WASHINGTON (AFP) — Key US lawmakers agreed Wednesday on an economic revival plan of some 800 billion dollars and prepared to vote as early as Thursday to send the package to President Barack Obama, a top senator said.
As we learn more details, it will be interesting to see how much was put back for the wee kiddies. Apparently we have to destroy their schools to save them from the horrors of massive public debt, now that the money is being used to actually help people instead of blow things up.
Still, the histrionics from some Repubs is pretty hilarious. What’s actually horrifying to Americans is fat cats on Wall Street and in D.C. continuing to enrich themselves while the economy implodes. Debt is a long-term problem, but when the house is on fire worrying about the water bill is insanity. But then, Republicans always seem to focus on the wrong thing, it’s congenital with them.
Look over there! It’s a Fairness Doctrine! Ooga-booga!
UPDATE 2:21 PM PST– Or maybe the deal isn’t done?
fuck u
As stated by Puddy earlier:
Pillar #6 of Communism – Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
Smells like the Fairness Doctrine to me.
HAs clueless idiot will get his panties all in a wad around his baby-sized scrote. We’ll see the first insipid comment installment soon.
@2 Actually, the first insipid comment was @1.
Change where? Hope not from Obama
We have a bunch of fat cats in congress all losers running the country into the ground that can’t see the end of run away spending. The same fools fly home first class get paid for screwing our country up and can’t control themselves from smiling on tv about it. We have two governors (R)Ca.and Fl that support this bill only to cover their own screw ups.
The best we could ask for full bankruptcy.
We still have enough red blooded Americans to kick ass and get our country back.
Frank,Dodd,schumer and Reid should be held in Federal prison for treason.
Obama should go back to Acorn the only job he ever had as this one he stole is over his head.
4 Gee whiz….you sure come across as a trifle sore that it’s no longer your bunch of “fat cats and losers” in charge and that their “runaway spending” isn’t going straight into the pockets of your much-revered “captains of industry” with the imprimatur of Pope Bush and Cardinals Bernanke and Paulsen.
Your fat cats ran this country since 2006.
I’m grownup enough to acknowledge the Republicans acted like bunch of drunken sailors spending like Democrats and I’m glad they lost.GW Bush is gone McCain lost this is Obamas and the Democrats mess.If you guys can’t look forward and need to spend all your time on the past to cover up Obama and company. He won’t last 4 years.
“I’m grownup”
7 It’s really not funny. It’s pathetic.
8 – You have to laugh to keep from crying when it comes to these dittoheads .
(especially the foolish tool @ 2).
Obama’s been in office a month and there’s already been a sea of change from Bush and Co. If things look a tad like back in the Clinton days they should, we’re talking about establishment Democrats after all. Evolution beats revolution every time.
10 Agreed. We’re still being governed by traditionalist establishmentarians–perhaps to a degree more so than the Bushistas, and certainly more honest. It remains to be seen whether the “system” (such as it was) is salvageable or whether the new regime inherited something so horribly wounded that it makes sense not so much to try to preserve it as to begin engineering what will replace it.
It might be remembered (ignoring the smokescreen of cryptofascist mythology) that the Roosevelt administration did a fair amount of thrashing for a year or to before settling on a set of measures and actions which seemed to be having some positive effect. Roosevelt, in fact, was a fiscal conservative who only reluctantly adopted a large-scale, federally-funded make-work strategy as it became painfully obvious that not much else made any sense.
You three must have voted for obama! Breaking news he’s giving you $13.00 more a week in stimulate hand outs LOL!
I understand seattle stopped selling cheap wine LOL!
We Republicans not only tell you we screwed up and get rid of our bad apples within hours.
Nothing even close can be said about your gang of hoodlums that can’t pay taxes or run gay shit houses on public’s dime. You have a women killer today in the Senate the the dems glorify. A KKK grand dragon the list is endless. When it comes to freaks you have us hands down.
re 2; thank God Kevin Martin was looking out for us, huh? Now that a few coglomerates have the media sewed up, there’s no way for the government to do that.
Do you suppose you righties might have a problem opposing something called the ‘Fairness Doctrine’?
In 2004, it looked impossible that the Democrats could ever take back the congress, executive, and save the Supremes from the duncible conservative editorialist wing of the jurisprudence game, but we have!
In a few years, you’ll be begging for a fairness doctrine.
“Nine to one, baby, one in five.
No one here gets out alive.
They got the guns but we got the numbers.
Gonna win, yeah, we’re takin’ over.
Come ON!” Van Morrison (heh)
I am laughing with ya truth,I heard obama say he inherited this economy,But he should be saying as a UNITED STATES SENATOR I HELPED CREATE IT!
But thats a little to much to hope for,The truth? No way,Not now, Not ever.
Did anyone see the McDonalds guy in Ft. Myers
Video,He absolutely opened my eyes.It was definatly a look inside at the people that voted for obamessiah.
This is hillarious.
Some libruls, of whatever gender libruls take on, are unhappy that the ascension into heaven is not yet upon them. Meantime, the guy repricans are scratching themselves to see if they might, just might be able get an erection. Gal repricans are crossing themselves to ward of the debbils.
On t’other hand a couple of gal repricans from Maine seem to actually care about how the country goes.
Is this reality?
I have an idea. When I was in Vietnam, our soldiers were paid in military scrip, not U.S. currency. This stuff got in circulation in the countryside, and periodically our military would change the scrip. You had to go to the paymaster and turn in your old scrip and get new scrip. Anyone not authorized to have scrip was left holding the bag. Every time they did this, the Viet Cong ended up millions of dollars poorer, and we’d get mortared and rocketed the next day.
Well, I suggest the same thing — the government should print new currency and declare a currency exchange. You’d have to take your old money to a bank and trade it in for new money, and anyone with money they’re not authorized to have would be out of luck. That way, you take illegitimate money out of circulation, and make the remaining money more valuable. This will bring down prices.
If you limit everyone to, say, $50,000 in cash this will clean out the drug dealers’ capital and dispossess the Wall Street crooks and all the other people who took more than their fair share of the money. Then the rest of us will be able to afford the cost of living again.
Yeah… Right… Sure….
Yeah… Right… Sure….
The fishwrapper says the FBI has 530 corporate fraud investigations and over 1,800 mortgage fraud investigations underway. These are crimes committed before January 20. Holy criminy, under Republican rule, fraud has become as commonplace bank robbery!
The fishwrapper says the FBI has 530 corporate fraud investigations and over 1,800 mortgage fraud investigations underway. These are crimes committed before January 20. Holy criminy, under Republican rule, fraud has become as commonplace bank robbery!
The fishwrapper says the FBI has 530 corporate fraud investigations and over 1,800 mortgage fraud investigations underway. These are crimes committed before January 20. Holy criminy, under Republican rule, fraud has become as commonplace bank robbery!
What did leadless douchy sock puppet@14 say?
Yes I will be following these investigations to view which company is bad. Then I’ll visit the FEC web sites so I can see who spent what on which politician, just like I proved Citibank, Goldman Sachs, etc spent their funds on the Democratic.
Remember Enron did their rolling blackouts during Bartholin Flavored Cigar Sucker’s Administration.
Pelletizer@17: Do you know how many rich Democratic will be left holding the bad scrip? All those on Wall Street who got them millions in bonuses…
Well Bernie Madoff did clean many of them of the old scrip.
Yep HAs clueless idiot did appear in comment #9.
Weak response.
Weak sauce.
Weak mind.
When the house is on fire, you should put the gas can down.
Much of the Stimulus package is just repackaged liberal wish list goodies from the last 10 years. The economic crisis is just the excuse to pull out the checkbook and spend, spend, spend.
And as for the freaks, crooks and broken promises, here’s the list so far:
Geithner – taxes
Rangel – taxes
Daschle – taxes
Solis – taxes plus conflict of interest
Marion Barry – taxes
Obama – “No lobbyists in my administration” Ha! that lasted 3 days
Richardson – pay to play
Blajegovich – pay to play
Clinton – foreign donations
Chris Dodd, Jim Johnson, & Kent Conrad – Sweetheart loan deals
Murtha – Donors raided by FBI
Barney Frank – Fannie Mae boytoy
Sam Adams – underage boytoy
Eddie Perez (Hartford) – graft
Kwame Kilpatrick – in jail
Sheila Dixon (Baltimore) – indicted for graft
Franklin Raines – Fannie Mae fraudulent bonuses
Nothing to see here for the Limbaugh-addled tools and fools:
Like the link above but more than just a bunch of pervs – greedheads galore.
by the way, why was helen thomas asking obama if he knew of any country in the mideast that had nuclear weapons? was she refering to israel? maybe i might change my mind about the wicked witch of washington?
“Any important Republican who comes out and says they didn’t know me is almost certainly lying”
Wow HA’s clueless idiot@27 is living up to his rerun name.
Manoftruth: It’s at least 20
Here are the more important ones so far…
Eric Holder
Patrick Gaspard
Mona Sutphen
Melody Barnes
Michael Strautmanis
Tom Vilsack
Ron Klain
Cecilia Munoz
William Lynn
William Corr
David Hayes
Mark Patterson
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Puddy tonight. Some of you have met Puddy but I’d like to share my impressions….
Puddy is a guy who came from incredibly tough circumstances and managed to fight his way thru (rather than whine & bitch like you Leftist Pricks). Puddy looks at least 10 years younger than he actually is, is well-educated & articulate, has a great wife that he loves, 2 terrific kids etc. And Puddy, I could tell the Holy Spirit is working in you creating a joy, sense of humor and an appreciation for what God has blessed you with.
When I was driving home Puddy, 2 main thoughts hit me:
1) How amazing it is that someone with your background could find the strength to intellectualize the Leftist philosophy, put it to the test and not only reject it…but absolutely reject it.
2) The 2nd thing that really overwhelmed me after having dinner with Puddy is how truly FUCKED UP you Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS are!!!
I mean it. Most of you have a string of failed relationships, no sense of humor, take yourselves waaaaay too seriously, attempt to intellectualize everything to no end, have a Spiritual void that leaves you angry, empty and fearful…afraid of dying, afraid of trying and risk taking….AFRAID. Your only defense is to deny God and curse Him. Some of you have let your health go to shit and look 10 years older than you are.
You KLOWNS are really fucked up….more than I previously thought.
Thanks Puddy for helping me understand how fucked in the head, fucked in the heart and fucked in their soulless bodies most of these KLOWNS are.
@32 Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Phfft! What? Oh, it’s that loon, Cynical, making shit up again.
IMO, this bill provides little near-term stimulus and guarantees long-term negative effects on the economy. The house is burning, and we’re still staring at it.
The spending certainly creates jobs, but when the projects are done, then what? People can drive on fresh asphalt to the unemployment office?
The tax relief items are mostly in the form of rebates which doesn’t provide any instant relief to americans.
Cutting payroll and income taxes would have given people more money to take home on their next paycheck.
I think that’s much more of a stimulus than saving $1500 in taxes if I buy a golf cart.
32 – Pure vanity.
You’re calling on God quite a bit these days Cyn. You never used to do that. You used to be all about hurling insults and other garbage that turned out for naught.
At one time you were at least honest about your self-delusion and deemed yourself irrelevant. Now even that is gone.
Dark night of the soul? Good. Few could be more deserving.
@34 “buy a golf cart”
It’s better to walk the course. Speaking of which, I bet Cynical can’t play golf for shit.
31 – You can’t handle the truth about your corrupt party Stupes. You are one lost fool.
32 – Oh wow. Look. Stupes is calling out to an anti-semite.
Hey man of foolishness did you know Stupes @ 32 believes Israel can do no wrong?
And that fool Stupes has the gall to claim that people who find Goldy (a jew) a political kindred spirit reflexively hate Israel?
Turns my stomach.
Wow Cynical uses “fuck” a lot in his mean-spirited diatribe. How decent and Christian of him. Shows a righteous heart guided by the example of Christ.
I played Golf in High School.
My handicap was as low as 3.
Don’t play as much these days…
But will play you straght up…name the stakes.
You are the Posterboy for Pathetic.
Too much pot & booze for you.
Cynical’s “sense of humor” is to call people who deplore his views names. And then when they take offense he has the nerve to crow they have no sense of humor. I’ve seen this behavior from more than a few right wingers.
I bet the words “moonbat” and “libtard” came up a lot in tonight’s meeting of dumb and dumber. I’m sure those words of derision and hate are real knee-slappers for those guys.
@39 Cynical is no Christian. He simply pays lip service to Christianity. His real beliefs are exposed with his every post. His God is money. His creed is greed.
42 – There you go again. I haven’t touched grass for at least 20 years and never go near anything stronger than wine and beer.
Gee if I consume 6 oz of alcohol in a month, that’s a lot for me.
See how you project your mental illness?
Ha It’s Feb,11,2009 your spending way to much time on the past. Your hero ran on change and hope. Seems to every sane person on this board you and OB live on gloom and doom.
As for @16 stop drinking no one can understand what your trying to say, perhaps that’s a good thing CHEERS!
I’m proud to be a Republican in the best of years and the worst. To be a Democrat any time means slithering through the gutters of the big cities.
@40 Let me assure you of one thing, Cynical, you’d be ill advised to go against me in a game of golf. Any day, Cynical. Any bet you care to come up with.
44 – Couldn’t agree more.
Indian Summer…$10/hole…no strokes
@2 Pillar #1 of Communism: Suppress dissent, spy on citizens, detain “enemies of the state” without trial, torture detainees, appoint loyal prosecutors and judges to enforce party ideology.
@42 “knee-slappers”
There isn’t a Republican on this planet with of a sense of humor. I’m not sure why that is, but that’s the way of it.
Great. Must be fun associating with the likes of these winners:
I hope you follow their example straight to a jail cell.
1, 4, et al.: Anytime wingnuts fling the word “truth” around — watch out!! That’s like a used car salesman saying, “I’ve got a deal for you!”
I only use the ‘F’-word in deference to your language propensity. I spoke in your lingo to leave absolutely no doubt…no need for interpretation of what I meant.
And regarding no pot for 20 years…I can understand why. The few remaining brain cells in your PINHEAD could ill-afford one more toke!
No drugs for me…minimal alcohol.
Puddy==No Drugs or alcohol
That’s why we are successful and have good well-rounded lives…and you don’t!
Why does this site even bother with topics? Only 10% of posts are actually on topic with the rest being partisan garbage.
Might as well just create one topic and be done with it: “Repulitards vs Libtards”
Ready, GO!
[have fun, i’m outta here, good luck to all]
@23 You expect us to believe those banks never gave a dime to GOPers? Whatever, putz.
P.S.: Clinton didn’t put Kenny-boy Lay in charge of U.S. energy policy. But Dickless Cheney did! Which party is Cheney from? I’m sorry, could you repeat that? I can’t hear you.
@32 My impression of putz is that he’s affable but misguided.
Get real. That’s a shit course.
I was truly blessed to meet you tonight. Meeting another Christian who truly believes in Christ is powerful. You have your head on straight and see the world for what is can be not what it is now. I enjoyed quoting scripture with you. God is great and His mercies everlasting…
We have an open invitation to Proud Leftist and John Barelli to join us for dinner sometime. We want to talk to you.
As I told you at the dinner table… LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWNS is a classic line. I’m glad you liked clueless idiot. Thanks for agreeing with me on how clueless he is. Most of these LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWNS are soft tacos with no memory. We ran down the list of LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWNS we battle every day.
You have much to be proud of… Getting out of the market at 14,000 was a smart move. Pelletizer should listen to you more. As I said, wanna speak to my wife about my stocks? We’ll hook up in the future in our RVs and see the country together.
Your children and grandchildren are impressive. Cute and handsome in one package. Having your own indoor skating rink is very impressive. Your panoramic views are beautiful. Thanks for the pictures.
Regarding the LEFTIST Philosophy, growing I saw what it has done to peeps in the inner city. I saw how the black vote was co-opted with absolutely nothing in return. Crumbling schools, infrastructure, crime, teen pregnancy, no defined way out.
I look forward to a return engagement Cynical. The food was great too.
@32 Cynical, I would expect someone like you to think that people who believe in public education, community spirit, looking out for each other, peace, rule of law and due process, rationality, and value something besides the almighty dollar are FUCKED UP. Because no one who believes in any of those things could possibly ever vote Republican.
54 – Oh really? You used “fuck” 5 times in one (stupid) comment.
In all the comments I’ve made in this thread I’ve used the world only in reference to your use of it.
You’re just projecting your own ugliness.
And no I wasn’t much of a pot smoker compared to a lot of people I knew who went on to lead very fulfilling lives thank you very much. The stuff in general didn’t agree with me.
@33 He reminds me of a wet bottle rocket.
Pelletizer@55: That could be about Cheney, but as the facts are what they are, the rolling blackouts happened in 2000-2001.
Enjoy eating that crow.
I once tried to make a bottle rocket when I was a little bunny. I took one of those cardboard cylinders that newsprint comes on, filled it with home-made rocket fuel, tied it to a 4×4 fencepost, stuck it in a post hole, lit the fuse, and ran like hell! Unfortunately the propellant went off all at once instead of gradually fizzing, more like an artillery shell than a rocket, and the crater is now a national park.
@56 I’d bet he’s an OK guy. Cynical, on the other hand, is simply a lying asswipe.
Nope you dope.
Pillar #1 of Communism – Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. Hmmm…? When you buy up all the toxic properties, the guvmint owns the property for the “public good”. The guvmint sets the price.
These fools may end up at the gates of heaven and find them closed shut. A trap door will then open and surprise, send them to where they truly belong.
Look at how these freaking fools WORSHIP MONEY. It’s mind-boggling.
Nope. Anyone who truly comprehends the ugly legacy of these ghouls will not break bread with them.
@65 I got it right, dope! Bush’s bank nationalization is #2 on the list. He realized it doesn’t do you Trotyskites any good to seize property if you don’t silence the peasants first.
@58 Well I hope you said something nice about me, Puddy, because I’m pretty sure that asshole Cynical didn’t.
The modern version of communism is the no-bid contract.
clueless idiot@39: He used the F-word because it fits you in the noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun definitions.
@58 Speaking of teen pregnancy, a recently published study reveals that the result of you faith-based fools spending billions of taxpayer money trying to talk teens out of having sex is a net increase in same.
Nope you dope.
Pillar #2 of Communism – A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Just ask the effect of Democratic Tax Theory to Tom Chauffeur Daschle and Tim TurboTax Geithner.
@63 I did that too, only I used a CO2 cylinder. It didn’t go anywhere but, damn, it blew up real good.
Pelletizer@71: This was already discussed and your silly argument debunked by guvmint facts on teen pregnancy.
moron@66: Where are these gates you speak about?
@66 I’ve long favored Eric Fromm’s definition of religion – that we all have a religion and that it’s a person’s largest frame of orietation coupled with an object of devotion. Cynical’s largest frame of orientation is greed. His object of devotion – money. Any talk of Christ or faith is just so much bullshit.
Yaawwwn.. I’m glad you guys feel safe and sound in your respective bubbles. May they stay unbroken for the rest of your days.
As for me, I’m bored stiff.
I’m turning in.
Don’t remember using libtard in any sentences. Absolutely used Moonbat! Darcy was a Moonbat! We were in mixed company so no one would know the definition of a libtard.
@77 Cynical’s holier than thou bullshit is a yawner, all right. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
you mean bentoversmellinghisfarts is drilling you?
@62 As you point out, the California electricity crisis spanned 2000-2001. What you fail to mention is the rolling blackouts hit only California, because of state deregulation instigated by California’s Republican governor, Pete Wilson. You also fail to mention that the market-rigging was exposed after Bush took office, and Bush’s FERC looked the other way. Don’t try to pin this on Clinton, putz, because it won’t stock; Enron is a Republican-fed scandal through-and-through.
Actually, there were two Enron scandals, the manipulation of power supplies (including shutting down power plants and taking electricity off the market to drive up prices) and a financial scandal, and both of them occurred under the management of a crook who Republican politicians sucked up to.
@74 Teens aren’t having sex anymore? That’s news to me! What’s your source for this? You idiots wouldn’t let them have condoms or family planning services, so the study report that pregnancies went up seemed plausible to me.
re 22: It’s always a new year.
If they took an x-ray of your body, there would be a hand inside of it instead of a skeleton.
PudWax is intellectual kryptonite.
“The newest … data on teen birth rates shows significant increases in … most regions of the USA. …
“The highest teen birth rates are in the South and Southwest; Mississippi is highest with 68.4 per 1,000, followed by New Mexico, with a rate of 64.1 and Texas, with 63.1.
“The lowest rates are in the Northeast. New Hampshire had the fewest teen births with 18.7 per 1,000. Vermont, with 20.8 per 1,000, and Massachusetts, with 21.3 per 1,000, were also low. Decreases were noted in New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia. …
“The new data also reflects the first decline since 1968 in the average age of first-time mothers …. Demographers attribute it to the teen birth increases.”
(Quoted under fair use)
Is USA Today lying to its readers, putz? Or are you making shit up? C’mon, do you really think “abstinence education” combined with a policy of denying teens access to birth control and family planning is gonna reduce teen pregnancies? Are you wingnuts so arrogant you actually believe you can talk teens out of having sex? If so, you’re even dumber than we thought!
P.S., Did anyone else notice the correlation of high teen pregnancies with right-to-work low-minimum-wage “keep ’em barefoot and pregnant” redneck states, and low teen pregnancies with blue-voting states? As the teen pregnancy problem appears to be concentrated in Republican states, maybe Republicans should clean up their own fucking act before trying to tell other people how to live.
Of course, none of this applies to rabbits! We don’t believe in birth control or abortion. And we’re not even Catholic, we’re Nativists. We’re being practical, and we do what the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit tells us, which is “Make more rabbits!” The world needs more rabbits! Why would we rabbits want to limit our population growth? We’re gonna take over this place after humans become extinct, and there’s gonna be so much work cleaning up the mess you humans left behind, we’ll need all the rabbits we can get! Four litters a year of 8 bunnies per litter can’t begin to keep up with demand. What we really need is a higher female-to-male population ratio.
His followers are the famous 3 monkeys.
Unless it’s a Republican.
The left on this site are hilarious protecting the king and queens with BS. They have no morals and can’t sleep without some pills and more pills in the morning. When someone pins them on current issues they go on auto pilot back to a Republican President.
They actually love us just like that oddball guy on msnbc loves Fox news & company including Rush. Why else would they spend so much air time and bandwidth on them.
Change my ass, Trillions is one hell of alot more then Mr chump Change!
Thank God the Republicans didn’t support this massive crap spending bill!
> the house is on fire
> worrying about the water bill is insanity.
It may be insane but I have fire insurance. The water bill I pay out of pocket. Just an off the wall observation from one of those lunatic conservatives who manages risk and pays his bills.
Before we discuss teen pregnancy what about the two Pillars of Communism you aptly misfired on?
Also Pelletizer:
Communism denies the existence of God. Seems to be the argument of many HA leftists. Funny how that coalesces together…
leadless douchy@83&84:
Really? I guess you feel weak then.
When will we see the Irv Kupicet sock puppet. I really enjoyed that persona of leadless douchy!
Of course Pelletizer@85&86 leaves off the demographics. Now I see where Dr. NotRight gets his arguing style… As discussed before…
From the data Pelletizer refers to, 70% of black mothers children, 50% of Hispanic mothers children, and 39% of white mothers children are born out of wedlock. Why isn’t the National Alliance of Gals cheering this? You don’t need men except as a sperm donor.
Also from the same data, it seems Hispanic mothers have half of all babies born out of wedlock.
And Pelletizer focuses on teens only. Well 58% of early 20s (thru 24) are out of wedlock and 31% of late 20s (25-29) are out of wedlock.
The NAGs are winning.
88 – Unless it’s trillions for wars for oil. In order to fuel a car or truck cheaply NOW, wingnuts want to make life miserable for their grandchildren.
Makes a lot of sense.
@ 90
Since you haven’t bothered to draw any substantive connections between your “pillars of communism” and actual communism, any attempt you make to use them in an argument is ultimately circular.
I hadn’t bothered to point this out to you, because it’s obvious to just about anyone but you. But, since you keep pressing for some kind of response, well, you leave me no alternative but to point out that, yet again, you’ve failed to string together a coherent and compelling argument.
Let me put it this way. If you want to understand why no one here puts all that much stock in your “pillars of communism,” think about Sam Zell vs Noriel Roubini. If that point doesn’t seem all that clear to you, well, just keep thinking about it. Eventually, you’ll either figure it out or your head will explode. Either outcome is fine with me.
@89: And what is your fire insurance for losing your job?
The point was that the house was currently on fire – that is the economic disaster brought on by Bush.
If you are an economic conservative – then I assume you had a problem with wasting over a trillion on a needless war in Iraq. That you voiced concern about the no-bid contracts over there to Haliburton and the billions that went unaccounted for?
Just for Puddy:
Another former republican being investigated. It looks like the justice department is starting to work again after 8 years of Injustice. Seems like it is one republican per day now.
Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....eheadlines
Can Puddy explain why there has been so much republican corruption?
Is it inherent in the republican party?
The last treasurer and the current Chair of the national republican party are under investigation…..the former leading lights (DeLay, Rove and others are either indicted or being investigated).
@95: Yes, we all know that the “pillars of communism” argument is another Puddy straw man. According to Puddy, all of Europe is communist with socialized medicine. Europe sure seems to be better off with their system of regulation, than the capitalistic banking system ruled by greed that we have.
@ 96
Puddy’s too damn busy pulling “pillars of communism” out of his ass (or, more likely, someone else’s ass; Puddy’s not bright enough to come up with those all on his own) for him to happen to notice a few silly facts that just happen to undercut his entire train of thought.
Are we now?
When bush and the republicans gutted the coffers, they did nothing, now that Obama wants to spend the money here, NOW they get upset?
Republicans are way more corrupt then Democrats ever were!
Boy if Don Joe could only remember.
Puddy came across the 10 Communistic Pillars in reading some old Marxist propoganda.
Next I compared these pillars to today’s Obama view. Then I challenged HAs worst and dullest to find this on any righty blog the day I posted it. The challenge went unanswered.
HAs clueless idiot got upset. The lace panties got twisted around his baby sized scrote. Proud Leftist made some religious comment and off we went.
So Don Joe, once again you are proven stupid and moronic in your comment#98.
I expected you, Don Joe, of all people to remember something. I guess you too have succumbed to 24 hour libtard disease. Dr NotRight in #97 has memory issues. Sad for a doctor not to remember much.
Dr NotRight claimed in #97:
No I didn’t. That’s your usual lies and innuendo. Puddy don’t play dat!
moron @ 101
Upset? At an overgrown child hand-waving for an adult to see his little pile of poo?
@95 I hadn’t bothered to point this out to you, because it’s obvious to just about anyone but you.
How do you know it’s obvious to just about anyone but him?