According to 94.9 FM KUOW’s web page, Rep. Dave Reichert will be joining Weekday this morning at 9:00 AM to take questions from callers. But word is Reichert chickened out cancelled, and Democratic challenger Darcy Burner will take his place. (I’m hoping that’s a metaphor for the November election.)
Guess we’ll just have to tune in to see who shows up. Should be worth listening to either way.
Darcy’s on. If you’re curious where she stands on an issue, give her a call: (800) 289-KUOW
Dave Reichert is
working hardhardly working for the eighth district.Rubberstamp Republican Reichert Runs from Radio Recording.
A King County man was sentenced Thursday to spend 50 hours wearing a sandwich board with the words, “I am a liar. I am not a Army veteran. I have never served my country.” Chief U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy in Seattle also sentenced Roger Rabbit to four months of house arrest for making a false statement. Rabbit, 56, was convicted of making a false statement — a felony.
Just like Riechert chickened out on the community forum last night in Bellevue. My guess is that unless he is spending our taxes on glossy mailings, he doesn’t want to communicate with voters at all.
Infamous Enumclaw horse sex case to be made into movie. GBS “rides” again!!!
Seattle filmmaker Robinson Devor has begun filming this month for his new documentary, “In the Forest There Is Every Kind of Bird.” The film examines the widely reported 2005 incident of a man in Enumclaw [GBS] who died after having sex with a horse.
Darcy handled the question about her “executiveness” very well. When someone has two or three levels of management working under them, they are an executive.
On the local matter of road around Mt. Ranier and Dave Reichert’s lack of leadership in continuing the role Jennifer Dunn played coordinating local, county and state agencies to assure that roads are kept open for the benefit of 8th District residents.
Where was Dave??? Why can’t he follow what his predecessor did????
Chris the firefighter wanted to use Reichert’s “35 years of public service” to put down Darcy, but he was unable to respond when Darcy pointed out that Reichert, as chairman of the sub-committee responsible, had not moved a single homeland security bill to a vote. Chris tried to give Dave the credit for added training he got, but that was all pre-Dave.
Whoa. Tone down the mad laugh Darcy. Makes H. Dean’s whoop sound Trappist. Otherwise it all sounds good. Go on girl.
I wonder if Dave will accept the next invitation KUOW offers to debate with Darcy on-air?
Does Reichert show up for anything? He ducked a gathering of 8th District voters last night, too.
Yeah, at you can check out an account of that event Reichert ducked last night.
It didn’t sound like the guy who called with the story about the Part D carrier dropping the coverage for the drug he needs was too happy with the program.
Maybe if Dave wasn’t spending all his constituent services budget on campaign literature, he could help the guy out. As it is, this 8th Distict constituent is on his own.
Just two off topic posts from Jughead. I guess all the 8th District wingnuts are off trying to figure out how to make an audio automatronic stand in for Dave. I liked the Lincoln one at Disneyland, is it still there? I think they should ask Disney Corp. to put a grey wig on it, remove the beard and do some recording of an impersonator saying something intelligent in Dave’s voice. No one would notice the difference, except for the intelligence part.
Maybe if the robot just said something it would do.
The mnnow over a the minnowpond is saying that “Burner did not reassert that she was an executive.”
She said she was a project manager with project managers working for her, and that is an executive.
Stefan is lying, she did assert that she was an executive at Microsoft. And, why not, she was.
Harry Tuttle
“I wonder if Dave will accept the next invitation KUOW offers to debate with Darcy on-air?”
I doubt it. Reichert is a lousy public speaker, and Darcy would blow him away verbally (not to mention, on the issues and on Reichert’s lame record).
Reichert has a real insecurity issue with debates as we saw when he walked out of a debate two years ago and refused to participate in later GOP primary debates. But, a debate with Darcy would be much worse because it would be against a young, educated, articulate woman, who he knows would hand him his ass on a platter.
There is no way in hell Reichert will “debate the girl.” He is much to cowardly to risk the humiliation.
All you moonbats who are on the side of the terrorists must be pissed today after yer boys got caught plotting to blow up Holland Tunnel.
Here’s the real question: How did the FBI get the information? Did they get court orders? Were the terrorists “civil rights” violated? Is this another example of an out of control administration? How many of you think we should let these guys go and maybe even let them do the deed because it wasn’t “fair” how we caught them.
Looking forward to your answers. Let me have it…
This is off the topic, but I think Ken Lay’s conviction should not be erased from his record as is typically done in an istance like this. In the case of Enron and Ken Lay, it’s important to identify forever the crooks behind the con and to give them no breaks as to how history should remember them.
Lib – Should that apply to Clinton too? Murka needs to remember that he lied to a grand jury an attempt to conceal a pattern of predatory behavior in an assault case that he settled for $800k.
Just wondering…
Harry, you have right on the money in your comments. The tally now, however, is up to four attempts tonhijackn this thread.
Dave Reichert is lame. He proves it each time he runs and hides, or worse, stands and speaks.
Darcy Burner is da Bomb!
Off topic
Gee, can I take credit for this one? Yesterday I posted:
“From a small note in today’s P.I.:
“U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert takes listener calls on “Weekday” at 9 a.m. Friday on KUOW-FM (94.9)”
Now, I’m sure that Reichert will not have agreed to take calls on the radio without having Republican operatives already lined up to flood the call boards with “Doing a GREAT JOB, Dave….!” and “Why are the Democrats such fools….” sort of calls. He may even have a few set to call in on a back line with calls designed to allow him to talk about his rehersed “messages”, such as “Tell us about your “suburban gang initiative”, Sherriff Dave…”.
But what if a couple of hundred of us called in, asking him some truely substantive questions: like asking him to explain why he publically stated that he only votes the way the Republican Congressional leadership tells him to?
Commentby rhp6033— 7/6/06@ 10:41 am”
Considering that the trolls here are probably paid Republican campaign workers in some capacity or another, perhaps somebody said…”Gee, they are on to us! Better have Dave cancel. We’ll try it again, but only with no prior publicity. Then we can make sure he doens’t get any questions he has to answer off-script. You know how much trouble he gets into when he tries to speak on his own….”
I wonder if Dave will accept the next invitation KUOW offers to debate with Darcy on-air?
It’s my understanding that this opportunity was to be Reichert only. Burner is on because Reichert chickened out again. He wasn’t even going to be debating her; he had the mic to himself and was afraid to show up.
rhp6033@22 I’d love to give you credit for that one. . .but. . .two things : 1)You are assigning intelligence and insight into the way our trolls work and 2) Spooky Reichert probably saw his shadow when he heard that the radio slot had been pubicly promo’ed.
Ruberstamp couldn’t hold up in a debate with Darcy Burner. Microsoft execs get pummeled. Among other things, they teach classes there internally that teach how to expertly drill down into a presenter’s assumptions, the relevance of the discussion, the data presented, effects of the presenter’s conclusions, and so on. It’s a method used to brutal effect by Microsoft executives to vet new project ideas and/or ongoing project reportage. Reichert would wither like a daisy. He’d be crying like a little girl.
Stefan is mistrepresenting what Darcy said about her Microsoft experience of KUOW today.
Steve Scher: The blog-o-sphere takes you to task for resume inflation. Do you inflate your resume?
Darcy Burner: No, not at all.
Scher: Were you an executive? Is program manager at Microsoft an executive?
Burner: Well I was a group program manager, which is actually several levels above the entry level program manager position, which is one of the first mistakes.
The mistake, of course, is the wingnut effort to slime Darcy coming from Stefan and his minnow pond.
Darcy went on to explaing all the ways that she had executive experience, including Steve Balmer’s assertion that he was “betting the company” on Darcy’s mission.
No rational person could take what Darcy said as a retreat from he statement that she was an executive at Microsoft, as stated on her website:
“Darcy went to work for Microsoft in 2000 and became the lead manager for an initiative to change the way software was built. It was very successful and enhanced Darcy’s reputation as a successful executive.”
Darcy went on to explain…
Harry Tuttle
“I wonder if Dave will accept the next invitation KUOW offers to debate with Darcy on-air?”
I doubt it. Reichert is a lousy public speaker, and Darcy would blow him away verbally (not to mention, on the issues and on Reichert’s lame record).
Reichert has a real insecurity issue with debates as we saw when he walked out of a debate two years ago and refused to participate in later GOP primary debates. But, a debate with Darcy would be much worse because it would be against a young, educated, articulate woman, who he knows would hand him his ass on a platter.
There is no way in hell Reichert will “debate the girl.” He is much to cowardly to risk the humiliation.
me @ 28
Oops…that comment got re-posted when I reloaded the comment window. Sorry.
Reichert is, apparently, afraid to talk in any open forum setting.
What is it with the Republicans needing an audience filled with plants? If you can’t handle a tough question from the audience, how are you going to negotiate in Congress?
That’s a good one. A roomful of Republicans IS a roomful of plants, exhibiting no more critical faculties than a cactus.
Darcy Burner hugged a rabbit! Rubberstamp Reichert too stupid to figure out how to hug a rabbit — but what do you expect from an ex-cop who needed 20 years to catch one killer?
“A King County man was sentenced Thursday to spend 50 hours wearing a sandwich board with the words, “I am a liar. I am not a Army veteran. I have never served my country.” Chief U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy in Seattle also sentenced Roger Rabbit to four months of house arrest for making a false statement. Rabbit, 56, was convicted of making a false statement — a felony.” Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/7/06@ 9:41 am
Trying your hand at fiction writing now, Craig? Planning to wallpaper your shack ( )with rejection slips, because real wallpaper is too expensive?
Hey, if the writing game gets frustrating, wait for the Bush Inflation to kick in, then wallpaper it with money — like the Germans did in the ’20s.
Craig — you’re gonna be a movie star?
5 (continued)
(JCH has been signed by Paramount to play the horse.)
@6 When Microsoft files a Form 8-k with the Securities and Exchange commission designating you as an executive, then you are an executive. Executive is not interchangable with middle-manager. If Microsoft did not name its executives to the SEC and the stockholders, they would be in serious trouble.
Aww, Michael, you should try to get that stick out of your ass.
Lib – Should that apply to Clinton too?
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 7/7/06@ 10:46 am
Where does it say in Webster’s Dictionary that you’re not an “executive” unless a Form 8-k says so? Cite, please. You may use the unabridged edition.
36 (continued)
It’s Hail Mary time for the wingfucks.
Roger Rabbit, the government says that if you don’t disclose your executives to your shareholders, you go to jail. Who said anything about Webster’s Dictionary?
Michael @ 41
What you apparently fail to appreciate is that the government does not define words for the general vernacular. For examople, the IRS uses a particular definition for the word ‘tax’ that does not included common uses of the work, like, “Why must simpleton Wingnuts tax us with their idiocy?”
See the point?
Reichert is, apparently, afraid to talk in any open forum setting. -Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/7/06@ 11:09 am
Darcy the cotton-candy debutante NEEDS Dave to “debate”. Dave has a job to do and part of that job is not giving the sacrificial donkette candidate validation or attention.
Poor little “Darcy WHO????”.
She can stand next to Waldo and Maria
Darcy wasn’t an executive at Microsoft in the Microsoft Corporation definition of executive – a corporate VP or above, constrained in financial dealings with MSFT stock, a partner in the company, uses *888 to summon company shuttles, etc., etc.
However, that isn’t the point. The press uses the term “executive at Microsoft” all the time to refer to people who lead teams at Microsoft but who aren’t VPs and above. I was quoted many times myself with that term applied to me, but my title there never was (quite) VP. I don’t see any conflict between the vernacular use of “executive” and how Microsoft itself defines the word. This is all much ado about nothing.
– Ex-MSFTer
ProudASS @ 43
“Dave has a job to do and part of that job is not giving the sacrificial donkette candidate validation or attention.”
Oh?? Like getting important legislation out of his Homeland Security Subcommittee?
Why is Sheriff Dave holding up the 9-11 Commission recommendations? Why hasn’t his committee done ANYTHING in 18 months under Reichert’s chairmanship?
Apparently, he is too busy hiding from public appearances to actually DO anything.
Roger Rabbit posted : “…but what do you expect from an ex-cop who needed 20 years to catch one killer?”
He had help
#35: That won’t require much makeup, but one hell of a prosthesis.
So Microsoft, the SEC, or the sharholders didn’t consider Darcy an executive, but she considered herself one based on the dictionary. How nice. I hereby declare myself a Boeing executive. Oh, driver!
Michael posted :”So Microsoft, the SEC, or the sharholders didn’t consider Darcy an executive, but…”
Hmmm, I suggest you might want to consider quitting the glue sniffing
So the Republicans are reduced to arguing about whether a person which managerial responsibilities with several layors of employees under her reporting matrix is or is not an executive.
And I thought Republicans liked to pass themselves off as “business people”. Apparantly not.
It’s all part of their grand plan: lie, obfuscate, and slander. Anything to avoid addressing the real issues, and to deflect examination of the Republican’s incredible mis-management of government during their stewardship.
By the way, let’s talk about “Sheriff Dave’s” suburban gang initiative, the one he waited until a few months before his re-election to announce. You know, the one where they would require the Dept. of Justice to identify and prosecute the most dangerous gangs in the nation, because they are now infiltrating the suburbs. Has he yet to explain why, if this is such a good idea, he didn’t propose or implement it in King County when he was heading the Sheriff’s Dept.? Or what additional resources are going to be given to the Justice Dept. to perform these additional tasks, and where the money is going to come from? Or why it is only when gangs start to infiltrate the suburbs that it becomes worthy of his attention?
The answer is obvious. Its a public relations stunt. It will not be passed, and even if passed it won’t be funded. It was an excuse for holding a press conference, to try to cover up the fact that Reichart hasn’t done anything else during the year and a half since he was elected.
Question to Republicans, year 2000: And if you are given control of all three branches of the national government, what would you do with it?
Apparant Answer, 2006: Rape, pillage, and plunder. After that, the Democrats can have it back.
@49 You can try to convince the tow truck operator who has came to pick up your car for parking in an executive spot that Webster’s says that you are an executive, but I would advise that you stand back so you don’t get run over.
RubberStampReichert took two decades to find the Green River killer because Sheriff Davie was too busy hiding under his wife’s skirt to actually go out and look for the crook. This fucking coward won’t be able to duck public questions forever. If he keeps giving up his seat to Darcy for these phone ins, the free media alone will put Darcy over the top.
Republicans are cowards. Period!
I am sure that all those who think this characterization of herself is a flaw in Darcy’s character will vote for Sheriff Dave.
Sane people will ignore this truly idiotic nit-picking.
52. (cont’d)
At least she’s not afraid to go on KOUW and answer questions about it.
Microsoft apparently does make a distinction between and executive and a general manager, program manager, team lead, engineer, technical specialist, lead geek or janitor. They list executives on their web site:
For someone who was merely a Program Manager (which cannot even be verified at that) or whatever title her apologists are using to explain her false claim, to call herself an executive is quite a promotion indeed.
From her own website:
“Darcy grew up in a military family. She worked hard in school, graduated at the top of her class and put herself through Harvard. After graduation, Darcy worked for 12 years in the high tech sector – including as an executive at Microsoft.”
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Progressives who are against the war do not need another shy little sheep afraid to confront the warmongers. I think Darcy Burner has no anti-war creds to speak of. Like so many others who are supposed to be progressive, they just join in as part of the war machine.
At least in the case of Cantwell, the warmonger, real progressives will have a voice in Hong Tran.
Better to just write in Cindy Sheehan when it comes to Darcy Burner. How can anyone take her seriously when she indicates in her own resume she comes from a history of people who have been cogs in the great American inperial war machine?
Any progressive dumb enough to vote for her in November deserve the warmonger they will get.
Reichert is afraid to debate because as many of you say he is not that good of a public speaker. However, the Republican base is extremely unhappy with him. I think another reason he doesn’t want to face open questions is because it will become obvious that Republicans are steaming mad at him. Reichert is not conservative, a moderate, or a liberal. In my opinion he is someone who likes to look important and be in an office of power. He is creepy with the Palosi shoe thing, and sex jokes to Ridgway. He is your basic incompentent. For example, as a Republican I’d love to ask him why it took 2 months after Ridgway was identified with DNA to arrest him and why Ridgway was still picking up prostitutes, why over 7 times Ridgway was identified by the friends of victims and was not arrested.
Reichert is afraid to debate because as many of you say he is not that good of a public speaker. However, the Republican base is extremely unhappy with him. I think another reason he doesn’t want to face open questions is because it will become obvious that Republicans are steaming mad at him. Reichert is not conservative, a moderate, or a liberal. In my opinion he is someone who likes to look important and be in an office of power. He is creepy with the Palosi shoe thing, and sex jokes to Ridgway. He is your basic incompentent. For example, as a Republican I’d love to ask him why it took 2 months after Ridgway was identified with DNA to arrest him and why Ridgway was still picking up prostitutes, why over 7 times Ridgway was identified by the friends of victims and was not arrested.
Reporting back to base eh LNJ John? Got a mission from Dwight Pelz?
Running over to the LNJ blog to tell them exactly what they want to hear isn’t exeactly “sowing dissention” amongst Republicans now is it? You aren’t too bright LNJ John, but then that appears to be a requirement for being a LNJ.
one of major differences between you and I is, I’m loyal to ideas and core values. You are loyal to a party right or wrong.
I believe in small limited government that squeezes out the value of every dollar as the best way to ensure freedom. Politicians who are only interested in power and position love to throw goodies (tax dollars, or GWB’s case deficit dollars) around. George Bush and spending braggerts like Reichert have spent 1.070 Trillion dollars in pure debt since 2000. They have expanded government at a faster rate than any adminstration since LBJ and that was in the middle of the Vietnam War and Baby Boomer’s coming of Age and the build out of Eisenhower’s Interstate System. What have we received for our 1 Trillion dollars. We’ll 10% of that went to Disaster Preparedness … LOL … We’ll a lot of good all those lie down in the park tests that the local governments conducted when a real forecasted disaster struck. One thing more important to me then being a Republican is electing people who can run things well.
I think Reichert is bad for the Republican Party and more importantly is bad for the 8th district. Prior to 2004 I was like you PBJ overly loyal to a party and for this I’m sorry. From now on, I will elect people with core values and a good work ethic, even when they disagree with me. No longer will I give my vote to a party that seems only interested handing out favors, driving this country into debt, and ensuring the next election. Those are characteristics of a 3rd world banana republic government not the USA.
I believe in supporting the troops. 18 to 22 years olds that are put over in a very stressful situation need our support not prison. I don’t like GWB and Reichert politicians who support the troops when they are dress up and marching, but turn on them the second something breaks down. Our Heros in WWII and Korea killed civilians often intentionally like at Dresden and Hiroshima.
I like what happened in Afghanistan. But then George Bush snatched the victory away by Agreeing to Sharia Law in their constitution. We need to impose a good constitution on them like we did to Germany and Japan. But instead we enslaved them to a fascist system. Now we have Christians being legally threatened with the death penalty … does this sound like a free society to you.
Saudi Arabia recently arrested four Christians for praying. Bush’s response, to walk hand in hand and play kissy face with the King Saud.
Israel pulls out of Gaza, the Palestinians continue to attack from Gaza. The Bush response more dialogue, oh and money for the terrorist organization HAMAS to the tune of $120M. What has Israel gained from their pull out? NOTHING, except now the missles fall into their major cities. When is our country going to realize that the war against Islamo fascism is not going to be solved via understanding and playing nice with them. Bush clearly doesn’t understand this as he invites Jihadist to the White House.
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