As the KLOWN would be all too willing to tell us, flouride in water is a communistprogressive plot!
Sharron Angle has quite a few opinions.
* Phase out Social Security – younger workers will have to rely upon the stock market for their retirement plans.
* Reinstate prohibition – which should go over real well in Nevada, especially Las Vegas and Reno.
* Eliminate the Dept. of Education.
* In Nevada, she pushed for the state prisons to establish a drug program designed by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.
* Invite the U.S. (and perhaps the world) to dump it’s nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.
I know Harry Reid hasn’t exactly attracted a lot of passonate support in Nevada, but I’m guessing this lady isn’t going to win more than 30% of the vote in the general election in that state.
No offense, but Greg Sargent did a better job (even tho I, too, love Kelly Steele) on last night’s elections. He covered the ones outside Nevada; too!
Alki Postingsspews:
Man the Republicans first sold their souls in the 80s when Reagan decided to kiss ass toward the radical religious right to win the south, but this recent move to get the Tea Baggers for their “passion” is pushing the Republicans even FURTHER into just bat shit crazy territory. It was embarrassing enough in the 21st century to have not one Republican Presidential candidate with the courage to publicly admit evolution might be true (lol) but this is just getting sillier and sillier. Soon they’re just paint their faces with the blood of goats and go around accusing their opponents of witch craft and claiming global warming is because we haven’t sacrificed enough virgins. What a joke they’ve become. Just the most nut ball anti-reality crazies from the religious loonies and John Birch Society freaks.
“Man the Republicans first sold their souls in the 80s when Reagan decided to kiss ass toward the radical religious right…”
I know this disgusts you, but 76% of Americans consider themselves Christian. Another way of interpreting Reagan is to say that he recognized this and responded accordingly. Many democrats hope to excise God from all aspects of public life. Republicans made the mistake of acting like faith was important to our public discourse, rather than believing it.
“this recent move to get the Tea Baggers for their “passion” is pushing the Republicans even FURTHER into just bat shit crazy territory.” Umm, after 6 years of war protesting, blocking freeways and streets and so on that movement is still impotent and ridiculous. After 6 or 7 months of calls to return our government to the Constitutional basis on which it was formed the Tea Party movement is changing race after race around the country. Jealousy is really ugly Alki.
Not going to bother with quotes on the last crazy rantings. It’s enough to say that sincere belief in the American people and the American way of doing things will do whatever party adopts it a world of good. Hopefully this is the Republican party. We’ll see.
I will point out that demographically and politically the large metropolitan areas have much more in common with each other than with the areas around them or the country as a whole. You are as representative of America as them. The mistake you often make is to assume you are moreso.
Chris Stefanspews:
That sounds nice an all but the reality of the modern republican party is some bizarre mix of know-nothings, birchers, christian dominionists, and militia conspiracy theory.
The sad thing is anywhere from 18% to 26% of the population actually believes this nonsense. The good news is a majority still recognize it for the crazytalk it is.
Re 7
At a guess you haven’t in your life been to a Republican fund raiser or local party meeting. So where do you get your information about the modern Republican party?
I can tell you that in my Eastside neighborhood the mix is maybe 70% R/30% D. None of these people are any of the pejoratives you describe the party as. All of them have good jobs. They pay their bills and are just trying to keep what they worked so hard for. They don’t want government telling them what financial or personal decisions they are allowed to make, and are willing to accept the consequences of those choices. That is the modern Republican party, what you believe to the contrary notwithstanding.
The noisy end, the Palin/Tea Party/Bircher end, is analgous to the socialist/anarchist/extreme progressive end of your party. It makes the papers but doesn’t represent the mass of the party.
Chris Stefanspews:
So why then are so many republican candidates so eager to embrace the policies pushed by the crazies?
I mean why can’t you get even a moderate Republican to say they believe in evolution or that they want to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare?
Why are the Palin/Tea Party/Bircher types winning so many primaries?
@9) I hate to even bring this up, but Reagan Dunn would, and does, say those things.
I can’t speak to evolution, nor imagine why on earth it would matter in a policy maker. Are you planning on altering evolution through legislative fiat?
As for abortion, that is the stupidest reason to vote or not vote for a candidate. It may come up 2 or 3 times in their career as a legislator. I’d rather know their fiscal policy preferences, or stance on defence or most anything else, personally.
Having said that, any decent person should have the courage to look voters in the face and tell them organized mass infanticide is evil. It is, unfortunately, an evil that is settled law. BTW, I’d be damned before any of my kids would go to a doctor or clinic which performed abortions. If the person has that little regard for human life I want them nowhere near the most precious thing I am entrusted with.
What a bigot you are!
I fully respect the views of those who consider abortion “murder” because they believe in some mystical event associated with zygosis (egg-sperm DNA fusion).
However, **I** do not believe in this and
**I** suspect **I** know more than you do about the facts of how a human life begins.
Moreover, a great deal of my life and my father’s life has been given to preserving LIFE. Inter alia my Dad’s beliefs led him to liberate Buchenwald ..without orders! Are you telling me he did not have regard for human life because he did not believe in your mystery?
How would you react to anyone saying they would not go to a Catholic or Episcopalian doctor because the doctor participates in the Mass .. ritual cannibalism?
Let me one up you. If you believe as you says you do, do you also know that from 1/4 to 1/2 of all zygoses end in spontaneous abortions? Would you spend research dollars to find out why these happen or do you think “spontaneous” means the will of God and these “babies” should be left to die?
If you have not realized by now, your post REALLY ticked me off. Like you I accept the idea that there are truths in addition to those that are tested by science. That is why I defend your right to believe that the zygote’s 46 chromosomes defines a life. I defend your right to this belief because it is rational even though not supportable by science .. just like the belief behind the Mass.
Why on earth would (belief in evolution_ matter in a policy maker. Are you planning on altering evolution through legislative fiat?
Because evolution is no more a a belief than gravity, vaccination, the microbial basis of disease, or quantum mechanics.
If a policy maker ignores facts, she will do a great deal of harm to us all.
In the case of evolution, ignoring these facts led the Soviet Union to a series of agricultural disasters (read up in Lysenko).
The facts of evolution are also central to a huge set of issues today form the endangered species act to the role of genetically modified foods.
I would no more vote for a creationist than I wold vote for someone who does not believe in the laws of thermodynamics.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
Read: killing babies is A-OK, because I am “scientist”.
Our society seems to want it both ways.
Rapist or murderer who kills pregnant mom is charged with TWO counts of murder.
But doctor who kills baby(even late term and viable children – just sickening) is “legal”.
The Nevada tea bagger lady has Bircher leanings.
As the KLOWN would be all too willing to tell us, flouride in water is a
communistprogressive plot!Sharron Angle has quite a few opinions.
* Phase out Social Security – younger workers will have to rely upon the stock market for their retirement plans.
* Reinstate prohibition – which should go over real well in Nevada, especially Las Vegas and Reno.
* Eliminate the Dept. of Education.
* In Nevada, she pushed for the state prisons to establish a drug program designed by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.
* Invite the U.S. (and perhaps the world) to dump it’s nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.
I know Harry Reid hasn’t exactly attracted a lot of passonate support in Nevada, but I’m guessing this lady isn’t going to win more than 30% of the vote in the general election in that state.
“Reinstate prohibition”
No offense, but Greg Sargent did a better job (even tho I, too, love Kelly Steele) on last night’s elections. He covered the ones outside Nevada; too!
Man the Republicans first sold their souls in the 80s when Reagan decided to kiss ass toward the radical religious right to win the south, but this recent move to get the Tea Baggers for their “passion” is pushing the Republicans even FURTHER into just bat shit crazy territory. It was embarrassing enough in the 21st century to have not one Republican Presidential candidate with the courage to publicly admit evolution might be true (lol) but this is just getting sillier and sillier. Soon they’re just paint their faces with the blood of goats and go around accusing their opponents of witch craft and claiming global warming is because we haven’t sacrificed enough virgins. What a joke they’ve become. Just the most nut ball anti-reality crazies from the religious loonies and John Birch Society freaks.
“Man the Republicans first sold their souls in the 80s when Reagan decided to kiss ass toward the radical religious right…”
I know this disgusts you, but 76% of Americans consider themselves Christian. Another way of interpreting Reagan is to say that he recognized this and responded accordingly. Many democrats hope to excise God from all aspects of public life. Republicans made the mistake of acting like faith was important to our public discourse, rather than believing it.
“this recent move to get the Tea Baggers for their “passion” is pushing the Republicans even FURTHER into just bat shit crazy territory.” Umm, after 6 years of war protesting, blocking freeways and streets and so on that movement is still impotent and ridiculous. After 6 or 7 months of calls to return our government to the Constitutional basis on which it was formed the Tea Party movement is changing race after race around the country. Jealousy is really ugly Alki.
Not going to bother with quotes on the last crazy rantings. It’s enough to say that sincere belief in the American people and the American way of doing things will do whatever party adopts it a world of good. Hopefully this is the Republican party. We’ll see.
I will point out that demographically and politically the large metropolitan areas have much more in common with each other than with the areas around them or the country as a whole. You are as representative of America as them. The mistake you often make is to assume you are moreso.
That sounds nice an all but the reality of the modern republican party is some bizarre mix of know-nothings, birchers, christian dominionists, and militia conspiracy theory.
The sad thing is anywhere from 18% to 26% of the population actually believes this nonsense. The good news is a majority still recognize it for the crazytalk it is.
Re 7
At a guess you haven’t in your life been to a Republican fund raiser or local party meeting. So where do you get your information about the modern Republican party?
I can tell you that in my Eastside neighborhood the mix is maybe 70% R/30% D. None of these people are any of the pejoratives you describe the party as. All of them have good jobs. They pay their bills and are just trying to keep what they worked so hard for. They don’t want government telling them what financial or personal decisions they are allowed to make, and are willing to accept the consequences of those choices. That is the modern Republican party, what you believe to the contrary notwithstanding.
The noisy end, the Palin/Tea Party/Bircher end, is analgous to the socialist/anarchist/extreme progressive end of your party. It makes the papers but doesn’t represent the mass of the party.
So why then are so many republican candidates so eager to embrace the policies pushed by the crazies?
I mean why can’t you get even a moderate Republican to say they believe in evolution or that they want to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare?
Why are the Palin/Tea Party/Bircher types winning so many primaries?
@9) I hate to even bring this up, but Reagan Dunn would, and does, say those things.
I can’t speak to evolution, nor imagine why on earth it would matter in a policy maker. Are you planning on altering evolution through legislative fiat?
As for abortion, that is the stupidest reason to vote or not vote for a candidate. It may come up 2 or 3 times in their career as a legislator. I’d rather know their fiscal policy preferences, or stance on defence or most anything else, personally.
Having said that, any decent person should have the courage to look voters in the face and tell them organized mass infanticide is evil. It is, unfortunately, an evil that is settled law. BTW, I’d be damned before any of my kids would go to a doctor or clinic which performed abortions. If the person has that little regard for human life I want them nowhere near the most precious thing I am entrusted with.
What a bigot you are!
I fully respect the views of those who consider abortion “murder” because they believe in some mystical event associated with zygosis (egg-sperm DNA fusion).
However, **I** do not believe in this and
**I** suspect **I** know more than you do about the facts of how a human life begins.
Moreover, a great deal of my life and my father’s life has been given to preserving LIFE. Inter alia my Dad’s beliefs led him to liberate Buchenwald ..without orders! Are you telling me he did not have regard for human life because he did not believe in your mystery?
How would you react to anyone saying they would not go to a Catholic or Episcopalian doctor because the doctor participates in the Mass .. ritual cannibalism?
Let me one up you. If you believe as you says you do, do you also know that from 1/4 to 1/2 of all zygoses end in spontaneous abortions? Would you spend research dollars to find out why these happen or do you think “spontaneous” means the will of God and these “babies” should be left to die?
If you have not realized by now, your post REALLY ticked me off. Like you I accept the idea that there are truths in addition to those that are tested by science. That is why I defend your right to believe that the zygote’s 46 chromosomes defines a life. I defend your right to this belief because it is rational even though not supportable by science .. just like the belief behind the Mass.
Because evolution is no more a a belief than gravity, vaccination, the microbial basis of disease, or quantum mechanics.
If a policy maker ignores facts, she will do a great deal of harm to us all.
In the case of evolution, ignoring these facts led the Soviet Union to a series of agricultural disasters (read up in Lysenko).
The facts of evolution are also central to a huge set of issues today form the endangered species act to the role of genetically modified foods.
I would no more vote for a creationist than I wold vote for someone who does not believe in the laws of thermodynamics.
Read: killing babies is A-OK, because I am “scientist”.
Our society seems to want it both ways.
Rapist or murderer who kills pregnant mom is charged with TWO counts of murder.
But doctor who kills baby(even late term and viable children – just sickening) is “legal”.
go figure.
14 Uh oh Chango
I will go you one better …. your bible NEVER says that a zygote is a baby. Go ahead, look hard. You will not find any such thing.
But then you know things others do not know?
I am that I am.