Oh hey, another day another pointless shooting in a movie theater.
A woman was shot Thursday night at a movie theater at The Landing in Renton, according to police.
Crews responded to the scene after reports of a shooting after 8 p.m.
She was taken to Harborview Medical Center but her condition is unknown. Police are searching for the shooter: one male.
I hope the best for her physically and psychologically. And I hope everyone at the theater who had to witness that shit gets the help they need.
But also, just a note to anyone thinking of getting drunk with a gun and shooting a theater. Or shooting a theater without getting drunk: Just don’t. Just fucking don’t. Leave your gun before you start drinking. Don’t shoot people. Whatever reason is going through your mind, whatever justification you’re making, don’t shoot people. Don’t shoot anyone. I’m so sick and tired of this.
The drunken idiot who dropped the handgun that went off in a crowded theater is now in police custody.
If she dies, I hope our Republican prosecutor won’t pass up the opportunity to send a message to gun nuts that one inexcusable accident can get them life in prison.
But shooting people is natural, and has always been part of the human social condition. People like to shoot people.
I once said, in here and a couple of other forums, that “the occasional mass killing of 8 or 15 or 20 little kids is a perfectly acceptable consequence of our liberal firearms laws”. I said that as a fucking sarcastic joke, I believe in reference to the Sandy Hook Massacre that had just happened at the time, and got a fair bit of flak from both sides of the argument on firearms laws.
Then Rush Limbaugh said almost exactly the same thing with absolute sincerity on his live broadcast just a few days later and people who love their guns more than their own mothers all nodded their heads. Free Republic was almost universally in agreement. The occasional massacre of 5 and 6 year olds is just a small price we have to pay. Hell, some of them might even have grown up to become Liberals.
Hell, there are people in this County that make their kids skip meals so they can afford another $1500 rifle or $500 handgun. I could show you a neighborhood east of here where the kids are walking around in old sneakers that have duck tape wrapped around them, but they probably have at least 25 firearms in the house.
I think Johnny Cash covered your point in “Don’t Take Your Guns to Town” Still exactly how do you know alcohol was involved in any way?
Been deer hunting in Minnesota or even here in Washington? I would suggest drinking and ice fishing don’t mix, while others would argue drinking is a must during ice fishing, and the chief reason for ice fishing. Using a firearm to go ice fishing is not recommended and possible illegal as everyone knows one should not shoot fish unless they are in a barrel. Using dynamite is also frowned upon when fishing, and would seem a poor idea if you are ice fishing, It would seem dynamite, ice fishing and drinking don’t mix, but it has happened. The actual results being less entertaining that Lake Wobegon.
Well I suppose you can argue some people think it’s a tradition to take a gun or single shot pistol to the theatre since the days of Ford Theatre. So shootings at the theatre not involving the actors on state isn’t uncommon.