I think Eli Sanders may be in love, but too bad for him, Darcy Burner is happily married. Not that I blame him. A lot of people are falling in love with Burner… well, at least her candidacy anyway.
Burner is running against first-term Republican Dave Reichert in Washington’s 8th Congressional District, and Sanders’ feature in this week’s Stranger (“Fighting Mood“) is a great introduction to both the electoral dynamics and the candidate herself.
Darcy Burner is a military brat, computer geek, and former Microsoft executive. Howard Dean believes she can help the Democrats take Washington State’s 8th Congressional District and the U.S. Congress
I would call it a crush… Smart and cute, geez, what more could you ask for?
Interestingly enough, I got a phone call last night about supporting Darcy Burner.
I’m sending her a campaign contribution to help defeat Dave “Zieg Heil, ya’ll” Reichert, who is clearly a Bush Republican.
This is just the beginning……According to MSNBC.com today, a poll shows “…an electorate that greatly prefers a Democratic-controlled Congress over a Republican-controlled one”. The tide is turning and there is nothing, save for a Democratic implosion, that can stop it.
On another slightly related topic, the Presidents approval rating hit a new all time low. His response? To bomb the hell out of Iraq. 100% of the time that this President is questioned or feels in trouble, the machine screams terrorists and war. The American public is no longer fooled. Lets she what Cyniclown and Lt (ROFLMAO) JCH have to say about the latest news and polls. By the way, the poll was joint effort of Dems and Repubs.
Lt (OMG, I can’t stop laughing) JCH,
I salute you sir. (with one finger) Whatcha gonna do when the Democrats come down on you? My only regret is that I may never see the look on your face after the November elections. It looks like a clean sweep of Republicans right out the door. Then we will have the all time champion of lame duck presidents. I bet your panties are all twisted up.
Did I mention that two thirds of those polled DISAPPROVE of the Presidents performance. What say you now JCH, Cyniclown, et al? The Wall Street Journal is not exactly a paper with a liberal bias. Can’t wait to see you skew the facts. Let the good times roll.
Just wait until that wasscally wabbit gets hold of this. Here bunny, bunny, bunny. Virtual carrots for you. Eat em up.
My Left Foot,
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. The Democrats will take one house of Congress, no more. This is good. Divided government is the best government, next to no government at all.
It will not be a clean sweep. If you’ve ever lived in the southern part of the USA, you would realize this. People are mad at Bush for the war, for the wiretapping, and for the giant deficit. But, many people still actually like the man. I, for one, like him but I feel the need to see him removed from office. It’s quite sad, actually. Sort of like a coach you like and trust who lets you down and can’t actually win a game, and then lies about it. Just makes me sad.
People will vote for Democrats in 2006 to curb the President’s power. But, once he is gone, so is any Democrat majority in Congress.
Divided government is the new rule of the day. Nobody trusts Hillary to run anything except a law firm…she can never get elected. People are sick of Bush’s incompetence and the war, but that is only going to help the Democrats once.
My only regret is that I may never see the look on your face after the November elections. [Left Foot]………..Dear Liberal Parasite, Didn’t you say the same shit in 00 and 04?? Strike One!!!! Strike Two!!! Ready for Strike Three??? hehe, JCH
06……..The libs will lose again!!! And Hillary will lose in 08!! And you libs will be outraged!!! And Fireman GBS will continue to post about JCH ten to twenty times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deal with it, Democrat parasites!!!!!
Are you attesting personally to the fact that Darcy is cute enough to turn a gay man straight???
What do you think Bob? Any tingling in any of your extremities when you see Darcy??
I didn’t think so.
8, 9, cont………….Bokot it….Republicans will hold the House and Senate in 06. The libs will bitch, and Hillary will lose in 08. Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lt (how do you say that with a straight face) JCH,
You are, like the President and the Republican party, in denial. I did not say this in 00 and 04. We did not have Frist, DeLay, Cunningham and Bush screwing the pooch. Now the voting public sees what is going on. Americans like winners, but they like fair play more. RightWingNuts have been acting in the best interests of themselves and not in the best interest of the PEOPLE. Americans will now level the playing field. Divided government is good, I agree. But this time y’all went too far and the ball is swinging back….
While I have no idea who the Dems will run in ’08, I do know that as long as they are not a convicted felon, the office is already won.
Have a nice day, Lt. (you can’t be serious) JCH
When are you going to tell the truth about the reasons you lied about your military service?
Allow me to be the first person today to say: “Go fuck yourself”.
Liberals everywhere:
Don’t let the right-wing nuts drag you into discussions about 2008.
That’s a ruse to deflect attention away from the real problems they face in ’06. The crooks know if they lose control of congress this year, they will have their leader impeached. They’re trying to create Hilliary Hysteria in ’08.
Don’t fall for it.
Hillary/Maxine Waters 08!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!! This is the liberal Donkey Ticket!!!!!!!!! [hehe] Piss on you loser public sector “guvment” hack libs!!!!!
Sad when Dem’s are so emasculated their fantasies are limited to
Darcy, Patty, and Maria….
at least Heidi (strippergate) Will was almost a babe.
But Darcy….ouch
GBS, Your “story” is bull shit. Come clean!!!!!!!
oh, GBS, nice Nazi slur.
How many mass murderers have you collared?
Why do Democrats sound like Sadaam?? Or Fidel???
Staying on topic… the point here is that Darcy Burner is proving to be a much tougher candidate than the R’s had imagined… and Reichert much weaker. The same electoral dynamics behind Cantwell’s strong lead over McGavick will also come into play in the 8th CD. Reichert’s in trouble and Burner is coming on strong.
Say what you want about The Stranger, but they’ve got a good sense of popular trends and moods. Burner is building some big momentum, and the Stranger is out in front of the wave. All you doubters out there, prepare to be surprised. Not only can Burner win this race, she can win by a comfortable margin.
“This is a seat the Democrats must win – a blue district in a blue state – if they’re to have any hope of regaining control of the House.”
Not really, Goldy. It’s a seat we want to win, and will try to win, but even if we don’t win it, we’ll try to win the House anyway — by trying to win in every other district. We’ll try to win a seat here, a seat there — and we’ll approach it with the attitude that we’re gonna win them all — and if things work out and Democrats do a consistently good job of campaigning across the board — the ones we do win will add up to a House majority.
But if there is one single, identifiable, must-win seat that is more important than any other, I would say it’s the seat that Tom DeLay is presently stinking up. Reichert’s seat is important to us, but not even a close second. Dave Reichert is not Tom DeLay, he’s only a Republican.
Hey Lt. JCH!!! Is this your ship? I want to make sure is, before I commence firing on it! http://www.getodd.com/duck/largeimg/duckwild1.jpg
“How many mass murderers have you collared? Commentby righton— 3/16/06@ 10:59 am”
More than you guys. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slobodan_Milosevic
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” — George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
You hit the nail on the head, but to rid WA of a totally underwhelming Reichert is important to WA. Certainly, on a national level, the message sent with a DeLay defeat should encourage Dems everywhere and scare the shit out Republicans who will be hiding in foxholes hoping to be missed.
Sign me,
Locked and Loaded
Tom Delay should be defeated because he is a bad and obviously corrupt congressman. His defeat is by no means assured, and even if it occurs will not scare any Republicans anywhere.
By the same token, James McDermott should be defeated for the same reasons. He has committed obvious felonies. He is a giant millstone around the Washington State congressional delegation. He is a looney tune.
Reicherts the guy who collared the green river killer
also thumped that rioter back in WTO
Why do you guys hate the law so much?
Reichert has an extreme right-wing voting record that he cannot run away from. He’s been a staunch supporter/voter of Bush’s agenda.
Darcy Burner is going to make him defend his voting record which is indefensible.
Demcorats need to pick up a total of 15 seats to regain control in the house. Considering the mood of the 8th, which split it’s ticket in 04, the Dems now need to only pick up 14 other seats.
This one is in the bag.
“By the same token, James McDermott should be defeated for the same reasons. He has committed obvious felonies.”
Felix: Your case is not helped by starting out with an obvious lie.
Isn’t McDermott under federal judgement after losing a civil suit for wiretapping? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. McDermott should be removed from Congress for malfeasance of office, just the same as President Bush or Tom DeLay.
McDermott didn’t do anything that Bush hasn’t done. Far less, actually.
According to TV news reports, a bomb-sniffing dog started barking at a hot dog cart. He smelled something for sure.
The last thing I remember about Jimmy-boy McDermo is his omitting “under God” in the pledge of allegiance at the opening of the House of Representatives. This was a while ago, so you may not recall it.
My thought about the episode was, “Why be a dick and make a fool of yourself in front of everybody when nothing is served by it?” McDermo made a bufoon of himself for nothing. The guy’s a waste of organic material.
Yossarian, it’s hopefully still a free country. Mr. McDermott is free to omit “under God” if he doesn’t believe in God. It might be stupid, but it isn’t a crime.
Wiretapping is a crime. Mr. McDermott should be removed from office, simple as that. Violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution qualifies in my mind as a High Crime, and President Bush should also be removed from office. Tom DeLay is under indictment and facing a contested re-election, so I think his removal is assured sooner or later.
And maybe this site has a love affair with the Stranger?
I don’t get this post. I read the Stranger on line, the Weekly, the PI and the Times.
Then why get pr’ ed to read an existing interview in another publication? Is that a blog scoop?
In all fairness, this blog has seemed to be about what was not in the local rags — esp. the ones all on line.
By the way, despite all the fantasies of strong and loyal Dems, Reichert is no pushover.
Darcy has the political problem in that District.—- Watch all the main stream R’s come into play for him if it gets heated from Dunn to former Gov. Evans. They are not going to give that district up because Darcy is sweet and cute and has hired Blair Butterworth – an excellent campaign strategist, well known in Seattle circles.
But will send Darcy 50.00 – you bet. Good Luck. —-
The master stroke of Reichert would be to have some families of the Green River Murder saga do some ads …..That is still his ace and Darch would have to compliment him for the historic investigative victory. Acknowledged in international police annals.
Also, Reichert is already breaking to the center on some issues.
Felix whines:
By the same token, James McDermott should be defeated for the same reasons. He has committed obvious felonies. He is a giant millstone around the Washington State congressional delegation. He is a looney tune.
Isn’t McDermott under federal judgement after losing a civil suit for wiretapping? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. McDermott should be removed from Congress for malfeasance of office, just the same as President Bush or Tom DeLay.
Felix, you really, really don’t know what you’re whining about, do you? A civil court judgment, by definition, is not a felony. Only criminal convictions, and not all of them, are felonies.
Secondly, not even Gingrich and Boehner accuse Jim of “wiretapping”. They know that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the interception of the wireless communication in question. Someone else overheard the cellphone conversation — which was, of course, disseminated in the open air, on frequencies that belong to the people of the United States, without encryption — and sent the tape to McDermott. Jim didn’t know how the recording was obtained, but did exercise his patriotic duty of whistleblowing by letting major news outlets (all of which have filed amicus briefs in his appeal of the judgment) know about it.
So go crawl back into your little hole, Felix, and keep warm with those GOP talking-points you’ve obviously been fed.
I’m hearing rumors that party insiders are leaning on Hunter to get into this race. Anybody else “in-the-know” hearing the same thing?
GOP talking points, my ass. My gut is for dumping all the incumbents, of whatever party or affiliation. McDermott is only one of the most egregious offenders.
The GOP is as bad as the Democrats. You don’t have to see the crawling maggots to smell the rot that lurks within.
a BOB from BOEING:
The master stroke of Reichert would be to have some families of the Green River Murder saga do some ads …..That is still his ace and Darch would have to compliment him for the historic investigative victory. Acknowledged in international police annals.
Uh huh. Would those be the families of the dozens of Green River victims who were killed during the twenty years or so after Reichert let Ridgway go scot-free after he first came to the department’s attention?
Some “ace”, some “victory”.
On this blog you will find that anyone who does not totally believe the Democrats are God’s representaives on Earth will be attacked as a “troll,” a “shill for the Repugnos,” and a few other nastier things. There is no middle ground for the hardcore here: you’re either all-the-way Democrat, or you’re a “facist Republican.” They don’t realize there’s an entire spectrum of views and opinions out there. Stefan’s blog treats people like you the same way, but the comments tend to use less four-letter words.
Good luck, and don’t take it personally.
“You don’t have to see the crawling maggots to smell the rot that lurks within.”
See #32 above.
Libertarian, I guess those people would be the crawling maggots I wrote about earlier, but the ones on Stafan’s board are the more “educated” of the lot.
Good to know, thanks.
I think if a neo-con’s life depended on a reliable soldier they’d pick a Democrat over a right wing-nut every time.
Sometimes ya just gotta be realistic. If the Bushistas decide to take permanent control of America the 1st people they will send to the concentration camps will be the unreliable and easily inflamed right wing fringe of nuts that put them in power in the 1st place.
On the one hand I would hate to see it happen, but on the other hand, I’d love yelling .”I told ya so!!” as the cattle cars disappeared over the horizon.
“On this blog you will find that anyone who does not totally believe the Democrats are God’s representaives on Earth will be attacked as a “troll,” a “shill for the Repugnos,” and a few other nastier things.”
So fucking what? What do you think Freep or Stefan calls liberal posters? Hmmm … trolls? That is, if they allow us to post at all. 99.9% of winger blogs ban liberal “trolls” outright — they can’t handle opposition, it seems.
Any winger who expects to get his dick stroked on HorsesAss, as he’s accustomed to on winger blogs, is lost! This ain’t a winger blog. Goldy is a liberal. This is a liberal blog. He writes it for his own amusement. If you’re a winger, it’s assumed you post here because you want a fight. Goldy neither censors nor bans winger trolls, which is more than I can say for any winger blog I’ve ever seen. Fuck you! If you don’t like the room service at HorsesAss, go stay at one of these roach motels:
Oh, and take a bomb with you, and blow it up.
“If the Bushistas decide to take permanent control of America the 1st people they will send to the concentration camps will be the unreliable and easily inflamed right wing fringe of nuts that put them in power in the 1st place.”
I didn’t think of this, but methinks you’re right. The first people who got the chop in the Third Reich were Hitler’s rivals within the Nazi Party. The Jews could wait for a while.
Take a read of Roger’s post at 44.
See what I mean?
Oh, don’t mind Roger. He’s just a guy with too much time on his hands. He has nothing better to do.
Are you still here? Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
These shitheads want to impose a fascist dictatorship on our country; round us up; send us to concentration camps; and execute us — and they expect us to be polite to them? Sheesh.
Gee, Lib, maybe I was hasty … is this polite enough for ya? http://www.bb62museum.org/images/DRWells/Aft1.jpg
Just then the cat and the rabbit got in a fight. The rabbit with his lightning fingers slashed the cat so bad it never recovered.
N — 39
Wow – thanks for the twenty twenty hindsight – it is an intellectul breakour for the blog.
Come to the party, person of interest is not an automatic conviction, duh.
My comment is not taken out of the wind, I have links to several of the victims’s families. And I can say personally, I am damn glad Reichert got the pig.
Crawl back into your cynical cave for a while – and then tell us what else you know from hindsight.
Here- how about this ad – “When the politcal leaders of King County cut the investigative budget to almost nothing, Reichert kept the case alive, never waived in his resolve, no money but pesistence. Who can take credit?” That read by one of the now elderly moms.
Have a good day.
Or how about this? http://www.fotosearch.com/comp.....p45904.jpg
Or this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....m_1966.jpg
There, is that a warm enough welcome for ya?
All these trollfucks know how to do is bitch and moan.
They should be happy we merley call them names, and aren’t bombing them yet.
It takes more than a foolish rabbit to outwit FelixTheCat. Remember, FelixTheCat is the iconic representation of night fighter attack squardrons of the most powerful Navy in the history of mankind, regarless of your political affiliation.
His claws are sharp and ready, but he doesn’t see anything on this thread worth slashing.
Roger Rabbit @ 53:
“All these trollfucks know how to do is bitch and moan”
Are you not paying attention to me and JCH????
All these troll FUCKS know how to do is bitch, moan and LIE!!!. You forgot to mentioning the constant lying!
Let me recap for you, because I know how much you enjoy it.
How to catch a Conservative in the act of lying:
Note the date/time stamps.
108, Libertarian, I never attended flight school. Hence, I never “washed out”. All a figment of GBS’s vivid “imagination”. All my training was done in Newport, RI and Coronado, Ca, as well as the old Philadelphia Ship Yard. Then, three WESTPACs of 6 monthe each , one ten month IO cruise, and a tour in Coronado at the NAB. Four years at sea, and two ashore.
Comment by Myron [JCH] Silverstein, ESQ— 2/24/06 @ 3:04 pm
@ 123
JCH: Are you saying GWB served in combat then? Just askin’
Comment by windie — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [No, but, Windie, have YOU ever “buckled up” in a Mach 2 F-106? Not for pussies. I washed out of Naval Air [bad GI] and served Surface Line [1110]. Flying [and training] in military jets are not for the Bill Clintons of the world.]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:37 pm
When the Bushistas come for the fringe righty loonies the 1st one they will come for is Marsha Richards of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation because she’s made a career out of being a fly in the ointment and is a practiced troublemaker.
Nin seattle.
Yeah, reichart and 200 other cops missed him for a while.
wanna bet they’d have nailed him if the laws were like 50 yrs prior? not sure even i want those, but don’t slam him for poor policing; he had the guy and knew it, and the law blocked him from nailing the guy
I’m frankly suprised the libs didn’t let the guy walk for being stupid enough to supply his dna
Righton @ 59:
Reichert was a good cop. Are there any openings at the King County Sheriff’s Department?
He’ll be looking for work next January.
Memo: Halliburton failed to purify GIs’ water
Internal report says contamination could’ve caused ‘mass sickness or death’
That was worth overpaying for wasn’t it? Geez, nobody does it better than Cheney’s company.
Harris won’t withdraw from Senate race
Florida congresswoman’s campaign was set back by ties to bribery scandal
The congresswoman has been under mounting pressure from some Republicans to get out of the race because of concerns that she cannot win and that her role during the recount could motivate Democrats and independents to go to the polls.
“Her image is so chiseled in stone in such a negative way that even though she’s pumping in $10 million of her own money, much of that is going to have to be used to create a positive image of her and $10 million isn’t going to be enough,” said Paulson, a Republican.
Harris had failed to meet fundraising goals, largely because GOP leaders in Washington didn’t openly embrace her campaign after she entered the race last summer.
Beautiful, this Senate seat is in the bag for Democrats, just like Reicherts seat.
The best part of this story is that Katherine Harris is going to lose and she’ll go broke in the process. Sweet.
I just love Karma.
Harry Truman would have sent the Haliburtton crew to priosn as war profiteers.
Naked greed at its worst. Thanks flag waving hypocrite Dick.
Good graphitti seen at urninal at Goodwill – a moment of epithany for all to read.
Cheney / Satan in 2008
Exactly the match made in hell. And the war profiteering on the back of taxpayers and suffering troops is only the beginning. I bet a lot of black box, CIA and NSA type stuff, money goes to Haliburton all over he world.
Yuk, sickening.,
Katherine Harris = Jeb Bush’s whore.
Basically, McDermott is getting sued for blowing the whistle on Gingrich breaking his ethics agreement.
FelixTheCat @ 7, I do understand where you are coming from. I am an international sports coach and one of the most difficult jobs in my profession is to get the athletes to take some blame for poor performances and not always talk about the ‘officials’, the climate, the ball, the crowd, the organization, the time of play, etc. The three most difficult words to get an athlete (and definitely a Republican) to say are ‘I f*cked up’, or ‘I did bad’ or ‘I really choked’. Time will tell soon enough whether the Souther Red States have found the courage to accept some blame for the incredibly bad situation this nation is in….. but working in a competition field I truly doubt that those words are in their vocabularies.
My Left Foot @25, I think you are mistaken! Over 90% of the WingNuts in Congress and the Senate would not know what a fox hole was if they fell in it. Their only idea would be the neighborhood bar with ‘strippers to go’..
YEOMEN @ 68:
Whatever, dick suck. Just because you were a titless secretary in the Navy don’t take it out on me.
You should’ve joined the Army: Be all you can be, if yeomen is all you can be.
Shit, what a shame, even the Army wouldn’t take a pussy like you. There’s always the Puddle Pirates — maybe you can get into the Coast Guard.
Cougar@ 70, ROFLMAO. I am still amazed by the total ignorance of the WingNut leadership. They really, truly and honestly don’t get it. IF they do find themselves in fox holes I am sure all they will do is piss on one and another.
RR@52 That looked like my old ‘ride’.
MLF @ 72, Then please try and protect your ‘left foot’ if you happen to be within peeing distance of any neoCON!
JCH The Carny Man are you saying no matter what the polls say the Republicans will try to fix the elections again?
McDermott didn’t do anything that Bush hasn’t done. Far less, actually.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/16/06@ 12:06 pm
Roger are you smoking the same pipe that lucy was today?
“Roger are you smoking the same pipe that lucy was today? Commentby klake— 3/16/06@ 8:41 pm”
Let’s examine your ludicrous statement in light of FACTS, klake. McDermott did not wiretap anybody, all he did was give a copy of a tape recording of PUBLIC OFFICIALS discussing PUBLIC BUSINESS to the news media. The tape recording allegedly was obtained in technical violation of wiretapping laws, but McDermott, not being a lawyer, didn’t know that.
Bush, on the other hand, (a) told the public our government was conducting wiretaps for terrorism investigation purposes only when the government had a COURT ORDER, (b) which turned out to be a LIE, because (c) Bush ordered WARRANTLESS WIRETAPPING more than two years before he made that statement, and (d) either he knew his order VIOLATED THE CONSITUTION and a FEDERAL STATUTE or the numerous lawyers who give him legal advise are very, very stupid. Too stupid to be licensed to practice law, which is very unlikely. So the only reasonable conclusion is that BUSH DELIBERATELY BROKE THE LAW.
Now shove that up your ass.
“Over 90% of the WingNuts in Congress and the Senate would not know what a fox hole was if they fell in it.”
I sure as hell wouldn’t want any of those retarded draft dodgers in MY foxhole, if I ever had to be in a foxhole again.
Man I never get tired of that story!!!
“he had the guy and knew it, and the law blocked him from nailing the guy” Commentby righton— 3/16/06@ 2:39 pm
FACT CHECK: He knew he had the guy when the DNA technology that linked him to four of the murders became available in 2001. Until then, Ridgway was only one of several suspects that Reichert thought might be the killer.
righton, why are you such a fucking liar? Is lying a compulsive behavior trait of RepubliCONS? To paraphrase columnist George Will, himself a Republican, Republicans tell lies so petty and demeaning you wonder why they stoop to it.
I am not yet convinced that the 8th i really a blue district – maybe its old age. But Reichert has been largely invisible and there is no evidence he’s been the least bit effective.
And for a moderate he has hired some of the most far-right staff people of any member of Congress in the history of the district. His senior staff seems to be in love with the President – out front defending a war in Iraq in ways that have been completely discredited.
The dire state of the GOP is underscored by the risky extreme tactics they are using in their childish attempt to retake the state House. The latest example is the new round of roboscare calls in Snohomish County on the subject of a sex predator. This is one creepy GOP and these type of tactics will backfire bigtime on the idiots running the GOP in Olympia and candidates like Riechert and the guy named Mike running for the Senate.
The race is not going to be fought on the issues. That’s not how Reichert got there in the first place. He got there by smearing Dave Ross, a guy who could run intellectual circles around that dumbell in a cop’s uniform. Not only that, but Ross actually grasped (gasp!) the issues; but Reichert traded slime and mud for his office. It’s going to take a Democrat who’s willing to get just as dirty to pry Reichert out of office.
I know Dems want to beat Reichert, and are trying to be unified. But I just don’t buy the swooning over Darcy Burner — she’s lame, did marketing for Microsoft, parrots what she’s told by others, and is supported mainly by the Howard Dean fringe of Democrats. Her “base” is the DFA. That’s hardly reflective of the 8th District as a whole. Darcy points to Cathy McMorris as an example of electing a 35-yo with no experience — great, is that what we’d have to look forward to? Can’t Democrats come up with anyone with experience?