I should have more insightful commentary than comply with the subpoena, Tim Eyman. You big ol’ horse’s ass. But I don’t.
At a certain point, a point long past, it became clear that Tim Eyman was more huckster than anything else.
I think it says something good about a society that a certain number of scams can survive. That people don’t just assume the worst, or that they’re forgiving is a characteristic that scuzzy people take advantage of. I’d rather have that and, some scam artists who take advantage of it, than people have their guard so up that they catch everything.
Far be it from me to tell asshole conservatives what to do with their money, but I’d think there must be a better deal somewhere else.
When it comes to Tim Eyman and the people who gave him their money I could not disagree more. Most of the time the least harmful thing an idiot like Mike Dunmire could do with their money was give it to Tim.
If Tim could only arrange it so that none of his destructive initiatives ever pass, it might just be the perfect system. Which come to think of it, he very nearly does.
Speaking of people wasting their money, David Duke once when to jail for scamming people out of their dough, and instead of using the dough to further racist causes, he gambled it away. I thought that was a pretty good way to get money out of the racist system, so if it had been up to me, I’d have let him continue, but I guess that’s not the way it works.
From Wikipedia: Duke is a felon, having pleaded guilty to defrauding supporters by falsely claiming to be impoverished and in danger of losing his home in order to solicit emergency donations; at the time, Duke was financially secure, and used the donations for recreational gambling
Conservatives, especially Republicans have always been considered easy marks for grifters. See, they oppose education in nearly every form. Education is anathema to the entire Conservative paradigm.
Educated people tend to ask questions, whereas uneducated people just take the people assuming the roles of leadership amongst them at their word. Thats why they’ll keep going to Church even after the Minister gets caught red-handed diddling their preteen daughters (or sons) in the name of God. They’ll even defend the guy, saying shit like “she was asking for it, she was a little whore” when talking about a 5 or 6 year old.
Reap what you sow. Ignore the weeds. They have the right to live too if they’re the right color.
Eyeman is a scam artist.
He takes money from rich people to enrich himself and he puts out initiatives that screw over most of the people in the state. The initiatives “sound” good until you actually think or read them. Most are unconstitutional, most would lower taxes (mostly on the rich) and most would bankrupt the state.
Eyeman is a con artist but he’s got a great niche product.
Write a clearly unconstitutional initiative, rake in cash to promote it, voters approve it, Supreme Court strikes it down. Eyeman doesn’t have to live with the consequences of his initiatives and can play martyr at the hands of the court. Repeat.
Perhaps the real issue is not Mr.Eyman, but the political system itself. Or the for profit or non-profit corporations that generate these initiatives be they conservative or liberal. While it would be great if we all could just give all our time to feed the poor, take care of oil slick birds, fight for an initiative the bottom line is most of us don’t have the resources to drop out and just do that. “We have to work. It just for some reason our political system makes it unseemly to actually be paid for that sort of work. The public has no say in how not for profit corporation or for profit corporations operate even when they are trying to get their hands on the public purse or influence the public.
If people are gullible enough to believe Mr. Eyman or other folks pushing an initiative are doing it out of the goodness of their heart that is just fine. A sucker is born every week, and most Americans are suckers. Sometimes we all are.
Some degree of con is good in a political system. Perhaps Washington’s should have a bit more, but being a progressive state and its worn on some folks sleeves at times it’s not likely to happen. Still sometimes the gasps of these folks come across as something else, as some kind of political manipulation.
Or perhaps it’s just the American nature to kick someone who has been successful in their endeavors particularly when that endeavor causes you some political indigestion.
The Brother’s Grimm would have a hard time writing “Jack and the Beanstalk” with this crowd. Guess you all will make sure that classic is removed from the school curiculam as Jack is too much the fool, and would be putty to Tim Eyman’s wiles.
So much for Puss in Boots the only cat that could truly rid you of Tim Eyman.
Just maybe you are jealous that Tim has been successful, and getting paid to do it; A good guy with a ballot initiative. Who can only be answered with a good guy with a ballot initiative.