A few weeks ago, Paul wrote about the impending return of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to their respective Comedy Central television shows and wondered:
Am I the only one who thinks Jon & Stephen have something up their sly little sleeves in returning to their shows?
Do we really think they’ll be anywhere near as funny?
I’m a regular viewer of late night TV, and I have to tell you, “Strike TV” has been “Must See TV”.
First of, Jon Stewart was on fire during his recent interview of Jonah Goldberg:
Also, Jon was very classy in changing the name of his show from “The Daily Show” to “A Daily Show” out of respect for his writers. Stephen Colbert, OTOH, relied on some pre-strike taped segments to get him through the week:
Leno, who sucks with his writers, sucks extra hard without them. David Letterman and Craig Ferguson agreed to terms independently with the writer’s guild, so they came back fully staffed. Letterman, however, returned with a crazy “old guy who lives in the woods” beard, and had it shaved off during the show. As guest Tom Hanks remarked, “Dave, that’s the kind of bit shows without writers do.”
More than any other program, “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” takes the cake for strike-related mischief. Whether it’s spinning his wedding ring on his desk, playing German techno set to a laser show, or riding down a zip line from the balcony to his desk, Conan has been making the best of a bad situation. Perhaps the best example of goofy-ass shit on “Late Night” is the giant rat maze that guest Tom Brokaw had to navigate just to get to the stage:
[Unfortunately, the clip won’t embed properly, so click here to check it out.]
Doughy pantload took it in the shorts at the hands of Stewart. Good job, John!
Early Results of S. Carolina GOP Primary
(Democrats vote Jan. 26)
McCain 35%
Huckabee 29%
Thompson 15%
Romney 15%
Paul 4%
Giuliani 2%
That’s with 32% of precincts reporting.
You’re nuts–Leno’s been great!
Correction to one of Will’s sentences. He wrote “Jon was very classy in changing the name of his show from “The Daily Show” to “A Daily Show” out of respect for his writers.”
It should read “Jon was as classy (as classy as a man who crossed the writer’s picklet line can be) in changing the name of his show from “The Daily Show” to “A Daily Show” out of respect for his writers.”
And what does it all mean in the end?
MORE mind-numbing (and writer-free) reality shows.
MORE corporate profit, which leads to……
MORE WGA members now taking your order at a McDonald’s near you.
Thank god I don’t care about network TV much any more.
I know a lot of people want to know what I think, so here it goes. I lost respect for Jon Stewart after he crossed the picket line.
Catch Bill Maher’s first show back w/o writers. I confess I only have paying little attention to the issues in play. Maher skewers the union leaders while supporting the writers. Kind of like the attacking President and supporting the troops. But much less serious.
Why are 16%ers not complaining about the leftist movie moguls who are “screwing” the little man?
Ohhh teach ohhhh teach I know the answer…
Because they support the donkey party too and they are part of the big tent. So the 16%ers are torn between two lovers.
“Leno, who sucks with his writers”
I second that.