I’ll be on The Kirby Wilbur Show, 570-KVI, Tuesday morning at 7:00 am. I can’t imagine what we’ll be talking about.
And I’ll be back on The John Carlson Show at 3:15 (really), enjoying a pleasant conversation with Randy Stefan.
For those who missed it (and care), here is a clip of this morning’s interview.
Stefan, as usual, was right on the mark.
However your Pee Wee Herman impression (which you seem to do every single time you open your yap) sounds a lot like the blended voices of Gilbert Gottfried and the Chipmunks.
Seriously Goldy….you need to work on that. It distracts from your message which is often worthy of consideration.
Are you really sure you want a side-by-side comparison with Stefan??? You may want to be sick tomorrow.
No matter…I respect you Goldy for putting yourself out there shamelessly.
Our resident wingnut pinhead opens his crap trap again. Good to see you, Cynical. How’s the sewer at SoundPolitics?
Glad to see you have awakened from your drug induced stupor.
As usual, your greeting is underwhelming!
OK lets review. Take deep breaths, don’t interupt and slow down. I know it’s exciting and YOU have some impOtant things to say. DON NOT PANIC. The KVI boys will give you a turn. Remember, AM 1090 might be listening. This could be your big chance. I’m cheering for you.
Just out of curiosity, who would AAR drop for you Goldy? personally, if I were to listen to a liberal I’d rather listen to you than Dave Ross. Ooops, thats Carlson’s time. Guess not.
Come on, fellows, can’t we be reasonable and find some common ground? I’ll tell you what. We’ll give Cynical everything he wants as long as he promises to let us disagree with him maybe at some time in the future. We all know what that promise would be worth.
Go ahead and disagree with me anytime you want.
Of course that would mean you would be WRONG cuz I’m Always RIGHT!
Globe trotters needed the Washington generals; Kirby and John need Goldy. Its Boring talk radio without a lib to engage with.
Just out of curiosity, who would AAR drop for you Goldy?
Nobody, chardonnay. It wouldn’t be Air America, either. Air America is national. If goldy got his own show, he wouldn’t be replacing anybody….he’d be a pioneer with a local progressive talk show on AM 1090.
you should read Blatherwatch
Indeed, cynical. You must have seen me getting off the plane at McChord. I’ve just returned from the poppy fields in Afghanistan. Believe me, that place certainly is the FRONTLINE in the War on Terror!
But you didn’t answer my original question: How’s the sewer at SoundPolitics?
Good morning Goldy,
Nice job on the radio today. I’ll have to say it again that you and Kirby work well together. He should have you co-host the show for important political events.
It must eat up Sharkansky to be refered to as “the flip side of the coin” to you.
Why not just abbreviate it and call Stefan “flipper?”
You know — flipping from “fraud” to “felons” back to “fraud” again …
RE. #6: Mr. Cynical: How can you be so cynical as to mock a fine Malaysian surname like, “Poon”? Sometimes I think your real name isn’t Cynical. It’s just a name you made up! In my book that’s nothing but FRAUD.
And I’ll keep saying it’s fraud until the whole world knows!
Be careful, Harry. He may have gone to court and had his surname legally changed to “Cynical.”
Mr. C has never told us his first name. I have an interesting theory. I wonder if he’s an expatriate from the Love Family. Under this theory, he traded his given name for “Love” and became known as “Love Cynical.”
I’m sure that didn’t work, either. Desperate loser that he is, he will always be Unloved Cynical, no matter what people call him.
….Or maybe he’s Cynical Spice? “Tell me what you want what you really really want.. .Gold standard, Gold standard’s what I really really want!”
Are any of the liberal talk shows inviting you on? You need to be really nice to Kirby and John because they are giving you really more exposure than you warrant. I don’t know why, but you just got a big break and it wasn’t from your liberal breatheren.
Reply to 15, or how about Pervert Cynical? I’ve long suspected he’s a closet homosexual doing “it” with little animals. Maybe we should ask Mrs. Cynical.
Mr. Cynical likes being disciplined. That’s why he posts on HA. In his mind he’s saying:”Hit me! Hit me! I want to see the red paddle prints on my bum!”
I notice we haven’t seen Mr. Cynical this morning. BIAW must be making him do some work. Maybe the Repubs lawyers are complaining about not getting paid so Tom McCabe put Mr. C to work processing L & I tax refunds.
I’m here.
It’s hard for me to post with such a huge smile on my face.
I love watching you in your frenzied spin mode.
So….why would KingCo try so hard to “cover-up” their lack of absentee ballot reconciliation if it wasn’t important?????
That is THE question.
The answer, O’ Cynister One, is that at the time Reps. were bleating and screaming and made a few individuals fear them. You guys still have the black box fraud issue to answer for. You like to use allegations of fraud with no proof? How about allegations of Rep. fraud with lots of statistical proof!
ooh, the black box….Roswell, Area 51, Elvis sighted delivering the black box of Rossi votes
We might be paranoid; you guys are just plain delusional