Last week’s contest was won by Seventy2002. It was Miami.
This week’s is another random location somewhere on earth, good luck!
by Lee — ,
[…] Last week’s contest was won by Seventy2002, who has won all three street view contests so far. It was Newark, NJ. […]
I need to start looking for Capital One offices located fairly close to a New Jersey Turnpike entrance.
Well, that’s a New Jersey Turnpike sign on the traffic sign pole. I looked at every Capital One bank near the NJTP, and I cannot find it.
That looks like a Gulf station sign in the near distance. NJ has lots of Gulf stations.
Is that weird-shaped green sign a “New Jersey Turnpike” sign?
Market & Jackson
Newark, NJ,
Thanx to milwhcky for the NJ Turnpike tip.
Good win!
In my humble opiionn this is your best shot to date. I can see every minute of the 30+ hours you spent on this one, Ry. In other hands this piece might have come off as staged and overworked, but you’ve done an excellent job in capturing the subtle essence of Jessica.I can hear her singing her torch song in my head.
One of the ways the left wing has locked in their potacilil and social agenda is by stacking the judiciary with fellow travellers. The most obvious example is the US Supreme Court since the 1930s but it has also happened here, most noticeably with the last Labour Government’s abolition of the Privy Council and appointment of only the most sympathetic judges to the Supreme Court (overlooking some obviously more competent and experienced candidates). It will make it doubly difficult for future Western governments to unwind the welfare state, work which will be critical to saving the West from further decline.Gramsci would have been proud of what his adherents have achieved.