Someone in my family said that Trump ate a classified document. I refuse to look it up. If it happened, it’s so much less bad than separating families. If it’s not true, he still thinks Mexicans are rapists who can’t be judges, or at least judge him. He is a walking, talking violation of the Constitution; If he’s an eating one too, that’s probably the least of our worries.
Follow the money.
“Trump’s financial gatekeeper was just granted legal immunity in Cohen probe”
It could have been worse….a lot worse – like robe could have been involved. Maybe she was just auditioning for a Comedian job. 1st Amendment rights, baby!
Why all the political correctness lately!?
Strange. A new OT and a copy of yesterday’s OT above it.
I bet this not a hero guy hoped he could hang in there to see The Hump’s demise…but then again, he probably thought he’s seen enough and feels it’s better to go now than watch the massacre.
“We’re partners. For better or worse in sickness and health. Stand by your…eh fuck it. My wife handled all the finances”
Duncan Hunter
Roypublicans built their village beneath an avalanche chute.
Now that the rocks have begun to fall, our job is to barricade the roads out. It’s all very nice to marvel at the carnage and destruction. But becoming preoccupied with that can distract from the important work of maximizing that carnage and destruction.
“Donald Trump lied about his relationship with the National Enquirer way back in 2016”
This story is worth a read, because the details are so juicy. Recall that during the 2016 primaries, National Enquirer accused Ted Cruz of cheating on his wife. Trump denied he had anything to do with the story. CNN now says he was lying.
sure he’s a creep. He stole from his own campaign treasury to cheat on his wife with multiple girlfriends (in the company of other Roypublican Congressmen). Same as it ever was.
More important is the idiocy of his primary defense:
Exactly like PornSweat, he’s asking his herd of imbecilic supporters to believe that a criminal probe into his campaign finance was politically motivated by a corrupt Department of Justice run by his own party.
One of the most important ways to maximize the destruction all this will reign down upon the Child Molesters is to never stop reminding them that Democrats have absolutely nothing to do with any of these prosecutions. This is a Department of Justice appointed by, authorized by, funded by, and completely run by Roypublicans for Roypublicans.
The “partisanship” narrative is the most disingenuous media myth since Buttery Males.
In store for Trump if Democrats win the House: 52 investigations.
Kinda hard to get Russian informants to talk to their CIA handlers when POTUS encourages outing CIA informants. That could get them killed.
S&P 500 touched an intra-day all-time high a few minutes ago.
And Balderson’s win was certified.
A momentary bump in your investment portfolio and three months of limited breathing space for your house majority, and all it cost you was seven million dollars, your national patriotism, and your humanity.
I’m very impressed.
Art of the deal that.
Store Manager to Employee: “I am sorry to inform you but it’s not going to work out with Jersey Mikes. It’s not a good time to have somebody who is leaving for maternity leave in several months anyways. You also failed to tell me this during your interview.”
State Law: “It is an unfair practice for an employer, because of pregnancy or childbirth, to: Refuse to hire or promote, terminate, or demote, a woman.”
The employee was offered her job back, and the manager no longer works there. The dumbass probably voted for Trump, too.
@12 Like any good capitalist, I’m not above taking Republican money.
Have any of you ever actually watched or listened to InfoWars?
It’s pretty breathtaking. More than just the really fucked up stiff from Jones, what’s amazing are all the 2nd stringers Jones puts on his “network” to fill up content.
These are “the cream of the crop” according to Jones, allowing at least for them not having enough profile to create their very own media channels. And man, these dudes put out some straight up, highly distilled, 190 proof bugfuckery. I suppose part of their job is to trial run some of the nuttery to see if any of it can catch on with the 63 million treason trailerbillies.
I just watched one of them proposing that Hurricane Alley is being split in two by an energy beam sent from Antarctica by John Kerry.
For reals. This is their news. They want to believe this amazeballs bullshit.
Trump won. Everything has changed. Elections have consequences.
This is really who they are now.
How Election Fraud ACTUALLY happens:
Three paid staffers of Kris Kobach’s campaign are also signature gatherers for 3rd party candidate. Odd but not illegal.
Kansas Democrats gather 45 Affidavits from voters who allegedly signed the petitions that they never did. One of them is a legally blind senior citizen who is not capable of signing without a witness.
One of the three Kobach staffers submitted a petition with three signatures of people who have been deceased since well before signature gathering began.
Three person panel tasked with certifying the petitions all Republicans, after the ireegularities are brought to their attention, “Nothing to see here. These are all valid petitions. The candidate will be on the ballot”
Well that victory lap on North Korea sure aged well.
It did its job on Shortbus and all the other Crazy Uncle Freedumbs out there. The are now convinced that the Korean Peninsula is safer and more secure today thanks to PornSweat trashing the diplomatic relationships with our regional security partners. And it couldn’t have been done without the willing participation of all the major networks breathless gushing and nipple teasing.
Turns out phony meaningless summits make for better television optics than steady plodding diplomacy. Whoever could have predicted that?
@15 I’d like to see them explain why we still have hurricanes after Trump won and relit the coal plants. Those belching smokestacks were supposed to prevent weather.
@16 Let me guess. The third party candidate is supposed to draw off Democratic votes. Amirite?
@18 Time for those missionaries of Freedumb and Jeezus to board the Pyongyang bus with Bibles in hand. They have nothing to fear in North Korea. Trump, Dennis Rodman, and Little Rocket Man say so, and you can trust their word, right?
Oddly, Shakespeare foretold the rise and fall of Trump:
“Those he commands move only in command,
Nothing in love. Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.”
GOP’s new effort to dismantle pre-existing conditions explained.
Seeing as how his white supremacist friends probably lynched him, maybe we should have a memorial thread for the loon.
Damn. Friday sunsets will never be the same again. SAD!
Wherein Al Capone got a raw deal.
Party of fiscal responsibility etc.
There was a time when corporate executives were (probably rightly) criticized for managing only for the next quarterly report. We now have a President who only manages to the next news cycle, probably 24 hours or less.
This is NOT the same story or candidate.
Virginia. Aides to Congressman Scott Taylor are now accused of fraud and forgery after filing petitions for a third party candidate. Six deceased people, multiple signers who for some reason misspelled their names and so far 59 swearing they did not sign.
1030 signatures were deemed valid needing 1000 to get on the ballot. But wait, there’s more. 59 Sherriffs department employees signed, which is a hell of a large % of the dept. supporting the third party candidate. Sherriffs officials acknowledge the petitions were circulated during work hours in violation of law.
Yeah, that’s illegal. The person handing in the petition signs that they personally gathered and witnessed every signature. The Sherriff just admitted routine election fraud under his direction.
Yeah sure. But “a black” voted once, according to legend. So whatever it takes. They gotta take “their country” back.
Illegals voting! Yaaaaaaaaaargh