’t forget to send a few dollars to Sharkansky for his “legal” fund – prognostication skills like the Shark’s are hard to find.
9 out of 10 posts can’t make it through Goldy’s filter. Funny, the “I love the Clintons” test posts sailed right through. Sad. Typical “progressive” “I can dish it out but I can’t take it!” Goldy, were you the last picked to play ball in high school? $100 bet sezs you never lettered in any sport. Takers?
Oh one more thing. Rossi is a “private citizen” but he’s also a “public figure” who still aspires to be the governor of this state – someone who deserves all the scrutiny the public can muster.
If he’s smart he’ll keep a low profile – it’s the Rovian way.
So you admit that you used racial baiting just to troll? How low-class.
BTW Piehole, you still haven’t answered my question @39. Well … ? Yes or no.
Roger; I challenge you to find a post in which I say any of those. In fact, I point to this very thread to show where I refer to Gov. Gregoire. (44). I don’t like it, but she is legally the governor and that brings with it certain customs and courtesies. As a member of a civilized society, I follow those. Much as I would say President Clinton or President Bush.
I apoligize for not answering you, Rabbit, in a timely manner. I forgot to ask your permission to go earn a living. I promise I will not make that mistake again, your majesty.
BTW, I don’t speak for the right-wing. I am not a right-wing. I am just a guy. That is it, nothing more than that. Just a guy. You know there are people in the world who are just them. They can think for themselves. Make up their own mind. Read, research and come to conclusions without the talking points. You should try it sometime. It takes a lot more work than regurgitating the ideas of others, but it is worth it.
My name is not Larry, it is T.J. which was the name I posted under till Goldy asked me to change. He said please, so I complied. That is called being polite.
Keep on hating. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,HATE. Keep it up. Another plan would be to spend 3 years getting people to like Gov. Gregoire. But I am sure it will be easier to make people hate Dino. So good luck with that.
Now Master Rabbit, may I be granted your leave so that I may pursue my graduate college education on this fine evening???
What if I say pretty please with a cherry on top???
Oh I get it now, former T.J. I’m the true hater and not DINGDONG @ 27 making a sex slur on Jenny Durkan or some other “lover” calling Gregoire “little Chrissy” or “Fraudoire” or a real winner like Mark1 did a while back calling Gregoire a “c*nt”.
You “regular guys” sure know how to stick up for one another. You can spew all the hate you want and then accuse the other side of hating! Very clever.
Keep sticking up for your buddies, former T.J., keep it up. Good work on the misdirection tactics.
You mean 1992… when he sent GHWB back to civilian villian corporate crime?
Rufus… uh… do you even stop for a second to think before you post such dumbass comments?
That what I love about you donks. You’re denial of reality is astonishing. Clinton had nothing to do with GHWB going back to civilian life. Without Perot Bush would have won easily with 53% of the vote. You guys won because the conservative ticket was split… not on your own accord.
Did I say anything about Ms. Durkan or Gov. Gregoire??? No I did not. But feel free to justify your bad behavior by pointing out someone elses bad behavior.
I am coming out right now saying to Mark1, that is a grossly inappropriate comment. I had not read that before, but I will say that even in this informal online forum, their is not place for that and he should be ashamed of himself.
Dingdong; whether we like it or not, Gov. Gregoire legally won the election. The Office of Governor of the State of Washington is bigger than Christine Gregoire or Dino Rossi. Certain customs and courtesies apply. Much as I would expect anyone who met the George W. Bush to call him Mr. President. I expect people to be polite and shake the had of Governor Gregoire. We can disagree, but we must not lose civility.
Happy now, clueless? You sure think you know me, but as it turns out you have no idea who I am, what I believe, or anything. Keep trying to pigeon hole me into a nice little box that makes sense. So much easier to vilify others then to actually make someone follow you.
As Reagan Dunn’s #1 blogosphere supporter, I can assure you I would prefer terrorist jetliners don’t hit Seattle.
Instead, I prefer a fair, clean election. Which Reagan will win.
Reagan Dunn for King County Council – liberate our state!
Thank you for condemning your fellow “regular guys”! That was magnanimous of you!
Now you have to work on your reading comprehension. I never said you did anything but condemn ME as a hater while completely ignoring the hate coming from the Rossi-supporter side of the aisle.
Apparently I am a hater for responding to DINGDONG’s sex slur on Jenny Durkan with ROSSI LOSSI. As I said before, MY last name ends in a vowel. I have been called WAY WORSE.
I have my reasons for disliking Rossi – none of them have anything to do with his ethnicity which by the way I SHARE. He would have been a disaster for this state and still can be. Again, he deserves all the scrutiny the public can muster before the public allows him to sink this state further into the hole caused by its stupid tax system.
Do we understand each other a little better now?
It’s high voltage dialogue in here, PIE. If you can’t stand the heat – stay out.